1 /* "Species" - a CoreWars evolver.  Copyright (C) 2003 'Varfar'
2  *
3  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
5  * Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later
6  * version.
7  *
8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
9  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
10  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
11  * more details.
12  *
13  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
14  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
15  * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
16  */
18 #include "fitness.hpp"
19 #include "error.hpp"
20 using namespace std;
22 namespace { // anonymous
24 	const char
25 		*CFitness_RESULTS[CFitness::RESULT_LAST] = {
26 			"win","tie","lose"},
27 		*CFitness_CATS[CFitness::CAT_LAST] = {
28 			"attack","defence"};
30 } // end of anonymous namespace
32 /***** CFitness class implementation ******************/
read_ini(INIFile & ini)34 void CFitness::read_ini(INIFile &ini) { /* loads fitness values; values are REQUIRED */
35 	int cat, res;
36 	string key;
37 	KeyValuePair *kvp;
38 	for(cat=0; cat<CAT_LAST; ++cat) {
39 		for(res=0; res<RESULT_LAST; ++res) {
40 			// prepare key name
41 			key = MNEMONIC_RESULT((RESULT)res);
42 			key += '_';
43 			key += MNEMONIC_CAT((CAT)cat);
44 			// get it
45 			kvp = ini.get(key);
46 			if(0 == kvp)
47 				PANIC(MISC,"fitness weighting expected",NULL);
48 			// set it
49 			_data[(CAT)cat][(RESULT)res] = kvp->getValueAsFloat();
50 		}
51 	}
52 }
read_override_ini(INIFile & ini)54 CFitness *CFitness::read_override_ini(INIFile &ini) /* loads fitness values; if any fitness values are
55 	specified, then a copy of this fitness will be made; all unspecified values in the new
56 	class will be "inherited" from this one, and any specified values will be overriden.  If nothing
57 	is specified, then this will be returned */ {
58 	CFitness *ret = this; // assume it is
59 	int cat, res;
60 	string key;
61 	KeyValuePair *kvp;
62 	for(cat=0; cat<CAT_LAST; ++cat) {
63 		for(res=0; res<RESULT_LAST; ++res) {
64 			// prepare key name
65 			key = MNEMONIC_RESULT((RESULT)res);
66 			key += '_';
67 			key += MNEMONIC_CAT((CAT)cat);
68 			// get it
69 			kvp = ini.get(key);
70 			if(0 == kvp)
71 				continue; // quite ok
72 			// first time to override?
73 			if(this == ret) {
74 				ret = new CFitness(*this); // copy it so that all unoverriden values are 'inherited'
75 			}
76 			// set it
77 			ret->_data[(CAT)cat][(RESULT)res] = kvp->getValueAsFloat();
78 		}
79 	}
80 	return ret;
81 }
write_ini(ostream & os)83 void CFitness::write_ini(ostream &os) {
84 	int cat, res;
85 	for(cat=0; cat<CAT_LAST; ++cat) {
86 		for(res=0; res<RESULT_LAST; ++res) {
87 			os	<< MNEMONIC_RESULT((RESULT)res) << '_' << MNEMONIC_CAT((CAT)cat)
88 				<< '=' << _data[(CAT)cat][(RESULT)res] << endl;
89 		}
90 	}
91 }
write_override_ini(ostream & os,const CFitness * parent)93 void CFitness::write_override_ini(ostream &os,const CFitness *parent) {
94 	if(this == parent) // nothing overriden?
95 		return;
96 	int cat, res;
97 	for(cat=0; cat<CAT_LAST; ++cat) {
98 		for(res=0; res<RESULT_LAST; ++res) {
99 			if(parent->_data[(CAT)cat][(RESULT)res] != _data[(CAT)cat][(RESULT)res]) { // overriden?
100 				os	<< MNEMONIC_RESULT((RESULT)res) << '_' << MNEMONIC_CAT((CAT)cat)
101 					<< '=' << _data[(CAT)cat][(RESULT)res] << endl;
102 			}
103 		}
104 	}
105 }
MNEMONIC_RESULT(const CFitness::RESULT res)107 const char *CFitness::MNEMONIC_RESULT(const CFitness::RESULT res) {
108 	if(0 >= res < CFitness::RESULT_LAST)
109 		return CFitness_RESULTS[res];
110 	return 0; // bad
111 }
MNEMONIC_CAT(const CFitness::CAT cat)113 const char *CFitness::MNEMONIC_CAT(const CFitness::CAT cat) {
114 	if(0 >= cat < CFitness::CAT_LAST)
115 		return CFitness_CATS[cat];
116 	return 0; // bad
117 }