1# Keys: I = Interface, M = Monster, O = Objectf, G = Gameplay
2# m = Misc P = Player D = Dungeon B = Bug, V = version
3# if you need others tell me
5# date is always this format
7# tags are always this form: '[x]- ' thi is 5 chars, so if the line must continue
8# on a new line it is alsio 5 spaces that are needed
9[m]- blahalhjaljkalkjlajazkljklqjsd qslkdjqs lkdjqsl
10     qmlfkmzkk qskdjfmqslfk mlqzemfj qmlj mldf
12# date start with a number and can then include anything, they are like comments
1323/07/2002 - T.o.M.E 2.0.0 aka "Point of No Return"
15# special tag to specify the current version
16[V]  T.o.M.E 2.0.0 aka "Point of No Return"
18# bug.txt should follow the exact same format