1 SHORT Rnd_BorderVectors1[] = {
2 	0,0,
3 	49,0,
4 	49,18,
5 	0,18,
6 	0,0
7 };
8 struct Border Rnd_Border1 = {
9 	-1,-1,	/* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
10 	3,0,JAM1,	/* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
11 	5,	/* number of XY vectors */
12 	Rnd_BorderVectors1,	/* pointer to XY vectors */
13 	NULL	/* next border in list */
14 };
16 struct IntuiText Rnd_IText1 = {
17 	7,0,JAM1,	/* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
18 	8,5,	/* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
19 	NULL,	/* font pointer or NULL for default */
20 	"OKAY",	/* pointer to text */
21 	NULL	/* next IntuiText structure */
22 };
24 struct Gadget Rnd_Gadget1 = {
25 	NULL,	/* next gadget */
26 	99,65,	/* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
27 	48,17,	/* hit box width and height */
28 	NULL,	/* gadget flags */
29 	RELVERIFY,	/* activation flags */
30 	BOOLGADGET,	/* gadget type flags */
31 	(APTR)&Rnd_Border1,	/* gadget border or image to be rendered */
32 	NULL,	/* alternate imagery for selection */
33 	&Rnd_IText1,	/* first IntuiText structure */
34 	NULL,	/* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
35 	NULL,	/* SpecialInfo structure */
36 	1,	/* user-definable data */
37 	NULL	/* pointer to user-definable data */
38 };
40 #define Rnd_GadgetList1 Rnd_Gadget1
42 struct IntuiText Rnd_IText6 = {
43 	6,0,JAM1,	/* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
44 	198,29,	/* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
45 	NULL,	/* font pointer or NULL for default */
46 	"a",	/* pointer to text */
47 	NULL	/* next IntuiText structure */
48 };
50 struct IntuiText Rnd_IText5 = {
51 	6,0,JAM1,	/* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */ /* Was 1,0 -jhsa*/
52 	67,47,	/* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
53 	NULL,	/* font pointer or NULL for default */
54 	"Character Choice",	/* pointer to text */
55 	&Rnd_IText6	/* next IntuiText structure */
56 };
58 struct IntuiText Rnd_IText4 = {
59 	6,0,JAM1,	/* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
60 	25,29,	/* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
61 	NULL,	/* font pointer or NULL for default */
62 	"exciting game playing as",	/* pointer to text */
63 	&Rnd_IText5	/* next IntuiText structure */
64 };
66 struct IntuiText Rnd_IText3 = {
67 	6,0,JAM1,	/* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
68 	15,18,	/* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
69 	NULL,	/* font pointer or NULL for default */
70 	"I think that you will have an",	/* pointer to text */
71 	&Rnd_IText4	/* next IntuiText structure */
72 };
74 struct IntuiText Rnd_IText2 = {
75 	6,0,JAM1,	/* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
76 	7,6,	/* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
77 	NULL,	/* font pointer or NULL for default */
78 	"You asked for a random Character.",	/* pointer to text */
79 	&Rnd_IText3	/* next IntuiText structure */
80 };
82 #define Rnd_IntuiTextList1 Rnd_IText2
84 struct NewWindow Rnd_NewWindowStructure1 = {
85 	174,58,	/* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
86 	249,90,	/* window width and height */
87 	0,1,	/* detail and block pens */
89 	ACTIVATE+NOCAREREFRESH,	/* other window flags */
90 	&Rnd_Gadget1,	/* first gadget in gadget list */
91 	NULL,	/* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
92 	NULL,	/* window title */
93 	NULL,	/* custom screen pointer */
94 	NULL,	/* custom bitmap */
95 	5,5,	/* minimum width and height */
96 	-1,-1,	/* maximum width and height */
97 	CUSTOMSCREEN	/* destination screen type */
98 };
101 /* end of PowerWindows source generation */