1 /* This file is part of pr-downloader (GPL v2 or later), see the LICENSE file */
3 #include "HttpDownloader.h"
4 #include "DownloadData.h"
5 #include "FileSystem/FileSystem.h"
6 #include "FileSystem/File.h"
7 #include "FileSystem/HashMD5.h"
8 #include "FileSystem/HashSHA1.h"
9 #include "Util.h"
10 #include "Logger.h"
11 #include "Downloader/Mirror.h"
12 #include "Downloader/CurlWrapper.h"
13 #include "lib/xmlrpc++/src/XmlRpcCurlClient.h"
14 #include "lib/xmlrpc++/src/XmlRpcValue.h"
16 #ifdef WIN32
17 #include <winsock2.h>
18 #else
19 #include <sys/select.h>
20 #endif
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <curl/curl.h>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <sstream>
26 #include <stdlib.h>
CHttpDownloader()28 CHttpDownloader::CHttpDownloader()
29 {
30 }
~CHttpDownloader()32 CHttpDownloader::~CHttpDownloader()
33 {
34 }
search(std::list<IDownload * > & res,const std::string & name,IDownload::category cat)36 bool CHttpDownloader::search(std::list<IDownload*>& res, const std::string& name, IDownload::category cat)
37 {
38 	CURL* curl = CurlWrapper::CurlInit();
39 	LOG_DEBUG("%s", name.c_str()  );
41 	const std::string method(XMLRPC_METHOD);
42 	//std::string category;
43 	XmlRpc::XmlRpcCurlClient client(curl, XMLRPC_HOST,XMLRPC_PORT, XMLRPC_URI);
44 	XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue arg;
45 	arg["springname"]=name;
46 	arg["torrent"]=true;
47 	switch(cat) {
48 	case IDownload::CAT_MAPS:
49 		arg["category"]="map";
50 		break;
51 	case IDownload::CAT_GAMES:
52 		arg["category"]="game";
53 		break;
54 	case IDownload::CAT_ENGINE_LINUX:
55 		arg["category"]="engine_linux";
56 		break;
57 	case IDownload::CAT_ENGINE_LINUX64:
58 		arg["category"]="engine_linux64";
59 		break;
60 	case IDownload::CAT_ENGINE_WINDOWS:
61 		arg["category"]="engine_windows";
62 		break;
63 	case IDownload::CAT_ENGINE_MACOSX:
64 		arg["category"]="engine_macosx";
65 		break;
66 	default:
67 		break;
68 	}
70 	XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue result;
71 	client.execute(method.c_str(),arg, result);
74 	if (result.getType()!=XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) {
75 		return false;
76 	}
78 	for(int i=0; i<result.size(); i++) {
79 		XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue resfile = result[i];
81 		if (resfile.getType()!=XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct) {
82 			return false;
83 		}
84 		if (resfile["category"].getType()!=XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
85 			LOG_ERROR("No category in result");
86 			return false;
87 		}
88 		std::string filename=fileSystem->getSpringDir();
89 		std::string category=resfile["category"];
90 		filename+=PATH_DELIMITER;
91 		if (category=="map")
92 			filename+="maps";
93 		else if (category=="game")
94 			filename+="games";
95 		else if (category.find("engine")==0) // engine_windows, engine_linux, engine_macosx
96 			filename+="engine";
97 		else
98 			LOG_ERROR("Unknown Category %s", category.c_str());
99 		filename+=PATH_DELIMITER;
100 		if ((resfile["mirrors"].getType()!=XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) ||
101 			(resfile["filename"].getType()!=XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)) {
102 			LOG_ERROR("Invalid type in result");
103 			return false;
104 		}
105 		filename.append(resfile["filename"]);
106 		IDownload* dl=new IDownload(filename,name, cat);
107 		XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue mirrors = resfile["mirrors"];
108 		for(int j=0; j<mirrors.size(); j++) {
109 			if (mirrors[j].getType()!=XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
110 				LOG_ERROR("Invalid type in result");
111 			} else {
112 				dl->addMirror(mirrors[j]);
113 			}
114 		}
116 		if(resfile["torrent"].getType()==XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeBase64) {
117 			const std::vector<char> torrent = resfile["torrent"];
118 			fileSystem->parseTorrent(&torrent[0], torrent.size(), dl);
119 		}
120 		if (resfile["version"].getType()==XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
121 			const std::string& version = resfile["version"];
122 			dl->version = version;
123 		}
124 		if (resfile["md5"].getType()==XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
125 			dl->hash=new HashMD5();
126 			dl->hash->Set(resfile["md5"]);
127 		}
128 		if (resfile["size"].getType()==XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt) {
129 			dl->size=resfile["size"];
130 		}
131 		if (resfile["depends"].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) {
132 			for(int i=0; i<resfile["depends"].size(); i++) {
133 				if (resfile["depends"][i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
134 					const std::string &dep = resfile["depends"][i];
135 					dl->addDepend(dep);
136 				}
137 			}
138 		}
139 		res.push_back(dl);
140 	}
141 	return true;
142 }
multi_write_data(void * ptr,size_t size,size_t nmemb,DownloadData * data)144 size_t multi_write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, DownloadData* data)
145 {
146 	//LOG_DEBUG("%d %d",size,  nmemb);
147 	if (!data->got_ranges) {
148 		LOG_INFO("Server refused ranges"); // The server refused ranges , download only from this piece , overwrite from 0 , and drop everything else
150 		data->download->write_only_from = data;
151 		data->got_ranges = true; //Silence the error
152 	}
153 	if ( data->download->write_only_from != NULL && data->download->write_only_from != data )
154 		return size*nmemb;
155 	else if ( data->download->write_only_from != NULL ) {
156 		return data->download->file->Write((const char*)ptr, size*nmemb, 0);
157 	}
158 	return data->download->file->Write((const char*)ptr, size*nmemb, data->start_piece);
159 }
multiHeader(void * ptr,size_t size,size_t nmemb,DownloadData * data)161 size_t multiHeader(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, DownloadData *data)
162 {
163 	if(data->download->pieces.empty()) { //no chunked transfer, don't check headers
164 		LOG_DEBUG("Unchunked transfer!");
165 		data->got_ranges = true;
166 		return size*nmemb;
167 	}
168 	const std::string buf((char*)ptr, size*nmemb-1);
169 	int start, end, total;
170 	int count = sscanf(buf.c_str(), "Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d", &start, &end, &total);
171 	if(count == 3) {
172 		int piecesize = data->download->file->GetPiecesSize(data->pieces);
173 		if (end-start+1!=piecesize ) {
174 			LOG_DEBUG("piecesize %d doesn't match server size: %d", piecesize, end-start+1);
175 			return -1;
176 		}
177 		data->got_ranges = true;
178 	}
179 	LOG_DEBUG("%s", buf.c_str());
180 	return size*nmemb;
181 }
getRange(std::string & range,int start_piece,int num_pieces,int piecesize)183 bool CHttpDownloader::getRange(std::string& range, int start_piece, int num_pieces, int piecesize)
184 {
185 	std::ostringstream s;
186 	s << (int)(piecesize*start_piece) <<"-"<< (piecesize*start_piece) + piecesize*num_pieces-1;
187 	range=s.str();
188 	LOG_DEBUG("%s", range.c_str());
189 	return true;
190 }
showProcess(IDownload * download,bool force)192 void CHttpDownloader::showProcess(IDownload* download, bool force)
193 {
194 	int done = download->getProgress();
195 	int size = download->size;
196 	LOG_PROGRESS(done, size, force);
197 }
verifyAndGetNextPieces(CFile & file,IDownload * download)199 std::vector< unsigned int > CHttpDownloader::verifyAndGetNextPieces(CFile& file, IDownload* download)
200 {
201 	std::vector< unsigned int > pieces;
202 	//verify file by md5 if pieces.size == 0
203 	if((download->pieces.empty()) && (download->hash!=NULL) && (download->hash->isSet())) {
204 		HashMD5 md5=HashMD5();
205 		file.Hash(md5);
206 		if (md5.compare(download->hash)) {
207 			LOG_INFO("md5 correct: %s", md5.toString().c_str());
208 			download->state=IDownload::STATE_FINISHED;
209 			showProcess(download, true);
210 			return pieces;
211 		} else {
212 			LOG_ERROR("md5 sum missmatch %s %s", download->hash->toString().c_str(), md5.toString().c_str());
213 		}
214 	}
216 	HashSHA1 sha1=HashSHA1();
217 	unsigned alreadyDl=0;
218 	for(unsigned i=0; i<download->pieces.size(); i++ ) { //find first not downloaded piece
219 		showProcess(download, false);
220 		if (download->pieces[i].state==IDownload::STATE_FINISHED) {
221 			alreadyDl++;
222 			LOG_DEBUG("piece %d marked as downloaded", i);
223 			if ( pieces.size() > 0 )
224 				break;//Contiguos non-downloaded area finished
225 			continue;
226 		} else if (download->pieces[i].state==IDownload::STATE_NONE) {
227 			if ((download->pieces[i].sha->isSet()) && (!file.IsNewFile())) { //reuse piece, if checksum is fine
228 				file.Hash(sha1, i);
229 //	LOG("bla %s %s", sha1.toString().c_str(), download.pieces[i].sha->toString().c_str());
230 				if (sha1.compare(download->pieces[i].sha)) {
231 					LOG_DEBUG("piece %d has already correct checksum, reusing", i);
232 					download->pieces[i].state=IDownload::STATE_FINISHED;
233 					showProcess(download, true);
234 					alreadyDl++;
235 					if ( pieces.size() > 0 )
236 						break;//Contiguos non-downloaded area finished
237 					continue;
238 				}
239 			}
240 			pieces.push_back(i);
241 			if ( pieces.size() == download->pieces.size()/download->parallel_downloads )
242 				break;
243 		}
244 	}
245 	if (pieces.size() == 0 && download->pieces.size() != 0) {
246 		LOG_DEBUG("Finished\n");
247 		download->state=IDownload::STATE_FINISHED;
248 		showProcess(download, true);
249 	}
250 	LOG_DEBUG("Pieces to download: %d\n",pieces.size());
251 	return pieces;
252 }
progress_func(DownloadData * data,double total,double done,double,double)254 static int progress_func(DownloadData* data, double total, double done, double, double)
255 {
256 	data->download->progress = done;
257 	if (data->got_ranges) {
258 		LOG_PROGRESS(done, total, done >= total);
259 	}
260 	return 0;
261 }
setupDownload(DownloadData * piece)263 bool CHttpDownloader::setupDownload(DownloadData* piece)
264 {
265 	std::vector<unsigned int> pieces = verifyAndGetNextPieces(*(piece->download->file), piece->download);
266 	if (piece->download->state==IDownload::STATE_FINISHED)
267 		return false;
268 	if ( piece->download->file ) {
269 		piece->download->size = piece->download->file->GetPieceSize(-1);
270 		LOG_DEBUG("Size is %d",piece->download->size);
271 	}
272 	piece->start_piece=pieces.size() > 0 ? pieces[0] : -1;
273 	assert(piece->download->pieces.size()<=0 || piece->start_piece >=0);
274 	piece->pieces = pieces;
275 	if (piece->easy_handle==NULL) {
276 		piece->easy_handle=CurlWrapper::CurlInit();
277 	} else {
278 		curl_easy_cleanup(piece->easy_handle);
279 		piece->easy_handle=CurlWrapper::CurlInit();
280 	}
282 	CURL* curle= piece->easy_handle;
283 	piece->mirror=piece->download->getFastestMirror();
284 	if (piece->mirror==NULL) {
285 		LOG_ERROR("No mirror found");
286 		return false;
287 	}
288 	std::string escaped;
289 	piece->mirror->escapeUrl(escaped);
290 	curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, multi_write_data);
291 	curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, piece);
292 	curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0L);
293 	curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA, piece);
294 	curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, progress_func);
295 	curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_URL, escaped.c_str());
297 	if ((piece->download->size>0) && (piece->start_piece>=0) && piece->download->pieces.size() > 0) { //don't set range, if size unknown
298 		std::string range;
299 		if (!getRange(range, piece->start_piece, piece->pieces.size() , piece->download->piecesize)) {
300 			LOG_ERROR("Error getting range for download");
301 			return false;
302 		}
303 		//set range for request, format is <start>-<end>
304 		if ( !(piece->start_piece == 0 && piece->pieces.size() == piece->download->pieces.size()) )
305 			curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_RANGE, range.c_str());
306 		//parse server response	header as well
307 		curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, multiHeader);
308 		curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, piece);
309 		for ( std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it = piece->pieces.begin(); it != piece->pieces.end(); it++ )
310 			piece->download->pieces[*it].state=IDownload::STATE_DOWNLOADING;
311 	} else { //
312 		LOG_DEBUG("single piece transfer");
313 		piece->got_ranges = true;
315 		//this sets the header If-Modified-Since -> downloads only when remote file is newer than local file
316 		const long timestamp = piece->download->file->GetTimestamp();
318 		curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE, timestamp );
319 		curl_easy_setopt(curle, CURLOPT_FILETIME, 1);
320 	}
321 	return true;
322 }
getDataByHandle(const std::vector<DownloadData * > & downloads,const CURL * easy_handle) const324 DownloadData* CHttpDownloader::getDataByHandle(const std::vector <DownloadData*>& downloads, const CURL* easy_handle) const
325 {
326 	for(int i=0; i<(int)downloads.size(); i++) { //search corresponding data structure
327 		if (downloads[i]->easy_handle == easy_handle) {
328 			return downloads[i];
329 		}
330 	}
331 	return NULL;
332 }
processMessages(CURLM * curlm,std::vector<DownloadData * > & downloads)334 bool CHttpDownloader::processMessages(CURLM* curlm, std::vector <DownloadData*>& downloads)
335 {
336 	int msgs_left;
337 	HashSHA1 sha1;
338 	bool aborted=false;
339 	while(struct CURLMsg* msg=curl_multi_info_read(curlm, &msgs_left)) {
340 		switch(msg->msg) {
341 		case CURLMSG_DONE: { //a piece has been downloaded, verify it
342 			DownloadData* data=getDataByHandle(downloads, msg->easy_handle);
343 			switch(msg->data.result) {
344 			case CURLE_OK:
345 				break;
346 			case CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR: //some 4* HTTP-Error (file not found, access denied,...)
347 			default:
348 				long http_code = 0;
349 				curl_easy_getinfo(msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code);
350 				LOG_ERROR("CURL error(%d:%d): %s %d (%s)",msg->msg, msg->data.result, curl_easy_strerror(msg->data.result), http_code, data->mirror->url.c_str());
351 				if (data->start_piece>=0) {
352 					data->download->pieces[data->start_piece].state=IDownload::STATE_NONE;
353 				}
354 				data->mirror->status=Mirror::STATUS_BROKEN;
355 				//FIXME: cleanup curl handle here + process next dl
356 			}
357 			if (data==NULL) {
358 				LOG_ERROR("Couldn't find download in download list");
359 				return false;
360 			}
361 			if (data->start_piece<0) { //download without pieces
362 				return false;
363 			}
364 			assert(data->download->file!=NULL);
365 			assert(data->start_piece< (int)data->download->pieces.size());
366 			for ( std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator it = data->pieces.begin(); it != data->pieces.end(); it++ ) {
367 				if (data->download->pieces[*it].sha->isSet()) {
368 					data->download->file->Hash(sha1, *it);
370 					if (sha1.compare(data->download->pieces[*it].sha)) { //piece valid
372 						data->download->pieces[*it].state=IDownload::STATE_FINISHED;
373 						showProcess(data->download, true);
374 						// LOG("piece %d verified!", data->piece);
375 					} else { // piece download broken, mark mirror as broken (for this file)
376 						data->download->pieces[*it].state=IDownload::STATE_NONE;
377 						data->mirror->status=Mirror::STATUS_BROKEN;
378 						//FIXME: cleanup curl handle here + process next dl
379 						LOG_ERROR("Piece %d is invalid",*it);
380 					}
381 				} else {
382 					LOG_INFO("sha1 checksum seems to be not set, can't check received piece %d-%d", data->start_piece,data->pieces.size());
383 				}
384 			}
385 			//get speed at which this piece was downloaded + update mirror info
386 			double dlSpeed;
387 			curl_easy_getinfo(data->easy_handle, CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD, &dlSpeed);
388 			data->mirror->UpdateSpeed(dlSpeed);
389 			if (data->mirror->status == Mirror::STATUS_UNKNOWN) //set mirror status only when unset
390 				data->mirror->status=Mirror::STATUS_OK;
392 			//remove easy handle, as its finished
393 			curl_multi_remove_handle(curlm, data->easy_handle);
394 			curl_easy_cleanup(data->easy_handle);
395 			data->easy_handle=NULL;
396 			LOG_INFO("piece finished");
397 			//piece finished / failed, try a new one
398 			if (!setupDownload(data)) {
399 				LOG_DEBUG("No piece found, all pieces finished / currently downloading");
400 				break;
401 			}
402 			int ret=curl_multi_add_handle(curlm, data->easy_handle);
403 			if (ret!=CURLM_OK) {
404 				LOG_ERROR("curl_multi_perform_error: %d %d", ret, CURLM_BAD_EASY_HANDLE);
405 			}
406 			break;
407 		}
408 		default:
409 			LOG_ERROR("Unhandled message %d", msg->msg);
410 		}
411 	}
412 	return aborted;
413 }
download(std::list<IDownload * > & download,int max_parallel)415 bool CHttpDownloader::download(std::list<IDownload*>& download, int max_parallel)
416 {
418 	std::list<IDownload*>::iterator it;
419 	std::vector <DownloadData*> downloads;
420 	CURLM* curlm=curl_multi_init();
421 	for(it=download.begin(); it!=download.end(); ++it) {
422 		if ((*it)->dltype != IDownload::TYP_HTTP) {
423 			LOG_DEBUG("skipping non http-dl")
424 			continue;
425 		}
426 		const int count=std::min(max_parallel, std::max(1, std::min((int)(*it)->pieces.size(), (*it)->getMirrorCount()))); //count of parallel downloads
427 		if((*it)->getMirrorCount()<=0) {
428 			LOG_ERROR("No mirrors found");
429 			return false;
430 		}
431 		LOG_DEBUG("Using %d parallel downloads", count);
432 		(*it)->parallel_downloads = count;
433 		CFile* file=new CFile();
434 		if(!file->Open((*it)->name, (*it)->size, (*it)->piecesize)) {
435 			delete file;
436 			return false;
437 		}
438 		(*it)->file = file;
439 		for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
440 			DownloadData* dlData=new DownloadData();
441 			dlData->download=*it;
442 			if (!setupDownload(dlData)) { //no piece found (all pieces already downloaded), skip
443 				delete dlData;
444 				if ((*it)->state!=IDownload::STATE_FINISHED) {
445 					LOG_ERROR("no piece found");
446 					return false;
447 				}
448 			} else {
449 				downloads.push_back(dlData);
450 				curl_multi_add_handle(curlm, dlData->easy_handle);
451 			}
452 		}
453 	}
455 	bool aborted=false;
456 	int running=1, last=-1;
457 	while((running>0)&&(!aborted)) {
459 		while(ret == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) {
460 			ret=curl_multi_perform(curlm, &running);
461 		}
462 		if ( ret == CURLM_OK ) {
463 //			showProcess(download, file);
464 			if (last!=running) { //count of running downloads changed
465 				aborted=processMessages(curlm, downloads);
466 				last=running++;
467 			}
468 		} else {
469 			LOG_ERROR("curl_multi_perform_error: %d", ret);
470 			aborted=true;
471 		}
473 		fd_set rSet;
474 		fd_set wSet;
475 		fd_set eSet;
477 		FD_ZERO(&rSet);
478 		FD_ZERO(&wSet);
479 		FD_ZERO(&eSet);
480 		int count=0;
481 		struct timeval t;
482 		t.tv_sec = 1;
483 		t.tv_usec = 0;
484 		curl_multi_fdset(curlm, &rSet, &wSet, &eSet, &count);
485 		//sleep for one sec / until something happened
486 		select(count+1, &rSet, &wSet, &eSet, &t);
487 	}
488 	if (!aborted) { // if download didn't fail, get file size reported in http-header
489 		double size=-1;
490 		for (unsigned i=0; i<downloads.size(); i++) {
491 			double tmp;
492 			curl_easy_getinfo(downloads[i]->easy_handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, &tmp);
493 			if (tmp>size) {
494 				size=tmp;
495 			}
496 		}
497 		//set download size if isn't set and we have a valid number
498 //		if ((size>0) && (download->size<0)) {
499 //  		download->size = size;
500 //		}
502 	}
503 //	showProcess(download, file);
504 	LOG("\n");
506 	if (!aborted) {
507 		LOG_DEBUG("download complete");
508 	}
510 	//close all open files
511 	for(it=download.begin(); it!=download.end(); ++it) {
512 		if ((*it)->file!=NULL)
513 			(*it)->file->Close();
514 	}
515 	for (unsigned i=0; i<downloads.size(); i++) {
516 		long timestamp;
517 		if (curl_easy_getinfo(downloads[i]->easy_handle, CURLINFO_FILETIME, &timestamp) == CURLE_OK) {
518 			if (downloads[i]->download->state != IDownload::STATE_FINISHED) //decrease local timestamp if download failed to force redownload next time
519 				timestamp--;
520 			downloads[i]->download->file->SetTimestamp(timestamp);
521 		}
522 		delete downloads[i];
523 	}
525 	downloads.clear();
526 	curl_multi_cleanup(curlm);
527 	return !aborted;
528 }