1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2# Original entry by: Mortal_Elf (elves_are_mortal@yahoo.com)
3SOURCELONG:Alderac Entertainment Group - Undead	SOURCESHORT:Undead	SOURCEWEB:http://alderac.com/d20	SOURCEDATE:2003-01
5# Feat Name		Product Identity?	Type			Required AL		Required Feat		Required Stat	Description																										Source Page
6# Ability Name	Product Identity?	Category of Ability	Type			Required Ability					Required AL		Required Stat	Description																										Source Page
7Death Angel		NAMEISPI:YES	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Stout Hearted				PRESTAT:1,CHA=13	DESC:You can inflict critical hits and sneak attacks on undead.																	SOURCEPAGE:p.28
8Pure Hearted	NAMEISPI:YES	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Stout Hearted	PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG				DESC:You are extremely resistant to negative energy attacks.																	SOURCEPAGE:p.28
9Show of Faith	NAMEISPI:YES	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General								PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG	PRESTAT:1,WIS=13	DESC:Your faith keeps the legions of undead away from you.																		SOURCEPAGE:p.28
10Sixth Sense		NAMEISPI:YES	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Alertness							DESC:You have an uncanny sense for detecting invisible or non-corporeal creatures.														SOURCEPAGE:p.28
11Stout Hearted	NAMEISPI:YES	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General								PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG	PRESTAT:1,WIS=14	DESC:You gain a +4 competence bonus on saves to shrug off the permanent effects of gaining a negative level and to resist any spells that deal negative levels.	SOURCEPAGE:p.28