1			     P O W W O W
3			doc for version 1.2.16
4		     last modified Oct 09, 2007
8	powwow is a client program, which replaces telnet for the lazy
9	mudder who wants some (only some?) extra features.
10	It is primarily designed for DikuMUDs, but nothing prevents its use
11	for other types of muds.  powwow is based on another client, cancan,
12	and cancan was originally inspired by tintin (yet another client)
13	by Peter Unold (pjunold@daimi.aau.dk), but is entirely re-written.
14	powwow also implements the MUME remote editing protocol, which
15	enables you to edit texts on the mud using your own favourite
16	editor, several texts at once if you have a windowing terminal.
20	Powwow maintains definition files where aliases, actions and
21	mud addresses are saved. Powwow is then called by:
23	$ powwow definition-file
25	(the $ above stands for your prompt, do NOT type it)
27	If the definition file doesn't exist (as the first time you
28	use powwow) you are asked for a host name and port number.
29	This will then be stored in the file. The file will be updated
30	every time you type '#save' or when powwow terminates.
31	The file is in plain text, so you can edit it if you want.
32	It makes sense to have one file for each mud you play, or for
33	each set of definitions you use in the same mud.
35	If the environment variable POWWOWDIR exists, that directory
36	is first searched for definition files and new files are
37	created there rather than in the current directory, unless
38	definition-file contains a slash ("/").
40	The file 'Config.demo' is a demonstrative definition file provided
41	together with powwow to help you building your own configuration.
42	Look at it: there are many useful examples and non-trivial code
43	to fully use powwow.
45	You may also start powwow with:
47	$ powwow netaddress portnumber
49	but nothing will then be saved.
51	In alternative you can simply type:
53	$ powwow
55	and you will enter test-mode: you will be able to use internal commands
56	but you will need to start a session manually
57	(#connect main <address> <port>) if you want to connect to a MUD.
59	To solve the problem met in MUME, where you may have to try many
60	different servers to connect to the game, a fourth syntax has been
61	added:
63	$ powwow definition-file netaddress portnumber
65	With this syntax powwow reads settings from definition file,
66	but overwrites the old address with the newly specified one.
68	Note: If you have several sessions (different invokations)
69	with the same definition file active simultaneously, the
70	settings changed in one session can be overwritten by a change
71	in another session.
75	At any time, you can type #quit to exit from powwow. Be
76	careful, as #quit brutally closes the connection to the mud,
77	without renting your character. Normally, you want to log out
78	gracefully from the mud before doing that. If you wish to cut
79	your link manually, you can also press the break key on your
80	system twice (usually Control-C or DEL) (You must hit it twice
81	because hitting only once is used to stop command parsing -
82	see the bottom of this file).
86	There are various ways to enter powwow test mode:
88	1) typing `powwow' from you command shell
89	   (You will have to load your definition file manually if you need it,
90	    using the following command: #load <save-file> )
92	2) starting powwow with a definition file that does not contain
93	   a '#host' line or contains a '#host' alone, without any address
95	3) starting powwow opening one or more MUD connections,
96	   then closing them all. (You'll need to have #option quit
97	   disabled or powwow will exit when closing the last connection)
99	Remember that to connect to a MUD from test mode you must use:
100	#connect main <address> <port>
104	Powwow allows you to type several commands on one line
105	separated by the ; character. If you want to use a semicolon
106	literally, prefix it by a backslash (\). (Backslashes must of
107	course be escaped too if used literally.)
109	Examples:
110	> n;get coins;s			rapidly rescue some money
111	> say No beer? \;)		semicolon must be escaped
113	In addition, you must also surround every list of commands by braces:
114	'{' and '}'. The only exception (as you can see from the example above)
115	is when you type multiple commands from keyboard: in that case,
116	and only in that, braces are not needed.
117	Also, if you want to use a { or } literally, prefix it with a backslash
118	as you do with semicolons.
120	Another use of semicolons is to send a <new-line> character to the MUD
121	you are connected to. Infact powwow sends a <new-line> every time it
122	meets a null command (0 chars) followed by a semicolon.
124	Examples:
125	>				press <return> only: send a <new-line>
126	> ;				press ; and then <return>: same effect
127	> ;;				send two <new-line>
128	> ;;;				three <new-line> ...
130	Of course multiple <new-line> are considered as multiple commands,
131	so you usually have to surrond them with braces. If directly typed
132	from keyboard, the braces are optional.
134	> {}				do nothing
135	> {;}				send a <new-line>
136	> {;;}				send two <new-line>
137	> {;;;}				and so on...
139	The verbatim mode disables this special meaning of semicolons and
140	braces, and the #quote command lets you switch between verbatim and
141	normal mode.
145	Long lines can be continued by ending each intermediate line with a
146	backslash (\).  This way long and complicated aliases can be written
147	a somewhat readable format.  For example:
149	#al drau={#send ("get tail "+$hcon);#send ("get fur "+$hcon);#send ("get vial "+$hcon);#send ("get tarragon "+$hcon);put tail kit;put fur kit;put vial kit;put tarragon kit}
151	Could be written (somewhat) more legibly as:
153	#al drau={\
154		#send ("get tail "+$hcon);\
155		#send ("get fur "+$hcon);\
156		#send ("get vial "+$hcon);\
157		#send ("get tarragon "+$hcon);\
158		put tail kit;\
159		put fur kit;\
160		put vial kit;\
161		put tarragon kit\
162	}
164	Note that when powwow saves your aliases (e.g. you leave #file defined)
165	that it will not preserve this formatting, so it is most useful if
166	you use a file that is not saved over on exit.  For example, if
167	you use a single configuration file that calls several smaller
168	configuration files that are grouped by similar intent, like having
169	an xp counter script, a prompt script, etc.
173	Powwow parses all lines beginning with the character '#' as
174	special commands. To send a line that begins with '#' itself, precede
175	it with a backslash. The commands are case-sensitive.
176	Commands can be abbreviated as much as you want.
177	-----------------------------------------------------------
178	Alias definition
179	#alias [name[=[command]]]
181	Aliases are abbreviations for longer, frequently used commands.
182	As all powwow commands, they are only recognized at the beginning
183	of a line or directly after a semicolon, an open or closed brace.
184	When an alias is used, the first word following the alias name
185	is placed in the variable $1, the second in $2, etc... up to $9.
186	also, the whole string following alias name is placed in $0.
188	Then, before executing <command>, every $n in <command> is replaced
189	by its contents.
191	Example:
192	#alias summ=cast 'summon' $0	(then "summ thor" is replaced by
193					 "cast 'summon' thor")
194	#alias cs=cast '$1' $2		("cs summon thor" is expanded to
195					 "cast 'summon' thor")
196	#alias summ			(lets you edit the definition of summ)
197	#alias summ=			(removes the alias summ)
198	#alias				(display all defined aliases)
199	#alias ws={wake;stand}		(note that you must use braces)
201	As noted above, aliases are saved automatically if you started powwow
202	with a file name as argument.
203	Aliases can contain other aliases, and an alias can also contain itself
204	(be careful, or powwow will enter a long - but not infinite - loop)
205	Aliases are not expanded in verbatim mode.
207	Where aliases contain other aliases, one or more '\' can be prepended
208	to $n to delay text substition or to use the symbol $n literally.
210	Example:
211	#alias ac=#alias $1=cast '$2' \$0
212		(then "ac sm summon" will give you a new alias
213		 "#alias sm=cast 'summon' $0")
215	#alias \==score
216		(this defines = as an alias for 'score', Note that you must
217		 escape the first = to force powwow to consider it literally)
219	#alias \`=#history $0
220		(this defines \ as an alias for '#history'. Note that you must
221		 use ` to escape the \ . Just doing \= would escape the = )
223	Aliases starting with `#' are allowed and do work,
224	but cannot override any special command.
225	-----------------------------------------------------------
226	Automatic command execution triggered on output
227	#action [[<|=|>|%][+|-]label] [{pattern | (expression)}=[command]]
229	When 'pattern' is found in a line from the remote host, the
230	'command' is automatically executed. If the pattern contains $n,
231	powwow matches one word of the remote line and puts it in the
232	variable $n. If the pattern contains &n, powwow matches a string
233	(possibly more than one word) of the shortest possible length
234	from the remote line and puts it in the variable $n.
236	As in aliases, $n can be from $1 to $9. NOTE: $0 is a variable as well,
237	but #action automatically places in it the whole line from remote host.
238	As well, &n can be from &1 to &9.
240	Warning: powwow does NOT print on screen lines from MUD that are
241	intercepted with an #action. So if you want to print them, you
242	must explicitly use a #print or set the #option +autoprint
243	(the help on #print and #option is below in this text)
244	If you want to intercept a prompt, use #prompt instead of #action.
245	(the help on #prompt is near the end of this file)
247	If the first character of the pattern is ^ (caret), the match
248	will only be possible at the beginning of a line.
249	The match is case-sensitive.
250	If 'label' is specified, the action is labeled; otherwise it is
251	numbered.
253	If an <expression surrounded by parentheses> is used insted of pattern,
254	powwow evaluates the expression with the inline calculator (see below)
255	and then uses the result as pattern.
257	Examples:
258	#action ^You are hungry=eat bread
259	#action ^You are hungry=	   		(removes the action)
260	#action ^$1 hugs you={#print;kiss $1}
261	#action ^$1 says &2=say $1 said $2      (note you must use $, not &
262						 after the =)
263	#action Jehova={#print;say Who said that? Stone him!}
265	Labeled actions:
266	> means define, < means delete, = is edit, + is turn on, - is turn off.
267	Also, >- means define and turn off, while >+ means define and turn on
268	( > alone is the same as >+ )
270	#action >fount ^There is a fountain here={#print;drink water}
271							(named action)
272	#action -fount					(turns off action)
273	#action +fount					(turns it back on)
274	#action =fount					(lets you edit it)
275	#action <fount					(removes action)
277	#action >-loot is dead! R.I.P.={#print;get all from corpse}
278					(define and turn off the action)
280	#action >joke ("^$1 says '&2;)'")= wink $1
281				(you must either use this syntax or escape the
282				 ; to force it to be considered literally)
284	#action >argh ^$1 tells you 'hello \`=tell $1 I heard you
285				(as in #alias, \ must be followed by ` when you
286				 need the \ to be followed by a special char
287				 and you do not want this char to be escaped)
289	If you have compiled powwow with -DUSE_REGEXP and use % instead of >
290	you define an action that uses an Extended POSIX regexp to match
291	instead of the standard matcher.
293	#action %first ^([[:alpha:]]+) ([[:digit:]]+)=#print $2 counted $3.
294							(matches abc 123)
296	Note that if the pattern starts with '(', it is evaluated, which means
297	that a regexp that starts with '(' has either to be surrounded by
298	("...") or to be prepended by a backslash.
299	Also note that powwow requires parentheses to be balanced:
300	for example, \(.+|) would be a valid regexp pattern as the backslash
301	gets removed by the unescaping, but powwow will choke on it
302	as the first parenthesis is escaped while the second is not.
304	#action %second ("(..+)-\\1")=#print Double $1
305						(matches xyz-xyz)
306	#action %third \(..+\)-\\1=#print Double $1
307						(same as above)
308	For regexp actions, $0 = the line, $1 = the whole match and $2...
309	contain the submatches.
311	Actions and aliases can run other powwow commands, including
312	#action and #alias.
313	Example:
314	#alias calc=#! echo '$0' | bc -l
315	#alias hungryon=#action ^You are hungry=eat bread
317	As with aliases, additional \'s can be prepended to $n to
318	delay text substitution in actions.
319	Example:
320	#action >reply ^$1 tells you={#print; #alias reply=tell $1 \$0}
321	-----------------------------------------------------------
325	Groups allow related triggers to be enabled and disabled together
326	using a single command, instead of toggling them all on or off
327	individually.  To put actions in to a group specify the group name
328	after an '@' when the action is defined.  For example:
330	#action >+auto-ride@non-pk ZBLAM! A &1 doesn't want you={#print;stand;ride}
332	Would create the action auto-ride in the non-pk group.  Then if you
333	wanted to toggle off all non-pk actions, you could do it using:
335	#group non-pk off
337	And then later to turn them back on, use:
339	#group non-pk on
343	There is another special command quite similar to #action:
344	#prompt [[<|=|>|%][+|-]label] [{pattern | (expression)}=[command]]
346	You will need to use it only if you want to mess with the prompt
347	that your MUD sends, which is often not needed. Also, to use it
348	you need to understand exactly how powwow recognizes prompts,
349	so the description is considered an advanced topic and is placed
350	near the end of this file, in the "ADVANCED TOPIC: #PROMPT" section.
354	Also, only intuitive definitions of substitution, delayed substition
355	and escaping/unescaping have been given so far. If you want the real,
357	section near the end of this file. That section also explains
358	`just in time' substitution, not yet introduced.
359	-----------------------------------------------------------
363	This is the rest of #commands recognized by powwow.
364	-----------------------------------------------------------
365	Toggle verbatim mode
366	#quote [on | off]
368	In verbatim mode, no alias expansion takes place and
369	semicolons, escapes, braces and `  are sent as typed,
370	unless the command line begins with a #, so you can still issue
371	powwow - specific commands.
372	This is useful if you want to paste a text from an editor into
373	a powwow session.
374	Type #quote to turn on the verbatim mode, and type #quote again
375	to turn it off.
376	-----------------------------------------------------------
377	Show/execute commands in history
378	#history [number]
380	#history alone shows you the last commands in history, up to the number
381		of lines in your screen.
382	#history -n shows the last n commands in history, and
383	#history n  executes the n-th command of the history.
385	Recursive #history commands (i.e. an #history <n> calling itself or
386	another #history <n>) are allowed only up to levels of 128 recursions.
388	Example:
390	#history 1				(repeat last command)
391	-----------------------------------------------------------
392	Add a text or expression to word completion list (not to history)
393	#add {text | (expression)}
395	#add puts the text or result of expression (calculator is used to
396	evaluate the expression) in the word completion list.
397	Useful if used together with #action.
398	Example:
400	#action >reply ^$1 tells you={#print;#add $1}
401			(from now on, you can use TAB to complete that name)
402	-----------------------------------------------------------
403	Put a text or expression into history (and to word completion list)
404	#put {text | (expression)}
406	#put puts the text or result of expression (uses calculator) in the
407	history, so that you can use cursor-up key to recall the text as if
408	typed from keyboard.
409	Also, you can execute the text using the #history command.
410	Example:
412	#action >safeflee ^You flee head over heels.=
413		{#print;#put #print You have already fled away!}
415	(If you type 'flee' from keyboard, you can keep trying to flee using
416	 cursor-up (which gets the last command in history) and <RETURN> key.
417	 When you finally manage to flee, the message above is put in history,
418	 so that further attempts to flee do not lead you again in danger)
419	-----------------------------------------------------------
420	Bind keys to enter commands
421	#bind [edit | name [sequence][=[command]]]
423	You can bind most function keys and control keys to enter a command
424	for you when the key is pressed. Also, you can redefine a key already
425	used for an editing function (such as the arrow keys).
426	'name' is the label of the key you want to define; you can just use
427	what is written upon it. When defining a new key binding, you will
428	be asked to press it so powwow can record the control sequence
429	your terminal sends.
430	If you want, you can specify the control sequence directly in the #bind
431	command instead of having to press the key on your keyboard.
433	Examples:
435	#bind				(lists all user key bindings)
436	#bind edit			(lists all line editing keys)
437	#bind f1=recite scroll		(you'll have to press f1 then)
438	#bind f1=cast 'sanctuary'	(change existing definition)
439	#bind f1			(lets you edit the definition)
440	#bind f1=			(removes the key)
441	#bind f1 [[A=cast 'heal'	(also tell powwow that f1 on your
442					 keyboard sends ESC [ [ A, so you
443					 do not have to press it)
445	NOTE: if there is already something on your input line, powwow
446	does not ruin it when you press f1 (or any other #bind), but executes
447	the command you want and then shows you again the input line.
449	#bind f5=&prev-line	(&prev-line is one of the reserved commands for
450				 line-editing functions, see bottom
451				 of this file)
452	#bind Up=u		(Up is an editing key, but can be redefined)
454	By default, the vt100 numeric keypad is partially used to walk around
455	with:
456		Key	string sent
457		2	s
458		3	d
459		4	w
460		5	exits
461		6	e
462		7	look
463		8	n
464		9	u
466	The reserved names that powwow identifies as line-editing functions
467	are at the end of this file, together with the default keys used for
468	them.
470	Remember that ALL keys can be redefined...
471	-----------------------------------------------------------
472	Change the keyboard sequence associated to an existing key binding
473	#rebind name [sequence]
475	If you just want to change the control sequence of a binding, but not
476	its name or its effect, you can just tell powwow to 'rebind' it.
477	If #rebind is invoked with only the name of a binding, you are asked
478	to press the key you want to rebind.
479	Of course, you will not be asked to press the key if you specify
480	its control codes in the #rebind command.
481	Examples:
483	#rebind f1 ^[OP		(tell powwow that your f1 key sends ESC O P
484				 and not ESC [ [ A)
485	#rebind f1		(you are asked to press again f1, useful if you
486				 changed terminal in the meanwhile)
487        -----------------------------------------------------------
488	Change the keyboard sequence of all existing key bindings
489	#rebindall
490	#rebindALL
492	#rebindall runs #rebind on most key bindings (skips trivial ones like
493	^A, ^B, etc.), asking you to press each corresponding key.
495	#rebindALL does the same, but for really every key binding.
496	-----------------------------------------------------------
497	Execute a key as if pressed on keyboard
498	#key name
500	If 'name' is the label of one of the key defined with #bind,
501	(see above) #key executes the corresponding command.
503	Example:
504	If you have already typed
505	  #bind f1=cast 'heal'
507	At any time, then, you can either:
508	- Press your f1 key on you keyboard
509	- Execute the command "#key f1"
510	and powwow will execute the command "cast 'heal'" for you.
512	Using #key, for example, can be useful from inside an
513	#alias or #action, since powwow cannot press f1 for you.
515	Since 1.1.5, powwow allows #key also for editing functions.
516	If you have already
517	  #bind Up=&prev-line
518	and you execute
519	  #key Up
520	powwow will do what you expect: step to the previous line in history.
522	Warning: powwow does not distinguish at all between a real key pressed
523	on the keyboard and one faked with #key, so commands executed with #key
524	will also be written in the #record file.
526	-----------------------------------------------------------
527	Execute an editing function as if pressed on keyboard
528	#keyedit function
530	If 'function' is the name of one of the reserved commands
531	for line-editing functions, #keyedit function will run it.
533	For example, if you already have
534	  #bind Up=&prev-line
535	the following are all equivalent:
536	  * pressing the key Up on your keyboard
537	  * executing #key Up
538	  * executing #keyedit &prev-line
540	Anyway, if you type #key or #keyedit directly from the keyboard
541	the effect is slightly different, as you have to press ENTER
542	to run them and the function &enter-line (which is executed by ENTER)
543	has a few side effects.
544	-----------------------------------------------------------
545	Clear aliases, actions or what you specify
546	#reset {all | name of a list}
548	Argument:	Effect:
549	all		clear everything (apply all lines below)
550	alias		clear all aliases
551	action		clear all actions
552	bind		clear all key bindings and restart with default
553			settings. Note that also editing keys are resetted
554			to default function.
555	at		clear all delayed commands
556	in		(same thing)
557	mark		clear all markers
558	prompt		clear all prompts
559	var		clear all variables
560	-----------------------------------------------------------
561	Mark certain output
562	#mark [pattern[=[attribute]]]
564	This command highlights a part of a line in your output in the way you
565	choose (if your terminal supports it).
567	about the syntax of attributes.
569	Wildcards are allowed in the pattern, and syntax is very similar to
570	#action: $ matches a single word, & matches any string.
572	Examples:
573	#mark Sizzler=bold		(mark `Sizzler' in bold)
574	#mark Sizzler			(lets you edit the above definition)
575	#mark Sizzler=			(Sizzler is no longer put in bold)
576	#mark				(lists all markers)
577	#mark {&}=inverse		(mark in reverse any string in { }
578					 note that also the { } are highlited)
579	#mark ^You=yellow		(mark `You' in yellow only if it appears
580					 at the beginning of a line)
581	#mark \^=on blue		(mark a literal ^ )
582	-----------------------------------------------------------
583	#module [module name]
585	This loads a shared library module by name, if supported by your system.  The
586	name of the module should be included in the documentation that came with the
587	powwow extension, for example to load the perl module you would use:
589	#module perl
591	Which gives you the perl command that can be used like:
593	#perl powwow::exec( "say it is " . scalar(localtime()) )
595	The commands added and their syntax varies depending on the module.
596	-----------------------------------------------------------
597	Set/show priority for new actions/marks
598	#nice [{number | (expression)} [command]]
600	When #nice is 0 (default) powwow puts new actions at the bottom of the
601	action list (and same thing for marks). If you want to put new
602	actions/marks in another point of the list, just set #nice to the
603	corresponding value:
605	If you specify a command after 'number', the new #nice value is used
606	only for that command, then the old value is restored.
608	Examples:
610	#nice 12 	(tells powwow to put new actions/marks in the 12th
611			(place of the list)
613	#nice 4 #mark Grizzly=red on blue  (put the mark in the 4th place of
614					    the list)
616	Note that #nice works only for new actions/marks: if an action/mark
617	is already defined, you cannot change its place in the list.
618	-----------------------------------------------------------
619	Input highlighting
620	#hilite [attribute]
622	This sets the attribute of your entered text to the given attribute.
623	Just #hilite turns it off.
624	See "ATTRIBUTES: COLORS AND OTHER HILIGHTINGS" below for more syntax.
625	-----------------------------------------------------------
626	Set standard colours
627	#color [attrib]
629	(This command exists only if BUG_TELNET is defined, to cope with
630	 deficiencies of NCSA telnet 2.2)
631	Set your standard foreground and background to the colours you specify.
632	#color			returns to the default colors for your screen
633	-----------------------------------------------------------
634	Capture output to file
635	#capture [[>]filename]
637	This captures all output from the main MUD connection and your typed
638	commands to a local disk file. To close the file and end the
639	capturing, type #capture without argument.
640	If the filename starts with a '>', new text will be appended to the
641	end of the file instead of overwriting it.
642	You can only capture output to one file at a time.
643	Example:
644	> #capture message
645	> look at board
646	> #capture
648	It is possible to capture in the #capture file even text that you have
649	_already_ received: see #setvar buffer.
650	-----------------------------------------------------------
651	Record typed commands to file
652	#record [filename]
654	This records all text typed from keyboard to a local disk file.
655	(output from remote host is not recorded)
656	To close the file and end the recording, type #record without argument.
657	You can only record typed text to one file at a time, but #capture and
658	#record can be active at the same time on different files.
659	Example:
660	> #record walk-home
661	> n;e;e;u;n;w;s
662	> open door
663	> s
664	> close door
665	> sleep
666	> #record
667	-----------------------------------------------------------
668	Capture output to file, with timestamps
669	#movie [filename]
671	This is similar to #capture, but adds timestamps to each line
672	received from the main MUD connection or typed from the keyboard,
673	to allow replay at correct speed.
674	The program `powwow-movieplay' for replay is included with powwow sources.
675	Usage: `powwow-movieplay <filename>'
676	To convert a movie to plain ASCII, the program `powwow-movie2ascii'
677	is included too.
678	Usage: `powwow-movie2ascii <infile> <outfile>'.
680	It is possible to capture in the #movie file even text that you have
681	_already_ received: see #setvar buffer.
682	-----------------------------------------------------------
683	Execute a shell command
684	#! command
686	Executes a command using /bin/sh. Powwow waits until your shell
687	finishes, but you can put jobs in the background with & as usual.
688	Example:
689	> #! who | sort | less
690	> #! nethack
691	> #! xbiff &
693	Note that semicolons, escapes and braces need to be escaped if they
694	are to be sent to the shell.
695	If your shell has job control, you can also suspend powwow
696	with ^Z as usual.
697	-----------------------------------------------------------
698	Put a string in the edit buffer automatically
699	#prefix [string]
701	Each new line you type will automatically begin with the prefix string.
702	You can of course edit or delete the inserted string as usual. To
703	remove the prefix, just issue a #prefix command without arguments.
704	This is handy when you are talking to someone, for example.
705	> #prefix tell arthur
706	-----------------------------------------------------------
707	Help
708	#help [keys | math | command]
710	Shows a list of powwow's commands.
711	'#help keys' shows the editing keys.
712	'#help math' show help on inline calculator.
713	You can also have help on specific commands, using for example
714	'#help alias' or in general '#help <command-name>'.
715	A help file is needed and provided for this last feature of #help,
716	and powwow will look for the file "powwow_help" in the directory
717	specified by the environment variable POWWOWHELP. If this variable
718	does not exist, powwow looks in current directory.
719	-----------------------------------------------------------
720	Command repetition
721	#n command
723	This repeats the command n times. Example:
724	> #5 buy bread				(buy five breads)
727	Alternatively, you can use this syntax to repeat a command n times:
728	#do (expr) command
730	In this case, powwow evaluates the expression, and uses the result
731	as counter.
732	Example:
733	> #do (3*8) north			(go north 24 times)
734	-----------------------------------------------------------
735	Iterate a command
736	#while (expression) command
738	This syntax repeats a command while expression (evaluated with
739	calculator) keeps true. (see below for help about calculator)
740	As with #alias and #action, the $n and @n in command are
741	replaced by their values. (Even if you can, using @n after the =
742	in #action and #alias is useless, because you have no way to
743	assign them a non-zero value. This is the reason why we did not talk
744	about them in the #alias and #action section)
746	Example:
748	#while (@0<13) {read @0;#(\@0++)}	  read messages 0-12
749	As you can see, the last @0 is escaped to avoid it to be
750	substituted with its value. (We want to increase the variable!)
751	-----------------------------------------------------------
752	Iterate a command
753	#for ([init];check;[loop]) command
755	Directly copied from C language, this command evaluates 'init'
756	with calculator (if specified), then repeats the following cycle:
757		1) evaluate 'check', if result is 0 (false) stop repetition
758		2) execute 'command'
759		3) evaluate 'loop' (if specified)
760		4) restart from 1)
762	As with #while, #for performs the parameter substitution in 'command',
763	so the only significative difference between #while and #for is that
764	#for allows you to execute an initialization before the repeat cycle.
766	Example:
768	#for (@1=32; @1<=47; @1++) read @0	(read messages 32-47)
769	-----------------------------------------------------------
770	Branch execution command
771	#if (expression) command1 [; #else command2]
773	Evaluate the expression: if result is 'true' execute command1,
774	otherwise (if there is an #else) execute command2.
775	If expression is false and there is no #else, execute nothing.
776	remember that you must use braces {} if command1 or command2
777	contain more than one instruction.
779	Note that nested #if-#else are allowed, and that #if-#else itself
780	is not a multiple command.
782	WARNING: using an alias for #if is very dangerous and will cause
783	powwow to make confusion when the full #if-#else syntax is used.
784	-----------------------------------------------------------
785	Automapping control
786	#map [-[number] | walksequence]
788	With no argument, "#map" shows the map of the directions you
789	travelled up to now.  "#map -" clears the last number of steps
790	from the map.
792	Example:
793	#map		(displays "#current map: e3su" after above walk)
794	#map -1		(leaves the map as "esss")
795	#map -		(clears the whole map and starts fresh)
796	#map nsssue	(add the list of directions to map)
797	-----------------------------------------------------------
798	Retrace steps
799	#retrace [number]
801	This command walks you in the reverse direction of the last
802	number of steps.  If number is 0 or left blank, you walk all
803	the way back to where automapping started.
804	-----------------------------------------------------------
805	Explicitly execute a speedwalk
806	#speedwalk [walksequence]
808    This command can be used to execute a speedwalk sequence even
809    if you have the speedwalk option disabled.  This is useful if you
810    do not like to have typos evaluated as speedwalk commands but still
811    want to be able to easily execute a speedwalk.
812	-----------------------------------------------------------
813	Connect initialization string
814	#init [=[command]]
816	This command sets up the initialization string to send to
817	the host on establishing a connection.
819	Example:
820	#init				(shows the string)
821	#init ={#identify;#speedwalk}	(sets the string)
822	#init =				(clears the whole string)
823	-----------------------------------------------------------
824	Identify as an editing client
825	#identify [startedit [endedit]]
827	This command sends an identification string to the server, to
828	indicate that the client supports editing functions. It is
829	best attached to an action trigged by a string in the login
830	screen, but can also be entered by hand.
831	This command must be issued for the cooperative editing to work
832	on servers that support it (currently only MUME).
833	The startedit/endedit parameters are commands issued when an editing
834	session starts/ends (for changing your title, emoting etc).
836	Example:
838	#action >mume ***  MUME=#identify
839	#identify foo bar
840	(where foo and bar are aliases that do something useful)
841	-----------------------------------------------------------
842	Identify as a IAC GA compliant client
843	#request prompt
845	This command sends an identification string to the server, to
846	indicate that the client supports (and wants) the special sequence
847	IAC GA at the end of each prompt. This helps the client
848	to automatically detect the prompt, and can be used as alternative
849	to #prompt / #isprompt if all you want with the prompt is detecting
850	it (and not altering it)
853		this is experimental and not tested!
855	Example:
857	#action >mume ***  MUME={#print;#identify;#request prompt}
858	#request prompt
859	-----------------------------------------------------------
860	List all editing sessions
861	#edit
863	This command shows your active editing sessions, with a brief
864	description and their number.
865	-----------------------------------------------------------
866	Cancel an editing session
867	#cancel [number]
869	Without an argument, all editing sessions are cancelled;
870	otherwise, only the given session is cancelled. The corresponding
871	editor processes are brutally killed.
872	-----------------------------------------------------------
873	List/turn various options on/off
874	#option [[+|-|=]option-name]
876	Currently available option names are:
877		exit, history, wrap, compact, debug, echo, info, keyecho,
878		speedwalk, wrap, autoprint, buffer, reprint, sendsize,
879		autoclear
881	#option +name		turns an option on
882	#option -name		turns it off
883	#option  name		toggles it
884	#option =name		reports its status
886	-------------
887	#option exit
889	If the `exit' option is on, powwow automatically quits when the last
890	connection is closed. Otherwise, to quit powwow you need to manually
891	type `#quit'
892	-------------
893	#option history
895	With `history' option on, powwow writes into your savefile also
896	all your commands in history
897	-------------
898	#option words
900	With `words' option on, powwow writes into your savefile also
901	your word completion list
902	-------------
903	#option compact
905	Normally, powwow does not touch the prompts on screen while you play.
906	In `compact' mode, instead, lines containing only a prompt are deleted
907	when further messages arrive from the remote host.
909	WARNING: this command works correctly only if you have #prompts which
910		 correctly run #isprompt. Otherwise it may occasionally erase
911		 some lines from the screen.
912	-------------
913	#option debug
915	Normally, powwow does not print on screen the command lines it
916	executes. When `debug' is on, every line executed by powwow is also
917	echoed on screen, so that you can check if your code works correctly
918	(warning: this prints LOTS of lines on your screen)
919	-------------
920	#option echo
922	Normally, powwow echoes on your screen each command sent to remote
923	host but not directly typed (example: aliases and actions sending text
924	to the MUD). When `echo' is off, such commands are still sent to host,
925	but not echoed on screen.
926	-------------
927	#option info
929	Normally, powwow prints on screen some messages each time you
930	define/edit/delete an #alias, #action, #bind and similar.
931	When `info' is off, those messages are not typed at all.
932	(But errors are still printed on screen)
933	-------------
934	#option keyecho
936	Normally, powwow echoes on your screen the commands sent to remote host
937	when you hit a key associated to a #bind. When `keyecho' is off, such
938	commands are still sent to host, but not echoed on screen.
939	-------------
940	#option speedwalk
942	With `speedwalk' on, a command consisting of only lowercase
943	n, e, s, w, u, d and numeric digits is considered to be a
944	walk sequence.  The numeric digits specify the number of
945	times to repeat the direction immediately following.
947	Example:
948	esssu		(walk east, 3 south, up)
949	e3su		(same as above)
950	-------------
951	#option wrap
953	Normally, powwow wraps words that would have been cut by the right
954	margin to the next line. This command lets you turn it off and on.
955	-------------
956	#option autoprint
958	If `autoprint' is on, powwow prints lines matched by an #action
959	even without an explicit #print.
960	-------------
961	#option sendsize
963	Usually powwow does not send the window size to the MUD unless asked.
964	If you want to send the window size automatically upon connecting,
965	you may enable this option.
966	-------------
967	#option autoclear
969	Powwow normally erases the input line before executing commands
970	from spawned programs, but that is slow and causes flicker.
971	If autoclear is disabled flicker reduces to minimum,
972	on the other hand spawned programs must then execute #clear
973	before sending anything to screen.
974	-------------
975	#option reprint
977	If `reprint' is on (off by default), powwow prints again commands
978	sent to the mud but not yet executed.
979	WARNING: it works only if you use #prompts which correctly run
980		 #isprompt.
982	++++ example: ++++
983	*>look
984	south
985	down
987	The High Path
989	*>Path Climbing a Hill
991	*>
992	Alas, you cannot go that way.
994	*>
995	++++ becomes: ++++
996	*>look
997	south
998	down
1000	The High Path
1002	*>(south)
1003	Path Climbing a Hill
1005	*>(down)
1006	Alas, you cannot go that way.
1008	*>
1009	-----------------------------------------------------------
1010	Show current version
1011	#ver
1013	Displays the current version, some compile options and (if
1014	your compiler supports it) when powwow was compiled.
1015	-----------------------------------------------------------
1016	Multiple connections handling commands
1017	#connect [session-id [initstr] [host port]]
1018				connect a new session / list sessions
1019	#snoop session-id	toggle output display for session
1020	#zap session-id		disconnect a session
1021	##<session-id>		set <session-id> as default session
1022	##<session-id> command	execute command on <session-id> session
1024	No docs here. If multiplaying is allowed on you MUD (and many
1025	do NOT allow) you can experiment a little to find how they work.
1026	Or you can open two connections to two different MUDs :)
1027	-----------------------------------------------------------
1028	Spawn an external program
1029	#spawn session-id command
1031	Creates a new session, connected to a shell command instead of a MUD.
1032	Writing to ##<session-id> sends data to the command's standard input,
1033	while the command's standard output is executed as if typed
1034	from keyboard. Useful if you are a programmer and you want to create
1035	very complex filters or robots, for which #actions are too limited.
1036	Command's standard output *MUST* terminate with a newline ('\n') in
1037	order for powwow to execute it.
1038	You can send multiple commands at once terminating each of them
1039	by either a semi-colon ';' or a newline '\n', except for the last one
1040	which (I repeat) *MUST* terminate with a newline.
1042	You can close these sessions with #zap and list them with #connect
1043	as usual.
1045	Depending on how lazy you are, you can choose two different ways
1046	to have spawned programs print to screen:
1048	The first is automatic, but slow: with `#option +autoclear'
1049	powwow clears the input line before executing every line received
1050	from the program. This is of course slow and causes flickering.
1052	The second is more complex, but faster and reduces flickering to the
1053	minimum: set `#option -autoclear' from the beginning, then have
1054	the program execute `#clear' before printing.
1055	-----------------------------------------------------------
1056	Exit from powwow
1057	#quit
1059	Very little to say here. Just remember that #quit brutally
1060	closes all mud connections that are still open, without
1061	renting your characters. Quite likely, you want to rent them all
1062	before quitting.
1063	-----------------------------------------------------------
1064	Set definition-file and save settings to it.
1065	#save [definition-file]
1067	Useful after you write large chunks of code.
1068	Remember anyway that powwow automatically saves the settings
1069	before exiting.
1071	#save actually writes settings to a temporary file and overwrites
1072	the definition file only if write succeeds. This is to avoid wiping out
1073	definition file in case of `disk full' or other errors.
1074	-----------------------------------------------------------
1075	Set definition-file and load settings from it.
1076	#load [definition-file]
1078	Useful if you want to undo the changes in your settings.
1080	NOTE: current settings are completely erased before actually loading
1081	from file. In case of errors, powwow reloads the default editing keys.
1083	If you just want to add the contents of a file to your current settings
1084	use #exe <filename instead of #load.
1085	-----------------------------------------------------------
1086	Set/show/clear definition-file name
1087	#file [=[definition-file]]
1089	As default, the definition-file is the one loaded when you start
1090	powwow. Remember that powwow automatically saves your settings to it
1091	before exiting. If you want to disable this autosave, use #file =
1092	-----------------------------------------------------------
1093	Various commands:
1094	#net		show amount of data transmitted to and received from
1095			the remote host.
1096	#cpu		show the CPU time used by powwow.
1097			(if powwow does not find the symbol CLOCKS_PER_SEC
1098			 defined at compile time, the result may not be in
1099			 seconds...)
1100	#time		show current time/date. Useful if you want to use #at.
1102	#beep		ring your terminal's bell (like #print (*7))
1103	-----------------------------------------------------------
1104	List/delete/define/edit delayed commands
1105	#at [label [(time-expression) [command]]]
1106	or
1107	#in [label [(delay in millisec.) [command]]]
1109	If you want to tell powwow to execute the command 'kill wolf'
1110	2 seconds after you type it, use this command:
1111	#in attack (2000) kill wolf
1112	Let's explain the command:
1113	'attack' is a label, exactly as in #actions, and is used only to have
1114	a quick reference to the delayed command;
1115	(2000) means wait 2000 millisec., i.e. 2 seconds;
1116	'kill wolf' simply executes kill wolf, as if typed from keyboard.
1118	Of course, you can use an expression (as complex as you like)
1119	instead of the number in parentheses,
1120	and the command can also be an alias, internal command or even
1121	another #at or #in. (of course you can use multiple commands by
1122	placing them in { } )
1124	If you do not specify the command, powwow assumes the label is already
1125	defined, and changes its delay.
1126	A delay less than zero means the delayed label is disabled,
1127	but still in powwow's memory, similar to what happems when you
1128	turn off an #action.
1129	A delay of zero deletes the delayed label.
1131	If you specify only a label, powwow lists it.
1132	If you specify nothing, all delayed labels are listed.
1134	The #at command is nearly equal to #in, but assumes the expression
1135	in ( ) is a time. For example (114520) means 11:45:20 ,
1136	and ("114520") is the same.
1137	After evaluating the time, powwow converts it into a delay,
1138	and places the delayed label in the same list of #in.
1139	NOTE: it is not possible to delete a delayed label using #at,
1140	since (0) means midnight.
1141	One more thing: it is not possible do define disabled labels using #at,
1142	because a time < 0 is an error, and a time < current-time is assumed
1143	to be refering to the following day.
1145	Last note: after executing a delayed command, powwow does not delete
1146	it, but simply disables it.
1147	-----------------------------------------------------------
1148	Disable all delayed commands
1149	#stop
1151	All active delayed commands are set to 'disabled', but are not deleted
1152	from memory. Useful to stop infinite loops due to self-reactivating
1153	delayed commands.
1154	-----------------------------------------------------------
1155	Set save file options
1156	#option [none]|[words][history]
1158	Controls wether command history and completion words shall be saved
1159	in the save file.
1161	Without arguments, #option displays the current settings.
1162	To turn off both words and history, use #option none; otherwise
1163	use #option followed by words and/or history.
1165	-----------------------------------------------------------
1166	Evaluate expression with calculator, and trash result.
1167	# (expression)	  or	#(expression)
1169	-----------------------------------------------------------
1170	Print a text or result of an expression on screen.
1171	(does NOT send it to the MUD)
1172	#print [< | !][text | (expression)]
1174	If a string is specified, powwow simply prints it on screen.
1175	If an expression is specified, powwow uses the inline calculator
1176	to evaluate it, and then prints the result.
1178	If a #print without arguments is found, powwow prints the value
1179	of the variable $0 (this is a special feature of #print, and is not
1180	present in #exe, #send, #emulate or #var).
1181	This is usually used to print a line from remote host that was
1182	intercepted by an #action, in fact #action places the whole line in $0
1184	If < precedes the text or expression, #print assumes text (or result
1185	of expression) to be name of a file, and displays the contents of
1186	that file.
1188	Instead if ! precedes the text or expression, #print assumes text (or
1189	result of expression) to be a Bourne shell command, whose output is
1190	displayed.
1192	Example:
1194	#action >disint ^&1 disintegrates &2=#print $1 DISINTEGRATES $2
1195					put the text in upper case
1196	#action >disint ^&1 disintegrates &2=#print ($(1)+" DISINTEGRATES "+$(2))
1197					same thing, but using calculator
1199	#print <mytext			display a text on screen
1200	#print !("more mytext")		same thing, but uses 'more'
1201					as text viewer and alternate syntax
1202	#print (@-7)			print value of variable on screen
1203	#print <($2)			display the contents of file whose
1204					name is in variable $2
1206	Further feature:
1208	If < is specified, and you use an expression after it, you can also
1209	specify starting and ending line of the file that you want to use,
1210	in this way:
1212	#print <(string-expr;[start];[end])
1214	Note: if you use a plain text as file name (like in #print <myfile )
1215	you cannot specify starting and ending line.
1217	If starting line is not specified, powwow begins from the first line,
1218	if ending line is not specified, powwow stops at the end of the file:
1220	#print <("myfile";3;42)		print lines from 3 to 42 of myfile
1222	#print <("myfile";;57)		print lines from start of file to 57
1224	#print <("myfile";;)		print whole file
1226	Note that you can use expressions instead of filename, starting line
1227	and ending line:
1229	#print <($5;4;3+@0)		print file whose name is in variable $5
1230					from line 4 to line 3+@0
1232	Of course, you can still use the whole file in the old way:
1233	#print <("myfile")	or 	#print <myfile
1236	Further feature (another):
1238	The starting and ending line can be specified ALSO when you use a !
1239	before an expression:
1241	#print !(string-expr;[start];[end])
1243	In this case, powwow executes the Bourne shell command contained in
1244	the string, and prints ONLY lines from <start> to <end> of its output.
1246	Also here, you can use expressions instead of Bourne shell command,
1247	start and end, and powwow still begins from first line if <start>
1248	is not specified and/or stops at the end of the output if <end>
1249	is not specified.
1251	Both these special features are supported ALSO in #send, #exe,
1252	#emulate and #var.
1253	-----------------------------------------------------------
1254	Send text or result of an expression to MUD
1255	#send [< | !]{text | (expression)}
1257	The simplest use of #send is to evaluate an expression and to send
1258	the result to the MUD. More generally, #send is very similar to #print,
1259	with the only difference that the final text is sent to the MUD rather
1260	than displayed on screen.
1261	The meaning of < and ! is the same, and #send does the expected things
1262	when they are used.
1264	Example:
1266	#send <mytext				stuff a text into the mud
1267	#send !awk ' {print "tell arthur " $0} ' file
1268						say a file to your friend
1269	#send ("say I have been playing for " + %(timer/86400000) + " hours")
1270			timer is a variable holding the number of millisec
1271			elapsed since last timer reset, and the big number
1272			after it converts the elapsed time in hours.
1273	-----------------------------------------------------------
1274	Execute text or result of an expression
1275	#exe [< | !]{text | (expression)}
1277	Evaluate the expression and get result,
1278	then execute result as if typed from keyboard.
1279	If < or ! is specified, #exe behaves exactly like #print,
1280	but executes the final text as if typed.
1282	Example:
1283	#exe ("sigh")       is the same as typing sigh from keyboard.
1285	#bind control_s=#exe ("#capture emergency" + %(@-7++))
1286			(control_s must be a user defined key)
1287			safe capture to file: each time you press control_s,
1288			a different file is opened as capture.
1290	#exe <mytext	read the file mytext and execute all the
1291			commands in it, one line at time.
1292			Very useful to read a set of #alias for example
1293	-----------------------------------------------------------
1294	Process a text/expression/file as if received from remote host
1295	#emulate [< | !]{text | expression}
1297	Evaluate expression and get result, then process result as if received
1298	from remote host
1299	If < or ! is specified, #emulate behaves exactly like #print,
1300	but processes the final text as if received from remote host
1301	(check for matching #actions, extract prompt, etc.)
1303	This command is particularly useful to test and debug #actions.
1304	Example:
1306	#emulate The assassin is dead! R.I.P.
1307	#emulate <myfile
1308	-----------------------------------------------------------
1309	Put a text or expression in a variable / delete a variable
1310	#var variable[=[[< | !]{text | (expression)}]]
1312	Evaluate expression and get result, then put result
1313	in the specified variable.
1314	If < or ! is specified, #var behaves exactly like #print,
1315	but puts the final text into the specified variable.
1316	If you specify no right-hand expression, powwow puts the current value
1317	of the variable on input line, to allow you edit it.
1318	If you specify no right-hand expression, BUT YOU USE the =, powwow
1319	deletes the variable and frees memory used by it.
1321	Note: If you use a numbered variable rather than a named one,
1322	instead of a number you can place an expression after the $ or @
1323	and before the =
1324	Example:
1326	#var @7=22			(same as #(@7=22) )
1327	#var $-4 = hello		(note that you do not need quotes
1328					 since you are using a plain text)
1329	#var $-4 = ("hello")		(if you use parenthesis, you must also
1330					 use quotes)
1331	#var $test=    long sentence	(all the spaces but the first following
1332					 the = are placed in the variable)
1333	#var $(2+4) = <myfile		(put the whole file in $6. Remember
1334					 that string variables cannot be longer
1335					 than 1024 characters...)
1336	#alias calc=#var @-1 = !echo '$0' | bc -l
1337			(place result from bc calculator into @-1)
1339	#var $target			(put current value on input line)
1341	#var $my_variable=		(delete $my_variable and free memory)
1342	-----------------------------------------------------------
1343	Write text to a file
1344	#write [> | !](expression ; file)
1346	Evaluate expression and get result, then write result into file.
1347	By default, text is appended at the end of the file.
1349	If > is specified, #write deletes the contents of the file before
1350	actually writing the text.
1352	If ! is specified, #write assumes second parameter to be
1353	a Bourne shell command (instead of a file name) that is executed
1354	using the text as its input.
1356	Example:
1358	#write ($test; "myfile")	(append contents of $test to myfile)
1360	#write !("55+12";"bc -l")	(execute 'bc -l' writing text to its
1361					 standard input)
1363	Advanced `#write' usage:
1365	If you are using a terminal allowing multiple windows (an X11 graphic
1366	terminal for example) it is possible to duplicate/split powwow output
1367	to multiple windows using #write. This is more a UNIX topic rather
1368	than a powwow-specific one, but that's it. Here is a brief summary:
1370	First, compile the `catrw' mini-program i.e. type
1371	$ make_it catrw
1372	if the above worked, type
1373	$ mkfifo fifo
1374	This will create a special file named `fifo' in the directory
1375	(any other name would do, of course)
1376	Then you have to open another window. This depends on the terminal
1377	you're using, but for X11 terminals the following works:
1378	$ xterm &
1379	On the second window, type
1380	$ exec catrw fifo
1381	(in case this gives you an error, try just `catrw fifo')
1382	Now return to the first window and start powwow normally.
1383	To send text to the second window from within powwow, type:
1384	#write ("some text"; "fifo")
1385	You should see `some text' (without the quotes) immediately
1386	appear in the second window.
1388	Of course you may now want to send text automatically
1389	to the second window: just use #write ( <your-text> ; "fifo")
1390	from within an #alias, #action or whatever you like.
1392	P.S.:
1393	for experienced users: if you are using the `bash' shell,
1394	you don't need `catrw' as you can use
1395	$ exec cat <> fifo
1396	instead of the above
1397	$ exec catrw fifo
1398	-----------------------------------------------------------
1399	Set/show internal variables
1400	#setvar name[={number|(expr)}]
1402	Evaluate the expression and get result, then set the internal
1403	variable `name' to that value.
1405	Known internal variables are:
1407	buffer	with `buffer' different from zero, powwow saves
1408		the most recent text from the MUD in a circular list
1409		(which is `buffer' bytes long) and writes it
1410		at the beginning of #capture and #movie files when
1411		you open them. This is useful if something important
1412		happens suddenly and you want to log it somewhere:
1413		you can start #capture and/or #movie even _after_ the event
1414		has happened and it will still get written to the file.
1416		if `buffer' is zero (default), powwow starts logging
1417		text from the MUD only at the moment you activate
1418		#capture or #movie.
1420		To discard the text stored in memory by `buffer',
1421		change its value (for example, set it to zero
1422		and then back to a non-zero value).
1424	lines	the number of lines your terminal has. Powwow usually
1425		autodetects it correctly, but on few terminals you may
1426		have to set it manually.
1428	mem	the maximum length of a text or string, in bytes.
1429		The default is 0 (zero) which means no limit.
1430		I added it only to prevent bringing down the whole system
1431		with things like
1432		#while (1) #($foo += $foo + "x")
1433		Consider it an emergency setting, as powwow _discards_ text
1434		and strings longer than the limit.
1435		The failsafe limit set when loading a savefile from an older
1436		version is 1Megabyte, which won't give any problem
1437		(like increased memory usage) as powwow	allocates memory
1438		only when it *has* to.
1440	timer	the number of milliseconds since program start.
1441		It can be changed to synchronize with an external clock
1442		like MUD ticks.
1444	Example:
1446	#setvar timer=0			(reset internal timer to 0)
1447	#setvar timer=20000		(make internal timer restart from
1448					 20000 milliseconds)
1449	#setvar timer			(show timer and let you edit it)
1451	#setvar mem=1048576		(max strings length is now 1Megabyte)
1452	-----------------------------------------------------------
1453	Send raw data to MUD
1454	#rawsend {text | (expression)}
1456	This is mostly a MUD debugging tool, but it can be useful in some cases.
1457	Like its cousin #send, #rawsend evaluates the expression (or unescapes
1458	the text) and sends the result to the MUD. The difference is that
1459	#rawsend does NOT add a final newline, nor does IAC escaping to protect
1460	ASCII 255 characters. On the other hand, #rawsend can handle ASCII 0
1461	characters, while plain #send can't.
1462	-----------------------------------------------------------
1463	Send raw data to screen
1464	#rawprint {text | (expression)}
1466	Like its cousin #print, #rawprint evaluates the expression (or
1467	unescapes the text) and sends the result to the screen. The difference
1468	is that #rawprint does NOT add a final newline. On the other hand,
1469	#rawprint can handle ASCII 0 characters, while plain #print can't.
1470	-----------------------------------------------------------
1474	The inline calculator is used to evaluate expressions inside
1475	#(), #print (), #exe (), #send (), #if (), #while(), #for (), #do (),
1476	expressions in pattern of #actions and in other commands allowing ()
1478	The inline calculator recognizes the following objects:
1480	numbers (only integers are supported)
1481	  decimal numbers:
1482	    simply write them.
1484	  hexadecimal numbers:
1485	    use '#' as prefix: #F is 15, #a0 is 160, and so on.
1487	  numbers in any other base:
1488	    use base# as prefix: 2#101 means 101 in base 2 (that gives 5)
1489	    7#14 gives 11, etc...
1491	  if you use negative non-decimal numbers, you must put '-'
1492	  before the base: - 2#101 is -5, 2#-101 causes an error.
1494	  it is possible to chain more than one '#':
1495	    3#12#100 = (3#12)#100 = 5#100 = 25
1497	  both base and argument must be numbers, not variables:
1498	    things like 7#@count or @count#7 are not allowed, you will
1499	    have to use an #exe for that.
1501	quoted-strings (i.e.: strings in " ")
1503	  NOTE:
1504	  since version 0.6d, powwow performs unescaping on quoted strings
1505	  when they are evaluated. For example "\"" is the string that contains
1506	  the character " only.
1508	timer (number of milliseconds since last timer reset)
1510	map   (string containing the last 999 steps you walked,
1511		as the #map command)
1513	variables:
1514	  @n with n within -50 and 9, are numeric-variables
1515	  $n with n within -50 and 9, are string-variables
1517	  Since version 0.8, also named variables are supported:
1519	  @any_name1
1520	  $any_name2
1522	    The name following @ or $ can contain any of these chars:
1523	      uppercase or lowercase letters ('A'...'Z' and 'a'...'z')
1524	      underscore ('_')
1525	      numbers ('0'...'9')
1526	    Anyway, the first char of the name must NOT be a number.
1528	    Remember that powwow is case sensitive:
1529	      $test and $Test are NOT the same variable
1531	    Named variables are created the first time you use them
1532	      and can be deleted only using the #var command
1534	    A special named variable is $prompt, which contains
1535	      the current prompt. It cannot be deleted.
1536	    Another special variable is $last_line, which contains
1537	      the last non-empty line received from the MUD. Again,
1538	      it cannot be deleted.
1540	  Difference between the various kind of variables:
1542	    Numbered variables with negative counter (@-50..@-1 and $-50..$-1)
1543	    and named variables are global:
1544	      They can be accessed at any time, but cannot be used for the
1545	      substitution performed by #alias, #action, #while and #for.
1547	    Instead, numbered variables with positive counter (@0..@9 and
1548	    $0..$9) are local:
1549	      A new set is created (and initialized to zero) every time powwow
1550	      executes an #alias, #action, #while or #for, and the old set
1551	      is made invisible. After the #alias (or #action, #while, #for)
1552	      is executed, the old set is restored.
1553	      Note that also @0..@9 can be used for parameter substitution,
1554	      and not only $0..$9.
1556	  Variable names as expressions:
1558	    The symbols $ and @ are implemented as normal operators,
1559	    which means that variable names can be arbitrary expressions.
1560	    For example,
1561	      $(1-3)		is the numbered variable $-2
1562	      @("foo"+"bar")	is the named variable @foobar
1563	      $$1		is the variable whose name is in $1
1565	operators between numbers:
1566	  ++ --  +  -
1567	   *  /  %
1568	   +  -
1569	  << >>
1570	   < <=  > >= == !=
1571	   &  |  ^
1572	  && || ^^
1573	   = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= &&= ^^= ||=
1574	   ,
1575	   (  )
1576	(% and %= always return non-negative values)
1577	(no help on these operators, see a C-language manual)
1578	(note: unlike C, operators &&, ^^ and || always eval both arguments)
1580	random number generator:
1582	  rand positive-number	(return a random number between 0 and n-1)
1584	operators between strings:
1585	   + chain two strings
1586	   = assign a string to a string-variable
1587	  += append a string to a string-variable
1588	   - compare two strings: result -1 if s1<s2, +1 if s1>s2,
1589	      0 if s1==s2
1590	   < <=  > >= == != compare two strings
1591	  .? number of chars in a string
1592	  :? number of words in a string
1593	   ? position of first occurrence of second string in the first
1594	   * convert first char of a string into its ASCII code or vice versa
1595	   % convert string into its numeric value or vice versa
1597	operators between a string and a number:
1598		 (string is first argument)
1599	  : n-th word of a string
1600	  . n-th char of a string
1601	  :< :> <: >: .< .> <. >. return part of a string, in this way:
1602	     : before > or < means 'mark the n-th word from the left'
1603	     . before > or < means 'mark the n-th char from the left'
1604	     :  after > or < means 'mark the n-th word from the right'
1605	     .  after > or < means 'mark the n-th char from the right'
1606	     > means: return from marked word/char to end
1607	     < means: return from start to marked word/char
1609	     so we get:
1610	     :< n     first n words
1611	     :> n     from the n-th word (include) to the end
1612	     <: n     from the begin to the n-th word (included)
1613	     >: n     last n words
1615	     and similarly for .< .> <. >.
1617	  *  repeat a string n times: "ab" * 3 gives "ababab"
1618	  *= usual shortcut: `$x *= n' is the same as `$x = $x * n'
1620	functions for low-level color handling:
1622	  noattr      (string containing the escape sequence to reset terminal
1623		      colors and attributes -- bold, underline, inverse)
1625	  attr "quoted-string"
1626		      (return the escape sequence needed to turn on
1627		       the attributes and colors in the string.
1628		       Syntax of the string is the same as #mark, #hilite, etc)
1631	Examples:
1633	#print ($5="Hello, world")	(assign "Hello, world" to $5
1634					 and print it)
1635	#print ("This is a test">:3)	(print from the 3rd word from the right
1636					 till the end of the string)
1637	  Result: "is a test" is printed on screen
1639	#action >+exp ^You have scored $1 exp={#print;#print ("You gained " +
1640		( $1 - @-5) + " exp. points since last score"); #(@-5 = $1)}
1642		(when you type 'info' in MUME, one of the lines you get is:
1643		 You have scored xxx exp. points ...
1644		 The #action above intercepts this line, prints it, prints the
1645		 difference between your current score and the contents of
1646		 variable @-5, then copies your current score in @-5)
1648	#print ($5 = (attr "bold green") + "Hello, world!" + noattr)
1650		(same as first example, but with colors/attributes.
1651		 Rememeber to print noattr at the end of every colored line,
1652		 or everything appearing on the screen after your line
1653		 will be colored as well)
1654	-----------------------------------------------------------
1658	Info and hints to get the most out of calculator and/or hack it.
1660	The structure `op_list[]' defined in xeval.c contains definitions for
1661	all the implemented operators, one for each line. Have a look at it
1662	to find things like:
1664	precedence (first number in each line)
1665	associativity (LEFT or RIGHT)
1666	    LEFT  means that 1+2+3 actually is (1+2)+3
1667	    RIGHT means that 1+2+3 actually is 1+(2+3)
1668	    (replace numbers and operators with what you are actually using)
1669	if it is unary, i.e. needs ONE argument
1670	    PRE_UNARY means that the operator comes before its argument,
1671	    POST_UNARY is the opposite
1672	or binary i.e. needs TWO arguments
1674	Note that stuff like `attr', `rand', `@' and `$' are actually
1675	implemented as PRE_UNARY operators (named variables are treated as an
1676	exception to this), thus `$(1+5)' and `attr ("bold"+" "+"inverse")'
1677	are fully allowed. Also note that using `$(5)' is a good way to avoid
1678	the parameter substitution performed by aliases, #action, #for, #while
1679	and use instead the actual variables.
1681	`timer', `map', `noattr' are implemented as read-only values:
1682	the calculator simply substitutes them with their value
1684	Remember that there is a , (comma) operator:
1685	Instead of `#(foo);#(bar)' you can use `#(foo, bar)'
1686	Using comma operator is easier for both you and powwow, since it uses
1687	a single command instead of two.
1688	-----------------------------------------------------------
1692	Some commands use attributes to specify the visual appearance of text.
1693	The following attributes are available:
1694		bold, blink, underline, inverse
1695					-- the obvious effects
1696		reverse			-- same as inverse
1697		[color] [on color]	-- foreground and/or background
1698	    Colors are:
1699		black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white and
1701		('none' means to use default and is implemented as a color)
1703	Examples: The following are all valid attributes:
1704		none			-- no attribute, use default
1705		green			-- only foreground
1706		on white		-- only background
1707		yellow on cyan		-- foreground and background
1708		inverse bold		--
1709		blink red on blue	-- you can use multiple attributes,
1710					   but you must put 'bold' 'inverse'
1711					   and/or 'underline' BEFORE colors
1713	Observe that bold, blink, underline and reverse work with all terminals
1714	that support these attributes, but colors only on terminals that
1715	support	ANSI color escape sequences.
1717	Capitalized colors (BLACK..WHITE) are non-ANSI high intensity colors,
1718	and will not work on all terminals (They work on the 'aixterm' terminal
1719	emulator under AIX, but they may work on other terminals as well.
1720	Let me know if you find other terminals that support them).
1722	Notes for IBM PC and compatibles with VGA or SVGA cards in text mode:
1723	    -- yellow is actually brown
1724	    -- bold is usually represented as high intensity
1725	    -- blink can be represented either with actual blink or
1726	       high intensity background - depends from card configuration
1727	       (it is possible to reprogram it - I can send details if asked)
1728	-----------------------------------------------------------
1732	Powwow keeps in memory the last 127 lines you typed from keyboard.
1733	If you want to recall one of them (to correct a mistake for example)
1734	you just need to press your arrow-up key or control-p to scroll through
1735	the whole history, one step at time (see COMMAND LINE EDITING below
1736	in the text for details about editing keys).
1738	Another way to find a certain line in the history is to type the first
1739	few chars of it, and then press M-TAB to tell powwow to complete the
1740	line for you. If you hit M-TAB repeatedly, powwow will cycle
1741	through all the possible completions.
1743	Also, you can use the '#put' command to add a line to history
1744	as if you typed it (see above for help on #put).
1745	-----------------------------------------------------------
1749	Powwow also remembers the last 512 words you typed from keyboard.
1750	This list of words is named `word completion list'. If you have already
1751	typed a long or difficult word, you can type the first few chars of it
1752	and then press TAB key to ask powwow to complete it for you.
1753	Again, if you hit TAB repeatedly powwow will cycle through
1754	all the possible completions.
1756	Powwow can also complete the name of any built-in command even if
1757	not present in the word completion list.
1759	Also, you can use the '#add' command to add a word to word completion
1760	list (see above for help on #add).
1761	-----------------------------------------------------------
1765	The default key bindings for line editing follow quite closely Emacs:
1766	These are all the keys, together with the reserved names that identify
1767	their function (they can be listed typing '#bind edit'):
1769	Key:	Function name:	Description:
1771	^A	&begin-of-line	beginning of line
1772	^E	&end-of-line	end of line
1773	^B	&prev-char	backward one character
1774	^F	&next-char	forward one character
1775	^P	&prev-line	use previous line in history (step backward)
1776	^N	&next-line	use next line in history (step forward)
1777	^D	&del-char-right	delete character under cursor
1778	BS	&del-char-left	delete character left of cursor
1779	^K	&kill-to-eol	kill to end of line
1780	^T	&transpose	transpose previous character with next
1781				(if at the end of the line, the two last)
1782	^L	&redraw-line	redraw your command line.
1783				This is useful if something garbles your input
1784				line.
1785	^Q	&clear-line	clear input line.
1786	^W	&to-history	put current line in history and clear input
1787				line. This is useful when you are typing a long
1788				line and need to send another urgent command
1789				first.
1790	^Z	&suspend	suspend powwow in the background
1791	Tab	&complete-word	complete the word being typed to the last
1792				matching word in the history (or added with an
1793				#add command; see above).
1794				Hit multiple times to browse the possible
1795				completions.
1796				This is similar to the GNU Emacs M-/ command.
1797	M-Tab	&complete-line	complete the line being typed to the last
1798				matching line in the history.
1799				Hit multiple times to browse the possible
1800				completions.
1801	M-f	&next-word	forward one word
1802	M-k	&redraw-line-noprompt
1803				redraw command line, discarding prompt
1804	M-b	&prev-word	backward one word
1805	M-d	&del-word-right	delete word right of cursor
1806	M-BS	&del-word-left	delete word left of cursor
1807	M-l	&downcase-word	turn word to lowercase
1808	M-t	&transpose-words transpose previous word with next
1809	M-u	&upcase-word	turn word to uppercase
1810	Ret	&enter-line	the most obvious: execute the typed line
1811	LF      &enter-line     same thing, but for ^J key (some terminals
1812				send this when you hit return)
1813	(none)  &insert-string 	insert on command line the specified chars
1815	M-x means pressing the META or Alt key at the same time as x,
1816	or pressing and releasing the escape key, then typing x. The former
1817	way doesn't work on all terminals.
1819	^x  means pressing the Control key at the same time as x.
1821	If your terminal has arrow keys, they can be used to move the
1822	cursor and step around in history. In addition, you can define your
1823	own key bindings for sending quick commands (see the #bind command).
1824	If you have a vt100-compatible terminal, the numeric keypad is
1825	predefined for movement (keys 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9).
1827	Remember that ALL keys can be redefined...
1830	A brief note about &insert-string:
1832	By default no key is bound to this function, and it works somewhat
1833	differently than other editing functions.
1835	For example, say you don't have `{' and `}' on you keyboard
1836	(it happens on all italian keyboards -- like mine -- and other ones).
1837	Obviously, typing { or } gets quite difficult. A solution is:
1839	#bind F11=&insert-string \173
1840	#bind F12=&insert-string \175
1842	where \173 and \175 are typed normally: a backslash and three digits.
1843	Once you defined these two bindings, hitting F11 will be exactly like
1844	typing { and hitting F12 will be exactly like typing } .
1846	Another possible use is to enter strange characters or strings:
1848	#bind F10=&insert-string Ro\353ntgen
1849	does exactly what you expect: insert "Ro�ntgen" on the input line
1850	( � is the ASCII char (octal)353 or (decimal)234 )
1851	as if you typed it (of course you could also type the first few chars
1852	of the name then hit TAB if that name is already in the word completion
1853	list...).
1854	-----------------------------------------------------------
1858	When you define an #action that automatically sends something back to
1859	the MUD you are connected to, you must be VERY careful since you may
1860	allow other players to force you to execute commands.
1861	Let's explain better: Suppose you define the following #action:
1863	#action >+autogroup ^&1 starts following you.={#print;group $1}
1865	Even though this may look harmless, such an action is potentially
1866	lethal, for the following reason:
1867	If you receive a text from the MUD containing something like
1869	Cauldron ;remove all;drop all;kill dragon starts following you.
1870	(for example it may be an emote, many MUDs allow it)
1872	powwow will realize that the line matches with the action you defined
1873	(remember that &n can match text of every length, even if containing
1874	spaces or ; ) and will execute this:
1876	{#print;group Cauldron ;remove all;drop all;kill dragon}
1878	The consequences of such a command can be easily imagined...
1879	There are two strategies to avoid such embarassing situations:
1880	1) Use #send and calculator. In fact this is NOT dangerous:
1882	   #action >+autogroup ^&1 starts following you.=
1883		{#print;#send ("group "+$(1))}
1885	   (in the worst case you will send some semicolon-separated commands
1886	   to the MUD, but I saw no MUDs accepting multiple commands as clients
1887	   do...):
1889	2) Try to use $n instead of &n, so that semicolons and spaces
1890	   are skipped.
1892	   #action >+autogroup ^$1 starts following you.=
1893		{#print;group $1}
1895	   WARNING:
1896	   versions older than 0.7a were bugged and they did NOT skip
1897	   semicolons (but they skipped spaces), so also using $n was
1898	   dangerous!
1900	   If you really need to use a &n, check you are not losing security,
1901	   and if you cannot write safe code, use calculator as in point 1).
1902	   Note that this is NOT dangerous too:
1904	   #action >+autogroup ^&1 starts following you.=group $1
1906	   since if someone tries to force you as explained above
1907	   it will not work, because #action allows only ONE command to follow
1908	   the pattern and you did not place braces around "group $1",
1909	   so only the first command (in this case "group <name>")
1910	   will be executed.
1912	In every case, remember the best strategy is: check what you are doing,
1913	and do not lose control. If you are not sure a command is safe, better
1914	not to use it.
1915	-----------------------------------------------------------
1919	Powwow has the following limitations:
1921	Numeric variables are defined as 'long', that means 32-bit integers
1922	  on most systems.
1924	String variables, text lines and commands by default have no length
1925	  limits. If you want, you _can_ set a max limit with `#setvar mem'.
1926	  Powwow discards text and strings longer than such a limit.
1928	  Exceptions: the labels/patterns of #aliases, #actions, #prompts,
1929	  #marks, #in/#at etc. cannot be longer than 4095 chars.
1930	  The same limit (4095 chars) applies for the input line.
1931	  (the number can be changed by modifying the symbol BUFSIZE)
1933	Unnamed ('numbered') variables must have indexes from -50 to 9.
1934	  (the 50 can be changed modifying the symbol NUMVAR, the 9 cannot
1935	   be increased due to hardcoded limits)
1937	Inline calculator can hold up to 100 suspended operations, due to
1938	  parentheses and/or inverted priority of operators.
1939	  (the number can be changed by modifying the symbol MAX_STACK)
1941	The depth of nested/recursive aliases, actions, prompts, #while and
1942	#for commands is limited to 100 nested calls.
1943	  (the number can be changed by modifying the symbol MAX_STACK)
1945	The number of loops of a #while or #for is limited to 10000.
1946	  (the number can be changed by modifying the symbol MAX_LOOP)
1948	Automap can be at most 999 steps.
1949	  (the number can be changed by modifying the symbol MAX_MAPLEN)
1951	History can contain at most 127 lines.
1952	  (the number can be changed by modifying the symbol MAX_HIST)
1953	  #history commands can execute other #history commands, up to
1954	  MAX_HIST levels of recursion.
1956        Word completion list can contain at most 512 words.
1957	  (the number can be changed by modifying the symbol MAX_WORDS)
1959        Up to 32 MUD (or spawned) connections can be open simultaneously.
1960	  (the number can be changed by modifying the symbol MAX_FDSCAN)
1962	For all other resources, the only limit is the available memory.
1963	-----------------------------------------------------------
1967	It is usually Control-C or DEL (it depends from the terminal you use).
1969	Powwow cannot redefine it, but you need to hit it twice in a row
1970	to actually stop powwow.
1971	This is because hitting it only once is used to stop command parsing:
1972	if you enter a long loop using internal commands
1973	(for example: #while (1) drop 1 coin)
1974	you can simply press your break key and powwow will immediatly exit
1975	from the loop with this message: `#interrupted. Press again to quit.'
1977	If you press the break key again, you will exit powwow.
1978	Otherwise, if you first type something, then you press break key once
1979	more, you will get again: `#interrupted. Press again to quit.'
1980	-----------------------------------------------------------
1985	this is a bit complicated and not recommended for beginners,
1986	as the explanation given at the beginning about $n and \'s might
1987	suffice	in many cases. So you might skip this paragraph if you want.
1989	Still reading? Ok, this is it:
1991	We described in the beginning that adding \'s to $n delays text
1992	substitution in aliases and actions. Actually, every time powwow
1993	is asked to execute a command, it can make one or more of the
1994	following operations on the command itself before executing it:
1996	Step (a) : `PARAMETER SUBSTITUTION' or simply `substitution'
1998	(a1) place in $1..$9 the correct words
2000	(a2) replace every occurrence of $1..$9 with the contents of the
2001	     corresponding variable. Also replace every occurrence of @1..@9
2002	     with the contents of the corresponding variable.
2003	     Note that if one or more \ are preceding a $n or @n,
2004	     it will be NOT substituted.
2006	Step (b) : `JUST IN TIME SUBSTITUTION' or `jit' in short
2008	(b1) replace every occurence of #{expression} with the value of the
2009	     expression. Also replace every occurrence of ${name} and @{name}
2010	     with the contents of the corresponding variable. Again,
2011	     if one or more \ are preceding a #{expr}, ${name} or @{name},
2012	     it will NOT be substituted. This substitution works also
2013	     for numbered variables ${number} and @{number}.
2015	Step (c) : `UNESCAPING'
2017	(c1) Remove ONE \ from every list of consecutive escapes,
2018	     unless they are followed by one or more ` (i.e. reverse-escaped)
2019	     For example, \\\$1 is replaced with \\$1
2021	(c2) Remove ONE ` from every list of consecutive escapes immediately
2022	     followed by a list of consecutive `
2023	     For example, @``` is not modified,
2024		while \\` is replaced with \\
2025		and   \\``` is replaced with \\``
2027	The steps actually executed vary from command to command,
2028	but are always ran in order:
2029	if both present, (a) always precedes (b)
2030	if both present, (a) always precedes (c)
2031	if both present, (b) always precedes (c).
2033	-----------------------------------------------------------
2035	When each step is performed/not performed:
2037	Step (a) (substitution) is performed when executing one of the
2038	  following:
2039	  aliases, actions, prompts, #for or #while
2041	Step (b) (jit) is performed when executing _any_ command that allows
2042	  a single instruction, and is executed on that instruction before
2043	  running it. The list is:
2044	  #alias, #action, #prompt, #at, #bind, #connect, #do, #for, #identify,
2045	  #if-#else, #in, #init, #nice, #while.
2047	  Also performed on normal (not yet implemented for regexp) patterns
2048	  of #actions before matching them. On regexp patterns, step (c)
2049	  is made instead.
2051	Step (c) (unescaping) is performed any time that step (a)
2052	  and/or step (b) are performed.
2054	  In addition, unescaping is also performed on text
2055	  (not on expressions) following all #commands that allow plain text:
2056	  #add, #emulate, #exe, #mark, #print, #put, #send, #var
2058	  on labels of all #commands that allow labels:
2059	  #alias, #action, #prompt, #at, #in
2061	  and last, on text that is not a #command nor an alias
2062	  before sending it to the MUD, unless the last operation on the
2063	  text was _already_ an unescaping.
2065	Examples:
2067	#alias fb=cast 'fireball' ${target}
2068	#var $target=troll
2069	fb				(effect: cast 'fireball' troll)
2070	#var $target=dragon
2071	fb				(effect: cast 'fireball' dragon)
2073	#action >chase ^${target} leaves $1={#print; #alias f=$1}
2074					(whenever `dragon' leaves the room,
2075					 the alias 'f' is set to follow it)
2077	#action >chase2 ^\${target} leaves $1={#print; #alias f=$1}
2078					(the text `${target}' will be matched
2079					 literally)
2082	Step (b) is NOT automatically performed on text typed from the keyboard
2083	  so for example `#print ${target}' just prints literally `${target}'
2084	  and not the contents of the variable.
2085	  If you need step (b) on text you type, you can do something like:
2086	  #alias /=$0
2087	  and then prepend all commands with `/ ' :
2088	  / #print ${target}
2090	Step (b) is not yet implemented for regexp actions/prompt due to
2091	  internal difficulties. As a workaround, step (c) (unescaping)
2092	  is instead performed on regexp patterns.
2094	Since powwow 1.1.3, unescaping is performed also on the text coming
2095	  from substition and jit. This causes subtle incompatibilities with
2096	  previous versions in case $n contains any \ or \` .
2097	  I tried to avoid this incompatibility, but it is really complicated
2098	  to do since I want the text coming from substitution to be subject
2099	  to jit as well. So you (and me) will have to live with it :-(
2100	-----------------------------------------------------------
2104	Automatic command execution triggered on prompts
2105	#prompt [[<|=|>|%][+|-]label] [{pattern | (expression)}=[command]]
2108	this is quite a complicated topic too. You will only need to read this
2109	paragraph if you want to mess with prompts in strange ways, as powwow
2110	usually handles prompts correctly.
2112	Second warning:
2113	#prompt works only on the main MUD connection.
2115	O.K, since you are still reading, let's get a bit technical about
2116	powwow internals:
2118	(WARNING: this changed since powwow 1.1.7:)
2120	Unless you use #actions, powwow sends immediately to the screen
2121	whatever text it receives from the MUD. It sends to screen both
2122	newline-ended lines (we'll name these `full lines')
2123	and lines not ended with a newline (`incomplete lines').
2124	Now, there are two problems:
2125	1) there's no way to know whether an incomplete line is actually
2126	   finished or there is a continuation we still have to receive.
2127	2) powwow cannot know if the line, or an initial part of it,
2128	   is a prompt.
2130	When powwow receives a line (either full or incomplete),
2131	its beginning part may be a prompt, so it matches #prompts on the line.
2132	If the beginning part is _actually_ a prompt, #prompt should
2133	execute #isprompt on it, to let powwow recognize the prompt as such.
2135	To be exact #isprompt must also specify how long the initial prompt is,
2136	so that powwow can split it from the rest of the line.
2137	For this reason, #isprompt is invoked with a numerical argument:
2138	#isprompt <number>
2139	or
2140	#isprompt (expression)
2142	a)If the number (or the result of the expression) is positive
2143	  and equals to (n), #isprompt declares that the initial prompt
2144	  is (n) characters long.
2145	b)If the number is negative and equals to (-n), #isprompt declares
2146	  that the initial prompt is the same length as the parameter $n.
2147	c)If the number is 0 (or is missing), #isprompt declares
2148	  the whole line as a prompt.
2150	Also, if a #prompt does not run #isprompt, it is interpreted as
2151	'this text is not a prompt'
2153	Putting #isprompt in a #prompt inhibits further attempts to match
2154	that part of the line against both #prompts and #actions
2155	(so should be used only on a complete prompt, not on a part of it)
2157	NOTE: Since a prompt may be followed by other text, when using
2158	  regexp patterns in #prompt it is important not to end the pattern
2159	  with $ (which matches the 'end of line')
2161	Examples:
2163	On MUME the prompt starts with either `o' or `*' and finishes with `>'
2164	So the regexp pattern ^[o\*].*> will match all prompts and nothing else
2165	To do the same using normal patterns, one should use two patterns
2166	(and two #prompts): ^o&1> and ^*&1>
2168	On other MUDs of course the possible prompts will vary, so one must
2169	find which pattern (or patterns) will match all the possible prompts.
2170	If it also matches strings that are not prompts, care is required
2171	_not_ to run #isprompt in such cases.
2173	Let's continue with the MUME example: using regexp patterns,
2174	a correct #prompt is:
2176	#prompt %default ^[o\\*][^>]*>=
2177	    {#isprompt -1; #($prompt = "xyz " + attr "bold" + $prompt + noattr)}
2179	Note that the pattern contains _two_ backslashes instead of one,
2180	as powwow unescapes regexp patterns.
2181	Also, [^>]*> is used instead of .*> to stop matching at the _first_ `>'
2182	(regexp by default would match the longest text possible,
2183	 stopping at the _last_ `>' in the line)
2185	The #prompt above correctly matches every MUME prompt,
2186	runs #isprompt -1 on it
2187	  (which declares that the prompt is as long as $1
2188	   since in regexp patterns $1 is the whole match, it is a good choice)
2189	then modifies the prompt in a custom way
2190	  (puts it in bold then appends it to "xyz ")
2192	Of course #prompts may do whatever one wants, but with a limitation:
2193	they must run #isprompt _before_ modifying the prompt, or unpredictable
2194	things could happen.
2196	To have the same effect with normal patterns, the following
2197	would be needed:
2199	#prompt >default1 ^o&1>=
2200	    {#isprompt (2+.?$(1)); #($prompt = "xyz " + attr "bold" + $prompt + noattr)}
2202	#prompt >default2 ^*&1>=
2203	    {#isprompt (2+.?$(1)); #($prompt = "xyz " + attr "bold" + $prompt + noattr)}
2205	The expression after #isprompt meanxs "2 plus the length of $1"
2206	which is obviously the correct length, as $1 does not contain
2207	`o' (or `*') and `>'.
2209	Final note:
2210	If the prompt is longer than a whole line, it may be drawn incorrectly
2211	and may	interfere with the input line (yep, it's a bug).
2213	MUME players who happen to own a Valar+ character will find this
2214	useful too:
2215	#prompt >default3 ^+&1>={#isprompt (2+.?$(1))}
2216	or, to use regexp patterns:
2217	#prompt %default ^[o\\*\\+][^>]*>={#isprompt -1}
2219	-----------------------------------------------------------