1 /*
2 	options.c
4 	command line options handling
6 	Copyright (C) 2002 Colin Thompson
8 	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11 	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 	See the GNU General Public License for more details.
19 	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 	along with this program; if not, write to:
22 		Free Software Foundation, Inc.
23 		59 Temple Place - Suite 330
24 		Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA
26 */
27 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
28 # include "config.h"
29 #endif
31 #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H
32 # include <string.h>
33 #endif
34 #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H
35 # include <strings.h>
36 #endif
37 #include <getopt.h>
38 #include <errno.h>
39 #include <stdlib.h>
41 #include "QF/dstring.h"
42 #include "QF/mathlib.h"
43 #include "QF/qtypes.h"
45 #include "compat.h"
47 #include "entities.h"
48 #include "options.h"
49 #include "properties.h"
51 const char *this_program;
53 static struct option const long_options[] = {
54 	{"quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q'},
55 	{"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'},
56 	{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
57 	{"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'},
58 	{"threads", required_argument, 0, 't'},
59 	{"properties", required_argument, 0, 'P'},
60 	{"attenuation", required_argument, 0, 'a'},
61 	{"noise", required_argument, 0, 'n'},
62 	{"cutoff", required_argument, 0, 'c'},
63 	{"extra", required_argument, 0, 'e'},
64 	{"novis", no_argument, 0, 'N'},
65 	{"distance", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
66 	{"range", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
67 	{"file", required_argument, 0, 'f'},
68 	{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
69 };
71 static const char *short_options =
72 	"q"		// quiet
73 	"v"		// verbose
74 	"h"		// help
75 	"V"		// version
76 	"N"		// novis
77 	"t:"	// threads
78 	"a:"	// attenuation
79 	"n:"	// noise
80 	"c:"	// cutoff
81 	"e:"	// extra sampling
82 	"d:"	// scale distance
83 	"r:"	// scale range
84 	"P:"	// properties file
85 	"f:"
86 	;
88 void
usage(int status)89 usage (int status)
90 {
91 	printf ("%s - QuakeForge light tool\n", this_program);
92 	printf ("Usage: %s [options] bspfile\n", this_program);
93 	printf (
94 		"Options:\n"
95 		"    -q, --quiet               Inhibit usual output\n"
96 		"    -v, --verbose             Display more output than usual\n"
97 		"    -h, --help                Display this help and exit\n"
98 		"    -V, --version             Output version information and exit\n"
99 		"    -N, --novis               Don't use vis data\n"
100 		"    -t, --threads [num]       Number of threads to use\n"
101 		"    -e, --extra [num]         Apply extra sampling\n"
102 		"    -d, --distance [scale]    Scale distance\n"
103 		"    -r, --range [scale]       Scale range\n"
104 		"    -a, --attenuation [type]  linear,radius,inverse,realistic,none,\n"
105 		"                              havoc\n"
106 		"    -n, --noise [factor]      Scale noise. 0 (default) to disable\n"
107 		"    -c, --cutoff [scale]      Scale cutoff. 0 to disable\n"
108 		"    -P, --properties [file]   Properties file\n"
109 		"    -f, --file [bspfile]      BSP file\n\n");
110 	exit (status);
111 }
113 int
DecodeArgs(int argc,char ** argv)114 DecodeArgs (int argc, char **argv)
115 {
116 	int         c;
117 	char       *eptr;
119 	memset (&options, 0, sizeof (options));
120 	options.verbosity = 0;
121 	options.threads = 1;
122 	options.distance = 1.0;
123 	options.range = 0.5;
124 	options.globallightscale = 1.0;
125 	options.cutoff = 1.0;
126 	options.attenuation = LIGHT_LINEAR;
127 	bspfile = NULL;
129 	while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, short_options, long_options, 0))
130 		   != EOF) {
131 		switch (c) {
132 			case 'q':				// quiet
133 				options.verbosity -= 1;
134 				break;
135 			case 'v':					// verbose
136 				options.verbosity += 1;
137 				break;
138 			case 'h':					// help
139 				usage (0);
140 				break;
141 			case 'N':					// novis
142 				options.novis = 1;
143 				break;
144 			case 'V':					// version
145 				printf ("%s version %s\n", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION);
146 				exit (0);
147 				break;
148 			case 't':					// threads
149 				options.threads = strtol (optarg, &eptr, 10);
150 				if (eptr == optarg || *eptr)
151 					usage (1);
152 				break;
153 			case 'a':
154 				if ((options.attenuation = parse_attenuation (optarg)) == -1)
155 					usage (1);
156 				break;
157 			case 'n':					// noise
158 				options.noise = strtod (optarg, &eptr);
159 				if (eptr == optarg || *eptr)
160 					usage (1);
161 				options.noise = bound (0, options.extrabit, 2);
162 				break;
163 			case 'c':					// cutoff
164 				options.cutoff = strtod (optarg, &eptr);
165 				if (eptr == optarg || *eptr)
166 					usage (1);
167 				options.cutoff = bound (0, options.extrabit, 2);
168 				break;
169 			case 'e':					// extra
170 				options.extrabit = strtol (optarg, &eptr, 10);
171 				if (eptr == optarg || *eptr)
172 					usage (1);
173 				options.extrabit = bound (0, options.extrabit, 2);
174 				break;
175 			case 'd':					// scale distance
176 				options.distance = strtod (optarg, &eptr);
177 				if (eptr == optarg || *eptr)
178 					usage (1);
179 				break;
180 			case 'r':					// scale range
181 				options.range = strtod (optarg, &eptr);
182 				if (eptr == optarg || *eptr)
183 					usage (1);
184 				break;
185 			case 'f':
186 				bspfile = dstring_strdup (optarg);
187 				break;
188 			case 'P':
189 				options.properties_filename = strdup (optarg);
190 				break;
191 			default:
192 				usage (1);
193 		}
194 	}
195 	options.extrascale = 1.0 / (1 << (options.extrabit * 2));
196 	if ((!bspfile) && argv[optind] && *(argv[optind]))
197 		bspfile = dstring_strdup (argv[optind++]);
199 	return optind;
200 }