2 /* "Species" - a CoreWars evolver.  Copyright (C) 2003 'Varfar'
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
6  * Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later
7  * version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
12  * more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16  * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
17  */
19 #include "species.hpp"
20 #include "inst_gen_weighted_random.hpp"
21 #include "rand.hpp"
22 #include "opcode_branch_lookup.hpp"
23 using namespace std;
25 /***** CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom class implementation *********************/
CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom()27 CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom::CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom() {
28 	_type = WEIGHTED_RANDOM; // very important line!
29 	// init the freq_hint table to default values
30 	_freq_hint_sum = 0.0F;
31 	for(int i=0; i<OPCODE_LAST; ++i) {
32 		_freq_hint[(OPCODE)i] = OPCODE_FREQ_HINT_DEFAULT;
33 		_freq_hint_sum += _freq_hint[(OPCODE)i];
34 	}
35 	_branch_bias = false;
36 	_branch_pivot = BRANCH_PIVOT_DEFAULT;
37 }
get_freq_hint(const OPCODE opcode)39 float CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom::get_freq_hint(const OPCODE opcode) {
40 	if(!(0 <= opcode < OPCODE_LAST))
41 		PANIC(BAD_OPCODE,"request for invalid opcode in freq_hint",NULL);
42 	return _freq_hint[opcode];
43 }
set_freq_hint(const OPCODE opcode,const float val)45 void CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom::set_freq_hint(const OPCODE opcode,const float val) {
46 	if(!(0 <= opcode < OPCODE_LAST))
47 		PANIC(BAD_OPCODE,"attempt to set invalid opcode in freq_hint",NULL);
48 	if(0.0F > val)
49 		PANIC(NEG_OPCODEFREQ_HINT,"attempt to set negative freq_hint",NULL);
50 	_freq_hint_sum -= _freq_hint[opcode];
51 	_freq_hint[opcode] = val;
52 	_freq_hint_sum += _freq_hint[opcode];
53 	if(0.0F == _freq_hint_sum)
54 		PANIC(ZERO_OPCODEFREQ_HINT_SUM,"total freq_hints have zero sum",NULL);
55 }
suggest_instruction(insn_t & instruction,const MODE)57 void CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom::suggest_instruction(insn_t &instruction,const MODE /*mode*/) {
58 	// NOTE: might be more fair to maintain a _branch_hint_sum and scale the roulette to a single pass
60 	// generate a random number between 0.0F and freq_hint_sum
61 	const float x = CRand::frand(_freq_hint_sum); // the target value
62 	float y = 0.0F, // an iterator through all buckets
63 		bucket, // an intermediary for weighing branch instructions
64 		branch_weight = 1.0F; // a scale relative to the pivot
65 	int i;
66 	// need to weigh branches?
67 	if(_branch_bias) {
68 		// seek back to find a branch
69 		for(i=index()-1; i>0; --i) {
70 			if(OPCODE_IS_BRANCH[chromosome()->code(i).opcode()]) { // found?
71 				// calculate weight based on distance to pivot
72 				branch_weight = ((index()-i) / _branch_pivot);
73 				break; // stop searching then
74 			}
75 		}
76 	}
77 	// rolette-wheel to the choosen instruction
78 	do {
79 		for(i=0; i<OPCODE_LAST; ++i) {
80 			bucket = _freq_hint[(OPCODE)i];
81 			if(_branch_bias && OPCODE_IS_BRANCH[(OPCODE)i]) {
82 				bucket *= branch_weight;
83 			}
84 			y += bucket;
85 			if(y > x) { // found?
86 				generate_completely_random(instruction);
87 				instruction.set_opcode((OPCODE)i);
88 				return;
89 			}
90 		}
91 		if(!_branch_bias)
92 			cerr << "WARNING: roulette past end of freq_hint range" << endl;
93 	} while(true);
94 }
read_ini_impl(INIFile & ini)96 void CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom::read_ini_impl(INIFile &ini) {
97 	// load the freq_hints
98 	int i;
99 	KeyValuePair *kvp;
100 	// opcodes
101 	for(i=0; i<OPCODE_LAST; ++i) {
102 		// get it
103 		kvp = ini.get(MNEMONIC_OPCODE((OPCODE)i));
104 		if(0 == kvp) // not set?
105 			set_freq_hint((OPCODE)i,OPCODE_FREQ_HINT_DEFAULT);
106 		else
107 			set_freq_hint((OPCODE)i,kvp->getValueAsFloat(OPCODE_FREQ_HINT_DEFAULT));
108 	}
109 	// branch pivot?
110 	kvp = ini.get("branch_bias");
111 	if(0 != kvp) { // set
112 		_branch_bias = kvp->getValueAsBool(_branch_bias);
113 		if(_branch_bias) {
114 			kvp = ini.get("branch_pivot");
115 			if(0 != kvp) {
116 				_branch_pivot = kvp->getValueAsInt(_branch_pivot);
117 				if(1 > _branch_pivot) { // avoid a divzero further down the line!
118 					PANIC(NEG_OPCODEFREQ_HINT,"branch_pivot cannot be less than 1",NULL);
119 				}
120 			}
121 		}
122 	}
123 }
read_override_ini_impl(INIFile & ini)125 CInstGenerator *CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom::read_override_ini_impl(INIFile &ini) {
126 	CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom *ret = this;
127 	int i, pivot;
128 	bool bias;
129 	KeyValuePair *kvp;
130 	// load the freq_hints
131 	for(i=0; i<OPCODE_LAST; ++i) {
132 		// get it
133 		kvp = ini.get(MNEMONIC_OPCODE((OPCODE)i));
134 		if(0 != kvp) { // set?
135 			if(this == ret) { // first opccode to be overridden?
136 				ret = new CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom(*this); // create a copy
137 			}
138 			ret->set_freq_hint((OPCODE)i,kvp->getValueAsFloat(OPCODE_FREQ_HINT_DEFAULT));
139 		}
140 	}
141 	// bias?
142 	kvp = ini.get("branch_bias");
143 	if(0 != kvp) { // set?
144 		bias = kvp->getValueAsBool(ret->_branch_bias);
145 		if(bias != ret->_branch_bias) { // overriden?
146 			if(this == ret) { // first thing to be overriden?
147 				ret = new CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom(*this); // create a copy
148 			}
149 			ret->_branch_bias = bias;
150 		}
151 		kvp = ini.get("branch_pivot");
152 	}
153 	// pivot?  We'll ignore in the case when bias isn't set to keep things clean
154 	if(ret->_branch_bias) {
155 		kvp = ini.get("branch_pivot");
156 		if(0 != kvp) { // set?
157 			pivot = kvp->getValueAsInt(ret->_branch_pivot);
158 			if(1 > pivot) { // avoid a divzero further down the line!
159 				PANIC(NEG_OPCODEFREQ_HINT,"branch_pivot cannot be less than 1",NULL);
160 			}
161 			if(pivot != ret->_branch_pivot) {
162 				if(this == ret) { // first thing to be overriden?
163 					ret = new CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom(*this); // create a copy
164 				}
165 				ret->_branch_pivot = pivot;
166 			}
167 		}
168 	}
169 	// done
170 	return ret;
171 }
write_ini(ostream & os)173 void CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom::write_ini(ostream &os) {
174 	int i;
175 	// list freq_hints
176 	for(i=0; i<OPCODE_LAST; ++i)
177 		if(OPCODE_FREQ_HINT_DEFAULT != _freq_hint[(OPCODE)i]) // not default value?
178 			os << MNEMONIC_OPCODE((OPCODE)i) << '=' << _freq_hint[(OPCODE)i] << endl;
179 	// list pivot stuff
180 	if(_branch_bias) {
181 		os << "branch_bias=" << _branch_bias << endl;
182 		if(BRANCH_PIVOT_DEFAULT != _branch_pivot) {
183 			os << "branch_pivot=" << _branch_pivot << endl;
184 		}
185 	}
186 }
write_override_ini(ostream & os,const CInstGenerator * parent)188 void CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom::write_override_ini(ostream &os,const CInstGenerator *parent) {
189 	if(this == parent) // no override at all?
190 		return;
191 	if(same_type(parent,this)) { // not same concrete type?
192 		write_ini(os);
193 		return;
194 	}
195 	int i;
196 	// list freq_hints
197 	for(i=0; i<OPCODE_LAST; ++i)
198 		if(((CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom*)parent)->_freq_hint[(OPCODE)i] != _freq_hint[(OPCODE)i]) // overriden?
199 			os << MNEMONIC_OPCODE((OPCODE)i) << '=' << _freq_hint[(OPCODE)i] << endl;
200 	// branch pivot stuff
201 	if(_branch_bias != ((CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom*)parent)->_branch_bias) {
202 		os << "branch_bias=" << _branch_bias << endl;
203 	}
204 	if(_branch_bias && (_branch_pivot != ((CInstGeneratorWeightedRandom*)parent)->_branch_pivot)) {
205 		os << "branch_pivot=" << _branch_pivot << endl;
206 	}
207 }