1 /* NetHack 3.6	you.h	$NHDT-Date: 1547514642 2019/01/15 01:10:42 $  $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.35 $ */
2 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3 /*-Copyright (c) Robert Patrick Rankin, 2016. */
4 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
6 #ifndef YOU_H
7 #define YOU_H
9 #include "attrib.h"
10 #include "monst.h"
11 #ifndef PROP_H
12 #include "prop.h" /* (needed here for util/makedefs.c) */
13 #endif
14 #include "skills.h"
16 /*** Substructures ***/
18 struct RoleName {
19     const char *m; /* name when character is male */
20     const char *f; /* when female; null if same as male */
21 };
23 struct RoleAdvance {
24     /* "fix" is the fixed amount, "rnd" is the random amount */
25     xchar infix, inrnd; /* at character initialization */
26     xchar lofix, lornd; /* gained per level <  urole.xlev */
27     xchar hifix, hirnd; /* gained per level >= urole.xlev */
28 };
30 struct u_have {
31     Bitfield(amulet, 1);   /* carrying Amulet   */
32     Bitfield(bell, 1);     /* carrying Bell     */
33     Bitfield(book, 1);     /* carrying Book     */
34     Bitfield(menorah, 1);  /* carrying Candelabrum */
35     Bitfield(questart, 1); /* carrying the Quest Artifact */
36     Bitfield(unused, 3);
37 };
39 struct u_event {
40     Bitfield(minor_oracle, 1); /* received at least 1 cheap oracle */
41     Bitfield(major_oracle, 1); /*  "  expensive oracle */
42     Bitfield(read_tribute, 1); /* read a passage from a novel */
43     Bitfield(qcalled, 1);      /* called by Quest leader to do task */
44     Bitfield(qexpelled, 1);    /* expelled from the Quest dungeon */
45     Bitfield(qcompleted, 1);   /* successfully completed Quest task */
46     Bitfield(uheard_tune, 2);  /* 1=know about, 2=heard passtune */
48     Bitfield(uopened_dbridge, 1);   /* opened the drawbridge */
49     Bitfield(invoked, 1);           /* invoked Gate to the Sanctum level */
50     Bitfield(gehennom_entered, 1);  /* entered Gehennom via Valley */
51     Bitfield(uhand_of_elbereth, 2); /* became Hand of Elbereth */
52     Bitfield(udemigod, 1);          /* killed the wiz */
53     Bitfield(uvibrated, 1);         /* stepped on "vibrating square" */
54     Bitfield(ascended, 1);          /* has offered the Amulet */
55 };
57 struct u_achieve {
58     Bitfield(amulet, 1);  /* touched Amulet */
59     Bitfield(bell, 1);    /* touched Bell */
60     Bitfield(book, 1);    /* touched Book */
61     Bitfield(menorah, 1); /* touched Candelabrum */
62     Bitfield(enter_gehennom,
63              1);           /* entered Gehennom (or Valley) by any means */
64     Bitfield(ascended, 1); /* not quite the same as u.uevent.ascended */
65     Bitfield(mines_luckstone, 1); /* got a luckstone at end of mines */
66     Bitfield(finish_sokoban, 1);  /* obtained the sokoban prize */
68     Bitfield(killed_medusa, 1);
69 };
71 struct u_realtime {
72     long   realtime;     /* accumulated playing time in seconds */
73     time_t start_timing; /* time game was started or restored or 'realtime'
74                             was last updated (savegamestate for checkpoint) */
75     time_t finish_time;  /* end of 'realtime' interval: time of save or
76                             end of game; used for topten/logfile/xlogfile */
77 };
79 /* KMH, conduct --
80  * These are voluntary challenges.  Each field denotes the number of
81  * times a challenge has been violated.
82  */
83 struct u_conduct {     /* number of times... */
84     long unvegetarian; /* eaten any animal */
85     long unvegan;      /* ... or any animal byproduct */
86     long food;         /* ... or any comestible */
87     long gnostic;      /* used prayer, priest, or altar */
88     long weaphit;      /* hit a monster with a weapon */
89     long killer;       /* killed a monster yourself */
90     long literate;     /* read something (other than BotD) */
91     long polypiles;    /* polymorphed an object */
92     long polyselfs;    /* transformed yourself */
93     long wishes;       /* used a wish */
94     long wisharti;     /* wished for an artifact */
95     /* genocides already listed at end of game */
96 };
98 struct u_roleplay {
99     boolean blind;  /* permanently blind */
100     boolean nudist; /* has not worn any armor, ever */
101     long numbones;  /* # of bones files loaded  */
102 };
104 /*** Unified structure containing role information ***/
105 struct Role {
106     /*** Strings that name various things ***/
107     struct RoleName name;    /* the role's name (from u_init.c) */
108     struct RoleName rank[9]; /* names for experience levels (from botl.c) */
109     const char *lgod, *ngod, *cgod; /* god names (from pray.c) */
110     const char *filecode;           /* abbreviation for use in file names */
111     const char *homebase; /* quest leader's location (from questpgr.c) */
112     const char *intermed; /* quest intermediate goal (from questpgr.c) */
114     /*** Indices of important monsters and objects ***/
115     short malenum, /* index (PM_) as a male (botl.c) */
116         femalenum, /* ...or as a female (NON_PM == same) */
117         petnum,    /* PM_ of preferred pet (NON_PM == random) */
118         ldrnum,    /* PM_ of quest leader (questpgr.c) */
119         guardnum,  /* PM_ of quest guardians (questpgr.c) */
120         neminum,   /* PM_ of quest nemesis (questpgr.c) */
121         enemy1num, /* specific quest enemies (NON_PM == random) */
122         enemy2num;
123     char enemy1sym, /* quest enemies by class (S_) */
124         enemy2sym;
125     short questarti; /* index (ART_) of quest artifact (questpgr.c) */
127     /*** Bitmasks ***/
128     short allow;                  /* bit mask of allowed variations */
129 #define ROLE_RACEMASK  0x0ff8     /* allowable races */
130 #define ROLE_GENDMASK  0xf000     /* allowable genders */
131 #define ROLE_MALE      0x1000
132 #define ROLE_FEMALE    0x2000
133 #define ROLE_NEUTER    0x4000
134 #define ROLE_ALIGNMASK AM_MASK    /* allowable alignments */
135 #define ROLE_LAWFUL    AM_LAWFUL
139     /*** Attributes (from attrib.c and exper.c) ***/
140     xchar attrbase[A_MAX];    /* lowest initial attributes */
141     xchar attrdist[A_MAX];    /* distribution of initial attributes */
142     struct RoleAdvance hpadv; /* hit point advancement */
143     struct RoleAdvance enadv; /* energy advancement */
144     xchar xlev;               /* cutoff experience level */
145     xchar initrecord;         /* initial alignment record */
147     /*** Spell statistics (from spell.c) ***/
148     int spelbase; /* base spellcasting penalty */
149     int spelheal; /* penalty (-bonus) for healing spells */
150     int spelshld; /* penalty for wearing any shield */
151     int spelarmr; /* penalty for wearing metal armour */
152     int spelstat; /* which stat (A_) is used */
153     int spelspec; /* spell (SPE_) the class excels at */
154     int spelsbon; /* penalty (-bonus) for that spell */
156     /*** Properties in variable-length arrays ***/
157     /* intrinsics (see attrib.c) */
158     /* initial inventory (see u_init.c) */
159     /* skills (see u_init.c) */
161     /*** Don't forget to add... ***/
162     /* quest leader, guardians, nemesis (monst.c) */
163     /* quest artifact (artilist.h) */
164     /* quest dungeon definition (dat/Xyz.dat) */
165     /* quest text (dat/quest.txt) */
166     /* dictionary entries (dat/data.bas) */
167 };
169 extern const struct Role roles[]; /* table of available roles */
170 extern struct Role urole;
171 #define Role_if(X) (urole.malenum == (X))
172 #define Role_switch (urole.malenum)
174 /* used during initialization for race, gender, and alignment
175    as well as for character class */
176 #define ROLE_NONE (-1)
177 #define ROLE_RANDOM (-2)
179 /*** Unified structure specifying race information ***/
181 struct Race {
182     /*** Strings that name various things ***/
183     const char *noun;           /* noun ("human", "elf") */
184     const char *adj;            /* adjective ("human", "elven") */
185     const char *coll;           /* collective ("humanity", "elvenkind") */
186     const char *filecode;       /* code for filenames */
187     struct RoleName individual; /* individual as a noun ("man", "elf") */
189     /*** Indices of important monsters and objects ***/
190     short malenum, /* PM_ as a male monster */
191         femalenum, /* ...or as a female (NON_PM == same) */
192         mummynum,  /* PM_ as a mummy */
193         zombienum; /* PM_ as a zombie */
195     /*** Bitmasks ***/
196     short allow;    /* bit mask of allowed variations */
197     short selfmask, /* your own race's bit mask */
198         lovemask,   /* bit mask of always peaceful */
199         hatemask;   /* bit mask of always hostile */
201     /*** Attributes ***/
202     xchar attrmin[A_MAX];     /* minimum allowable attribute */
203     xchar attrmax[A_MAX];     /* maximum allowable attribute */
204     struct RoleAdvance hpadv; /* hit point advancement */
205     struct RoleAdvance enadv; /* energy advancement */
206 #if 0 /* DEFERRED */
207     int   nv_range;           /* night vision range */
208     int   xray_range;         /* X-ray vision range */
209 #endif
211     /*** Properties in variable-length arrays ***/
212     /* intrinsics (see attrib.c) */
214     /*** Don't forget to add... ***/
215     /* quest leader, guardians, nemesis (monst.c) */
216     /* quest dungeon definition (dat/Xyz.dat) */
217     /* quest text (dat/quest.txt) */
218     /* dictionary entries (dat/data.bas) */
219 };
221 extern const struct Race races[]; /* Table of available races */
222 extern struct Race urace;
223 #define Race_if(X) (urace.malenum == (X))
224 #define Race_switch (urace.malenum)
226 /*** Unified structure specifying gender information ***/
227 struct Gender {
228     const char *adj;      /* male/female/neuter */
229     const char *he;       /* he/she/it */
230     const char *him;      /* him/her/it */
231     const char *his;      /* his/her/its */
232     const char *filecode; /* file code */
233     short allow;          /* equivalent ROLE_ mask */
234 };
235 #define ROLE_GENDERS 2    /* number of permitted player genders
236                              increment to 3 if you allow neuter roles */
238 extern const struct Gender genders[]; /* table of available genders */
239 /* pronouns for the hero */
240 #define uhe()      (genders[flags.female ? 1 : 0].he)
241 #define uhim()     (genders[flags.female ? 1 : 0].him)
242 #define uhis()     (genders[flags.female ? 1 : 0].his)
243 /* corresponding pronouns for monsters; yields "it" when mtmp can't be seen */
244 #define mhe(mtmp)  (genders[pronoun_gender(mtmp, FALSE)].he)
245 #define mhim(mtmp) (genders[pronoun_gender(mtmp, FALSE)].him)
246 #define mhis(mtmp) (genders[pronoun_gender(mtmp, FALSE)].his)
247 /* override "it" if reason is lack of visibility rather than neuter species */
248 #define noit_mhe(mtmp)  (genders[pronoun_gender(mtmp, TRUE)].he)
249 #define noit_mhim(mtmp) (genders[pronoun_gender(mtmp, TRUE)].him)
250 #define noit_mhis(mtmp) (genders[pronoun_gender(mtmp, TRUE)].his)
252 /*** Unified structure specifying alignment information ***/
253 struct Align {
254     const char *noun;     /* law/balance/chaos */
255     const char *adj;      /* lawful/neutral/chaotic */
256     const char *filecode; /* file code */
257     short allow;          /* equivalent ROLE_ mask */
258     aligntyp value;       /* equivalent A_ value */
259 };
260 #define ROLE_ALIGNS 3     /* number of permitted player alignments */
262 extern const struct Align aligns[]; /* table of available alignments */
264 enum utraptypes {
265     TT_BEARTRAP   = 0,
266     TT_PIT        = 1,
267     TT_WEB        = 2,
268     TT_LAVA       = 3,
269     TT_INFLOOR    = 4,
270     TT_BURIEDBALL = 5
271 };
273 /*** Information about the player ***/
274 struct you {
275     xchar ux, uy;       /* current map coordinates */
276     schar dx, dy, dz;   /* direction of move (or zap or ... ) */
277     schar di;           /* direction of FF */
278     xchar tx, ty;       /* destination of travel */
279     xchar ux0, uy0;     /* initial position FF */
280     d_level uz, uz0;    /* your level on this and the previous turn */
281     d_level utolev;     /* level monster teleported you to, or uz */
282     uchar utotype;      /* bitmask of goto_level() flags for utolev */
283     boolean umoved;     /* changed map location (post-move) */
284     int last_str_turn;  /* 0: none, 1: half turn, 2: full turn
285                            +: turn right, -: turn left */
286     int ulevel;         /* 1 to MAXULEV */
287     int ulevelmax;
288     unsigned utrap;     /* trap timeout */
289     unsigned utraptype; /* defined if utrap nonzero. one of utraptypes */
290     char urooms[5];         /* rooms (roomno + 3) occupied now */
291     char urooms0[5];        /* ditto, for previous position */
292     char uentered[5];       /* rooms (roomno + 3) entered this turn */
293     char ushops[5];         /* shop rooms (roomno + 3) occupied now */
294     char ushops0[5];        /* ditto, for previous position */
295     char ushops_entered[5]; /* ditto, shops entered this turn */
296     char ushops_left[5];    /* ditto, shops exited this turn */
298     int uhunger;  /* refd only in eat.c and shk.c */
299     unsigned uhs; /* hunger state - see eat.c */
301     struct prop uprops[LAST_PROP + 1];
303     unsigned umconf;
304     Bitfield(usick_type, 2);
305 #define SICK_VOMITABLE 0x01
306 #define SICK_NONVOMITABLE 0x02
307 #define SICK_ALL 0x03
309     /* These ranges can never be more than MAX_RANGE (vision.h). */
310     int nv_range;   /* current night vision range */
311     int xray_range; /* current xray vision range */
313 /*
314  * These variables are valid globally only when punished and blind.
315  */
316 #define BC_BALL 0x01  /* bit mask for ball  in 'bc_felt' below */
317 #define BC_CHAIN 0x02 /* bit mask for chain in 'bc_felt' below */
318     int bglyph;       /* glyph under the ball */
319     int cglyph;       /* glyph under the chain */
320     int bc_order;     /* ball & chain order [see bc_order() in ball.c] */
321     int bc_felt;      /* mask for ball/chain being felt */
323     int umonster;               /* hero's "real" monster num */
324     int umonnum;                /* current monster number */
326     int mh, mhmax, mtimedone;   /* for polymorph-self */
327     struct attribs macurr,      /* for monster attribs */
328                    mamax;       /* for monster attribs */
329     int ulycn;                  /* lycanthrope type */
331     unsigned ucreamed;
332     unsigned uswldtim;          /* time you have been swallowed */
334     Bitfield(uswallow, 1);      /* true if swallowed */
335     Bitfield(uinwater, 1);      /* if you're currently in water (only
336                                    underwater possible currently) */
337     Bitfield(uundetected, 1);   /* if you're a hiding monster/piercer */
338     Bitfield(mfemale, 1);       /* saved human value of flags.female */
339     Bitfield(uinvulnerable, 1); /* you're invulnerable (praying) */
340     Bitfield(uburied, 1);       /* you're buried */
341     Bitfield(uedibility, 1);    /* blessed food detect; sense unsafe food */
342     /* 1 free bit! */
344     unsigned udg_cnt;           /* how long you have been demigod */
345     struct u_achieve uachieve;  /* achievements */
346     struct u_event uevent;      /* certain events have happened */
347     struct u_have uhave;        /* you're carrying special objects */
348     struct u_conduct uconduct;  /* KMH, conduct */
349     struct u_roleplay uroleplay;
350     struct attribs acurr,       /* your current attributes (eg. str)*/
351                     aexe,       /* for gain/loss via "exercise" */
352                     abon,       /* your bonus attributes (eg. str) */
353                     amax,       /* your max attributes (eg. str) */
354                    atemp,       /* used for temporary loss/gain */
355                    atime;       /* used for loss/gain countdown */
356     align ualign;               /* character alignment */
357 #define CONVERT    2
358 #define A_ORIGINAL 1
359 #define A_CURRENT  0
360     aligntyp ualignbase[CONVERT]; /* for ualign conversion record */
361     schar uluck, moreluck;        /* luck and luck bonus */
362 #define Luck (u.uluck + u.moreluck)
363 #define LUCKADD    3  /* value of u.moreluck when carrying luck stone;
364                          + when blessed or uncursed, - when cursed */
365 #define LUCKMAX   10  /* maximum value of u.ulUck */
366 #define LUCKMIN (-10) /* minimum value of u.uluck */
367     schar uhitinc;
368     schar udaminc;
369     schar uac;
370     uchar uspellprot;        /* protection by SPE_PROTECTION */
371     uchar usptime;           /* #moves until uspellprot-- */
372     uchar uspmtime;          /* #moves between uspellprot-- */
373     int uhp, uhpmax;         /* hit points, aka health */
374     int uen, uenmax;         /* magical energy - M. Stephenson */
375     xchar uhpinc[MAXULEV],   /* increases to uhpmax for each level gain */
376           ueninc[MAXULEV];   /* increases to uenmax for each level gain */
377     int ugangr;              /* if the gods are angry at you */
378     int ugifts;              /* number of artifacts bestowed */
379     int ublessed, ublesscnt; /* blessing/duration from #pray */
380     long umoney0;
381     long uspare1;
382     long uexp, urexp;
383     long ucleansed;          /* to record moves when player was cleansed */
384     long usleep;             /* sleeping; monstermove you last started */
385     int uinvault;
386     struct monst *ustuck;    /* engulfer or grabber, maybe grabbee if Upolyd */
387     struct monst *usteed;    /* mount when riding */
388     long ugallop;            /* turns steed will run after being kicked */
389     int urideturns;          /* time spent riding, for skill advancement */
390     int umortality;          /* how many times you died */
391     int ugrave_arise;    /* you die and become something aside from a ghost */
392     int weapon_slots;        /* unused skill slots */
393     int skills_advanced;     /* # of advances made so far */
394     xchar skill_record[P_SKILL_LIMIT]; /* skill advancements */
395     struct skills weapon_skills[P_NUM_SKILLS];
396     boolean twoweap;         /* KMH -- Using two-weapon combat */
398 }; /* end of `struct you' */
400 #define Upolyd (u.umonnum != u.umonster)
402 #endif /* YOU_H */