1 /*	SCCS Id: @(#)monst.h	3.4	1999/01/04	*/
2 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5 #ifndef MONST_H
6 #define MONST_H
8 /* The weapon_check flag is used two ways:
9  * 1) When calling mon_wield_item, is 2-6 depending on what is desired.
10  * 2) Between calls to mon_wield_item, is 0 or 1 depending on whether or not
11  *    the weapon is known by the monster to be cursed (so it shouldn't bother
12  *    trying for another weapon).
13  * I originally planned to also use 0 if the monster already had its best
14  * weapon, to avoid the overhead of a call to mon_wield_item, but it turns out
15  * that there are enough situations which might make a monster change its
16  * weapon that this is impractical.  --KAA
17  */
18 # define NO_WEAPON_WANTED 0
19 # define NEED_WEAPON 1
20 # define NEED_RANGED_WEAPON 2
21 # define NEED_HTH_WEAPON 3
22 # define NEED_PICK_AXE 4
23 # define NEED_AXE 5
24 # define NEED_PICK_OR_AXE 6
26 /* The following flags are used for the second argument to display_minventory
27  * in invent.c:
28  *
29  * MINV_NOLET  If set, don't display inventory letters on monster's inventory.
30  * MINV_ALL    If set, display all items in monster's inventory, otherwise
31  *	       just display wielded weapons and worn items.
32  */
33 #define MINV_NOLET 0x01
34 #define MINV_ALL   0x02
36 #ifndef ALIGN_H
37 #include "align.h"
38 #endif
40 struct monst {
41 	struct monst *nmon;
42 	struct permonst *data;
43 	size_t m_id;
44 	short mnum;		/* permanent monster index number */
45 	short movement;		/* movement points (derived from permonst definition and added effects */
46 	uchar m_lev;		/* adjusted difficulty level of monster */
47 	aligntyp malign;	/* alignment of this monster, relative to the
48 				   player (positive = good to kill) */
49 	xchar mx, my;
50 	xchar mux, muy;		/* where the monster thinks you are */
51 #define MTSZ	4
52 	coord mtrack[MTSZ];	/* monster track */
53 	int mhp, mhpmax;
54 	unsigned mappearance;	/* for undetected mimics and the wiz */
55 	uchar	 m_ap_type;	/* what mappearance is describing: */
56 #define M_AP_NOTHING	0	/* mappearance is unused -- monster appears
57 				   as itself */
58 #define M_AP_FURNITURE	1	/* stairs, a door, an altar, etc. */
59 #define M_AP_OBJECT	2	/* an object */
60 #define M_AP_MONSTER	3	/* a monster */
62 	schar mtame;		/* level of tameness, implies peaceful */
63 	unsigned short mintrinsics;	/* low 8 correspond to mresists */
64 	int mspec_used;		/* monster's special ability attack timeout */
66 	int mtrapped;		/* trapped in a pit, web or bear trap */
67 	int mfeetfrozen;        /* monster's feet are frozen so it can't
68 				   move (0 = not frozen) */
70 	Bitfield(female,1);	/* is female */
71 	Bitfield(minvis,1);	/* currently invisible */
72 	Bitfield(invis_blkd,1); /* invisibility blocked */
73 	Bitfield(perminvis,1);	/* intrinsic minvis value */
74 	Bitfield(cham,3);	/* shape-changer */
75 /* note: lychanthropes are handled elsewhere */
76 #define CHAM_ORDINARY		0	/* not a shapechanger */
77 #define CHAM_CHAMELEON		1	/* animal */
78 #define CHAM_DOPPELGANGER	2	/* demi-human */
79 #define CHAM_SANDESTIN		3	/* demon */
81 	Bitfield(mundetected,1);	/* not seen in present hiding place */
82 				/* implies one of M1_CONCEAL or M1_HIDE,
83 				 * but not mimic (that is, snake, spider,
84 				 * trapper, piercer, eel)
85 				 */
87 	Bitfield(mcan,1);	/* has been cancelled */
88 	Bitfield(mburied,1);	/* has been buried */
89 	Bitfield(mspeed,2);	/* current speed */
90 	Bitfield(permspeed,2);	/* intrinsic mspeed value */
91 	Bitfield(mrevived,1);	/* has been revived from the dead */
92 	Bitfield(mavenge,1);	/* did something to deserve retaliation */
94 	Bitfield(mflee,1);	/* fleeing */
95 	Bitfield(mfleetim,7);	/* timeout for mflee */
97 	Bitfield(mcansee,1);	/* cansee 1, temp.blinded 0, blind 0 */
98 	Bitfield(mblinded,7);	/* cansee 0, temp.blinded n, blind 0 */
100 	Bitfield(mcanmove,1);	/* paralysis, similar to mblinded */
101 	Bitfield(mfrozen,7);
103 	Bitfield(msleeping,1);	/* asleep until woken */
104 	Bitfield(mstun,1);	/* stunned (off balance) */
105 	Bitfield(mconf,1);	/* confused */
106 	Bitfield(mpeaceful,1);	/* does not attack unprovoked */
107 	Bitfield(mleashed,1);	/* monster is on a leash */
108 	Bitfield(isshk,1);	/* is shopkeeper */
109 	Bitfield(isminion,1);	/* is a minion */
111 	Bitfield(isgd,1);	/* is guard */
112 	Bitfield(ispriest,1);	/* is a priest */
113 	Bitfield(iswiz,1);	/* is the Wizard of Yendor */
114 	Bitfield(wormno,5);	/* at most 31 worms on any level */
115 #define MAX_NUM_WORMS	32	/* should be 2^(wormno bitfield size) */
117 	long mstrategy;		/* for monsters with mflag3: current strategy */
118 #define STRAT_ARRIVE	0x40000000L	/* just arrived on current level */
119 #define STRAT_WAITFORU	0x20000000L
120 #define STRAT_CLOSE	0x10000000L
121 #define STRAT_WAITMASK	0x30000000L
122 #define STRAT_HEAL	0x08000000L
123 #define STRAT_GROUND	0x04000000L
124 #define STRAT_MONSTR	0x02000000L
125 #define STRAT_PLAYER	0x01000000L
126 #define STRAT_NONE	0x00000000L
127 #define STRAT_STRATMASK 0x0f000000L
128 #define STRAT_XMASK	0x00ff0000L
129 #define STRAT_YMASK	0x0000ff00L
130 #define STRAT_GOAL	0x000000ffL
131 #define STRAT_GOALX(s)	((xchar)((s & STRAT_XMASK) >> 16))
132 #define STRAT_GOALY(s)	((xchar)((s & STRAT_YMASK) >> 8))
134 	long mtrapseen;		/* bitmap of traps we've been trapped in */
135 	long mlstmv;		/* for catching up with lost time */
136 #ifndef GOLDOBJ
137 	long mgold;
138 #endif
139 	struct obj *minvent;
141 	struct obj *mw;
142 	long misc_worn_check;
143 	xchar weapon_check;
145 	long mgrlastattack;	    /* turn when a grouper last attacked.
146 				       at certain points, the attackers decide
147 				       to get back to attacking all at once. */
151 	char former_rank[25];	/* for bones' ghost rank in the former life */
152 #endif
154 	uchar mnamelth;		/* length of name (following mxlth) */
155 	short mxlth;		/* length of following data */
156 	/* in order to prevent alignment problems mextra should
157 	   be (or follow) a long int */
158 	int meating;		/* monster is eating timeout */
159 	long mextra[1]; /* monster dependent info */
160 };
162 /*
163  * Note that mextra[] may correspond to any of a number of structures, which
164  * are indicated by some of the other fields.
165  *	isgd	 ->	struct egd
166  *	ispriest ->	struct epri
167  *	isshk	 ->	struct eshk
168  *	isminion ->	struct emin
169  *			(struct epri for roaming priests and angels, which is
170  *			 compatible with emin for polymorph purposes)
171  *	mtame	 ->	struct edog
172  *			(struct epri for guardian angels, which do not eat
173  *			 or do other doggy things)
174  * Since at most one structure can be indicated in this manner, it is not
175  * possible to tame any creatures using the other structures (the only
176  * exception being the guardian angels which are tame on creation).
177  */
179 #define newmonst(xl) (struct monst *)alloc((unsigned)(xl) + sizeof(struct monst))
180 #define dealloc_monst(mon) free((genericptr_t)(mon))
182 /* these are in mspeed */
183 #define MSLOW 1		/* slow monster */
184 #define MFAST 2		/* speeded monster */
186 #define NAME(mtmp)	(((char *)(mtmp)->mextra) + (mtmp)->mxlth)
188 #define MON_WEP(mon)	((mon)->mw)
189 #define MON_NOWEP(mon)	((mon)->mw = (struct obj *)0)
191 #define DEADMONSTER(mon)	((mon)->mhp < 1)
193 /* Returns true if monster is trapped in place but can still attack.
194  * (mon evaluated twice) */
195 #define IS_TRAPPED(mon) ((mon)->mtrapped || (mon)->mfeetfrozen)
197 #endif /* MONST_H */