1 #ifndef __INST_GEN_MARKOV_2_HPP_
2 #define __INST_GEN_MARKOV_2_HPP_
4 /* "Species" - a CoreWars evolver.  Copyright (C) 2003 'Varfar'
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
8  * Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later
9  * version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
14  * more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18  * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19  */
21 #include "inst_gen.hpp"
22 #include "exhaust.hpp"
23 #include "warrior.hpp"
25 #include <iostream>
26 #include <list>
28 /**
29  * the datastructures for efficiently collecting and collating markovs is so
30  * different compared to those for recalling them, that I have implemented two
31  * different classes for the two purposes: CMutableMarkov and CImmutableMarkov
32  **/
34 class CInstGeneratorMarkov2: public CInstGenerator {
35 	public:
36 		// construction/destruction
37 		CInstGeneratorMarkov2(); // creates a special empty one to be read from ini
38 		CInstGeneratorMarkov2(const unsigned coresize); // creates a mutable markov
39 		CInstGeneratorMarkov2(const char *lookup_filename); // creates an immutable markov
40 		void load(const char *lookup_filename);
41 		// actual query points
42 		virtual void suggest_instruction(insn_t &instruction,const MODE mode);
43 		// learning
44 		void learn(const std::string rc_filename);
45 		void cull(const unsigned threshold);
46 		void prepare(); // mostly sorts
47 		void save(const std::string lookup_filename);
48 		// and saving
49 		virtual void write_ini(std::ostream &os);
50 		virtual void write_override_ini(std::ostream &os,const CInstGenerator *parent);
51 		// trivia
52 		void dump(std::ostream &out); // list *all* markovs
53 	protected:
54 		virtual void read_ini_impl(INIFile &ini);
55 		virtual CInstGenerator *read_override_ini_impl(INIFile &ini);
56 	private:
57 		static const unsigned FILE_VERSION = 0x10F4;
58 		bool _mutable;
59 		unsigned _coresize, _threshold;
60 		std::string _filename;
61 		// shared bases
62 		class CStartBase {
63 			public:
64 				virtual void dump(std::ostream &out) = 0;
65 			protected:
66 				struct TEntry {
67 					// construction
TEntryCInstGeneratorMarkov2::CStartBase::TEntry68 					TEntry() {}
TEntryCInstGeneratorMarkov2::CStartBase::TEntry69 					TEntry(const u16_t in): _in(in), _count(1) {}
70 					// for sorting
compCInstGeneratorMarkov2::CStartBase::TEntry71 					static bool comp(const TEntry &a,const TEntry &b) { return a._in < b._in; }
72 					// fields, public
73 					u16_t _in;
74 					unsigned _count;
75 				};
76 		};
77 		// mutable declarations
78 		class CMutableStart: public CStartBase {
79 			public:
80 				void learn(const u16_t in);
81 				void prepare();
82 				void save(std::ostream &out);
83 				virtual void dump(std::ostream &out);
84 			private:
85 				typedef std::list<TEntry> TStart;
86 				typedef TStart::iterator TStartIter;
87 				TStart _data;
88 		} *_mutable_start;
89 		friend class CMutableStart;
90 		class CMutableMarkov {
91 			public:
92 				// construction/destruction
93 				CMutableMarkov(); // default is only appropriate for root
94 				CMutableMarkov(const u16_t in);
95 				~CMutableMarkov();
96 				// getters
in() const97 				u16_t in() const { return _count; } // the instruction, packing opcode,modifier,addressing modes
count() const98 				unsigned count() const { return _count; }
99 				CMutableMarkov *get(const u16_t in); // this can be a setter too
100 				// setters
inc()101 				void inc() { _count++; }
102 				void cull(const unsigned threshold);
103 				void cull_leaves();
104 				void save(std::ostream &out);
105 				// for sorting
106 				void prepare();
operator <(const CMutableMarkov & other) const107 				bool operator<(const CMutableMarkov &other) const { return in() < other.in(); }
108 				// trivia
109 				void dump(std::ostream &out);
110 			private:
111 				typedef std::list<CMutableMarkov*> TChain;
112 				typedef TChain::iterator TChainIter;
113 				u16_t _in;
114 				unsigned _count;
115 				TChain _chain;
is_leaf() const116 				bool is_leaf() const { return (0 == _chain.size()); }
117 				unsigned count_leaves();
118 				void dump(std::ostream &out,std::string &path,const int len = 0);
comp(const CMutableMarkov * a,const CMutableMarkov * b)119 				static bool comp(const CMutableMarkov *a,const CMutableMarkov *b) { return *a < *b; }
120 		} *_mutable_root;
121 		friend class CMutableMarkov;
122 		// immutable declarations
123 		class CImmutableStart: public CStartBase {
124 			public:
125 				CImmutableStart(std::istream &in,const CInstGenerator *opcode_allowed);
126 				virtual void dump(std::ostream &out);
127 				u16_t suggest() const;
128 			private:
129 				unsigned _count;
130 				u16_t _size;
131 				TEntry *_data;
132 		} *_immutable_start;
133 		friend class CImmutableStart;
134 		class CImmutableMarkov {
135 			public:
136 				typedef std::list<const CImmutableMarkov*> TMarkovList;
137 				// construction/destruction
138 				CImmutableMarkov(); // default is only appropriate for root
139 				CImmutableMarkov(std::istream &in,const CInstGenerator *opcode_allowed);
140 				~CImmutableMarkov();
141 				// getters
in() const142 				u16_t in() const { return _in; } // the instruction, packing opcode,modifier,addressing modes
count() const143 				unsigned count() const { return _count; }
144 				CImmutableMarkov *get(const u16_t in) const; // null if not found
145 				CImmutableMarkov *suggest() const; // null if chain is to end
146 				// suggestion
147 				void suggest(TMarkovList &ret,unsigned &sumprob,const u16_t before,const u16_t after,const bool is_after = false) const; // populate the list with all markovs that are between these two operands; maintain count
148 				// trivia
149 				void dump(std::ostream &out) const;
150 			private:
151 				u16_t _in,
152 					_size; // well, how many can there be? ;-)
153 				unsigned _count;
154 				CImmutableMarkov **_chain;
155 				unsigned count_leaves() const;
156 				void dump(std::ostream &out,std::string &path,const int len = 0) const;
157 		} *_immutable_root;
158 		friend class CImmutableMarkov;
159 		CImmutableMarkov *suggest(const u16_t before,const u16_t after) const; // suggest an opcode that is between before and after
160 		// utilities
161 		static void dump(std::ostream &out,const u16_t in);
162 		static void bwrite_u16_t(std::ostream &out,const u16_t i);
163 		static void bwrite_unsigned(std::ostream &out,const unsigned i);
164 		static u16_t bread_u16_t(std::istream &in);
165 		static unsigned bread_unsigned(std::istream &in);
166 };
168 #endif // ifndef __INST_GEN_MARKOV_2_HPP__