1// Hinder by Jonathan 'W!CK3D' Roels (maps/hinder)
2// Config generated by Red Eclipse
4// Variables stored in map file, may be uncommented here, or changed from editmode.
5// adaptivesample 2
6// aircoast 25.0
7// ambient 0x100606
8// blurlms 0
9// blurskylight 0
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11// causticcontrast 0.6
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13// causticscale 100
14// cloudblend 1.0
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20// cloudheight 0.2
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23// cloudlayercolour 0xFFFFFF
24// cloudlayerglare 0
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26// cloudoffsety 0.0
27// cloudscale 1.0
28// cloudscrollx 0.006
29// cloudscrolly 0.0
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31// edgetolerance 4
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33// envheight 0.2
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43// envscrolly 0.0
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45// floorcoast 5.0
46// floorz 0.867
47// fog 4000
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49// fogdomecap 0
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51// fogdomeclouds 1
52// fogdomecolour 0x000000
53// fogdomeheight -0.5
54// fogdomemax 0.0
55// fogdomemin 0.0
56// glass2colour 0x2080C0
57// glass3colour 0x2080C0
58// glass4colour 0x2080C0
59// glasscolour 0x2080C0
60// grassanimmillis 3000
61// grassanimscale 0.03
62// grassblend 1.0
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64// grassheight 4
65// grassscale 2
66// gravity 50.0
67// hurtdamage 3
68// hurtdelay 1000
69// hurtresidual 0
70// illumlevel 0.0
71// illumradius 0
72// lava2colour 0xFF4400
73// lava2fog 50
74// lava3colour 0xFF4400
75// lava3fog 50
76// lava4colour 0xFF4400
77// lava4fog 50
78// lavacolour 0xFF4400
79// lavafog 50
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89// liquidcoast 10.0
90// liquidextinguish 0.25
91// liquidspeed 0.85
92// liquidsubmerge 0.75
93// lmaa 3
94// lmshadows 2
95// mapauthor "Jonathan 'W!CK3D' Roels"
96// mapbalance 0
97// mapmusic "sounds/music/track_10"
98// maptitle "Hinder"
99// maxplayers 0
100// minimapclip 0
101// minimapcolour 0x000000
102// minimapheight 0
103// numplayers 2
104// obitdeath "melted into a ball of fire"
105// obitfall ""
106// obithurt ""
107// obitlava ""
108// obitlava2 ""
109// obitlava3 ""
110// obitlava4 ""
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113// obitwater3 ""
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144// water3fog 150
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148// water4fog 150
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422mmodel "mikeplus64/lampthing"
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428mmodel "mikeplus64/lampthing"
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