1 /*	SCCS Id: @(#)amilib.c	3.2	96/02/04	*/
2 /* Copyright (c) Gregg Wonderly, Naperville, Illinois,  1991,1992,1993,1996. */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5 #include "hack.h"
6 #include "wintype.h"
7 #include "winami.h"
8 #include "func_tab.h"
12 #include <exec/types.h>
13 #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
14 #include <intuition/intuition.h>
15 #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
16 #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
17 #include <ctype.h>
18 #undef  strcmpi
19 #include <string.h>
20 #include <errno.h>
23 # define	INTUI_NEW_LOOK
24 #endif
26 #ifdef AZTEC_C
27 # include <functions.h>
28 #else
29 # ifndef _DCC
30 #  include <dos.h>
31 # endif
32 # ifdef _DCC
33 #  include <clib/exec_protos.h>
34 # else
35 #  include <proto/exec.h>
36 # endif
37 #endif
39 #include "NH:sys/amiga/lib/amilib.h"
40 #include "winproto.h"
42 WinamiBASE *WinamiBase = 0;
44 extern char *roles[];
45 extern char orgdir[];
47 struct Library *ConsoleDevice = 0;
48 int bigscreen = 0;
49 char Initialized = 0;
50 struct amii_DisplayDesc *amiIDisplay = 0;
51 struct Screen *HackScreen = 0;
52 winid WIN_BASE = WIN_ERR;
53 #ifdef	VIEWWINDOW
54 winid WIN_OVER = WIN_ERR;
55 #endif
56 winid amii_rawprwin = WIN_ERR;
57 extern const char *configfile;
59 void amii_outrip( winid, int );
60 void setup_librefs( WinamiBASE * );
62 /* The current color map */
63 unsigned short amii_initmap[ MAXCOLORS ] = {
64 #define C_BLACK		0
65 #define C_WHITE		1
66 #define C_BROWN		2
67 #define C_CYAN		3
68 #define C_GREEN		4
69 #define C_MAGENTA	5
70 #define C_BLUE		6
71 #define C_RED		7
73     0x0000, /* color #0 */
74     0x0FFF, /* color #1 */
75     0x0830, /* color #2 */
76     0x07ac, /* color #3 */
77     0x0181, /* color #4 */
78     0x0C06, /* color #5 */
79     0x023E, /* color #6 */
80     0x0c00  /* color #7 */
81 #ifdef	VIEWWINDOW
82     0x0AAA,	/* Various shades of grey */
83     0x0fff,
84     0x0444,
85     0x0666,
86     0x0888,
87     0x0bbb,
88     0x0ddd,
89     0x0222,
90 #endif
91 };
93 /* Interface definition, for use by windows.c and winprocs.h to provide
94  * the simple intuition interface for the amiga...
95  */
96 struct window_procs amii_procs =
97 {
98     "amii",
99     amii_init_nhwindows,
100     amii_player_selection,
101     amii_askname,
102     amii_get_nh_event,
103     amii_exit_nhwindows,
104     amii_suspend_nhwindows,
105     amii_resume_nhwindows,
106     amii_create_nhwindow,
107     amii_clear_nhwindow,
108     amii_display_nhwindow,
109     amii_destroy_nhwindow,
110     amii_curs,
111     amii_putstr,
112     amii_display_file,
113     amii_start_menu,
114     amii_add_menu,
115     amii_end_menu,
116     amii_select_menu,
117     genl_message_menu,
118     amii_update_inventory,
119     amii_mark_synch,
120     amii_wait_synch,
121 #ifdef CLIPPING
122     amii_cliparound,
123 #endif
124 #ifdef POSITIONBAR
125     donull,
126 #endif
127     amii_print_glyph,
128     amii_raw_print,
129     amii_raw_print_bold,
130     amii_nhgetch,
131     amii_nh_poskey,
132     amii_bell,
133     amii_doprev_message,
134     amii_yn_function,
135     amii_getlin,
136     amii_get_ext_cmd,
137     amii_number_pad,
138     amii_delay_output,
139     /* other defs that really should go away (they're tty specific) */
140 #ifdef CHANGE_COLOR
141     amii_change_color,
142     amii_get_color_string,
143 #endif
144     (void *)amii_delay_output,
145     (void *)amii_delay_output,
147     amii_outrip,
148 };
151 /* Interface definition, for use by windows.c and winprocs.h to provide
152  * the view window interface to nethack...
153  */
154 struct window_procs amiv_procs =
155 {
156     "amiv",
157     amii_init_nhwindows,
158     amii_player_selection,
159     amii_askname,
160     amii_get_nh_event,
161     amii_exit_nhwindows,
162     amii_suspend_nhwindows,
163     amii_resume_nhwindows,
164     amii_create_nhwindow,
165     amii_clear_nhwindow,
166     amii_display_nhwindow,
167     amii_destroy_nhwindow,
168     amii_curs,
169     amii_putstr,
170     amii_display_file,
171     amii_start_menu,
172     amii_add_menu,
173     amii_end_menu,
174     amii_select_menu,
175     genl_message_menu,
176     amii_update_inventory,
177     amii_mark_synch,
178     amii_wait_synch,
179 #ifdef CLIPPING
180     amii_cliparound,
181 #endif
182 #ifdef POSITIONBAR
183     donull,
184 #endif
185     amii_print_glyph,
186     amii_raw_print,
187     amii_raw_print_bold,
188     amii_nhgetch,
189     amii_nh_poskey,
190     amii_bell,
191     amii_doprev_message,
192     amii_yn_function,
193     amii_getlin,
194     amii_get_ext_cmd,
195     amii_number_pad,
196     (void *)amii_delay_output,
197     /* other defs that really should go away (they're tty specific) */
198 #ifdef CHANGE_COLOR
199     amii_change_color,
200     amii_get_color_string,
201 #endif
202     (void *)amii_delay_output,
203     (void *)amii_delay_output,
205     amii_outrip,
206 };
208 void
amii_loadlib(void)209 amii_loadlib( void )
210 {
211     /* Close the library if opened it already (switching display types) */
212     if( WinamiBase )
213 	CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)WinamiBase );
215     if( ( WinamiBase = ( WinamiBASE *)OpenLibrary( "winami.library", 0 ) ) == NULL )
216     {
217 	panic( "can't find winami.library" );
218     }
219     setup_librefs( WinamiBase );
220 }
222 void
amiv_loadlib(void)223 amiv_loadlib( void )
224 {
225     /* Close the library if opened it already (switching display types) */
226     if( WinamiBase )
227 	CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)WinamiBase );
229     if( ( WinamiBase = ( WinamiBASE *)OpenLibrary( "winamiv.library", 0 ) ) == NULL )
230     {
231 	panic( "can't find winami.library" );
232     }
233     setup_librefs( WinamiBase );
234 }
236 void
CleanUp()237 CleanUp()
238 {
239     if( WinamiBase )
240     {
241 	CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)WinamiBase );
242 	WinamiBase = NULL;
243     }
244 }
246 /* The library has references to the following code and data items in the main
247  * game, so fill in the access pointers for it to user...uggghhh...
248  */
249 void
setup_librefs(base)250 setup_librefs( base )
251 	WinamiBASE *base;
252 {
253     base->G_pline = pline;
254     base->G_display_inventory = display_inventory;
255     base->G_terminate = terminate;
256     base->G_rnd = rnd;
257     base->G_rn2 = rn2;
258     base->G_panic = panic;
259     base->G_clearlocks = clearlocks;
260     base->G_on_level = on_level;
261     base->G_exit = exit;
262     base->G_lowc = lowc;
263     base->G_alloc = alloc;
264     base->G_Abort = Abort;
265     base->G_error = error;
266     base->G_fopenp = fopenp;
267     base->G_doredraw = doredraw;
268     base->G_fopen = fopen;
269     base->G_fclose = fclose;
270     base->G_fputs = fputs;
271     base->G_fprintf = fprintf;
272     base->G_fgets = fgets;
273     base->G_fflush = fflush;
275     base->G_yn_number = &yn_number;
276     base->G_zapcolors = zapcolors;
277     base->G_plname = plname;
278     base->G_objects = objects;
279     base->G_monsyms = monsyms;
280     base->G_extcmdlist = extcmdlist;
281     base->G_flags = &flags;
282     base->G_oc_syms = oc_syms;
283     base->G_showsyms = showsyms;
284     base->G_quitchars = quitchars;
285     base->G_pl_character = pl_character;
286     base->G_WIN_MESSAGE = &WIN_MESSAGE;
287     base->G_WIN_MAP = &WIN_MAP;
288     base->G_tc_gbl_data = &tc_gbl_data;
289     base->G_defsyms = defsyms;
290     base->G_WIN_STATUS = &WIN_STATUS;
291     base->G_u = &u;
292     base->G_roles = roles;
293     base->G_dungeon_topology = &dungeon_topology;
294     base->G_toplines = toplines;
295     base->G_WIN_INVEN = &WIN_INVEN;
296     base->G_windowprocs = &windowprocs;
297     base->G_orgdir = orgdir;
298     base->G_mons = mons;
299     base->G_amiIDisplay = &amiIDisplay;
300     base->G_HackScreen = &HackScreen;
301     base->G_pl_classes = pl_classes;
302     base->G_bigscreen = &bigscreen;
303     base->G_WINBASE = &WIN_BASE;
304     base->G_amii_rawprwin = &amii_rawprwin;
305     base->G_amii_initmap = amii_initmap;
306     base->G_Initialized = &Initialized;
307     base->G_ConsoleDevice = &ConsoleDevice;
308     base->G_configfile = configfile;
309     base->G_amii_procs = &amii_procs;
310     base->G_amii_set_text_font = amii_set_text_font;
311 }
313 /*
314  * We don't compile the NetHack sources with amilib.h, so we define the function
315  * here to call the shared library version
316  */
317 void
amii_set_text_font(name,size)318 amii_set_text_font( name, size )
319     char *name;
320     int size;
321 {
322 	/*(*WinamiBase->G_amii_set_text_font)( name, size );*/
323 }
324 #endif
Abort(rc)326 void Abort(rc)
327 long rc;
328 {
329 #ifdef CHDIR
330     chdir(orgdir);
331 #endif
332     if (Initialized && ConsoleDevice) {
333 	printf("\n\nAbort with alert code %08lx...\n", rc);
334 	amii_getret();
335     } else
336 	Alert(rc);
337 #ifdef __SASC
338     {
339 /*  __emit(0x4afc);     /* illegal instruction */
340     __emit(0x40fc);     /* divide by */
341     __emit(0x0000);     /*  #0  */
342 	/* NOTE: don't move CleanUp() above here - */
343 	/* it is too likely to kill the system     */
344 	/* before it can get the SnapShot out, if  */
345 	/* there is something really wrong.    */
346     }
347 #endif
348     CleanUp();
349 #undef exit
350 #ifdef AZTEC_C
351     _abort();
352 #endif
353     exit((int) rc);
354 }
356 /* fatal error */
357 /*VARARGS1*/
358 void error VA_DECL(const char *, s)
359     VA_START(s);
360     VA_INIT(s, char *);
362     putchar('\n');
363     vprintf(s, VA_ARGS);
364     putchar('\n');
366     VA_END();
367     Abort(0L);
368 }