1from .lutils.attack import getAttacks, piecesAttackingCord
2from .const import NB_OF_CASES
3from .lutils.ldata import PIECE_VALUES
4from .Cord import Cord
5from pychess.Utils.const import KING
8# This file contains algorithm helping the users to choose the right decisions
9# The first algorithm gives to the user all the pieces attacked and not protected by the foe
10class DecisionSupportAlgorithm:
12    def __init__(self):
13        self.local_game = False
14        self.activationEnabled = False
16        # to avoid calculating once more the coordinates, we save them
17        self.coordinate_in_danger = []
19    def enableDisableAlgo(self, enable_algorithm):
20        self.activationEnabled = enable_algorithm
22    def set_foe_as_bot(self):
23        self.local_game = True
25    def calculate_coordinate_in_danger(self, board, mycolor, newTurn=True):
26        '''this function should be used for applying the algorithm'''
27        if not newTurn:
28            return self.coordinate_in_danger
30        self.coordinate_in_danger = []
32        self.coordinate_in_danger = self.__apply_algorithm(board, mycolor, self.__not_protected)
33        self.coordinate_in_danger += self.__apply_algorithm(board, mycolor, self.__attacked_and_not_protected)
35        return self.coordinate_in_danger
37    def __apply_algorithm(self, board, mycolor, algorithm):
38        """returns the list of coordinate in danger for player playing with mycolor pieces
39         according to the algorithm used
40        args : board of type Board, coordinate of type Cord, algorithm : function taking two arguments
41        board, mycolor and the current coordinate we are looking
43        WARNING : The king is currently excluded of the calculus => it is never considered as in danger"""
44        coordinate_in_danger = []
46        if self.local_game and self.activationEnabled:
47            # TODO: tests
48            for i in range(NB_OF_CASES):
49                c = Cord(i)
50                number, letter = c.cords
51                piece = board.data[letter][number]
52                if piece is not None and piece.piece is not KING:
53                    if piece.color == mycolor:
54                        coordinate_in_color = algorithm(board, mycolor, c)
55                        if coordinate_in_color is not None:
56                            coordinate_in_danger.append(coordinate_in_color)
58        return coordinate_in_danger
60    def __not_protected(self, board, mycolor, coordinate):
61        """returns the coord with the color yellow if the coord is not protected, None if it is
62        args : board of type Board, coordinate of type Cord, mycolor of value BLACK or WHITE
63        which is the color of the player who will play the next move"""
65        c_colored = None
66        attacks = getAttacks(board.board, coordinate.cord, 1 - mycolor)
67        defense = getAttacks(board.board, coordinate.cord, mycolor)
69        # if one of the piece is not protected but not attacked, danger
70        # means that towers are highlighted at the start of the game
71        if attacks == 0 and defense == 0:
72            c_colored = Cord(coordinate.cord, color="Y")
74        return c_colored
76    def __attacked_and_not_protected(self, board, mycolor, coordinate):
77        """returns the coord with the color red if the coord is not protected and attacked, None if it is not
78        args : board of type Board, cord of type Cord, mycolor of value BLACK or WHITE
79        which is the color of the player who will play the next move"""
81        pieces_attacking = piecesAttackingCord(board.board, coordinate.cord, 1 - mycolor)
82        defense = getAttacks(board.board, coordinate.cord, mycolor)
84        c_colored = None
86        number, letter = coordinate.cords
87        piece = board.data[letter][number]
89        if len(pieces_attacking) != 0:
90            # if one of the piece is not protected and attacked, very dangerous
91            if defense == 0:
92                c_colored = Cord(coordinate.cord, color="R")
93            else:
94                # if one of the piece attacking is weaker than piece attacked, very dangerous
96                # in this part we find the weakest ennemy pieces attacking our piece
97                piece_attacking = pieces_attacking[0]
98                min_value = PIECE_VALUES[piece_attacking]
99                for piece_found in pieces_attacking:
100                    if PIECE_VALUES[piece_found] <= min_value:
101                        min_value = PIECE_VALUES[piece_found]
102                        piece_attacking = piece_found
104                # then we compare it to the value of the piece
105                # currently, we consider trades as not dangerous, this behaviour could be changed
106                if PIECE_VALUES[piece_attacking] < PIECE_VALUES[piece.piece]:
107                    c_colored = Cord(coordinate.cord, color="R")
109        return c_colored