1 //====== Copyright © 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
2 //
3 // Purpose: interface to steam managing network connections between game clients & servers
4 //
5 //=============================================================================
9 #ifdef _WIN32
10 #pragma once
11 #endif
13 #include "steamtypes.h"
14 #include "steamclientpublic.h"
17 // list of possible errors returned by SendP2PPacket() API
18 // these will be posted in the P2PSessionConnectFail_t callback
19 enum EP2PSessionError
20 {
21 	k_EP2PSessionErrorNone = 0,
22 	k_EP2PSessionErrorNotRunningApp = 1,			// target is not running the same game
23 	k_EP2PSessionErrorNoRightsToApp = 2,			// local user doesn't own the app that is running
24 	k_EP2PSessionErrorDestinationNotLoggedIn = 3,	// target user isn't connected to Steam
25 	k_EP2PSessionErrorTimeout = 4,					// target isn't responding, perhaps not calling AcceptP2PSessionWithUser()
26 													// corporate firewalls can also block this (NAT traversal is not firewall traversal)
27 													// make sure that UDP ports 3478, 4379, and 4380 are open in an outbound direction
28 	k_EP2PSessionErrorMax = 5
29 };
31 // SendP2PPacket() send types
32 // Typically k_EP2PSendUnreliable is what you want for UDP-like packets, k_EP2PSendReliable for TCP-like packets
33 enum EP2PSend
34 {
35 	// Basic UDP send. Packets can't be bigger than 1200 bytes (your typical MTU size). Can be lost, or arrive out of order (rare).
36 	// The sending API does have some knowledge of the underlying connection, so if there is no NAT-traversal accomplished or
37 	// there is a recognized adjustment happening on the connection, the packet will be batched until the connection is open again.
38 	k_EP2PSendUnreliable = 0,
40 	// As above, but if the underlying p2p connection isn't yet established the packet will just be thrown away. Using this on the first
41 	// packet sent to a remote host almost guarantees the packet will be dropped.
42 	// This is only really useful for kinds of data that should never buffer up, i.e. voice payload packets
43 	k_EP2PSendUnreliableNoDelay = 1,
45 	// Reliable message send. Can send up to 1MB of data in a single message.
46 	// Does fragmentation/re-assembly of messages under the hood, as well as a sliding window for efficient sends of large chunks of data.
47 	k_EP2PSendReliable = 2,
49 	// As above, but applies the Nagle algorithm to the send - sends will accumulate
50 	// until the current MTU size (typically ~1200 bytes, but can change) or ~200ms has passed (Nagle algorithm).
51 	// Useful if you want to send a set of smaller messages but have the coalesced into a single packet
52 	// Since the reliable stream is all ordered, you can do several small message sends with k_EP2PSendReliableWithBuffering and then
53 	// do a normal k_EP2PSendReliable to force all the buffered data to be sent.
54 	k_EP2PSendReliableWithBuffering = 3,
56 };
59 // connection state to a specified user, returned by GetP2PSessionState()
60 // this is under-the-hood info about what's going on with a SendP2PPacket(), shouldn't be needed except for debuggin
62 #pragma pack( push, 4 )
63 #elif defined( VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_LARGE )
64 #pragma pack( push, 8 )
65 #else
66 #error isteamclient.h must be included
67 #endif
68 struct P2PSessionState_t
69 {
70 	uint8 m_bConnectionActive;		// true if we've got an active open connection
71 	uint8 m_bConnecting;			// true if we're currently trying to establish a connection
72 	uint8 m_eP2PSessionError;		// last error recorded (see enum above)
73 	uint8 m_bUsingRelay;			// true if it's going through a relay server (TURN)
74 	int32 m_nBytesQueuedForSend;
75 	int32 m_nPacketsQueuedForSend;
76 	uint32 m_nRemoteIP;				// potential IP:Port of remote host. Could be TURN server.
77 	uint16 m_nRemotePort;			// Only exists for compatibility with older authentication api's
78 };
79 #pragma pack( pop )
82 // handle to a socket
83 typedef uint32 SNetSocket_t;		// CreateP2PConnectionSocket()
84 typedef uint32 SNetListenSocket_t;	// CreateListenSocket()
86 // connection progress indicators, used by CreateP2PConnectionSocket()
87 enum ESNetSocketState
88 {
89 	k_ESNetSocketStateInvalid = 0,
91 	// communication is valid
92 	k_ESNetSocketStateConnected = 1,
94 	// states while establishing a connection
95 	k_ESNetSocketStateInitiated = 10,				// the connection state machine has started
97 	// p2p connections
98 	k_ESNetSocketStateLocalCandidatesFound = 11,	// we've found our local IP info
99 	k_ESNetSocketStateReceivedRemoteCandidates = 12,// we've received information from the remote machine, via the Steam back-end, about their IP info
101 	// direct connections
102 	k_ESNetSocketStateChallengeHandshake = 15,		// we've received a challenge packet from the server
104 	// failure states
105 	k_ESNetSocketStateDisconnecting = 21,			// the API shut it down, and we're in the process of telling the other end
106 	k_ESNetSocketStateLocalDisconnect = 22,			// the API shut it down, and we've completed shutdown
107 	k_ESNetSocketStateTimeoutDuringConnect = 23,	// we timed out while trying to creating the connection
108 	k_ESNetSocketStateRemoteEndDisconnected = 24,	// the remote end has disconnected from us
109 	k_ESNetSocketStateConnectionBroken = 25,		// connection has been broken; either the other end has disappeared or our local network connection has broke
111 };
113 // describes how the socket is currently connected
114 enum ESNetSocketConnectionType
115 {
116 	k_ESNetSocketConnectionTypeNotConnected = 0,
117 	k_ESNetSocketConnectionTypeUDP = 1,
118 	k_ESNetSocketConnectionTypeUDPRelay = 2,
119 };
122 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 // Purpose: Functions for making connections and sending data between clients,
124 //			traversing NAT's where possible
125 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 class ISteamNetworking
127 {
128 public:
129 	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
130 	// Session-less connection functions
131 	//    automatically establishes NAT-traversing or Relay server connections
133 	// Sends a P2P packet to the specified user
134 	// UDP-like, unreliable and a max packet size of 1200 bytes
135 	// the first packet send may be delayed as the NAT-traversal code runs
136 	// if we can't get through to the user, an error will be posted via the callback P2PSessionConnectFail_t
137 	// see EP2PSend enum above for the descriptions of the different ways of sending packets
138 	//
139 	// nChannel is a routing number you can use to help route message to different systems 	- you'll have to call ReadP2PPacket()
140 	// with the same channel number in order to retrieve the data on the other end
141 	// using different channels to talk to the same user will still use the same underlying p2p connection, saving on resources
142 	virtual bool SendP2PPacket( CSteamID steamIDRemote, const void *pubData, uint32 cubData, EP2PSend eP2PSendType, int nChannel = 0 ) = 0;
144 	// returns true if any data is available for read, and the amount of data that will need to be read
145 	virtual bool IsP2PPacketAvailable( uint32 *pcubMsgSize, int nChannel = 0 ) = 0;
147 	// reads in a packet that has been sent from another user via SendP2PPacket()
148 	// returns the size of the message and the steamID of the user who sent it in the last two parameters
149 	// if the buffer passed in is too small, the message will be truncated
150 	// this call is not blocking, and will return false if no data is available
151 	virtual bool ReadP2PPacket( void *pubDest, uint32 cubDest, uint32 *pcubMsgSize, CSteamID *psteamIDRemote, int nChannel = 0 ) = 0;
153 	// AcceptP2PSessionWithUser() should only be called in response to a P2PSessionRequest_t callback
154 	// P2PSessionRequest_t will be posted if another user tries to send you a packet that you haven't talked to yet
155 	// if you don't want to talk to the user, just ignore the request
156 	// if the user continues to send you packets, another P2PSessionRequest_t will be posted periodically
157 	// this may be called multiple times for a single user
158 	// (if you've called SendP2PPacket() on the other user, this implicitly accepts the session request)
159 	virtual bool AcceptP2PSessionWithUser( CSteamID steamIDRemote ) = 0;
161 	// call CloseP2PSessionWithUser() when you're done talking to a user, will free up resources under-the-hood
162 	// if the remote user tries to send data to you again, another P2PSessionRequest_t callback will be posted
163 	virtual bool CloseP2PSessionWithUser( CSteamID steamIDRemote ) = 0;
165 	// call CloseP2PChannelWithUser() when you're done talking to a user on a specific channel. Once all channels
166 	// open channels to a user have been closed, the open session to the user will be closed and new data from this
167 	// user will trigger a P2PSessionRequest_t callback
168 	virtual bool CloseP2PChannelWithUser( CSteamID steamIDRemote, int nChannel ) = 0;
170 	// fills out P2PSessionState_t structure with details about the underlying connection to the user
171 	// should only needed for debugging purposes
172 	// returns false if no connection exists to the specified user
173 	virtual bool GetP2PSessionState( CSteamID steamIDRemote, P2PSessionState_t *pConnectionState ) = 0;
175 	// Allow P2P connections to fall back to being relayed through the Steam servers if a direct connection
176 	// or NAT-traversal cannot be established. Only applies to connections created after setting this value,
177 	// or to existing connections that need to automatically reconnect after this value is set.
178 	//
179 	// P2P packet relay is allowed by default
180 	virtual bool AllowP2PPacketRelay( bool bAllow ) = 0;
183 	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
184 	// LISTEN / CONNECT style interface functions
185 	//
186 	// This is an older set of functions designed around the Berkeley TCP sockets model
187 	// it's preferential that you use the above P2P functions, they're more robust
188 	// and these older functions will be removed eventually
189 	//
190 	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
193 	// creates a socket and listens others to connect
194 	// will trigger a SocketStatusCallback_t callback on another client connecting
195 	// nVirtualP2PPort is the unique ID that the client will connect to, in case you have multiple ports
196 	//		this can usually just be 0 unless you want multiple sets of connections
197 	// unIP is the local IP address to bind to
198 	//		pass in 0 if you just want the default local IP
199 	// unPort is the port to use
200 	//		pass in 0 if you don't want users to be able to connect via IP/Port, but expect to be always peer-to-peer connections only
201 	virtual SNetListenSocket_t CreateListenSocket( int nVirtualP2PPort, uint32 nIP, uint16 nPort, bool bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ) = 0;
203 	// creates a socket and begin connection to a remote destination
204 	// can connect via a known steamID (client or game server), or directly to an IP
205 	// on success will trigger a SocketStatusCallback_t callback
206 	// on failure or timeout will trigger a SocketStatusCallback_t callback with a failure code in m_eSNetSocketState
207 	virtual SNetSocket_t CreateP2PConnectionSocket( CSteamID steamIDTarget, int nVirtualPort, int nTimeoutSec, bool bAllowUseOfPacketRelay ) = 0;
208 	virtual SNetSocket_t CreateConnectionSocket( uint32 nIP, uint16 nPort, int nTimeoutSec ) = 0;
210 	// disconnects the connection to the socket, if any, and invalidates the handle
211 	// any unread data on the socket will be thrown away
212 	// if bNotifyRemoteEnd is set, socket will not be completely destroyed until the remote end acknowledges the disconnect
213 	virtual bool DestroySocket( SNetSocket_t hSocket, bool bNotifyRemoteEnd ) = 0;
214 	// destroying a listen socket will automatically kill all the regular sockets generated from it
215 	virtual bool DestroyListenSocket( SNetListenSocket_t hSocket, bool bNotifyRemoteEnd ) = 0;
217 	// sending data
218 	// must be a handle to a connected socket
219 	// data is all sent via UDP, and thus send sizes are limited to 1200 bytes; after this, many routers will start dropping packets
220 	// use the reliable flag with caution; although the resend rate is pretty aggressive,
221 	// it can still cause stalls in receiving data (like TCP)
222 	virtual bool SendDataOnSocket( SNetSocket_t hSocket, void *pubData, uint32 cubData, bool bReliable ) = 0;
224 	// receiving data
225 	// returns false if there is no data remaining
226 	// fills out *pcubMsgSize with the size of the next message, in bytes
227 	virtual bool IsDataAvailableOnSocket( SNetSocket_t hSocket, uint32 *pcubMsgSize ) = 0;
229 	// fills in pubDest with the contents of the message
230 	// messages are always complete, of the same size as was sent (i.e. packetized, not streaming)
231 	// if *pcubMsgSize < cubDest, only partial data is written
232 	// returns false if no data is available
233 	virtual bool RetrieveDataFromSocket( SNetSocket_t hSocket, void *pubDest, uint32 cubDest, uint32 *pcubMsgSize ) = 0;
235 	// checks for data from any socket that has been connected off this listen socket
236 	// returns false if there is no data remaining
237 	// fills out *pcubMsgSize with the size of the next message, in bytes
238 	// fills out *phSocket with the socket that data is available on
239 	virtual bool IsDataAvailable( SNetListenSocket_t hListenSocket, uint32 *pcubMsgSize, SNetSocket_t *phSocket ) = 0;
241 	// retrieves data from any socket that has been connected off this listen socket
242 	// fills in pubDest with the contents of the message
243 	// messages are always complete, of the same size as was sent (i.e. packetized, not streaming)
244 	// if *pcubMsgSize < cubDest, only partial data is written
245 	// returns false if no data is available
246 	// fills out *phSocket with the socket that data is available on
247 	virtual bool RetrieveData( SNetListenSocket_t hListenSocket, void *pubDest, uint32 cubDest, uint32 *pcubMsgSize, SNetSocket_t *phSocket ) = 0;
249 	// returns information about the specified socket, filling out the contents of the pointers
250 	virtual bool GetSocketInfo( SNetSocket_t hSocket, CSteamID *pSteamIDRemote, int *peSocketStatus, uint32 *punIPRemote, uint16 *punPortRemote ) = 0;
252 	// returns which local port the listen socket is bound to
253 	// *pnIP and *pnPort will be 0 if the socket is set to listen for P2P connections only
254 	virtual bool GetListenSocketInfo( SNetListenSocket_t hListenSocket, uint32 *pnIP, uint16 *pnPort ) = 0;
256 	// returns true to describe how the socket ended up connecting
257 	virtual ESNetSocketConnectionType GetSocketConnectionType( SNetSocket_t hSocket ) = 0;
259 	// max packet size, in bytes
260 	virtual int GetMaxPacketSize( SNetSocket_t hSocket ) = 0;
261 };
262 #define STEAMNETWORKING_INTERFACE_VERSION "SteamNetworking005"
264 // callbacks
265 #if defined( VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_SMALL )
266 #pragma pack( push, 4 )
267 #elif defined( VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_LARGE )
268 #pragma pack( push, 8 )
269 #else
270 #error isteamclient.h must be included
271 #endif
273 // callback notification - a user wants to talk to us over the P2P channel via the SendP2PPacket() API
274 // in response, a call to AcceptP2PPacketsFromUser() needs to be made, if you want to talk with them
275 struct P2PSessionRequest_t
276 {
277 	enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 2 };
278 	CSteamID m_steamIDRemote;			// user who wants to talk to us
279 };
282 // callback notification - packets can't get through to the specified user via the SendP2PPacket() API
283 // all packets queued packets unsent at this point will be dropped
284 // further attempts to send will retry making the connection (but will be dropped if we fail again)
285 struct P2PSessionConnectFail_t
286 {
287 	enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 3 };
288 	CSteamID m_steamIDRemote;			// user we were sending packets to
289 	uint8 m_eP2PSessionError;			// EP2PSessionError indicating why we're having trouble
290 };
293 // callback notification - status of a socket has changed
294 // used as part of the CreateListenSocket() / CreateP2PConnectionSocket()
295 struct SocketStatusCallback_t
296 {
297 	enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 1 };
298 	SNetSocket_t m_hSocket;				// the socket used to send/receive data to the remote host
299 	SNetListenSocket_t m_hListenSocket;	// this is the server socket that we were listening on; NULL if this was an outgoing connection
300 	CSteamID m_steamIDRemote;			// remote steamID we have connected to, if it has one
301 	int m_eSNetSocketState;				// socket state, ESNetSocketState
302 };
304 #pragma pack( pop )