1 #ifndef __INST_GEN_MARKOV_HPP_
2 #define __INST_GEN_MARKOV_HPP_
4 /* "Species" - a CoreWars evolver.  Copyright (C) 2003 'Varfar'
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
8  * Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later
9  * version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
14  * more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18  * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19  */
21 #include "exhaust.hpp"
22 #include "error.hpp"
23 #include "rand.hpp"
25 #include "inst_gen.hpp"
27 #include <ostream>
28 #include <string>
29 #include <stdio.h>
31 /******* CInstGeneratorMarkov declaration ************************/
33 template<unsigned BITS> class CHighLowField {
34 	public:
CHighLowField()35 		CHighLowField() { _data = 0; }
set(const unsigned high=0)36 		void set(const unsigned high=0) { _data = 0; set_high(high); }
get_high() const37 		unsigned get_high() const { return _data >> HIGH_SHIFT; }
set_high(const unsigned high)38 		void set_high(const unsigned high) { _data = (high << HIGH_SHIFT) | (_data & LOW_MASK); }
get_low() const39 		unsigned get_low() const { return _data & LOW_MASK; }
set_low(const unsigned low)40 		void set_low(const unsigned low) { _data = (_data & HIGH_MASK) | (low & LOW_MASK); }
inc_low()41 		void inc_low() { // not super fast, but safeish
42 			unsigned low = get_low();
43 			if(low == LOW_MASK) // overflow imminent?
44 				PANIC(MISC,"inc past field capability",NULL);
45 			set_low(low+1);
46 		}
used() const47 		bool used() const { return (get_low() != 0); }
get_data() const48 		unsigned get_data() const { return _data; }
set_data(const unsigned data)49 		void set_data(const unsigned data) { _data = data; }
50 	private:
51 		static const unsigned intBITS = 31, // zero-based; that was a nasty bug to track down!
53 			HIGH_MASK = ((1<<BITS)-1) << HIGH_SHIFT,
55 		unsigned _data;
56 };
58 class COpcodeModifier: private CHighLowField<opBITS+moBITS> {
59 	public:
set(const unsigned i)60 		void set(const unsigned i) { set_high(i); set_low(0); }
set(const OPCODE op,const MODIFIER mod)61 		void set(const OPCODE op,const MODIFIER mod) { set_high(_OP(op,mod)); set_low(0); }
get_opcode() const62 		OPCODE get_opcode() const { return (OPCODE)(get_high() >> moBITS); }
get_opcode_modifier() const63 		unsigned get_opcode_modifier() const { return get_high(); }
set_opcode(OPCODE op)64 		void set_opcode(OPCODE op) { set_high(_OP(op,get_modifier())); }
get_modifier() const65 		MODIFIER get_modifier() const { return (MODIFIER)(get_high() & moBITS); }
set_modifier(MODIFIER mod)66 		void set_modifier(MODIFIER mod) { set_high(_OP(get_opcode(),mod)); }
get_count() const67 		unsigned get_count() const { return get_low(); }
set_count(const unsigned count)68 		void set_count(const unsigned count) { set_low(count); }
inc_count()69 		void inc_count() { inc_low(); }
used() const70 		bool used() const { return (get_low() != 0); }
get_literal() const71 		unsigned get_literal() const { return get_data(); }
set_literal(const unsigned data)72 		void set_literal(const unsigned data) { set_data(data); }
73 };
75 template<unsigned BITS> class CHighLowArray {
76 	public:
77 		typedef CHighLowField<BITS> CData;
CHighLowArray()78 		CHighLowArray() {
79 			_count = 0;
80 			_data = 0;
81 		}
~CHighLowArray()82 		~CHighLowArray() {
83 			delete [] _data;
84 		}
init(unsigned count)85 		void init(unsigned count) {
86 			_count = count;
87 			delete [] _data;
88 			_data = new CData[_count];
89 		}
count() const90 		unsigned count() const { return _count; }
operator [](unsigned index)91 		CData &operator[](unsigned index) {
92 			check_bounds(index);
93 			return _data[index];
94 		}
operator [](unsigned index) const95       CData operator[](unsigned index) const {
96 			check_bounds(index);
97 			return _data[index];
98 		}
used() const99 		unsigned used() const {
100 			unsigned count = 0;
101 			for(unsigned i=0; i<_count; i++)
102 				if(_data[i].used())
103 					count++;
104 			return count;
105 		}
calc_sum()106 		unsigned calc_sum() {
107 			_sum = 0;
108 			for(unsigned i=0; i<count(); i++)
109 				_sum += _data[i].get_low();
110 			return _sum;
111 		}
sum() const112 		unsigned sum() const { return _sum; }
suggest() const113 		unsigned suggest() const { // get a random one
114 			const unsigned TARGET = CRand::irand(sum());
115 			unsigned y = 0;
116 			for(unsigned x = 0; x < count(); x++) {
117 				y += _data[x].get_low();
118 				if(TARGET < y)
119 					return _data[x].get_high();
120 			}
121 			PANIC(MISC,"roulette off end of CHighLowArray suggest",NULL);
122 		}
123 	private:
124 		unsigned _count,
125 			_sum;
126 		CData *_data;
check_bounds(unsigned index)127 		void check_bounds(unsigned index) {
128 			if((index < 0) || (index >= _count))
129 				PANIC(MISC,"array index out of bounds",NULL);
130 		}
131 };
133 class CInstGeneratorMarkov: public CInstGenerator {
134 	public:
135 		CInstGeneratorMarkov();
136 		virtual ~CInstGeneratorMarkov();
137 		// actual query points
138 		virtual void suggest_instruction(insn_t &instruction,const MODE mode);
139 		// and saving
140 		virtual void write_ini(std::ostream &os);
141 		virtual void write_override_ini(std::ostream &os,const CInstGenerator *parent);
142 		// for creating new lookup files
143 		void init(const unsigned coresize);
144 		void load(const char *binfilename);
145 		void append(const char *rcfilename);
146 		void save(const char *binfilename) const;
147 		void dump(std::ostream &out) const;
148 	protected:
149 		virtual void read_ini_impl(INIFile &ini);
150 		virtual CInstGenerator *read_override_ini_impl(INIFile &ini);
151 	private:
152 		static const unsigned
154 			INVALID_INDEX = ~0;
155 		std::string _filename;
156 		bool readonly;
157 		unsigned CORESIZE,
158 			opcodes,
159 			opcode_modifiers;
160 		friend struct CFreq;
161 		struct CFreq {
162 			COpcodeModifier key;
163 			// markov for next instruction
164 			unsigned markovs,
165 				opcode_modifiers;
166 			COpcodeModifier *markov;
used_markovsCInstGeneratorMarkov::CFreq167 			unsigned used_markovs() const {
168 				unsigned count = 0;
169 				for(unsigned i=0; i<markovs; i++)
170 					if(markov[i].used())
171 						count++;
172 				return count;
173 			}
174 			unsigned suggest_opcode_modifier() const;
175 			// stuff for this opcode/modifier combo
176 			CHighLowArray<mBITS> addrmode_a,	addrmode_b;
177 			CHighLowArray<16> a, b;
178 		} *opcode;
used_opcodes() const179 		unsigned used_opcodes() const {
180 			unsigned count = 0;
181 			for(unsigned i=0; i<opcodes; i++)
182 				if(opcode[i].key.used())
183 					count++;
184 			return count;
185 		}
186 		static const float DEFAULT_DAT;
187 		float _dat; // probability of a dat being allowed
188 		bool dat() const; // test that this can be a dat
189 		unsigned opcode_modifier_2_index(const unsigned opcode_modifier) const;
190 		// random generators
191 		unsigned suggest_opcode_modifier() const; // returns an index
192 		// loading stuff
193 		void record(const OPCODE opcode_prev,const MODIFIER mod_prev,const insn_st &code);
194 		void clear();
write(const unsigned x,FILE * f) const195 		void write(const unsigned x,FILE *f) const {
196 			if(fwrite(&x,sizeof(x),1,f) != 1)
197 				PANIC(MISC,"Could not write to opcode lookup file",NULL);
198 		}
read(unsigned & x,FILE * f) const199 		void read(unsigned &x,FILE *f) const {
200 			if(fread(&x,sizeof(x),1,f) != 1)
201 				PANIC(MISC,"Could not read from opcode lookup file",NULL);
202 		}
203 };
205 #endif // ifndef __INST_GEN_MARKOV_HPP_