1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2SOURCELONG:Eldritch Sorcery	SOURCESHORT:EldSor	SOURCEWEB:http://www.necromancergames.com/	SOURCEDATE:2005-06
3# Original Entry by: Tir Gwaith
5# Guessing on the Arcane/Divine Affinity feat CHOOSEr
6# Domain Affinity not enabled
7# Not sure how to implement Lunar Magic and Seasonal Magic.
8# Anchored Spell - variable spell level slot increase, put in minimum.
10###Block: General Feats
11# Feat Name				Type			Required Ability									Required Class							Required Deity	Required Feat				Req. Spell Type		Required Stat	Required Text								Var. Min. Value					Description																	Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose										Caster level					Bonus DC				Save bonus		Bonus to skill				Modify VAR										Source Page
12# Ability Name			Category of Ability	Type			Required Ability									Required Class							Required Deity	Req. Spell Type		Required Stat	Required Text								Var. Min. Value					Description																	Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose										Caster level					Bonus DC				Save bonus		Bonus to skill				Modify VAR										Source Page
13Arcane Affinity			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																DESC:You have a knack for learning the mysteries of arcane magic.								STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|CLASS|SPELLCASTER																																					SOURCEPAGE:p.7
14Atheist				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																					PREDEITY:1,N																									DESC:You disbelieve the existence of all gods to the point that divine magic has little effect on you.																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.7
15Augment Undead			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Spell Focus (Necromancy)																																							DESC:Your created or animated undead are more powerful than normal																																																						SOURCEPAGE:p.7
16Ceremonial Turning		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Turn Undead,Rebuke Undead																																					DESC:You and several others can combine your turning attempts for greater effect.																																																				SOURCEPAGE:p.7
17Disciplined				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																DESC:You have a strong mind and determination.  You are difficult to distract from your task.																														BONUS:SAVE|Will|1	BONUS:SKILL|Concentration|2													SOURCEPAGE:p.7
18Divine Affinity			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																DESC:You have a knack for learning the mysteries of divine magic.								STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|CLASS|SPELLCASTER																																					SOURCEPAGE:p.7
19Divine Focus			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Turn Undead																			PRESTAT:1,CHA=13																		DESC:You are in tune with your deity and can affect undead more easily.																																											BONUS:VAR|TurnCheckUndead,TurnDamagePlusUndead|2|TYPE=Sacred	SOURCEPAGE:p.8
20Domain Affinity			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																					PREDEITY:1,Y								PRETEXT:Must have alignment within one step of your deity.								DESC:You are in tune with the aspects of your patron deity, even if you are not a divine spellcaster.																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.8
21Elemental Focus			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																DESC:Your spells with the chosen elemental descriptor are more potent than usual.					STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:STRING|Air|Earth|Fire|Water													BONUS:DC|DESCRIPTOR.LIST|2																					SOURCEPAGE:p.8
22Essence Magic			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Eschew Materials																																								DESC:You can cast spells without relying on material components.																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.8
23Herbalist				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																DESC:You easily identify rare herbs used in healing and potion creation.																																				BONUS:SKILL|Heal,Craft (Alchemy)|2												SOURCEPAGE:p.9
24Lunar Magic				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General												PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1,SPELLCASTER.Divine=1																												DESC:Your magic is enhanced during one phase of the moon											MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|STRING|First Quarter|Full|Last Quarter|New																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.9
25Maximize Undead Creation	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Spell Focus (Necromancy)																																							DESC:Your animated or created undead have maximum hit points.																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.9
26Power Turning			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Turn Undead																			PRESTAT:1,CHA=13																		DESC:You can make exceptionally powerful turning checks.																																																								SOURCEPAGE:p.9
27Scorn of the Death God		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Turn Undead,Rebuke Undead													PRESPELLTYPE:1,Divine=4	PRESTAT:1,CHA=13	PRETEXT:Worshipper of the god of death											DESC:You can channel energy to turn or rebuke creatures that have cheated death.																																																				SOURCEPAGE:p.9
28Seasonal Magic			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General												PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1,SPELLCASTER.Divine=1																												DESC:Your magic is enhanced during one season of the year											MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|STRING|Fall|Spring|Summer|Winter																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.9
29Seductive Magic			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Spell Focus (Enchantment)																			PRESTAT:1,CHA=15																		DESC:You use your charming ways to make your compulsion spells harder to resist																				BONUS:CASTERLEVEL|SUBSCHOOL.Compulsion|2																										SOURCEPAGE:p.9
30Shape Master			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Natural Spell																																		PREVARGTEQ:WildShapeElementalTimes,1	DESC:Your training allows you to wild shape faster than usual																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.9
32###Block:Item Creation Feats
33# Feat Name			Type			Required Class							Required Feat				Required Skill			Req. Spell Type				Required Stat		Description																											Source Page
34# Ability Name		Category of Ability	Type			Required Ability							Required Class							Required Skill			Req. Spell Type				Required Stat		Description																											Source Page
35Craft Magic Candle	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:ItemCreation										PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=3,SPELLCASTER.Divine=3																DESC:You can create magic candles that hold spells until triggered [by burning out on their own or being snuffed out].  Magic candles function similar to potions.	SOURCEPAGE:p.10
36Craft Magic Talisman	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:ItemCreation										PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=3,SPELLCASTER.Divine=3																DESC:You can create magic fetishes [also called charms] that hold spells until triggered.  A talisman is a single use magic item and functions like a scroll.		SOURCEPAGE:p.10
37Master Alchemist		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:ItemCreation	PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Brew Potion,Herbalist										PRESKILL:1,Craft (Alchemy)=15	PRESPELLTYPE:1,Arcane=4,Divine=4	PRESTAT:1,INT=15,CHA=15	DESC:You can easily identify and collect the herbs and materials necessary for your potions.													SOURCEPAGE:p.10
39###Block: Metamagic Feats
40# Feat Name		Required Class							Required Casting Type	Required Spell School		Req. Spell Type		Required Stat	Description													Add Spell Lvl	Source Page
41# Ability Name	Category of Ability	Required Class							Required Casting Type	Required Spell School		Req. Spell Type		Required Stat	Description													Add Spell Lvl	Source Page
42Anchored Spell	CATEGORY:FEAT											PRESPELLCAST:MEMORIZE=Y													DESC:You can cast spells without material components by scribing them on your body.	ADDSPELLLEVEL:1	SOURCEPAGE:p.10
43Colorize Spell	CATEGORY:FEAT															PRESPELLSCHOOL:1,Illusion=1					PRESTAT:1,INT=13	DESC:You can add color to or change the colors of any visible spell effect.		ADDSPELLLEVEL:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.10
44Sacramental Magic	CATEGORY:FEAT																				PRESPELLTYPE:1,Divine=1				DESC:You imbue your damaging spells with divine essence.					ADDSPELLLEVEL:1	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
45Sympathetic Magic	CATEGORY:FEAT		PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1,SPELLCASTER.Divine=1																	DESC:Your spells are harder to resist if you have a bit of the target's substance.	ADDSPELLLEVEL:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11