1 /*
2  *   Copyright (c) 2002 by Michael J. Roberts.  All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *   Please see the accompanying license file, LICENSE.TXT, for information
5  *   on using and copying this software.
6  */
7 /*
8 Name
9   vmpoolsl.h - pool manager selector definitions
10 Function
11   This header makes some definitions that vary according to which type of
12   memory pool manager is selected.  This can be included without including
13   the entire memory pool subsystem header.
14 Notes
15   As of this writing, only the all-in-memory pool manager is supported.
16   The swapping pool manager is no longer supported and is not planned to be
17   supported in the future.  However, we are retaining the selection mechanism
18   for now, in the event that we want to restore the swapping pool, or add
19   other pool configuration options, in the future (which seems unlikely, but
20   still).
21 Modified
22   08/17/02 MJRoberts  - Creation
23 */
25 #ifndef VMPOOLSL_H
26 #define VMPOOLSL_H
28 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
29 /*
30  *   Conditionally include code needed for the swapping pool manager.  When
31  *   the swapping pool manager is used, code that translates memory addresses
32  *   must be mindful of the fact that translating one memory address can
33  *   render previously-translated addresses invalid.  Such code is
34  *   unnecessary with non-swapping pool managers.
35  *
36  *   To include the swapping pool manager in the build, you must #define
37  *   VM_SWAPPING_POOL globally for all modules - normally, this should be
38  *   done in the CFLAGS in the makefile, or with the equivalent local
39  *   convention, so that every module has the symbol defined.
40  */
42 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
45 /*
46  *   swapping mode - include swapping-specific code
47  */
48 #define VM_IF_SWAPPING_POOL(x)  x
50 /* the final pool manager subclass - use the swapping pool class */
51 #define CVmPool_CLASS CVmPoolSwap
53 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
54 #else /* VM_SWAPPING_POOL */
56 /*
57  *   non-swapping mode - omit swapping-specific code
58  */
59 #define VM_IF_SWAPPING_POOL(x)
61 /*
62  *   The non-swapping pool comes in two varieties.  Select the FLAT or PAGED
63  *   pool, as desired.  The FLAT pool is slightly faster, but it doesn't have
64  *   any dynamic memory capabilities, which are required for the debugger.
65  */
66 #ifdef VM_FLAT_POOL
68 /* select the non-swapped FLAT pool */
69 #define CVmPool_CLASS CVmPoolFlat
71 #else /* VM_FLAT_POOL */
73 /* select the non-swapped PAGED pool */
74 #define CVmPool_CLASS CVmPoolInMem
76 #endif /* VM_FLAT_POOL */
78 #endif /* VM_SWAPPING_POOL */
80 #endif /* VMPOOLSL_H */