1 // Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
2 // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
3 // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
8 #include "IReferenceCounted.h"
9 #include "triangle3d.h"
10 #include "aabbox3d.h"
11 #include "matrix4.h"
12 #include "line3d.h"
14 namespace irr
15 {
16 namespace scene
17 {
19 class ISceneNode;
21 //! Interface to return triangles with specific properties.
22 /** Every ISceneNode may have a triangle selector, available with
23 ISceneNode::getTriangleScelector() or ISceneManager::createTriangleSelector.
24 This is used for doing collision detection: For example if you know, that a
25 collision may have happened in the area between (1,1,1) and (10,10,10), you
26 can get all triangles of the scene node in this area with the
27 ITriangleSelector easily and check every triangle if it collided. */
28 class ITriangleSelector : public virtual IReferenceCounted
29 {
30 public:
32 	//! Get amount of all available triangles in this selector
33 	virtual s32 getTriangleCount() const = 0;
35 	//! Gets the triangles for one associated node.
36 	/**
37 	This returns all triangles for one scene node associated with this
38 	selector.  If there is more than one scene node associated (e.g. for
39 	an IMetaTriangleSelector) this this function may be called multiple
40 	times to retrieve all triangles.
41 	\param triangles Array where the resulting triangles will be
42 	written to.
43 	\param arraySize Size of the target array.
44 	\param outTriangleCount: Amount of triangles which have been written
45 	into the array.
46 	\param transform Pointer to matrix for transforming the triangles
47 	before they are returned. Useful for example to scale all triangles
48 	down into an ellipsoid space. If this pointer is null, no
49 	transformation will be done. */
50 	virtual void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize,
51 		s32& outTriangleCount, const core::matrix4* transform=0) const = 0;
53 	//! Gets the triangles for one associated node which may lie within a specific bounding box.
54 	/**
55 	This returns all triangles for one scene node associated with this
56 	selector.  If there is more than one scene node associated (e.g. for
57 	an IMetaTriangleSelector) this this function may be called multiple
58 	times to retrieve all triangles.
60 	This method will return at least the triangles that intersect the box,
61 	but may return other triangles as well.
62 	\param triangles Array where the resulting triangles will be written
63 	to.
64 	\param arraySize Size of the target array.
65 	\param outTriangleCount Amount of triangles which have been written
66 	into the array.
67 	\param box Only triangles which are in this axis aligned bounding box
68 	will be written into the array.
69 	\param transform Pointer to matrix for transforming the triangles
70 	before they are returned. Useful for example to scale all triangles
71 	down into an ellipsoid space. If this pointer is null, no
72 	transformation will be done. */
73 	virtual void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize,
74 		s32& outTriangleCount, const core::aabbox3d<f32>& box,
75 		const core::matrix4* transform=0) const = 0;
77 	//! Gets the triangles for one associated node which have or may have contact with a 3d line.
78 	/**
79 	This returns all triangles for one scene node associated with this
80 	selector.  If there is more than one scene node associated (e.g. for
81 	an IMetaTriangleSelector) this this function may be called multiple
82 	times to retrieve all triangles.
84 	Please note that unoptimized triangle selectors also may return
85 	triangles which are not in contact at all with the 3d line.
86 	\param triangles Array where the resulting triangles will be written
87 	to.
88 	\param arraySize Size of the target array.
89 	\param outTriangleCount Amount of triangles which have been written
90 	into the array.
91 	\param line Only triangles which may be in contact with this 3d line
92 	will be written into the array.
93 	\param transform Pointer to matrix for transforming the triangles
94 	before they are returned. Useful for example to scale all triangles
95 	down into an ellipsoid space. If this pointer is null, no
96 	transformation will be done. */
97 	virtual void getTriangles(core::triangle3df* triangles, s32 arraySize,
98 		s32& outTriangleCount, const core::line3d<f32>& line,
99 		const core::matrix4* transform=0) const = 0;
101 	//! Get scene node associated with a given triangle.
102 	/**
103 	This allows to find which scene node (potentially of several) is
104 	associated with a specific triangle.
106 	\param triangleIndex: the index of the triangle for which you want to find
107 	the associated scene node.
108 	\return The scene node associated with that triangle.
109 	*/
110 	virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNodeForTriangle(u32 triangleIndex) const = 0;
112 	//! Get number of TriangleSelectors that are part of this one
113 	/** Only useful for MetaTriangleSelector, others return 1
114 	*/
115 	virtual u32 getSelectorCount() const = 0;
117 	//! Get TriangleSelector based on index based on getSelectorCount
118 	/** Only useful for MetaTriangleSelector, others return 'this' or 0
119 	*/
120 	virtual ITriangleSelector* getSelector(u32 index) = 0;
122 	//! Get TriangleSelector based on index based on getSelectorCount
123 	/** Only useful for MetaTriangleSelector, others return 'this' or 0
124 	*/
125 	virtual const ITriangleSelector* getSelector(u32 index) const = 0;
126 };
128 } // end namespace scene
129 } // end namespace irr
131 #endif