1 /* This file implements all SHORT_PACKETS functions */
2 /* HW 19.07.93 */
3 #include "config.h"
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <netdb.h>
10 #include <netinet/in.h>
12 #include "Wlib.h"
13 #include "defs.h"
14 #include "struct.h"
15 #include "data.h"
16 #include "packets.h"
18 #include "distress.h"
19 #include "dmessage.h"
20 #include "local.h"
21 #include "map.h"
22 #include "playerlist.h"
23 #include "rotate.h"
24 #include "socket.h"
25 #include "spopt.h"
26 #include "stats.h"
27 #include "warning.h"
29 #include "short.h"
31 /* from here on all SHORT_PACKETS */
32 #include "wtext.h" /* here are all warningdefines */
34 /* Here are all warnings that are send with SP_S_WARNING */
35 /* HW 93           */
37 /* DaemonMessages */
38 char   *daemon_texts[] =
39 {
40 /* Game_Paused() */
41   "Game is paused.  CONTINUE to continue.",	 /* 0 */
42   "Game is no-longer paused!",			 /* 1 */
43   "Game is paused. Captains CONTINUE to continue.",	/* 2 */
44   "Game will continue in 10 seconds",		 /* 3 */
45 /* send_about_to_start() */
46   "Teams chosen.  Game will start in 1 minute.", /* 4 */
47   "----------- Game will start in 1 minute -------------",	/* 5 */
48 };
50 /* VARITEXTE = warnings with 1 or more arguments argument */
51 char   *vari_texts[] =
52 {
53 /* redraw.c */
54   "Engineering:  Energizing transporters in %d seconds",	/* 0 */
55   "Stand By ... Self Destruct in %d seconds",	 /* 1 */
56   "Helmsman:  Docking manuever completed Captain.  All moorings secured at port %d.",	/* 2
57 											 *
58 											 */
59 /* interface.c from INL server */
60   "Not constructed yet. %d minutes required for completion",	/* 3 */
62 };
66 char   *w_texts[] =
67 {
68 /* socket.c             */
69   "Tractor beams haven't been invented yet.",	 /* 0 */
70   "Weapons's Officer:  Cannot tractor while cloaked, sir!",	/* 1 */
71   "Weapon's Officer:  Vessel is out of range of our tractor beam.",	/* 2 */
73 /* handleRepressReq */
74 /****************       coup.c  ***********************/
75 /* coup()  */
76   "You must have one kill to throw a coup",	 /* 3 */
77   "You must orbit your home planet to throw a coup",	/* 4 */
78   "You already own a planet!!!",		 /* 5 */
79   "You must orbit your home planet to throw a coup",	/* 6 */
80   "Too many armies on planet to throw a coup",	 /* 7 */
81   "Planet not yet ready for a coup",		 /* 8 */
82 /* getentry.c              */
83 /* getentry()              */
84   "I cannot allow that.  Pick another team",	 /* 9 */
85   "Please confirm change of teams.  Select the new team again.",	/* 10
86 									 *
87 									 */
88   "That is an illegal ship type.  Try again.",	 /* 11 */
89   "That ship hasn't beed designed yet.  Try again.",	/* 12 */
90   "Your new starbase is still under construction",	/* 13 */
91   "Your team is not capable of defending such an expensive ship!",	/* 14
92 									 *
93 									 */
94   "Your team's stuggling economy cannot support such an expenditure!",	/* 15
95 									 *
96 									 */
97   "Your side already has a starbase!",		 /* 16 */
98 /* plasma.c        */
99 /* nplasmatorp(course, type)    */
100   "Plasmas haven't been invented yet.",		 /* 17 */
101 "Weapon's Officer:  Captain, this ship is not armed with plasma torpedoes!",	/* 18
102 										 *
103 										 */
104   "Plasma torpedo launch tube has exceeded the maximum safe temperature!",	/* 19
105 										 *
106 										 */
107   "Our fire control system limits us to 1 live torpedo at a time captain!",	/* 20
108 										 *
109 										 */
110   "Our fire control system limits us to 1 live torpedo at a time captain!",	/* 21
111 										 *
112 										 */
113   "We don't have enough fuel to fire a plasma torpedo!",	/* 22 */
114   "We cannot fire while our vessel is undergoing repairs.",	/* 23 */
115   "We are unable to fire while in cloak, captain!",	/* 24 */
116 /********       torp.c  *********/
117 /* ntorp(course, type)     */
118   "Torpedo launch tubes have exceeded maximum safe temperature!",	/* 25
119 									 *
120 									 */
121   "Our computers limit us to having 8 live torpedos at a time captain!",	/* 26
122 										 *
123 										 */
124   "We don't have enough fuel to fire photon torpedos!",		/* 27 */
125   "We cannot fire while our vessel is in repair mode.",		/* 28 */
126   "We are unable to fire while in cloak, captain!",	/* 29 */
127   "We only have forward mounted cannons.",	 /* 30 */
128 /* phasers.c       */
129 /* phaser(course) */
130   "Weapons Officer:  This ship is not armed with phasers, captain!",	/* 31
131 									 *
132 									 */
133   "Phasers have not recharged",			 /* 32 */
134   "Not enough fuel for phaser",			 /* 33 */
135   "Can't fire while repairing",			 /* 34 */
136   "Weapons overheated",				 /* 35 */
137   "Cannot fire while cloaked",			 /* 36 */
138   "Phaser missed!!!",				 /* 37 */
139   "You destroyed the plasma torpedo!",		 /* 38 */
140 /* interface.c     */
141 /* bomb_planet()        */
142   "Must be orbiting to bomb",			 /* 39 */
143   "Can't bomb your own armies.  Have you been reading Catch-22 again?",		/* 40
144 										 *
145 										 */
146   "Must declare war first (no Pearl Harbor syndrome allowed here).",	/* 41
147 									 *
148 									 */
149   "Bomb out of T-mode?  Please verify your order to bomb.",	/* 42 */
150   "Hoser!",					 /* 43 */
151 /* beam_up()       */
152   "Must be orbiting or docked to beam up.",	 /* 44 */
153   "Those aren't our men.",			 /* 45 */
154   "Comm Officer: We're not authorized to beam foriegn troops on board!",	/* 46
155 										 *
156 										 */
157 /* beam_down() */
158   "Must be orbiting or docked to beam down.",	 /* 47 */
159   "Comm Officer: Starbase refuses permission to beam our troops over.",		/* 48
160 										 *
161 										 */
162 /* declare_war(mask)       */
163   "Pausing ten seconds to re-program battle computers.",	/* 49 */
164 /* do_refit(type) */
165   "You must orbit your HOME planet to apply for command reassignment!",		/* 50
166 										 *
167 										 */
168   "You must orbit your home planet to apply for command reassignment!",		/* 51
169 										 *
170 										 */
171   "Can only refit to starbase on your home planet.",	/* 52 */
172   "You must dock YOUR starbase to apply for command reassignment!",	/* 53
173 									 *
174 									 */
175   "Must orbit home planet or dock your starbase to apply for command reassignment!",	/* 54
176 											 *
177 											 */
178   "Central Command refuses to accept a ship in this condition!",	/* 55
179 									 *
180 									 */
181   "You must beam your armies down before moving to your new ship",	/* 56
182 									 *
183 									 */
184   "That ship hasn't been designed yet.",	 /* 57 */
185   "Your side already has a starbase!",		 /* 58 */
186   "Your team is not capable of defending such an expensive ship",	/* 59
187 									 *
188 									 */
189   "Your new starbase is still under construction",	/* 60 */
190   "Your team's stuggling economy cannot support such an expenditure!",	/* 61
191 									 *
192 									 */
193   "You are being transported to your new vessel .... ",		/* 62 */
194 /* redraw.c */
195 /* auto_features()  */
196   "Engineering:  Energize. [ SFX: chimes ]",	 /* 63 */
197   "Wait, you forgot your toothbrush!",		 /* 64 */
198   "Nothing like turning in a used ship for a new one.",		/* 65 */
199   "First officer:  Oh no, not you again... we're doomed!",	/* 66 */
200   "First officer:  Uh, I'd better run diagnostics on the escape pods.",		/* 67
201 										 *
202 										 */
203   "Shipyard controller:  This time, *please* be more careful, okay?",	/* 68
204 									 *
205 									 */
206   "Weapons officer:  Not again!  This is absurd...",	/* 69 */
207   "Weapons officer:  ... the whole ship's computer is down?",	/* 70 */
208   "Weapons officer:  Just to twiddle a few bits of the ship's memory?",		/* 71
209 										 *
210 										 */
211   "Weapons officer:  Bah! [ bangs fist on inoperative console ]",	/* 72
212 									 *
213 									 */
214   "First Officer:  Easy, big guy... it's just one of those mysterious",		/* 73
215 										 *
216 										 */
217   "First Officer:  laws of the universe, like 'tires on the ether'.",	/* 74
218 									 *
219 									 */
220   "First Officer:  laws of the universe, like 'Klingon bitmaps are ugly'.",	/* 75
221 										 *
222 										 */
223   "First Officer:  laws of the universe, like 'all admirals have scummed'.",	/* 76
224 										 *
225 										 */
226   "First Officer:  laws of the universe, like 'Mucus Pig exists'.",	/* 77
227 									 *
228 									 */
229   "First Officer:  laws of the universe, like 'guests advance 5x faster'.",	/* 78
230 										 *
231 										 */
232 /* orbit.c */
233 /* orbit() */
234   "Helmsman: Captain, the maximum safe speed for docking or orbiting is warp 2!",	/* 79
235 											 *
236 											 */
237   "Central Command regulations prohibit you from orbiting foreign planets",	/* 80
238 										 *
239 										 */
240   "Helmsman:  Sensors read no valid targets in range to dock or orbit sir!",	/* 81
241 										 *
242 										 */
243 /* redraw.c */
244   "No more room on board for armies",		 /* 82 */
245   "You notice everyone on the bridge is staring at you.",	/* 83 */
246 /* startdaemon.c */
247 /* practice_robo() */
248   "Can't send in practice robot with other players in the game.",	/* 84
249 									 *
250 									 */
251 /* socket.c */
252 /* doRead(asock) */
253   "Self Destruct has been canceled",		 /* 85 */
254 /* handleMessageReq(packet) */
255   "Be quiet",					 /* 86 */
256   "You are censured.  Message was not sent.",	 /* 87 */
257   "You are ignoring that player.  Message was not sent.",	/* 88 */
258   "That player is censured.  Message was not sent.",	/* 89 */
259 /* handleQuitReq(packet) */
260   "Self destruct initiated",			 /* 90 */
261 /* handleScan(packet) */
262   "Scanners haven't been invented yet",		 /* 91 */
263 /* handleUdpReq(packet) */
264   "WARNING: BROKEN mode is enabled",		 /* 92 */
265   "Server can't do that UDP mode",		 /* 93 */
266   "Server will send with TCP only",		 /* 94 */
267   "Server will send with simple UDP",		 /* 95 */
268   "Request for fat UDP DENIED (set to simple)",	 /* 96 */
269   "Request for double UDP DENIED (set to simple)",	/* 97 */
270 /* forceUpdate() */
271   "Update request DENIED (chill out!)",		 /* 98 */
272 /* INL redraw.c */
273   "Player lock lost while player dead.",	 /* 99 */
274   "Can only lock on own team.",			 /* 100 */
275   "You can only warp to your own team's planets!",	/* 101 */
276   "Planet lock lost on change of ownership.",	 /* 102 */
277   " Weapons officer: Finally! systems are back online!",	/* 103 */
279 };
281 #define NUMWTEXTS (sizeof w_texts / sizeof w_texts[0])
282 #define NUMVARITEXTS ( sizeof vari_texts / sizeof   vari_texts[0])
283 #define NUMDAEMONTEXTS ( sizeof daemon_texts / sizeof daemon_texts[0])
285 #define statsFile stderr        /* use stderr for stats output for now */
286 extern int gather_stats;
288 extern void sendShortReq(char);
289 void    new_flags(unsigned int data, int which);
291 extern unsigned char numofbits[]; /* How many 1 bits in a char */
292 extern int vtisize[];				 /* 4 byte Header + torpdata */
294 unsigned char Pdir[MAXPLAYER];
295 int     my_x, my_y;				 /* for rotation we need to *
297 						  *
298 						  *
299 						  * * keep track of our real
300 						  * * * coordinates */
302 /* SP_S_WARNING vari texte */
303 char   *s_texte[256];				 /* Better with a malloc *
305 						  *
306 						  * * scheme */
307 char    no_memory[] =
308 {"Not enough memory for warning string!"};
310 /* For INL Server */
311 char   *shiptype[NUM_TYPES] =
312 {"SC", "DD", "CA", "BB", "AS", "SB", "??"};
313 int     spwinside = 500;			 /* WINSIDE from Server */
315 #define SPWINSIDE 500				 /* To make it safe */
316 LONG    spgwidth = GWIDTH;
sendThreshold(short unsigned int v)319 void    sendThreshold(short unsigned int v)
320 {
321   struct threshold_cpacket p;
323   p.type = CP_S_THRS;
324   p.thresh = v;
325   sendServerPacket((struct player_spacket *) &p);
326 }
handleVTorp(unsigned char * sbuf)328 void    handleVTorp(unsigned char *sbuf)
329 {
330   unsigned char *which, *data;
331   unsigned char bitset;
332   struct torp *thetorp;
333   int     dx, dy;
334   int     shiftvar;
336   int     i;
337   register int shift = 0;			 /* How many torps are *
339 						  *
340 						  * * extracted (for shifting
341 						  * )  */
343   /* now we must find the data ... :-) */
344   if (sbuf[0] == SP_S_8_TORP)
345     {						 /* MAX packet */
346       bitset = 0xff;
347       which = &sbuf[1];
348       data = &sbuf[2];
349     }
350   else
351     {						 /* Normal Packet */
352       bitset = sbuf[1];
353       which = &sbuf[2];
354       data = &sbuf[3];
355     }
358   /* we probably should do something clever here - jmn */
359 #endif
361   weaponUpdate = 1;
362   thetorp = &torps[((unsigned char) *which * 8)];
363   for (shift = 0, i = 0; i < 8;
364        i++, thetorp++, bitset >>= 1)
365     {
366       thetorp->t_updateFuse = MAX(2, TORP_UPDATE_FUSE * server_ups / 5);
368       if (bitset & 01)
369 	{
370 	  dx = (*data >> shift);
371 	  data++;
372 	  shiftvar = (unsigned char) *data;	 /* to silence gcc */
373 	  shiftvar <<= (8 - shift);
374 	  dx |= (shiftvar & 511);
375 	  shift++;
376 	  dy = (*data >> shift);
377 	  data++;
378 	  shiftvar = (unsigned char) *data;	 /* to silence gcc */
379 	  shiftvar <<= (8 - shift);
380 	  dy |= (shiftvar & 511);
381 	  shift++;
382 	  if (shift == 8)
383 	    {
384 	      shift = 0;
385 	      data++;
386 	    }
388 	  /* This is necessary because TFREE/TMOVE is now encoded in the * *
389 	   * bitset */
390 	  if (thetorp->t_status == TFREE)
391 	    {
392 	      thetorp->t_status = TMOVE;	 /* guess */
393 	      players[thetorp->t_owner].p_ntorp++;
394 	    }
395 	  else if (thetorp->t_owner == me->p_no
396 		   && thetorp->t_status == TEXPLODE)
397 	    {
398 	      thetorp->t_status = TMOVE;	 /* guess */
399 	    }
401 	  /* Check if torp is visible */
402 	  if (dx > SPWINSIDE || dy > SPWINSIDE)
403 	    {
404 	      thetorp->t_x = -100000;		 /* Not visible */
405 	      thetorp->t_y = -100000;
406 	    }
407 	  else
408 	    {					 /* visible */
409 	      /* thetorp->t_x = me->p_x + ((dx - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE); * *
410 	       * thetorp->t_y = me->p_y + ((dy - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE); */
411 	      thetorp->t_x = my_x + ((dx - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
412 	      thetorp->t_y = my_y + ((dy - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
414 #ifdef ROTATERACE
415 	      if (rotate)
416 		{
417 		  rotate_coord(&thetorp->t_x, &thetorp->t_y, rotate_deg,
418 			       GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
419 		}
420 #endif
421 	    }
422 	}					 /* if */
423       else
424 	{					 /* We got a TFREE */
425 	  if (thetorp->t_status && thetorp->t_status != TEXPLODE)
426 	    {
427 	      players[thetorp->t_owner].p_ntorp--;
428 	      thetorp->t_status = TFREE;	 /* That's no guess */
429 	    }
430 	}
431     }						 /* for */
432 }
handleSelfShort(struct youshort_spacket * packet)434 void    handleSelfShort(struct youshort_spacket *packet)
435 {
436   struct player* pl;
437   static int seen = 0;
439   pl = &players[(int) packet->pnum];
441   if (seen && packet->pnum != me->p_no) become(pl);
442   seen++;
444   if (!F_many_self)
445     {
446       me = (ghoststart ? &players[ghost_pno] : pl);
447       myship = &(me->p_ship);
448       mystats = &(me->p_stats);
449     }
451 #ifdef PLIST2
452   if (pl->p_hostile != packet->hostile)
453     {
454       pl->p_hostile = packet->hostile;
455       PlistNoteHostile(packet->pnum);
456     }
457 #else
458   pl->p_hostile = packet->hostile;
459 #endif
461   pl->p_swar = packet->swar;
462   pl->p_armies = packet->armies;
463   pl->p_flags = ntohl(packet->flags);
464   pl->p_whydead = packet->whydead;
465   pl->p_whodead = packet->whodead;
466 }
handleSelfShip(struct youss_spacket * packet)468 void    handleSelfShip(struct youss_spacket *packet)
469 {
470   struct player* pl;
472   if (F_many_self)
473     {
474       pl = &players[(int) packet->pad1];
475     }
476   else
477     {
478       if (!me)
479 	return;                                      /* wait.. */
480       pl = me;
482       if (F_self_8flags)
483 	me->p_flags = (me->p_flags & 0xffffff00) | (unsigned char) packet->pad1;
484       else if (F_self_8flags2)
485 	{
486 	  unsigned int new_flags = me->p_flags & ~(PFSHIELD | PFREPAIR | PFCLOAK |
487 						   PFGREEN | PFYELLOW | PFRED |
488 						   PFTRACT | PFPRESS);
490 	  new_flags |= ((packet->pad1 & PFSHIELD) |
491 			(packet->pad1 & PFREPAIR) |
492 			((packet->pad1 & (PFCLOAK << 2)) >> 2) |
493 			((packet->pad1 & (PFGREEN << 7)) >> 7) |
494 			((packet->pad1 & (PFYELLOW << 7)) >> 7) |
495 			((packet->pad1 & (PFRED << 7)) >> 7) |
496 			((packet->pad1 & (PFTRACT << 15)) >> 15) |
497 			((packet->pad1 & (PFPRESS << 15)) >> 15));
499 	  me->p_flags = new_flags;
500 	}
501     }
502   pl->p_damage = ntohs(packet->damage);
503   pl->p_shield = ntohs(packet->shield);
504   pl->p_fuel = ntohs(packet->fuel);
505   pl->p_etemp = ntohs(packet->etemp);
506   pl->p_wtemp = ntohs(packet->wtemp);
507 }
handleVPlayer(unsigned char * sbuf)509 void    handleVPlayer(unsigned char *sbuf)
510 {
511   register int x, y, i, numofplayers, pl_no, save;
512   register struct player *pl;
514   numofplayers = (unsigned char) sbuf[1] & 0x3f;
517   /* should do something clever here - jmn if(pl_no < 0 || pl_no >= * *
518    * MAXPLAYER){ fprintf(stderr, "handleVPlayer: bad index %d\n", pl_no); * *
519    * return; } */
520 #endif
522   if (sbuf[1] & (unsigned char) 128)
523     {						 /* Short Header + Extended */
524       sbuf += 4;
525       for (i = 0; i < numofplayers; i++)
526 	{
527 	  pl_no = ((unsigned char) *sbuf & 0x1f) + 32;
528 	  if (pl_no >= MAXPLAYER)
529 	    continue;				 /* a little error check */
530 	  save = (unsigned char) *sbuf;
531 	  sbuf++;
532 	  pl = &players[pl_no];
534 	  pl->p_speed = (unsigned char) *sbuf & 15;	/* SPEED */
535 	  PlistNoteSpeed(pl_no);
537 	  if (F_cloak_maxwarp && pl != me)
538 	    {
539 	      if (pl->p_speed == 0xf)
540 		pl->p_flags |= PFCLOAK;
541 	      else if (pl->p_flags & PFCLOAK)
542 		pl->p_flags &= ~PFCLOAK;
543 	    }
545 	  Pdir[pl_no] = (unsigned char) *sbuf >> 4;	/* DIR */
546 	  pl->p_dir = (unsigned char) Pdir[pl_no] * 16;		/* real DIR */
547 	  sbuf++;
548 	  x = (unsigned char) *sbuf++;
549 	  y = (unsigned char) *sbuf++;		 /* The lower 8 Bits are * *
550 						  * saved */
551 	  /* Now we must preprocess the coordinates */
552 	  if ((unsigned char) save & 64)
553 	    x |= 256;
554 	  if ((unsigned char) save & 128)
555 	    y |= 256;
557 #ifdef WARP_DEAD
558 	  /* -10000 doesn't work for SP 501 is invisible needs server change
559 	   * * * [007] */
560 	  if (F_dead_warp && pl->p_speed == 14 && x == 501 && y == 501 && (pl->p_status != PEXPLODE))
561 	    {
562 	      pl->p_status = PEXPLODE;
563 	      x = pl->p_x;
564 	      y = pl->p_y;
565 	      if (pl->p_dir > DEADPACKETS)
566 		pl->p_explode = EX_FRAMES;
567 	      else
568 		pl->p_explode = 0;
570 	      redrawPlayer[pl_no] = 1;
571 	      PlistNoteUpdate(pl_no);
572 	    }
573 #endif
575 	  /* Now test if it's galactic or local coord */
576 	  if (save & 32)
577 	    {					 /* It's galactic */
578 	      if (x == 501 || y == 501)
579 		{
580 		  Pgx[pl_no] = -500;
581 		  Pgy[pl_no] = -500;
582 		}
583 	      else
584 		{
585 		  Pgx[pl_no] = x;
586 		  Pgy[pl_no] = y;
587 		}
588 	      Plx[pl_no] = -1;			 /* Not visible */
589 	      Ply[pl_no] = -1;
590 	      redrawPlayer[pl->p_no] = 1;
591 	      pl->p_x = Pgx[pl_no] * GWIDTH / SPWINSIDE;
592 	      pl->p_y = Pgy[pl_no] * GWIDTH / SPWINSIDE;
594 #ifdef ROTATERACE
595 	      if (rotate)
596 		{
597 		  rotate_coord(&pl->p_x, &pl->p_y,
598 			       rotate_deg, GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
599 		  rotate_dir(&pl->p_dir, rotate_deg);
600 		}
601 #endif
602 	    }
603 	  else
604 	    {					 /* Local */
605 	      Plx[pl_no] = x;
606 	      Ply[pl_no] = y;
607 	      redrawPlayer[pl->p_no] = 1;
608 	      pl->p_x = me->p_x + ((Plx[pl_no] - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
609 	      pl->p_y = me->p_y + ((Ply[pl_no] - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
610 	      Pgx[pl_no] = pl->p_x * SPWINSIDE / GWIDTH;
611 	      Pgy[pl_no] = pl->p_y * SPWINSIDE / GWIDTH;
612 	      pl->p_x = my_x + ((x - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
613 	      pl->p_y = my_y + ((y - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
615 #ifdef ROTATERACE
616 	      if (rotate)
617 		{
618 		  rotate_coord(&pl->p_x, &pl->p_y,
619 			       rotate_deg, GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
620 		  rotate_dir(&pl->p_dir, rotate_deg);
621 		}
622 #endif
623 	    }
624 	}					 /* for */
625     }						 /* if */
626   else if (sbuf[1] & 64)
627     {						 /* Short Header  */
628       if (shortversion == SHORTVERSION)
629 	{					 /* flags S_P2 */
630 	  if (sbuf[2] == 2)
631 	    {
632 	      int    *tmp = (int *) &sbuf[4];
634 	      new_flags(ntohl(*tmp), sbuf[3]);
635 	      tmp++;
636 	      new_flags(ntohl(*tmp), 0);
637 	      sbuf += 8;
638 	    }
639 	  else if (sbuf[2] == 1)
640 	    {
641 	      int    *tmp = (int *) &sbuf[4];
643 	      new_flags(ntohl(*tmp), sbuf[3]);
644 	      sbuf += 4;
645 	    }
646 	}
647       sbuf += 4;
648       for (i = 0; i < numofplayers; i++)
649 	{
650 	  pl_no = ((unsigned char) *sbuf & 0x1f);
651 	  if (pl_no >= MAXPLAYER)
652 	    continue;
653 	  save = (unsigned char) *sbuf;
654 	  sbuf++;
655 	  pl = &players[pl_no];
657 	  pl->p_speed = (unsigned char) *sbuf & 15;	/* SPEED */
658 	  PlistNoteSpeed(pl_no);
660 	  if (F_cloak_maxwarp && pl != me)
661 	    {
662 	      if (pl->p_speed == 0xf)
663 		pl->p_flags |= PFCLOAK;
664 	      else if (pl->p_flags & PFCLOAK)
665 		pl->p_flags &= ~PFCLOAK;
666 	    }
668 	  Pdir[pl_no] = (unsigned char) *sbuf >> 4;	/* DIR */
669 	  pl->p_dir = (unsigned char) Pdir[pl_no] * 16;		/* real DIR */
670 	  sbuf++;
671 	  x = (unsigned char) *sbuf++;
672 	  y = (unsigned char) *sbuf++;		 /* The lower 8 Bits are * *
673 						  * saved */
674 	  /* Now we must preprocess the coordinates */
675 	  if ((unsigned char) save & 64)
676 	    x |= 256;
677 	  if ((unsigned char) save & 128)
678 	    y |= 256;
680 #ifdef WARP_DEAD
681 	  /* waiting for server change [007] */
682 	  if (F_dead_warp && pl->p_speed == 14 && x == 501 && y == 501 && (pl->p_status != PEXPLODE))
683 	    {
684 	      pl->p_status = PEXPLODE;
685 	      x = pl->p_x;
686 	      y = pl->p_y;
687 	      if (pl->p_dir > DEADPACKETS)
688 		pl->p_explode = EX_FRAMES;
689 	      else
690 		pl->p_explode = 0;
691 	      redrawPlayer[pl_no] = 1;
692 	      PlistNoteUpdate(pl_no);
693 	    }
694 #endif
696 	  /* Now test if it's galactic or local coord */
697 	  if (save & 32)
698 	    {					 /* It's galactic */
699 	      if (x == 501 || y == 501)
700 		{
701 		  Pgx[pl_no] = -500;
702 		  Pgy[pl_no] = -500;
703 		}
704 	      else
705 		{
706 		  Pgx[pl_no] = x;
707 		  Pgy[pl_no] = y;
708 		}
709 	      Plx[pl_no] = -1;			 /* Not visible */
710 	      Ply[pl_no] = -1;
711 	      redrawPlayer[pl->p_no] = 1;
712 	      pl->p_x = Pgx[pl_no] * GWIDTH / SPWINSIDE;
713 	      pl->p_y = Pgy[pl_no] * GWIDTH / SPWINSIDE;
715 #ifdef ROTATERACE
716 	      if (rotate)
717 		{
718 		  rotate_coord(&pl->p_x, &pl->p_y,
719 			       rotate_deg, GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
720 		  rotate_dir(&pl->p_dir, rotate_deg);
721 		}
722 #endif
723 	    }
724 	  else
725 	    {					 /* Local */
726 	      Plx[pl_no] = x;
727 	      Ply[pl_no] = y;
728 	      redrawPlayer[pl->p_no] = 1;
729 	      pl->p_x = me->p_x + ((Plx[pl_no] - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
730 	      pl->p_y = me->p_y + ((Ply[pl_no] - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
731 	      Pgx[pl_no] = pl->p_x * SPWINSIDE / GWIDTH;
732 	      Pgy[pl_no] = pl->p_y * SPWINSIDE / GWIDTH;
733 	      pl->p_x = my_x + ((x - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
734 	      pl->p_y = my_y + ((y - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
736 #ifdef ROTATERACE
737 	      if (rotate)
738 		{
739 		  rotate_coord(&pl->p_x, &pl->p_y,
740 			       rotate_deg, GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
741 		  rotate_dir(&pl->p_dir, rotate_deg);
742 		}
743 #endif
744 	    }
745 	}					 /* for */
746     }						 /* 2. if */
747   else
748     {						 /* Big Packet */
749       struct player_s_spacket *packet = (struct player_s_spacket *) sbuf;
751       pl = &players[me->p_no];
752       pl->p_dir = (unsigned char) packet->dir;
753       Pdir[me->p_no] = (unsigned char) rosette(pl->p_dir);
755       pl->p_speed = packet->speed;
756       PlistNoteSpeed(me->p_no);
758       if (F_cloak_maxwarp && pl != me)
759 	{
760 	  if (pl->p_speed == 0xf)
761 	    pl->p_flags |= PFCLOAK;
762 	  else if (pl->p_flags & PFCLOAK)
763 	    pl->p_flags &= ~PFCLOAK;
764 	}
765       if (shortversion == SHORTVERSION)
766 	{					 /* S_P2 */
767 	  struct player_s2_spacket *pa2 = (struct player_s2_spacket *) sbuf;
769 	  x = SCALE * (short) ntohs(pa2->x);
770 	  y = SCALE * (short) ntohs(pa2->y);
771 	  new_flags(ntohl(pa2->flags), 0);
772 	}
773       else
774 	{					 /* OLDSHORTVERSION */
775 	  x = ntohl(packet->x);
776 	  y = ntohl(packet->y);
777 	}
779 #ifdef WARP_DEAD
780       if (F_dead_warp && pl->p_speed == 14 && x == -10000 && y == -10000 && (pl->p_status != PEXPLODE))
781 	{
782 	  pl->p_status = PEXPLODE;
783 	  x = pl->p_x;
784 	  y = pl->p_y;
785 	  if (pl->p_dir > DEADPACKETS)
786 	    pl->p_explode = EX_FRAMES;
787 	  else
788 	    pl->p_explode = 0;
789 	  redrawPlayer[me->p_no] = 1;
790 	  PlistNoteUpdate(me->p_no);
791 	}
792 #endif
794       pl->p_x = my_x = x;
795       pl->p_y = my_y = y;
796       Plx[me->p_no] = TWINSIDE / 2;
797       Ply[me->p_no] = TWINSIDE / 2;
798       Pgx[me->p_no] = pl->p_x * GWINSIDE / GWIDTH;
799       Pgy[me->p_no] = pl->p_y * GWINSIDE / GWIDTH;
800       redrawPlayer[me->p_no] = 1;
802 #ifdef ROTATERACE
803       if (rotate)
804 	{
805 	  rotate_coord(&pl->p_x, &pl->p_y,
806 		       rotate_deg, GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
807 	  rotate_dir(&pl->p_dir, rotate_deg);
808 	}
809 #endif
811       if (sbuf[1] == 0)
812 	return;
813       sbuf += 12;				 /* Now the small packets */
814       for (i = 0; i < numofplayers; i++)
815 	{
816 	  pl_no = ((unsigned char) *sbuf & 0x1f);
817 	  if (pl_no >= MAXPLAYER)
818 	    continue;
819 	  save = (unsigned char) *sbuf;
820 	  sbuf++;
821 	  pl = &players[pl_no];
823 	  pl->p_speed = (unsigned char) *sbuf & 15;	/* SPEED */
824 	  PlistNoteSpeed(pl_no);
826 	  if (F_cloak_maxwarp && pl != me)
827 	    {
828 	      if (pl->p_speed == 0xf)
829 		pl->p_flags |= PFCLOAK;
830 	      else if (pl->p_flags & PFCLOAK)
831 		pl->p_flags &= ~PFCLOAK;
832 	    }
834 	  Pdir[pl_no] = (unsigned char) *sbuf >> 4;	/* DIR */
835 	  pl->p_dir = (unsigned char) Pdir[pl_no] * 16;		/* real DIR */
836 	  sbuf++;
837 	  x = (unsigned char) *sbuf++;
838 	  y = (unsigned char) *sbuf++;		 /* The lower 8 Bits are * *
839 						  * saved */
840 	  /* Now we must preprocess the coordinates */
841 	  if ((unsigned char) save & 64)
842 	    x |= 256;
843 	  if ((unsigned char) save & 128)
844 	    y |= 256;
846 #ifdef WARP_DEAD
847 	  if (F_dead_warp && pl->p_speed == 14 && x == 501 && y == 501 && (pl->p_status != PEXPLODE))
848 	    {
849 	      pl->p_status = PEXPLODE;
850 	      x = pl->p_x;
851 	      y = pl->p_y;
852 	      if (pl->p_dir > DEADPACKETS)
853 		pl->p_explode = EX_FRAMES;
854 	      else
855 		pl->p_explode = 0;
856 	      redrawPlayer[me->p_no] = 1;
857 	      PlistNoteUpdate(me->p_no);
858 	    }
859 #endif
861 	  /* Now test if it's galactic or local coord */
862 	  if (save & 32)
863 	    {					 /* It's galactic */
864 	      if (x == 501 || y == 501)
865 		{
866 		  Pgx[pl_no] = -500;
867 		  Pgy[pl_no] = -500;
868 		}
869 	      else
870 		{
871 		  Pgx[pl_no] = x;
872 		  Pgy[pl_no] = y;
873 		}
874 	      Plx[pl_no] = -1;			 /* Not visible */
875 	      Ply[pl_no] = -1;
876 	      redrawPlayer[pl->p_no] = 1;
877 	      pl->p_x = Pgx[pl_no] * GWIDTH / SPWINSIDE;
878 	      pl->p_y = Pgy[pl_no] * GWIDTH / SPWINSIDE;
880 #ifdef ROTATERACE
881 	      if (rotate)
882 		{
883 		  rotate_coord(&pl->p_x, &pl->p_y,
884 			       rotate_deg, GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
885 		  rotate_dir(&pl->p_dir, rotate_deg);
886 		}
887 #endif
888 	    }
889 	  else
890 	    {					 /* Local */
891 	      Plx[pl_no] = x;
892 	      Ply[pl_no] = y;
893 	      redrawPlayer[pl->p_no] = 1;
894 	      pl->p_x = me->p_x + ((Plx[pl_no] - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
895 	      pl->p_y = me->p_y + ((Ply[pl_no] - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE);
896 	      Pgx[pl_no] = pl->p_x * SPWINSIDE / GWIDTH;
897 	      Pgy[pl_no] = pl->p_y * SPWINSIDE / GWIDTH;
898 	      pl->p_x = my_x + (x - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE;
899 	      pl->p_y = my_y + (y - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE;
901 #ifdef ROTATERACE
902 	      if (rotate)
903 		{
904 		  rotate_coord(&pl->p_x, &pl->p_y,
905 			       rotate_deg, GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
906 		  rotate_dir(&pl->p_dir, rotate_deg);
907 		}
908 #endif
909 	    }
910 	}					 /* for */
911     }
912 }
handleSMessage(struct mesg_s_spacket * packet)914 void    handleSMessage(struct mesg_s_spacket *packet)
915 {
916   char    buf[100];
917   char    addrbuf[9];
919   if (debug)
920     printf("Length of Message is: %zd  total Size %d \n", strlen(&packet->mesg), (int) packet->length);
921   if (packet->m_from >= MAXPLAYER)
922     packet->m_from = 255;
924   if (packet->m_from == 255)
925     strcpy(addrbuf, "GOD->");
926   else
927     {
928       sprintf(addrbuf, " %c%c->", teamlet[players[packet->m_from].p_team],
929 	      shipnos[players[packet->m_from].p_no]);
930     }
932   switch (packet->m_flags & (MTEAM | MINDIV | MALL))
933     {
934     case MALL:
935       sprintf(addrbuf + 5, "ALL");
936       break;
937     case MTEAM:
938       sprintf(addrbuf + 5, "%s", teamshort[me->p_team]);
939       break;
940     case MINDIV:
941       /* I know that it's me -> xxx but i copied it straight ... */
942       sprintf(addrbuf + 5, "%c%c ", teamlet[players[packet->m_recpt].p_team],
943 	      shipnos[packet->m_recpt]);
944       break;
945     default:
946       sprintf(addrbuf + 5, "ALL");
947       break;
948     }
949   sprintf(buf, "%-9s%s", addrbuf, &packet->mesg);
950   dmessage(buf, packet->m_flags, packet->m_from, packet->m_recpt);
951 }
handleShortReply(struct shortreply_spacket * packet)953 void    handleShortReply(struct shortreply_spacket *packet)
954 {
955   switch (packet->repl)
956     {
957     case SPK_VOFF:
958       /* S_P2 */
959       if (shortversion == SHORTVERSION &&
960 	  recv_short == 0)
961 	{					 /* retry for S_P 1 */
962 	  printf("Using Short Packet Version 1.\n");
963 	  shortversion = OLDSHORTVERSION;
964 	  sendShortReq(SPK_VON);
965 	}
966       else
967 	{
968 	  recv_short = 0;
969 	  sprefresh(SPK_VFIELD);
970 	  /*
971 	   * Get a `=' style update to fix the kills shown on the playerlist
972 	   * when you first enter the game.  It is more than likely that we
973 	   * were waiting for short packets so that a `-' update could be
974 	   * used instead.
975 	   */
976 	  sendUdpReq(COMM_UPDATE);
977 	}
978       break;
979     case SPK_VON:
980       recv_short = 1;
981       sprefresh(SPK_VFIELD);
982       spwinside = ntohs(packet->winside);
983       spgwidth = ntohl(packet->gwidth);
984       /*
985        * Get a `-' style update to fix the kills shown on the playerlist
986        * when you first enter and to fix other loss if short packets
987        * have just been turned back on.
988        */
989       sendShortReq(SPK_SALL);
990       break;
991     case SPK_MOFF:
992       recv_mesg = 0;
993       sprefresh(SPK_MFIELD);
994       W_SetSensitive(reviewWin, 0);
995       break;
996     case SPK_MON:
997       recv_mesg = 1;
998       sprefresh(SPK_MFIELD);
999       W_SetSensitive(reviewWin, 1);
1000       break;
1001     case SPK_M_KILLS:
1002       recv_kmesg = 1;
1003       sprefresh(SPK_KFIELD);
1004       break;
1005     case SPK_M_NOKILLS:
1006       recv_kmesg = 0;
1007       sprefresh(SPK_KFIELD);
1008       break;
1009     case SPK_M_WARN:
1010       recv_warn = 1;
1011       sprefresh(SPK_WFIELD);
1012       break;
1013     case SPK_M_NOWARN:
1014       recv_warn = 0;
1015       sprefresh(SPK_WFIELD);
1016       break;
1018     case SPK_THRESHOLD:
1019       break;
1020     default:
1021       fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown response packet value short-req: %d\n",
1022 	      "netrek", packet->repl);
1023     }
1024 }
handleVTorpInfo(unsigned char * sbuf)1027 void    handleVTorpInfo(unsigned char *sbuf)
1028 {
1029   unsigned char *bitset, *which, *data, *infobitset, *infodata;
1030   struct torp *thetorp;
1031   int     dx, dy;
1032   int     shiftvar;
1033   char    status, war;
1034   register int i;
1035   register int shift = 0;			 /* How many torps are *
1037 						  *
1038 						  * * extracted (for shifting
1039 						  * )  */
1041   /* now we must find the data ... :-) */
1042   bitset = &sbuf[1];
1043   which = &sbuf[2];
1044   infobitset = &sbuf[3];
1045   /* Where is the data ? */
1046   data = &sbuf[4];
1047   infodata = &sbuf[vtisize[numofbits[(unsigned char) sbuf[1]]]];
1049   weaponUpdate = 1;
1050   thetorp = &torps[((unsigned char) *which * 8)];
1052   for (shift = 0, i = 0; i < 8;
1053        thetorp++, *bitset >>= 1, *infobitset >>= 1, i++)
1054     {
1055       thetorp->t_updateFuse = MAX(2, TORP_UPDATE_FUSE * server_ups / 5);
1057       if (*bitset & 01)
1058 	{
1059 	  dx = (*data >> shift);
1060 	  data++;
1061 	  shiftvar = (unsigned char) *data;	 /* to silence gcc */
1062 	  shiftvar <<= (8 - shift);
1063 	  dx |= (shiftvar & 511);
1064 	  shift++;
1065 	  dy = (*data >> shift);
1066 	  data++;
1067 	  shiftvar = (unsigned char) *data;	 /* to silence gcc */
1068 	  shiftvar <<= (8 - shift);
1069 	  dy |= (shiftvar & 511);
1070 	  shift++;
1071 	  if (shift == 8)
1072 	    {
1073 	      shift = 0;
1074 	      data++;
1075 	    }
1076 	  /* Check for torp with no TorpInfo */
1077 	  if (!(*infobitset & 01))
1078 	    {
1079 	      if (thetorp->t_status == TFREE)
1080 		{
1081 		  thetorp->t_status = TMOVE;	 /* guess */
1082 		  players[thetorp->t_owner].p_ntorp++;
1083 		}
1084 	      else if (thetorp->t_owner == me->p_no &&
1085 		       thetorp->t_status == TEXPLODE)
1086 		{				 /* If TFREE got lost */
1087 		  thetorp->t_status = TMOVE;	 /* guess */
1088 		}
1089 	    }
1091 	  /* Check if torp is visible */
1092 	  if (dx > SPWINSIDE || dy > SPWINSIDE)
1093 	    {
1094 	      thetorp->t_x = -100000;		 /* Not visible */
1095 	      thetorp->t_y = -100000;
1096 	    }
1097 	  else
1098 	    {					 /* visible */
1099 	      /* thetorp->t_x = me->p_x + ((dx - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE); * *
1100 	       * thetorp->t_y = me->p_y + ((dy - SPWINSIDE / 2) * SCALE); */
1101 	      thetorp->t_x = my_x + ((dx - SPWINSIDE / 2) *
1102 				     SCALE);
1103 	      thetorp->t_y = my_y + ((dy - SPWINSIDE / 2) *
1104 				     SCALE);
1106 #ifdef ROTATERACE
1107 	      if (rotate)
1108 		{
1109 		  rotate_coord(&thetorp->t_x, &thetorp->t_y, rotate_deg,
1110 			       GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
1111 		}
1112 #endif
1113 	    }
1114 	}					 /* if */
1115       else
1116 	{					 /* Got a TFREE ? */
1117 	  if (!(*infobitset & 01))
1118 	    {					 /* No other TorpInfo for * *
1119 						  * this Torp */
1120 	      if (thetorp->t_status && thetorp->t_status != TEXPLODE)
1121 		{
1122 		  players[thetorp->t_owner].p_ntorp--;
1123 		  thetorp->t_status = TFREE;	 /* That's no guess */
1124 		}
1125 	    }
1126 	}
1127       /* Now the TorpInfo */
1128       if (*infobitset & 01)
1129 	{
1130 	  war = (unsigned char) *infodata & 15 /* 0x0f */ ;
1131 	  status = ((unsigned char) *infodata & 0xf0) >> 4;
1132 	  infodata++;
1133 	  if (status == TEXPLODE && thetorp->t_status == TFREE)
1134 	    {
1135 	      /* FAT: redundant explosion; don't update p_ntorp */
1136 	      continue;
1137 	    }
1138 	  if (thetorp->t_status == TFREE && status)
1139 	    {
1140 	      players[thetorp->t_owner].p_ntorp++;
1141 	    }
1142 	  if (thetorp->t_status && status == TFREE)
1143 	    {
1144 	      players[thetorp->t_owner].p_ntorp--;
1145 	    }
1146 	  thetorp->t_war = war;
1147 	  if (status != thetorp->t_status)
1148 	    {
1149 	      /* FAT: prevent explosion reset */
1150 	      thetorp->t_status = status;
1151 	      if (thetorp->t_status == TEXPLODE)
1152 		{
1153 		  thetorp->t_fuse = NUMDETFRAMES * server_ups / 5;
1154 		}
1155 	    }
1156 	}					 /* if */
1158     }						 /* for */
1159 }
handleVPlanet(unsigned char * sbuf)1162 void    handleVPlanet(unsigned char *sbuf)
1163 {
1164   register int i;
1165   register int numofplanets;			 /* How many Planets are in *
1167 						  *
1168 						  *
1169 						  * * the packet */
1170   struct planet *plan;
1171   struct planet_s_spacket *packet = (struct planet_s_spacket *) &sbuf[2];
1173 #ifdef ATM
1174   /* FAT: prevent excessive redraw */
1175   int     redraw = 0;
1177 #endif /* ATM */
1179   numofplanets = (unsigned char) sbuf[1];
1181   if (numofplanets > MAXPLANETS + 1)
1182     return;
1184   for (i = 0; i < numofplanets; i++, packet++)
1185     {
1186       if (packet->pnum >= MAXPLANETS)
1187 	continue;
1189       plan = &planets[(unsigned char) packet->pnum];
1191 #ifdef ATM
1192       if (plan->pl_owner != packet->owner)
1193 	redraw = 1;
1194 #endif /* ATM */
1196       plan->pl_owner = packet->owner;
1198 #ifdef TSH
1199       if (plan->pl_owner < FED || plan->pl_owner > ORI)
1200 	plan->pl_owner = NOBODY;
1201 #endif /* TSH */
1203 #ifdef ATM
1204       if (plan->pl_info != packet->info)
1205 	redraw = 1;
1206 #endif /* ATM */
1208       plan->pl_info = packet->info;
1209       /* Redraw the planet because it was updated by server */
1211 #ifdef ATM
1212       if (plan->pl_flags != (int) ntohs(packet->flags))
1213 	redraw = 1;
1214       plan->pl_flags = (int) ntohs(packet->flags);
1215 #else
1216       plan->pl_flags = (int) ntohs(packet->flags) | PLREDRAW;
1217 #endif /* ATM */
1219 #ifdef ATM
1220       if (plan->pl_armies != (unsigned char) packet->armies)
1221 	{
1223 #ifdef EM
1224 	  /* don't redraw when armies change unless it crosses the '4' * army
1225 	   * * * limit. Keeps people from watching for planet 'flicker' * when
1226 	   * *  * players are beaming */
1227 	  int     planetarmies = (unsigned char) packet->armies;
1229 	  if ((plan->pl_armies < 5 && planetarmies > 4) ||
1230 	      (plan->pl_armies > 4 && planetarmies < 5))
1231 #endif
1233 	    redraw = 1;
1234 	}
1235 #endif /* ATM */
1237       plan->pl_armies = (unsigned char) packet->armies;
1239 #ifndef RECORDGAME
1240       if (plan->pl_info == 0)
1241 	{
1242 	  plan->pl_owner = NOBODY;
1243 	}
1244 #endif
1246 #ifdef ATM
1247       if (redraw)
1248 	plan->pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;
1249 #endif /* ATM */
1251       if (gather_stats) {
1253         fprintf(statsFile, "\nSTATS_SP_S_PLANET:\t");
1254         fprintf(statsFile,
1255                 "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d",
1256                 packet->pnum,
1257                 packet->owner,
1258                 packet->info,
1259                 packet->armies,
1260                 ntohs(packet->flags));
1261       }
1263     }						 /* FOR */
1264 }
resetWeaponInfo(void)1267 void resetWeaponInfo(void)
1268 /*
1269  *  Give all weapons for all ships the status of not being active.
1270  */
1271 {
1272   register int i;
1274   for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER * MAXTORP; i++)
1275     torps[i].t_status = TFREE;
1277   for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER * MAXPLASMA; i++)
1278     plasmatorps[i].pt_status = PTFREE;
1280   for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER; i++)
1281     {
1282       players[i].p_ntorp = 0;
1283       players[i].p_nplasmatorp = 0;
1284       phasers[i].ph_status = PHFREE;
1285     }
1286 }
sendShortReq(char state)1289 void    sendShortReq(char state)
1290 {
1291   struct shortreq_cpacket shortReq;
1293   bzero(&shortReq, sizeof(shortReq));
1294   shortReq.type = CP_S_REQ;
1295   shortReq.req = state;
1296   shortReq.version = shortversion;		 /* need a var now because 2
1297 						  * * * S_P versions exist
1298 						  * S_P2  */
1299   switch (state)
1300     {
1301     case SPK_VON:
1302       warning("Sending short packet request");
1303       break;
1304     case SPK_VOFF:
1305       warning("Sending old packet request");
1306       break;
1307     default:
1308       break;
1309     }
1310   if ((state == SPK_SALL || state == SPK_ALL) && recv_short)
1311     {
1312       /* Let the client do the work, and not the network :-) */
1314       resetWeaponInfo();
1316       if (state == SPK_SALL)
1317 	warning("Sent request for small update (weapons+planets+kills)");
1318       else if (state == SPK_ALL)
1319 	warning("Sent request for medium update (all except stats)");
1320       else
1321 	warning("Sent some unknown request...");
1322     }
1324   sendServerPacket((struct shortreq_cpacket *) &shortReq);
1325 }
1327 char   *whydeadmess[] =
1328 {"", "[quit]", "[photon]", "[phaser]", "[planet]", "[explosion]",
1329  "[daemon]", "[winner]", "[ghostbust]", "[genocide]", "[hacker]", "[plasma]",
1330  "[tournend]", "[gameover]", "[gamestart]", "[bad binary]",
1331  "[detted photon]", "[chain explosion]",
1332  "[zapped plasma]", "", "[team det]", "[team explosion]"};
handleSWarning(struct warning_s_spacket * packet)1335 void    handleSWarning(struct warning_s_spacket *packet)
1336 {
1337   char    buf[80];
1338   register struct player *target;
1339   register int damage;
1340   static int arg3, arg4;			 /* Here are the arguments *
1342 						  *
1343 						  * * for warnings with more
1344 						  * * * than 2 arguments */
1345   static int karg3, karg4, karg5 = 0;
1347 #ifdef RCM
1348   struct distress dist;
1349 #else
1350   char    killmess[20];
1351 #endif
1353   switch (packet->whichmessage)
1354     {
1355     case TEXTE:				 /* damage used as tmp var */
1356       damage = (unsigned char) packet->argument;
1357       damage |= (unsigned char) packet->argument2 << 8;
1359 #ifdef PHASER_STATS
1360       if (damage == 38)				 /* Plasma hit */
1361 	{
1362 	  phaserStatTry++;
1363 	  phaserStatHit++;
1364 	}
1365       if (damage == 37)				 /* Miss */
1366 	phaserStatTry++;
1367       if ((damage == 37) && phaserShowStats)
1368 	{
1369 	  /* Mung the message */
1370 	  char    phstatmsg[30];
1372 	  sprintf(phstatmsg, "%s [%d%%]", w_texts[damage],
1373 		  phaserStatTry ? (phaserStatHit * 100) / phaserStatTry : 0);
1374 	  /* Divide by zero sucks */
1375 	  warning(phstatmsg);
1376 	}
1377       else
1378 #endif
1380       if (damage >= 0 && damage < NUMWTEXTS)
1381 	warning(w_texts[damage]);
1382       break;
1383     case PHASER_HIT_TEXT:
1384       target = &players[(unsigned char) packet->argument & 0x3f];
1385       damage = (unsigned char) packet->argument2;
1386       if ((unsigned char) packet->argument & 64)
1387 	damage |= 256;
1388       if ((unsigned char) packet->argument & 128)
1389 	damage |= 512;
1391 #ifdef PHASER_STATS
1392       phaserStatTry++;
1393       phaserStatHit++;
1394 #endif
1396       (void) sprintf(buf, "Phaser burst hit %s for %d points", target->p_name, damage);
1397       warning(buf);
1398       break;
1399     case BOMB_INEFFECTIVE:
1400       sprintf(buf, "Weapons Officer: Bombing is ineffective.  Only %d armies are defending.",
1401 	      (int) packet->argument);		 /* nifty info feature * *
1402 						  * 2/14/92 TMC */
1403       warning(buf);
1404       break;
1405     case BOMB_TEXT:
1406       sprintf(buf, "Weapons Officer: Bombarding %s...  Sensors read %d armies left.",
1407 	      planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name,
1408 	      (unsigned char) packet->argument2);
1409       warning(buf);
1410       break;
1411     case BEAMUP_TEXT:
1412       sprintf(buf, "%s: Too few armies to beam up",
1413 	      planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name);
1414       warning(buf);
1415       break;
1416     case BEAMUP2_TEXT:
1417       sprintf(buf, "Beaming up. (%d/%d)", (unsigned char) packet->argument, (unsigned char) packet->argument2);
1418       warning(buf);
1419       break;
1421       sprintf(buf, "Starbase %s: Too few armies to beam up",
1422 	      players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name);
1423       warning(buf);
1424       break;
1426       sprintf(buf, "No more armies to beam down to Starbase %s.",
1427 	      players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name);
1428       warning(buf);
1430       break;
1432       sprintf(buf, "No more armies to beam down to %s.",
1433 	      planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name);
1434       warning(buf);
1435       break;
1436     case SBREPORT:
1437       sprintf(buf, "Transporter Room:  Starbase %s reports all troop bunkers are full!",
1438 	      players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name);
1439       warning(buf);
1440       break;
1441     case ONEARG_TEXT:
1442       if (packet->argument < NUMVARITEXTS)
1443 	{
1444 	  sprintf(buf, vari_texts[(unsigned char) packet->argument],
1445 		  (unsigned char) packet->argument2);
1446 	  warning(buf);
1447 	}
1448       break;
1449     case BEAM_D_PLANET_TEXT:
1450       sprintf(buf, "Beaming down.  (%d/%d) %s has %d armies left",
1451 	      arg3,
1452 	      arg4,
1453 	      planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name,
1454 	      packet->argument2);
1455       warning(buf);
1456       break;
1457     case ARGUMENTS:
1458       arg3 = (unsigned char) packet->argument;
1459       arg4 = (unsigned char) packet->argument2;
1460       break;
1461     case BEAM_U_TEXT:
1462       sprintf(buf, "Transferring ground units.  (%d/%d) Starbase %s has %d armies left",
1463               (unsigned char) arg3, (unsigned char) arg4,
1464               players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name,
1465               (unsigned char) packet->argument2);
1466       warning(buf);
1467       break;
1468     case LOCKPLANET_TEXT:
1469       sprintf(buf, "Locking onto %s", planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name);
1470       warning(buf);
1471       break;
1472     case SBRANK_TEXT:
1473       sprintf(buf, "You need a rank of %s or higher to command a starbase!",
1474               ranks[(unsigned char) packet->argument].name);
1475       warning(buf);
1476       break;
1477     case SBDOCKREFUSE_TEXT:
1478       sprintf(buf, "Starbase %s refusing us docking permission captain.",
1479               players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name);
1480       warning(buf);
1481       break;
1482     case SBDOCKDENIED_TEXT:
1483       sprintf(buf, "Starbase %s: Permission to dock denied, all ports currently occupied.",
1484               players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name);
1485       warning(buf);
1486       break;
1487     case SBLOCKSTRANGER:
1488       sprintf(buf, "Locking onto %s (%c%c)",
1489               players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name,
1490               teamlet[players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_team],
1491               shipnos[players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_no]);
1492       warning(buf);
1493       break;
1494     case SBLOCKMYTEAM:
1495       sprintf(buf, "Locking onto %s (%c%c) (docking is %s)",
1496               players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name,
1497               teamlet[players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_team],
1498               shipnos[players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_no],
1499               (players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_flags & PFDOCKOK) ? "enabled" : "disabled");
1500       warning(buf);
1501       break;
1502     case DMKILL:
1504 #ifdef RCM
1505     case INLDMKILL:
1506 #endif
1508       {
1509 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1510 	unsigned char killer, victim, armies;
1511 #ifndef RCM
1512 	float   kills;
1513 #endif
1515 	victim = (unsigned char) packet->argument & 0x3f;
1516 	killer = (unsigned char) packet->argument2 & 0x3f;
1517 	/* that's only a temp */
1518 	damage = (unsigned char) karg3;
1519 	damage |= (karg4 & 127) << 8;
1521 #ifndef RCM
1522 	kills = damage / 100.0;
1523 	if (kills == 0.0)
1524 	  strcpy(killmess, "NO CREDIT");
1525 	else
1526 	  sprintf(killmess, "%0.2f", kills);
1527 #endif
1529 	armies = (((unsigned char) packet->argument >> 6) | ((unsigned char) packet->argument2 & 192) >> 4);
1530 	if (karg4 & 128)
1531 	  armies |= 16;
1533 #ifdef RCM
1534 	dist.distype = rcm;
1535 	dist.sender = victim;
1536 	dist.tclose_j = killer;
1537 	dist.arms = armies;
1538 	dist.dam = damage / 100;
1539 	dist.shld = damage % 100;
1540 	dist.wtmp = karg5;
1541 	makedistress(&dist, msg.mesg, rcm_msg[1].macro);
1542 	msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID | MKILL;
1543 #else
1544 	if (armies == 0)
1545 	  {
1546 	    (void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "GOD->ALL %s (%c%c) was kill %s for %s (%c%c)",
1547 			   players[victim].p_name,
1548 			   teamlet[players[victim].p_team],
1549 			   shipnos[victim],
1550 			   killmess,
1551 			   players[killer].p_name,
1552 			   teamlet[players[killer].p_team],
1553 			   shipnos[killer]);
1554 	    msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID | MKILL;
1555 	  }
1556 	else
1557 	  {
1558 	    (void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "GOD->ALL %s (%c%c+%d armies) was kill %s for %s (%c%c)",
1559 			   players[victim].p_name,
1560 			   teamlet[players[victim].p_team],
1561 			   shipnos[victim],
1562 			   armies,
1563 			   killmess,
1564 			   players[killer].p_name,
1565 			   teamlet[players[killer].p_team],
1566 			   shipnos[killer]);
1567 	    msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID | MKILLA;
1568 	  }
1569 	if (why_dead)
1570 	  {
1571 	    dist->wtmp = karg5
1572 		add_whydead(msg.mesg, karg5);
1573 	    karg5 = 0;
1574 	  }
1575 #endif
1577 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1578 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1579 	msg.m_recpt = 0;
1580 	msg.m_from = 255;
1581 	handleMessage(&msg);
1582       }
1583       break;
1584     case KILLARGS:
1585       karg3 = (unsigned char) packet->argument;
1586       karg4 = (unsigned char) packet->argument2;
1587       break;
1588     case KILLARGS2:
1589       karg5 = (unsigned char) packet->argument;
1590       break;
1591     case DMKILLP:
1593 #ifdef RCM
1594     case INLDMKILLP:
1595 #endif
1597       {
1598 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1600 #ifdef RCM
1601 	dist.distype = rcm;
1602 	dist.sender = packet->argument;
1603 	dist.tclose_j = packet->argument;
1604 	dist.arms = '\0';
1605 	dist.dam = '\0';
1606 	dist.shld = '\0';
1607 	dist.tclose_pl = packet->argument2;
1608 	dist.wtmp = karg5;
1609 	makedistress(&dist, msg.mesg, rcm_msg[2].macro);
1610 #else
1611 	(void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "GOD->ALL %s (%c%c) killed by %s (%c)",
1612 		       players[packet->argument].p_name,
1613 		       teamlet[players[packet->argument].p_team],
1614 		       shipnos[packet->argument],
1615 		       planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument2].pl_name,
1616 	      teamlet[planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument2].pl_owner]);
1617 	if (why_dead)
1618 	  {
1619 	    add_whydead(msg.mesg, karg5);
1620 	    karg5 = 0;
1621 	  }
1622 #endif
1624 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1625 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1626 	msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID | MKILLP;
1627 	msg.m_recpt = 0;
1628 	msg.m_from = 255;
1629 	handleMessage(&msg);
1630       }
1631       break;
1632     case DMBOMB:
1633       {
1634 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1636 #ifdef RCM
1637 	dist.distype = rcm;
1638 	dist.sender = packet->argument;
1639 	dist.tclose_j = packet->argument;
1640 	dist.arms = '\0';
1641 	dist.dam = arg3;
1642 	dist.shld = '\0';
1643 	dist.tclose_pl = packet->argument2;
1644 	dist.wtmp = karg5;
1645 	makedistress(&dist, msg.mesg, rcm_msg[3].macro);
1646 #else
1647 	char    buf1[80];
1648 	(void) sprintf(buf, "%-3s->%-3s", planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument2].pl_name, teamshort[planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument2].pl_owner]);
1649 	(void) sprintf(buf1, "We are being attacked by %s %c%c who is %d%% damaged.",
1650 		       players[packet->argument].p_name,
1651 		       teamlet[players[packet->argument].p_team],
1652 		       shipnos[packet->argument],
1653 		       arg3);
1654 	(void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "%s %s", buf, buf1);
1655 #endif
1657 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1658 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1659 	msg.m_flags = MTEAM | MBOMB | MVALID;
1660 	msg.m_recpt = planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument2].pl_owner;
1661 	msg.m_from = 255;
1662 	handleMessage(&msg);
1663       }
1664       break;
1665     case DMDEST:
1666       {
1667 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1669 #ifdef RCM
1670 	dist.distype = rcm;
1671 	dist.sender = packet->argument2;
1672 	dist.tclose_j = packet->argument2;
1673 	dist.arms = '\0';
1674 	dist.dam = '\0';
1675 	dist.shld = '\0';
1676 	dist.tclose_pl = packet->argument;
1677 	dist.wtmp = karg5;
1678 	makedistress(&dist, msg.mesg, rcm_msg[4].macro);
1679 #else
1680 	char    buf1[80];
1682 	(void) sprintf(buf, "%s destroyed by %s (%c%c)",
1683 		       planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name,
1684 		       players[packet->argument2].p_name,
1685 		       teamlet[players[packet->argument2].p_team],
1686 		       shipnos[(unsigned char) packet->argument2]);
1687 	(void) sprintf(buf1, "%-3s->%-3s",
1688 		       planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name, teamshort[planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_owner]);
1689 	(void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "%s %s", buf1, buf);
1690 #endif
1692 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1693 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1694 	msg.m_flags = MTEAM | MDEST | MVALID;
1695 	msg.m_recpt = planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_owner;
1696 	msg.m_from = 255;
1697 	handleMessage(&msg);
1698       }
1699       break;
1700     case DMTAKE:
1701       {
1702 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1704 #ifdef RCM
1705 	dist.distype = rcm;
1706 	dist.sender = packet->argument2;
1707 	dist.tclose_j = packet->argument2;
1708 	dist.arms = '\0';
1709 	dist.dam = '\0';
1710 	dist.shld = '\0';
1711 	dist.tclose_pl = packet->argument;
1712 	dist.wtmp = karg5;
1713 	makedistress(&dist, msg.mesg, rcm_msg[5].macro);
1714 #else
1715 	char    buf1[80];
1717 	(void) sprintf(buf, "%s taken over by %s (%c%c)",
1718 		       planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name,
1719 		       players[packet->argument2].p_name,
1720 		       teamlet[players[packet->argument2].p_team],
1721 		       shipnos[packet->argument2]);
1722 	(void) sprintf(buf1, "%-3s->%-3s",
1723 		       planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument].pl_name, teamshort[players[packet->argument2].p_team]);
1724 	(void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "%s %s", buf1, buf);
1725 #endif
1727 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1728 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1729 	msg.m_flags = MTEAM | MTAKE | MVALID;
1730 	msg.m_recpt = players[(unsigned char) packet->argument2].p_team;
1731 	msg.m_from = 255;
1732 	handleMessage(&msg);
1733       }
1734       break;
1735     case DGHOSTKILL:
1736       {
1737 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1738 	unsigned short damage;
1740 	damage = (unsigned char) karg3;
1741 	damage |= (unsigned char) (karg4 & 0xff) << 8;
1743 #ifdef RCM
1744 	dist.distype = rcm;
1745 	dist.sender = packet->argument;
1746 	dist.tclose_j = packet->argument;
1747 	dist.arms = '\0';
1748 	dist.dam = damage / 100;
1749 	dist.shld = damage % 100;
1750 	dist.wtmp = karg5;
1751 	makedistress(&dist, msg.mesg, rcm_msg[6].macro);
1752 #else
1753 	(void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "GOD->ALL %s (%c%c) was kill %0.2f for the GhostBusters",
1754 		       players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name, teamlet[players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_team],
1755 		       shipnos[(unsigned char) packet->argument],
1756 		       (float) damage / 100.0);
1757 #endif
1759 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1760 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1761 	msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID;
1762 	msg.m_recpt = 0;
1763 	msg.m_from = 255;
1764 	handleMessage(&msg);
1765       }
1766       break;
1767       /* INL Daemon Mesages */
1769 #ifndef RCM
1770     case INLDMKILLP:
1771       {
1772 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1774 	sprintf(buf, "");
1775 	if (arg3)
1776 	  {					 /* Armies */
1777 	    sprintf(buf, "+%d", arg3);
1778 	  }
1779 	(void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "GOD->ALL %s(%s) (%c%c%s) killed by %s (%c)",
1780 		       players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_name,
1781 	  shiptype[players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_ship.s_type],
1782 		  teamlet[players[(unsigned char) packet->argument].p_team],
1783 		       shipnos[(unsigned char) packet->argument],
1784 		       buf,
1785 		       planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument2].pl_name,
1786 	      teamlet[planets[(unsigned char) packet->argument2].pl_owner]);
1787 	if (why_dead)
1788 	  {
1789 	    add_whydead(msg.mesg, karg5);
1790 	    karg5 = 0;
1791 	  }
1792 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1793 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1794 	msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID | MKILLP;
1795 	msg.m_recpt = 0;
1796 	msg.m_from = 255;
1797 	handleMessage(&msg);
1798       }
1799       break;
1800     case INLDMKILL:
1801       {
1802 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1803 	int     killer, victim, armies;
1804 	float   kills;
1806 	victim = (unsigned char) packet->argument & 0x3f;
1807 	killer = (unsigned char) packet->argument2 & 0x3f;
1808 	/* that's only a temp */
1809 	damage = (unsigned char) karg3;
1810 	damage |= (karg4 & 127) << 8;
1811 	kills = damage / 100.0;
1812 	armies = (((unsigned char) packet->argument >> 6) | ((unsigned char) packet->argument2 & 192) >> 4);
1813 	if (karg4 & 128)
1814 	  armies |= 16;
1815 	if (armies == 0)
1816 	  {
1817 	    (void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "GOD->ALL %s(%s) (%c%c) was kill %0.2f for %s(%s) (%c%c)",
1818 			   players[victim].p_name,
1819 			   shiptype[players[victim].p_ship.s_type],
1820 			   teamlet[players[victim].p_team],
1821 			   shipnos[victim],
1822 			   kills,
1823 			   players[killer].p_name,
1824 			   shiptype[players[killer].p_ship.s_type],
1825 			   teamlet[players[killer].p_team],
1826 			   shipnos[killer]);
1827 	    msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID | MKILL;
1828 	  }
1829 	else
1830 	  {
1831 	    (void) sprintf(msg.mesg, "GOD->ALL %s(%s) (%c%c+%d armies) was kill %0.2f for %s(%s) (%c%c)",
1832 			   players[victim].p_name,
1833 			   shiptype[players[victim].p_ship.s_type],
1834 			   teamlet[players[victim].p_team],
1835 			   shipnos[victim],
1836 			   armies,
1837 			   kills,
1838 			   players[killer].p_name,
1839 			   shiptype[players[killer].p_ship.s_type],
1840 			   teamlet[players[killer].p_team],
1841 			   shipnos[killer]);
1842 	    msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID | MKILLA;
1843 	  }
1844 	if (why_dead)
1845 	  {
1846 	    add_whydead(msg.mesg, karg5);
1847 	    karg5 = 0;
1848 	  }
1849 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1850 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1851 	msg.m_recpt = 0;
1852 	msg.m_from = 255;
1853 	handleMessage(&msg);
1854       }
1855       break;
1856 #endif
1858     case INLDRESUME:
1859       {
1860 	struct mesg_spacket msg;
1862 	sprintf(msg.mesg, " Game will resume in %d seconds", (unsigned char) packet->argument);
1863 	msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID;
1864 	msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1865 	msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1866 	msg.m_recpt = 0;
1867 	msg.m_from = 255;
1868 	handleMessage(&msg);
1869       }
1870       break;
1871     case INLDTEXTE:
1872       if ((unsigned char) packet->argument < NUMDAEMONTEXTS)
1873 	{
1874 	  struct mesg_spacket msg;
1876 	  strcpy(msg.mesg, daemon_texts[(unsigned char) packet->argument]);
1877 	  msg.m_flags = MALL | MVALID;
1878 	  msg.type = SP_MESSAGE;
1879 	  msg.mesg[79] = '\0';
1880 	  msg.m_recpt = 0;
1881 	  msg.m_from = 255;
1882 	  handleMessage(&msg);
1883 	}
1884       break;
1885     case STEXTE:
1886       warning(s_texte[(unsigned char) packet->argument]);
1887       break;
1888     case SHORT_WARNING:
1889       {
1890 	struct warning_spacket *warn = (struct warning_spacket *) packet;
1892 	warning(warn->mesg);
1893       }
1894       break;
1895     case STEXTE_STRING:
1896       {
1897 	struct warning_spacket *warn = (struct warning_spacket *) packet;
1899 	warning(warn->mesg);
1900 	s_texte[(unsigned char) warn->pad2] = (char *) malloc(warn->pad3 - 4);
1901 	if (s_texte[(unsigned char) warn->pad2] == NULL)
1902 	  {
1903 	    s_texte[(unsigned char) warn->pad2] = no_memory;
1904 	    warning("Could not add warning! (No memory!)");
1905 	  }
1906 	else
1907 	  strcpy(s_texte[(unsigned char) warn->pad2], warn->mesg);
1908       }
1909       break;
1910     default:
1911       warning("Unknown Short Warning!");
1912       break;
1913     }
1914 }
1916 #define MY_SIZEOF(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a)))
1918 void
add_whydead(char * s,int m)1919         add_whydead(char *s, int m)			 /* 7/22/93 LAB */
1920 {
1921   char    b[256];
1923   if (m < MY_SIZEOF(whydeadmess))
1924     {
1925       sprintf(b, "%-50s %s", s, whydeadmess[m]);
1926       b[79] = '\0';
1927       strcpy(s, b);
1928     }
1929 }
1931 /* S_P2 */
1932 void
handleVKills(sbuf)1933         handleVKills(sbuf)
1934 unsigned char *sbuf;
1935 {
1936   register int i, numofkills, pnum;
1937   register unsigned short pkills;
1938   register unsigned char *data = &sbuf[2];
1940   numofkills = (unsigned char) sbuf[1];
1942   for (i = 0; i < numofkills; i++)
1943     {
1944       pkills = (unsigned short) *data++;
1945       pkills |= (unsigned short) ((*data & 0x03) << 8);
1946       pnum = (unsigned char) *data++ >> 2;
1949       if (pnum < 0 || pnum >= MAXPLAYER)
1950 	{
1951 	  fprintf(stderr, "handleKills: bad index %d\n", pnum);
1952 	  return;
1953 	}
1954 #endif
1956       if (players[pnum].p_kills != ((float) pkills / 100.0))
1957 	{
1958 	  players[pnum].p_kills = pkills / 100.0;
1959 	  /* FAT: prevent redundant player update */
1960 	  PlistNoteUpdate(pnum);
1962 #ifdef ARMY_SLIDER
1963 	  if (me == &players[(int) pnum])
1964 	    {
1965 	      calibrate_stats();
1966 	      redrawStats();
1967 	    }
1968 #endif /* ARMY_SLIDER */
1969 	}
1971     }						 /* for */
1973 }						 /* handleVKills */
1975 void
handleVPhaser(sbuf)1976         handleVPhaser(sbuf)
1977 unsigned char *sbuf;
1978 {
1979   struct phaser *phas;
1980   struct phaser_s_spacket *packet = (struct phaser_s_spacket *) &sbuf[0];
1982   /* not nice but.. */
1983   register int pnum, status, target = 0, x = 0, y = 0, dir = 0;
1985   status = packet->status & 0x0f;
1986   pnum = packet->pnum & 0x3f;
1987   weaponUpdate = 1;
1989   switch (status)
1990     {
1991     case PHFREE:
1992       break;
1993     case PHHIT:
1994       target = (unsigned char) packet->target & 0x3f;
1995       break;
1996     case PHMISS:
1997       dir = (unsigned char) packet->target;
1998       break;
1999     case PHHIT2:
2000       x = SCALE * (ntohs(packet->x));
2001       y = SCALE * (ntohs(packet->y));
2002       target = packet->target & 0x3f;
2003       break;
2004     default:
2005       x = SCALE * (ntohs(packet->x));
2006       y = SCALE * (ntohs(packet->y));
2007       target = packet->target & 0x3f;
2008       dir = (unsigned char) packet->dir;
2009       break;
2010     }
2011   phas = &phasers[pnum];
2012   phas->ph_status = status;
2013   phas->ph_dir = dir;
2014   phas->ph_x = x;
2015   phas->ph_y = y;
2016   phas->ph_target = target;
2017   phas->ph_fuse = 0;
2018 #ifdef SOUND
2019   phas->sound_phaser = 1;
2020 #endif
2021   phas->ph_updateFuse = PHASER_UPDATE_FUSE * server_ups / 10;
2023 #ifdef ROTATERACE
2024   if (rotate)
2025     {
2026       rotate_coord(&phas->ph_x, &phas->ph_y, rotate_deg, GWIDTH / 2, GWIDTH / 2);
2027       rotate_dir(&phas->ph_dir, rotate_deg);
2028     }
2029 #endif
2030 }
2032 void
handle_s_Stats(packet)2033         handle_s_Stats(packet)
2034 struct stats_s_spacket *packet;
2035 {
2036   register struct player *pl;
2039   if (packet->pnum < 0 || packet->pnum >= MAXPLAYER)
2040     {
2041       fprintf(stderr, "handleStats: bad index %d\n", packet->pnum);
2042       return;
2043     }
2044 #endif
2046   pl = &players[(unsigned char) packet->pnum];
2048   pl->p_stats.st_tkills = ntohs(packet->tkills);
2049   pl->p_stats.st_tlosses = ntohs(packet->tlosses);
2050   pl->p_stats.st_kills = ntohs(packet->kills);
2051   pl->p_stats.st_losses = ntohs(packet->losses);
2052   pl->p_stats.st_tticks = ntohl(packet->tticks);
2053   pl->p_stats.st_tplanets = ntohs(packet->tplanets);
2054   pl->p_stats.st_tarmsbomb = ntohl(packet->tarmies);
2055   pl->p_stats.st_sbkills = ntohs(packet->sbkills);
2056   pl->p_stats.st_sblosses = ntohs(packet->sblosses);
2057   pl->p_stats.st_armsbomb = ntohs(packet->armies);
2058   pl->p_stats.st_planets = ntohs(packet->planets);
2059   if ((pl->p_ship.s_type == STARBASE) && (SBhours))
2060     {
2061       pl->p_stats.st_sbticks = ntohl(packet->maxkills);
2062     }
2063   else
2064     {
2065       pl->p_stats.st_maxkills = ntohl(packet->maxkills) / 100.0;
2066     }
2067   pl->p_stats.st_sbmaxkills = ntohl(packet->sbmaxkills) / 100.0;
2069   PlistNoteUpdate((unsigned char) packet->pnum);
2070 }
new_flags(unsigned int data,int which)2072 void    new_flags(unsigned int data, int which)
2073 {
2074   register int pnum, status;
2075   register unsigned int new, tmp;
2076   unsigned int oldflags;
2077   struct player *j;
2079   tmp = data;
2080   for (pnum = which * 16; pnum < (which + 1) * 16 && pnum < MAXPLAYER; pnum++)
2081     {
2082       new = tmp & 0x03;
2083       tmp >>= 2;
2084       j = &players[pnum];
2086       oldflags = j->p_flags;
2087       switch (new)
2088 	{
2089 	case 0:				 /* PDEAD/PEXPLODE */
2090 	  status = PEXPLODE;
2091 	  j->p_flags &= ~PFCLOAK;
2092 	  break;
2093 	case 1:				 /* PALIVE & PFCLOAK */
2094 	  status = PALIVE;
2095 	  j->p_flags |= PFCLOAK;
2096 	  break;
2097 	case 2:				 /* PALIVE & PFSHIELD */
2098 	  status = PALIVE;
2099 	  j->p_flags |= PFSHIELD;
2100 	  j->p_flags &= ~PFCLOAK;
2101 	  break;
2102 	case 3:				 /* PALIVE & NO shields */
2103 	  status = PALIVE;
2104 	  j->p_flags &= ~(PFSHIELD | PFCLOAK);
2105 	  break;
2106 	default:
2107 	  break;
2108 	}
2110       if (oldflags != j->p_flags)
2111 	redrawPlayer[pnum] = 1;
2113       if (j->p_status == status)
2114 	continue;
2116       if (status == PEXPLODE)
2117 	{
2118 	  if (j->p_status == PALIVE)
2119 	    {
2120 	      j->p_explode = 0;
2121 	      j->p_status = status;
2122 	    }
2123 	  else					 /* Do nothing */
2124 	    continue;
2125 	}
2126       else
2127 	{					 /* really PALIVE ? */
2128 	  if (j == me)
2129 	    {
2130 	      /* Wait for POUTFIT */
2131 	      if (j->p_status == POUTFIT || j->p_status == PFREE)
2132 		{
2133 		  if (j->p_status != PFREE)
2134 		    j->p_kills = 0.;
2135 		  else
2136 		    PlistNoteArrive(pnum);
2138 		  j->p_status = PALIVE;
2139 		}
2140 	    }
2141 	  else
2142 	    {
2143 	      if (j->p_status != PFREE)
2144 		j->p_kills = 0.;
2145 	      else
2146 		PlistNoteArrive(pnum);
2148 	      j->p_status = status;
2149 	    }
2150 	}
2151       redrawPlayer[pnum] = 1;
2152       PlistNoteUpdate(pnum);
2153     }						 /* for */
2154 }
2155 #endif