1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998  Mark Baysinger (mbaysing@ucsd.edu)
3  * Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001  Ross Combs (rocombs@cs.nmsu.edu)
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
18  */
26 #  include <sys/time.h>
27 #  include <time.h>
28 # else
29 #  ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
30 #   include <sys/time.h>
31 #  else
32 #   include <time.h>
33 #  endif
34 # endif
35 # include "account.h"
36 # include "connection.h"
37 # include "common/tag.h"
38 # include "common/elist.h"
39 #else
40 # define JUST_NEED_TYPES
42 #  include <sys/time.h>
43 #  include <time.h>
44 # else
45 #  ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
46 #   include <sys/time.h>
47 #  else
48 #   include <time.h>
49 #  endif
50 # endif
51 # include "account.h"
52 # include "connection.h"
53 # include "common/tag.h"
54 # include "common/elist.h"
55 # undef JUST_NEED_TYPES
56 #endif
58 #endif
60 typedef enum
61 {
62     game_type_none,
63     game_type_all,
64     game_type_topvbot,
65     game_type_melee,
66     game_type_ffa,
67     game_type_oneonone,
68     game_type_ctf,
69     game_type_greed,
70     game_type_slaughter,
71     game_type_sdeath,
72     game_type_ladder,
73     game_type_ironman,
74     game_type_mapset,
75     game_type_teammelee,
76     game_type_teamffa,
77     game_type_teamctf,
78     game_type_pgl,
79     game_type_diablo,
80     game_type_diablo2open,
81     game_type_diablo2closed,
82     game_type_anongame
83 } t_game_type;
85 typedef enum
86 {
87     game_status_started,
88     game_status_full,
89     game_status_open,
90     game_status_done,
91     game_status_loaded
92 } t_game_status;
94 typedef enum
95 {
96     game_result_none,
97     game_result_win,
98     game_result_loss,
99     game_result_draw,
100     game_result_disconnect,
101     game_result_observer,
102     game_result_playing
103 } t_game_result;
105 typedef enum
106 {
107     game_option_none,
108     game_option_melee_normal,
109     game_option_ffa_normal,
110     game_option_oneonone_normal,
111     game_option_ctf_normal,
112     game_option_greed_10000,
113     game_option_greed_7500,
114     game_option_greed_5000,
115     game_option_greed_2500,
116     game_option_slaughter_60,
117     game_option_slaughter_45,
118     game_option_slaughter_30,
119     game_option_slaughter_15,
120     game_option_sdeath_normal,
121     game_option_ladder_countasloss,
122     game_option_ladder_nopenalty,
123     game_option_mapset_normal,
124     game_option_teammelee_4,
125     game_option_teammelee_3,
126     game_option_teammelee_2,
127     game_option_teamffa_4,
128     game_option_teamffa_3,
129     game_option_teamffa_2,
130     game_option_teamctf_4,
131     game_option_teamctf_3,
132     game_option_teamctf_2,
133     game_option_topvbot_7,
134     game_option_topvbot_6,
135     game_option_topvbot_5,
136     game_option_topvbot_4,
137     game_option_topvbot_3,
138     game_option_topvbot_2,
139     game_option_topvbot_1
140 } t_game_option;
142 typedef enum
143 {
144     game_maptype_none,
145     game_maptype_selfmade,
146     game_maptype_blizzard,
147     game_maptype_ladder,
148     game_maptype_pgl,
149     game_maptype_kbk,
150     game_maptype_compusa
151 } t_game_maptype;
153 typedef enum
154 {
155     game_tileset_none,
156     game_tileset_badlands,
157     game_tileset_space,
158     game_tileset_installation,
159     game_tileset_ashworld,
160     game_tileset_jungle,
161     game_tileset_desert,
162     game_tileset_ice,
163     game_tileset_twilight
164 } t_game_tileset;
166 typedef enum
167 {
168     game_speed_none,
169     game_speed_slowest,
170     game_speed_slower,
171     game_speed_slow,
172     game_speed_normal,
173     game_speed_fast,
174     game_speed_faster,
175     game_speed_fastest
176 } t_game_speed;
178 typedef enum
179 {
180     game_difficulty_none,
181     game_difficulty_normal,
182     game_difficulty_nightmare,
183     game_difficulty_hell,
184     game_difficulty_hardcore_normal,
185     game_difficulty_hardcore_nightmare,
186     game_difficulty_hardcore_hell
187 } t_game_difficulty;
189 typedef enum {
190     game_flag_none,
191     game_flag_private
192 } t_game_flag;
194 typedef struct game
196 {
197     char const *      name;
198     char const *      pass;
199     char const *      info;
200     t_game_type       type;
201     unsigned int      realm;
202     char const *      realmname;
203     t_clienttag       clienttag; /* type of client (STAR, SEXP, etc) */
204     unsigned int      addr; /* host IP */
205     unsigned short    port; /* host port */
206     int               startver;
207     unsigned long     version;
208     t_game_status     status;
209     unsigned int      ref; /* current number of players */
210     unsigned int      count; /* max number of players */
211     unsigned int      id;
212     char const *      mapname;
213     t_game_option     option;
214     t_game_maptype    maptype;
215     t_game_tileset    tileset;
216     t_game_speed      speed;
217     unsigned int      mapsize_x;
218     unsigned int      mapsize_y;
219     unsigned int      maxplayers;
221     t_connection *    owner;
222     t_connection * *  connections;
223     t_account * *     players;
224     t_game_result *   results;
225     t_game_result * * reported_results;
226     char const * *    report_heads;
227     char const * *    report_bodies;
229     time_t            create_time;
230     time_t            start_time;
231     time_t            lastaccess_time;
232     int               bad; /* if 1, then the results will be ignored */
233     t_game_difficulty difficulty;
234     char const *      description;
235     t_game_flag       flag;
236     t_elist	      glist_link;
237 }
238 #endif
239 t_game;
241 typedef int (*t_glist_func)(t_game *, void *);
243 #endif
246 #ifndef JUST_NEED_TYPES
250 #define MAX_GAME_EMPTY_TIME 300
251 #define STARTVER_UNKNOWN  0
252 #define STARTVER_GW1      1
253 #define STARTVER_GW3      3
254 #define STARTVER_GW4      4
255 #define STARTVER_REALM1 104
257 #define JUST_NEED_TYPES
259 # include <sys/time.h>
260 # include <time.h>
261 #else
262 # ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
263 #  include <sys/time.h>
264 # else
265 #  include <time.h>
266 # endif
267 #endif
268 #include "account.h"
269 #include "connection.h"
270 #include "common/list.h"
271 #include "common/tag.h"
272 #undef JUST_NEED_TYPES
274 extern char const * game_type_get_str(t_game_type type) ;
275 extern char const * game_status_get_str(t_game_status status) ;
276 extern char const * game_result_get_str(t_game_result result) ;
277 extern char const * game_option_get_str(t_game_option option) ;
278 extern char const * game_maptype_get_str(t_game_maptype maptype) ;
279 extern char const * game_tileset_get_str(t_game_tileset tileset) ;
280 extern char const * game_speed_get_str(t_game_speed speed) ;
281 extern char const * game_difficulty_get_str(t_game_difficulty difficulty) ;
282 extern t_game * game_create(char const * name, char const * pass, char const * info, t_game_type type, int startver, t_clienttag clienttag,unsigned long gameversion) ;
283 extern unsigned int game_get_id(t_game const * game);
284 extern char const * game_get_name(t_game const * game);
285 extern t_game_type game_get_type(t_game const * game);
286 extern t_game_maptype game_get_maptype(t_game const * game);
287 extern int game_set_maptype(t_game * game, t_game_maptype maptype);
288 extern t_game_tileset game_get_tileset(t_game const * game);
289 extern int game_set_tileset(t_game * game, t_game_tileset tileset);
290 extern t_game_speed game_get_speed(t_game const * game);
291 extern int game_set_speed(t_game * game, t_game_speed speed);
292 extern unsigned int game_get_mapsize_x(t_game const * game);
293 extern int game_set_mapsize_x(t_game * game, unsigned int x);
294 extern unsigned int game_get_mapsize_y(t_game const * game);
295 extern int game_set_mapsize_y(t_game * game, unsigned int y);
296 extern unsigned int game_get_maxplayers(t_game const * game);
297 extern int game_set_maxplayers(t_game * game, unsigned int maxplayers);
298 extern unsigned int game_get_difficulty(t_game const * game);
299 extern int game_set_difficulty(t_game * game, unsigned int difficulty);
300 extern char const * game_get_description(t_game const * game);
301 extern int game_set_description(t_game * game, char const * description);
302 extern char const * game_get_pass(t_game const * game);
303 extern char const * game_get_info(t_game const * game);
304 extern unsigned long game_get_version(t_game const * game);
305 extern int game_get_startver(t_game const * game);
306 extern unsigned int game_get_ref(t_game const * game);
307 extern unsigned int game_get_count(t_game const * game);
308 extern void game_set_status(t_game * game, t_game_status status);
309 extern t_game_status game_get_status(t_game const * game);
310 extern unsigned int game_get_addr(t_game const * game);
311 extern unsigned short game_get_port(t_game const * game);
312 extern unsigned int game_get_latency(t_game const * game);
313 extern t_connection * game_get_player_conn(t_game const * game, unsigned int i);
314 extern t_clienttag game_get_clienttag(t_game const * game);
315 extern int game_add_player(t_game * game, char const * pass, int startver, t_connection * c);
316 extern int game_del_player(t_game * game, t_connection * c);
317 extern t_account * game_get_player(t_game * game, unsigned int i);
318 extern int game_set_report(t_game * game, t_account * account, char const * head, char const * body);
319 extern int game_set_reported_results(t_game * game, t_account * account, t_game_result * results);
320 extern int game_set_self_report(t_game * game, t_account * account, t_game_result result);
321 extern t_game_result * game_get_reported_results(t_game * game, t_account * account);
322 extern char const * game_get_mapname(t_game const * game);
323 extern int game_set_mapname(t_game * game, char const * mapname);
324 extern t_connection * game_get_owner(t_game const * game);
325 extern time_t game_get_create_time(t_game const * game);
326 extern time_t game_get_start_time(t_game const * game);
327 extern int game_set_option(t_game * game, t_game_option option);
328 extern t_game_option game_get_option(t_game const * game);
329 extern int gamelist_create(void);
330 extern int gamelist_destroy(void);
331 extern int gamelist_get_length(void);
332 extern t_game * gamelist_find_game(char const * name, t_clienttag ctag, t_game_type type);
333 extern t_game * gamelist_find_game_byid(unsigned int id);
334 extern void gamelist_traverse(t_glist_func cb, void *data);
335 extern int gamelist_total_games(void);
336 extern int game_set_realm(t_game * game, unsigned int realm);
337 extern unsigned int game_get_realm(t_game const * game);
338 extern char const * game_get_realmname(t_game const * game);
339 extern int game_set_realmname(t_game * game, char const * realmname);
340 extern void gamelist_check_voidgame(void);
341 extern void game_set_flag(t_game * game, t_game_flag flag);
342 extern t_game_flag game_get_flag(t_game const * game);
343 extern int game_get_count_by_clienttag(t_clienttag ct);
344 extern int game_is_ladder(t_game *game);
346 #endif
347 #endif