1 /* This is the list of all strings appearing in menus */
2 /* you just have to localize this !! */
4 #ifdef ENGLISH
6 char help_msg[] =
7 "rubix\n\n"
8 "        by Sed (sed@free.fr)\n"
9 "        and Jean-Pierre Demailly (demailly.ujf-grenoble.fr)\n"
10 "        and Scott A. Morris (samorris@jomche.org)\n\n"
11 "Usage : rubix [-i(nit)] [-v(ersion)] [-h(elp)]\n"
12 "              [-font <spec>] [-width w] [-height h] [-edge <dim>]\n"
13 "              [-color <face> <val>] (face=ABCDEF,I,0,1,2 / val = #RRGGBB)\n"
14 "              [-output <format>] [-load <saved cube>]\n"
15 "where the output type is one of : 0=position, 1=numeric, 2=generators\n\n"
16 "Commands within the game :\n"
17 "        Keys a,b,c,d,e,f or A,B,C,D,E,F rotate corresponding faces.\n"
18 "        The cube can also be moved with the mouse:\n"
19 "        - mouse moves rotate the whole cube.\n"
20 "        - mouse clicks (with button 1 or 3) rotate the faces.\n"
21 "        The face to be rotated is marked with a cross.\n"
22 "        Press <Left arrow> or first mouse button to rotate counterclockwise\n"
23 "        Press <Right arrow> or third mouse button to rotate clockwise\n"
24 "        Press <Space> to pause/restart the game\n"
25 "        <h> to show this help message\n"
26 "        <i> to reinitialize the cube\n"
27 "        <l> to show/hide letters on faces\n"
28 "        <p> to produce a random permutation of the cube\n"
29 "        <r> to reset the cube at its home position\n"
30 "        <s> to save the game to the file \"./rubix.<format>\"\n"
31 "        <+> to shorten perspective distance\n"
32 "        <-> to switch to imaginary perspective\n"
33 "        <*> to change the output format\n"
34 "        <!> to use interactive controls\n"
35 "        <q> or <Esc> to exit\n\n"
36 "homepage: http://sed.free.fr/rubix/\n"
37 "May the penguin be with you.\n\n";
39 int help_numlines;
40 int help_maxlen;
41 char **help_index;
43 char help1[] = "<Space> Start/Pause";
44 char help2[] = "h Help";
45 char help3[] = "! Control";
47 char control_str[] = "Control";
48 char close_str[] = "Close";
50 char *controlwin_str[] =
51   { "Erase", "Select", "Init", "Permute", close_str };
53 char save_output_str[] = "save output";
54 char perspective_str[] = "perspecive";
55 char cube_saved_str[] = "cube saved in";
57 #endif