1 /* This file is part of the Spring engine (GPL v2 or later), see LICENSE.html */
3 #ifndef AI_S_COMMANDS_H
4 #define	AI_S_COMMANDS_H
6 // IMPORTANT NOTE: external systems parse this file,
7 // so DO NOT CHANGE the style and format it uses without
8 // major though in advance, and deliberation with hoijui!
10 #include "aidefines.h"
12 #ifdef	__cplusplus
13 extern "C" {
14 #endif
16 // NOTE structs should not be empty (C90), so add a useless member if needed
18 #define COMMAND_TO_ID_ENGINE -1
20 /**
21  * Commands are used for all activities that change game state,
22  * in spring terms: synced events
23  * Activities that leave the game state as it is (-> unsynced events)
24  * are handled through function pointers in SSkirmishAICallback.h.
25  *
26  * Each command type can be identified through a unique ID,
27  * which we call command topic.
28  * Commands are usually sent from AIs to the engine,
29  * but there are plans for the future to allow AI -> AI command scheduling.
30  *
31  * Note: Do NOT change the values assigned to these topics in enum CommandTopic,
32  * as this would be bad for inter-version compatibility.
33  * You should always append new command topics at the end of this list,
34  * adjust NUM_CMD_TOPICS and add the struct in AIINTERFACE_COMMANDS_ABI_VERSION.
35  *
36  * @see SSkirmishAICallback.handleCommand()
37  */
38 enum CommandTopic {
39 	COMMAND_NULL                                  =  0,
40 	COMMAND_DRAWER_POINT_ADD                      =  1,
41 	COMMAND_DRAWER_LINE_ADD                       =  2,
42 	COMMAND_DRAWER_POINT_REMOVE                   =  3,
43 	COMMAND_SEND_START_POS                        =  4,
45 	COMMAND_SEND_TEXT_MESSAGE                     =  6,
46 	COMMAND_SET_LAST_POS_MESSAGE                  =  7,
47 	COMMAND_SEND_RESOURCES                        =  8,
48 	COMMAND_SEND_UNITS                            =  9,
49 	COMMAND_UNUSED_0                              = 10, // unused
50 	COMMAND_UNUSED_1                              = 11, // unused
51 	COMMAND_GROUP_CREATE                          = 12, // unused
52 	COMMAND_GROUP_ERASE                           = 13, // unused
53 	COMMAND_GROUP_ADD_UNIT                        = 14, // unused
54 	COMMAND_GROUP_REMOVE_UNIT                     = 15, // unused
55 	COMMAND_PATH_INIT                             = 16,
57 	COMMAND_PATH_GET_NEXT_WAYPOINT                = 18,
58 	COMMAND_PATH_FREE                             = 19,
59 	COMMAND_CHEATS_GIVE_ME_RESOURCE               = 20,
60 	COMMAND_CALL_LUA_RULES                        = 21,
62 	COMMAND_DRAWER_DRAW_UNIT                      = 23,
63 	COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_START                     = 24,
64 	COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_FINISH                    = 25,
65 	COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_DRAW_LINE                 = 26,
68 	COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_BREAK                     = 29,
69 	COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_RESTART                   = 30,
72 	COMMAND_DRAWER_FIGURE_SET_COLOR               = 33,
73 	COMMAND_DRAWER_FIGURE_DELETE                  = 34,
74 	COMMAND_UNIT_BUILD                            = 35,
75 	COMMAND_UNIT_STOP                             = 36,
76 	COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT                             = 37,
77 	COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT_TIME                        = 38,
78 	COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT_DEATH                       = 39,
79 	COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT_SQUAD                       = 40,
80 	COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT_GATHER                      = 41,
81 	COMMAND_UNIT_MOVE                             = 42,
82 	COMMAND_UNIT_PATROL                           = 43,
83 	COMMAND_UNIT_FIGHT                            = 44,
84 	COMMAND_UNIT_ATTACK                           = 45,
85 	COMMAND_UNIT_ATTACK_AREA                      = 46,
86 	COMMAND_UNIT_GUARD                            = 47,
87 	COMMAND_UNIT_AI_SELECT                        = 48,
88 	COMMAND_UNIT_GROUP_ADD                        = 49,
89 	COMMAND_UNIT_GROUP_CLEAR                      = 50,
90 	COMMAND_UNIT_REPAIR                           = 51,
91 	COMMAND_UNIT_SET_FIRE_STATE                   = 52,
92 	COMMAND_UNIT_SET_MOVE_STATE                   = 53,
93 	COMMAND_UNIT_SET_BASE                         = 54,
94 	COMMAND_UNIT_SELF_DESTROY                     = 55,
96 	COMMAND_UNIT_LOAD_UNITS                       = 57,
97 	COMMAND_UNIT_LOAD_UNITS_AREA                  = 58,
98 	COMMAND_UNIT_LOAD_ONTO                        = 59,
99 	COMMAND_UNIT_UNLOAD_UNITS_AREA                = 60,
100 	COMMAND_UNIT_UNLOAD_UNIT                      = 61,
101 	COMMAND_UNIT_SET_ON_OFF                       = 62,
102 	COMMAND_UNIT_RECLAIM_UNIT                     = 63,
103 	COMMAND_UNIT_RECLAIM_AREA                     = 64,
104 	COMMAND_UNIT_CLOAK                            = 65,
105 	COMMAND_UNIT_STOCKPILE                        = 66,
106 	COMMAND_UNIT_D_GUN                            = 67,
107 	COMMAND_UNIT_D_GUN_POS                        = 68,
108 	COMMAND_UNIT_RESTORE_AREA                     = 69,
109 	COMMAND_UNIT_SET_REPEAT                       = 70,
110 	COMMAND_UNIT_SET_TRAJECTORY                   = 71,
111 	COMMAND_UNIT_RESURRECT                        = 72,
112 	COMMAND_UNIT_RESURRECT_AREA                   = 73,
113 	COMMAND_UNIT_CAPTURE                          = 74,
114 	COMMAND_UNIT_CAPTURE_AREA                     = 75,
116 	COMMAND_UNIT_SET_IDLE_MODE                    = 77,
117 	COMMAND_UNIT_CUSTOM                           = 78,
118 	COMMAND_CHEATS_GIVE_ME_NEW_UNIT               = 79,
119 	COMMAND_TRACE_RAY                             = 80,
120 	COMMAND_PAUSE                                 = 81,
121 	COMMAND_UNIT_RECLAIM_FEATURE                  = 82,
123 //const int COMMAND_UNIT_INSERT
124 //const int COMMAND_UNIT_REMOVE
141 	COMMAND_TRACE_RAY_FEATURE                     = 95,
142 	COMMAND_CALL_LUA_UI                           = 96,
143 };
144 const int NUM_CMD_TOPICS = 97;
147 /**
148  * These are used in all S*UnitCommand's,
149  * in their options field, which is used as a bitfield.
150  * This allows to enable special modes of commands,
151  * which may be command specific.
152  * For example (one you all know):
153  * if (SBuildUnitCommand.options & UNIT_COMMAND_OPTION_SHIFT_KEY != 0)
154  * then: add to unit command queue, instead of replacing it
155  *
156  */
157 enum UnitCommandOptions {
158 	UNIT_COMMAND_OPTION_INTERNAL_ORDER    = (1 << 3), //   8
159 	UNIT_COMMAND_OPTION_RIGHT_MOUSE_KEY   = (1 << 4), //  16
160 	UNIT_COMMAND_OPTION_SHIFT_KEY         = (1 << 5), //  32
161 	UNIT_COMMAND_OPTION_CONTROL_KEY       = (1 << 6), //  64
162 	UNIT_COMMAND_OPTION_ALT_KEY           = (1 << 7), // 128
163 };
170 		  sizeof(struct SSetMyIncomeMultiplierCheatCommand) \
171 		+ sizeof(struct SGiveMeResourceCheatCommand) \
172 		+ sizeof(struct SGiveMeNewUnitCheatCommand) \
173 		+ sizeof(struct SSendTextMessageCommand) \
174 		+ sizeof(struct SSetLastPosMessageCommand) \
175 		+ sizeof(struct SSendResourcesCommand) \
176 		+ sizeof(struct SSendUnitsCommand) \
177 		+ sizeof(struct SCreateGroupCommand) \
178 		+ sizeof(struct SEraseGroupCommand) \
179 		+ sizeof(struct SInitPathCommand) \
180 		+ sizeof(struct SGetApproximateLengthPathCommand) \
181 		+ sizeof(struct SGetNextWaypointPathCommand) \
182 		+ sizeof(struct SFreePathCommand) \
183 		+ sizeof(struct SCallLuaRulesCommand) \
184 		+ sizeof(struct SCallLuaUICommand) \
185 		+ sizeof(struct SSendStartPosCommand) \
186 		+ sizeof(struct SAddNotificationDrawerCommand) \
187 		+ sizeof(struct SAddPointDrawCommand) \
188 		+ sizeof(struct SRemovePointDrawCommand) \
189 		+ sizeof(struct SAddLineDrawCommand) \
190 		+ sizeof(struct SStartPathDrawerCommand) \
191 		+ sizeof(struct SFinishPathDrawerCommand) \
192 		+ sizeof(struct SDrawLinePathDrawerCommand) \
193 		+ sizeof(struct SDrawLineAndIconPathDrawerCommand) \
194 		+ sizeof(struct SDrawIconAtLastPosPathDrawerCommand) \
195 		+ sizeof(struct SBreakPathDrawerCommand) \
196 		+ sizeof(struct SRestartPathDrawerCommand) \
197 		+ sizeof(struct SCreateSplineFigureDrawerCommand) \
198 		+ sizeof(struct SCreateLineFigureDrawerCommand) \
199 		+ sizeof(struct SSetColorFigureDrawerCommand) \
200 		+ sizeof(struct SDeleteFigureDrawerCommand) \
201 		+ sizeof(struct SDrawUnitDrawerCommand) \
202 		+ sizeof(struct SBuildUnitCommand) \
203 		+ sizeof(struct SStopUnitCommand) \
204 		+ sizeof(struct SWaitUnitCommand) \
205 		+ sizeof(struct STimeWaitUnitCommand) \
206 		+ sizeof(struct SDeathWaitUnitCommand) \
207 		+ sizeof(struct SSquadWaitUnitCommand) \
208 		+ sizeof(struct SGatherWaitUnitCommand) \
209 		+ sizeof(struct SMoveUnitCommand) \
210 		+ sizeof(struct SPatrolUnitCommand) \
211 		+ sizeof(struct SFightUnitCommand) \
212 		+ sizeof(struct SAttackUnitCommand) \
213 		+ sizeof(struct SAttackAreaUnitCommand) \
214 		+ sizeof(struct SGuardUnitCommand) \
215 		+ sizeof(struct SAiSelectUnitCommand) \
216 		+ sizeof(struct SGroupAddUnitCommand) \
217 		+ sizeof(struct SGroupClearUnitCommand) \
218 		+ sizeof(struct SRepairUnitCommand) \
219 		+ sizeof(struct SSetFireStateUnitCommand) \
220 		+ sizeof(struct SSetMoveStateUnitCommand) \
221 		+ sizeof(struct SSetBaseUnitCommand) \
222 		+ sizeof(struct SSelfDestroyUnitCommand) \
223 		+ sizeof(struct SSetWantedMaxSpeedUnitCommand) \
224 		+ sizeof(struct SLoadUnitsUnitCommand) \
225 		+ sizeof(struct SLoadUnitsAreaUnitCommand) \
226 		+ sizeof(struct SLoadOntoUnitCommand) \
227 		+ sizeof(struct SUnloadUnitCommand) \
228 		+ sizeof(struct SUnloadUnitsAreaUnitCommand) \
229 		+ sizeof(struct SSetOnOffUnitCommand) \
230 		+ sizeof(struct SReclaimUnitUnitCommand) \
231 		+ sizeof(struct SReclaimAreaUnitCommand) \
232 		+ sizeof(struct SCloakUnitCommand) \
233 		+ sizeof(struct SStockpileUnitCommand) \
234 		+ sizeof(struct SDGunUnitCommand) \
235 		+ sizeof(struct SDGunPosUnitCommand) \
236 		+ sizeof(struct SRestoreAreaUnitCommand) \
237 		+ sizeof(struct SSetRepeatUnitCommand) \
238 		+ sizeof(struct SSetTrajectoryUnitCommand) \
239 		+ sizeof(struct SResurrectUnitCommand) \
240 		+ sizeof(struct SResurrectAreaUnitCommand) \
241 		+ sizeof(struct SCaptureUnitCommand) \
242 		+ sizeof(struct SCaptureAreaUnitCommand) \
243 		+ sizeof(struct SSetAutoRepairLevelUnitCommand) \
244 		+ sizeof(struct SSetIdleModeUnitCommand) \
245 		+ sizeof(struct SCustomUnitCommand) \
246 		+ sizeof(struct STraceRayCommand) \
247 		+ sizeof(struct SPauseCommand) \
248 		+ sizeof(struct SReclaimFeatureUnitCommand) \
249 		+ sizeof(struct SSetPositionGraphDrawerDebugCommand) \
250 		+ sizeof(struct SSetSizeGraphDrawerDebugCommand) \
251 		+ sizeof(struct SAddPointLineGraphDrawerDebugCommand) \
252 		+ sizeof(struct SDeletePointsLineGraphDrawerDebugCommand) \
253 		+ sizeof(struct SSetColorLineGraphDrawerDebugCommand) \
254 		+ sizeof(struct SSetLabelLineGraphDrawerDebugCommand) \
255 		+ sizeof(struct SAddOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand) \
256 		+ sizeof(struct SUpdateOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand) \
257 		+ sizeof(struct SDeleteOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand) \
258 		+ sizeof(struct SSetPositionOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand) \
259 		+ sizeof(struct SSetSizeOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand) \
260 		+ sizeof(struct SSetLabelOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand) \
261 		+ sizeof(struct SFeatureTraceRayCommand) \
262 		)
264 /**
265  * Allows one to give an income (dis-)advantage to the team
266  * controlled by the Skirmish AI.
267  * This value can also be set through the GameSetup script,
268  * with the difference that it causes an instant desync when set here.
269  */
270 struct SSetMyIncomeMultiplierCheatCommand {
271 	/// default: 1.0; common: [0.0, 2.0]; valid: [0.0, FLOAT_MAX]
272 	float factor;
273 }; //$ COMMAND_CHEATS_SET_MY_INCOME_MULTIPLIER Cheats_setMyIncomeMultiplier
275 /**
276  * The AI team receives the specified amount of units of the specified resource.
277  */
278 struct SGiveMeResourceCheatCommand {
279 	int resourceId;
280 	float amount;
281 }; //$ COMMAND_CHEATS_GIVE_ME_RESOURCE Cheats_giveMeResource REF:resourceId->Resource
283 /**
284  * Creates a new unit with the selected name at pos,
285  * and returns its unit ID in ret_newUnitId.
286  */
287 struct SGiveMeNewUnitCheatCommand {
288 	int unitDefId;
289 	float* pos_posF3;
290 	int ret_newUnitId;
291 }; //$ COMMAND_CHEATS_GIVE_ME_NEW_UNIT Cheats_giveMeUnit REF:unitDefId->UnitDef REF:ret_newUnitId->Unit
293 /**
294  * @brief Sends a chat/text message to other players.
295  * This text will also end up in infolog.txt.
296  */
297 struct SSendTextMessageCommand {
298 	const char* text;
299 	int zone;
300 }; //$ COMMAND_SEND_TEXT_MESSAGE Game_sendTextMessage
302 /**
303  * Assigns a map location to the last text message sent by the AI.
304  */
305 struct SSetLastPosMessageCommand {
306 	float* pos_posF3;
307 }; //$ COMMAND_SET_LAST_POS_MESSAGE Game_setLastMessagePosition
309 /**
310  * Give \<amount\> units of resource \<resourceId\> to team \<receivingTeam\>.
311  * - the amount is capped to the AI team's resource levels
312  * - does not check for alliance with \<receivingTeam\>
313  * - LuaRules might not allow resource transfers, AI's must verify the deduction
314  */
315 struct SSendResourcesCommand {
316 	int resourceId;
317 	float amount;
318 	int receivingTeamId;
319 	bool ret_isExecuted;
320 }; //$ COMMAND_SEND_RESOURCES Economy_sendResource REF:resourceId->Resource REF:receivingTeamId->Team
322 /**
323  * Give units specified by \<unitIds\> to team \<receivingTeam\>.
324  * \<ret_sentUnits\> represents how many actually were transferred.
325  * Make sure this always matches the size of \<unitIds\> you passed in.
326  * If it does not, then some unitId's were filtered out.
327  * - does not check for alliance with \<receivingTeam\>
328  * - AI's should check each unit if it is still under control of their
329  *   team after the transaction via UnitTaken() and UnitGiven(), since
330  *   LuaRules might block part of it
331  */
332 struct SSendUnitsCommand {
333 	int* unitIds;
334 	int unitIds_size;
335 	int receivingTeamId;
336 	int ret_sentUnits;
337 }; //$ COMMAND_SEND_UNITS Economy_sendUnits REF:MULTI:unitIds->Unit REF:receivingTeamId->Team
339 /// Creates a group and returns the id it was given, returns -1 on failure
340 struct SCreateGroupCommand {
341 	int ret_groupId;
342 }; //$ COMMAND_GROUP_CREATE Group_create REF:ret_groupId->Group STATIC
344 /// Erases a specified group
345 struct SEraseGroupCommand {
346 	int groupId;
347 }; //$ COMMAND_GROUP_ERASE Group_erase REF:groupId->Group
349 /**
350  * The following functions allow the AI to use the built-in path-finder.
351  *
352  * - call InitPath and you get a pathId back
353  * - use this to call GetNextWaypoint to get subsequent waypoints;
354  *   the waypoints are centered on 8*8 squares
355  * - note that the pathfinder calculates the waypoints as needed,
356  *   so do not retrieve them until they are needed
357  * - the waypoint's x and z coordinates are returned in x and z,
358  *   while y is used for status codes:
359  *   y =  0: legal path waypoint IFF x >= 0 and z >= 0
360  *   y = -1: temporary waypoint, path not yet available
361  * - for pathType, @see UnitDef_MoveData_getPathType()
362  * - goalRadius defines a goal area within which any square could be accepted as
363  *   path target. If a singular goal position is wanted, use 0.0f.
364  *   default: 8.0f
365  */
366 struct SInitPathCommand {
367 	/// The starting location of the requested path
368 	float* start_posF3;
369 	/// The goal location of the requested path
370 	float* end_posF3;
371 	/// For what type of unit should the path be calculated
372 	int pathType;
373 	/// default: 8.0f
374 	float goalRadius;
375 	int ret_pathId;
376 }; //$ COMMAND_PATH_INIT Pathing_initPath REF:ret_pathId->Path
378 /**
379  * Returns the approximate path cost between two points.
380  * - for pathType @see UnitDef_MoveData_getPathType()
381  * - goalRadius defines a goal area within which any square could be accepted as
382  *   path target. If a singular goal position is wanted, use 0.0f.
383  *   default: 8.0f
384  */
385 struct SGetApproximateLengthPathCommand {
386 	/// The starting location of the requested path
387 	float* start_posF3;
388 	/// The goal location of the requested path
389 	float* end_posF3;
390 	/// For what type of unit should the path be calculated
391 	int pathType;
392 	/// default: 8.0f
393 	float goalRadius;
394 	float ret_approximatePathLength;
395 }; //$ COMMAND_PATH_GET_APPROXIMATE_LENGTH Pathing_getApproximateLength
397 struct SGetNextWaypointPathCommand {
398 	int pathId;
399 	float* ret_nextWaypoint_posF3_out;
400 }; //$ COMMAND_PATH_GET_NEXT_WAYPOINT Pathing_getNextWaypoint REF:pathId->Path
402 struct SFreePathCommand {
403 	int pathId;
404 }; //$ COMMAND_PATH_FREE Pathing_freePath REF:pathId->Path
406 struct SCallLuaRulesCommand {
407 	/// Can be set to NULL to skip passing in a string
408 	const char* inData;
409 	/// If this is less than 0, the data size is calculated using strlen()
410 	int inSize;
411 	/// this is subject to Lua garbage collection, copy it if you wish to continue using it
412 	const char* ret_outData;
413 }; //$ COMMAND_CALL_LUA_RULES Lua_callRules
415 struct SCallLuaUICommand {
416 	/// Can be set to NULL to skip passing in a string
417 	const char* inData;
418 	/// If this is less than 0, the data size is calculated using strlen()
419 	int inSize;
420 	/// this is subject to Lua garbage collection, copy it if you wish to continue using it
421 	const char* ret_outData;
422 }; //$ COMMAND_CALL_LUA_UI Lua_callUI
424 struct SSendStartPosCommand {
425 	bool ready;
426 	/// on this position, only x and z matter
427 	float* pos_posF3;
428 }; //$ COMMAND_SEND_START_POS Game_sendStartPosition
430 struct SAddNotificationDrawerCommand {
431 	/// on this position, only x and z matter
432 	float* pos_posF3;
433 	short* color_colorS3;
434 	short alpha;
435 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_ADD_NOTIFICATION Map_Drawer_addNotification
437 struct SAddPointDrawCommand {
438 	/// on this position, only x and z matter
439 	float* pos_posF3;
440 	/// create this text on pos in my team color
441 	const char* label;
442 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_POINT_ADD Map_Drawer_addPoint
444 struct SRemovePointDrawCommand {
445 	/// remove map points and lines near this point (100 distance)
446 	float* pos_posF3;
447 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_POINT_REMOVE Map_Drawer_deletePointsAndLines
449 struct SAddLineDrawCommand {
450 	/// draw line from this pos
451 	float* posFrom_posF3;
452 	/// to this pos, again only x and z matter
453 	float* posTo_posF3;
454 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_LINE_ADD Map_Drawer_addLine
456 struct SStartPathDrawerCommand {
457 	float* pos_posF3;
458 	short* color_colorS3;
459 	short alpha;
460 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_START Map_Drawer_PathDrawer_start
462 struct SFinishPathDrawerCommand {
463 	// NOTE structs should not be empty (C90), so we add a useless member
464 	bool iAmUseless;
465 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_FINISH Map_Drawer_PathDrawer_finish
467 struct SDrawLinePathDrawerCommand {
468 	float* endPos_posF3;
469 	short* color_colorS3;
470 	short alpha;
471 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_DRAW_LINE Map_Drawer_PathDrawer_drawLine
473 struct SDrawLineAndIconPathDrawerCommand {
474 	int cmdId;
475 	float* endPos_posF3;
476 	short* color_colorS3;
477 	short alpha;
478 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_DRAW_LINE_AND_ICON Map_Drawer_PathDrawer_drawLineAndCommandIcon REF:cmdId->Command
480 struct SDrawIconAtLastPosPathDrawerCommand {
481 	int cmdId;
482 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_DRAW_ICON_AT_LAST_POS Map_Drawer_PathDrawer_drawIcon REF:cmdId->Command
484 struct SBreakPathDrawerCommand {
485 	float* endPos_posF3;
486 	short* color_colorS3;
487 	short alpha;
488 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_BREAK Map_Drawer_PathDrawer_suspend
490 struct SRestartPathDrawerCommand {
491 	bool sameColor;
492 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_PATH_RESTART Map_Drawer_PathDrawer_restart
495 /**
496  * @brief Creates a cubic Bezier spline figure
497  * Creates a cubic Bezier spline figure from pos1 to pos4,
498  * with control points pos2 and pos3.
499  *
500  * - Each figure is part of a figure group
501  * - When creating figures, use 0 as \<figureGroupId\> to create
502  *   a new figure group.
503  *   The id of this figure group is returned in \<ret_newFigureGroupId\>
504  * - \<lifeTime\> specifies how many frames a figure should live
505  *   before being auto-removed; 0 means no removal
506  * - \<arrow\> == true means that the figure will get an arrow at the end
507  */
508 struct SCreateSplineFigureDrawerCommand {
509 	float* pos1_posF3;
510 	float* pos2_posF3;
511 	float* pos3_posF3;
512 	float* pos4_posF3;
513 	float width;
514 	/// true: means that the figure will get an arrow at the end
515 	bool arrow;
516 	/// how many frames a figure should live before being autoremoved, 0 means no removal
517 	int lifeTime;
518 	/// use 0 to get a new group
519 	int figureGroupId;
520 	/// the new group
521 	int ret_newFigureGroupId;
522 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_FIGURE_CREATE_SPLINE Map_Drawer_Figure_drawSpline REF:figureGroupId->FigureGroup REF:ret_newFigureGroupId->FigureGroup
524 /**
525  * @brief Creates a straight line
526  * Creates a straight line from pos1 to pos2.
527  *
528  * - Each figure is part of a figure group
529  * - When creating figures, use 0 as \<figureGroupId\> to create a new figure group.
530  *   The id of this figure group is returned in \<ret_newFigureGroupId\>
531  * @param lifeTime specifies how many frames a figure should live before being auto-removed;
532  *                 0 means no removal
533  * @param arrow true means that the figure will get an arrow at the end
534  */
535 struct SCreateLineFigureDrawerCommand {
536 	float* pos1_posF3;
537 	float* pos2_posF3;
538 	float width;
539 	/// true: means that the figure will get an arrow at the end
540 	bool arrow;
541 	/// how many frames a figure should live before being autoremoved, 0 means no removal
542 	int lifeTime;
543 	/// use 0 to get a new group
544 	int figureGroupId;
545 	/// the new group
546 	int ret_newFigureGroupId;
547 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_FIGURE_CREATE_LINE Map_Drawer_Figure_drawLine REF:figureGroupId->FigureGroup REF:ret_newFigureGroupId->FigureGroup
549 /**
550  * Sets the color used to draw all lines of figures in a figure group.
551  */
552 struct SSetColorFigureDrawerCommand {
553 	int figureGroupId;
554 	/// (x, y, z) -> (red, green, blue)
555 	short* color_colorS3;
556 	short alpha;
557 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_FIGURE_SET_COLOR Map_Drawer_Figure_setColor REF:figureGroupId->FigureGroup
559 /**
560  * Removes a figure group, which means it will not be drawn anymore.
561  */
562 struct SDeleteFigureDrawerCommand {
563 	int figureGroupId;
564 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_FIGURE_DELETE Map_Drawer_Figure_remove REF:figureGroupId->FigureGroup
566 /**
567  * This function allows you to draw units onto the map.
568  * - they only show up on the local player's screen
569  * - they will be drawn in the "standard pose" (as if before any COB scripts are run)
570  */
571 struct SDrawUnitDrawerCommand {
572 	int toDrawUnitDefId;
573 	float* pos_posF3;
574 	/// in radians
575 	float rotation;
576 	/// specifies how many frames a figure should live before being auto-removed; 0 means no removal
577 	int lifeTime;
578 	/// teamId affects the color of the unit
579 	int teamId;
580 	bool transparent;
581 	bool drawBorder;
582 	int facing;
583 }; //$ COMMAND_DRAWER_DRAW_UNIT Map_Drawer_drawUnit REF:toDrawUnitDefId->UnitDef
587 struct SBuildUnitCommand {
588 	int unitId;
589 	int groupId;
590 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
591 	short options;
592 	/**
593 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
594 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
595 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
596 	 * for temporary orders.
597 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
598 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
599 	 */
600 	int timeOut;
602 	int toBuildUnitDefId;
603 	float* buildPos_posF3;
604 	/// set it to UNIT_COMMAND_BUILD_NO_FACING, if you do not want to specify a certain facing
605 	int facing;
606 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_BUILD Unit_build REF:toBuildUnitDefId->UnitDef
608 struct SStopUnitCommand {
609 	int unitId;
610 	int groupId;
611 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
612 	short options;
613 	/**
614 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
615 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
616 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
617 	 * for temporary orders.
618 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
619 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
620 	 */
621 	int timeOut;
622 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_STOP Unit_stop
624 //struct SInsertUnitCommand {
625 //	int unitId;
626 //	int groupId;
627 //	short options; // see enum UnitCommandOptions
628 //	int timeOut; // command execution-time in ?seconds?
629 //};
630 //
631 //struct SRemoveUnitCommand {
632 //	int unitId;
633 //	int groupId;
634 //	short options; // see enum UnitCommandOptions
635 //	int timeOut; // command execution-time in ?seconds?
636 //};
638 struct SWaitUnitCommand {
639 	int unitId;
640 	int groupId;
641 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
642 	short options;
643 	/**
644 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
645 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
646 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
647 	 * for temporary orders.
648 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
649 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
650 	 */
651 	int timeOut;
652 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT Unit_wait
654 struct STimeWaitUnitCommand {
655 	int unitId;
656 	int groupId;
657 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
658 	short options;
659 	/**
660 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
661 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
662 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
663 	 * for temporary orders.
664 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
665 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
666 	 */
667 	int timeOut;
669 	/// the time in seconds to wait
670 	int time;
671 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT_TIME Unit_waitFor
673 /**
674  * Wait until another unit is dead, units will not wait on themselves.
675  * Example:
676  * A group of aircrafts waits for an enemy's anti-air defenses to die,
677  * before passing over their ruins to attack.
678  */
679 struct SDeathWaitUnitCommand {
680 	int unitId;
681 	int groupId;
682 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
683 	short options;
684 	/**
685 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
686 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
687 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
688 	 * for temporary orders.
689 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
690 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
691 	 */
692 	int timeOut;
694 	/// wait until this unit is dead
695 	int toDieUnitId;
696 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT_DEATH Unit_waitForDeathOf REF:toDieUnitId->Unit
698 /**
699  * Wait for a specific ammount of units.
700  * Usually used with factories, but does work on groups without a factory too.
701  * Example:
702  * Pick a factory and give it a rallypoint, then add a SquadWait command
703  * with the number of units you want in your squads.
704  * Units will wait at the initial rally point until enough of them
705  * have arrived to make up a squad, then they will continue along their queue.
706  */
707 struct SSquadWaitUnitCommand {
708 	int unitId;
709 	int groupId;
710 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
711 	short options;
712 	/**
713 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
714 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
715 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
716 	 * for temporary orders.
717 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
718 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
719 	 */
720 	int timeOut;
722 	int numUnits;
723 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT_SQUAD Unit_waitForSquadSize
725 /**
726  * Wait for the arrival of all units included in the command.
727  * Only makes sense for a group of units.
728  * Use it after a movement command of some sort (move / fight).
729  * Units will wait until all members of the GatherWait command have arrived
730  * at their destinations before continuing.
731  */
732 struct SGatherWaitUnitCommand {
733 	int unitId;
734 	int groupId;
735 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
736 	short options;
737 	/**
738 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
739 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
740 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
741 	 * for temporary orders.
742 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
743 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
744 	 */
745 	int timeOut;
746 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_WAIT_GATHER Unit_waitForAll
748 struct SMoveUnitCommand {
749 	int unitId;
750 	int groupId;
751 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
752 	short options;
753 	/**
754 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
755 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
756 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
757 	 * for temporary orders.
758 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
759 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
760 	 */
761 	int timeOut;
763 	float* toPos_posF3;
764 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_MOVE Unit_moveTo
766 struct SPatrolUnitCommand {
767 	int unitId;
768 	int groupId;
769 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
770 	short options;
771 	/**
772 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
773 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
774 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
775 	 * for temporary orders.
776 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
777 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
778 	 */
779 	int timeOut;
781 	float* toPos_posF3;
782 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_PATROL Unit_patrolTo
784 struct SFightUnitCommand {
785 	int unitId;
786 	int groupId;
787 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
788 	short options;
789 	/**
790 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
791 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
792 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
793 	 * for temporary orders.
794 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
795 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
796 	 */
797 	int timeOut;
799 	float* toPos_posF3;
800 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_FIGHT Unit_fight
802 struct SAttackUnitCommand {
803 	int unitId;
804 	int groupId;
805 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
806 	short options;
807 	/**
808 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
809 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
810 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
811 	 * for temporary orders.
812 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
813 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
814 	 */
815 	int timeOut;
817 	int toAttackUnitId;
818 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_ATTACK Unit_attack REF:toAttackUnitId->Unit
820 //	struct SAttackPosUnitCommand {
822 struct SAttackAreaUnitCommand {
823 	int unitId;
824 	int groupId;
825 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
826 	short options;
827 	/**
828 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
829 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
830 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
831 	 * for temporary orders.
832 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
833 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
834 	 */
835 	int timeOut;
837 	float* toAttackPos_posF3;
838 	float radius;
839 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_ATTACK_AREA Unit_attackArea
841 //struct SAttackAreaUnitCommand {
842 //	int unitId;
843 //	int groupId;
844 //	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
845 //	short options;
846 //	int timeOut;
847 //};
849 struct SGuardUnitCommand {
850 	int unitId;
851 	int groupId;
852 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
853 	short options;
854 	/**
855 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
856 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
857 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
858 	 * for temporary orders.
859 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
860 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
861 	 */
862 	int timeOut;
864 	int toGuardUnitId;
865 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_GUARD Unit_guard REF:toGuardUnitId->Unit
867 // TODO: docu (is it usefull at all?)
868 struct SAiSelectUnitCommand {
869 	int unitId;
870 	int groupId;
871 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
872 	short options;
873 	/**
874 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
875 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
876 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
877 	 * for temporary orders.
878 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
879 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
880 	 */
881 	int timeOut;
882 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_AI_SELECT Unit_aiSelect
884 //struct SGroupSelectUnitCommand {
885 //	int unitId;
886 //	int groupId;
887 //	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
888 //	short options;
889 //	int timeOut;
890 //};
892 struct SGroupAddUnitCommand {
893 	int unitId;
894 	int groupId;
895 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
896 	short options;
897 	/**
898 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
899 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
900 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
901 	 * for temporary orders.
902 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
903 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
904 	 */
905 	int timeOut;
907 	int toGroupId;
908 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_GROUP_ADD Unit_addToGroup REF:toGroupId->Group
910 struct SGroupClearUnitCommand {
911 	int unitId;
912 	int groupId;
913 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
914 	short options;
915 	/**
916 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
917 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
918 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
919 	 * for temporary orders.
920 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
921 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
922 	 */
923 	int timeOut;
924 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_GROUP_CLEAR Unit_removeFromGroup
926 struct SRepairUnitCommand {
927 	int unitId;
928 	int groupId;
929 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
930 	short options;
931 	/**
932 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
933 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
934 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
935 	 * for temporary orders.
936 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
937 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
938 	 */
939 	int timeOut;
941 	int toRepairUnitId;
942 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_REPAIR Unit_repair REF:toRepairUnitId->Unit
944 struct SSetFireStateUnitCommand {
945 	int unitId;
946 	int groupId;
947 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
948 	short options;
949 	/**
950 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
951 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
952 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
953 	 * for temporary orders.
954 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
955 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
956 	 */
957 	int timeOut;
959 	/// can be: 0=hold fire, 1=return fire, 2=fire at will
960 	int fireState;
961 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_FIRE_STATE Unit_setFireState
963 struct SSetMoveStateUnitCommand {
964 	int unitId;
965 	int groupId;
966 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
967 	short options;
968 	/**
969 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
970 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
971 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
972 	 * for temporary orders.
973 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
974 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
975 	 */
976 	int timeOut;
978 	/// 0=hold pos, 1=maneuvre, 2=roam
979 	int moveState;
980 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_MOVE_STATE Unit_setMoveState
982 struct SSetBaseUnitCommand {
983 	int unitId;
984 	int groupId;
985 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
986 	short options;
987 	/**
988 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
989 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
990 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
991 	 * for temporary orders.
992 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
993 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
994 	 */
995 	int timeOut;
997 	float* basePos_posF3;
998 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_BASE Unit_setBase
1000 //struct SInternalUnitCommand {
1001 //	int unitId;
1002 //	int groupId;
1003 //	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1004 //	short options;
1005 //	int timeOut;
1006 //};
1008 struct SSelfDestroyUnitCommand {
1009 	int unitId;
1010 	int groupId;
1011 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1012 	short options;
1013 	/**
1014 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1015 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1016 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1017 	 * for temporary orders.
1018 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1019 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1020 	 */
1021 	int timeOut;
1022 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SELF_DESTROY Unit_selfDestruct
1024 struct SSetWantedMaxSpeedUnitCommand {
1025 	int unitId;
1026 	int groupId;
1027 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1028 	short options;
1029 	/**
1030 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1031 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1032 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1033 	 * for temporary orders.
1034 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1035 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1036 	 */
1037 	int timeOut;
1039 	float wantedMaxSpeed;
1040 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_WANTED_MAX_SPEED Unit_setWantedMaxSpeed
1042 struct SLoadUnitsUnitCommand {
1043 	int unitId;
1044 	int groupId;
1045 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1046 	short options;
1047 	int timeOut; // command execution-time in ?milli-seconds?
1049 	int* toLoadUnitIds;
1050 	int toLoadUnitIds_size;
1051 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_LOAD_UNITS Unit_loadUnits REF:MULTI:toLoadUnitIds->Unit
1053 struct SLoadUnitsAreaUnitCommand {
1054 	int unitId;
1055 	int groupId;
1056 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1057 	short options;
1058 	/**
1059 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1060 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1061 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1062 	 * for temporary orders.
1063 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1064 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1065 	 */
1066 	int timeOut;
1068 	float* pos_posF3;
1069 	float radius;
1070 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_LOAD_UNITS_AREA Unit_loadUnitsInArea
1072 struct SLoadOntoUnitCommand {
1073 	int unitId;
1074 	int groupId;
1075 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1076 	short options;
1077 	/**
1078 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1079 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1080 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1081 	 * for temporary orders.
1082 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1083 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1084 	 */
1085 	int timeOut;
1087 	int transporterUnitId;
1088 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_LOAD_ONTO Unit_loadOnto REF:transporterUnitId->Unit
1090 struct SUnloadUnitCommand {
1091 	int unitId;
1092 	int groupId;
1093 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1094 	short options;
1095 	/**
1096 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1097 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1098 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1099 	 * for temporary orders.
1100 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1101 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1102 	 */
1103 	int timeOut;
1105 	float* toPos_posF3;
1106 	int toUnloadUnitId;
1107 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_UNLOAD_UNIT Unit_unload REF:toUnloadUnitId->Unit
1109 struct SUnloadUnitsAreaUnitCommand {
1110 	int unitId;
1111 	int groupId;
1112 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1113 	short options;
1114 	/**
1115 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1116 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1117 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1118 	 * for temporary orders.
1119 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1120 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1121 	 */
1122 	int timeOut;
1124 	float* toPos_posF3;
1125 	float radius;
1126 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_UNLOAD_UNITS_AREA Unit_unloadUnitsInArea
1128 struct SSetOnOffUnitCommand {
1129 	int unitId;
1130 	int groupId;
1131 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1132 	short options;
1133 	/**
1134 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1135 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1136 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1137 	 * for temporary orders.
1138 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1139 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1140 	 */
1141 	int timeOut;
1143 	bool on;
1144 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_ON_OFF Unit_setOn
1146 struct SReclaimUnitUnitCommand {
1147 	int unitId;
1148 	int groupId;
1149 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1150 	short options;
1151 	/**
1152 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1153 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1154 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1155 	 * for temporary orders.
1156 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1157 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1158 	 */
1159 	int timeOut;
1161 	int toReclaimUnitId;
1162 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_RECLAIM_UNIT Unit_reclaimUnit REF:toReclaimUnitId->Unit
1164 struct SReclaimFeatureUnitCommand {
1165 	int unitId;
1166 	int groupId;
1167 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1168 	short options;
1169 	/**
1170 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1171 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1172 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1173 	 * for temporary orders.
1174 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1175 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1176 	 */
1177 	int timeOut;
1179 	int toReclaimFeatureId;
1180 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_RECLAIM_FEATURE Unit_reclaimFeature REF:toReclaimFeatureId->Feature
1182 struct SReclaimAreaUnitCommand {
1183 	int unitId;
1184 	int groupId;
1185 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1186 	short options;
1187 	/**
1188 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1189 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1190 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1191 	 * for temporary orders.
1192 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1193 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1194 	 */
1195 	int timeOut;
1197 	float* pos_posF3;
1198 	float radius;
1199 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_RECLAIM_AREA Unit_reclaimInArea
1201 struct SCloakUnitCommand {
1202 	int unitId;
1203 	int groupId;
1204 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1205 	short options;
1206 	/**
1207 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1208 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1209 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1210 	 * for temporary orders.
1211 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1212 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1213 	 */
1214 	int timeOut;
1216 	bool cloak;
1217 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_CLOAK Unit_cloak
1219 struct SStockpileUnitCommand {
1220 	int unitId;
1221 	int groupId;
1222 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1223 	short options;
1224 	/**
1225 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1226 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1227 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1228 	 * for temporary orders.
1229 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1230 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1231 	 */
1232 	int timeOut;
1233 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_STOCKPILE Unit_stockpile
1235 struct SDGunUnitCommand {
1236 	int unitId;
1237 	int groupId;
1238 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1239 	short options;
1240 	/**
1241 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1242 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1243 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1244 	 * for temporary orders.
1245 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1246 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1247 	 */
1248 	int timeOut;
1250 	int toAttackUnitId;
1251 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_D_GUN Unit_dGun REF:toAttackUnitId->Unit
1253 struct SDGunPosUnitCommand {
1254 	int unitId;
1255 	int groupId;
1256 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1257 	short options;
1258 	/**
1259 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1260 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1261 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1262 	 * for temporary orders.
1263 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1264 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1265 	 */
1266 	int timeOut;
1268 	float* pos_posF3;
1269 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_D_GUN_POS Unit_dGunPosition
1271 struct SRestoreAreaUnitCommand {
1272 	int unitId;
1273 	int groupId;
1274 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1275 	short options;
1276 	/**
1277 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1278 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1279 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1280 	 * for temporary orders.
1281 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1282 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1283 	 */
1284 	int timeOut;
1286 	float* pos_posF3;
1287 	float radius;
1288 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_RESTORE_AREA Unit_restoreArea
1290 struct SSetRepeatUnitCommand {
1291 	int unitId;
1292 	int groupId;
1293 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1294 	short options;
1295 	/**
1296 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1297 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1298 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1299 	 * for temporary orders.
1300 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1301 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1302 	 */
1303 	int timeOut;
1305 	bool repeat;
1306 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_REPEAT Unit_setRepeat
1308 /// Tells weapons that support it to try to use a high trajectory
1309 struct SSetTrajectoryUnitCommand {
1310 	int unitId;
1311 	int groupId;
1312 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1313 	short options;
1314 	/**
1315 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1316 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1317 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1318 	 * for temporary orders.
1319 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1320 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1321 	 */
1322 	int timeOut;
1324 	/// 0: low-trajectory, 1: high-trajectory
1325 	int trajectory;
1326 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_TRAJECTORY Unit_setTrajectory
1328 struct SResurrectUnitCommand {
1329 	int unitId;
1330 	int groupId;
1331 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1332 	short options;
1333 	/**
1334 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1335 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1336 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1337 	 * for temporary orders.
1338 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1339 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1340 	 */
1341 	int timeOut;
1343 	int toResurrectFeatureId;
1344 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_RESURRECT Unit_resurrect REF:toResurrectFeatureId->Feature
1346 struct SResurrectAreaUnitCommand {
1347 	int unitId;
1348 	int groupId;
1349 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1350 	short options;
1351 	/**
1352 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1353 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1354 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1355 	 * for temporary orders.
1356 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1357 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1358 	 */
1359 	int timeOut;
1361 	float* pos_posF3;
1362 	float radius;
1363 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_RESURRECT_AREA Unit_resurrectInArea
1365 struct SCaptureUnitCommand {
1366 	int unitId;
1367 	int groupId;
1368 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1369 	short options;
1370 	/**
1371 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1372 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1373 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1374 	 * for temporary orders.
1375 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1376 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1377 	 */
1378 	int timeOut;
1380 	int toCaptureUnitId;
1381 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_CAPTURE Unit_capture REF:toCaptureUnitId->Unit
1383 struct SCaptureAreaUnitCommand {
1384 	int unitId;
1385 	int groupId;
1386 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1387 	short options;
1388 	/**
1389 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1390 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1391 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1392 	 * for temporary orders.
1393 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1394 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1395 	 */
1396 	int timeOut;
1398 	float* pos_posF3;
1399 	float radius;
1400 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_CAPTURE_AREA Unit_captureInArea
1402 /**
1403  * Set the percentage of health at which a unit will return to a save place.
1404  * This only works for a few units so far, mainly aircraft.
1405  */
1406 struct SSetAutoRepairLevelUnitCommand {
1407 	int unitId;
1408 	int groupId;
1409 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1410 	short options;
1411 	/**
1412 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1413 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1414 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1415 	 * for temporary orders.
1416 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1417 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1418 	 */
1419 	int timeOut;
1421 	/// 0: 0%, 1: 30%, 2: 50%, 3: 80%
1422 	int autoRepairLevel;
1423 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_AUTO_REPAIR_LEVEL Unit_setAutoRepairLevel
1425 //struct SAttackLoopbackUnitCommand {
1426 //	int unitId;
1427 //	int groupId;
1428 //	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1429 //	short options;
1430 //	int timeOut;
1431 //};
1433 /**
1434  * Set what a unit should do when it is idle.
1435  * This only works for a few units so far, mainly aircraft.
1436  */
1437 struct SSetIdleModeUnitCommand {
1438 	int unitId;
1439 	int groupId;
1440 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1441 	short options;
1442 	/**
1443 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1444 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1445 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1446 	 * for temporary orders.
1447 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1448 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1449 	 */
1450 	int timeOut;
1452 	/// 0: fly, 1: land
1453 	int idleMode;
1454 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_SET_IDLE_MODE Unit_setIdleMode
1456 struct SCustomUnitCommand {
1457 	int unitId;
1458 	int groupId;
1459 	/// see enum UnitCommandOptions
1460 	short options;
1461 	/**
1462 	 * At which frame the command will time-out and consequently be removed,
1463 	 * if execution of it has not yet begun.
1464 	 * Can only be set locally, is not sent over the network, and is used
1465 	 * for temporary orders.
1466 	 * default: MAX_INT (-> do not time-out)
1467 	 * example: currentFrame + 15
1468 	 */
1469 	int timeOut;
1471 	int cmdId;
1472 	float* params;
1473 	int params_size;
1474 }; //$ COMMAND_UNIT_CUSTOM Unit_executeCustomCommand ARRAY:params
1476 // TODO: add docu
1477 struct STraceRayCommand {
1478 	float* rayPos_posF3;
1479 	float* rayDir_posF3;
1480 	float rayLen; // would also be ret, but we want only one ret per command
1481 	int srcUnitId;
1482 	int ret_hitUnitId;
1483 	int flags;
1484 }; //$ COMMAND_TRACE_RAY Map_Drawer_traceRay REF:srcUnitId->Unit REF:ret_hitUnitId->Unit
1486 struct SFeatureTraceRayCommand {
1487 	float* rayPos_posF3;
1488 	float* rayDir_posF3;
1489 	float rayLen; // would also be ret, but we want only one ret per command
1490 	int srcUnitId;
1491 	int ret_hitFeatureId;
1492 	int flags;
1493 }; //$ COMMAND_TRACE_RAY_FEATURE Map_Drawer_traceRayFeature REF:srcUnitId->Unit REF:ret_hitFeatureId->Feature
1495 /**
1496  * Pause or unpauses the game.
1497  * This is meant for debugging purposes.
1498  * Keep in mind that pause does not happen immediately.
1499  * It can take 1-2 frames in single- and up to 10 frames in multiplayer matches.
1500  */
1501 struct SPauseCommand {
1502 	bool enable;
1503 	/// reason for the (un-)pause, or NULL
1504 	const char* reason;
1505 }; //$ COMMAND_PAUSE Game_setPause
1508 struct SSetPositionGraphDrawerDebugCommand {
1509 	float x;
1510 	float y;
1511 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_GRAPH_SET_POS Debug_GraphDrawer_setPosition
1513 struct SSetSizeGraphDrawerDebugCommand {
1514 	float w;
1515 	float h;
1516 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_GRAPH_SET_SIZE Debug_GraphDrawer_setSize
1518 struct SAddPointLineGraphDrawerDebugCommand {
1519 	int lineId;
1520 	float x;
1521 	float y;
1522 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_GRAPH_LINE_ADD_POINT Debug_GraphDrawer_GraphLine_addPoint
1524 struct SDeletePointsLineGraphDrawerDebugCommand {
1525 	int lineId;
1526 	int numPoints;
1527 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_GRAPH_LINE_DELETE_POINTS Debug_GraphDrawer_GraphLine_deletePoints
1529 struct SSetColorLineGraphDrawerDebugCommand {
1530 	int lineId;
1531 	short* color_colorS3;
1532 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_GRAPH_LINE_SET_COLOR Debug_GraphDrawer_GraphLine_setColor
1534 struct SSetLabelLineGraphDrawerDebugCommand {
1535 	int lineId;
1536 	const char* label;
1537 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_GRAPH_LINE_SET_LABEL Debug_GraphDrawer_GraphLine_setLabel
1540 struct SAddOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand {
1541 	int ret_overlayTextureId;
1542 	const float* texData;
1543 	int w;
1544 	int h;
1545 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_OVERLAYTEXTURE_ADD Debug_addOverlayTexture REF:ret_textureId->OverlayTexture
1547 struct SUpdateOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand {
1548 	int overlayTextureId;
1549 	const float* texData;
1550 	int x;
1551 	int y;
1552 	int w;
1553 	int h;
1554 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_OVERLAYTEXTURE_UPDATE Debug_OverlayTexture_update
1556 struct SDeleteOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand {
1557 	int overlayTextureId;
1558 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_OVERLAYTEXTURE_DELETE Debug_OverlayTexture_remove
1560 struct SSetPositionOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand {
1561 	int overlayTextureId;
1562 	float x;
1563 	float y;
1564 }; //$ COMMAND_DEBUG_DRAWER_OVERLAYTEXTURE_SET_POS Debug_OverlayTexture_setPosition
1566 struct SSetSizeOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand {
1567 	int overlayTextureId;
1568 	float w;
1569 	float h;
1572 struct SSetLabelOverlayTextureDrawerDebugCommand {
1573 	int overlayTextureId;
1574 	const char* label;
1579 /**
1580  * @brief Sets default values
1581  */
1582 void initSUnitCommand(void* sUnitCommand);
1584 #ifdef	__cplusplus
1585 }	// extern "C"
1586 #endif
1589 #ifdef	__cplusplus
1590 #ifdef    BUILDING_AI
1591 namespace springLegacyAI {
1592 	struct Command;
1593 }
1594 using namespace springLegacyAI;
1595 #else  // BUILDING_AI
1596 struct Command;
1597 #endif // BUILDING_AI
1599 // legacy support functions
1601 /**
1602  * @brief Allocates memory for a C Command struct
1603  * @param  maxUnits  should be the value returned by unitHandler->MaxUnits()
1604  *                   -> max units per team for the current game
1605  */
1606 void* mallocSUnitCommand(int unitId, int groupId, const Command* c, int* sCommandId, int maxUnits);
1608 /**
1609  * @brief Frees memory of a C Command struct
1610  */
1611 void freeSUnitCommand(void* sCommandData, int sCommandId);
1613 /**
1614  * Returns the engine internal C++ unit command (topic) ID
1615  * that corresponds to the C AI Interface command topic ID specified by
1616  * <code>aiCmdTopic</code>.
1617  */
1618 int toInternalUnitCommandTopic(int aiCmdTopic, void* sUnitCommandData);
1620 /**
1621  * Returns the C AI Interface command topic ID that corresponds
1622  * to the engine internal C++ unit command (topic) ID specified by
1623  * <code>internalUnitCmdTopic</code>.
1624  * @param  maxUnits  should be the value returned by unitHandler->MaxUnits()
1625  *                   -> max units per team for the current game
1626  */
1627 int extractAICommandTopic(const Command* internalUnitCmd, int maxUnits);
1629 /**
1630  * @brief creates - with new - an engine C++ Command struct
1631  */
1632 Command* newCommand(void* sUnitCommandData, int sCommandId, int maxUnits);
1634 #endif	// __cplusplus
1637 #endif	// AI_S_COMMANDS_H