1""" Monkey patching asyncio.StreamReader to add readuntil() from Python 3.5.2"""
2import asyncio
5class IncompleteReadError(EOFError):
6    """
7    Incomplete read error. Attributes:
9    - partial: read bytes string before the end of stream was reached
10    - expected: total number of expected bytes (or None if unknown)
11    """
12    def __init__(self, partial, expected):
13        super().__init__("%d bytes read on a total of %r expected bytes"
14                         % (len(partial), expected))
15        self.partial = partial
16        self.expected = expected
19class LimitOverrunError(Exception):
20    """Reached the buffer limit while looking for a separator.
22    Attributes:
23    - consumed: total number of to be consumed bytes.
24    """
25    def __init__(self, message, consumed):
26        super().__init__(message)
27        self.consumed = consumed
31def _wait_for_data(self, func_name):
32    """Wait until feed_data() or feed_eof() is called.
34    If stream was paused, automatically resume it.
35    """
36    # StreamReader uses a future to link the protocol feed_data() method
37    # to a read coroutine. Running two read coroutines at the same time
38    # would have an unexpected behaviour. It would not possible to know
39    # which coroutine would get the next data.
40    if self._waiter is not None:
41        raise RuntimeError('%s() called while another coroutine is '
42                           'already waiting for incoming data' % func_name)
44    assert not self._eof, '_wait_for_data after EOF'
46    # Waiting for data while paused will make deadlock, so prevent it.
47    if self._paused:
48        self._paused = False
49        self._transport.resume_reading()
51    self._waiter = asyncio.futures.Future(loop=self._loop)
52    try:
53        yield from self._waiter
54    finally:
55        self._waiter = None
59def readuntil(self, separator=b'\n'):
60    """Read data from the stream until ``separator`` is found.
62    On success, the data and separator will be removed from the
63    internal buffer (consumed). Returned data will include the
64    separator at the end.
66    Configured stream limit is used to check result. Limit sets the
67    maximal length of data that can be returned, not counting the
68    separator.
70    If an EOF occurs and the complete separator is still not found,
71    an IncompleteReadError exception will be raised, and the internal
72    buffer will be reset.  The IncompleteReadError.partial attribute
73    may contain the separator partially.
75    If the data cannot be read because of over limit, a
76    LimitOverrunError exception  will be raised, and the data
77    will be left in the internal buffer, so it can be read again.
78    """
79    seplen = len(separator)
80    if seplen == 0:
81        raise ValueError('Separator should be at least one-byte string')
83    if self._exception is not None:
84        raise self._exception
86    # Consume whole buffer except last bytes, which length is
87    # one less than seplen. Let's check corner cases with
88    # separator='SEPARATOR':
89    # * we have received almost complete separator (without last
90    #   byte). i.e buffer='some textSEPARATO'. In this case we
91    #   can safely consume len(separator) - 1 bytes.
92    # * last byte of buffer is first byte of separator, i.e.
93    #   buffer='abcdefghijklmnopqrS'. We may safely consume
94    #   everything except that last byte, but this require to
95    #   analyze bytes of buffer that match partial separator.
96    #   This is slow and/or require FSM. For this case our
97    #   implementation is not optimal, since require rescanning
98    #   of data that is known to not belong to separator. In
99    #   real world, separator will not be so long to notice
100    #   performance problems. Even when reading MIME-encoded
101    #   messages :)
103    # `offset` is the number of bytes from the beginning of the buffer
104    # where there is no occurrence of `separator`.
105    offset = 0
107    # Loop until we find `separator` in the buffer, exceed the buffer size,
108    # or an EOF has happened.
109    while True:
110        buflen = len(self._buffer)
112        # Check if we now have enough data in the buffer for `separator` to
113        # fit.
114        if buflen - offset >= seplen:
115            isep = self._buffer.find(separator, offset)
117            if isep != -1:
118                # `separator` is in the buffer. `isep` will be used later
119                # to retrieve the data.
120                break
122            # see upper comment for explanation.
123            offset = buflen + 1 - seplen
124            if offset > self._limit:
125                raise LimitOverrunError(
126                    'Separator is not found, and chunk exceed the limit',
127                    offset)
129        # Complete message (with full separator) may be present in buffer
130        # even when EOF flag is set. This may happen when the last chunk
131        # adds data which makes separator be found. That's why we check for
132        # EOF *ater* inspecting the buffer.
133        if self._eof:
134            chunk = bytes(self._buffer)
135            self._buffer.clear()
136            raise IncompleteReadError(chunk, None)
138        # _wait_for_data() will resume reading if stream was paused.
139        yield from self._wait_for_data('readuntil')
141    if isep > self._limit:
142        raise LimitOverrunError(
143            'Separator is found, but chunk is longer than limit', isep)
145    chunk = self._buffer[:isep + seplen]
146    del self._buffer[:isep + seplen]
147    self._maybe_resume_transport()
148    return bytes(chunk)