1Date:	03/04/2005
2Name:	UMark for Linux
3Ver.:	2.0.0 Beta 3
4Author:	Jeffrey Bakker
5Email:	author@unrealmark.net
6Web:	http://www.unrealmark.net
7Forum:	http://forum.unrealmark.net
11Please read the INSTALL file for details.
15IMPORTANT! This program has specific installation instructions. Please read
16the INSTALL file for details.
20UMark is an open source graphical user interface that allows gamers and/or
21hardware reviewers to easily custom configure and run benchmarks on Unreal®
22Tournament 200x (UT2003 and UT2004, both demo and retail versions). UMark
23supports "botmatch", "flyby", and "timedemo" benchmarking. Users have the
24availability to save/load their benchmark scores, or submit them online.
26This version of UMark is a complete rewrite, as a great deal of the original
27UMark code is Windows-centric, therefore it cannot be reused. In fact, this
28Linux port of UMark is being developed using Perl and C with Gtk+ 2.0, as
29opposed to C++ with the MFC framework.
31UMark for Linux tries to look (but better) and feel like the original Windows
32version, but some functionality and features may be different, as the Unreal
33Engine treats configuration in the two operating systems differently.
37This release introduces timedemo benchmarking, while it says goodbye to GNOME
38as it is now written in pure Gtk+ 2.0 code. As a result of this, the GUI has
39of course been changed a little.
41At the moment, submissions to UMark Online from Linux is possible, but it is
42disabled and still considered a work in progress until the cheat protection
43system has been fully implemented.
45Using custom .ini files only seem to work if they are placed inside of your
46$HOME/.ut200x/System directory, otherwise UT200x will just use your current
47UT2004.ini and User.ini files.
50Mulitple UT200x Installations?
51UMark supports UT2003 and UT2004, both demo and retail versions. UMark can
52work with all four of the preceeding games installed at once, however it is
53not really recommended to have the demo and retail version of the same game at
54the same time. UT2003 demo and retail may coexist on the same system and will
55work with UMark, but they share the same home directory and log files. UT2004
56demo and retail may also coexist and run with UMark, but their installers
57create the same symlink. If you have both demo and retail versions of UT2004
58you must edit your ~/.umarkrc file to point to their install paths. This is
59quite a trivial topic, as most people who have the reatil version won't need
60the demo, but it is explained, nevertheless.
64UMark (C)2004-2005 Jeffrey Bakker
65UMark Online (C)2004-2005 Jeffrey Bakker
66Unreal® Tournament 2003 (C)2002 Epic Games, Inc.
67Unreal® Tournament 2004 (C)2004 Epic Games, Inc.