1 #ifdef RCSID
2 static char RCSid[] =
3 "$Header: d:/cvsroot/tads/TADS2/unix/oemunix.c,v 1.3 1999/05/29 15:51:03 MJRoberts Exp $";
4 #endif
6 /* Copyright (c) 1998, 2002 Michael J. Roberts.  All Rights Reserved. */
7 /*
8 Name
9   oem.c - "original equipment manufacturer" identification
10 Function
11   This file provides some information about this version of TADS.
12   If you're customizing the TADS user interface, you'll probably
13   want to modify this file to identify your version.
15   You should feel free to customize any of the strings in this file
16   for your version of TADS.
17 Notes
19 Modified
20   10/12/98 MJRoberts  - Creation
21 */
23 #include "std.h"
24 #include "oem.h"
27 /*
28  *   The TADS run-time "banner" (the text that the run-time displays when
29  *   it first starts up, to identify itself and show its version
30  *   information) is generated using definitions from this file and from
31  *   oem.h.  The format of the banner is:
32  *
33  *   <<G_tads_oem_app_name>> - A <<G_tads_oem_display_mode>> TADS
34  *.      <<TADS_RUNTIME_VERSION>> Interpreter\n
35  *.  <<G_tads_oem_copyright_prefix>> Copyright (c) 1993, 1998 by
36  *.      Michael J. Roberts.\n
37  *.  <<G_tads_oem_author>>
38  *
39  *   For example:
40  *
41  *   FrobTADS 1.1.3 - A text-only TADS 2.2.7 Interpreter.
42  *.  TADS Copyright (c) 1993, 1998 by Michael J. Roberts
43  *.  FrobTADS Copyright 1998 by L. J. Teeterwaller <teeter@omegatron.com>
44  *
45  *   The default frmat looks like this:
46  *
47  *   tadsr - A text-only TADS 2.2.7 Interpreter.
48  *.  Copyright (c) 1993, 1998 by Michael J. Roberts
49  */
52 /*
53  *   OEM Application Name.  If you develop a new user interface for TADS,
54  *   you'll probably want to give your system its own name, as WinTADS and
55  *   MaxTADS do.  Define G_tads_oem_app_name to the name and version number
56  *   of your system.  For example: "WinTADS 1.1.3".
57  *
58  *   The default setting here is simply "tadsr", since this is the name of
59  *   the TADS run-time executable that most people use for the standard
60  *   character-mode run-time.
61  */
62 char G_tads_oem_app_name[] = "tadsr";
64 /*
65  *   OEM Debugger Application Name.  If you develop a customized version
66  *   of the TADS debugger, you can use this to provide the name of the
67  *   debugger application for display in the debugger's start-up banner.
68  */
69 char G_tads_oem_dbg_name[] = "tdb";
71 /*
72  *   OEM Display Mode.  This should be either "text-only" or "multimedia".
73  *   "Text-only" interpreters are those that are based on the normal TADS
74  *   display model and do not interpret HTML mark-ups (beyond what the
75  *   normal TADS output layer translates to ordinary text output).
76  *   "Multimedia" interpreters are those based on HTML TADS and hence can
77  *   fully interpret HTML mark-ups, and can display images and play sounds
78  *   and music.
79  *
80  *   Please use "text-only" or "multimedia" rather than variations on
81  *   these terms, since consistent usage will help users know what to
82  *   expect from the different available interpreters.  If you develop a
83  *   new user interface that creates a whole new category (such as a
84  *   text-to-speech audio interface, for example), use your best judgment
85  *   in choosing a name here.
86  *
87  *   By default, we'll define this to "text-only", since most interpreters
88  *   use the standard text output layer.
89  */
90 char G_tads_oem_display_mode[] = "text-only";
92 /*
93  *   OEM Author Credit - This is a line of text that is displayed after
94  *   the other banner lines.  You can put anything you want here -- if you
95  *   want to display a separate copyright message for the part of the
96  *   system you wrote, for example, you could include that here.
97  *
98  *   If you plan to maintain your version of TADS for any length of time,
99  *   you are encouraged to put your email address here, so that users can
100  *   more easily contact you if they have a question or wish to shower you
101  *   with accolades.
102  *
103  *   You should include a newline at the end of the line.  The newline is
104  *   not assumed, so that this string can be left completely empty without
105  *   generating an extra blank line.
106  *
107  *   For example:
108  *
109  *   "FrobTADS copyright 1998 by L.J.Teeterwaller <teeter@omegatron.com>\n"
110  *
111  *   The default leaves this line entirely blank.
112  */
113 char G_tads_oem_author[] = SYSMAINTAINER;
115 /*
116  *   TADS copyright prefix - if this is TRUE, the run-time displays the
117  *   word "TADS" before the word "copyright" on the copyright line of its
118  *   banner.  If you are adding your own copyright message, you probably
119  *   want to define this to TRUE.  If not, you should leave this as FALSE.
120  */
121 int G_tads_oem_copyright_prefix = FALSE;