1 /* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2  *
3  * Quadra, an action puzzle game
4  * Copyright (C) 1998-2000  Ludus Design
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19  */
21 #ifndef _HEADER_PANE
22 #define _HEADER_PANE
24 #include <vector>
26 #include "inter.h"
27 #include "listbox.h"
28 #include "overmind.h"
29 #include "video.h"
30 #include "zone_list.h"
31 #include "net_stuff.h"
32 #include "score.h"
33 #include "notify.h"
35 class Multi_player;
36 class Pane_option;
37 class Canvas;
39 class Pane_info {
40 public:
41 	Font *font2;
42 	Inter *inter;
43 	const int x, y, w, h;
44 	Multi_player *mp;
45 	Bitmap* fond;
46 	Byte quel_pane;
47 	Pane_info(Bitmap* bit, Font* f2, Inter* in, int j, Multi_player* pmp);
48 	virtual ~Pane_info();
49 };
51 class Pane: public Zone, public Module {
52 	friend class Multi_player;
53 protected:
54 	Zone_list list;
55 	Video_bitmap *screen;
56 	bool hiden;
57 	Zone *clicked;
58 	const Pane_info &pi;
59 	bool draw_background,draw_bottom;
60 	void hidecall(Module *m);
61 	void hideexec(Module *m);
62 	void set_net_pane(int i);
63 	void ifdone();
64 public:
65 	Pane(const Pane_info &p, bool dback=true, bool dbottom=false);
66 	virtual ~Pane();
67 	void hide();
68 	void show();
69 	virtual void hide_item();
70 	virtual void show_item();
71 	virtual void step();
72 	virtual void draw();
73 };
75 class Pane_option: public Pane, public Notifyable {
76 public:
77 	Zone *player_info, *block_info, *combo_info, *select_scheme;
78 	Zone *chat_window, *server, *quit;
79 	Zone_text_button *player[3];
80 	Pane_option(const Pane_info &p);
81 	virtual ~Pane_option();
82 	virtual void init();
83 	virtual void step();
84 	virtual void notify();
85 };
87 class Pane_singleplayer: public Pane {
88 public:
89 	Zone *player[3];
90 	Pane_singleplayer(const Pane_info &p);
91 	virtual void step();
92 };
94 class Pane_close: public Pane {
95 private:
96 	Dword seconds;
97 	Zone *clock;
98 	static bool global_clock_visible;
99 	bool clock_visible;
100 	void update_clock();
101 	void show_clock();
102 protected:
103 	Zone *close;
104 public:
105 	Pane_close(const Pane_info &p, bool dback=true, bool dbottom=false);
106 	virtual ~Pane_close();
107 	virtual void step();
108 	virtual void hide_item();
109 	virtual void show_item();
110 	void allow_clock();
111 };
113 class Pane_selectscheme: public Pane_close {
114 	Bitmap *bit;
115 	Palette *pal;
116 	Zone *level[10];
117 	Zone *debugscheme;
118 public:
119 	Pane_selectscheme(const Pane_info &p);
120 	virtual ~Pane_selectscheme();
121 	virtual void step();
122 };
124 class Pane_playerinfo: public Pane_close, public Notifyable {
125 	Zone_text *player[MAXPLAYERS], *show_button, *auto_button;
126 	int o_show_val;
127 	bool auto_watch;
128 	int show_quoi;
129 	int tagged[4];
130 	int total0[MAXTEAMS], total1[MAXTEAMS];
131 	void add_name(Canvas *c, int i, int x2, int y2);
132 	void add_total(int team, int x2, int y2);
133 	int quel_stat() const;
134 	void tag(int q);
135 	void clear_tag();
136 	void activate_auto_watch();
137 	void deactivate_auto_watch();
138 public:
139 	Pane_playerinfo(const Pane_info &p);
140 	virtual ~Pane_playerinfo();
141 	void refresh();
142 	virtual void notify();
143 	virtual void process();
144 	virtual void step();
145 	virtual void draw();
146 	void auto_watch_closed();
147 	bool auto_watch_started();
148 };
150 class Pane_server: public Pane_close {
151 	class Zone_update_rate: public Zone_text_input {
152 		char port_st[3];
153 	public:
154 		Zone_update_rate(Inter* in, const Palette &pal, int px, int py, int pw);
155 		void lost_focus(int cancel);
156 	};
158 	Zone *drop_player, *drop_connection, *accept_player, *accept_connection;
159 	Zone *test_ping, *check_ip;
160 public:
161 	Pane_server(const Pane_info &p);
162 	virtual ~Pane_server();
163 	virtual void step();
164 };
166 class Pane_server_drop_player: public Pane_close, public Notifyable {
167 	class List_player: public Listable {
168 	public:
169 		Byte player;
List_player(const char * s,Byte p,Font * f)170 		List_player(const char *s, Byte p, Font *f): Listable(s, f) {
171 			player = p;
172 		}
173 	};
174 	Zone_listbox *list_player;
175 	Zone *b_drop;
176 	int selected_player;
177 public:
178 	Pane_server_drop_player(const Pane_info &p);
179 	virtual ~Pane_server_drop_player();
180 	virtual void step();
181 	virtual void notify();
182 };
184 class Pane_server_drop_connection: public Pane_close, public Notifyable {
185 	class List_connection: public Listable {
186 	public:
187 		Net_connection *c;
Listable(s,f)188 		List_connection(const char *s, Net_connection *p, Font *f=NULL): Listable(s, f) {
189 			c = p;
190 		}
191 	};
192 	Zone_listbox *list_connection;
193 	Zone *b_drop;
194 	int selected;
195 public:
196 	Pane_server_drop_connection(const Pane_info &p);
197 	virtual ~Pane_server_drop_connection();
198 	virtual void step();
199 	virtual void notify();
200 };
202 class Pane_server_ping: public Pane_close, Net_callable {
203 	void send_test();
204 	Dword last_frame;
205 	int pingtime;
206 	int moyenne, total, nombre;
207 	int test_delay;
208 public:
209 	Pane_server_ping(const Pane_info &p);
210 	virtual ~Pane_server_ping();
211 	virtual void step();
212 	virtual void net_call(Packet *p2);
213 };
215 class Pane_server_ip: public Pane_close {
216 public:
217 	Pane_server_ip(const Pane_info &p);
218 };
220 class Chat_interface: public Zone, public Notifyable {
221 	class Zone_chat_input: public Zone_text_input {
222 		Chat_interface *parent;
223 	public:
224 		Zone_chat_input(Chat_interface *p, const Palette &pal, Inter* in, char* s, int mlen, int px, int py, int pw);
225 		virtual void lost_focus(int cancel);
226 	};
227 	friend class Zone_chat_input;
229 	class Zone_to_team: public Zone_state_text {
230 	public:
231 		Zone_to_team(Inter *in, int *val, int px, int py);
232 		virtual void clicked(int quel);
233 	};
235 	Zone_list list;
236 	Zone_chat_input *zinput;
237 	char buf[256];
238 	bool delete_screen;
239 	int y_offset;
240 	Video_bitmap *screen;
241 	SDL_Surface* const back;
242 	SDL_Rect back_clip;
243 	Zone_state_text *z_from;
244 public:
245 	Chat_interface(Inter *in, const Palette &pal, SDL_Surface* bit, int px, int py, int pw, int ph, Video_bitmap *scr=NULL);
246 	virtual ~Chat_interface();
247 	virtual void draw();
248 	virtual void process();
249 	virtual void notify();
250 	void set_screen_offset(int o, Video_bitmap *vb);
251 };
253 class Pane_scoreboard: public Pane_close, public Notifyable {
254 	Zone_text_button *b_show_frag;
255 	std::vector<Zone*> zlist_frag;
256 	bool show_frag;
257 	Score score;
258 	Byte potato_team;
259 	Word old_size;
260 protected:
261 	Word size;
262 	virtual void activate_frag();
263 	virtual void deactivate_frag(bool temp);
264 	void scoreboard_invisible();
265 public:
266 	Pane_scoreboard(const Pane_info &p, bool control_button, bool dback=true, bool dbottom=false);
267 	virtual ~Pane_scoreboard();
268 	virtual void step();
269 	virtual void notify();
270 	virtual void process();
271 };
273 class Pane_chat: public Pane_scoreboard {
274 	Chat_interface *chat;
275 	Zone *b_quit;
276 	Word old_y;
277 	virtual void activate_frag();
278 	virtual void deactivate_frag(bool temp);
279 public:
280 	Pane_chat(const Pane_info &p);
281 	virtual ~Pane_chat();
282 	virtual void step();
283 };
285 class Bloc;
287 class Pane_blockinfo: public Pane_close, public Notifyable {
288 	Bloc *bloc[7];
289 	int px;
290 	void block_info(Canvas *can, int dx);
291 	int gauche, droite, old_gauche, old_droite;
292 public:
293 	Pane_blockinfo(const Pane_info &p);
294 	virtual ~Pane_blockinfo();
295 	virtual void draw();
296 	virtual void step();
297 	virtual void notify();
298 	void add_info();
299 };
301 class Pane_comboinfo: public Pane_close, public Notifyable {
302 	void combo_info(Canvas *can, int dx);
303 	int gauche, droite, old_gauche, old_droite;
304 public:
305 	Pane_comboinfo(const Pane_info &p);
306 	virtual ~Pane_comboinfo();
307 	virtual void step();
308 	virtual void notify();
309 	void add_info();
310 };
312 class Pane_playerstartup: public Pane_close, public Notifyable {
313 	Zone_listbox *list_player;
314 	Zone_state_text *list_team;
315 	Zone_state_text *list_handicap;
316 	Zone *b_start, *color_team;
317 	int qplayer;
318 	int color;
319 	int handicap;
320 public:
321 	Pane_playerstartup(const Pane_info &p, int q);
322 	virtual ~Pane_playerstartup();
323 	virtual void notify();
324 	virtual void step();
325 	void update_player();
326 };
328 class Pane_playerjoin: public Pane_close, public Net_callable {
329 	bool got_answer;
330 	int qplayer;
331 	Exec_ping *eping;
332 	Zone_text *status;
333 public:
334 	Pane_playerjoin(const Pane_info &p, int q);
335 	virtual ~Pane_playerjoin();
336 	virtual void step();
337 	virtual void net_call(Packet *p2);
338 };
340 class Pane_startgame: public Pane_close, public Notifyable {
341 	int qplayer;
342 	int num_player;
343 	bool delete_zone;
344 	void create_zone();
345 public:
346 	Canvas *canvas;
347 	Pane_startgame(const Pane_info &p, int q, Canvas *c=NULL, int pos=-1);
348 	virtual ~Pane_startgame();
349 	virtual void step();
350 	virtual void notify();
351 };
353 class Pane_pre_start: public Pane {
354 	int qplayer;
355 public:
356 	Pane_pre_start(const Pane_info &p, int q);
357 	virtual ~Pane_pre_start();
358 	virtual void init();
359 };
361 class Watch_canvas {
362 	Zone_list list;
363 	bool small_watch;
364 public:
365 	Canvas *c;
366 	int play, x, y;
367 	Watch_canvas(int player, bool s=false);
368 	void stop();
369 	void start();
370 	void small_canvas(const Pane_info &pi, int tx, int ty);
371 };
373 class Pane_startwatch: public Pane_startgame {
374 	Watch_canvas *watch;
375 	Pane_playerinfo *pinfo;
376 public:
377 	bool auto_watch;
378 	Pane_startwatch(const Pane_info &p, int player, Pane_playerinfo *ppinfo);
379 	virtual ~Pane_startwatch();
380 	virtual void step();
381 	virtual void notify();
382 };
384 class Pane_smallwatch: public Pane_scoreboard {
385 	Watch_canvas *watch[4];
386 	int compte;
387 	Pane_playerinfo *pinfo;
388 public:
389 	bool auto_watch;
390 	Pane_smallwatch(const Pane_info &p, int tagged[], Pane_playerinfo *ppinfo);
391 	virtual ~Pane_smallwatch();
392 	virtual void notify();
393 	virtual void draw();
394 };
396 #endif