2;; arms.scm - armament types
4;; The basic primitive for creating an armament type is the kern-mk-arms-type
5;; procedure. This procedure takes a lot of parameters (listed below in
6;; order). A lot of the parameters are boiler-plate for whole classes of
7;; weapons, so I added some "curried" wrapper calls below.
9;;          tag : the symbol for the type in the script (variable-name)
10;;         name : the string name used by the game
11;;       sprite : sprite for the type
12;;       to-hit : to-hit attack bonus (dice expr)
13;;       damage : attack damage (dice expr)
14;;        armor : damage reduced when hit (dice expr)
15;;      deflect : bonus to deflect attack (dice expr)
16;;        slots : slots it will fit in (e.g., hands)
17;;        hands : number of slots required to ready it
18;;        range : range it will fire
19;;          rap : required action points to attack with it
20;;       AP_mod : modifier to max AP per round for the wielder
21;;      missile : nil or the armament type it fires
22;;       thrown : true or false
23;;         ubiq : true if it needs ammo in inventory, false otherwise
24;;       weight : weight of arms
25;;   fire-sound : string name of sound file to play when it's fired
26;;     gifc-cap :
27;;         gifc :
28;;   stratt_mod : percentage of str based attack bonus used
29;;   dexatt_mod : percentage of dex based attack bonus used
30;;   damage_mod : percentage of damage bonus used
31;;    avoid_mod : multiplier for avoidance bonus (1.0 = no effect)
36;; This keeps weapons proportional to the default cost, for a one line change between turn systems
37(define (weap-ap mult)
38	(floor (* mult default-weapon-rap)))
40(define (armour-ap mult)
41	(floor (* mult default-armour-apmod)))
43(kern-mk-sprite-set 'ss_arms 32 32 9 8 0 0 "arms.png")
46;; Temp ifc for mutable attack types
49(define temp-ifc-state (list 0))
51(define (temp-ifc-set tempifc)
52	(set-car! temp-ifc-state tempifc))
54(define temp-ifc
55  (ifc '()
56       (method 'hit-loc
57               (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
58				 ((car temp-ifc-state) kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
59                 ))))
61(define temp-cannonball-state (list -1 -1))
63(define (temp-cannonball-init x y)
64	(set-car! temp-cannonball-state x)
65	(set-car! (cdr temp-cannonball-state) y)
66		)
69;; Curried constructors
71;; These are for creating the standard classes of armaments. They simplify
72;; things by filling in the blanks for all the boilerplate parameters of
73;; the primitive kern-mk-arms-type procedure.
76(define obj-ifc-cap (ifc-cap obj-ifc))
78(define (mk-melee-arms-type tag name sprite to-hit-bonus damage deflect AP_cost AP_mod slots
79                            num-hands range weight
80							stratt_mod dexatt_mod
81							damage_mod avoid_mod)
82  (kern-mk-arms-type tag name sprite to-hit-bonus damage "0" deflect slots
83                     num-hands range AP_cost AP_mod nil nil #f #f weight nil
84					 obj-ifc-cap obj-ifc stratt_mod dexatt_mod damage_mod avoid_mod mmode-smallobj))
86;; Curried constructor: missile weapon (add missile, ubiq flag to melee)
87(define (mk-projectile-arms-type tag name sprite to-hit-bonus damage deflect AP_cost AP_mod
88                                 slots num-hands range projectile ammo ubiq weight
89								 stratt_mod dexatt_mod damage_mod avoid_mod ifc)
90  (kern-mk-arms-type tag name sprite to-hit-bonus damage "0" deflect slots
91                     num-hands range AP_cost AP_mod projectile ammo #f ubiq weight nil (ifc-cap ifc) ifc stratt_mod dexatt_mod damage_mod avoid_mod mmode-smallobj))
93;; Curried constructor: thrown weapon (add field to melee)
94(define (mk-thrown-arms-type tag name sprite to-hit-bonus damage deflect AP_cost AP_mod slots
95                             num-hands range missile ubiq ifc weight
96							 stratt_mod dexatt_mod damage_mod avoid_mod)
97  (kern-mk-arms-type tag name sprite to-hit-bonus damage "0" deflect slots
98                     num-hands range AP_cost AP_mod missile nil #t ubiq weight nil (ifc-cap ifc) ifc stratt_mod dexatt_mod damage_mod avoid_mod mmode-smallobj))
100(define (mk-ammo-arms-type tag name sprite ifc mmode)
101  (kern-mk-arms-type tag name sprite "0" "0" "0" "0" slot-nil 0 0 0 0 nil nil #f #f
102                     0 nil (ifc-cap ifc) ifc 20 60 20 1.0 mmode))
104(define (mk-missile-arms-type tag name sprite ifc mmode beam)
105  (kern-mk-missile-type tag name sprite (ifc-cap ifc) ifc mmode beam beam))
107(define (mk-armor-type tag name sprite to-hit armor slots equiptime AP_mod weight avoid_mod)
108  (kern-mk-arms-type tag name sprite to-hit "0" armor "0" slots 1 0 equiptime AP_mod nil nil #f #f
109                     weight nil obj-ifc-cap obj-ifc 20 60 20 avoid_mod mmode-largeobj))
111(define (mk-shield-type tag name sprite to-hit deflect AP_mod slots weight avoid_mod)
112  (kern-mk-arms-type tag name sprite to-hit "0" "0" deflect slots 1 0 default-weapon-rap AP_mod nil nil #f #f
113                     weight nil obj-ifc-cap obj-ifc 20 60 20 avoid_mod mmode-largeobj))
115;; ============================================================================
116;; Missiles for Projectile Weapons & Spells
117;; ============================================================================
119(kern-mk-sprite 's_sling_stone               ss_arms 1  0  #f   0 )
120(kern-mk-sprite 's_warhead                   ss_arms 1  1  #f   0 )
121(kern-mk-sprite 's_cannonball                ss_arms 1  2  #f   0 )
122(kern-mk-sprite 's_fireball                  ss_arms 1  3  #f   0 )
123(kern-mk-sprite 's_deathball                 ss_arms 1  4  #f   0 )
124(kern-mk-sprite 's_arrow                     ss_arms 1  8  #f 495 )
125(kern-mk-sprite 's_bolt                      ss_arms 1 80  #f 495 )
126(kern-mk-sprite 's_arrowobj                  ss_arms 1 68  #f   0 )
127(kern-mk-sprite 's_arrowstack                ss_arms 1 69  #f   0 )
128(kern-mk-sprite 's_boltobj                   ss_arms 1 70  #f   0 )
129(kern-mk-sprite 's_boltstack                 ss_arms 1 71  #f   0 )
130(kern-mk-sprite 's_poison_bolt               ss_arms 1 16  #f 170 )
131(kern-mk-sprite 's_acid_bolt                 ss_arms 1 20  #f 170 )
132(kern-mk-sprite 's_thrownweb                 ss_arms 1 31  #f   0 )
133(kern-mk-sprite 's_prismatic_bolt            ss_arms 4 100  #f   0 )
134(kern-mk-sprite 's_squat_bubbly_green_potion ss_arms 1 30  #f   0 )
135(kern-mk-sprite 's_thrown_green_potion       ss_arms 4 104  #f   0 )
137;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
138;; mk-missile-ifc -- automate missile ifc creation. 'pred?' takes an object as
139;; a parameter and returns true iff the 'hit' proc should be applied to it.
140;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
141(define (mk-missile-ifc hit)
142  (ifc '()
143       (method 'hit-loc (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
144                          (let ((targets (filter obj-is-char?
145                                                 (kern-get-objects-at (mk-loc kplace
146                                                                              x
147                                                                              y)))))
148                            (if (notnull? targets)
149                                (hit (car targets))))))))
152(define poison-bolt-ifc (mk-missile-ifc apply-poison))
153(define deathball-ifc   (mk-missile-ifc magical-kill))
154(define stunball-ifc (mk-missile-ifc paralyze))
155(define acid-bolt-ifc (mk-missile-ifc apply-acid))
157(define lightningbolt-ifc
158	(ifc '()
159		(method 'enter
160			(lambda (kmissile kplace x y)
161				((car temp-ifc-state) kmissile nil nil kplace x y 0)
162				))
163		))
165(define (on-hit-nontarget ktarget loc dam proc)
166	(for-each proc
167		(if (> dam -1)
168   		(filter (lambda (obj) (not (equal? obj ktarget)))
169           	(kern-get-objects-at loc))
170      	(kern-get-objects-at loc)
171           	))
174(define (on-hit-target ktarget dam proc)
175	(if (> dam -1)
176		(proc ktarget)
177	))
179;; fireball-hit -- when a fireball hits it burns all characters and leaves a
180;; fire
181(define fireball-ifc
182  (ifc '()
183       (method 'hit-loc
184               (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
185               	(let* (
186               			(havemana (> (kern-char-get-mana kuser) 0))
187               			(usedmana (if (and havemana (equal? (kern-dice-roll "1d15") 1))
188               						(
189               							begin
190               							(kern-char-set-mana kuser (- (kern-char-get-mana kuser) 1))
191               							#t
192               						)
193               						#f))
194               			(setfire (and usedmana (equal? (kern-dice-roll "1d3") 1)))
195               			(loc (mk-loc kplace x y))
196               			(hurt (> dam 0))
197               			(targdamage (cond
198               								(usedmana (if hurt "2d5+3" "2d4+2"))
199               								(havemana (if hurt "2d4+2" "2d3+2"))
200               								(else (if hurt "1d4-1" "1d2-1"))
201               								))
202               			(othdamage (cond
203               								(usedmana "2d3+2")
204               								(havemana "1d4")
205               								(else "0")
206               								))
207               			)
208               		(if (and setfire (terrain-ok-for-field? loc))
209              				(kern-obj-put-at (kern-mk-field F_fire (kern-dice-roll "1d5")) loc))
210              			(if (not havemana)
211              					(kern-log-msg "Attack fizzles!"))
212              			(on-hit-target ktarget dam
213              				(lambda (obj) (generic-burn obj targdamage))
214              			)
215               		(if havemana
216               			(on-hit-nontarget ktarget loc dam
217               				(lambda (obj) (generic-burn obj othdamage)))
218               			)
219               ))
220			)))
222(define (prismatic-acid ktarget power)
223	(if (and (kern-obj-is-char? ktarget)
224			(contest-of-skill power
225				(occ-ability-dexdefend ktarget)))
226		(apply-acid ktarget)))
228(define (prismatic-slip ktarget power)
229	(if (and (kern-obj-is-char? ktarget)
230			(contest-of-skill power
231			(occ-ability-dexdefend ktarget)))
232		(slip ktarget)))
234(define prismatic-bolt-ifc
235	(ifc '()
236       (method 'hit-loc
237               (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
238               	(let* (
239               			(havemana (> (kern-char-get-mana kuser) 0))
240               			(usedmana (if (and havemana (equal? (kern-dice-roll "1d15") 1))
241               						(
242               							begin
243               							(kern-char-set-mana kuser (- (kern-char-get-mana kuser) 1))
244               							#t
245               						)
246               						#f))
247               			(magpower (if havemana
248               					(if usedmana (max 7 (occ-ability-blackmagic kuser)) 5)
249               					0))
250               			(loc (mk-loc kplace x y))
251               			(hit (> dam -1))
252               			(hurt (> dam 0))
253               			(havetarget (not (eqv? ktarget '())))
254               			(pristype (kern-dice-roll "1d100"))
255               			(proclist
257              					(cond ((< pristype 10)
258              							(list nil
259              						(lambda (obj) (powers-paralyse kuser obj magpower))
260              						(lambda (obj) (powers-paralyse kuser obj (- magpower 3)))))
262              						((< pristype 20)
263              							(list nil
264              						(lambda (obj) (prismatic-acid obj magpower))
265              						(lambda (obj) (prismatic-acid obj (- magpower 3)))))
267           							((< pristype 30)
268           								(list nil
269            						(lambda (obj) (powers-poison-effect kuser obj (+ magpower 3)))
270              						(lambda (obj) (powers-poison-effect kuser obj (- magpower 2)))))
272              						((< pristype 40)
273           								(list nil
274            						(lambda (obj) (generic-burn obj "2d3+2"))
275            						(lambda (obj) (generic-burn obj "1d5"))))
277              						((< pristype 50)
278           								(list nil
279            						(lambda (obj) (apply-lightning obj))
280            						(lambda (obj) (apply-lightning obj))))
282										((< pristype 60)
283           								(list nil
284            						(lambda (obj) (prismatic-slip obj (+ magpower 5)))
285              						(lambda (obj) (prismatic-slip obj (+ magpower 2)))))
287    									((< pristype 70)
288           								(list
289           							(lambda (loc) (powers-field-energy-weak kuser loc magpower))
290           							nil nil))
292    									((< pristype 80)
293           								(list
294           							(lambda (loc) (powers-field-fire-weak kuser loc magpower))
295           							nil nil))
297    									((< pristype 90)
298           								(list
299           							(lambda (loc) (powers-field-poison-weak kuser loc magpower))
300           							nil nil))
302    									((< pristype 101)
303           								(list
304           							(lambda (loc) (powers-field-sleep-weak kuser loc magpower))
305           							nil nil))
306               			)))
307              			(if (not havemana)
308              					(kern-log-msg "Attack fizzles!")
309              					(begin
310              						(if (not (null? (car proclist)))
311              							((car proclist) loc))
312              						(if (not (null? (cadr proclist)))
313              							(on-hit-target ktarget dam (cadr proclist)))
314              						(if (not (null? (caddr proclist)))
315              							(on-hit-nontarget ktarget loc dam (caddr proclist)))
316              					)
317              				)
318              		))
319			)))
321(define warhead-ifc
322  (ifc nil
323       (method 'hit-loc
324               (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
325                 (kern-obj-put-at (kern-mk-obj F_fire 1)
326                                  (mk-loc kplace x y))))))
328(kern-mk-sprite 's_flaming_oil    ss_arms 4 96 #f 0)
329(kern-mk-sprite 's_oil_potion     ss_arms 1 5 #f 0)
330(kern-mk-sprite 's_spear          ss_arms 1 88 #f 495 )
331(kern-mk-sprite 's_spearobj       ss_arms 1 6 #f 0)
332(kern-mk-sprite 's_throwing_axe   ss_arms 1 29 #f 0)
333(kern-mk-sprite 's_thrown_axe     ss_arms 8 72 #f 0)
334(kern-mk-sprite 's_thrown_boulder ss_arms 1 7 #f 0)
335(kern-mk-sprite 's_smoke_bomb     ss_arms 4 112 #f 0)
336(kern-mk-sprite 's_smoke_potion   ss_arms 1 108 #f 0)
338(define flaming-oil-ifc
339  (ifc obj-ifc
340       (method 'hit-loc
341               (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
342                 (kern-obj-put-at (kern-mk-obj F_fire 1)
343                                  (mk-loc kplace x y))))))
345(define vial-of-slime-ifc
346  (ifc obj-ifc
347       (method 'hit-loc
348               (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
349                 (let* ((lvl (kern-dice-roll "1d3+5"))
350                        (knpc (spawn-npc 'green-slime lvl))
351                        (loc (pick-loc (mk-loc kplace x y) knpc)))
352                   (cond ((null? loc)
353                          (kern-obj-dec-ref knpc)
354                          0)
355                         (else
356                          (kern-being-set-base-faction knpc (kern-being-get-base-faction kuser))
357                          (kern-obj-set-temporary knpc #t)
358                          (kern-obj-put-at knpc loc))))))))
360(define smoke-bomb-ifc
361	(ifc obj-ifc
362		(method 'hit-loc
363			(lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
364				(fields-smoke-apply kplace x y 10)
365		))))
367(define (mk-drop-proj-ifc type-tag prob)
368	(ifc obj-ifc
369       (method 'hit-loc
370               (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
371               	(if (< (kern-dice-roll "1d100") prob)
372               		(let ((dropobj (kern-mk-obj (eval type-tag) 1))
373               				(loc (mk-loc kplace x y)))
374               			(if (can-be-dropped? dropobj loc cant)
375               				(kern-obj-put-at dropobj loc)
376               	))))
377      )))
379;; todo: handle possibility that magicaxe doesnt have a wielder?
380(define magicaxe-ifc
381	(ifc obj-ifc
382		(method 'hit-loc
383			(lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
384				(kern-fire-missile (eval 't_returning_axe_p) (mk-loc kplace x y) (kern-obj-get-location kuser))
385				(kern-log-msg "Magic axe returns!")
386			)
387 	))
391(define missile-arms-types
392  (list
393   ;;    ==================================================================================================
394   ;;    tag                 | name          | sprite          | gifc              | movement_mode | beam
395   ;;    ====================================================================================================
396   (list 't_slingstone        "sling stone"    s_sling_stone     obj-ifc             mmode-missile  	#f)
397   (list 't_arrow_p           "arrow"          s_arrow           (mk-drop-proj-ifc 't_arrow 5)
398                                                                                     mmode-missile  	#f  )
399   (list 't_bolt_p            "bolt"           s_bolt            (mk-drop-proj-ifc 't_bolt 5)
400                                                                                     mmode-missile  	#f  )
401   (list 't_warhead_p         "warhead"        s_warhead         warhead-ifc         mmode-missile  	#f  )
402   (list 't_cannonball_p      "cannonball"     s_cannonball      obj-ifc             mmode-missile  	#f  )
405   (list 't_poison_bolt       "poison bolt"    s_poison_bolt     poison-bolt-ifc     mmode-missile  	#f  )
406   (list 't_acid_bolt         "acid bolt"      s_acid_bolt       acid-bolt-ifc       mmode-missile  	#f  )
407   (list 't_fireball          "fireball"       s_fireball        fireball-ifc        mmode-missile  	#f  )
408   (list 't_deathball         "deathball"      s_deathball       deathball-ifc       mmode-missile  	#f  )
409   (list 't_slimeglob         "slime glob"     s_acid_bolt       obj-ifc             mmode-missile  	#f  )
410   (list 't_mfireball         "fireball"       s_fireball        temp-ifc            mmode-missile  	#f  )
411   (list 't_mpoison_bolt      "poison bolt"    s_poison_bolt     temp-ifc            mmode-missile  	#f  )
412   (list 't_prismatic_bolt    "prismatic bolt" s_prismatic_bolt  prismatic-bolt-ifc  mmode-missile  	#f  )
413   (list 't_stunball   			"stun ball" 	  s_lightning    stunball-ifc		 mmode-missile  	#f  )
414   (list 't_lightning_bolt  	"lightning bolt"	s_lightning      lightningbolt-ifc   mmode-missile  	#t  )
415   (list 't_magicarrow_p      "arrow"          s_arrow           obj-ifc             mmode-missile  	#f  )
419   (list 't_mweb              "web"            s_thrownweb       temp-ifc            mmode-missile  	#f  )
420   (list 't_oil_p             "flaming oil"    s_flaming_oil     flaming-oil-ifc     mmode-missile  	#f  )
421   (list 't_smoke_bomb_p      "smoke bomb"     s_smoke_bomb      smoke-bomb-ifc      mmode-missile  	#f  )
422   (list 't_spear_p           "spear"          s_spear           (mk-drop-proj-ifc 't_spear 25)
423                                                                                     mmode-missile  	#f  )
424   (list 't_thrown_axe_p      "thrown axe"     s_thrown_axe      magicaxe-ifc        mmode-missile  	#f  )
425   (list 't_returning_axe_p   "thrown axe"     s_thrown_axe      obj-ifc              mmode-return  	#f  )
426   (list 't_thrown_rock_p     "thrown rock"    s_cannonball      (mk-drop-proj-ifc 't_thrown_rock 80)
427                                                                                     mmode-missile  	#f  )
428   (list 't_thrown_boulder_p  "hurled boulder" s_thrown_boulder  (mk-drop-proj-ifc 't_thrown_boulder 80)
429                                                                                     mmode-missile  	#f  )
431   (list 't_slime_vial_p      "vial of slime"  s_thrown_green_potion vial-of-slime-ifc  mmode-missile  	#f  )
433   ))
435(map (lambda (type) (apply mk-missile-arms-type type)) missile-arms-types)
438(define ammo-arms-types
439  (list
440   ;;    ===========================================================================================
441   ;;    tag                 | name          | sprite          | gifc              | movement_mode
442   ;;    ===========================================================================================
444   (list 't_arrow             "arrow"          s_arrowobj        obj-ifc             mmode-smallobj )
445   (list 't_bolt              "bolt"           s_boltobj         obj-ifc             mmode-smallobj )
446   (list 't_warhead           "warhead"        s_warhead         warhead-ifc         mmode-smallobj )
447   (list 't_cannonball        "cannonball"     s_cannonball      obj-ifc             mmode-smallobj )
448   ))
451;; If we don't create these missile types now, we won't be able to refer to
452;; them below in the projectile-arms-types table. For example, t_bow needs to
453;; refer to t_arrow. But the interpreter won't recognize t_arrow as a variable
454;; name until we call this procedure to create the t_arrow type.
455(map (lambda (type) (apply mk-ammo-arms-type type)) ammo-arms-types)
457;; ============================================================================
458;; Projectile Weapons
459;; ============================================================================
461(kern-mk-sprite 's_sling      ss_arms 1 24 #f 0)
462(kern-mk-sprite 's_bow        ss_arms 1 25 #f 0)
463(kern-mk-sprite 's_crossbow   ss_arms 1 26 #f 0)
464(kern-mk-sprite 's_doom_staff ss_arms 1 27 #f 0)
465(kern-mk-sprite 's_stun_wand  ss_arms 1 28 #f 0)
467(define proj-ifc
468	(ifc obj-ifc
469		(method 'on-attack
470			(lambda (kuser)
471				(println "oa")
472				(kern-sound-play-at sound-missile (kern-obj-get-location kuser))
473			)
474 	))
477(define projectile-arms-types
478  (list
479   ;;     =========================================================================================================================================================================================
480   ;;     tag            | name           |  sprite     | to-hit | damage | to-def | AP_cost | AP_mod       | slots       | hnds | rng | missile        | ammo  | ubiq | weight | stratt | dexatt | dammod | avoid | ifc
481   ;;     =========================================================================================================================================================================================
482   (list 't_sling          "sling"           s_sling      "1d2-2"  "1d4"    "-1"      (weap-ap 1) 0   slot-weapon   1      4     t_slingstone     nil     #t     0        10       60       30       0.9	proj-ifc)
483   (list 't_sling_4        "+4 sling"        s_sling      "+3"     "1d4+4"  "+0"      (weap-ap 1) 0   slot-weapon   1      6     t_slingstone     nil     #t     0        10       60       30       0.9	proj-ifc)
485   (list 't_self_bow       "self bow"        s_bow        "+1"     "1d6"    "-2"      (weap-ap 0.8) 0   slot-weapon   2      4     t_arrow_p        t_arrow #f     2        10       70       20       0.9  proj-ifc)
486   (list 't_bow            "bow"             s_bow        "1d3-2"  "2d4"    "-2"     (weap-ap 1) 0   slot-weapon   2      5     t_arrow_p        t_arrow #f     2        10       70       20       0.9  proj-ifc)
487   (list 't_long_bow       "longbow"         s_bow        "1d3-2"  "2d6+1"  "-2"     (weap-ap 1.2) 0   slot-weapon   2      6     t_arrow_p        t_arrow #f     2        10       70       20       0.9  proj-ifc)
488   (list 't_great_bow      "great bow"       s_bow        "1d3-2"  "2d6+3"  "-2"     (weap-ap 1.34) 0   slot-weapon   2      7     t_arrow_p        t_arrow #f     2        10       70       20       0.9  proj-ifc)
490   (list 't_lt_crossbow    "light crossbow"  s_crossbow   "1d4-2"  "2d5"    "-1"     (weap-ap 1) 0   slot-weapon   2      5     t_bolt_p         t_bolt  #f     3         0       80        0       0.95 proj-ifc)
491   (list 't_crossbow       "crossbow"        s_crossbow   "1d4-2"  "4d4"    "-1"     (weap-ap 1) 0   slot-weapon   2      6     t_bolt_p         t_bolt  #f     3         0       80        0       0.95 proj-ifc)
492   (list 't_hvy_crossbow   "heavy crossbow"  s_crossbow   "1d4-2"  "4d6+2"  "-1"     (weap-ap 2) 0   slot-weapon   2      7     t_bolt_p         t_bolt  #f     3         0       80        0       0.95 proj-ifc)
493   (list 't_trpl_crossbow  "triple crossbow" s_crossbow   "1d4-2"  "2d5"    "-1"      (weap-ap 0.67) 0   slot-weapon   2      5     t_bolt_p         t_bolt  #f     3         0       80        0       0.95 proj-ifc)
495   (list 't_doom_staff     "doom staff"      s_doom_staff "1d4"    "1d2"    "+2"     (weap-ap 1) 0    slot-weapon   2      5     t_fireball       nil     #t     2         0       50        0       1.0  proj-ifc)
496   (list 't_acid_spray     "acid spray"      nil          "-7"     "1d6"    "+0"     (weap-ap 1) 0    slot-nil      2      2     t_slimeglob      nil     #t     0        10       50       20       1.0  proj-ifc)
497   (list 't_fire_glob      "fire glob"       nil          "-8"     "1d6"    "+0"     (weap-ap 1) 0    slot-nil      2      2     t_fireball       nil     #t     0        10       50       20       1.0  proj-ifc)
498   (list 't_stun_wand      "stun wand"       s_stun_wand  "-2"     "1d4"    "-1"     (weap-ap 1) 0    slot-weapon   1      6     t_stunball       nil     #t     2         0       80        0       1.0  proj-ifc)
499   (list 't_acid_wand      "acid wand"       s_stun_wand  "-2"     "1d4"    "-1"     (weap-ap 1) 0    slot-weapon   1      6     t_acid_bolt      nil     #t     2         0       80        0       1.0  proj-ifc)
500   (list 't_prismatic_gaze "prismatic gaze"  nil          "1d4"    "0"      "+0"     (weap-ap 1) 0    slot-nil      1      3     t_prismatic_bolt nil     #t     0         0        0        0       0.85 proj-ifc)
501   ))
503;; ============================================================================
504;; Thrown Weapons
505;; ============================================================================
508(define thrown-arms-types
509  (list
510   ;;     =================================================================================================================================================================================================================
511   ;;     tag              | name          | sprite                   | to-hit | dmg | to-def | AP_cost | AP_mod        | slots       | hnds | rng | missile          | ubiq | ifc              | weight | stratt | dexatt | dammod | avoid
512   ;;     =================================================================================================================================================================================================================
513   (list  't_thrown_rock    "small rock"    s_cannonball                "-2"     "1d2"    "-2"   (weap-ap 1.33) 0  slot-weapon   1      4     t_thrown_rock_p    #t     obj-ifc             1       20       20         0      0.9 )
514   (list  't_thrown_boulder "loose boulder" s_thrown_boulder            "-2"     "3d4+1"  "-2"  (weap-ap 2) 0  slot-weapon   2      5     t_thrown_boulder_p #f     obj-ifc            10       40       20        60      0.9 )
516   (list  't_spear          "spear"         s_spearobj                  "+1"     "1d8+1"  "+1"  (weap-ap 1) 0  slot-weapon   1      4     t_spear_p          #f     obj-ifc             2       30       60        40      1.0 )
517   (list  't_magic_axe      "magical axe"   s_throwing_axe              "+2"     "2d4+2"  "+0"  (weap-ap 1) 0  slot-weapon   1      4     t_thrown_axe_p     #t     obj-ifc             2       30       60        40      1.0 )
519   (list  't_oil            "flaming oil"   s_oil_potion                "-1"     "1d6"    "-2"  (weap-ap 1.2) 0  slot-weapon   1      4     t_oil_p            #f     flaming-oil-ifc     1       20       30         0      0.9 )
520   (list  't_slime_vial     "vial of slime" s_squat_bubbly_green_potion "-1"     "1d2"    "-2"  (weap-ap 1.2) 0  slot-weapon   1      4     t_slime_vial_p     #f     vial-of-slime-ifc   1       20       30         0      1.0 )
521   (list  't_smoke_bomb     "smoke bomb"    s_smoke_potion                "-1"     "1"      "-2"  (weap-ap 1.2) 0  slot-weapon   1      6     t_smoke_bomb_p     #f     smoke-bomb-ifc      1       20       30         0      0.9 )
522   ))
524(map (lambda (type) (apply mk-thrown-arms-type type)) thrown-arms-types)
526;; Inventory sprites
527(kern-mk-sprite 's_axe            ss_arms 1 29 #f 0)
528(kern-mk-sprite 's_dagger         ss_arms 1 32 #f 0)
529(kern-mk-sprite 's_mace           ss_arms 1 33 #f 0)
530(kern-mk-sprite 's_sword          ss_arms 1 34 #f 0)
531(kern-mk-sprite 's_2h_axe         ss_arms 1 35 #f 0)
532(kern-mk-sprite 's_2h_sword       ss_arms 1 36 #f 0)
533(kern-mk-sprite 's_morning_star   ss_arms 1 37 #f 0)
534(kern-mk-sprite 's_halberd        ss_arms 1 38 #f 0)
535(kern-mk-sprite 's_staff          ss_arms 1 39 #f 0)
536(kern-mk-sprite 's_eldritch_blade ss_arms 2 40 #f 0)
537(kern-mk-sprite 's_mystic_sword   ss_arms 2 42 #f 0)
538(kern-mk-sprite 's_flaming_sword  ss_arms 2 44 #f 0)
540;; Paper-doll sprites
541(kern-mk-sprite 's_hum_staff_gold     ss_arms 4 56 #f 0)
542(kern-mk-sprite 's_hum_staffglo_blue  ss_arms 4 60 #f 0)
543(kern-sprite-apply-matrix (kern-sprite-clone s_hum_staffglo_blue
544                                             's_hum_staffglo_green)
545                          mat_blue_to_green)
546(kern-mk-sprite 's_hum_halberd ss_arms 4 64 #f 0)
548(define melee-arms-types
549  (list
550   ;;     ===================================================================================================================================================
551   ;;     tag          |    name           | sprite         | to-hit | damage | to-def | AP_cost | AP_mod | slots | hnds | rng | weight | dxmod | stmod | dammod | avoid
552   ;;     ===================================================================================================================================================
553   (list  't_hands          "bare hands"     nil              "1d2"    "1d2"    "1d2"    (weap-ap 0.67) 0 slot-nil      1      1     0        50      20       10      1.0  )
554   (list  't_F_fangs        "fangs"          nil              "1d2"    "1d4"    "+0"     (weap-ap 0.67) 0 slot-nil      1      1     0        50      20       30      1.0  )
555   (list  't_fangs          "fangs"          nil              "1d2"    "1d6"    "+0"      (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-nil      1      1     0        50      20       30      1.0  )
556   (list  't_G_fangs        "great fangs"    nil              "1d2"    "1d10"   "+0"     (weap-ap 1.34) 0 slot-nil      1      1     0        50      20       30      1.0  )
557   (list  't_horns          "horns"          nil              "1d2"    "1d8"    "1d2"    (weap-ap 0.67) 0 slot-nil      1      1     0        30      40       60      1.0  )
558   (list  't_stinger        "stinger"        nil              "1d2"    "1d2"    "+0"     (weap-ap 0.67) 0 slot-nil      1      1     0        50      20       10      1.0  )
559   (list  't_tentacles      "tentacles"      nil              "1d3"    "4d4"    "4d2"     (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-nil      1      1     0        70      20       60      1.0  )
560   (list  't_beak           "beak"           nil              "+0"     "2d4"    "+0"      (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-nil      1      1     0        50      30       30      1.0  )
561   (list  't_pincers        "pincers"        nil              "-1"     "4d4"    "4d2"     (weap-ap 1.2) 0 slot-nil      1      1     0        50      30       30      1.0  )
563   (list  't_dagger         "dagger"         s_dagger         "1d4"    "1d4"    "1d2"     (weap-ap 0.8) 0 slot-weapon   1      1     0        80      10       10      1.0  )
564   (list  't_dagger_4       "+4 dagger"      s_dagger         "1d4+4"  "1d4+4"  "1d2+4"   (weap-ap 0.8) 0 slot-weapon   1      1     0        80      10       10      1.0  )
565   (list  't_mace           "mace"           s_mace           "1d4"    "1d6+2"  "+0"      (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-weapon   1      1     3        20      60       80      0.95 )
566   (list  't_axe            "axe"            s_axe            "1d2"    "2d4+2"  "+0"      (weap-ap 1.2) 0 slot-weapon   1      1     3        30      50       90      0.95 )
567   (list  't_sword          "sword"          s_sword          "1d2"    "1d8+1"  "1d2"     (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-weapon   1      1     2        50      20       70      1.0  )
568   (list  't_sword_2        "+2 sword"       s_sword          "1d2+2"  "1d8+3"  "1d2+2"   (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-weapon   1      1     2        50      20       70      1.0  )
569   (list  't_sword_4        "+4 sword"       s_sword          "1d2+4"  "1d8+5"  "1d2+4"   (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-weapon   1      1     2        50      20       70      1.0  )
570   (list  't_2H_axe         "2H axe"         s_2h_axe         "+0"     "4d4+4"  "-2"     (weap-ap 1.34) 0 slot-weapon   2      1     4        20      60      100      0.9  )
571   (list  't_2H_sword       "2H sword"       s_2h_sword       "+0"     "2d8+2"  "+1"      (weap-ap 1.2) 0 slot-weapon   2      1     4        40      40       90      0.95 )
572   (list  't_morning_star   "morning star"   s_morning_star   "1d2+2"  "1d6+1"  "-1"      (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-weapon   1      2     3        20      40       70      0.9  )
573   (list  't_morning_star_2 "+2 morning star" s_morning_star  "1d2+4"  "1d6+3"  "+2"      (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-weapon   1      2     3        20      40       70      0.9  )
574   (list  't_halberd        "halberd"        s_halberd        "1d3+1"  "2d8-2"  "1d2"     (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-weapon   2      2     4        30      30      100      0.9  )
575   (list  't_staff          "staff"          s_staff          "1d3"    "1d4"    "1d3"     (weap-ap 0.8) 0 slot-weapon   2      2     2        60      30       40      1.0  )
576   (list  't_eldritch_blade "eldritch blade" s_eldritch_blade "+2"     "3d7+5"  "+0"     (weap-ap 1.34) 0 slot-weapon   2      1     2        50      20       70      1.0  )
577   (list  't_mystic_sword   "mystic sword"   s_mystic_sword   "+3"     "1d10+5" "+2"      (weap-ap 1)   0 slot-weapon   1      1     1        60      20       70      1.0  )
578   ))
580(kern-mk-sprite 's_leather_helm  ss_arms 1 48 #f 0)
581(kern-mk-sprite 's_chain_coif    ss_arms 1 49 #f 0)
582(kern-mk-sprite 's_iron_helm     ss_arms 1 50 #f 0)
583(kern-mk-sprite 's_leather_armor ss_arms 1 51 #f 0)
584(kern-mk-sprite 's_chain_armor   ss_arms 1 52 #f 0)
585(kern-mk-sprite 's_plate_armor   ss_arms 1 53 #f 0)
587(define armor-types
588  (list
589   ;;     ===============================================================================================================
590   ;;     tag               | name            |  sprite        |  to-hit | armor  | slots     | equip_AP | AP_mod | weight | avoid
591   ;;     ===============================================================================================================
592   (list   't_leather_helm    "leather helm"     s_leather_helm   "-1"     "1d2"    slot-helm    (weap-ap 1) -0  0  1.0  )
593   (list   't_leather_helm_2  "+2 leather helm"  s_leather_helm   "+0"     "1d2+2"  slot-helm    (weap-ap 1) -0  0  1.0  )
594   (list   't_leather_helm_4  "+4 leather helm"  s_leather_helm   "+0"     "1d2+4"  slot-helm    (weap-ap 1) -0  0  1.0  )
596   (list   't_chain_coif      "chain coif"       s_chain_coif     "-1"     "1d3"    slot-helm    (weap-ap 1) (armour-ap -1)  1  0.9  )
597   (list   't_chain_coif_4    "+4 chain coif"    s_chain_coif     "+0"     "1d3+4"  slot-helm    (weap-ap 1) (armour-ap -1)  1  0.9  )
599   (list   't_iron_helm       "iron helm"        s_iron_helm      "-1"     "1d4"    slot-helm    (weap-ap 1) (armour-ap -2)  2  0.9  )
600   (list   't_iron_helm_4     "+4 iron helm"     s_iron_helm      "+0"     "1d4+4"  slot-helm    (weap-ap 1) (armour-ap -2)  2  0.9  )
602   (list   't_armor_leather   "leather armor"    s_leather_armor  "-1"     "1d4"    slot-armor   (weap-ap 2) (armour-ap -1)  2  0.85 )
603   (list   't_armor_leather_2 "+2 leather armor" s_leather_armor  "+0"     "1d4+2"  slot-armor   (weap-ap 2) (armour-ap -1)  2  0.85 )
604   (list   't_armor_leather_4 "+4 leather armor" s_leather_armor  "+0"     "1d4+4"  slot-armor   (weap-ap 2) (armour-ap -1)  2  0.9  )
606   (list   't_armor_chain     "chain armor"      s_chain_armor    "-2"     "2d4"    slot-armor   (weap-ap 2) (armour-ap -5)  4  0.7  )
607   (list   't_armor_chain_4   "+4 chain armor"   s_chain_armor    "+0"     "2d4+4"  slot-armor   (weap-ap 2) (armour-ap -5)  4  0.8  )
609   (list   't_armor_plate     "plate armor"      s_plate_armor    "-4"     "4d4"    slot-armor   (weap-ap 5) (armour-ap -10) 8  0.6  )
610   (list   't_armor_plate_4   "+4 plate armor"   s_plate_armor    "+0"     "4d4+4"  slot-armor   (weap-ap 5) (armour-ap -10) 8  0.7  )
611   ))
613(kern-mk-sprite 's_shield            ss_arms 1 54 #f 0)
614(kern-mk-sprite 's_scratched_shield  ss_arms 1 55 #f 0)
616(define shield-types
617  (list
618   ;;     ============================================================================================================
619   ;;     tag                 | name             | sprite           | to-hit | deflect | AP_mod | slots      | weight | avoid
620   ;;     ============================================================================================================
621   (list   't_shield           "small shield"     s_shield            "-1"     "5"    -0  slot-shield  2         0.9  )
622   (list   't_shield_4         "+4 small shield"  s_shield            "+0"     "9"    -0  slot-shield  2         0.95 )
623   (list   't_scratched_shield "scratched shield" s_scratched_shield  "+0"     "7"    -0  slot-shield  2         0.9  )
624   ))
627(map (lambda (type) (apply mk-projectile-arms-type type)) projectile-arms-types)
628(map (lambda (type) (apply mk-melee-arms-type      type)) melee-arms-types)
629(map (lambda (type) (apply mk-armor-type           type)) armor-types)
630(map (lambda (type) (apply mk-shield-type          type)) shield-types)
633;; Spiked Armor
635(kern-mk-sprite 's_spiked_helm    ss_arms 1 46 #f 0)
636(kern-mk-sprite 's_spiked_shield  ss_arms 1 47 #f 0)
638(kern-mk-arms-type 't_spiked_helm "spiked helm" s_spiked_helm
639                   "0" "1d4" "3" "0"
640                   slot-helm 1 1 (weap-ap 2) -0
641                   nil nil #f #f
642                   2 ;; weight
643                   nil obj-ifc-cap obj-ifc
644				   30 10 20 0.9 mmode-smallobj)
646(kern-mk-arms-type 't_spiked_shield "spiked shield" s_spiked_shield
647                   "0" "1d5" "0" "5"
648                   slot-shield 1 1 (weap-ap 2) -0
649                   nil nil #f #f
650                   3 ;; weight
651                   nil obj-ifc-cap obj-ifc
652				   40 20 20 0.8 mmode-largeobj)
655;; Special arms types
657;; These don't fit into the mold for any standard arms type.
660(define flaming-sword-ifc
661  (ifc obj-ifc
662       (method 'hit-loc
663               (lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
664               	(cond ((equal? dam 0)
665               				(generic-burn ktarget "1d5-2"))
666               			((> dam 0)
667               				(generic-burn ktarget "2d4"))
668               	))
669         )))
671(kern-mk-arms-type 't_flaming_sword "flaming sword" s_flaming_sword "1d2" "1d8+2" "0" "1d2" slot-weapon 1 1 (weap-ap 1) 0 nil nil #f #f 2 nil
672					 (ifc-cap flaming-sword-ifc) flaming-sword-ifc 50 20 70 1.0 mmode-smallobj)
675(kern-mk-arms-type 't_cannon         ; tag
676                   "cannon"          ; name
677                   nil               ; sprite
678                   "+1"              ;;       to-hit : to-hit attack bonus (dice expr)
679                   "1d10+4"          ;;       damage : attack damage (dice expr)
680                   "0"               ;;        armor : added to armor class (dice expr)
681                   "0"               ;;      deflect : damage deflected when hit (dice expr)
682                   slot-nil          ;;        slots : slots it will fit in (e.g., hands)
683                   0                 ;;        hands : number of slots required to ready it
684                   6                 ;;        range : range it will fire
685                   (weap-ap 2.0)     ;;          rap : required action points to attack with it
686                   0                 ;;       AP_mod : modifier to max AP per round for the wielder
687                   t_cannonball_p    ;;
688                   nil		     ;;      missile : nil or the armament type it fires
689                   #f                ;;       thrown : true or false
690                   #t                ;;         ubiq : true if it needs ammo in inventory, false otherwise
691                   0                 ;;       weight : unused
692                   sound-cannon-fire ;;   fire-sound : string name of sound file to play when it's fired
693                   0                 ;;      ifc-cap : integer bitmap describing interface slots
694                   nil               ;;  get-handler : script ifc
695				   0 0 0 1.0
696				   mmode-largeobj
697                   )
700;; This list of "blockable" arms types is used by combat ai. An arms type is
701;; "blockable" if an adjacent enemy can interfere with its usage.
703(define blockable-arms-types
704  (list t_sling t_sling_4
705        t_self_bow t_bow t_long_bow t_great_bow
706        t_hvy_crossbow t_trpl_crossbow
707        t_spear
708        t_thrown_rock t_thrown_boulder ))
709; t_lt_crossbow is quick to load, and can be used in melee
711(define arms-types-needing-ammo
712  (list t_self_bow t_bow t_long_bow t_great_bow
713        t_lt_crossbow t_crossbow t_hvy_crossbow t_trpl_crossbow ))
715(define (arms-type-is-blockable? karms)
716  (display "arms-type-is-bloackable?")(newline)
717  (in-list? karms blockable-arms-types))
719(define (arms-type-needs-ammo? karms)
720  (in-list? karms arms-types-needing-ammo))
723;; Test paper doll sprites: add a gob to the staff arms type with a "readied"
724;; sprite.
726(kern-type-set-gob t_staff
727                   (kern-sprite-blit-over s_hum_staff_gold
728                                          s_hum_staffglo_blue))
730(kern-type-set-gob t_halberd s_hum_halberd)
733;; Cannon mounting for shipboard combat (and maybe anywhere else we can think of later)
736;; uglyhack find target location or set up 'safe' location to simulate cannonball leaving play area
737(define (arms-searchline place x y dx dy)
738	(let* ((wid (kern-place-get-width place))
739		(hgt (kern-place-get-height place)))
740		(define (arms-searchline-iter ix iy)
741			(cond ((< ix 0) (list 0 iy #f))
742				((< iy 0) (list ix 0 #f))
743				((>= ix wid) (list (- wid 1) iy #f))
744				((>= iy hgt) (list ix (- wid 1) #f))
745				((not (null? (get-being-at (mk-loc place ix iy))))
746					(list ix iy #t))
747				(else (arms-searchline-iter (+ ix dx) (+ iy dy)))
748			))
749		(let* ((target (arms-searchline-iter (+ x dx) (+ y dy)))
750				(tx (car target))
751				(ty (cadr target))
752				(havet (caddr target))
753				)
754			(if havet
755				(temp-cannonball-init -1 -1)
756				(temp-cannonball-init tx ty)
757			)
758			(list tx ty)
759			)))
761(define localcannonball-ifc
762	(ifc '()
763		(method 'hit-loc
764			(lambda (kmissile kuser ktarget kplace x y dam)
765				(let ((ktarget (get-being-at (mk-loc kplace x y))))
766					(if (not (null? ktarget))
767						(
768							begin
769							(kern-log-msg (kern-obj-get-name ktarget) " hit by cannonball!")
770							(kern-obj-apply-damage ktarget "cannon" (kern-dice-roll "1d10+4"))
771						)
772					)
773				))
774		)))
776(mk-missile-arms-type 't_localcannonball "cannonball" s_cannonball localcannonball-ifc mmode-cannon #f)
778(define cannon-ifc
779	(ifc '()
780		(method 'xamine
781			(lambda (kcannon kuser)
782				(let ((ready (cadr (gob kcannon))))
783					(kern-log-msg "The cannon is "
784						(cond ((equal? ready 2)
785							 "ready to fire")
786							 ((equal? ready 1)
787							 "loaded but unready")
788							 (else "unloaded")))
789					result-ok
790			))
791		)
792		(method 'handle
793			(lambda (kcannon kuser)
794				(let ((ready (cadr (gob kcannon)))
795						(facing (car (gob kcannon))))
796					(kern-obj-dec-ap kuser speed-human)
797					(cond
798						((equal? ready 2)
799							(let* ((loc (kern-obj-get-location kcannon))
800								(aimdir (direction-to-lvect facing))
801								(targetloc (arms-searchline (car loc)
802									(cadr loc) (caddr loc)
803									(car aimdir) (cadr aimdir))))
804								(kern-sound-play sound-cannon-fire)
805								(kern-log-msg "BOOOM")
806								(kern-fire-missile t_localcannonball loc (mk-loc (car loc) (car targetloc) (cadr targetloc)))
807								)
808							(bind kcannon (list facing 0)))
809						((equal? ready 1)
810							(kern-log-msg "Cannon ready to fire")
811							(bind kcannon (list facing 2)))
812						(else
813							(kern-log-msg "Cannon loaded")
814							(bind kcannon (list facing 1)))
815					)
816			))
817		)
818		(method 'init
819			(lambda (kcannon)
820				(kern-obj-set-facing kcannon (car (gob kcannon)))
821				(kern-obj-set-pclass kcannon pclass-boulder)
822		))
823	))
825(mk-obj-type 't_cannonobj "cannon" s_cannon layer-mechanism cannon-ifc)
827(define  (arms-mk-cannon facing)
828	(let ((kcannon (kern-mk-obj t_cannonobj 1)))
829          (kern-obj-set-facing kcannon facing)
830          (bind kcannon (list facing 0))
831          kcannon))
833;; Weapons that aren't affected by acid
834(define arms-immune-to-acid
835  (list t_flaming_sword
836        t_shield_4
837        t_armor_plate_4
838        t_armor_chain_4
839        t_armor_leather_2
840        t_armor_leather_4
841        t_iron_helm_4
842        t_chain_coif_4
843        t_leather_helm_2
844        t_leather_helm_4
845        t_sword_2
846        t_sword_4
847        t_eldritch_blade
848        t_mystic_sword
849        t_magic_axe
850        t_doom_staff
851        t_stun_wand))