1 /* omega copyright (C) by Laurence Raphael Brothers, 1987,1988,1989 */
2 /* guild1.c */
3 /* L_ functions  */
5 /* These functions implement the various guilds. */
6 /* They are all l_ functions since they are basically activated*/
7 /* at some site or other. */
9 #include "glob.h"
l_merc_guild()12 void l_merc_guild()
13 {
14   pob newitem;
16   print1("Legion of Destiny, Mercenary Guild, Inc.");
17   if (nighttime())
18     print2("The barracks are under curfew right now.");
19   else {
20     print2("You enter Legion HQ, ");
21     if (Player.rank[LEGION] == COMMANDANT) {
22       nprint2("Your aide follows you to the staff room.");
23       morewait();
24       clearmsg();
25     }
26     if (Player.rank[LEGION] > 0) {
27       nprint2("and report to your commander.");
28       morewait();
29     }
30     switch(Player.rank[LEGION]) {
31     case 0:
32       nprint2("and see the Recruiting Centurion.");
33       morewait();
34       print2("Do you wish to join the Legion? [yn] ");
35       if (ynq2()=='y') {
36 	clearmsg();
37 	if (Player.rank[ARENA]>0) {
38 	  print1("The Centurion checks your record, and gets angry:");
39 	  print2("'The legion don't need any Arena Jocks. Git!'");
40 	}
41 	else if (Player.rank[ORDER] > 0) {
42 	  print1("The Centurion checks your record, and is amused:");
43 	  print2("'A paladin in the ranks? You must be joking.'");
44 	}
45 	else if (Player.con < 12) {
46 	  print1("The Centurion looks you over, sadly.");
47 	  print2("You are too fragile to join the legion.");
48 	}
49 	else if (Player.str < 10) {
50 	  print1("The Centurion looks at you contemptuously.");
51 	  print2("Your strength is too low to pass the physical!");
52 	}
53 	else {
54 	  print1("You are tested for strength and stamina...");
55 	  morewait();
56 	  nprint1(" and you pass!");
57 	  print2("Commandant ");
58 	  nprint2(Commandant);
59 	  nprint2(" shakes your hand.");
60 	  morewait();
61 	  print2("The Legion pays you a 500Au induction fee.");
62 	  morewait();
63 	  print1("You are also issued a shortsword and leather.");
64 	  print2("You are now a Legionaire.");
65 	  morewait();
66 	  clearmsg();
67 	  newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype)));
68 	  *newitem = Objects[WEAPONID+1]; /* shortsword */
69 	  gain_item(newitem);
70 	  newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype)));
71 	  *newitem = Objects[ARMORID+1]; /* leather */
72 	  gain_item(newitem);
73 	  Player.cash += 500;
74 	  Player.rank[LEGION] = LEGIONAIRE;
75 	  Player.guildxp[LEGION] = 1;
76 	  Player.str++; Player.con++;
77 	  Player.maxstr++; Player.maxcon++;
78 	}
79       }
80       break;
81     case COMMANDANT:
82       print1("You find the disposition of your forces satisfactory.");
83       break;
84     case COLONEL:
85       if ((Player.level > Commandantlevel) &&
86 	  find_and_remove_item(CORPSEID,DEMON_EMP)) {
87 	print1("You liberated the Demon Emperor's Regalia!");
88 	morewait();
89 	clearmsg();
90 	print1("The Legion is assembled in salute to you!");
91 	print2("The Regalia is held high for all to see and admire.");
92 	morewait();
93 	clearmsg();
94 	print1("Commandant ");
95 	nprint1(Commandant);
96 	nprint1(" promotes you to replace him,");
97 	print2("and announces his own overdue retirement.");
98 	morewait();
99 	clearmsg();
100 	print1("You are the new Commandant of the Legion!");
101 	print2("The Emperor's Regalia is sold for a ridiculous sum.");
102 	strcpy(Commandant,Player.name);
103 	Commandantlevel = Player.level;
104 	morewait();
105 	Commandantbehavior = fixnpc(4);
106 	save_hiscore_npc(8);
107 	clearmsg();
108 	print1("You now know the Spell of Regeneration.");
109 	Spells[S_REGENERATE].known = TRUE;
110 	Player.rank[LEGION]=COMMANDANT;
111 	Player.maxstr += 2;
112 	Player.str += 2;
113 	Player.maxcon += 2;
114 	Player.con += 2;
115 	print2("Your training is complete. You get top salary.");
116 	Player.cash += 20000;
117       }
118       else if (Player.level <= Commandantlevel) {
119 	clearmsg();
120 	print1("Your CO expresses satisfaction with your progress.");
121 	print2("But your service record does not yet permit promotion.");
122       }
123       else {
124 	clearmsg();
125 	print1("Why do you come empty handed?");
126 	print2("You must return with the Regalia of the Demon Emperor!");
127       }
128       break;
129     case FORCE_LEADER:
130       clearmsg();
131       print1("Your CO expresses satisfaction with your progress.");
132       if (Player.guildxp[LEGION] < 4000)
133 	print2("But your service record does not yet permit promotion.");
134       else  {
135 	print2("You have been promoted to Legion Colonel!");
136 	morewait();
137 	print1("Your next promotion is contingent on the return of");
138 	print2("the Regalia of the Demon Emperor.");
139 	morewait();
140 	print1("The Demon Emperor holds court at the base of a volcano");
141 	print2("to the far south, in the heart of a swamp.");
142 	morewait();
143 	clearmsg();
144 	print1("You have been taught the spell of heroism!");
145 	Spells[S_HERO].known = TRUE;
146 	Player.rank[LEGION]=COLONEL;
147 	Player.maxstr++;
148 	Player.str++;
149 	Player.maxcon++;
150 	Player.con++;
151 	print2("You are given advanced training, and a raise.");
152 	Player.cash += 10000;
153       }
154       break;
155     case CENTURION:
156       clearmsg();
157       print1("Your CO expresses satisfaction with your progress.");
158       if (Player.guildxp[LEGION] < 1500)
159 	print2("But your service record does not yet permit promotion.");
160       else {
161 	print2("You are now a Legion Force-Leader!");
162 	Player.rank[LEGION]=FORCE_LEADER;
163 	Player.maxstr++;
164 	Player.str++;
165 	morewait();
166 	clearmsg();
167 	print1("You receive more training, and bonus pay.");
168 	Player.cash += 5000;
169       }
170       break;
171       case LEGIONAIRE:
172       clearmsg();
173       print1("Your CO expresses satisfaction with your progress.");
174       if (Player.guildxp[LEGION] < 400)
175 	print2("But your service record does not yet permit promotion.");
176       else {
177 	print2("You are promoted to Legion Centurion!");
178 	morewait();
179 	clearmsg();
180 	print1("You get advanced training, and a higher salary.");
181 	Player.rank[LEGION] = CENTURION;
182 	Player.maxcon++;
183 	Player.con++;
184 	Player.cash += 2000;
185       }
186       break;
187     }
188   }
189 }
l_castle()191 void l_castle()
192 {
193   pob o;
194   int x, y;
196   if (Player.level < 3) {
197     print1("You can't possibly enter the castle, you nobody!");
198     print2("Come back when you are famous.");
199   }
200   else {
201     print1("You are ushered into the castle.");
202     if (Player.rank[NOBILITY]<DUKE) {
203       print2("His Grace, ");
204       nprint2(Duke);
205       nprint2("-- Duke of Rampart! <fanfare>");
206       morewait();
207       clearmsg();
208     }
209     if (Player.rank[NOBILITY]==0) {
210       print1("Well, sirrah, wouldst embark on a quest? [yn] ");
211       if (ynq1() == 'y') {
212 	print2("Splendid. Bring me the head of the Goblin King.");
213 	Player.rank[NOBILITY]=COMMONER;
214       }
215       else {
216 	print1("You scoundrel! Guards! Take this blackguard away!");
217 	morewait();
218 	p_damage(25,UNSTOPPABLE,"castle guards for lese majeste");
219 	send_to_jail();
220       }
221     }
222     else if (Player.rank[NOBILITY]==COMMONER) {
223       if (find_and_remove_item(CORPSEID,GOBLIN_KING)) {
224 	print1("Good job, sirrah! I promote you to the rank of esquire.");
225 	Player.rank[NOBILITY]=ESQUIRE;
226 	gain_experience(100);
227 	print2("Now that you have proved yourself true, another quest!");
228 	morewait();
229 	print1("Bring to me a Holy Defender!");
230 	print2("One is said to be in the possession of the Great Wyrm");
231 	morewait();
232 	clearmsg();
233 	print1("in the depths of the sewers below the city.");
234       }
235       else print2("Do not return until you achieve the quest, caitiff!");
236     }
237     else if (Player.rank[NOBILITY]==ESQUIRE) {
238       if (find_and_remove_item(WEAPONID+34,-1)) {
239 	print1("My thanks, squire. In return, I dub thee knight!");
240 	Player.rank[NOBILITY]=KNIGHT;
241 	gain_experience(1000);
242 	print2("If thou wouldst please me further...");
243 	morewait();
244 	print1("Bring me a suit of dragonscale armor.");
245 	print2("You might have to kill a dragon to get one....");
246       }
247       else print2("Greetings, squire. My sword? What, you don't have it?");
248     }
249     else if (Player.rank[NOBILITY]==KNIGHT) {
250       if (find_and_remove_item(ARMORID+12,-1)) {
251 	print1("Thanks, good sir knight.");
252 	print2("Here are letters patent to a peerage!");
253 	Player.rank[NOBILITY]=LORD;
254 	gain_experience(10000);
255 	morewait();
256 	print1("If you would do me a final service...");
257 	print2("I require the Orb of Mastery. If you would be so kind...");
258 	morewait();
259 	print1("By the way, you might find the Orb in the possession");
260 	print2("Of the Elemental Master on the Astral Plane");
261       }
262       else print2("Your quest is not yet complete, sir knight.");
263     }
264     else if (Player.rank[NOBILITY]==LORD) {
265       if (find_item(&o,ARTIFACTID+0,-1)) {
266 	print1("My sincerest thanks, my lord.");
267 	print2("You have proved yourself a true paragon of chivalry");
268 	morewait();
269 	print1("I abdicate the Duchy in your favor....");
270 	print2("Oh, you can keep the Orb, by the way....");
271 	Player.rank[NOBILITY]=DUKE;
272 	gain_experience(10000);
273 	strcpy(Duke,Player.name);
274 	morewait();
275 	Dukebehavior = fixnpc(4);
276 	save_hiscore_npc(12);
277 	for (y = 52; y < 63; y++)
278 	    for (x = 2; x < 52; x++) {
279 		if (Level->site[x][y].p_locf == L_TRAP_SIREN) {
280 		    Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_NO_OP;
281 		    lset(x, y, CHANGED);
282 		}
283 		if (x >= 12 && loc_statusp(x, y, SECRET)) {
284 		    lreset(x, y, SECRET);
285 		    lset(x, y, CHANGED);
286 		}
287 		if (x >= 20 && x <= 23 && y == 56) {
288 		    Level->site[x][y].locchar = FLOOR;
289 		    lset(x, y, CHANGED);
290 		}
291 	    }
293       }
294       else print2("I didn't really think you were up to the task....");
295     }
296   }
297 }
l_arena()300 void l_arena()
301 {
302   char response;
303   pob newitem;
304   int i,prize,monsterlevel;
305   char *name, *corpse, *melee = NULL;
307   print1("Rampart Coliseum");
308   if (Player.rank[ARENA] == 0) {
309     print2("Enter the games, or Register as a Gladiator? [e,r,ESCAPE] ");
310     do response = (char) mcigetc();
311     while ((response != 'e') && (response != 'r') && (response != ESCAPE));
312   }
313   else {
314     print2("Enter the games? [yn] ");
315     response = ynq2();
316     if (response == 'y') response = 'e';
317     else response = ESCAPE;
318   }
319   if (response == 'r') {
320     if (Player.rank[ARENA]>0)
321       print2("You're already a gladiator....");
322     else if (Player.rank[ORDER]>0)
323       print2("We don't let Paladins into our Guild.");
324     else if (Player.rank[LEGION]>0)
325       print2("We don't train no stinkin' mercs!");
326     else if (Player.str < 13)
327       print2("Yer too weak to train!");
328     else if (Player.agi < 12)
329       print2("Too clumsy to be a gladiator!");
330     else {
331       print1("Ok, yer now an Arena Trainee.");
332       print2("Here's a wooden sword, and a shield");
333       morewait();
334       clearmsg();
335       newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype)));
336       *newitem = Objects[WEAPONID+17]; /* club */
337       gain_item(newitem);
338       newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype)));
339       *newitem = Objects[SHIELDID+2]; /* shield */
340       gain_item(newitem);
341       Player.rank[ARENA] = TRAINEE;
342       Arena_Opponent = 3;
343       morewait();
344       clearmsg();
345       print1("You've got 5000Au credit at the Gym.");
346       Gymcredit+=5000;
347     }
348   }
349   else if (response == 'e') {
350     print1("OK, we're arranging a match....");
351     morewait();
352     Arena_Monster = ((pmt) checkmalloc(sizeof(montype)));
353     Arena_Victory = FALSE;
354     switch(Arena_Opponent) {
355     case 0:
356       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[GEEK];
357       break;
358     case 1:
359       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[HORNET];
360       break;
361     case 2:
362       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[HYENA];
363       break;
364     case 3:
365       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[GOBLIN];
366       break;
367     case 4:
368       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[GRUNT];
369       break;
370     case 5:
371       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[TOVE];
372       break;
373     case 6:
374       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[APPR_NINJA];
375       break;
376     case 7:
377       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[SALAMANDER];
378       break;
379     case 8:
380       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[ANT];
381       break;
382     case 9:
383       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[MANTICORE];
384       break;
385     case 10:
386       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[SPECTRE];
387       break;
388     case 11:
389       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[BANDERSNATCH];
390       break;
391     case 12:
392       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[LICHE];
393       break;
394     case 13:
395       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[AUTO_MAJOR];
396       break;
397     case 14:
398       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[JABBERWOCK];
399       break;
400     case 15:
401       *Arena_Monster = Monsters[JOTUN];
402       break;
403     default:
404       if ((Player.rank[ARENA] < 5) && (Player.rank[ARENA] > 0)) {
405 	strcpy(Str1,Champion);
406 	strcat(Str1,", the arena champion");
407 	*Arena_Monster = Monsters[HISCORE_NPC];
408 	name = Arena_Monster->monstring = salloc(Str1);
409 	strcpy(Str2,"The corpse of ");
410 	strcat(Str2,Str1);
411 	corpse = Arena_Monster->corpsestr = salloc(Str2);
412 	Arena_Monster->level = 20;
413 	Arena_Monster->hp = Championlevel*Championlevel*5;
414 	Arena_Monster->hit = Championlevel*4;
415 	Arena_Monster->ac = Championlevel*3;
416 	Arena_Monster->dmg = 100+Championlevel*2;
417 	Arena_Monster->xpv = Championlevel*Championlevel*5;
418 	Arena_Monster->speed = 3;
419 	melee = Arena_Monster->meleestr = (char *) checkmalloc(30*sizeof(char));
420 	strcpy(Arena_Monster->meleestr,"");
421 	for(i=0;i<Championlevel/5;i++)
422 	  strcat(Arena_Monster->meleestr,"L?R?");
423 	m_status_set(Arena_Monster, MOBILE);
424 	m_status_set(Arena_Monster, HOSTILE);
425       }
426       else {
427 	do
428 	  i = random_range(ML9 - ML0) + ML0;
429 	while (i == NPC || i == HISCORE_NPC || i == ZERO_NPC ||
430 	       (Monsters[i].uniqueness != COMMON) ||
431 	       (Monsters[i].dmg == 0));
432 	*Arena_Monster = Monsters[i];
433       }
434       break;
435     }
436     monsterlevel = Arena_Monster->level;
437     if (Arena_Monster->level != 20) {
438       strcpy(Str1,nameprint());
439       strcat(Str1," the ");
440       strcat(Str1,Arena_Monster->monstring);
441       name = Arena_Monster->monstring = salloc(Str1);
442       strcpy(Str2,"The corpse of ");
443       strcat(Str2,Str1);
444       corpse = Arena_Monster->corpsestr = salloc(Str2);
445     }
446     Arena_Monster->uniqueness = UNIQUE_MADE;
447     print1("You have a challenger: ");
448     print2(Arena_Monster->monstring);
449     Arena_Monster->attacked = TRUE;
450     m_status_set(Arena_Monster,HOSTILE);
451     morewait();
452     clearmsg();
453     change_environment(E_ARENA);
454     print1("Let the battle begin....");
456     time_clock(TRUE);
457     while (Current_Environment == E_ARENA)
458       time_clock(FALSE);
460     /* WDT -- Sheldon Simms points out that these objects are not
461      * wastes of space; on the contrary, they can be carried out of the
462      * arena.  Freeing them was causing subtle and hard to find problems.
463      * However, not freeing them is causing a couple of tiny memory leaks.
464      * This should be fixed, probably by modifying the object destruction
465      * procedures to account for this case.  I'm not really concerned. */
466     /* David Given has proposed a nicer solution, but it still causes a
467      * memory leak.  Obviously, we need a special field just for names
468      * in the monster struct.  Yadda yadda -- I'll mmark this with a
469      * HACK!, and comme back to it later. */
470     free(name);		/* hey - why waste space? */
471     /* can not free the corpse string... it is referenced in the */
472     /* corpse string of the corpse object.  */
473     /* Unfortunately, this will cause a memory leak, but I don't see */
474     /* any way to avoid it.  This fixes the munged arena corpse names */
475     /* problem. -DAG */
476     /* free(corpse); */
478     if (melee)
479       free(melee);
480     if (! Arena_Victory) {
481       print1("The crowd boos your craven behavior!!!");
482       if (Player.rank[ARENA] > 0) {
483 	print2("You are thrown out of the Gladiator's Guild!");
484 	morewait();
485 	clearmsg();
486 	if (Gymcredit > 0) print1("Your credit at the gym is cut off!");
487 	Gymcredit = 0;
488 	Player.rank[ARENA] = -1;
489       }
490     }
491     else {
492       Arena_Opponent++;
493       if (monsterlevel == 20) {
494 	print1("The crowd roars its approval!");
495 	if (Player.rank[ARENA]) {
496 	  print2("You are the new Arena Champion!");
497 	  Championlevel = Player.level;
498 	  strcpy(Champion,Player.name);
499 	  Player.rank[ARENA] = 5;
500 	  morewait();
501 	  Championbehavior = fixnpc(4);
502 	  save_hiscore_npc(11);
503 	  print1("You are awarded the Champion's Spear: Victrix!");
504 	  morewait();
505 	  newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype)));
506 	  *newitem = Objects[WEAPONID+35];
507 	  gain_item(newitem);
509 	}
510 	else {
511 	  print1("As you are not an official gladiator,");
512 	  nprint1("you are not made Champion.");
513 	  morewait();
514 	}
515       }
516       morewait();
517       clearmsg();
518       print1("Good fight! ");
519       nprint1("Your prize is: ");
520       prize = max(25,monsterlevel * 50);
521       if (Player.rank[ARENA] > 0) prize *= 2;
522       mnumprint(prize);
523       nprint1("Au.");
524       Player.cash+=prize;
525       if ((Player.rank[ARENA]<4) &&
526 	  (Arena_Opponent>5) &&
527 	  (Arena_Opponent % 3 == 0)) {
528 	if (Player.rank[ARENA]>0) {
529 	  Player.rank[ARENA]++;
530 	  morewait();
531 	  print1("You've been promoted to a stronger class!");
532 	  print2("You are also entitled to additional training.");
533 	  Gymcredit+=Arena_Opponent*1000;
534 	}
535       }
536     }
537     xredraw();
538   }
539   else clearmsg();
540 }