1 package hughai;
3 import java.util.*;
4 import java.io.*;
6 import com.springrts.ai.*;
7 import com.springrts.ai.oo.*;
8 import com.springrts.ai.oo.clb.*;
10 import hughai.ui.MainUI;
11 import hughai.utils.*;
12 import hughai.utils.TimeHelper.TimeSpan;
13 import hughai.loader.*;
14 import hughai.loader.utils.*;
15 import hughai.test.*;
17 // Original intentions: Stores options from start script, pumps some into config
18 //
19 // Right, we could just have things get properties by strings, but that
20 // sounds... error-prone... so we could have a list of valid strings,
21 // or get them by reading one of the lua options files, or
22 // have a class and pump available options into that class/object
23 // but what if those values weren't specified in the incoming options?
24 // give them appropriate defaults? read from config? set them to null?
25 // let's make them classes for now, and have them default to null
26 // and: we'll need some higher level options abstraction to choose
27 // between the config values and the startscript values
28 // hmmm: we could make anything that is valid in the xml config file
29 // be a valid startscript option :-O
30 // then it is fairly easy to make a higher-level abstraction
31 // in the gui, we could just grey those out or something, signal
32 // somehow that they are being overridden
33 public class OptionsFromStartScript {
34 //   public class Options {
35 //      Integer difficultyLevel = null;
36 //      Boolean debugOn = null;
37 //   }
39    PlayerObjects playerObjects;
41    final HashMap<String,String> optionValues = new HashMap<String,String>();
42    final HashMap<String,String> info = new HashMap<String,String>();
getOptionKeys()44    public Collection<String> getOptionKeys() {
45       return optionValues.keySet();
46    }
48    // returns null if option doesn't exist
getOption( String optionName )49    public String getOption( String optionName ) {
50       return optionValues.get( optionName.toLowerCase() );
51    }
53    // returns defaultValue if option doesn't exist
getOption( String optionName, String defaultValue )54    public String getOption( String optionName, String defaultValue ) {
55       if( optionValues.containsKey( optionName.toLowerCase() ) ) {
56          return optionValues.get( optionName.toLowerCase() );
57       }
58       return defaultValue;
59    }
OptionsFromStartScript( PlayerObjects playerObjects )61    public OptionsFromStartScript( PlayerObjects playerObjects ) {
62       this.playerObjects = playerObjects;
64       init();
65    }
debug( Object message )67    void debug( Object message ) {
68       playerObjects.getLogFile().WriteLine( "" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + message );
69    }
init()71    void init() {
72       Info inf = playerObjects.getAicallback().getSkirmishAI().getInfo();
73       int numInfo = inf.getSize();
74       for (int i=0; i < numInfo; i++) {
75               String key = inf.getKey(i);
76               String value = inf.getValue(i);
77               debug( "infovalue: " + key + " = " + value );
78               info.put(key, value);
79       }
81       OptionValues opVals = playerObjects.getAicallback().getSkirmishAI().getOptionValues();
82       int numOpVals = opVals.getSize();
83       for (int i=0; i < numOpVals; i++) {
84               String key = opVals.getKey(i);
85               String value = opVals.getValue(i);
86               debug( "optionvalue: " + key + " = " + value );
87               optionValues.put(key, value);
88       }
89    }
90 }