1-- Set the namespace according to the map name.
2local ns = {};
3setmetatable(ns, {__index = _G});
4mt_elbrus_shrine1_script = ns;
5setfenv(1, ns);
7-- The map name, subname and location image
8map_name = "Mt. Elbrus"
9map_image_filename = "data/story/common/locations/mt_elbrus.png"
10map_subname = "Underpass"
12-- The music file used as default background music on this map.
13-- Other musics will have to handled through scripting.
14music_filename = "data/music/icy_wind.ogg"
16-- c++ objects instances
17local Map = nil
18local EventManager = nil
19local Script = nil
21-- the main character handler
22local hero = nil
24-- Dialogue sprites
25local bronann = nil
26local kalya = nil
27local orlinn = nil
28local nekko = nil
30-- Objects used during the door opening scene
31local shrine_entrance_door = nil
32local shrine_entrance_sign = nil
34local shrine_flame1 = nil
35local shrine_flame2 = nil
37-- the main map loading code
38function Load(m)
40    Map = m;
41    Script = Map:GetScriptSupervisor();
42    EventManager = Map:GetEventSupervisor();
43    Map:SetUnlimitedStamina(true);
45    _CreateCharacters();
46    _CreateObjects();
48    -- Set the camera focus on hero
49    Map:SetCamera(hero);
50    -- This is a dungeon map, we'll use the front battle member sprite as default sprite.
51    Map:SetPartyMemberVisibleSprite(hero);
53    _CreateEvents();
54    _CreateZones();
56    -- Add a mediumly dark overlay when necessary
57    if (GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():GetEventValue("story", "mountain_shrine_entrance_light_done") == 0) then
58        Map:GetEffectSupervisor():EnableAmbientOverlay("data/visuals/ambient/dark.png", 0.0, 0.0, false);
59    end
61    -- Event Scripts
62    Script:AddScript("data/story/mt_elbrus/shrine_entrance_show_crystal_script.lua");
64    -- Start the dialogue about the shrine entrance if not done
65    if (GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():GetEventValue("story", "mt_elbrus_shrine_entrance_event") ~= 1) then
66        hero:SetMoving(false);
67        EventManager:StartEvent("Shrine entrance event start", 200);
68    end
70    if (GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():GetEventValue("story", "mt_elbrus_shrine_door_opening_event") == 1) then
71        _set_shrine_door_open();
72        shrine_entrance_sign:SetVisible(true);
73        _show_flames();
74    end
76    -- Preload sounds
77    AudioManager:LoadSound("data/sounds/heartbeat_slow.wav", Map);
78    AudioManager:LoadSound("data/sounds/ancient_invocation.wav", Map);
79    AudioManager:LoadSound("data/sounds/cave-in.ogg", Map);
82-- the map update function handles checks done on each game tick.
83function Update()
84    -- Check whether the character is in one of the zones
85    _CheckZones();
88-- Character creation
89function _CreateCharacters()
90    -- Default hero and position (from mountain path 4)
91    hero = CreateSprite(Map, "Bronann", 29, 44.5, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
92    hero:SetDirection(vt_map.MapMode.NORTH);
93    hero:SetMovementSpeed(vt_map.MapMode.NORMAL_SPEED);
95    -- Load previous save point data
96    local x_position = GlobalManager:GetMapData():GetSaveLocationX();
97    local y_position = GlobalManager:GetMapData():GetSaveLocationY();
98    if (x_position ~= 0 and y_position ~= 0) then
99        -- Make the character look at us in that case
100        hero:SetDirection(vt_map.MapMode.SOUTH);
101        hero:SetPosition(x_position, y_position);
102    elseif (GlobalManager:GetMapData():GetPreviousLocation() == "from_shrine_main_room") then
103        hero:SetDirection(vt_map.MapMode.SOUTH);
104        hero:SetPosition(42.0, 9.0);
105    end
107    bronann = CreateSprite(Map, "Bronann", 0, 0, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
108    bronann:SetDirection(vt_map.MapMode.WEST);
109    bronann:SetMovementSpeed(vt_map.MapMode.NORMAL_SPEED);
110    bronann:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
111    bronann:SetVisible(false);
113    kalya = CreateSprite(Map, "Kalya", 0, 0, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
114    kalya:SetDirection(vt_map.MapMode.EAST);
115    kalya:SetMovementSpeed(vt_map.MapMode.NORMAL_SPEED);
116    kalya:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
117    kalya:SetVisible(false);
119    orlinn = CreateSprite(Map, "Orlinn", 0, 0, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
120    orlinn:SetDirection(vt_map.MapMode.EAST);
121    orlinn:SetMovementSpeed(vt_map.MapMode.NORMAL_SPEED);
122    orlinn:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
123    orlinn:SetVisible(false);
125    -- Mushroom shop!
126    local dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create()
127    local text = vt_system.Translate("Please, don't hurt me, my life is already so short!")
128    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, nil, "exclamation")
129    text = vt_system.Translate("What about buying some items instead?")
130    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, nil, "", "Shroom Shop")
132    local event = vt_map.ShopEvent.Create("Shroom Shop", "Shroom Shop")
133    event:AddItem(1, 0) -- infinite minor potions
134    event:AddItem(11, 0) -- infinite minor moon juices
135    event:AddItem(1001, 0) -- infinite minor elixirs
136    event:AddItem(15, 0) -- infinite Lotus petals (cure poison)
137    event:AddItem(16, 0) -- infinite Candies (regen)
138    event:AddItem(40003, 1) -- Sturdy leather gloves
139    event:AddItem(10002, 1) -- Hardened practice sword
140    event:AddItem(11002, 1) -- Improved arbalest
141    event:SetPriceLevels(vt_shop.ShopMode.SHOP_PRICE_POOR,
142                         vt_shop.ShopMode.SHOP_PRICE_POOR)
144    local shroom = CreateSprite(Map, "Shop Mushroom", 55, 38, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT)
145    shroom:AddDialogueReference(dialogue)
148-- The heal particle effect map object
149local heal_effect = nil
151function _CreateObjects()
152    local object = nil
153    local npc = nil
154    local dialogue = nil
155    local text = nil
156    local event = nil
158    vt_map.SavePoint.Create(51, 29);
160    -- Load the spring heal effect.
161    heal_effect = vt_map.ParticleObject.Create("data/visuals/particle_effects/heal_particle.lua", 0, 0, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
162    heal_effect:Stop(); -- Don't run it until the character heals itself
164    object = CreateObject(Map, "Layna Statue", 41, 28, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
165    object:SetEventWhenTalking("Heal dialogue");
166    object:SetInteractionIcon("data/gui/map/heal_anim.lua")
168    dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create();
169    text = vt_system.Translate("Your party feels better.");
170    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, nil, "Heal event", ""); -- 'nil' means no portrait and no name
171    vt_map.DialogueEvent.Create("Heal dialogue", dialogue);
173    -- Snow effect at shrine entrance
174    vt_map.ParticleObject.Create("data/story/mt_elbrus/particles_snow_south_entrance.lua", 29, 48, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
175    vt_map.Halo.Create("data/visuals/lights/torch_light_mask.lua", 29, 55,
176        vt_video.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8));
178    -- Adds the north gate
179    shrine_entrance_door = CreateObject(Map, "Door1_big", 42, 4, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
181    -- Adds a hidden sign, show just before the opening of the door
182    shrine_entrance_sign = CreateObject(Map, "Ancient_Sign1", 42, 10, vt_map.MapMode.FLATGROUND_OBJECT);
183    shrine_entrance_sign:SetVisible(false);
185    -- Flames that are burning after the opening of the shrine.
186    shrine_flame1 = CreateObject(Map, "Flame1", 33, 9.1, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
187    shrine_flame2 = CreateObject(Map, "Flame1", 51, 9.1, vt_map.MapMode.GROUND_OBJECT);
188    shrine_flame1:SetVisible(false);
189    shrine_flame2:SetVisible(false);
190    shrine_flame1:RandomizeCurrentAnimationFrame();
191    shrine_flame2:RandomizeCurrentAnimationFrame();
193    -- When the lighting has improved, show the source of it.
194    if (GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():GetEventValue("story", "mountain_shrine_entrance_light_done") == 1) then
195        vt_map.Halo.Create("data/visuals/lights/torch_light_mask.lua", 42, 8, vt_video.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6));
196        -- Adds a door horizon...
197        object = vt_map.PhysicalObject.Create(vt_map.MapMode.FLATGROUND_OBJECT);
198        object:SetPosition(42, 0.8);
199        object:SetCollPixelHalfWidth(16);
200        object:SetCollPixelHeight(32);
201        object:SetImgPixelHalfWidth(16);
202        object:SetImgPixelHeight(32);
203        object:AddStillFrame("data/story/mt_elbrus/shrine_entrance_light.png");
204    end
207-- Special event references which destinations must be updated just before being called.
208-- shrine entrance event
209local kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event1 = nil
210local orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event1 = nil
211-- Shrine door opening event
212local kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event2 = nil
213local orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event2 = nil
215-- Creates all events and sets up the entire event sequence chain
216function _CreateEvents()
217    local event = nil
218    local dialogue = nil
219    local text = nil
221    vt_map.MapTransitionEvent.Create("to mountain shrine", "data/story/mt_elbrus/mt_elbrus_shrine2_map.lua",
222                                     "data/story/mt_elbrus/mt_elbrus_shrine2_script.lua", "from_shrine_entrance");
224    vt_map.MapTransitionEvent.Create("to mountain shrine-waterfalls", "data/story/mt_elbrus/mt_elbrus_shrine2_2_map.lua",
225                                     "data/story/mt_elbrus/mt_elbrus_shrine2_script.lua", "from_shrine_entrance");
227    vt_map.MapTransitionEvent.Create("to mountain bridge", "data/story/mt_elbrus/mt_elbrus_path4_map.lua",
228                                     "data/story/mt_elbrus/mt_elbrus_path4_script.lua", "from_shrine_entrance");
230    -- Heal point
231    vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Heal event", "heal_party", "heal_done");
233    -- Generic events
234    vt_map.ChangeDirectionSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn looks north", orlinn, vt_map.MapMode.NORTH);
235    vt_map.ChangeDirectionSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn looks west", orlinn, vt_map.MapMode.WEST);
236    vt_map.ChangeDirectionSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn looks south", orlinn, vt_map.MapMode.SOUTH);
237    vt_map.ChangeDirectionSpriteEvent.Create("Bronann looks north", bronann, vt_map.MapMode.NORTH);
238    vt_map.ChangeDirectionSpriteEvent.Create("Bronann looks south", bronann, vt_map.MapMode.SOUTH);
239    vt_map.ChangeDirectionSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya looks north", kalya, vt_map.MapMode.NORTH);
240    vt_map.ChangeDirectionSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya looks west", kalya, vt_map.MapMode.WEST);
241    vt_map.ChangeDirectionSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya looks south", kalya, vt_map.MapMode.SOUTH);
242    vt_map.LookAtSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya looks at Bronann", kalya, bronann);
243    vt_map.LookAtSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya looks at Orlinn", kalya, orlinn);
244    vt_map.LookAtSpriteEvent.Create("Bronann looks at Kalya", bronann, kalya);
245    vt_map.LookAtSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn looks at Kalya", orlinn, kalya);
246    vt_map.LookAtSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn looks at Bronann", orlinn, bronann);
248    -- entrance in the map event
249    event = vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Shrine entrance event start", "shrine_entrance_event_start", "");
250    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya moves next to Bronann1", 100);
251    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn moves next to Bronann1", 100);
253    -- NOTE: The actual destination is set just before the actual start call
254    kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event1 = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya moves next to Bronann1", kalya, 0, 0, false);
255    kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event1:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya moves a bit");
256    kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event1:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Bronann moves a bit");
258    orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event1 = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn moves next to Bronann1", orlinn, 0, 0, false);
259    orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event1:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn moves near the passway");
261    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya moves a bit", kalya, 31, 39, false);
262    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya looks at Bronann");
263    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Dialogue about the passage to Estoria", 500);
265    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Bronann moves a bit", bronann, 29, 39, false);
266    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Bronann looks at Kalya");
268    -- Orlinn move near the passway
269    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn moves near the passway", orlinn, 29, 33, true);
270    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn looks west");
272    dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create();
273    text = vt_system.Translate("You'll see. There's plenty of things I need to show you there. Plus, it's a safe place.");
274    dialogue:AddLine(text, kalya);
275    text = vt_system.Translate("Err, sis?");
276    dialogue:AddLineEventEmote(text, orlinn, "Orlinn looks at Kalya", "", "sweat drop");
277    text = vt_system.Translate("Our elder will also be able to help us. And you'll get a better explanation than I could ever...");
278    dialogue:AddLine(text, kalya);
279    text = vt_system.Translate("Sis!");
280    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, orlinn, "Orlinn looks at Kalya", "");
281    text = vt_system.Translate("One second, Orlinn. I'm trying to...");
282    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, kalya, "Kalya looks north", "Kalya looks at Bronann");
283    text = vt_system.Translate("But Kalya, look at the passageway!");
284    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, orlinn, "exclamation");
285    text = vt_system.Translate("What about the...");
286    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, kalya, "Kalya looks north", "");
287    text = vt_system.Translate("No!");
288    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, kalya, "exclamation");
289    event = vt_map.DialogueEvent.Create("Dialogue about the passage to Estoria", dialogue);
290    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya runs to the blocked passage");
291    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Bronann looks north");
292    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Move camera to the obstructed passage");
294    vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Move camera to the obstructed passage", "camera_to_passage", "");
296    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya runs to the blocked passage", kalya, 27, 34, true);
297    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya looks west");
298    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Dialogue about the passage to Estoria 2");
300    dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create();
301    text = vt_system.Translate("No, it can't be.");
302    dialogue:AddLineEventEmote(text, kalya, "Orlinn looks at Kalya", "", "sweat drop");
303    text = vt_system.Translate("After all we've been through, this...");
304    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, kalya, "Kalya looks north", "");
305    event = vt_map.DialogueEvent.Create("Dialogue about the passage to Estoria 2", dialogue);
306    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Bronann goes near both");
308    vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Move camera back to Bronann", "camera_to_bronann", "");
310    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Bronann goes near both", bronann, 28, 36, false);
311    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Bronann looks north");
312    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Move camera back to Bronann");
313    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Dialogue about the passage to Estoria 3");
315    vt_map.AnimateSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn laughs", orlinn, "laughing", 0); -- infinite time.
317    dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create();
318    text = vt_system.Translate("Calm down Kalya, there must be a way to go through this somehow.");
319    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, bronann, "sweat drop");
320    text = vt_system.Translate("Unfortunately, yes. There is one.");
321    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, kalya, "Kalya looks west", "");
322    text = vt_system.Translate("We'll have to enter the ancient shrine.");
323    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, kalya, "Kalya looks north", "");
324    text = vt_system.Translate("If we wouldn't have gotten here all by ourselves, I would swear Banesore's army pushed us here on purpose.");
325    dialogue:AddLine(text, kalya);
326    text = vt_system.Translate("What's with this 'ancient shrine'?");
327    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, bronann, "thinking dots");
328    text = vt_system.Translate("Some say it is haunted. It was sealed a long time ago, long before I was even born.");
329    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, kalya, "Kalya looks at Bronann", "");
330    text = vt_system.Translate("Indeed, it must be a long time ago.");
331    dialogue:AddLineEventEmote(text, orlinn, "", "Orlinn laughs", "thinking dots");
332    text = vt_system.Translate("Orlinn!");
333    dialogue:AddLineEventEmote(text, kalya, "Kalya looks at Orlinn", "", "exclamation");
334    text = vt_system.Translate("Anyway, we might not be able to enter there at all. But you're right, let's have a look around first. Who knows?");
335    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, kalya, "Kalya looks at Bronann", "");
336    event = vt_map.DialogueEvent.Create("Dialogue about the passage to Estoria 3", dialogue);
337    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn goes back to party");
338    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya goes back to party");
340    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn goes back to party", orlinn, bronann, false);
341    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Shrine entrance event end");
343    vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya goes back to party", kalya, bronann, false);
345    vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Shrine entrance event end", "shrine_entrance_event_end", "");
347    -- Event where Bronann opens the shrine's door...
348    event = vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Shrine door opening event start", "shrine_door_opening_event_start", "");
349    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Bronann moves in the middle of platform");
351    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Bronann moves in the middle of platform", hero, 42.0, 8.0, false);
352    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Bronann looks north");
353    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Shrine door opening event actual start");
355    event = vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Shrine door opening event actual start", "shrine_door_opening_event_start2", "");
356    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya moves next to Bronann2", 100);
357    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn moves next to Bronann2", 100);
359    -- NOTE: The actual destination is set just before the actual start call
360    kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event2 = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya moves next to Bronann2", kalya, 0, 0, false);
361    kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event2:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya looks north");
363    orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event2 = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn moves next to Bronann2", orlinn, 0, 0, false);
364    orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event2:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn looks north");
365    orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event2:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Dialogue before opening the door", 500);
367    vt_map.AnimateSpriteEvent.Create("Bronann kneels", bronann, "kneeling", 0); -- 0 means forever
369    dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create();
370    text = vt_system.Translate("Here we are, looking at this huge and wonderful, yet creepy door. I don't like this.");
371    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, kalya, "thinking dots");
372    text = vt_system.Translate("It's not like I actually want to open this, but how are we going to do so?");
373    dialogue:AddLineEventEmote(text, kalya, "Kalya looks at Bronann", "Orlinn looks at Bronann", "sweat drop");
374    event = vt_map.DialogueEvent.Create("Dialogue before opening the door", dialogue);
375    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Show hurt effect");
377    event = vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Show hurt effect", "hurt_effect_start", "hurt_effect_update")
378    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Dialogue before opening the door2");
380    dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create();
381    text = vt_system.Translate("Ow, my chest. It hurts!");
382    dialogue:AddLineEventEmote(text, bronann, "Bronann looks south", "Bronann kneels", "exclamation");
383    text = vt_system.Translate("The crystal! Orlinn! Let's stand back!");
384    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, kalya, "exclamation");
385    event = vt_map.DialogueEvent.Create("Dialogue before opening the door2", dialogue);
386    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn rushes down the stairs");
387    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya rushes down the stairs");
389    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya rushes down the stairs", kalya, 43.0, 16.0, true);
390    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya looks north");
392    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn rushes down the stairs", orlinn, 41.0, 16.0, true);
393    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn goes behind Kalya");
395    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn goes behind Kalya", orlinn, 42.6, 17.0, true);
396    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn looks north");
397    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("The crystal opens the door");
399    event = vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("The crystal opens the door", "show_crystal", "show_crystal_update");
400    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Dialogue after crystals appearance");
402    dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create();
403    text = vt_system.Translate("That sign, it is the sign of the ancients! Bronann! Are you alright?");
404    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, kalya, "exclamation");
405    event = vt_map.DialogueEvent.Create("Dialogue after crystals appearance", dialogue);
406    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Bronann gets up", 1200);
408    -- Simply stop the custom animation
409    event = vt_map.ScriptedSpriteEvent.Create("Bronann gets up", bronann, "Terminate_all_events", "");
410    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Dialogue after crystals appearance2", 1000);
412    dialogue = vt_map.SpriteDialogue.Create();
413    text = vt_system.Translate("I'm fine, I guess. The pain faded away.");
414    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, bronann, "Bronann looks south", "");
415    text = vt_system.Translate("Thank the goddess.");
416    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, kalya, "sweat drop");
417    text = vt_system.Translate("Well, the door is open now.");
418    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, kalya, "thinking dots");
419    text = vt_system.Translate("Yiek! Do you really want to go there??");
420    dialogue:AddLineEmote(text, orlinn, "sweat drop");
421    text = vt_system.Translate("I believe we don't really have a choice. Somehow this place... called me.");
422    dialogue:AddLineEventEmote(text, bronann, "Bronann looks north", "", "thinking dots");
423    text = vt_system.Translate("Anyway, let's stick together and we'll be fine as always, right?");
424    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, kalya, "Kalya looks at Orlinn", "");
425    text = vt_system.Translate("I have a bad feeling about all this now.");
426    dialogue:AddLineEvent(text, orlinn, "Orlinn looks at Kalya", "");
427    event = vt_map.DialogueEvent.Create("Dialogue after crystals appearance2", dialogue);
428    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Orlinn goes back to party2");
429    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Kalya goes back to party2");
431    event = vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Orlinn goes back to party2", orlinn, bronann, false);
432    event:AddEventLinkAtEnd("Shrine door opening event end");
434    vt_map.PathMoveSpriteEvent.Create("Kalya goes back to party2", kalya, bronann, false);
436    vt_map.ScriptedEvent.Create("Shrine door opening event end", "shrine_door_opening_event_end", "");
439-- zones
440local to_shrine_zone = nil
441local to_mountain_bridge_zone = nil
442local shrine_door_opening_zone = nil
444-- Create the different map zones triggering events
445function _CreateZones()
446    -- N.B.: left, right, top, bottom
447    to_shrine_zone = vt_map.CameraZone.Create(40, 44, 2, 4);
448    to_mountain_bridge_zone = vt_map.CameraZone.Create(26, 32, 46, 48);
449    shrine_door_opening_zone = vt_map.CameraZone.Create(40, 44, 8, 10);
452-- Check whether the active camera has entered a zone. To be called within Update()
453function _CheckZones()
454    if (to_shrine_zone:IsCameraEntering() == true) then
455        hero:SetMoving(false);
456        if (GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():GetEventValue("triggers", "mt elbrus waterfall trigger") == 0) then
457            EventManager:StartEvent("to mountain shrine");
458        else
459            EventManager:StartEvent("to mountain shrine-waterfalls");
460        end
461    elseif (to_mountain_bridge_zone:IsCameraEntering() == true) then
462        hero:SetMoving(false);
463        EventManager:StartEvent("to mountain bridge");
464    elseif (shrine_door_opening_zone:IsCameraEntering() == true and Map:CurrentState() == vt_map.MapMode.STATE_EXPLORE) then
465        if (GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():GetEventValue("story", "mt_elbrus_shrine_door_opening_event") == 0) then
466            hero:SetMoving(false);
467            EventManager:StartEvent("Shrine door opening event start");
468        end
469    end
472-- Opens the shrine door
473function _open_shrine_door()
474    -- Permit the entrance into the shrine...
475    shrine_entrance_door:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
476    -- Makes the door open
477    local opening_anim_id = shrine_entrance_door:AddAnimation("data/entities/map/objects/door_big1_opening.lua");
478    shrine_entrance_door:SetCurrentAnimation(opening_anim_id);
481-- Set the shrine door as opened
482function _set_shrine_door_open()
483    -- Permit the entrance into the shrine...
484    shrine_entrance_door:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
485    -- Makes the door open
486    local open_anim_id = shrine_entrance_door:AddAnimation("data/entities/map/objects/door_big1_open.lua");
487    shrine_entrance_door:SetCurrentAnimation(open_anim_id);
490function _show_flames()
491    vt_map.SoundObject.Create("data/sounds/campfire.ogg", 33.0, 9.1, 10.0);
492    vt_map.SoundObject.Create("data/sounds/campfire.ogg", 51.0, 9.1, 10.0);
494    vt_map.Halo.Create("data/visuals/lights/torch_light_mask2.lua", 33.0, 9.1 + 3.0,
495        vt_video.Color(0.85, 0.32, 0.0, 0.6));
496    vt_map.Halo.Create("data/visuals/lights/sun_flare_light_main.lua", 33.0, 9.1 + 2.0,
497        vt_video.Color(0.99, 1.0, 0.27, 0.1));
498    vt_map.Halo.Create("data/visuals/lights/torch_light_mask2.lua", 51.0, 9.1 + 3.0,
499        vt_video.Color(0.85, 0.32, 0.0, 0.6));
500    vt_map.Halo.Create("data/visuals/lights/sun_flare_light_main.lua", 51.0, 9.1 + 2.0,
501        vt_video.Color(0.99, 1.0, 0.27, 0.1));
503    shrine_flame1:SetVisible(true);
504    shrine_flame2:SetVisible(true);
507-- Effect time used when applying the heal light effect
508local heal_effect_time = 0;
509local heal_color = vt_video.Color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
511-- Shown when Bronnan feels bad.
512local hurt_effect_time = 0;
513local hurt_color = vt_video.Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
515-- Used in the crystal appearance scene.
516local crystal_appearance_time = 0;
517local ancient_sign_visible = false;
519-- Map Custom functions
520-- Used through scripted events
521map_functions = {
522    heal_party = function()
523        hero:SetMoving(false);
524        -- Should be sufficient to heal anybody
525        local character_handler = GlobalManager:GetCharacterHandler()
526        character_handler:GetActiveParty():AddHitPoints(10000)
527        character_handler:GetActiveParty():AddSkillPoints(10000)
528        Map:SetStamina(10000)
529        Map:RemoveNegativeActiveStatusEffects()
530        AudioManager:PlaySound("data/sounds/heal_spell.wav");
531        heal_effect:SetPosition(hero:GetXPosition(), hero:GetYPosition());
532        heal_effect:Start();
533        heal_effect_time = 0;
534    end,
536    heal_done = function()
537        heal_effect_time = heal_effect_time + SystemManager:GetUpdateTime();
539        if (heal_effect_time < 300.0) then
540            heal_color:SetAlpha(heal_effect_time / 300.0 / 3.0);
541            Map:GetEffectSupervisor():EnableLightingOverlay(heal_color);
542            return false;
543        end
545        if (heal_effect_time < 1000.0) then
546            heal_color:SetAlpha(((1000.0 - heal_effect_time) / 700.0) / 3.0);
547            Map:GetEffectSupervisor():EnableLightingOverlay(heal_color);
548            return false;
549        end
550        return true;
551    end,
553    shrine_entrance_event_start = function()
554        Map:PushState(vt_map.MapMode.STATE_SCENE);
555        hero:SetMoving(false);
557        bronann:SetPosition(hero:GetXPosition(), hero:GetYPosition())
558        bronann:SetDirection(hero:GetDirection())
559        bronann:SetVisible(true)
560        hero:SetVisible(false)
561        Map:SetCamera(bronann)
562        hero:SetPosition(0, 0)
564        kalya:SetPosition(bronann:GetXPosition(), bronann:GetYPosition());
565        kalya:SetVisible(true);
566        orlinn:SetPosition(bronann:GetXPosition(), bronann:GetYPosition());
567        orlinn:SetVisible(true);
568        kalya:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
569        orlinn:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
571        kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event1:SetDestination(bronann:GetXPosition() + 2.0, bronann:GetYPosition(), false);
572        orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event1:SetDestination(bronann:GetXPosition() - 2.0, bronann:GetYPosition(), false);
573    end,
575    camera_to_passage = function()
576        Map:MoveVirtualFocus(15, 30);
577        Map:SetCamera(Map:GetVirtualFocus(), 1000);
578    end,
580    camera_to_hero = function()
581        Map:SetCamera(hero, 2000);
582    end,
584    camera_to_bronann = function()
585        Map:SetCamera(bronann, 2000);
586    end,
588    shrine_entrance_event_end = function()
589        Map:PopState();
590        kalya:SetPosition(0, 0);
591        kalya:SetVisible(false);
592        kalya:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
593        orlinn:SetPosition(0, 0);
594        orlinn:SetVisible(false);
595        orlinn:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
597        hero:SetPosition(bronann:GetXPosition(), bronann:GetYPosition())
598        hero:SetDirection(bronann:GetDirection())
599        hero:SetVisible(true)
600        bronann:SetVisible(false)
601        Map:SetCamera(hero)
602        bronann:SetPosition(0, 0)
604        -- Set event as done
605        GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():SetEventValue("story", "mt_elbrus_shrine_entrance_event", 1);
606    end,
608    shrine_door_opening_event_start = function()
609        Map:PushState(vt_map.MapMode.STATE_SCENE);
610        hero:SetMoving(false);
611    end,
613    shrine_door_opening_event_start2 = function()
614        bronann:SetPosition(hero:GetXPosition(), hero:GetYPosition())
615        bronann:SetDirection(hero:GetDirection())
616        bronann:SetVisible(true)
617        hero:SetVisible(false)
618        Map:SetCamera(bronann)
619        hero:SetPosition(0, 0)
621        kalya:SetPosition(bronann:GetXPosition(), bronann:GetYPosition());
622        kalya:SetVisible(true);
623        orlinn:SetPosition(bronann:GetXPosition(), bronann:GetYPosition());
624        orlinn:SetVisible(true);
625        kalya:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
626        orlinn:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
628        kalya_move_next_to_bronann_event2:SetDestination(bronann:GetXPosition() + 2.0, bronann:GetYPosition(), false);
629        orlinn_move_next_to_bronann_event2:SetDestination(bronann:GetXPosition() - 2.0, bronann:GetYPosition(), false);
630    end,
632    hurt_effect_start = function()
633        hurt_effect_time = 0;
634        AudioManager:PlaySound("data/sounds/heartbeat_slow.wav");
635    end,
637    hurt_effect_update = function()
638        hurt_effect_time = hurt_effect_time + SystemManager:GetUpdateTime();
640        if (hurt_effect_time < 300.0) then
641            hurt_color:SetAlpha(hurt_effect_time / 300.0 / 3.0);
642            Map:GetEffectSupervisor():EnableLightingOverlay(hurt_color);
643            return false;
644        end
646        if (hurt_effect_time < 600.0) then
647            hurt_color:SetAlpha(((600.0 - hurt_effect_time) / 300.0) / 3.0);
648            Map:GetEffectSupervisor():EnableLightingOverlay(hurt_color);
649            return false;
650        end
651        return true;
652    end,
654    show_crystal = function()
655        -- Triggers the crystal appearance
656        GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():SetEventValue("scripts_events", "shrine_entrance_show_crystal", 1)
657        crystal_appearance_time = 0;
658        ancient_sign_visible = false;
659    end,
661    show_crystal_update = function()
662        -- Show the ancient sign on ground.
663        if (ancient_sign_visible == false) then
664            crystal_appearance_time = crystal_appearance_time + SystemManager:GetUpdateTime();
665            if (crystal_appearance_time >= 8000) then
666                shrine_entrance_sign:SetVisible(true);
667                ancient_sign_visible = true;
668                AudioManager:PlaySound("data/sounds/ancient_invocation.wav");
669            end
670        end
671        if (GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():GetEventValue("scripts_events", "shrine_entrance_show_crystal") == 0) then
672            Map:GetEffectSupervisor():ShakeScreen(0.4, 2200, vt_mode_manager.EffectSupervisor.SHAKE_FALLOFF_GRADUAL);
673            AudioManager:PlaySound("data/sounds/cave-in.ogg");
674            _open_shrine_door();
675            -- Show a slight fire spiral effect.
676            Map:GetParticleManager():AddParticleEffect("data/visuals/particle_effects/fire_spiral.lua", 512.0, 284.0);
677            _show_flames();
678            return true;
679        end
680        return false;
681    end,
683    shrine_door_opening_event_end = function()
684        Map:PopState();
685        kalya:SetPosition(0, 0);
686        kalya:SetVisible(false);
687        kalya:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
688        orlinn:SetPosition(0, 0);
689        orlinn:SetVisible(false);
690        orlinn:SetCollisionMask(vt_map.MapMode.NO_COLLISION);
692        hero:SetPosition(bronann:GetXPosition(), bronann:GetYPosition())
693        hero:SetDirection(bronann:GetDirection())
694        hero:SetVisible(true)
695        bronann:SetVisible(false)
696        Map:SetCamera(hero)
697        bronann:SetPosition(0, 0)
699        -- Set event as done
700        GlobalManager:GetGameEvents():SetEventValue("story", "mt_elbrus_shrine_door_opening_event", 1);
701    end,