1package {
2	import bigroom.input.KeyPoll;
3	import flash.display.*;
4	import flash.geom.*;
5  import flash.events.*;
6  import flash.net.*;
7	import flash.desktop.NativeApplication;
9	public class gameclass extends Sprite {
10		public var GAMEMODE:int = 0;
11		public var TITLEMODE:int = 1;
12		public var CLICKTOSTART:int = 2;
13		public var FOCUSMODE:int = 3;
14		public var MAPMODE:int = 4;
15		public var TELEPORTERMODE:int = 5;
16		public var GAMECOMPLETE:int = 6;
17		public var GAMECOMPLETE2:int = 7;
18		public var EDITORMODE:int = 8;
19		public var CONTROLTUTORIALMODE:int = 9;
21		public function gameclass(dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, help:helpclass, music:musicclass):void {
22			platform.init(); //Cross platform specific init
23			NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onActivate);
24			NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, onDeactivate);
26			infocus = true; paused = false; muted = false; globalsound = 1;
27			/*
28			if(device.devicetype != device.MOBILE){
29			  addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, windowNotActive);
30        addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, windowActive);
31			}
32			*/
34			//iOS only, turn off for android
35		  scores.init(stage);
37			//gamestate = GAMEMODE;
38	    hascontrol = true; jumpheld = false; advancetext = false; jumppressed = 0;
39			gravitycontrol = 0; teleport = false; companion = 0; roomchange = false;
41			edteleportent = 0; //Added in the port!
42			teleport_to_new_area = false; mapheld = false; teleport_to_x = 0; teleport_to_y = 0;
43			teleportscript = "";
44			savemystats = false;
45			menukludge = false;
46			quickrestartkludge = false;
48			tapleft = 0; tapright = 0;
50			recording = 0; recordinit = false; playbackfinished = false;
51			recordstring = "";
53			advancetext = false; pausescript = false; completestop = false;
54			activeactivity = -1; act_fade = 0;
55			backgroundtext = false;
56			startscript = false; newscript = "";
57			inintermission = false;
59			alarmon = false; alarmdelay = 0; blackout = false;
60			creditposx = 0; creditposy = 0; creditposdelay = 0;
62			useteleporter = false; teleport_to_teleporter = 0;
64			teleblock = new Rectangle();
65			activetele = false; readytotele = 0;
66			activity_lastprompt = ""; activity_r = 0; activity_g = 0; activity_b = 0;
67			creditposition = 0;
68			bestgamedeaths = -1;
70			//Accessibility Options
71			colourblindmode = false;
72			noflashingmode = false;
73			slowdown = 30;
75			fullscreen = false;// true; //Assumed true at first unless overwritten at some point!
76			advanced_mode = false;
77			advanced_smoothing = true;
78		  advanced_scaling = 0;
80			nodeathmode = false;
81			nocutscenes = false;
83			for (i = 0; i < 50; i++){
84				customscript.push("");
85			}
86			customcol = 0;
88			for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
89				var cstats:Boolean;
90				cstats = false;
91				crewstats.push(cstats);
92				tele_crewstats.push(false);
93				quick_crewstats.push(false);
94				besttimes.push( -1);
95				besttrinkets.push( -1);
96				bestlives.push( -1);
97				bestrank.push( -1);
98			}
99			crewstats[0] = true;
100			lastsaved = 0;
102		  tele_gametime = "00:00";
103		  tele_trinkets = 0;
104		  tele_currentarea = "Error! Error!";
105		  quick_gametime = "00:00";
106		  quick_trinkets = 0;
107		  quick_currentarea = "Error! Error!";
109			//Menu stuff initiliased here:
110			for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
111				menuoptions.push(new String);
112				menuoptions_alt.push(new String);
113				menuoptionsactive.push(new Boolean);
114				menuoptionslayout.push(new int(0));
116				var nb1:Boolean, nb2:Boolean;
117				nb1 = false; nb2 = false;
118				unlock.push(nb1);
119				unlocknotify.push(nb2);
120			}
122			for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) { unlock[i] = false; unlocknotify[i] = false; }
124			nummenuoptions = 0; currentmenuoption = 0;
125		  menuselection = "null"; currentmenuname = "null";
126			menuxoff = 0; menuyoff = 0;
127			menucountdown = 0; menudest="null";
128			createmenu("mainmenu");
130		  deathcounts = 0; gameoverdelay = 0;
131		  frames = 0; seconds = 0; minutes = 0; hours = 0;
132			gamesaved = false;
133			savetime = "00:00"; savearea = "nowhere"; savetrinkets = 0;
135			intimetrial = false;
136      timetrialcountdown = 0; timetrialshinytarget = 0;
137			timetrialparlost = false; timetrialpar = 0; timetrialresulttime = 0;
139	    totalflips = 0;
140		  hardestroom = "Welcome Aboard"; hardestroomdeaths = 0; currentroomdeaths=0;
142			sfpsmode = false; //by default, play at 30 fps
143			inertia = 1.1;
144			swnmode = false; swntimer = 0; swngame = 0;//Not playing sine wave ninja!
145			swnstate = 0; swnstate2 = 0; swnstate3 = 0; swnstate4 = 0;  swndelay = 0; swndeaths = 0;
146			supercrewmate = false; scmhurt = false; scmprogress = 0; scmmoveme = false;
147			swncolstate = 0; swncoldelay = 0;
148			swnrecord = 0; swnbestrank = 0; swnrank = 0; swnmessage = 0;
150			for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
151				customlevelstats.push("");
152				customlevelscore.push(int(0));
153			}
155			clearcustomlevelstats();
157			//Save stuff
158			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
159				var supersave:saveclass = new saveclass();
160				savestate.push(supersave);
161			}
163			telecookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_telesave");
164			quickcookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_quicksave");
165			levelstatscookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_levelstats");
166			for (var i:int = 0; i < editor.playerlevel.length; i++) {
167				customcookie.push(SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_custom_" + String(i)));
168				customcookieexists.push(false);
169				customcookiesummary.push(false);
170			}
172			levelstatscookieloaded = true;
173			if (levelstatscookie.data.num == undefined) {
174        levelstatscookie.data.num = 0;
175      }
177			if (telecookie.data.savex == undefined) {
178        telecookieexists = false; telesummary = "";
179      } else {
180        telecookieexists = true; telesummary = telecookie.data.summary;
181      }
183			if (quickcookie.data.savex == undefined) {
184        quickcookieexists = false; quicksummary = "";
185      } else {
186        quickcookieexists = true; quicksummary = quickcookie.data.summary;
187      }
189			for (i = 0; i < editor.playerlevel.length; i++) {
190				if(customcookie[i].data.savex == undefined) {
191					customcookieexists[i] = false; customcookiesummary[i] = "";
192				} else {
193					customcookieexists[i] = true; customcookiesummary[i] = customcookie[i].data.summary;
194				}
195			}
197			screenshake = flashlight = 0;
199			stat_trinkets = 0;
201			test = false; teststring = "TEST = True";
202			state = 1; statedelay = 0;
203			updatestate(dwgfx, map, obj, help, music);
204		}
206		public function onActivate(e:Event):void {
207			platform.callonwake();
208			infocus = true;
209		}
211		public function onDeactivate(e:Event):void {
212			infocus = false;
213		}
215		public function clearcustomlevelstats():void{
216			//just clearing the arrays
217			for (var i:int = 0; i < 200; i++) {
218				customlevelstats[i] = "";
219				customlevelscore[i] = 0;
220			}
221			numcustomlevelstats = 0;
223			customlevelstatsloaded=false; //To ensure we don't load it where it isn't needed
224		}
226		public function updatecustomlevelstats(clevel:String, cscore:int):void{
227			var tvar:int = -1;
228			for (var j:int = 0; j < numcustomlevelstats; j++) {
229				if (clevel == customlevelstats[j]) {
230					tvar=j;
231					j=numcustomlevelstats+1;
232				}
233			}
235			if (tvar >= 0) {
236				//update existing entry
237				customlevelscore[tvar]=cscore;
238			}else{
239				//add a new entry
240				if (numcustomlevelstats < 200) {
241					customlevelstats[numcustomlevelstats]=clevel;
242					customlevelscore[numcustomlevelstats]=cscore;
243					numcustomlevelstats++;
244				}
245			}
246			savecustomlevelstats();
247		}
249		public function loadcustomlevelstats():void{
250      //Totally rewriten for mobile version, probably broken
251			if (!customlevelstatsloaded) {
252        numcustomlevelstats = levelstatscookie.data.num;
253				if (numcustomlevelstats > 0) {
254          if (numcustomlevelstats >= 200) numcustomlevelstats = 199;
256					var lvlstring:String = levelstatscookie.data.customlevelscore;
257					var values:Array;
258					values = new Array;
259					values = lvlstring.split(",");
260					for (var i:int = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
261            if (i < 200) customlevelscore[i] = int(values[i]);
262          }
264					lvlstring = levelstatscookie.data.customlevelstats;
265					values = new Array;
266					values = lvlstring.split("|");
267					for(i = 0; i < values.length; i++){
268            if (i < 200) customlevelstats[i] = values[i];
269          }
270				}
271			}
272		}
274		public function savecustomlevelstats():void {
275			//Rewritten for mobile
276			levelstatscookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_levelstats");
278			if (numcustomlevelstats >= 200) numcustomlevelstats = 199;
279			levelstatscookie.data.num = numcustomlevelstats;
281			var lvlstring:String = "";
282			for (var i:int = 0; i < numcustomlevelstats; i++) {
283        lvlstring = lvlstring + customlevelscore[i] + ",";
284      }
285			levelstatscookie.data.customlevelscore = lvlstring;
287			lvlstring = ""
288			for (i = 0; i < numcustomlevelstats; i++) {
289        lvlstring = lvlstring + customlevelstats[i] + "|";
290      }
291			levelstatscookie.data.customlevelstats = lvlstring;
293			levelstatscookie.flush();
294			levelstatscookie.close();
295		}
297		public function inittouchpoints(key:KeyPoll):void {
298			if (key.touchPoints > 0) {
299				my = key.touchy[key.touchPoints - 1];
300			}
301		}
303		public function inbox(x:int, y:int, x1:int, y1:int, w:int, h:int):Boolean {
304			if (x >= x1 && x <= x1 + w) {
305				if (y >= y1 && y <= y1 + h) {
306					return true;
307				}
308			}
309			return false;
310		}
312		public var m_touchx:int, m_touchy:int;
313		public var m_pressed:Boolean = false;
314		public var b_gap:int = 40, b_size:int = 26;
316		public function gettouchpoints_mainmenu(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
317			//Checks for last touchpress. For main menu, check to see that you've lifted
318			//your finger before continuing.
319			if (!m_pressed) {
320				if (key.touchPoints > 0) {
321					m_pressed = true;
322					m_touchx = key.touchx[key.touchPoints - 1];
323					m_touchy = key.touchy[key.touchPoints - 1];
324					if (dwgfx.flipmode) m_touchy = dwgfx.devicey - m_touchy;
325					//These coordinates now need to be translated to actual screen coordinates
326					//Gamecenter
327					if(menustart && !showloadingnotice) {
328						if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 0, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing * 2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing * 2))) {
329							//Bring up game center achievements
330							scores.showAchievements();
331						}
332					}
334					m_touchx -= dwgfx.screen.x;
335					m_touchx = m_touchx / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
336					m_touchy = m_touchy / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
338					//Ok! Now we see if we've pressed any buttons!
340					for (i = 0; i < nummenuoptions; i++) {
341						switch(menuoptionslayout[i]) {
342							case 0:
343								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
344									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - 70, 140 + (i * b_gap) + menuyoff - 6, 140, b_size)) {
345										press_action = true;
346										currentmenuoption = i;
347									}
348								}
349							break;
350							case 1:
351								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
352									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - 70, 140 + (i * b_gap) - 10 + menuyoff - 6, 140, b_size * 2)) {
353										press_action = true;
354										currentmenuoption = i;
355									}
356								}
357							break;
358							case 2:
359								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
360									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - 70, 140 + (i * b_gap)+20 + menuyoff - 6, 140, b_size)) {
361										press_action = true;
362										currentmenuoption = i;
363									}
364								}
365							break;
366							case 3:
367								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
368									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, -8, 230 - 6, 70, b_size)) {
369										press_action = true;
370										currentmenuoption = i;
371									}
372								}
373							break;
374							case 4:
375								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
376									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - 90, 140 + (i * b_gap) + menuyoff - 6, 180, b_size)) {
377										press_action = true;
378										currentmenuoption = i;
379									}
380								}
381							break;
382							case 5:
383								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
384									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 10, 140 + (i * 68)-10 + menuyoff - 6, 140, 40)) {
385										press_action = true;
386										currentmenuoption = i;
387									}
388								}
389							break;
390							case 6:
391								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
392									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 170, 140 + ((i-3) * 68)-10 + menuyoff - 6, 140, 40)) {
393										press_action = true;
394										currentmenuoption = i;
395									}
396								}
397							break;
398							case 7:
399								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
400									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, -8, 230 - 6-10, 70, b_size)) {
401										press_action = true;
402										currentmenuoption = i;
403									}
404								}
405							break;
406							case 8:
407								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
408									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 320 - 70, 230 - 6-10, 70, b_size)) {
409										press_action = true;
410										currentmenuoption = i;
411									}
412								}
413							break;
414							case 9:
415								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
416									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - 90, 140 + (i * b_gap) + menuyoff - 6, 180, b_size)) {
417										press_action = true;
418										currentmenuoption = i;
419									}
420								}
421							break;
422							case 10:
423								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
424									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - 70, 240 - b_gap, 140, b_size)) {
425										press_action = true;
426										currentmenuoption = i;
427									}
428								}
429							break;
430							case 11:
431								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
432									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - 140, 140 + (i * 65)-10 + menuyoff - 6, 280, (b_size*2)+5)) {
433										press_action = true;
434										currentmenuoption = i;
435									}
436								}
437							break;
438							case 12:
439								if (menuoptionsactive[i]) {
440									if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 320 - 70, 0, 70, b_size+10)) {
441										press_action = true;
442										currentmenuoption = i;
443									}
444								}
445							break;
446						}
448						if (!menustart) press_action = true;
449					}
450				}
451			}else {
452				if (key.touchPoints == 0) {
453					m_pressed = false;
454				}
455			}
456		}
459		public function gettouchpoints_gamemenu(key:KeyPoll, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
460			//Buttons for in game menu!
461			if (!m_pressed) {
462				if (key.touchPoints > 0) {
463					m_pressed = true;
464					m_touchx = key.touchx[key.touchPoints - 1];
465					m_touchy = key.touchy[key.touchPoints - 1];
466					if (dwgfx.flipmode) m_touchy = dwgfx.devicey - m_touchy;
468					if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, dwgfx.devicex - dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width - dwgfx.buttonxspacing, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing*2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing*2) )) {
469						press_map = true;
470					}
471					if(menupage == 0){
472						if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 0, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[1].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing*2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[1].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing*2) )) {
473							menupage = 30;
474							music.playef(11, 10);
475						}
476					}
478					//These coordinates now need to be translated to actual screen coordinates
479					m_touchx -= dwgfx.screen.x;
480					m_touchx = m_touchx / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
481					m_touchy = m_touchy / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
483					//Ok! Now we see if we've pressed any buttons!
484					if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 30 - 8-10, 220-20, 56+20, b_size+40)) {
485						//Press map button
486						//disablekludge_1 = !disablekludge_1;
487						menupage = 0;
488						music.playef(11, 10);
489					}else if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 103-10, 220-20, 56+20, b_size+40)) {
490						//Press crew button
491						//disablekludge_2 = !disablekludge_2;
492						menupage = 1;
493						music.playef(11, 10);
494					}else if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 185-4-10, 220-20, 56+20, b_size+40)) {
495						//Press stats button
496						//disablekludge_3 = !disablekludge_3;
497						menupage = 2;
498						music.playef(11, 10);
499					}else if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 258-10, 220-20, 56+20, b_size+40)) {
500						//Press quit button
501						//disablekludge_4 = !disablekludge_4;
502						menupage = 3;
503						music.playef(11, 10);
504					}
506					if (menupage == 1 && !insecretlab && obj.flags[67] == 1) {
507						if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 + 4 - 24-20, 110-20, (8 * 6)+40, b_size+40)) {
508							//Warp to ship!
509							press_action = true;
510						}
511					}
512					if (menupage == 3 || menupage == 10 || menupage == 20) {
513						if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 + 4 - 24-20, 110-20, (8 * 6)+40, b_size+40)) {
514							//Press quit button
515							press_action = true;
516						}
517					}
518					if (menupage == 30) {
519						//Change controls
520						if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - (12 * 8) - 20-10, 156-20, (8 * 8)+20, b_size+40)) {
521							if(controlstyle!=0){
522								controlstyle = 0;
523								music.playef(11, 10);
524								savemystats = true;
525							}
526						}
527						if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - (4 * 8)-20, 156-10, (8 * 8)+20, b_size+40)) {
528							if(controlstyle!=1){
529								controlstyle = 1;
530								music.playef(11, 10);
531								savemystats = true;
532							}
533						}
534						if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 + (4 * 8)+20-10, 156-20, (8 * 8)+20, b_size+40)) {
535							if(controlstyle!=2){
536								controlstyle = 2;
537								music.playef(11, 10);
538								savemystats = true;
539							}
540						}
541					}
543				}
544			}else {
545				if (key.touchPoints == 0) {
546					m_pressed = false;
547				}
548			}
549		}
551		public function gettouchpoints_teleportmenu(key:KeyPoll, music:musicclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
552			//Buttons for in game menu!
553			if (!m_pressed) {
554				if (key.touchPoints > 0) {
555					m_pressed = true;
556					m_touchx = key.touchx[key.touchPoints - 1];
557					m_touchy = key.touchy[key.touchPoints - 1];
558					if (dwgfx.flipmode) m_touchy = dwgfx.devicey - m_touchy;
559					//These coordinates now need to be translated to actual screen coordinates
560					m_touchx -= dwgfx.screen.x;
561					m_touchx = m_touchx / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
562					m_touchy = m_touchy / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
564					//Ok! Now we see if we've pressed any buttons!
565					if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 5+10-20, 220-10-20, 64+40, b_size+40)) {
566						//Press left
567						press_left = true;
568						music.playef(11, 10);
569					}else if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy,320 - 5 - 64-20, 220-10-20, 64+40, b_size+40)) {
570						//Press right
571						press_right = true;
572						music.playef(11, 10);
573					}else if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 - 40+4-20, 220-20, 64+16+40, b_size+40)) {
574						//Press teleport
575						press_map = true;
576						music.playef(11, 10);
577					}
578				}
579			}else {
580				if (key.touchPoints == 0) {
581					m_pressed = false;
582				}
583			}
584		}
586		public function gettouchpoints_gamecomplete(key:KeyPoll, music:musicclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
587			//Buttons for in game menu!
588			if (!m_pressed) {
589				if (key.touchPoints > 0) {
590					/*
591					m_touchx = key.touchx[key.touchPoints - 1];
592					m_touchy = key.touchy[key.touchPoints - 1];
593					if (dwgfx.flipmode) m_touchy = dwgfx.devicey - m_touchy;
594					//These coordinates now need to be translated to actual screen coordinates
595					m_touchx -= dwgfx.screen.x;
596					m_touchx = m_touchx / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
597					m_touchy = m_touchy / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
598					*/
599					press_action = true;
601				}
602			}else {
603				if (key.touchPoints == 0) {
604					m_pressed = false;
605				}
606			}
607		}
609		public function gettouchpoints_controltutorial(key:KeyPoll, music:musicclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
610			//Buttons for in game menu!
611			if (!m_pressed) {
612				if (key.touchPoints > 0) {
613					m_pressed = true;
614					m_touchx = key.touchx[key.touchPoints - 1];
615					m_touchy = key.touchy[key.touchPoints - 1];
616					if (dwgfx.flipmode) m_touchy = dwgfx.devicey - m_touchy;
617					//These coordinates now need to be translated to actual screen coordinates
618					m_touchx -= dwgfx.screen.x;
619					m_touchx = m_touchx / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
620					m_touchy = m_touchy / dwgfx.screensizemultiplier;
622					//Ok! Now we see if we've pressed any buttons!
623					if (inbox(m_touchx, m_touchy, 160 + 4 - 24-20, 200-20, (8 * 7)+40, b_size+40)) {
624						//Press continue
625						press_action = true;
626						music.playef(11, 10);
627					}
628				}
629			}else {
630				if (key.touchPoints == 0) {
631					m_pressed = false;
632				}
633			}
634		}
636		public function gettouchpoints(key:KeyPoll, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
637			//Iterate through touch points, find buttons that are being pressed
638			switch(controlstyle) {
639				case 0:
640					//Swipe controls
641					for (i = 0; i < key.touchPoints; i++) {
642						/*if (inbox(key.touchx[i], key.touchy[i], 0, dwgfx.buttonpos[0].y - 100, dwgfx.buttonsize + dwgfx.buttonxspacing+ (dwgfx.buttonxspacing/2), dwgfx.buttonsize + 200)) {
643							press_left = true;
644						}else if (inbox(key.touchx[i], key.touchy[i], dwgfx.buttonpos[1].x - (dwgfx.buttonxspacing/2), dwgfx.buttonpos[1].y - 100, dwgfx.buttonsize + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing*3), dwgfx.buttonsize + 200)) {
645							press_right = true;
646						}else
647						*/
648						if (insecretlab) {
649							if (inbox(key.touchx[i],  key.touchy[i], 0, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing * 2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing * 2) )) {
650								scores.opengamecenter();
651								press_map = true;
652							}
653						}
654						if (inbox(key.touchx[i],  key.touchy[i], dwgfx.devicex - dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width - dwgfx.buttonxspacing, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing*2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing*2) )) {
655							press_map = true;
656						}else {
657							if (key.touchid[i] != key.controlstick) {
658								press_action = true;
659							}
660						}
661					}
663					if (key.pushleft) press_left = true;
664					if (key.pushright) press_right = true;
665				break;
666				case 1:
667				  //both sides
668					for (i = 0; i < key.touchPoints; i++) {
669						//if (inbox(key.touchx[i], key.touchy[i], 0, 0, dwgfx.devicex, dwgfx.devicey / 4)) {
670						//	press_action = true;
671						//}else
672						if (insecretlab) {
673							if (inbox(key.touchx[i],  key.touchy[i], 0, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing * 2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing * 2) )) {
674								scores.opengamecenter();
675								press_map = true;
676							}
677						}
678						if (inbox(key.touchx[i],  key.touchy[i], dwgfx.devicex - dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width - dwgfx.buttonxspacing, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing*2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing*2) )) {
679							press_map = true;
680						}else{
681							if (inbox(key.touchx[i], key.touchy[i], 0, 0, dwgfx.devicex / 2, dwgfx.devicey)) {
682								press_left = true;
683							}else if (inbox(key.touchx[i], key.touchy[i], dwgfx.devicex / 2, 0, dwgfx.devicex / 2, dwgfx.devicey)) {
684								press_right = true;
685							}
686						}
687					}
689					/*
690					if (last_action > 0) {
691						if (!press_left || !press_right) {
692							last_action = 0;
693						}else {
694							press_left = false;
695							press_right = false;
696						}
697					}
698					*/
700					//if (last_action > 0) {
701						if (press_left && press_right) {
702							if (last_left > 0 && last_right > 0) {
703								press_left = false;
704								press_right = false;
705								press_action = true;
706								last_action = 1;
707							}else if (last_left > 0 && last_right == 0) {
708								press_right = false;
709								press_action = true;
710							}else	if (last_left == 0 && last_right > 0) {
711								press_left = false;
712								press_action = true;
713							}
714						}
715					//}
717					if (press_left) {
718						last_left = 2;
719					}else {
720						if (last_left > 0) last_left--;
721					}
722					if (press_right) {
723						last_right = 2;
724					}else {
725						if (last_right > 0) last_right--;
726					}
727				break;
728				case 2:
729					//D-Pad controls
730					for (i = 0; i < key.touchPoints; i++) {
731						if (insecretlab) {
732							if (inbox(key.touchx[i],  key.touchy[i], 0, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing * 2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing * 2) )) {
733								scores.opengamecenter();
734								press_map = true;
735							}
736						}
737						if (inbox(key.touchx[i],  key.touchy[i], dwgfx.devicex - dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width - dwgfx.buttonxspacing, 0, dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].width + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing*2), dwgfx.buttonscreen[0].height + (dwgfx.buttonyspacing*2) )) {
738							press_map = true;
739						}else if (inbox(key.touchx[i], key.touchy[i], 0, dwgfx.buttonpos[2].y - (dwgfx.devicey*2/3), dwgfx.buttonsize + dwgfx.buttonxspacing+ (dwgfx.buttonxspacing/2), dwgfx.devicey)) {
740							press_left = true;
741						}else if (inbox(key.touchx[i], key.touchy[i], dwgfx.buttonpos[3].x - (dwgfx.buttonxspacing / 2), dwgfx.buttonpos[3].y -(dwgfx.devicey*2 / 3), dwgfx.buttonsize + (dwgfx.buttonxspacing * 5), dwgfx.devicey)) {
742							press_right = true;
743						}else if (key.touchx[i] > dwgfx.devicex / 2) {
744							press_action = true;
745						}
746					}
747				break;
748			}
749		}
751		public function windowNotActive(e:Event):void{ infocus = false; }
752    public function windowActive(e:Event):void{ infocus = true; }
754		public function customstart(obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void{
755			jumpheld = true;
757			savex = edsavex;
758			savey = edsavey;
759			saverx = edsaverx;
760			savery = edsavery;
762			savegc = edsavegc;
763			savedir = edsavedir; //Worldmap Start
764			//savex = 6 * 8; savey = 15 * 8; saverx = 46; savery = 54; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Final Level Current
765			savepoint = 0;
766			gravitycontrol = savegc;
768			coins = 0;
769			trinkets = 0;
770      crewmates = 0;
772			//state = 2; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 10; //Not dead, in game initilisation state
773			state = 0;
774			deathseq = -1;
775			lifeseq = 0;
777			//let's teleport in!
778			//state = 2500;
779			//if (!nocutscenes) music.play(5);
780		}
782		public function start(obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void {
783			jumpheld = true;
785			savex = 232; savey = 113; saverx = 104; savery = 110; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start
786			//savex = 6 * 8; savey = 15 * 8; saverx = 46; savery = 54; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Final Level Current
787		  savepoint = 0;
788		  gravitycontrol = savegc;
790		  coins = 0; trinkets = 0;
792		  //state = 2; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 10; //Not dead, in game initilisation state
793		  state = 0; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 0;
795			//let's teleport in!
796			//state = 2500;
797		  if (!nocutscenes) music.play(5);
798		}
801		public function startspecial(t:int, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void {
802			jumpheld = true;
804			switch(t) {
805				case 0: //Secret Lab
806			    savex = 104; savey = 169; saverx = 118; savery = 106; savegc = 0; savedir = 1;
807				break;
808				case 1: //Intermission 1 (any)
809			    savex = 80; savey = 57; saverx = 41; savery = 56; savegc = 0; savedir = 0;
810				break;
811				default:
812				  savex = 232; savey = 113; saverx = 104; savery = 110; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start
813				break;
814			}
816		  savepoint = 0;
817		  gravitycontrol = savegc;
818		  coins = 0; trinkets = 0;
819		  state = 0; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 0;
820		}
822		public function starttrial(t:int, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void {
823			jumpheld = true;
825			switch(t) {
826				case 0: //Space Station 1
827			    savex = 200; savey = 161; saverx = 113; savery = 105; savegc = 0; savedir = 1;
828				break;
829				case 1: //Lab
830			    savex = 191; savey = 33; saverx = 102; savery = 116; savegc = 0; savedir = 1;
831				break;
832				case 2: //Tower
833			    savex = 84; savey = 193, saverx = 108; savery = 109; savegc = 0; savedir = 1;
834				break;
835				case 3: //Space Station 2
836			    savex = 148; savey = 38; saverx = 112; savery = 114; savegc = 1; savedir = 0;
837				break;
838				case 4: //Warp
839			    savex = 52; savey = 73; saverx = 114; savery = 101; savegc = 0; savedir = 1;
840				break;
841				case 5: //Final
842				  savex = 101; savey = 113; saverx = 46; savery = 54; savegc = 0; savedir = 1;
843				break;
844				default:
845				  savex = 232; savey = 113; saverx = 104; savery = 110; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start
846				break;
847			}
849		  savepoint = 0;
850		  gravitycontrol = savegc;
852		  coins = 0; trinkets = 0;
854		  //state = 2; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 10; //Not dead, in game initilisation state
855		  state = 0; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 0;
856		}
858		public function starttest(obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void {
859			jumpheld = true;
861		  //savex = 19*8; savey = 17*8; saverx = 50; savery = 50; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Generic Start
863			//savex = 19*8; savey = 18*8; saverx = 114; savery = 101; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Warp Zone Start
864			//savex = 20*8; savey = 18*8; saverx = 113; savery = 100; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Warp Zone current
866			//savex = 6 * 8; savey = 6 * 8; saverx = 113; savery = 105; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Space Station Start
867			//savex = 6 * 8; savey = 6 * 8; saverx = 50; savery = 42; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Space Station Reversal
868			//savex = 16 * 8; savey = 10 * 8; saverx = 116; savery = 107; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Space Station Tele
870			//savex = 5 * 8; savey = 5 * 8; saverx = 112; savery = 114; savegc = 1; savedir = 1; //Space Station 2 Start
871			//savex = 22*8; savey = 10*8; saverx = 113; savery = 108; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Space Station 2 Tele1
872			//savex = 9*8; savey = 13*8; saverx = 118; savery = 108; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Space Station 2 s.driller
873			//savex = 10*8; savey = 22*8; saverx = 111; savery = 107; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Space Station 2 ending
874			//savex = 24*8; savey = 26*8; saverx = 53; savery = 52; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Actual start
875			//savex = 5 * 8; savey = 5 * 8; saverx = 117; savery = 108; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Space Station 2 wip
877      //savex = 18 * 8; savey = 24 * 8; saverx = 100; savery = 116; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Lab outside, start
878			//savex = 17 * 8; savey = 24 * 8; saverx = 107; savery = 115; savegc = 1; savedir = 1; //Lab tele
879			//savex = 31 * 8; savey = 12 * 8; saverx = 49; savery = 54; savegc = 1; savedir = 1; //Lab, final bit
880			//savex = 19 * 8; savey = 14 * 8; saverx = 104; savery = 102; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Lab, ending
882			//savex = 20; savey = 680*8; saverx = 109; savery = 101; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //The tower
883		  //savex = 6 * 8; savey = 6 * 8; saverx = 108; savery = 109; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Area just before tower
884		  //savex = 6 * 8; savey = 6 * 8; saverx = 110; savery = 104; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Area after tower
885		  //savex = 70; savey = 129; saverx = 1; savery = 1; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //The testbed
887			//savex = 14 * 8; savey = 15 * 8; saverx = 102; savery = 111; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start
888			//savex = 19 * 8; savey = 13 * 8; saverx = 114; savery = 117; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Warp zone entrance
889			//savex = 19 * 8; savey = 13 * 8; saverx = 110; savery = 109; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //The Elephant
891			//savex = 16 * 8; savey = 15 * 8; saverx = 46; savery = 54; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Final Level Start
892			//savex = 5 * 8; savey = 15 * 8; saverx = 41; savery = 52; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Final Level Midpoint
893			//savex = (5-3) * 8; savey = (5+2) * 8; saverx = 52-2; savery = 53; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Final Level End
895			//savex = 6 * 8; savey = 6 * 8; saverx = 117; savery = 107; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Space Station Start
897			savex = 13 * 8; savey = 129; saverx = 102; savery = 111; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start **********
898			//savex = 13 * 8; savey = (19 * 8)-22; saverx = 107; savery = 108; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Worldmap Start
900			//savex = 228; savey = 129; saverx = 53; savery = 49; savegc = 0; savedir = 0; //Intermission level 2
901			//savex = 80; savey = 57; saverx = 41; savery = 56; savegc = 0; savedir = 0; //Intermission level 1
902			//savex = 215; savey = 33; saverx = 52-1; savery = 56; savegc = 0; savedir = 0; //Intermission level 1
904			//savex = 104; savey = 169; saverx = 118; savery = 106; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Secret Lab
905			//savex = 132; savey = 137; saverx = 119; savery = 107; savegc = 0; savedir = 1; //Secret Lab (beside gravitron)
907			savepoint = 0;
908		  gravitycontrol = savegc;
910		  coins = 0; trinkets = 0;
912		  state = 0; deathseq = -1; lifeseq = 10;
914		  //music.play(1);
915		}
917		//Menu stuff first!
918		public function createmenu(t:String):void {
919			var tcount:int, i:int, tvar:int, j:int;
920			for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) menuoptionslayout[i] = 0;
922			currentmenuoption = 0; menuselection = "null"; currentmenuname = t;
923			menuxoff = 0; menuyoff = 0;
924			menucountdown = 0; menudest="null";
926			if (mobilemenu) {
927				if (t == "mainmenu") {
928					showloadingnotice = false;
929					menuoptions[0] = "play";
930					menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
931					menuoptionslayout[0] = 1;
932					menuoptions[1] = "player worlds";
933					menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
934					menuoptionslayout[1] = 2;
935					/*menuoptions[2] = "super gravitron";
936					menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
937					menuoptionslayout[2] = 2;
938					*/
939					menuoptions[2] = "options";
940					menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
941					menuoptionslayout[2] = 7;
942					menuoptions[3] = "credits";
943					menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
944					menuoptionslayout[3] = 8;
945					menuoptions[4] = "more games";
946					menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
947					menuoptionslayout[4] = 12;
948					nummenuoptions = 5;
949					menuxoff = -16;
950					menuyoff = -50+20;
951				}else if (t == "playerworlds"){
952					menuoptions[0] = "play a level";
953					menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
954					menuoptions[1] = "level editor";
955					menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
956					menuoptions[2] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
957					menuoptionslayout[2] = 3;
958					nummenuoptions = 3;
959					menuxoff = -30;
960					menuyoff = -40-(12*2);
961				}else if (t == "quickloadlevel") {
962					menuoptions[0] = "continue from save";
963					menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
964					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4;
965					menuoptions[1] = "start from beginning";
966					menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
967					menuoptionslayout[1] = 4;
968					menuoptions[2] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
969					menuoptionslayout[2] = 3;
970					nummenuoptions = 3;
971					menuxoff = -40;
972					menuyoff = -30-(12*2);
973				}else if (t == "youwannaquit") {
974					menuoptions[0] = "yes, quit";     menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
975					menuoptions[1] = "no, return";  menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
976					nummenuoptions = 2;
977					menuxoff = 0;	menuyoff = -20-(12*2);
978				}else if (t == "levellist"){
979					if (editor.ListOfMetaData.length == 0) {
980						menuoptions[0] = "ok";
981						menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
982						nummenuoptions = 1;
983						menuxoff = 0;
984						menuyoff = -20;
985					}else{
986						tcount = 0;
987						for (i = 0; i < editor.ListOfMetaData.length; i++) {
988							if (i >= levelpage * 3 && i < (levelpage * 3) + 3) {
989								//This is, er, suboptimal. Whatever, life optimisation and all that
990								tvar = -1;
991								for (j = 0; j < numcustomlevelstats; j++) {
992									if (editor.ListOfMetaData[i].filename == customlevelstats[j]) {
993										tvar = customlevelscore[j];
994										j=numcustomlevelstats+1;
995									}
996								}
997								/*
998								if(tvar>=0){
999									if(customlevelscore[tvar]==0){
1000										menuoptions[tcount] = "   " + editor.ListOfMetaData[i].title;
1001									}else if(customlevelscore[tvar]==1){
1002										menuoptions[tcount] = " * " + editor.ListOfMetaData[i].title;
1003									}else if(customlevelscore[tvar]==3){
1004										menuoptions[tcount] = "** " + editor.ListOfMetaData[i].title;
1005									}
1006								}else{
1007									menuoptions[tcount] = "   " + editor.ListOfMetaData[i].title;
1008								}
1009								*/
1010								menuoptions[tcount] = String(i);
1011								menuoptions_alt[tcount] = String(tvar);
1012								menuoptionsactive[tcount] = true;
1013								menuoptionslayout[tcount] = 11;
1014								menuoptions[tcount] = menuoptions[tcount].toLowerCase();
1015								tcount++;
1016							}
1017						}
1018						if((levelpage*3)+3<editor.ListOfMetaData.length){
1019							menuoptions[tcount] = "next page";
1020							menuoptionsactive[tcount] = true;
1021							menuoptionslayout[tcount] = 10;
1022							tcount++;
1023						}else{
1024							menuoptions[tcount] = "first page";
1025							menuoptionsactive[tcount] = true;
1026							menuoptionslayout[tcount] = 10;
1027							tcount++;
1028						}
1030						menuoptions[tcount] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[tcount] = true;
1031						menuoptionslayout[tcount] = 3;
1032						tcount++;
1034						nummenuoptions = tcount;
1035						menuxoff = -90;
1036						menuyoff = -120;
1037					}
1038				}else if (t == "graphicoptions") {
1039					if (advanced_mode) {
1040						if(fullscreen){
1041							menuoptions[0] = "change to windowed mode";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1042						}else {
1043							menuoptions[0] = "change to fullscreen";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1044						}
1045						menuoptions[1] = "enable acceleration";      menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1046						menuoptions[2] = "change scaling mode";      menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1047						if (advanced_smoothing) {
1048							menuoptions[3] = "disable smoothing";      menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1049						}else{
1050							menuoptions[3] = "enable smoothing";      menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1051						}
1052						menuoptions[4] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1053						menuoptionslayout[4] = 3;
1054						nummenuoptions = 5;
1055						menuxoff = -50;	menuyoff = 16-(12*4);
1056					}else{
1057						if(fullscreen){
1058							menuoptions[0] = "change to windowed mode";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1059						}else {
1060							menuoptions[0] = "change to fullscreen";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1061						}
1062						menuoptions[1] = "disable acceleration";      menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1063						menuoptions[2] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1064						menuoptionslayout[2] = 3;
1065						nummenuoptions = 3;
1066						menuxoff = -50;	menuyoff = 16-(12*2);
1067					}
1068				}else if (t == "options") {
1069					menuoptions[0] = "accessibility options";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1070					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4;
1071					menuoptions[1] = "unlock play modes";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1072					menuoptionslayout[1] = 4;
1073					menuoptions[2] = "clear data";            menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1074					menuoptionslayout[2] = 4;
1075					menuoptions[3] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1076					menuoptionslayout[3] = 3;
1077					nummenuoptions = 4;
1078					menuxoff = -40;	menuyoff = -30-(12*3);
1079				}else if (t == "accessibility") {
1080					menuoptions[0] = "animated backgrounds";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1081					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4;
1082					menuoptions[1] = "screen effects";     		 		menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1083					menuoptionslayout[1] = 4;
1084					//menuoptions[2] = "invincibility";  						menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1085					//menuoptions[3] = "slowdown";            			menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1086					menuoptions[2] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1087					menuoptionslayout[2] = 3;
1088					nummenuoptions = 3;
1089					menuxoff = -40;	menuyoff = 16-(12*2);
1090				}else if (t == "cleardatamenu") {
1091					menuoptions[0] = "no! don't delete";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1092					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4;
1093					menuoptions[1] = "delete everything";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1094					menuoptionslayout[1] = 4;
1095					nummenuoptions = 2;
1096					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 32-(12*2)-32;
1097				}else if (t == "setinvincibility") {
1098					menuoptions[0] = "no, return to options";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1099					menuoptions[1] = "yes, delete saves";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1100					nummenuoptions = 2;
1101					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 64-(12*2);
1102				}else if (t == "setslowdown1") {
1103					menuoptions[0] = "no, return to options";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1104					menuoptions[1] = "yes, delete saves";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1105					nummenuoptions = 2;
1106					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 64-(12*2);
1107				}else if (t == "setslowdown2") {
1108					menuoptions[0] = "normal speed";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1109					menuoptions[1] = "80% speed";     		 		menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1110					menuoptions[2] = "60% speed";  						menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1111					menuoptions[3] = "40% speed";            			menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1112					nummenuoptions = 4;
1113					menuxoff = -40;	menuyoff = 16-(12*3);
1114				}else if (t == "unlockmenu") {
1115					menuoptions[0] = "unlock time trials";           menuoptionsactive[0] = true; menuoptionslayout[0] = 9;
1116					menuoptions[1] = "unlock intermissions";         menuoptionsactive[1] = !unlock[16]; menuoptionslayout[1] = 9;
1117					menuoptions[2] = "unlock no death mode";  			 menuoptionsactive[2] = !unlock[17];menuoptionslayout[2] = 9;
1118					menuoptions[3] = "unlock flip mode";             menuoptionsactive[3] = !unlock[18];menuoptionslayout[3] = 9;
1119					menuoptions[4] = "unlock ship jukebox";          menuoptionsactive[4] = (stat_trinkets<20);menuoptionslayout[4] = 9;
1120					menuoptions[5] = "unlock secret lab";            menuoptionsactive[5] = !unlock[8];menuoptionslayout[5] = 9;
1122					menuoptions_alt[0] = "time trials unlocked";
1123					menuoptions_alt[1] = "intermissions unlocked";
1124					menuoptions_alt[2] = "no death mode unlocked";
1125					menuoptions_alt[3] = "flip mode unlocked";
1126					menuoptions_alt[4] = "ship jukebox unlocked";
1127					menuoptions_alt[5] = "secret lab unlocked";
1129					menuoptions[6] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[6] = true;
1130					menuoptionslayout[6] = 3;
1132					nummenuoptions = 7;
1133					menuxoff = -70;	menuyoff = -55-(12*6);
1134				}else if (t == "credits") {
1135					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1136					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1137					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1138					nummenuoptions = 2;
1139					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1140				}else if (t == "credits2") {
1141					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1142					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1143					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1144					nummenuoptions = 2;
1145					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1146				}else if (t == "credits3") {
1147					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1148					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1149					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1150					nummenuoptions = 2;
1151					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1152				}else if (t == "credits4") {
1153					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1154					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1155					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1156					nummenuoptions = 2;
1157					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1158				}else if (t == "credits5") {
1159					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1160					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1161					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1162					nummenuoptions = 2;
1163					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1164				}else if (t == "credits6") {
1165					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1166					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1167					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1168					nummenuoptions = 2;
1169					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1170				}else if (t == "credits7") {
1171					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1172					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1173					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1174					nummenuoptions = 2;
1175					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1176				}else if (t == "credits8") {
1177					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1178					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1179					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1180					nummenuoptions = 2;
1181					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1182				}else if (t == "credits9") {
1183					menuoptions[0] = "first page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1184					menuoptions[1] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1185					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1186					nummenuoptions = 2;
1187					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1188				}else if (t == "play") {
1189					//Ok, here's where the unlock stuff comes into it:
1190					//First up, time trials:
1191					temp = 0;
1192					if (unlock[0] && stat_trinkets >= 3 && !unlocknotify[9]) temp++;
1193					if (unlock[1] && stat_trinkets >= 6 && !unlocknotify[10]) temp++;
1194					if (unlock[2] && stat_trinkets >= 9 && !unlocknotify[11]) temp++;
1195					if (unlock[3] && stat_trinkets >= 12 && !unlocknotify[12]) temp++;
1196					if (unlock[4] && stat_trinkets >= 15 && !unlocknotify[13]) temp++;
1197					if (unlock[5] && stat_trinkets >= 18 && !unlocknotify[14]) temp++;
1198					if (temp > 0) {
1199						//you've unlocked a time trial!
1200						if (unlock[0] && stat_trinkets >= 3) { unlocknotify[9] = true; unlock[9] = true; }
1201						if (unlock[1] && stat_trinkets >= 6) { unlocknotify[10] = true; unlock[10] = true; }
1202						if (unlock[2] && stat_trinkets >= 9) { unlocknotify[11] = true; unlock[11] = true; }
1203						if (unlock[3] && stat_trinkets >= 12) { unlocknotify[12] = true; unlock[12] = true; }
1204						if (unlock[4] && stat_trinkets >= 15) { unlocknotify[13] = true; unlock[13] = true; }
1205						if (unlock[5] && stat_trinkets >= 18) { unlocknotify[14] = true; unlock[14] = true; }
1207						if (temp == 1) {
1208							createmenu("unlocktimetrial"); savemystats = true;
1209						}else if (temp > 1) {
1210							createmenu("unlocktimetrials"); savemystats = true;
1211						}
1212					}else {
1213						//Alright, we haven't unlocked any time trials. How about no death mode?
1214						temp = 0;
1215						if (bestrank[0] >= 2) temp++;
1216						if (bestrank[1] >= 2) temp++;
1217						if (bestrank[2] >= 2) temp++;
1218						if (bestrank[3] >= 2) temp++;
1219						if (bestrank[4] >= 2) temp++;
1220						if (bestrank[5] >= 2) temp++;
1221						if (temp >= 4 && !unlocknotify[17]) {
1222							//Unlock No Death Mode
1223							unlocknotify[17] = true; unlock[17] = true;
1224							createmenu("unlocknodeathmode");
1225							savemystats = true;
1226						}else{
1227							//Alright then! Flip mode?
1228							if (unlock[5] && !unlocknotify[18]) {
1229								unlock[18] = true; unlocknotify[18] = true;
1230								createmenu("unlockflipmode");
1231								savemystats = true;
1232							}else {
1233								//What about the intermission levels?
1234								if (unlock[7] && !unlocknotify[16]) {
1235									unlock[16] = true; unlocknotify[16] = true;
1236									createmenu("unlockintermission");
1237									savemystats = true;
1238								}else {
1239									//ok, secret lab! no notification, but test:
1240									if (unlock[8]) {
1241										createmenu("playsecretlab");
1242									}else{
1243										menuoptions[0] = "continue";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1244										menuoptions[1] = "play modes";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1245										menuoptions[2] = "new game";      menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1246										menuoptions[3] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1247										menuoptionslayout[3] = 3;
1248										nummenuoptions = 4;
1249										menuxoff = -20;	menuyoff = -30 -(12*3);
1250									}
1251								}
1252							}
1253						}
1254					}
1255				}else if (t == "unlocktimetrial" || t == "unlocktimetrials") {
1256					menuoptions[0] = "continue";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1257					nummenuoptions = 1;
1258					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 70;
1259				}else if (t == "unlocknodeathmode") {
1260					menuoptions[0] = "continue";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1261					nummenuoptions = 1;
1262					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 70;
1263				}else if (t == "unlockintermission") {
1264					menuoptions[0] = "continue";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1265					nummenuoptions = 1;
1266					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 70;
1267				}else if (t == "unlockflipmode") {
1268					menuoptions[0] = "continue";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1269					nummenuoptions = 1;
1270					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 70;
1271				}else if (t == "playsecretlab") {
1272					menuoptions[0] = "continue";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1273					menuoptions[1] = "secret lab";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1274					menuoptions[2] = "play modes";  	menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1275					menuoptions[3] = "new game";      menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1276					menuoptions[4] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1277					menuoptionslayout[4] = 3;
1278					nummenuoptions = 5;
1279					menuxoff = -40;	menuyoff = -35-(12*4);
1280				}else if (t == "newgamewarning") {
1281					menuoptions[0] = "start new game";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1282					menuoptions[1] = "< back";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1283					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1284					nummenuoptions = 2;
1285					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 64-(16*2)-32;
1286				}else if (t == "flipmode_mobile") {
1287					menuoptions[0] = "change flip mode";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1288					menuoptions[1] = "< back";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1289					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1290					nummenuoptions = 2;
1291					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 64-(16*2);
1292				}else if (t == "playmodes") {
1293					menuoptions[0] = "time trials";    menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1294					menuoptions[1] = "intermissions";      menuoptionsactive[1] = unlock[16];
1295					menuoptions[2] = "no death mode";  	menuoptionsactive[2] = unlock[17];
1296					menuoptions[3] = "flip mode";      menuoptionsactive[3] = unlock[18];
1297					menuoptions[4] = "< back";      menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1298					menuoptionslayout[4] = 3;
1299					nummenuoptions = 5;
1300					menuxoff = -70;	menuyoff = -35-(12*4);
1301				}else if (t == "intermissionmenu") {
1302					menuoptions[0] = "play intermission 1";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1303					menuoptions[1] = "play intermission 2";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1304					menuoptions[2] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1305					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4; menuoptionslayout[1] = 4;
1306					menuoptionslayout[2] = 3;
1307					nummenuoptions = 3;
1308					menuxoff = -50;	menuyoff = -35-(12*2);
1309				}else if (t == "playint1") {
1310					menuoptions[0] = "Vitellary";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1311					menuoptions[1] = "Vermilion";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1312					menuoptions[2] = "Verdigris";  	menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1313					menuoptions[3] = "Victoria";  	menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1314					menuoptions[4] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1315					menuoptionslayout[4] = 3;
1316					nummenuoptions = 5;
1317					menuxoff = -60;	menuyoff = -30-(12*4);
1318				}else if (t == "playint2") {
1319					menuoptions[0] = "Vitellary";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1320					menuoptions[1] = "Vermilion";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1321					menuoptions[2] = "Verdigris";  	menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1322					menuoptions[3] = "Victoria";  	menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1323					menuoptions[4] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1324					menuoptionslayout[4] = 3;
1325					nummenuoptions = 5;
1326					menuxoff = -60;	menuyoff = -30-(12*4);
1327				}else if (t == "continue") {
1328					menuoptions[0] = "continue from teleporter";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1329					menuoptions[1] = "continue from quicksave";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1330					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4; menuoptionslayout[1] = 4;
1331					menuoptions[2] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1332					menuoptionslayout[2] = 3;
1333					nummenuoptions = 3;
1334					menuxoff = -60;	menuyoff = 20-(12*2);
1335				}else if (t == "startnodeathmode") {
1336					menuoptions[0] = "disable cutscenes";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1337					menuoptions[1] = "enable cutscenes";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1338					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4; menuoptionslayout[1] = 4;
1339					menuoptions[2] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1340					menuoptionslayout[2] = 3;
1341					nummenuoptions = 3;
1342					menuxoff = -60;	menuyoff = 30-(12*2);
1343				}else if (t == "gameover") {
1344					nummenuoptions = 0;
1345					menucountdown = 120; menudest="gameover2";
1346				}else if (t == "gameover2") {
1347					menuoptions[0] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1348					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4;
1349					nummenuoptions = 1;
1350					menuxoff = -25;	menuyoff = 80-8;
1351				}else if (t == "unlockmenutrials") {
1352					if (unlock[9]) {  menuoptions[0] = "space station 1";                      menuoptionsactive[0] = false;
1353					}else{            menuoptions[0] = "space station 1";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;}
1354					if (unlock[10]) {  menuoptions[1] = "the laboratory";                     menuoptionsactive[1] = false;
1355					}else{            menuoptions[1] = "the laboratory";            menuoptionsactive[1] = true;}
1356					if (unlock[11]) {  menuoptions[2] = "the tower";                     menuoptionsactive[2] = false;
1357					}else{            menuoptions[2] = "the tower";                menuoptionsactive[2] = true;}
1358					if (unlock[12]) {  menuoptions[3] = "space station 2";                     menuoptionsactive[3] = false;
1359					}else{            menuoptions[3] = "space station 2";            menuoptionsactive[3] = true;}
1360					if (unlock[13]) {  menuoptions[4] = "the warp zone";                     menuoptionsactive[4] = false;
1361					}else{            menuoptions[4] = "the warp zone";            menuoptionsactive[4] = true;}
1362					if (unlock[14]) {  menuoptions[5] = "the final level";                     menuoptionsactive[5] = false;
1363					}else{            menuoptions[5] = "the final level";          menuoptionsactive[5] = true;}
1365					menuoptions_alt[0] = "space station 1 unlocked";
1366					menuoptions_alt[1] = "the laboratory unlocked";
1367					menuoptions_alt[2] = "the tower unlocked";
1368					menuoptions_alt[3] = "space station 2 unlocked";
1369					menuoptions_alt[4] = "the warp zone unlocked";
1370					menuoptions_alt[5] = "the final level unlocked";
1372					menuoptionslayout[0] = 9;
1373					menuoptionslayout[1] = 9;
1374					menuoptionslayout[2] = 9;
1375					menuoptionslayout[3] = 9;
1376					menuoptionslayout[4] = 9;
1377					menuoptionslayout[5] = 9;
1379					menuoptions[6] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[6] = true;
1380					menuoptionslayout[6] = 3;
1381					nummenuoptions = 7;
1382					menuxoff = -80;	menuyoff = -55-(12*6);
1383				}else if (t == "timetrials") {
1384					if (!unlock[9]) {  menuoptions[0] = "???";                      menuoptionsactive[0] = false;
1385					}else{            menuoptions[0] = "space station 1";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;}
1386					if (!unlock[10]) {  menuoptions[1] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[1] = false;
1387					}else{            menuoptions[1] = "the laboratory";            menuoptionsactive[1] = true;}
1388					if (!unlock[11]) {  menuoptions[2] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[2] = false;
1389					}else{            menuoptions[2] = "the tower";                menuoptionsactive[2] = true;}
1390					if (!unlock[12]) {  menuoptions[3] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[3] = false;
1391					}else{            menuoptions[3] = "space station 2";            menuoptionsactive[3] = true;}
1392					if (!unlock[13]) {  menuoptions[4] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[4] = false;
1393					}else{            menuoptions[4] = "the warp zone";            menuoptionsactive[4] = true;}
1394					if (!unlock[14]) {  menuoptions[5] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[5] = false;
1395					}else{            menuoptions[5] = "the final level";          menuoptionsactive[5] = true;}
1396					menuoptionslayout[0] = 5;
1397					menuoptionslayout[1] = 5;
1398					menuoptionslayout[2] = 5;
1399					menuoptionslayout[3] = 6;
1400					menuoptionslayout[4] = 6;
1401					menuoptionslayout[5] = 6;
1403					menuoptions[6] = "< back";          menuoptionsactive[6] = true;
1404					menuoptionslayout[6] = 3;
1405					nummenuoptions = 7;
1406					menuxoff = -80;	menuyoff = -100;
1407				}else if (t == "nodeathmodecomplete") {
1408					nummenuoptions = 0;
1409					menucountdown = 90; menudest = "nodeathmodecomplete2";
1410				}else if (t == "nodeathmodecomplete2") {
1411					menuoptions[0] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1412					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4;
1413					nummenuoptions = 1;
1414					menuxoff = -25;	menuyoff = 70-8;
1415				}else if (t == "timetrialcomplete") {
1416					nummenuoptions = 0;
1417					menucountdown = 90; menudest="timetrialcomplete2";
1418				}else if (t == "timetrialcomplete2") {
1419					nummenuoptions = 0;
1420					menucountdown = 60; menudest="timetrialcomplete3";
1421				}else if (t == "timetrialcomplete3") {
1422					menuoptions[0] = "try again";  	menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1423					menuoptions[1] = "< back";      menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1424					menuoptionslayout[1] = 3;
1425					nummenuoptions = 2;
1426					menuxoff = -25;	menuyoff = 70;
1427				}else if (t == "gamecompletecontinue") {
1428					menuoptions[0] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1429					menuoptionslayout[0] = 4;
1430					nummenuoptions = 1;
1431					menuxoff = -25;	menuyoff = 70-8;
1432				}
1433			}else{
1434				if (t == "mainmenu") {
1435					menuoptions[0] = "start game";
1436					menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1437					menuoptions[1] = "player levels";
1438					menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1439					menuoptions[2] = "graphic options";
1440					menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1441					menuoptions[3] = "game options";
1442					menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1443					menuoptions[4] = "view credits";
1444					menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1445					menuoptions[5] = "quit game";
1446					menuoptionsactive[5] = true;
1447					nummenuoptions = 6;
1448					menuxoff = -16;
1449					menuyoff = -10;
1450				}else if (t == "playerworlds"){
1451					menuoptions[0] = "play a level";
1452					menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1453					menuoptions[1] = "level editor";
1454					menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1455					menuoptions[2] = "back to menu";
1456					menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1457					nummenuoptions = 3;
1458					menuxoff = -30;
1459					menuyoff = -40;
1460				}else if (t == "quickloadlevel") {
1461					menuoptions[0] = "continue from save";
1462					menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1463					menuoptions[1] = "start from beginning";
1464					menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1465					menuoptions[2] = "back to levels";
1466					menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1467					nummenuoptions = 3;
1468					menuxoff = -40;
1469					menuyoff = -30;
1470				}else if (t == "youwannaquit") {
1471					menuoptions[0] = "yes, quit";     menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1472					menuoptions[1] = "no, return";  menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1473					nummenuoptions = 2;
1474					menuxoff = 0;	menuyoff = -20;
1475				}else if (t == "levellist"){
1476					if (editor.ListOfMetaData.length == 0) {
1477						menuoptions[0] = "ok";
1478						menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1479						nummenuoptions = 1;
1480						menuxoff = 0;
1481						menuyoff = -20;
1482					}else{
1483					  tcount = 0;
1484						for (i = 0; i < editor.ListOfMetaData.length; i++) {
1485							if (i >= levelpage * 8 && i < (levelpage * 8) + 8) {
1486								//This is, er, suboptimal. Whatever, life optimisation and all that
1487								tvar = -1;
1488								for (j = 0; j < numcustomlevelstats; j++) {
1489									if (editor.ListOfMetaData[i].filename == customlevelstats[j]) {
1490										tvar=j;
1491										j=numcustomlevelstats+1;
1492									}
1493								}
1494								if(tvar>=0){
1495									if(customlevelscore[tvar]==0){
1496										menuoptions[tcount] = "   " + editor.ListOfMetaData[i].title;
1497									}else if(customlevelscore[tvar]==1){
1498										menuoptions[tcount] = " * " + editor.ListOfMetaData[i].title;
1499									}else if(customlevelscore[tvar]==3){
1500										menuoptions[tcount] = "** " + editor.ListOfMetaData[i].title;
1501									}
1502								}else{
1503									menuoptions[tcount] = "   " + editor.ListOfMetaData[i].title;
1504								}
1505								menuoptionsactive[tcount] = true;
1506								menuoptions[tcount] = menuoptions[tcount].toLowerCase();
1507								tcount++;
1508							}
1509						}
1510						if((levelpage*8)+8<editor.ListOfMetaData.length){
1511							menuoptions[tcount] = "next page";
1512							menuoptionsactive[tcount] = true;
1513							tcount++;
1514						}else{
1515							menuoptions[tcount] = "first page";
1516							menuoptionsactive[tcount] = true;
1517							tcount++;
1518						}
1519						menuoptions[tcount] = "return to menu";
1520						menuoptionsactive[tcount] = true;
1521						tcount++;
1523						nummenuoptions = tcount;
1524						menuxoff = -90;
1525						menuyoff = 70-(tcount*10);
1526					}
1527				}else if (t == "graphicoptions") {
1528					if (advanced_mode) {
1529						if(fullscreen){
1530							menuoptions[0] = "change to windowed mode";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1531						}else {
1532							menuoptions[0] = "change to fullscreen";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1533						}
1534						menuoptions[1] = "enable acceleration";      menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1535						menuoptions[2] = "change scaling mode";      menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1536						if (advanced_smoothing) {
1537							menuoptions[3] = "disable smoothing";      menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1538						}else{
1539							menuoptions[3] = "enable smoothing";      menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1540						}
1541						menuoptions[4] = "return";                    menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1542						nummenuoptions = 5;
1543						menuxoff = -50;	menuyoff = 16;
1544					}else{
1545						if(fullscreen){
1546							menuoptions[0] = "change to windowed mode";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1547						}else {
1548							menuoptions[0] = "change to fullscreen";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1549						}
1550						menuoptions[1] = "disable acceleration";      menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1551						menuoptions[2] = "return";                    menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1552						nummenuoptions = 3;
1553						menuxoff = -50;	menuyoff = 16;
1554					}
1555				}else if (t == "options") {
1556					menuoptions[0] = "accessibility options";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1557					menuoptions[1] = "unlock play modes";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1558					menuoptions[2] = "clear data";            menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1559					menuoptions[3] = "return";                       menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1560					nummenuoptions = 4;
1561					menuxoff = -40;	menuyoff = 0;
1562				}else if (t == "accessibility") {
1563					menuoptions[0] = "animated backgrounds";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1564					menuoptions[1] = "screen effects";     		 		menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1565					//menuoptions[2] = "invincibility";  						menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1566					//menuoptions[3] = "slowdown";            			menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1567					menuoptions[2] = "return";                    menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1568					nummenuoptions = 3;
1569					menuxoff = -40;	menuyoff = 16;
1570				}else if (t == "cleardatamenu") {
1571					menuoptions[0] = "no! don't delete";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1572					menuoptions[1] = "yes, delete everything";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1573					nummenuoptions = 2;
1574					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 64;
1575				}else if (t == "setinvincibility") {
1576					menuoptions[0] = "no, return to options";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1577					menuoptions[1] = "yes, delete saves";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1578					nummenuoptions = 2;
1579					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 64;
1580				}else if (t == "setslowdown1") {
1581					menuoptions[0] = "no, return to options";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1582					menuoptions[1] = "yes, delete saves";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1583					nummenuoptions = 2;
1584					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 64;
1585				}else if (t == "setslowdown2") {
1586					menuoptions[0] = "normal speed";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1587					menuoptions[1] = "80% speed";     		 		menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1588					menuoptions[2] = "60% speed";  						menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1589					menuoptions[3] = "40% speed";            			menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1590					nummenuoptions = 4;
1591					menuxoff = -40;	menuyoff = 16;
1592				}else if (t == "unlockmenu") {
1593					menuoptions[0] = "unlock time trials";           menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1594					menuoptions[1] = "unlock intermissions";         menuoptionsactive[1] = !unlock[16];
1595					menuoptions[2] = "unlock no death mode";  			 menuoptionsactive[2] = !unlock[17];
1596					menuoptions[3] = "unlock flip mode";             menuoptionsactive[3] = !unlock[18];
1597					menuoptions[4] = "unlock ship jukebox";          menuoptionsactive[4] = (stat_trinkets<20);
1598					menuoptions[5] = "unlock secret lab";            menuoptionsactive[5] = !unlock[8];
1599					menuoptions[6] = "return";                       menuoptionsactive[6] = true;
1600					nummenuoptions = 7;
1601					menuxoff = -70;	menuyoff = -20;
1602				}else if (t == "credits") {
1603					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1604					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1605					nummenuoptions = 2;
1606					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1607				}else if (t == "credits2") {
1608					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1609					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1610					nummenuoptions = 2;
1611					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1612				}else if (t == "credits3") {
1613					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1614					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1615					nummenuoptions = 2;
1616					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1617				}else if (t == "credits4") {
1618					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1619					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1620					nummenuoptions = 2;
1621					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1622				}else if (t == "credits5") {
1623					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1624					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1625					nummenuoptions = 2;
1626					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1627				}else if (t == "credits6") {
1628					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1629					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1630					nummenuoptions = 2;
1631					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1632				}else if (t == "credits7") {
1633					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1634					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1635					nummenuoptions = 2;
1636					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1637				}else if (t == "credits8") {
1638					menuoptions[0] = "next page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1639					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1640					nummenuoptions = 2;
1641					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1642				}else if (t == "credits9") {
1643					menuoptions[0] = "first page";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1644					menuoptions[1] = "return";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1645					nummenuoptions = 2;
1646					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 64;
1647				}else if (t == "play") {
1648					//Ok, here's where the unlock stuff comes into it:
1649					//First up, time trials:
1650					temp = 0;
1651					if (unlock[0] && stat_trinkets >= 3 && !unlocknotify[9]) temp++;
1652					if (unlock[1] && stat_trinkets >= 6 && !unlocknotify[10]) temp++;
1653					if (unlock[2] && stat_trinkets >= 9 && !unlocknotify[11]) temp++;
1654					if (unlock[3] && stat_trinkets >= 12 && !unlocknotify[12]) temp++;
1655					if (unlock[4] && stat_trinkets >= 15 && !unlocknotify[13]) temp++;
1656					if (unlock[5] && stat_trinkets >= 18 && !unlocknotify[14]) temp++;
1657					if (temp > 0) {
1658						//you've unlocked a time trial!
1659						if (unlock[0] && stat_trinkets >= 3) { unlocknotify[9] = true; unlock[9] = true; }
1660						if (unlock[1] && stat_trinkets >= 6) { unlocknotify[10] = true; unlock[10] = true; }
1661						if (unlock[2] && stat_trinkets >= 9) { unlocknotify[11] = true; unlock[11] = true; }
1662						if (unlock[3] && stat_trinkets >= 12) { unlocknotify[12] = true; unlock[12] = true; }
1663						if (unlock[4] && stat_trinkets >= 15) { unlocknotify[13] = true; unlock[13] = true; }
1664						if (unlock[5] && stat_trinkets >= 18) { unlocknotify[14] = true; unlock[14] = true; }
1666						if (temp == 1) {
1667							createmenu("unlocktimetrial"); savemystats = true;
1668						}else if (temp > 1) {
1669							createmenu("unlocktimetrials"); savemystats = true;
1670						}
1671					}else {
1672						//Alright, we haven't unlocked any time trials. How about no death mode?
1673						temp = 0;
1674						if (bestrank[0] >= 2) temp++;
1675						if (bestrank[1] >= 2) temp++;
1676						if (bestrank[2] >= 2) temp++;
1677						if (bestrank[3] >= 2) temp++;
1678						if (bestrank[4] >= 2) temp++;
1679						if (bestrank[5] >= 2) temp++;
1680						if (temp >= 4 && !unlocknotify[17]) {
1681							//Unlock No Death Mode
1682							unlocknotify[17] = true; unlock[17] = true;
1683							createmenu("unlocknodeathmode");
1684							savemystats = true;
1685						}else{
1686							//Alright then! Flip mode?
1687							if (unlock[5] && !unlocknotify[18]) {
1688								unlock[18] = true; unlocknotify[18] = true;
1689								createmenu("unlockflipmode");
1690								savemystats = true;
1691							}else {
1692								//What about the intermission levels?
1693								if (unlock[7] && !unlocknotify[16]) {
1694									unlock[16] = true; unlocknotify[16] = true;
1695									createmenu("unlockintermission");
1696									savemystats = true;
1697								}else {
1698									//ok, secret lab! no notification, but test:
1699									if (unlock[8]) {
1700										createmenu("playsecretlab");
1701									}else{
1702										menuoptions[0] = "continue";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1703										menuoptions[1] = "play modes";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1704										menuoptions[2] = "new game";      menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1705										menuoptions[3] = "return";          menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1706										nummenuoptions = 4;
1707										menuxoff = -20;	menuyoff = -40;
1708									}
1709								}
1710							}
1711						}
1712					}
1713				}else if (t == "unlocktimetrial" || t == "unlocktimetrials") {
1714					menuoptions[0] = "continue";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1715					nummenuoptions = 1;
1716					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 70;
1717				}else if (t == "unlocknodeathmode") {
1718					menuoptions[0] = "continue";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1719					nummenuoptions = 1;
1720					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 70;
1721				}else if (t == "unlockintermission") {
1722					menuoptions[0] = "continue";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1723					nummenuoptions = 1;
1724					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 70;
1725				}else if (t == "unlockflipmode") {
1726					menuoptions[0] = "continue";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1727					nummenuoptions = 1;
1728					menuxoff = 20;	menuyoff = 70;
1729				}else if (t == "playsecretlab") {
1730					menuoptions[0] = "continue";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1731					menuoptions[1] = "secret lab";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1732					menuoptions[2] = "play modes";  	menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1733					menuoptions[3] = "new game";      menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1734					menuoptions[4] = "return";          menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1735					nummenuoptions = 5;
1736					menuxoff = -40;	menuyoff = -30;
1737				}else if (t == "newgamewarning") {
1738					menuoptions[0] = "start new game";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1739					menuoptions[1] = "return to menu";  				 menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1740					nummenuoptions = 2;
1741					menuxoff = -30;	menuyoff = 64;
1742				}else if (t == "playmodes") {
1743					menuoptions[0] = "time trials";    menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1744					menuoptions[1] = "intermissions";      menuoptionsactive[1] = unlock[16];
1745					menuoptions[2] = "no death mode";  	menuoptionsactive[2] = unlock[17];
1746					menuoptions[3] = "flip mode";      menuoptionsactive[3] = unlock[18];
1747					menuoptions[4] = "return to play menu";      menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1748					nummenuoptions = 5;
1749					menuxoff = -70;	menuyoff = 8;
1750				}else if (t == "intermissionmenu") {
1751					menuoptions[0] = "play intermission 1";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1752					menuoptions[1] = "play intermission 2";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1753					menuoptions[2] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1754					nummenuoptions = 3;
1755					menuxoff = -50;	menuyoff = -35;
1756				}else if (t == "playint1") {
1757					menuoptions[0] = "Vitellary";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1758					menuoptions[1] = "Vermilion";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1759					menuoptions[2] = "Verdigris";  	menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1760					menuoptions[3] = "Victoria";  	menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1761					menuoptions[4] = "return";          menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1762					nummenuoptions = 5;
1763					menuxoff = -60;	menuyoff = 10;
1764				}else if (t == "playint2") {
1765					menuoptions[0] = "Vitellary";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1766					menuoptions[1] = "Vermilion";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1767					menuoptions[2] = "Verdigris";  	menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1768					menuoptions[3] = "Victoria";  	menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1769					menuoptions[4] = "return";          menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1770					nummenuoptions = 5;
1771					menuxoff = -60;	menuyoff = 10;
1772				}else if (t == "continue") {
1773					menuoptions[0] = "continue from teleporter";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1774					menuoptions[1] = "continue from quicksave";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1775					menuoptions[2] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1776					nummenuoptions = 3;
1777					menuxoff = -60;	menuyoff = 20;
1778				}else if (t == "startnodeathmode") {
1779					menuoptions[0] = "disable cutscenes";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1780					menuoptions[1] = "enable cutscenes";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1781					menuoptions[2] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1782					nummenuoptions = 3;
1783					menuxoff = -60;	menuyoff = 40;
1784				}else if (t == "gameover") {
1785					nummenuoptions = 0;
1786					menucountdown = 120; menudest="gameover2";
1787				}else if (t == "gameover2") {
1788					menuoptions[0] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1789					nummenuoptions = 1;
1790					menuxoff = -25;	menuyoff = 80;
1791				}else if (t == "unlockmenutrials") {
1792					if (unlock[9]) {  menuoptions[0] = "space station 1";                      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1793					}else{            menuoptions[0] = "space station 1";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;}
1794					if (unlock[10]) {  menuoptions[1] = "the laboratory";                     menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1795					}else{            menuoptions[1] = "the laboratory";            menuoptionsactive[1] = true;}
1796					if (unlock[11]) {  menuoptions[2] = "the tower";                     menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1797					}else{            menuoptions[2] = "the tower";                menuoptionsactive[2] = true;}
1798					if (unlock[12]) {  menuoptions[3] = "space station 2";                     menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1799					}else{            menuoptions[3] = "space station 2";            menuoptionsactive[3] = true;}
1800					if (unlock[13]) {  menuoptions[4] = "the warp zone";                     menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1801					}else{            menuoptions[4] = "the warp zone";            menuoptionsactive[4] = true;}
1802					if (unlock[14]) {  menuoptions[5] = "the final level";                     menuoptionsactive[5] = true;
1803					}else{            menuoptions[5] = "the final level";          menuoptionsactive[5] = true;}
1805					menuoptions[6] = "return to unlock menu";      menuoptionsactive[6] = true;
1806					nummenuoptions = 7;
1807					menuxoff = -80;	menuyoff = 0 - (12*6);
1808				}else if (t == "timetrials") {
1809					if (!unlock[9]) {  menuoptions[0] = "???";                      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1810					}else{            menuoptions[0] = "space station 1";      menuoptionsactive[0] = true;}
1811					if (!unlock[10]) {  menuoptions[1] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1812					}else{            menuoptions[1] = "the laboratory";            menuoptionsactive[1] = true;}
1813					if (!unlock[11]) {  menuoptions[2] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[2] = true;
1814					}else{            menuoptions[2] = "the tower";                menuoptionsactive[2] = true;}
1815					if (!unlock[12]) {  menuoptions[3] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[3] = true;
1816					}else{            menuoptions[3] = "space station 2";            menuoptionsactive[3] = true;}
1817					if (!unlock[13]) {  menuoptions[4] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[4] = true;
1818					}else{            menuoptions[4] = "the warp zone";            menuoptionsactive[4] = true;}
1819					if (!unlock[14]) {  menuoptions[5] = "???";                     menuoptionsactive[5] = true;
1820					}else{            menuoptions[5] = "the final level";          menuoptionsactive[5] = true;}
1822					menuoptions[6] = "return to play menu";      menuoptionsactive[6] = true;
1823					nummenuoptions = 7;
1824					menuxoff = -80;	menuyoff = 0 - (12*6);
1825				}else if (t == "nodeathmodecomplete") {
1826					nummenuoptions = 0;
1827					menucountdown = 90; menudest = "nodeathmodecomplete2";
1828				}else if (t == "nodeathmodecomplete2") {
1829					menuoptions[0] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1830					nummenuoptions = 1;
1831					menuxoff = -25;	menuyoff = 70;
1832				}else if (t == "timetrialcomplete") {
1833					nummenuoptions = 0;
1834					menucountdown = 90; menudest="timetrialcomplete2";
1835				}else if (t == "timetrialcomplete2") {
1836					nummenuoptions = 0;
1837					menucountdown = 60; menudest="timetrialcomplete3";
1838				}else if (t == "timetrialcomplete3") {
1839					menuoptions[0] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1840					menuoptions[1] = "try again";  	menuoptionsactive[1] = true;
1841					nummenuoptions = 2;
1842					menuxoff = -25;	menuyoff = 70;
1843				}else if (t == "gamecompletecontinue") {
1844					menuoptions[0] = "return to play menu";          menuoptionsactive[0] = true;
1845					nummenuoptions = 1;
1846					menuxoff = -25;	menuyoff = 70;
1847				}
1848			}
1849		}
1851		public function loadstats(map:mapclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
1852			statcookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_unlock");
1854			if (statcookie.data.stattrinkets == undefined) {
1855				savestats(map, dwgfx); //save with default values
1856			}else{
1857				temp_unlock = statcookie.data.unlock.slice();
1858				unlock = temp_unlock.slice();
1860				temp_unlocknotify = statcookie.data.unlocknotify.slice();
1861				unlocknotify = temp_unlocknotify.slice();
1863				temp_besttimes = statcookie.data.besttimes.slice();
1864				besttimes = temp_besttimes.slice();
1865				temp_besttrinkets = statcookie.data.besttrinkets.slice();
1866				besttrinkets = temp_besttrinkets.slice();
1867				temp_bestlives = statcookie.data.bestlives.slice();
1868				bestlives = temp_bestlives.slice();
1869				temp_bestrank = statcookie.data.bestrank.slice();
1870				bestrank = temp_bestrank.slice();
1872				bestgamedeaths = statcookie.data.bestgamedeaths;
1874				stat_trinkets =  statcookie.data.stattrinkets;
1875				fullscreen =  statcookie.data.fullscreen;
1877				noflashingmode = statcookie.data.screenshakes;
1878				colourblindmode = statcookie.data.backgrounds;
1879				dwgfx.setflipmode = statcookie.data.flipmode;
1880				map.invincibility = statcookie.data.invincibility;
1881				slowdown = statcookie.data.slowdown;
1883				swnbestrank = statcookie.data.swnbestrank;
1884			  swnrecord = statcookie.data.swnrecord;
1886				advanced_mode = statcookie.data.advanced_mode;
1887				advanced_smoothing = statcookie.data.advanced_smoothing;
1888				advanced_scaling = statcookie.data.advanced_scaling;
1890				controlstyle = statcookie.data.controlstyle;
1891				controlsensitivity = statcookie.data.controlsensitivity;
1892				showcontroltutorial = statcookie.data.showcontroltutorial;
1893			}
1894			statcookie.close();
1895		}
1897		public function savestats(map:mapclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
1898			statcookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_unlock");
1900			temp_unlock = unlock.slice();
1901			temp_unlocknotify = unlocknotify.slice();
1903			statcookie.data.unlock = temp_unlock.slice();
1904			statcookie.data.unlocknotify = temp_unlocknotify.slice();
1906			temp_besttimes = besttimes.slice();
1907			temp_besttrinkets = besttrinkets.slice();
1908			temp_bestlives = bestlives.slice();
1909			temp_bestrank = bestrank.slice();
1910			statcookie.data.besttimes = temp_besttimes.slice();
1911			statcookie.data.besttrinkets = temp_besttrinkets.slice();
1912			statcookie.data.bestlives = temp_bestlives.slice();
1913			statcookie.data.bestrank = temp_bestrank.slice();
1915			statcookie.data.bestgamedeaths = bestgamedeaths;
1917			statcookie.data.stattrinkets = stat_trinkets;
1918		  statcookie.data.fullscreen = fullscreen;
1920			statcookie.data.screenshakes = noflashingmode;
1921			statcookie.data.backgrounds = colourblindmode;
1922			statcookie.data.flipmode = dwgfx.setflipmode;
1923			statcookie.data.invincibility = map.invincibility;
1924			statcookie.data.slowdown = slowdown;
1926			statcookie.data.swnbestrank = swnbestrank;
1927			statcookie.data.swnrecord = swnrecord;
1929			statcookie.data.advanced_mode = advanced_mode;
1930			statcookie.data.advanced_smoothing = advanced_smoothing;
1931		  statcookie.data.advanced_scaling = advanced_scaling;
1933			statcookie.data.controlstyle = controlstyle;
1934			statcookie.data.controlsensitivity = controlsensitivity;
1935			statcookie.data.showcontroltutorial = showcontroltutorial;
1937      statcookie.flush()
1938			statcookie.close();
1939		}
1941		public function deletestats(map:mapclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
1942			for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
1943				unlock[i] = false;
1944				unlocknotify[i] = false;
1945			}
1946			for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
1947				besttimes[i] = -1;
1948				besttrinkets[i] = -1;
1949				bestlives[i] = -1;
1950				bestrank[i] = -1;
1951			}
1952			dwgfx.setflipmode = false;
1953			stat_trinkets = 0;
1954			controlstyle = 0;
1955			controlsensitivity = 50;
1956			savestats(map, dwgfx);
1957		}
1959		public function unlocknum(t:int, map:mapclass, dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass):void {
1960			unlock[t] = true;
1961			savestats(map, dwgfx);
1962		}
1964		public function CopyLevelData():void {
1965			//Not used in mobile version
1966		}
1968		public function loadsummary(map:mapclass, help:helpclass):void {
1969			quickcookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_quicksave");
1970			telecookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_telesave");
1972			if (telecookie.data.savex == undefined) {
1973        telecookieexists = false; telesummary = "";
1974      } else {
1975        telecookieexists = true; telesummary = telecookie.data.summary;
1976				tele_gametime = giventimestring(telecookie.data.hours, telecookie.data.minutes, telecookie.data.seconds, help);
1977				tele_trinkets = telecookie.data.trinkets;
1978				tele_currentarea = map.currentarea(map.area(telecookie.data.savex, telecookie.data.savey));
1980			  summary_crewstats = telecookie.data.crewstats.slice();
1981			  tele_crewstats = summary_crewstats.slice();
1982      }
1984			if (quickcookie.data.savex == undefined) {
1985        quickcookieexists = false; quicksummary = "";
1986      } else {
1987        quickcookieexists = true; quicksummary = quickcookie.data.summary;
1988				quick_gametime = giventimestring(quickcookie.data.hours, quickcookie.data.minutes, quickcookie.data.seconds, help);
1989				quick_trinkets = quickcookie.data.trinkets;
1990				quick_currentarea = map.currentarea(map.area(quickcookie.data.savex, quickcookie.data.savey));
1992			  summary_crewstats = quickcookie.data.crewstats.slice();
1993			  quick_crewstats = summary_crewstats.slice();
1994      }
1995		}
1997		public function savequick(map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass, help:helpclass):void {
1998			quickcookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_quicksave");
1999			//Save to the quicksave cookie
2000			quickcookieexists = true;
2001			//Flags, map and stats
2002			savestate[0].explored = map.explored.slice();
2003			savestate[0].flags = obj.flags.slice();
2004			savestate[0].crewstats = crewstats.slice();
2005			savestate[0].collect = obj.collect.slice();
2007			quickcookie.data.worldmap = savestate[0].explored.slice();
2008			quickcookie.data.flags = savestate[0].flags.slice();
2009			quickcookie.data.crewstats = savestate[0].crewstats.slice();
2010			quickcookie.data.collect = savestate[0].collect.slice();
2012			//trace(obj.flags);
2014			quickcookie.data.finalmode = map.finalmode;
2015			quickcookie.data.finalstretch = map.finalstretch;
2017			quickcookie.data.finalx = map.finalx;
2018			quickcookie.data.finaly = map.finaly;
2019			//Position
2020			quickcookie.data.savex = savex;
2021			quickcookie.data.savey = savey;
2022			quickcookie.data.saverx = saverx;
2023			quickcookie.data.savery = savery;
2024			quickcookie.data.savegc = savegc;
2025			quickcookie.data.savedir = savedir;
2026			quickcookie.data.savepoint = savepoint;
2027			quickcookie.data.trinkets = trinkets;
2029			quickcookie.data.currentsong = music.currentsong;
2030			quickcookie.data.teleportscript = teleportscript;
2032			//Special stats
2033			quickcookie.data.companion = companion;
2034			quickcookie.data.lastsaved = lastsaved;
2035			quickcookie.data.supercrewmate = supercrewmate;
2036			quickcookie.data.scmprogress = scmprogress;
2037		  quickcookie.data.scmmoveme = scmmoveme;
2039		  quickcookie.data.frames = frames; quickcookie.data.seconds = seconds;
2040			quickcookie.data.minutes = minutes; quickcookie.data.hours = hours;
2042		  quickcookie.data.deathcounts = deathcounts;
2043			quickcookie.data.totalflips = totalflips;
2044		  quickcookie.data.hardestroom = hardestroom; quickcookie.data.hardestroomdeaths = hardestroomdeaths;
2046			savearea = map.currentarea(map.area(roomx, roomy));
2047			quickcookie.data.summary = savearea + ", " + timestring(help);
2048			quicksummary = quickcookie.data.summary;
2050      quickcookie.flush()
2051			quickcookie.close();
2052		}
2054		public function customsavequick(t:int, map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass, help:helpclass):void {
2055			customcookie[t] = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_custom_" + String(t));
2057			//Flags, map and stats
2058			savestate[2].explored = map.explored.slice();
2059			savestate[2].flags = obj.flags.slice();
2060			savestate[2].crewstats = crewstats.slice();
2061			savestate[2].collect = obj.collect.slice();
2062			savestate[2].customcollect = obj.customcollect.slice();
2063			savestate[2].moods = obj.customcrewmoods.slice();
2065			customcookie[t].data.worldmap = savestate[2].explored.slice();
2066			customcookie[t].data.flags = savestate[2].flags.slice();
2067			customcookie[t].data.crewstats = savestate[2].crewstats.slice();
2068			customcookie[t].data.collect = savestate[2].collect.slice();
2069			customcookie[t].data.customcollect = savestate[2].customcollect.slice();
2070			customcookie[t].data.moods = savestate[2].moods.slice();
2072			//trace(obj.flags);
2074			customcookie[t].data.finalmode = map.finalmode;
2075			customcookie[t].data.finalstretch = map.finalstretch;
2077			customcookie[t].data.finalx = map.finalx;
2078			customcookie[t].data.finaly = map.finaly;
2079			//Position
2080			customcookie[t].data.savex = savex;
2081			customcookie[t].data.savey = savey;
2082			customcookie[t].data.saverx = saverx;
2083			customcookie[t].data.savery = savery;
2084			customcookie[t].data.savegc = savegc;
2085			customcookie[t].data.savedir = savedir;
2086			customcookie[t].data.savepoint = savepoint;
2087			customcookie[t].data.trinkets = trinkets;
2088			customcookie[t].data.crewmates = crewmates;
2090			customcookie[t].data.currentsong = music.currentsong;
2091			customcookie[t].data.teleportscript = teleportscript;
2093			//Special stats
2094			customcookie[t].data.companion = companion;
2095			customcookie[t].data.lastsaved = lastsaved;
2096			customcookie[t].data.supercrewmate = supercrewmate;
2097			customcookie[t].data.scmprogress = scmprogress;
2098		  customcookie[t].data.scmmoveme = scmmoveme;
2100		  customcookie[t].data.frames = frames; customcookie[t].data.seconds = seconds;
2101			customcookie[t].data.minutes = minutes; customcookie[t].data.hours = hours;
2103		  customcookie[t].data.deathcounts = deathcounts;
2104			customcookie[t].data.totalflips = totalflips;
2105		  customcookie[t].data.hardestroom = hardestroom; customcookie[t].data.hardestroomdeaths = hardestroomdeaths;
2107			customcookie[t].data.showminimap = map.customshowmm;
2109			savearea = map.currentarea(map.area(roomx, roomy))
2110			customcookie[t].data.summary = savearea + ", " + timestring(help);
2111			customcookiesummary[t] = customcookie[t].data.summary;
2113      customcookie[t].flush()
2114			customcookie[t].close();
2116			customcookieexists[t] = true;
2117			customcookiesummary[t] = savearea + ", " + timestring(help);
2118		}
2120		public function loadquick(map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void {
2121			quickcookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_quicksave");
2122			//Save to the quicksave cookie
2123			savestate[0].explored = quickcookie.data.worldmap.slice();
2124			savestate[0].flags = quickcookie.data.flags.slice();
2125			savestate[0].crewstats = quickcookie.data.crewstats.slice();
2126			savestate[0].collect = quickcookie.data.collect.slice();
2128			map.explored = savestate[0].explored.slice();
2129			obj.flags = savestate[0].flags.slice();
2130			crewstats = savestate[0].crewstats.slice();
2131			obj.collect = savestate[0].collect.slice();
2132			//trace(obj.flags);
2134			map.finalmode = quickcookie.data.finalmode;
2135			map.finalstretch = quickcookie.data.finalstretch;
2136			if (map.finalmode) {
2137				map.final_colormode = false;	map.final_mapcol = 0;	map.final_colorframe = 0;
2138			}
2139			if (map.finalstretch) {
2140				map.finalstretch = true;
2141				map.final_colormode = true;
2142				map.final_mapcol = 0;
2143				map.final_colorframe = 1;
2144			}
2146			map.finalx = quickcookie.data.finalx;
2147			map.finaly = quickcookie.data.finaly;
2148			//position
2149			savex = quickcookie.data.savex;
2150			savey = quickcookie.data.savey;
2151			saverx = quickcookie.data.saverx;
2152			savery = quickcookie.data.savery;
2153			savegc = quickcookie.data.savegc;
2154			savedir = quickcookie.data.savedir;
2155			savepoint = quickcookie.data.savepoint;
2156			trinkets = quickcookie.data.trinkets;
2158			//Special stats
2159			companion = quickcookie.data.companion;
2160			lastsaved = quickcookie.data.lastsaved;
2161			teleportscript = quickcookie.data.teleportscript;
2162			supercrewmate = quickcookie.data.supercrewmate;
2163			scmprogress = quickcookie.data.scmprogress;
2164			scmmoveme = quickcookie.data.scmmoveme;
2166		  frames = quickcookie.data.frames; seconds = quickcookie.data.seconds;
2167			minutes = quickcookie.data.minutes; hours = quickcookie.data.hours;
2169		  deathcounts = quickcookie.data.deathcounts;
2170			totalflips = quickcookie.data.totalflips;
2171		  hardestroom = quickcookie.data.hardestroom; hardestroomdeaths = quickcookie.data.hardestroomdeaths;
2173			music.play(quickcookie.data.currentsong);
2175			//Ok, now we determine some game stuff based on the above:
2176			map.showteleporters = true;
2177			if(obj.flags[12]==1) map.showtargets = true;
2178			if (obj.flags[42] == 1) map.showtrinkets = true;
2180			quickcookie.close();
2181		}
2183		public function customloadquick(t:int, map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void{
2184			customcookie[t] = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_custom_" + String(t));
2186			savestate[2].explored = customcookie[t].data.worldmap.slice();
2187			savestate[2].flags = customcookie[t].data.flags.slice();
2188			savestate[2].crewstats = customcookie[t].data.crewstats.slice();
2189			savestate[2].collect = customcookie[t].data.collect.slice();
2190			savestate[2].customcollect = customcookie[t].data.customcollect.slice();
2191			savestate[2].moods = customcookie[t].data.moods.slice();
2193			map.explored = savestate[2].explored.slice();
2194			obj.flags = savestate[2].flags.slice();
2195			crewstats = savestate[2].crewstats.slice();
2196			obj.collect = savestate[2].collect.slice();
2197			obj.customcollect = savestate[2].customcollect.slice();
2198			obj.customcrewmoods = savestate[2].moods.slice();
2199			//trace(obj.flags);
2201			map.finalmode = customcookie[t].data.finalmode;
2202			map.finalstretch = customcookie[t].data.finalstretch;
2203			if (map.finalmode) {
2204				map.final_colormode = false;	map.final_mapcol = 0;	map.final_colorframe = 0;
2205			}
2206			if (map.finalstretch) {
2207				map.finalstretch = true;
2208				map.final_colormode = true;
2209				map.final_mapcol = 0;
2210				map.final_colorframe = 1;
2211			}
2213			map.finalx = customcookie[t].data.finalx;
2214			map.finaly = customcookie[t].data.finaly;
2215			//position
2216			savex = customcookie[t].data.savex;
2217			savey = customcookie[t].data.savey;
2218			saverx = customcookie[t].data.saverx;
2219			savery = customcookie[t].data.savery;
2220			savegc = customcookie[t].data.savegc;
2221			savedir = customcookie[t].data.savedir;
2222			savepoint = customcookie[t].data.savepoint;
2223			trinkets = customcookie[t].data.trinkets;
2224			crewmates = customcookie[t].data.crewmates;
2226			//Special stats
2227			companion = customcookie[t].data.companion;
2228			lastsaved = customcookie[t].data.lastsaved;
2229			teleportscript = customcookie[t].data.teleportscript;
2230			supercrewmate = customcookie[t].data.supercrewmate;
2231			scmprogress = customcookie[t].data.scmprogress;
2232			scmmoveme = customcookie[t].data.scmmoveme;
2234		  frames = customcookie[t].data.frames; seconds = customcookie[t].data.seconds;
2235			minutes = customcookie[t].data.minutes; hours = customcookie[t].data.hours;
2237		  deathcounts = customcookie[t].data.deathcounts;
2238			totalflips = customcookie[t].data.totalflips;
2239		  hardestroom = customcookie[t].data.hardestroom; hardestroomdeaths = customcookie[t].data.hardestroomdeaths;
2241			map.customshowmm = customcookie[t].data.showminimap;
2243			music.play(customcookie[t].data.currentsong);
2245			//Ok, now we determine some game stuff based on the above:
2246			map.showteleporters = true;
2247			if (obj.flags[12] == 1) map.showtargets = true;
2248			if (obj.flags[42] == 1) map.showtrinkets = true;
2250			customcookie[t].close();
2251		}
2253		public function deletequick():void {
2254			quicksummary = "";
2255			quickcookieexists = false;
2256			quickcookie.clear();
2257		}
2259		public function telegotoship():void {
2260			//Special function to move the telesave to the ship teleporter.
2261			telecookie.data.savex = 13*8;
2262			telecookie.data.savey = 129;
2263			telecookie.data.saverx = 102;
2264			telecookie.data.savery = 111;
2265			telecookie.data.savegc = 0;
2266			telecookie.data.savedir = 1;
2267			telecookie.data.savepoint = 0;
2269			telecookie.data.currentsong = 4;
2270			telecookie.data.companion = 0;
2272			telecookie.data.finalmode = false;;
2273			telecookie.data.finalstretch = false;
2274		}
2276		public function savetele(map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass, help:helpclass):void {
2277			//do a quicksave instead
2278			savequick(map, obj, music, help);
2279			/*
2280			telecookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_telesave");
2281			//Save to the telesave cookie
2282			telecookieexists = true;
2283			//Flags, map and stats
2284			savestate[1].explored = map.explored.slice();
2285			savestate[1].flags = obj.flags.slice();
2286			savestate[1].crewstats = crewstats.slice();
2287			savestate[1].collect = obj.collect.slice();
2289			telecookie.data.worldmap = savestate[1].explored.slice();
2290			telecookie.data.flags = savestate[1].flags.slice();
2291			telecookie.data.crewstats = savestate[1].crewstats.slice();
2292			telecookie.data.collect = savestate[1].collect.slice();
2294			telecookie.data.finalmode = map.finalmode;
2295			telecookie.data.finalstretch = map.finalstretch;
2297			telecookie.data.finalx = map.finalx;
2298			telecookie.data.finaly = map.finaly;
2299			//Position
2300			telecookie.data.savex = savex;
2301			telecookie.data.savey = savey;
2302			telecookie.data.saverx = saverx;
2303			telecookie.data.savery = savery;
2304			telecookie.data.savegc = savegc;
2305			telecookie.data.savedir = savedir;
2306			telecookie.data.savepoint = savepoint;
2307			telecookie.data.trinkets = trinkets;
2309			if (music.nicechange != -1) {
2310				telecookie.data.currentsong = music.nicechange;
2311			}else{
2312			  telecookie.data.currentsong = music.currentsong;
2313			}
2314			telecookie.data.teleportscript = teleportscript;
2316			//Special stats
2317			telecookie.data.companion = companion;
2318			telecookie.data.lastsaved = lastsaved;
2319			telecookie.data.supercrewmate = supercrewmate;
2320			telecookie.data.scmprogress = scmprogress;
2321			telecookie.data.scmmoveme = scmmoveme;
2323		  telecookie.data.frames = frames; telecookie.data.seconds = seconds;
2324			telecookie.data.minutes = minutes; telecookie.data.hours = hours;
2326		  telecookie.data.deathcounts = deathcounts;
2327			telecookie.data.totalflips = totalflips;
2328		  telecookie.data.hardestroom = hardestroom; telecookie.data.hardestroomdeaths = hardestroomdeaths;
2330			savearea = map.currentarea(map.area(roomx, roomy))
2331			telecookie.data.summary = savearea + ", " + timestring(help);
2332			telesummary = telecookie.data.summary;
2334      telecookie.flush();
2335			telecookie.close();
2336			*/
2337		}
2339		public function loadtele(map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void {
2340			telecookie = SharedObject.getLocal("vvvvvv_telesave");
2341			//Save to the telesave cookie
2342			savestate[1].explored = telecookie.data.worldmap.slice();
2343			savestate[1].flags = telecookie.data.flags.slice();
2344			savestate[1].crewstats = telecookie.data.crewstats.slice();
2345			savestate[1].collect = telecookie.data.collect.slice();
2347			map.explored = savestate[1].explored.slice();
2348			obj.flags = savestate[1].flags.slice();
2349			crewstats = savestate[1].crewstats.slice();
2350			obj.collect = savestate[1].collect.slice();
2352			map.finalmode = telecookie.data.finalmode;
2353			map.finalstretch = telecookie.data.finalstretch;
2354			if (map.finalmode) {
2355				map.final_colormode = false;	map.final_mapcol = 0;	map.final_colorframe = 0;
2356			}
2357			if (map.finalstretch) {
2358				map.finalstretch = true;
2359				map.final_colormode = true;
2360				map.final_mapcol = 0;
2361				map.final_colorframe = 1;
2362			}
2364			map.finalx = telecookie.data.finalx;
2365			map.finaly = telecookie.data.finaly;
2366			//position
2367			savex = telecookie.data.savex;
2368			savey = telecookie.data.savey;
2369			saverx = telecookie.data.saverx;
2370			savery = telecookie.data.savery;
2371			savegc = telecookie.data.savegc;
2372			savedir = telecookie.data.savedir;
2373			savepoint = telecookie.data.savepoint;
2374			trinkets = telecookie.data.trinkets;
2376			//trinkets = 19; obj.flags[41] = 0; obj.flags[42] = 0; obj.collect[18] = 0; //Testing Victoria epilogue criteria#
2378			//Special stats
2379			companion = telecookie.data.companion;
2380			lastsaved = telecookie.data.lastsaved;
2381			teleportscript = telecookie.data.teleportscript;
2382			supercrewmate = telecookie.data.supercrewmate;
2383			scmprogress = telecookie.data.scmprogress;
2384			scmmoveme = telecookie.data.scmmoveme;
2386		  frames = telecookie.data.frames; seconds = telecookie.data.seconds;
2387			minutes = telecookie.data.minutes; hours = telecookie.data.hours;
2389		  deathcounts = telecookie.data.deathcounts;
2390			totalflips = telecookie.data.totalflips;
2391		  hardestroom = telecookie.data.hardestroom; hardestroomdeaths = telecookie.data.hardestroomdeaths;
2393			music.play(telecookie.data.currentsong);
2395			//Ok, now we determine some game stuff based on the above:
2396			map.showteleporters = true;
2397			if(obj.flags[12]==1) map.showtargets = true;
2398			if (obj.flags[42] == 1) map.showtrinkets = true;
2400			telecookie.close();
2402		}
2404		public function deletetele():void {
2405			telesummary = "";
2406			telecookieexists = false;
2407			telecookie.clear();
2408		}
2410		public function crewrescued():int {
2411			temp = 0;
2412			if (crewstats[0]) temp++;
2413			if (crewstats[1]) temp++;
2414			if (crewstats[2]) temp++;
2415			if (crewstats[3]) temp++;
2416			if (crewstats[4]) temp++;
2417			if (crewstats[5]) temp++;
2418			return temp;
2419		}
2421		public function unrescued():String {
2422			//Randomly return the name of an unrescued crewmate
2423			if (Math.random() * 100 > 50) {
2424				if (!crewstats[5]) return "Victoria";
2425				if (!crewstats[2]) return "Vitellary";
2426				if (!crewstats[4]) return "Verdigris";
2427				if (!crewstats[3]) return "Vermilion";
2428			}else {
2429				if (Math.random() * 100 > 50) {
2430					if (!crewstats[2]) return "Vitellary";
2431					if (!crewstats[4]) return "Verdigris";
2432					if (!crewstats[3]) return "Vermilion";
2433					if (!crewstats[5]) return "Victoria";
2434				}else {
2435					if (!crewstats[4]) return "Verdigris";
2436					if (!crewstats[3]) return "Vermilion";
2437					if (!crewstats[5]) return "Victoria";
2438					if (!crewstats[2]) return "Vitellary";
2439				}
2440			}
2441			return "you";
2442		}
2444		public function gethardestroom(map:mapclass):void {
2445			if (currentroomdeaths > hardestroomdeaths) {
2446				hardestroomdeaths = currentroomdeaths;
2447				hardestroom = map.roomname;
2448				if (map.roomname == "glitch") {
2449					if (roomx == 42 && roomy == 51) {
2450					  hardestroom = "Rear Vindow";
2451				  }else if (roomx == 48 && roomy == 51) {
2452					  hardestroom = "On the Vaterfront";
2453				  }else if (roomx == 49 && roomy == 51) {
2454					  hardestroom = "The Untouchavles";
2455					}
2456				}else if (map.roomname == "change") {
2457					if (roomx == 45 && roomy == 51) hardestroom =map.specialnames[3];
2458				  if (roomx == 46 && roomy == 51) hardestroom =map.specialnames[4];
2459				  if (roomx == 47 && roomy == 51) hardestroom =map.specialnames[5];
2460				  if (roomx == 50 && roomy == 53) hardestroom =map.specialnames[6];
2461				  if (roomx == 50 && roomy == 54) hardestroom = map.specialnames[7];
2462				}
2463			}
2464		}
2466		public function updatestate(dwgfx:dwgraphicsclass, map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, help:helpclass, music:musicclass):void {
2467			statedelay--; if(statedelay<=0) statedelay=0;
2468      if (statedelay <= 0) {
2469				switch(state){
2470          case 0:
2471            //Do nothing here! Standard game state
2472          break;
2473					case 1:
2474					  //Game initilisation
2475						state = 0;
2476          break;
2477					case 2:
2478					  //Opening cutscene
2479						advancetext = true;
2480						hascontrol = false;
2481						state = 3;
2482						dwgfx.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255);
2483						      dwgfx.addline("intro to story!");
2484									//Oh no! what happen to rest of crew etc crash into dimension
2485					break;
2486					case 4:
2487					  //End of opening cutscene for now
2488						switch(controlstyle) {
2489							case 0:
2490								dwgfx.createtextbox("  Swipe on the left side to move  ", -1, 195, 174, 174, 174);
2491							break;
2492							case 1:
2493								dwgfx.createtextbox("  Touch the screen sides to move  ", -1, 195, 174, 174, 174);
2494							break;
2495							case 2:
2496								dwgfx.createtextbox("  Tap the buttons to move  ", -1, 195, 174, 174, 174);
2497							break;
2498						}
2499						dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2500						state = 0;
2501					break;
2502					case 5:
2503					  //Demo over
2504						advancetext = true;
2505						hascontrol = false;
2506						/*dwgfx.createtextbox("   Prototype Complete    ", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255);
2507						      dwgfx.addline("Congrats! More Info Soon!");
2508						dwgfx.textboxcenter();
2509						*/
2511						startscript = true;	newscript="returntohub";
2512						obj.removetrigger(5);
2513						state = 6;
2514					break;
2515					case 7:
2516					  //End of opening cutscene for now
2517					  dwgfx.textboxremove();
2518					  hascontrol = true;
2519						advancetext = false;
2520						state = 0;
2521					break;
2522					case 8:
2523					  //Enter dialogue
2524						obj.removetrigger(8);
2525						if (obj.flags[13] == 0) {
2526							obj.changeflag(13, 1);
2527							if (mobilemenu) {
2528									dwgfx.createtextbox("  Tap the top right corner  ", -1, 155, 174, 174, 174);
2529											  dwgfx.addline("    to view map and crew");
2530							}else{
2531								dwgfx.createtextbox("  Press ENTER to view map  ", -1, 155, 174, 174, 174);
2532											dwgfx.addline("      and quicksave");
2533							}
2535							dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2536						}
2537						state = 0;
2538					break;
2540					case 9:
2541					  //Start SWN Minigame Mode B
2542						obj.removetrigger(9);
2544						swnmode = true;
2545				    swngame = 6;
2546				    swndelay = 150;
2547    				swntimer = 60 * 30;
2549						//set the checkpoint in the middle of the screen
2550						savepoint = 0;
2551						savex = 148;
2552						savey = 100;
2553						savegc = 0;
2554						saverx = roomx; savery = roomy;
2555						savedir = 0;
2557						state = 0;
2558					break;
2560					case 10:
2561					  //Start SWN Minigame Mode A
2562						obj.removetrigger(10);
2564						swnmode = true;
2565				    swngame = 4;
2566				    swndelay = 150;
2567    				swntimer = 60 * 30;
2569						//set the checkpoint in the middle of the screen
2570						savepoint = 0;
2571						savex = 148;
2572						savey = 100;
2573						savegc = 0;
2574						saverx = roomx; savery = roomy;
2575						savedir = 0;
2577						state = 0;
2578					break;
2580					case 11:
2581					  //Intermission 1 instructional textbox, depends on last saved
2582						dwgfx.textboxremovefast();
2583						dwgfx.createtextbox("   When you're NOT standing on   ", -1, 3, 174, 174, 174);
2584						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
2585							if (lastsaved == 2) {       dwgfx.addline("   the ceiling, Vitellary will");
2586							}else if (lastsaved == 3) { dwgfx.addline("   the ceiling, Vermilion will");
2587							}else if (lastsaved == 4) { dwgfx.addline("   the ceiling, Verdigris will");
2588							}else if (lastsaved == 5) { dwgfx.addline("   the ceiling, Victoria will"); }
2589						}else{
2590							if (lastsaved == 2) {       dwgfx.addline("    the floor, Vitellary will");
2591							}else if (lastsaved == 3) { dwgfx.addline("    the floor, Vermilion will");
2592							}else if (lastsaved == 4) { dwgfx.addline("    the floor, Verdigris will");
2593							}else if (lastsaved == 5) { dwgfx.addline("    the floor, Victoria will"); }
2594						}
2596						      dwgfx.addline("     stop and wait for you.");
2597						dwgfx.textboxtimer(180);
2598						state = 0;
2599					break;
2600					case 12:
2601					  //Intermission 1 instructional textbox, depends on last saved
2602						obj.removetrigger(12);
2603						if (obj.flags[61] == 0) {
2604							obj.changeflag(61, 1);
2605							dwgfx.textboxremovefast();
2606							dwgfx.createtextbox("  You can't continue to the next   ", -1, 8, 174, 174, 174);
2607							if (lastsaved == 5) {
2608								dwgfx.addline("  room until she is safely across. ");
2609							}else {
2610								dwgfx.addline("  room until he is safely across.  ");
2611							}
2612							dwgfx.textboxtimer(120);
2613						}
2614						state = 0;
2615					break;
2616					case 13:
2617					  //textbox removal
2618						obj.removetrigger(13);
2619						dwgfx.textboxremovefast();
2620						state = 0;
2621					break;
2622					case 14:
2623					  //Intermission 1 instructional textbox, depends on last saved
2624						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
2625							                 dwgfx.createtextbox(" When you're standing on the ceiling, ", -1, 3, 174, 174, 174);
2626						}else{
2627						                      dwgfx.createtextbox(" When you're standing on the floor, ", -1, 3, 174, 174, 174);
2628						}
2629						if (lastsaved == 2) {       dwgfx.addline(" Vitellary will try to walk to you. ");
2630						}else if (lastsaved == 3) { dwgfx.addline(" Vermilion will try to walk to you. ");
2631				    }else if (lastsaved == 4) { dwgfx.addline(" Verdigris will try to walk to you. ");
2632						}else if (lastsaved == 5) { dwgfx.addline(" Victoria will try to walk to you. ");}
2633						dwgfx.textboxtimer(280);
2635						state = 0;
2636					break;
2638					case 15:
2639					  //leaving the naughty corner
2640						obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].tile = 0;
2641						state = 0;
2642					break;
2643					case 16:
2644					  //entering the naughty corner
2645						if(obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].tile == 0){
2646						  obj.entities[obj.getplayer()].tile = 144;
2647							music.playef(2, 10);
2648						}
2649						state = 0;
2650					break;
2652					case 17:
2653					  //Arrow key tutorial
2654						/*
2655						obj.removetrigger(17);
2656						dwgfx.createtextbox(" If you prefer, you can press UP or ", -1, 195, 174, 174, 174);
2657						      dwgfx.addline("   DOWN instead of ACTION to flip.");
2658						dwgfx.textboxtimer(100);
2659						*/
2660						state = 0;
2661					break;
2663					case 20:
2664						if (obj.flags[1] == 0) {
2665							obj.changeflag(1, 1);
2666							state = 0;
2667							dwgfx.textboxremove();
2668						}
2669						obj.removetrigger(20);
2670					break;
2671					case 21:
2672						if (obj.flags[2] == 0) {
2673							obj.changeflag(2, 1);
2674							state = 0;
2675							dwgfx.textboxremove();
2676						}
2677						obj.removetrigger(21);
2678					break;
2679					case 22:
2680						if (obj.flags[3] == 0) {
2681							dwgfx.textboxremovefast();
2682							obj.changeflag(3, 1);
2683							state = 0;
2685							switch(controlstyle) {
2686								case 0: case 2:
2687									dwgfx.createtextbox("  Tap on the right to flip  ", -1, 25, 174, 174, 174);
2688								break;
2689								case 1:
2690									dwgfx.createtextbox("  Tap both sides together to flip  ", -1, 25, 174, 174, 174);
2691								break;
2692							}
2694							dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2695						}
2696						obj.removetrigger(22);
2697					break;
2699					case 30:
2700					  //Generic "run script"
2701						if (obj.flags[4] == 0) {
2702							obj.changeflag(4, 1);
2703							startscript = true;	newscript="firststeps";
2704							state = 0;
2705						}
2706						obj.removetrigger(30);
2707						state = 0;
2708					break;
2709					case 31:
2710						//state = 55;  statedelay = 50;
2711							state = 0; statedelay = 0;
2712						if (obj.flags[6] == 0) {
2713							obj.changeflag(6, 1);
2715							obj.changeflag(5, 1);
2716							startscript = true;	newscript="communicationstation";
2717							state = 0; statedelay = 0;
2718						}
2719						obj.removetrigger(31);
2720					break;
2721					case 32:
2722					  //Generic "run script"
2723						if (obj.flags[7] == 0) {
2724							obj.changeflag(7, 1);
2725							startscript = true;	newscript="teleporterback";
2726							state = 0;
2727						}
2728						obj.removetrigger(32);
2729						state = 0;
2730					break;
2731					case 33:
2732					  //Generic "run script"
2733						if (obj.flags[9] == 0) {
2734							obj.changeflag(9, 1);
2735							startscript = true;	newscript="rescueblue";
2736							state = 0;
2737						}
2738						obj.removetrigger(33);
2739						state = 0;
2740					break;
2741					case 34:
2742					  //Generic "run script"
2743						if (obj.flags[10] == 0) {
2744							obj.changeflag(10, 1);
2745							startscript = true;	newscript="rescueyellow";
2746							state = 0;
2747						}
2748						obj.removetrigger(34);
2749						state = 0;
2750					break;
2751					case 35:
2752					  //Generic "run script"
2753						if (obj.flags[11] == 0) {
2754							obj.changeflag(11, 1);
2755							startscript = true;	newscript="rescuegreen";
2756							state = 0;
2757						}
2758						obj.removetrigger(35);
2759						state = 0;
2760					break;
2761					case 36:
2762					  //Generic "run script"
2763						if (obj.flags[8] == 0) {
2764							obj.changeflag(8, 1);
2765							startscript = true;	newscript="rescuered";
2766							state = 0;
2767						}
2768						obj.removetrigger(36);
2769						state = 0;
2770					break;
2772					case 37:
2773					  //Generic "run script"
2774						if (companion == 0) {
2775							startscript = true;	newscript="int2_yellow";
2776							state = 0;
2777						}
2778						obj.removetrigger(37);
2779						state = 0;
2780					break;
2781					case 38:
2782					  //Generic "run script"
2783						if (companion == 0) {
2784							startscript = true;	newscript="int2_red";
2785							state = 0;
2786						}
2787						obj.removetrigger(38);
2788						state = 0;
2789					break;
2790					case 39:
2791					  //Generic "run script"
2792						if (companion == 0) {
2793							startscript = true;	newscript="int2_green";
2794							state = 0;
2795						}
2796						obj.removetrigger(39);
2797						state = 0;
2798					break;
2799					case 40:
2800					  //Generic "run script"
2801						if (companion == 0) {
2802							startscript = true;	newscript="int2_blue";
2803							state = 0;
2804						}
2805						obj.removetrigger(40);
2806						state = 0;
2807					break;
2809					case 41:
2810					  //Generic "run script"
2811						if (obj.flags[60] == 0) {
2812							obj.changeflag(60, 1);
2813							startscript = true;
2814							if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_2";
2815							}else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_2";
2816							}else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_2";
2817							}else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_2";}
2818							state = 0;
2819						}
2820						obj.removetrigger(41);
2821						state = 0;
2822					break;
2823					case 42:
2824					  //Generic "run script"
2825						if (obj.flags[62] == 0) {
2826							obj.changeflag(62, 1);
2827							startscript = true;
2828							if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_3";
2829							}else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_3";
2830							}else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_3";
2831							}else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_3";}
2832							state = 0;
2833						}
2834						obj.removetrigger(42);
2835						state = 0;
2836					break;
2837					case 43:
2838					  //Generic "run script"
2839						if (obj.flags[63] == 0) {
2840							obj.changeflag(63, 1);
2841							startscript = true;
2842							if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_4";
2843							}else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_4";
2844							}else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_4";
2845							}else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_4";}
2846							state = 0;
2847						}
2848						obj.removetrigger(43);
2849						state = 0;
2850					break;
2851					case 44:
2852					  //Generic "run script"
2853						if (obj.flags[64] == 0) {
2854							obj.changeflag(64, 1);
2855							startscript = true;
2856							if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_5";
2857							}else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_5";
2858							}else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_5";
2859							}else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_5";}
2860							state = 0;
2861						}
2862						obj.removetrigger(44);
2863						state = 0;
2864					break;
2865					case 45:
2866					  //Generic "run script"
2867						if (obj.flags[65] == 0) {
2868							obj.changeflag(65, 1);
2869							startscript = true;
2870							if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_6";
2871							}else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_6";
2872							}else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_6";
2873							}else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_6";}
2874							state = 0;
2875						}
2876						obj.removetrigger(45);
2877						state = 0;
2878					break;
2879					case 46:
2880					  //Generic "run script"
2881						if (obj.flags[66] == 0) {
2882							obj.changeflag(66, 1);
2883							startscript = true;
2884							if (lastsaved == 2) { newscript = "int1yellow_7";
2885							}else if (lastsaved == 3) { newscript = "int1red_7";
2886							}else if (lastsaved == 4) { newscript = "int1green_7";
2887							}else if (lastsaved == 5) { newscript = "int1blue_7";}
2888							state = 0;
2889						}
2890						obj.removetrigger(46);
2891						state = 0;
2892					break;
2894					case 47:
2895					  //Generic "run script"
2896						if (obj.flags[69] == 0) {
2897							obj.changeflag(69, 1);
2898							startscript = true;	newscript="trenchwarfare";
2899							state = 0;
2900						}
2901						obj.removetrigger(47);
2902						state = 0;
2903					break;
2904					case 48:
2905					  //Generic "run script"
2906						if (obj.flags[70] == 0) {
2907							obj.changeflag(70, 1);
2908							startscript = true;	newscript="trinketcollector";
2909							state = 0;
2910						}
2911						obj.removetrigger(48);
2912						state = 0;
2913					break;
2914					case 49:
2915					  //Start final level music
2916						if (obj.flags[71] == 0) {
2917							obj.changeflag(71, 1);
2918							music.niceplay(15); //Final level remix
2919							state = 0;
2920						}
2921						obj.removetrigger(49);
2922						state = 0;
2923					break;
2925					case 50:
2926					  music.playef(15, 10);
2927					  dwgfx.createtextbox("Help! Can anyone hear", 35, 15, 255, 134, 255);
2928						      dwgfx.addline("this message?");
2929						dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2930						state++; statedelay = 100;
2931					break;
2932					case 51:
2933					  music.playef(15, 10);
2934					  dwgfx.createtextbox("Verdigris? Are you out", 30, 12, 255, 134, 255);
2935						      dwgfx.addline("there? Are you ok?");
2936						dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2937						state++; statedelay = 100;
2938					break;
2939					case 52:
2940					  music.playef(15, 10);
2941					  dwgfx.createtextbox("Please help us! We've crashed", 5, 22, 255, 134, 255);
2942						      dwgfx.addline("and need assistance!");
2943						dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2944						state++; statedelay = 100;
2945					break;
2946					case 53:
2947					  music.playef(15, 10);
2948					  dwgfx.createtextbox("Hello? Anyone out there?", 40, 15, 255, 134, 255);
2949						dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2950						state++; statedelay = 100;
2951					break;
2952					case 54:
2953					  music.playef(15, 10);
2954					  dwgfx.createtextbox("This is Doctor Violet from the", 5, 8, 255, 134, 255);
2955						      dwgfx.addline("D.S.S. Souleye! Please respond!");
2956						dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2957						state++; statedelay = 100;
2958					break;
2959					case 55:
2960					  music.playef(15, 10);
2961					  dwgfx.createtextbox("Please... Anyone...", 45, 14, 255, 134, 255);
2962						dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2963						state++; statedelay = 100;
2964					break;
2965					case 56:
2966					  music.playef(15, 10);
2967					  dwgfx.createtextbox("Please be alright, everyone...", 25, 18, 255, 134, 255);
2968						dwgfx.textboxtimer(60);
2969						state=50; statedelay = 100;
2970					break;
2973					case 80:
2974					  //Used to return to menu from the game
2975						if(dwgfx.fademode == 1)	state++;
2976					break;
2977					case 81:
2978						gamestate = 1; dwgfx.fademode = 4;
2979						music.play(6); dwgfx.backgrounddrawn = false; map.tdrawback = true;
2980						dwgfx.flipmode = false;
2981						createmenu("mainmenu");
2982						state = 0;
2983					break;
2985					case 82:
2986					  //Time Trial Complete!
2987						obj.removetrigger(82);
2988						hascontrol = false;
2989						timetrialresulttime = seconds + (minutes * 60);
2990						timetrialrank = 0;
2991						if (timetrialresulttime <= timetrialpar) timetrialrank++;
2992						if (trinkets >= timetrialshinytarget) timetrialrank++;
2993						if (deathcounts == 0) timetrialrank++;
2995						if (timetrialresulttime < besttimes[timetriallevel] || besttimes[timetriallevel]==-1) {
2996						  besttimes[timetriallevel] = timetrialresulttime;
2997						}
2998						if (trinkets > besttrinkets[timetriallevel] || besttrinkets[timetriallevel]==-1) {
2999							besttrinkets[timetriallevel] = trinkets;
3000						}
3001						if (deathcounts < bestlives[timetriallevel] || bestlives[timetriallevel]==-1) {
3002							bestlives[timetriallevel] = deathcounts;
3003						}
3004						if (timetrialrank > bestrank[timetriallevel] || bestrank[timetriallevel]==-1) {
3005							bestrank[timetriallevel] = timetrialrank;
3006							scores.reportAchievement(6 + timetriallevel);
3007						}
3009						savestats(map, dwgfx);
3011						dwgfx.fademode = 2;	music.fadeout();
3012						state++;
3013					break;
3014					case 83:
3015					  frames--;
3016						if(dwgfx.fademode == 1)	state++;
3017					break;
3018					case 84:
3019					  dwgfx.flipmode = false;
3020						gamestate = 1; dwgfx.fademode = 4;
3021						dwgfx.backgrounddrawn = true; map.tdrawback = true;
3022						createmenu("timetrialcomplete");
3023						state = 0;
3024					break;
3027					case 85:
3028					  //Cutscene skip version of final level change
3029					  obj.removetrigger(85);
3030						//Init final stretch
3031						state++; music.playef(9, 10);
3032						music.play(2);
3033						obj.flags[72] = 1;
3035						screenshake = 10;
3036						flashlight = 5;
3037						map.finalstretch = true;
3038						map.warpx = false; map.warpy = false;
3039						map.background = 6;
3041						map.final_colormode = true; map.final_colorframe = 1;
3043						state = 0;
3044					break;
3046					//From 90-100 are run scripts for the eurogamer expo only, remove later
3047					case 90:
3048					  //Generic "run script"
3049						startscript = true;	newscript="startexpolevel_station1";
3050						obj.removetrigger(90);
3051						state = 0;
3052					break;
3053					case 91:
3054					  //Generic "run script"
3055						startscript = true;	newscript="startexpolevel_lab";
3056						obj.removetrigger(91);
3057						state = 0;
3058					break;
3059					case 92:
3060					  //Generic "run script"
3061						startscript = true;	newscript="startexpolevel_warp";
3062						obj.removetrigger(92);
3063						state = 0;
3064					break;
3065					case 93:
3066					  //Generic "run script"
3067						startscript = true;	newscript="startexpolevel_tower";
3068						obj.removetrigger(93);
3069						state = 0;
3070					break;
3071					case 94:
3072					  //Generic "run script"
3073						startscript = true;	newscript="startexpolevel_station2";
3074						obj.removetrigger(94);
3075						state = 0;
3076					break;
3077					case 95:
3078					  //Generic "run script"
3079						startscript = true;	newscript="startexpolevel_final";
3080						obj.removetrigger(95);
3081						state = 0;
3082					break;
3084					case 96:
3085					  //Used to return to gravitron to game
3086						if(dwgfx.fademode == 1)	state++;
3087					break;
3088					case 97:
3089						gamestate = 0; dwgfx.fademode = 4;
3090						startscript = true;	newscript="returntolab";
3091						state = 0;
3092					break;
3094					case 100:
3095					  //
3096						//                       Meeting crewmate in the warpzone
3097						//
3098						obj.removetrigger(100);
3099						if (obj.flags[4] == 0) {
3100							obj.changeflag(4, 1);
3101							state++;
3102						}
3103					break;
3104					case 101:
3105					  i = obj.getplayer();
3106						hascontrol = false;
3107						if (obj.entities[i].onroof > 0 && gravitycontrol == 1) {
3108							gravitycontrol = 0;	music.playef(1, 10);
3109						}
3110						if (obj.entities[i].onground > 0) {
3111							state++;
3112						}
3113					break;
3114					case 102:
3115					  companion = 6;
3116						i = obj.getcompanion(6);	obj.entities[i].tile = 0;	obj.entities[i].state = 1;
3118						advancetext = true;	hascontrol = false;
3120						dwgfx.createtextbox("Captain! I've been so worried!", 60, 90, 164, 255, 164);
3121						state++; music.playef(12, 10);
3122					break;
3123					case 104:
3124						dwgfx.createtextbox("I'm glad you're ok!", 135, 152, 164, 164, 255);
3125						state++; music.playef(11, 10);
3126						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3127					break;
3128					case 106:
3129						dwgfx.createtextbox("I've been trying to find a", 74, 70, 164, 255, 164);
3130						      dwgfx.addline("way out, but I keep going");
3131									dwgfx.addline("around in circles...");
3132						state++; music.playef(2, 10);
3133						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3134						i = obj.getcompanion(6);
3135						obj.entities[i].tile = 54;	obj.entities[i].state = 0;
3136					break;
3137					case 108:
3138						dwgfx.createtextbox("Don't worry! I have a", 125, 152, 164, 164, 255);
3139						      dwgfx.addline("teleporter key!");
3140						state++; music.playef(11, 10);
3141						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3142					break;
3143					case 110:
3144					  i = obj.getcompanion(6);	obj.entities[i].tile = 0;	obj.entities[i].state = 1;
3145						dwgfx.createtextbox("Follow me!", 185, 154, 164, 164, 255);
3146						state++; music.playef(11, 10);
3147						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3148					break;
3149					case 112:
3150					  dwgfx.textboxremove();
3151					  hascontrol = true;
3152						advancetext = false;
3154						state = 0;
3155					break;
3157					case 115:
3158					  //
3159						//                       Test script for space station, totally delete me!
3160						//
3161					  i = obj.getplayer();
3162						hascontrol = false;
3163						state++;
3164					break;
3165					case 116:
3166						advancetext = true;	hascontrol = false;
3168						dwgfx.createtextbox("Sorry Eurogamers! Teleporting around", 60 - 20, 200, 255, 64, 64);
3169						      dwgfx.addline("the map doesn't work in this version!");
3170						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3171						state++;
3172					break;
3173					case 118:
3174					  dwgfx.textboxremove();
3175					  hascontrol = true;
3176						advancetext = false;
3178						state = 0;
3179					break;
3181					case 120:
3182					  //
3183						//                       Meeting crewmate in the space station
3184						//
3185						obj.removetrigger(120);
3186						if (obj.flags[5] == 0) {
3187							obj.changeflag(5, 1);
3188							state++;
3189						}
3190					break;
3191					case 121:
3192					  i = obj.getplayer();
3193						hascontrol = false;
3194						if (obj.entities[i].onground > 0 && gravitycontrol == 0) {
3195							gravitycontrol = 1;	music.playef(1, 10);
3196						}
3197						if (obj.entities[i].onroof > 0) {
3198							state++;
3199						}
3200					break;
3201					case 122:
3202					  companion = 7;
3203						i = obj.getcompanion(7);	obj.entities[i].tile = 6;	obj.entities[i].state = 1;
3205						advancetext = true;	hascontrol = false;
3207						dwgfx.createtextbox("Captain! You're ok!", 60-10, 90-40, 255, 255, 134);
3208						state++; music.playef(14, 10);
3209					break;
3210					case 124:
3211						dwgfx.createtextbox("I've found a teleporter, but", 60-20, 90 - 40, 255, 255, 134);
3212						      dwgfx.addline("I can't get it to go anywhere...");
3213						state++; music.playef(2, 10);
3214						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3215						i = obj.getcompanion(7);	//obj.entities[i].tile = 66;	obj.entities[i].state = 0;
3216					break;
3217					case 126:
3218						dwgfx.createtextbox("I can help with that!", 125, 152-40, 164, 164, 255);
3219						state++; music.playef(11, 10);
3220						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3221					break;
3222					case 128:
3223						dwgfx.createtextbox("I have the teleporter", 130, 152-35, 164, 164, 255);
3224						      dwgfx.addline("codex for our ship!");
3225						state++; music.playef(11, 10);
3226						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3227					break;
3229					case 130:
3230						dwgfx.createtextbox("Yey! Let's go home!", 60-30, 90-35, 255, 255, 134);
3231						state++; music.playef(14, 10);
3232						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3233						i = obj.getcompanion(7);	obj.entities[i].tile = 6;	obj.entities[i].state = 1;
3234					break;
3235					case 132:
3236					  dwgfx.textboxremove();
3237					  hascontrol = true;
3238						advancetext = false;
3240						state = 0;
3241					break;
3243					case 200:
3244					  //Init final stretch
3245						state++; music.playef(9, 10);
3246						//music.play(2);
3247						obj.flags[72] = 1;
3249						screenshake = 10;
3250						flashlight = 5;
3251						map.finalstretch = true;
3252						map.warpx = false; map.warpy = false;
3253						map.background = 6;
3255						map.final_colormode = true; map.final_colorframe = 1;
3257						startscript = true;	newscript="finalterminal_finish";
3258						state = 0;
3259					break;
3261					case 300:
3262            startscript = true;
3263            newscript="custom_"+customscript[0];
3264            obj.removetrigger(300);
3265            state = 0;
3266            break;
3267        case 301:
3268            startscript = true;
3269            newscript="custom_"+customscript[1];
3270            obj.removetrigger(301);
3271            state = 0;
3272            break;
3273        case 302:
3274            startscript = true;
3275            newscript="custom_"+customscript[2];
3276            obj.removetrigger(302);
3277            state = 0;
3278            break;
3279        case 303:
3280            startscript = true;
3281            newscript="custom_"+customscript[3];
3282            obj.removetrigger(303);
3283            state = 0;
3284            break;
3285        case 304:
3286            startscript = true;
3287            newscript="custom_"+customscript[4];
3288            obj.removetrigger(304);
3289            state = 0;
3290            break;
3291        case 305:
3292            startscript = true;
3293            newscript="custom_"+customscript[5];
3294            obj.removetrigger(305);
3295            state = 0;
3296            break;
3297        case 306:
3298            startscript = true;
3299            newscript="custom_"+customscript[6];
3300            obj.removetrigger(306);
3301            state = 0;
3302            break;
3303        case 307:
3304            startscript = true;
3305            newscript="custom_"+customscript[7];
3306            obj.removetrigger(307);
3307            state = 0;
3308            break;
3309        case 308:
3310            startscript = true;
3311            newscript="custom_"+customscript[8];
3312            obj.removetrigger(308);
3313            state = 0;
3314            break;
3315        case 309:
3316            startscript = true;
3317            newscript="custom_"+customscript[9];
3318            obj.removetrigger(309);
3319            state = 0;
3320            break;
3321        case 310:
3322            startscript = true;
3323            newscript="custom_"+customscript[10];
3324            obj.removetrigger(310);
3325            state = 0;
3326            break;
3327        case 311:
3328            startscript = true;
3329            newscript="custom_"+customscript[11];
3330            obj.removetrigger(311);
3331            state = 0;
3332            break;
3333        case 312:
3334            startscript = true;
3335            newscript="custom_"+customscript[12];
3336            obj.removetrigger(312);
3337            state = 0;
3338            break;
3339        case 313:
3340            startscript = true;
3341            newscript="custom_"+customscript[13];
3342            obj.removetrigger(313);
3343            state = 0;
3344            break;
3345        case 314:
3346            startscript = true;
3347            newscript="custom_"+customscript[14];
3348            obj.removetrigger(314);
3349            state = 0;
3350            break;
3351        case 315:
3352            startscript = true;
3353            newscript="custom_"+customscript[15];
3354            obj.removetrigger(315);
3355            state = 0;
3356            break;
3357        case 316:
3358            startscript = true;
3359            newscript="custom_"+customscript[16];
3360            obj.removetrigger(316);
3361            state = 0;
3362            break;
3363        case 317:
3364            startscript = true;
3365            newscript="custom_"+customscript[17];
3366            obj.removetrigger(317);
3367            state = 0;
3368            break;
3369        case 318:
3370            startscript = true;
3371            newscript="custom_"+customscript[18];
3372            obj.removetrigger(318);
3373            state = 0;
3374            break;
3375        case 319:
3376            startscript = true;
3377            newscript="custom_"+customscript[19];
3378            obj.removetrigger(319);
3379            state = 0;
3380            break;
3381        case 320:
3382            startscript = true;
3383            newscript="custom_"+customscript[20];
3384            obj.removetrigger(320);
3385            state = 0;
3386            break;
3387        case 321:
3388            startscript = true;
3389            newscript="custom_"+customscript[21];
3390            obj.removetrigger(321);
3391            state = 0;
3392            break;
3393        case 322:
3394            startscript = true;
3395            newscript="custom_"+customscript[22];
3396            obj.removetrigger(322);
3397            state = 0;
3398            break;
3399        case 323:
3400            startscript = true;
3401            newscript="custom_"+customscript[23];
3402            obj.removetrigger(323);
3403            state = 0;
3404            break;
3405        case 324:
3406            startscript = true;
3407            newscript="custom_"+customscript[24];
3408            obj.removetrigger(324);
3409            state = 0;
3410            break;
3411        case 325:
3412            startscript = true;
3413            newscript="custom_"+customscript[25];
3414            obj.removetrigger(325);
3415            state = 0;
3416            break;
3417        case 326:
3418            startscript = true;
3419            newscript="custom_"+customscript[26];
3420            obj.removetrigger(326);
3421            state = 0;
3422            break;
3423        case 327:
3424            startscript = true;
3425            newscript="custom_"+customscript[27];
3426            obj.removetrigger(327);
3427            state = 0;
3428            break;
3429        case 328:
3430            startscript = true;
3431            newscript="custom_"+customscript[28];
3432            obj.removetrigger(328);
3433            state = 0;
3434            break;
3435        case 329:
3436            startscript = true;
3437            newscript="custom_"+customscript[29];
3438            obj.removetrigger(329);
3439            state = 0;
3440            break;
3441        case 330:
3442            startscript = true;
3443            newscript="custom_"+customscript[30];
3444            obj.removetrigger(330);
3445            state = 0;
3446            break;
3447        case 331:
3448            startscript = true;
3449            newscript="custom_"+customscript[31];
3450            obj.removetrigger(331);
3451            state = 0;
3452            break;
3453        case 332:
3454            startscript = true;
3455            newscript="custom_"+customscript[32];
3456            obj.removetrigger(332);
3457            state = 0;
3458            break;
3459        case 333:
3460            startscript = true;
3461            newscript="custom_"+customscript[33];
3462            obj.removetrigger(333);
3463            state = 0;
3464            break;
3465        case 334:
3466            startscript = true;
3467            newscript="custom_"+customscript[34];
3468            obj.removetrigger(334);
3469            state = 0;
3470            break;
3471        case 335:
3472            startscript = true;
3473            newscript="custom_"+customscript[35];
3474            obj.removetrigger(335);
3475            state = 0;
3476            break;
3477        case 336:
3478            startscript = true;
3479            newscript="custom_"+customscript[36];
3480            obj.removetrigger(336);
3481            state = 0;
3482            break;
3484					case 1000:
3485						dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
3486						hascontrol = false;
3487						completestop = true;
3488						state++; statedelay = 15;
3489					break;
3490					case 1001:
3491					  //Found a trinket!
3492					  advancetext = true;
3493						state++;
3494						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
3495							dwgfx.createtextbox("        Congratulations!       ", 50, 105, 174, 174, 174);
3496										dwgfx.addline("");
3497										dwgfx.addline("You have found a shiny trinket!");
3498							dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3500							if (map.custommode) {
3501								dwgfx.createtextbox(" " + help.number(trinkets) + " out of " + help.number(map.customtrinkets), 50, 65, 174, 174, 174);
3502							}else{
3503								dwgfx.createtextbox(" " + help.number(trinkets) + " out of Twenty ", 50, 65, 174, 174, 174);
3504							}
3505							dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3506						}else{
3507							dwgfx.createtextbox("        Congratulations!       ", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174);
3508										dwgfx.addline("");
3509										dwgfx.addline("You have found a shiny trinket!");
3510							dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3512							if (map.custommode) {
3513								dwgfx.createtextbox(" " + help.number(trinkets) + " out of " + help.number(map.customtrinkets), 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
3514							}else{
3515								dwgfx.createtextbox(" " + help.number(trinkets) + " out of Twenty ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
3516							}
3517							dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3518						}
3519					break;
3520					case 1003:
3521					  dwgfx.textboxremove();
3522					  hascontrol = true;
3523						advancetext = false; completestop = false;
3524						state = 0;
3525						//music.play(music.resumesong);
3526						music.musicfadein = 90;
3527						dwgfx.showcutscenebars = false;
3528					break;
3530					case 1010:
3531            dwgfx.showcutscenebars = true;
3532            hascontrol = false;
3533            completestop = true;
3534            state++;
3535            statedelay = 15;
3536            break;
3537        case 1011:
3538            //Found a trinket!
3539            advancetext = true;
3540            state++;
3541            if (dwgfx.flipmode)
3542            {
3543                dwgfx.createtextbox("        Congratulations!       ", 50, 105, 174, 174, 174);
3544                dwgfx.addline("");
3545                dwgfx.addline("You have found a lost crewmate!");
3546                dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3548                if(int(map.customcrewmates-crewmates)==0)
3549                {
3550                    dwgfx.createtextbox("     All crewmates rescued!    ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
3551                }
3552                else if(map.customcrewmates-crewmates==1)
3553                {
3554                    dwgfx.createtextbox("    " + help.number(int(map.customcrewmates-crewmates))+ " remains    ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
3555                }
3556                else
3557                {
3558                    dwgfx.createtextbox("     " + help.number(int(map.customcrewmates-crewmates))+ " remain    ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
3559                }
3560                dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3562            }
3563            else
3564            {
3565                dwgfx.createtextbox("        Congratulations!       ", 50, 85, 174, 174, 174);
3566                dwgfx.addline("");
3567                dwgfx.addline("You have found a lost crewmate!");
3568                dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3570                if(int(map.customcrewmates-crewmates)==0)
3571                {
3572                    dwgfx.createtextbox("     All crewmates rescued!    ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
3573                }
3574                else if(map.customcrewmates-crewmates==1)
3575                {
3576                    dwgfx.createtextbox("    " + help.number(int(map.customcrewmates-crewmates))+ " remains    ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
3577                }
3578                else
3579                {
3580                    dwgfx.createtextbox("     " + help.number(int(map.customcrewmates-crewmates))+ " remain    ", 50, 135, 174, 174, 174);
3581                }
3582                dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3583            }
3584            break;
3585        case 1013:
3586            dwgfx.textboxremove();
3587            hascontrol = true;
3588            advancetext = false;
3589            completestop = false;
3590            state = 0;
3592            if(map.customcrewmates-crewmates==0)
3593            {
3594                if(map.custommodeforreal)
3595                {
3596                    dwgfx.fademode = 2;
3597                    if(!muted && editor.levmusic>0) music.musicfadein = 90;
3598                    if(editor.levmusic>0) music.fadeout();
3599                    state=1014;
3600                }
3601                else
3602                {
3603                    gamestate = EDITORMODE;
3604                    dwgfx.backgrounddrawn=false;
3605                    if(!muted && editor.levmusic>0) music.musicfadein = 90;
3606                    if(editor.levmusic>0) music.fadeout();
3607                }
3608            }
3609            else
3610            {
3611                if(!muted && editor.levmusic>0) music.musicfadein = 90;
3612            }
3613            dwgfx.showcutscenebars = false;
3614            break;
3615        case 1014:
3616            frames--;
3617            if(dwgfx.fademode == 1)	state++;
3618            break;
3619        case 1015:
3620            dwgfx.flipmode = false;
3621            gamestate = TITLEMODE;
3622            dwgfx.fademode = 4;
3623            music.play(6);
3624            dwgfx.backgrounddrawn = true;
3625            map.tdrawback = true;
3626            //Update level stats
3627            if(map.customcrewmates-crewmates==0)
3628            {
3629                //Finished level
3630                if(map.customtrinkets-trinkets==0)
3631                {
3632                    //and got all the trinkets!
3633                    updatecustomlevelstats(customlevelfilename, 3);
3634                }
3635                else
3636                {
3637                    updatecustomlevelstats(customlevelfilename, 1);
3638                }
3639            }
3640            createmenu("levellist");
3641            state = 0;
3642            break;
3644					case 2000:
3645						//Game Saved!
3646						if (intimetrial || nodeathmode || inintermission) {
3647							state = 0;
3648						}else{
3649							savetele(map, obj, music, help);
3650							if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
3651								dwgfx.createtextbox("    Game Saved    ", -1, 202, 174, 174, 174);
3652								dwgfx.textboxtimer(25);
3653							}else{
3654								dwgfx.createtextbox("    Game Saved    ", -1, 12, 174, 174, 174);
3655								dwgfx.textboxtimer(25);
3656							}
3657							state = 0;
3658						}
3659					break;
3661					case 2500:
3663						music.play(5);
3664					  //Activating a teleporter (appear)
3665						state++; statedelay = 15;
3666						flashlight = 5;
3667						screenshake = 90;
3668						music.playef(9, 10);
3669					break;
3670					case 2501:
3671					  //Activating a teleporter 2
3672						state++; statedelay = 0;
3673						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;
3674						//we're done here!
3675						music.playef(10, 10);
3676					break;
3677					case 2502:
3678					  //Activating a teleporter 2
3679						state++; statedelay = 5;
3681						i = obj.getplayer();
3682						obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
3683						obj.entities[i].invis = false;
3685						obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[obj.getteleporter()].xp+44;
3686						obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[obj.getteleporter()].yp+44;
3687						obj.entities[i].ay = -6;
3688						obj.entities[i].ax = 6;
3689						obj.entities[i].vy = -6;
3690						obj.entities[i].vx = 6;
3692						i = obj.getteleporter();
3693						obj.entities[i].tile = 1;
3694						obj.entities[i].colour = 101;
3695					break;
3696					case 2503:
3697						state++;
3698						i = obj.getplayer();
3699						obj.entities[i].xp += 10;
3700					break;
3701					case 2504:
3702						state++;
3703						i = obj.getplayer();
3704						//obj.entities[i].xp += 10;
3705					break;
3706					case 2505:
3707						state++;
3708						i = obj.getplayer();
3709						obj.entities[i].xp += 8;
3710					break;
3711					case 2506:
3712						state++;
3713						i = obj.getplayer();
3714						obj.entities[i].xp += 6;
3715					break;
3716					case 2507:
3717						state++;
3718						i = obj.getplayer();
3719						//obj.entities[i].xp += 4;
3720					break;
3721					case 2508:
3722						state++;
3723						i = obj.getplayer();
3724						obj.entities[i].xp += 2;
3725					break;
3726					case 2509:
3727						state++; statedelay = 15;
3728						i = obj.getplayer();
3729						obj.entities[i].xp += 1;
3730					break;
3731					case 2510:
3732						advancetext = true;	hascontrol = false;
3733						dwgfx.createtextbox("Hello?", 125+24, 152-20, 164, 164, 255);
3734						state++; music.playef(11, 10);
3735						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3736					break;
3737					case 2512:
3738						advancetext = true;	hascontrol = false;
3739						dwgfx.createtextbox("Is anyone there?", 125+8, 152-24, 164, 164, 255);
3740						state++; music.playef(11, 10);
3741						dwgfx.textboxactive();
3742					break;
3743					case 2514:
3744					  dwgfx.textboxremove();
3745					  hascontrol = true;
3746						advancetext = false;
3748						state = 0;
3749						music.play(3);
3750					break;
3753					case 3000:
3754					  //Activating a teleporter (long version for level complete)
3755						state++; statedelay = 30;
3756						flashlight = 5;
3757						screenshake = 90;
3758						music.playef(9, 10);
3759					break;
3760					case 3001:
3761					  //Activating a teleporter 2
3762						state++; statedelay = 15;
3763						flashlight = 5;
3764						music.playef(9, 10);
3765					break;
3766					case 3002:
3767					  //Activating a teleporter 2
3768						state++; statedelay = 15;
3769						flashlight = 5;
3770						music.playef(9, 10);
3771					break;
3772					case 3003:
3773					  //Activating a teleporter 2
3774						state++; statedelay = 15;
3775						flashlight = 5;
3776						music.playef(9, 10);
3777					break;
3778					case 3004:
3779					  //Activating a teleporter 2
3780						state++; statedelay = 0;
3781						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;
3782						//we're done here!
3783						music.playef(10, 10);
3784					break;
3785					case 3005:
3786					  //Activating a teleporter 2
3787						state++; statedelay = 50;
3788						//testing!
3789						//state = 3006; //Warp Zone
3790						//state = 3020; //Space Station
3791						switch(companion) {
3792							case 6: state = 3006; break; //Warp Zone
3793							case 7: state = 3020; break; //Space Station
3794							case 8: state = 3040; break; //Lab
3795							case 9: state = 3060; break; //Tower
3796							case 10: state = 3080; break; //Intermission 2
3797							case 11: state = 3085; break; //Intermission 1
3798						}
3800						i = obj.getplayer();
3801						obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
3802						obj.entities[i].invis = true;
3804						i = obj.getcompanion(companion);
3805						if(i>-1){
3806						  obj.entities[i].active = false;
3807						}
3809						i = obj.getteleporter();
3810						obj.entities[i].tile = 1;
3811						obj.entities[i].colour = 100;
3812					break;
3814					case 3006:
3815					  //Level complete! (warp zone)
3816						unlocknum(4, map, dwgfx);
3817						lastsaved = 4;
3818						music.play(0);
3819						state++; statedelay = 75;
3821						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255);
3822						}else{ dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); }
3823						//dwgfx.addline("      Level Complete!      ");
3824						dwgfx.addline("                                   ");
3825						dwgfx.addline("");
3826						dwgfx.addline("");
3827						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3829/*												advancetext = true;
3830						hascontrol = false;
3831						state = 3;
3832						dwgfx.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255);
3833						      dwgfx.addline("intro to story!");*/
3834					break;
3835					case 3007:
3836					  state++; statedelay = 45;
3838						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 175,174,174);
3839						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 175,174,174); }
3840						dwgfx.addline("     You have rescued  ");
3841						dwgfx.addline("      a crew member!   ");
3842						dwgfx.addline("");
3843						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3844					break;
3845					case 3008:
3846					  state++; statedelay = 45;
3848						temp = 6 - crewrescued();
3849						if (temp == 1) {
3850							tempstring = "  One remains  ";
3851							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3852						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3853						}else if (temp > 0) {
3854							tempstring = "  " + help.number(temp) + " remain  ";
3855							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3856						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3857						}else {
3858							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3859						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3860						}
3861						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3862					break;
3863					case 3009:
3864					  state++; statedelay = 0;
3866						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255);
3867						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); }
3868						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3869					break;
3870					case 3010:
3871					  if (jumppressed) {
3872							state++; statedelay = 30;
3873							dwgfx.textboxremove();
3874						}
3875					break;
3876					case 3011:
3877						state = 3070; statedelay = 0;
3878					break;
3880					case 3020:
3881					  //Level complete! (Space Station 2)
3882						unlocknum(3, map, dwgfx);
3883						lastsaved = 2;
3884						music.play(0);
3885						state++; statedelay = 75;
3888						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255);
3889						}else{ dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); }
3890						//dwgfx.addline("      Level Complete!      ");
3891						dwgfx.addline("                                   ");
3892						dwgfx.addline("");
3893						dwgfx.addline("");
3894						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3896/*												advancetext = true;
3897						hascontrol = false;
3898						state = 3;
3899						dwgfx.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255);
3900						      dwgfx.addline("intro to story!");*/
3901					break;
3902					case 3021:
3903					  state++; statedelay = 45;
3905						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 174,175,174);
3906						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 174,175,174); }
3907						dwgfx.addline("     You have rescued  ");
3908						dwgfx.addline("      a crew member!   ");
3909						dwgfx.addline("");
3910						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3911					break;
3912					case 3022:
3913					  state++; statedelay = 45;
3915						temp = 6 - crewrescued();
3916						if (temp == 1) {
3917							tempstring = "  One remains  ";
3918							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3919						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3920						}else if (temp > 0) {
3921							tempstring = "  " + help.number(temp) + " remain  ";
3922							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3923						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3924						}else {
3925							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3926						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3927						}
3928						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3929					break;
3930					case 3023:
3931					  state++; statedelay = 0;
3933						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255);
3934						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); }
3935						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3936					break;
3937					case 3024:
3938					  if (jumppressed) {
3939							state++; statedelay = 30;
3940							dwgfx.textboxremove();
3941						}
3942					break;
3943					case 3025:
3944						state = 3070; statedelay = 0;
3945					break;
3947					case 3040:
3948					  //Level complete! (Lab)
3949						unlocknum(1, map, dwgfx);
3950						lastsaved = 5;
3951						music.play(0);
3952						state++; statedelay = 75;
3954						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255);
3955						}else{ dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); }
3956						//dwgfx.addline("      Level Complete!      ");
3957						dwgfx.addline("                                   ");
3958						dwgfx.addline("");
3959						dwgfx.addline("");
3960						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3962/*												advancetext = true;
3963						hascontrol = false;
3964						state = 3;
3965						dwgfx.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255);
3966						      dwgfx.addline("intro to story!");*/
3967					break;
3968					case 3041:
3969					  state++; statedelay = 45;
3971						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 174,174,175);
3972						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 174,174,175); }
3973						dwgfx.addline("     You have rescued  ");
3974						dwgfx.addline("      a crew member!   ");
3975						dwgfx.addline("");
3976						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3977					break;
3978					case 3042:
3979					  state++; statedelay = 45;
3981						temp = 6 - crewrescued();
3982						if (temp == 1) {
3983							tempstring = "  One remains  ";
3984							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3985						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3986						}else if (temp > 0) {
3987							tempstring = "  " + help.number(temp) + " remain  ";
3988							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3989						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3990						}else {
3991							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
3992						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
3993						}
3994						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
3995					break;
3996					case 3043:
3997					  state++; statedelay = 0;
3999						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255);
4000						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); }
4001						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4002					break;
4003					case 3044:
4004					  if (jumppressed) {
4005							state++; statedelay = 30;
4006							dwgfx.textboxremove();
4007						}
4008					break;
4009					case 3045:
4010						state = 3070; statedelay = 0;
4011					break;
4013					case 3050:
4014					  //Level complete! (Space Station 1)
4015						unlocknum(0, map, dwgfx);
4016						lastsaved = 1;
4017						music.play(0);
4018						state++; statedelay = 75;
4021						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255);
4022						}else{ dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); }
4023						//dwgfx.addline("      Level Complete!      ");
4024						dwgfx.addline("                                   ");
4025						dwgfx.addline("");
4026						dwgfx.addline("");
4027						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4029/*												advancetext = true;
4030						hascontrol = false;
4031						state = 3;
4032						dwgfx.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255);
4033						      dwgfx.addline("intro to story!");*/
4034					break;
4035					case 3051:
4036					  state++; statedelay = 45;
4038						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 175,175,174);
4039						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 175,175,174); }
4040						dwgfx.addline("     You have rescued  ");
4041						dwgfx.addline("      a crew member!   ");
4042						dwgfx.addline("");
4043						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4044					break;
4045					case 3052:
4046					  state++; statedelay = 45;
4048						temp = 6 - crewrescued();
4049						if (temp == 1) {
4050							tempstring = "  One remains  ";
4051							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
4052						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
4053						}else if (temp > 0) {
4054							tempstring = "  " + help.number(temp) + " remain  ";
4055							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
4056						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
4057						}else {
4058							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
4059						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
4060						}
4061						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4062					break;
4063					case 3053:
4064					  state++; statedelay = 0;
4066						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255);
4067						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); }
4068						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4069					break;
4070					case 3054:
4071					  if (jumppressed) {
4072							state++; statedelay = 30;
4073							dwgfx.textboxremove();
4074							crewstats[1] = 0; //Set violet's rescue script to 0 to make the next bit easier
4075							teleportscript = "";
4076						}
4077					break;
4078					case 3055:
4079					  dwgfx.fademode = 2;
4080					  state++; statedelay = 10;
4081					break;
4082					case 3056:
4083					  if(dwgfx.fademode==1){
4084							startscript = true;
4085							if (nocutscenes) {
4086								newscript="bigopenworldskip";
4087							}else{
4088							  newscript = "bigopenworld";
4089							}
4090					    state = 0;
4091						}
4092					break;
4095					case 3060:
4096					  //Level complete! (Tower)
4097						unlocknum(2, map, dwgfx);
4098						lastsaved = 3;
4099						music.play(0);
4100						state++; statedelay = 75;
4102						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 165, 165, 255);
4103						}else{ dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 165, 165, 255); }
4104						//dwgfx.addline("      Level Complete!      ");
4105						dwgfx.addline("                                   ");
4106						dwgfx.addline("");
4107						dwgfx.addline("");
4108						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4110/*												advancetext = true;
4111						hascontrol = false;
4112						state = 3;
4113						dwgfx.createtextbox("To do: write quick", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255);
4114						      dwgfx.addline("intro to story!");*/
4115					break;
4116					case 3061:
4117					  state++; statedelay = 45;
4119						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 104, 175,174,175);
4120						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 64+8+16, 175,174,175); }
4121						dwgfx.addline("     You have rescued  ");
4122						dwgfx.addline("      a crew member!   ");
4123						dwgfx.addline("");
4124						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4125					break;
4126					case 3062:
4127					  state++; statedelay = 45;
4129						temp = 6 - crewrescued();
4130						if (temp == 1) {
4131							tempstring = "  One remains  ";
4132							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
4133						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
4134						}else if (temp > 0) {
4135							tempstring = "  " + help.number(temp) + " remain  ";
4136							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
4137						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
4138						}else {
4139							if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 72, 174, 174, 174);
4140						  }else { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 128+16, 174, 174, 174); }
4141						}
4142						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4143					break;
4144					case 3063:
4145					  state++; statedelay = 0;
4147						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255);
4148						}else { dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255); }
4149						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4150					break;
4151					case 3064:
4152					  if (jumppressed) {
4153							state++; statedelay = 30;
4154							dwgfx.textboxremove();
4155						}
4156					break;
4157					case 3065:
4158						state = 3070; statedelay = 0;
4159					break;
4162					case 3070:
4163						dwgfx.fademode = 2;
4164						state++;
4165					break;
4166					case 3071:
4167					  if (dwgfx.fademode == 1) state++;
4168					break;
4169					case 3072:
4170					  //Ok, we need to adjust some flags based on who've we've rescued. Some of there conversation options
4171						//change depending on when they get back to the ship.
4172						if (lastsaved == 2) {
4173							if (crewstats[3]) obj.flags[25] = 1;
4174							if (crewstats[4]) obj.flags[26] = 1;
4175							if (crewstats[5]) obj.flags[24] = 1;
4176						}else if (lastsaved == 3) {
4177							if (crewstats[2]) obj.flags[50] = 1;
4178							if (crewstats[4]) obj.flags[49] = 1;
4179							if (crewstats[5]) obj.flags[48] = 1;
4180						}else if (lastsaved == 4) {
4181							if (crewstats[2]) obj.flags[54] = 1;
4182							if (crewstats[3]) obj.flags[55] = 1;
4183							if (crewstats[5]) obj.flags[56] = 1;
4184						}else if (lastsaved == 5) {
4185							if (crewstats[2]) obj.flags[37] = 1;
4186							if (crewstats[3]) obj.flags[38] = 1;
4187							if (crewstats[4]) obj.flags[39] = 1;
4188						}
4189					  //We're pitch black now, make a decision
4190						companion = 0;
4191						if (crewrescued() == 6) {
4192							startscript = true;	newscript="startlevel_final";
4193					    state = 0;
4194						}else if (crewrescued() == 4) {
4195							companion = 11;
4196				      supercrewmate = true;
4197				      scmprogress = 0;
4199							startscript = true;	newscript = "intermission_1";
4200							obj.flags[19] = 1;
4201							if (lastsaved == 2) obj.flags[32] = 1;
4202							if (lastsaved == 3) obj.flags[35] = 1;
4203							if (lastsaved == 4) obj.flags[34] = 1;
4204							if (lastsaved == 5) obj.flags[33] = 1;
4205					    state = 0;
4206						}else if (crewrescued() == 5) {
4207							startscript = true;	newscript = "intermission_2";
4208							obj.flags[20] = 1;
4209							if (lastsaved == 2) obj.flags[32] = 1;
4210							if (lastsaved == 3) obj.flags[35] = 1;
4211							if (lastsaved == 4) obj.flags[34] = 1;
4212							if (lastsaved == 5) obj.flags[33] = 1;
4213					    state = 0;
4214						}else {
4215							startscript = true;	newscript="regularreturn";
4216					    state = 0;
4217						}
4218					break;
4220					case 3080:
4221					  //returning from an intermission, very like 3070
4222						if (inintermission) {
4223							dwgfx.fademode = 2;
4224							companion = 0;
4225							state=3100;
4226						}else{
4227							unlocknum(7, map, dwgfx);
4228							dwgfx.fademode = 2;
4229							companion = 0;
4230							state++;
4231						}
4232					break;
4233					case 3081:
4234					  if (dwgfx.fademode == 1) state++;
4235					break;
4236					case 3082:
4237					  map.finalmode = false;
4238						startscript = true;	newscript="regularreturn";
4239					  state = 0;
4240					break;
4242					case 3085:
4243					  //returning from an intermission, very like 3070
4244						//return to menu from here
4245						if (inintermission) {
4246							companion = 0;
4247							supercrewmate = false;
4248							state++;
4249							dwgfx.fademode = 2;	music.fadeout();
4250						  state=3100;
4251						}else{
4252							unlocknum(6, map, dwgfx);
4253							dwgfx.fademode = 2;
4254							companion = 0;
4255							supercrewmate = false;
4256							state++;
4257						}
4258					break;
4259					case 3086:
4260					  if (dwgfx.fademode == 1) state++;
4261					break;
4262					case 3087:
4263					  map.finalmode = false;
4264						startscript = true;	newscript="regularreturn";
4265					  state = 0;
4266					break;
4268					case 3100:
4269						if(dwgfx.fademode == 1)	state++;
4270					break;
4271					case 3101:
4272					  dwgfx.flipmode = false;
4273						gamestate = 1; dwgfx.fademode = 4;
4274						dwgfx.backgrounddrawn = true; map.tdrawback = true;
4275						createmenu("play");
4276						music.play(6);
4277						state = 0;
4278					break;
4280					//startscript = true;	newscript="returntohub";
4281					//state = 0;
4283					/*case 3025:
4284						if (recording == 1) {
4285							//if recording the input, output it to debug here
4286							trace(recordstring);
4287							help.toclipboard(recordstring);
4288						}
4289						test = true; teststring = recordstring;
4290					  dwgfx.createtextbox("   Congratulations!    ", 50, 80, 164, 164, 255);
4291						      dwgfx.addline("");
4292									dwgfx.addline("Your play of this level has");
4293									dwgfx.addline("been copied to the clipboard.");
4294									dwgfx.addline("");
4295									dwgfx.addline("Please consider pasting and");
4296									dwgfx.addline("sending it to me! Even if you");
4297									dwgfx.addline("made a lot of mistakes - knowing");
4298									dwgfx.addline("exactly where people are having");
4299									dwgfx.addline("trouble is extremely useful!");
4300						dwgfx.textboxcenter();
4301						state = 0;
4302					break;*/
4304					case 3500:
4305						music.fadeout();
4306						state++; statedelay = 120;
4307						//state = 3511; //testing
4308					break;
4309					case 3501:
4310					  //Game complete!
4311						scores.reportAchievement(scores.vvvvvvgamecomplete);
4312						unlocknum(5, map, dwgfx);
4313						crewstats[0] = true;
4314						state++; statedelay = 75;
4315						music.play(7);
4317						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 180, 164, 165, 255);
4318						}else{ dwgfx.createtextbox("", -1, 12, 164, 165, 255); }
4319						dwgfx.addline("                                   ");
4320						dwgfx.addline("");
4321						dwgfx.addline("");
4322						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4323					break;
4324					case 3502:
4325					  state++; statedelay = 45+15;
4327						if (dwgfx.flipmode) { dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 175-24, 0, 0, 0);
4328						}else{ dwgfx.createtextbox("  All Crew Members Rescued!  ", -1, 64, 0, 0, 0);}
4329						savetime = timestring(help);
4330					break;
4331					case 3503:
4332					  state++; statedelay = 45;
4334						tempstring = help.number(trinkets);
4335						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
4336							dwgfx.createtextbox("Trinkets Found:", 48, 155-24, 0,0,0);
4337							dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, 180, 155-24, 0, 0, 0);
4338						}else{
4339							dwgfx.createtextbox("Trinkets Found:", 48, 84, 0,0,0);
4340							dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, 180, 84, 0, 0, 0);
4341						}
4342					break;
4343					case 3504:
4344					  state++; statedelay = 45+15;
4346						tempstring = String(savetime);
4347						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
4348						  dwgfx.createtextbox("   Game Time:", 64, 143-24, 0,0,0);
4349						  dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, 180, 143-24, 0, 0, 0);
4350						}else{
4351						  dwgfx.createtextbox("   Game Time:", 64, 96, 0,0,0);
4352						  dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, 180, 96, 0, 0, 0);
4353						}
4354					break;
4355					case 3505:
4356					  state++; statedelay = 45;
4358						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
4359							dwgfx.createtextbox(" Total Flips:", 64, 116-24, 0,0,0);
4360							dwgfx.createtextbox(String(totalflips), 180, 116-24, 0, 0, 0);
4361						}else{
4362							dwgfx.createtextbox(" Total Flips:", 64, 123, 0,0,0);
4363							dwgfx.createtextbox(String(totalflips), 180, 123, 0, 0, 0);
4364						}
4365					break;
4366					case 3506:
4367					  state++; statedelay = 45+15;
4369						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
4370							dwgfx.createtextbox("Total Deaths:", 64, 104-24, 0,0,0);
4371							dwgfx.createtextbox(String(deathcounts), 180, 104-24, 0, 0, 0);
4372						}else{
4373							dwgfx.createtextbox("Total Deaths:", 64, 135, 0,0,0);
4374							dwgfx.createtextbox(String(deathcounts), 180, 135, 0, 0, 0);
4375						}
4376					break;
4377					case 3507:
4378					  state++; statedelay = 45+15;
4380						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
4381							tempstring = "Hardest Room (with " + String(hardestroomdeaths) + " deaths)";
4382							dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 81-24, 0,0,0);
4383							dwgfx.createtextbox(hardestroom, -1, 69-24, 0, 0, 0);
4384						}else{
4385							tempstring = "Hardest Room (with " + String(hardestroomdeaths) + " deaths)";
4386							dwgfx.createtextbox(tempstring, -1, 158, 0,0,0);
4387							dwgfx.createtextbox(hardestroom, -1, 170, 0, 0, 0);
4388						}
4389					break;
4390					case 3508:
4391					  state++; statedelay = 0;
4393						if (dwgfx.flipmode) {
4394						  dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 20, 164, 164, 255);
4395						}else{
4396						  dwgfx.createtextbox(" Tap screen to continue ", -1, 196, 164, 164, 255);
4397						}
4398						dwgfx.textboxcenterx();
4399					break;
4400					case 3509:
4401					  if (jumppressed) {
4402							state++; statedelay = 30;
4403							dwgfx.textboxremove();
4404						}
4405					break;
4406					case 3510:
4407					  //Save stats and stuff here
4408						if (obj.flags[73] == 0) {
4409							//flip mode complete
4410							scores.reportAchievement(scores.vvvvvvgamecompleteflip);
4411							unlock[19] = true;
4412						}
4414					  if (bestgamedeaths == -1) {
4415							bestgamedeaths = deathcounts;
4416						}else {
4417							if (deathcounts < bestgamedeaths) {
4418								bestgamedeaths = deathcounts;
4419							}
4420						}
4422						if (bestgamedeaths > -1) {
4423							if (bestgamedeaths <= 500) {
4424							  scores.reportAchievement(scores.vvvvvvcomplete500);
4425							}
4426							if (bestgamedeaths <= 250) {
4427								scores.reportAchievement(scores.vvvvvvcomplete250);
4428							}
4429							if (bestgamedeaths <= 100) {
4430								scores.reportAchievement(scores.vvvvvvcomplete100);
4431							}
4432							if (bestgamedeaths <= 50) {
4433								scores.reportAchievement(scores.vvvvvvcomplete50);
4434							}
4435						}
4437						savestats(map, dwgfx);
4438	  				if (nodeathmode) {
4439							scores.reportAchievement(scores.vvvvvvmaster); //bloody hell
4440							unlock[20] = true;
4441							state = 3520; statedelay = 0;
4442					  }else{
4443					    statedelay = 120;
4444						  state++;
4445				    }
4446					break;
4447					case 3511:
4448					  //Activating a teleporter (long version for level complete)
4449						i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].colour = 102;
4451						obj.flags[67] = 1;
4453						state++; statedelay = 30;
4454						flashlight = 5;
4455						screenshake = 90;
4456						music.playef(9, 10);
4457					break;
4458					case 3512:
4459					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4460						state++; statedelay = 15;
4461						flashlight = 5;
4462						music.playef(9, 10);
4463					break;
4464					case 3513:
4465					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4466						state++; statedelay = 15;
4467						flashlight = 5;
4468						music.playef(9, 10);
4469					break;
4470					case 3514:
4471					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4472						state++; statedelay = 15;
4473						flashlight = 5;
4474						music.playef(9, 10);
4475					break;
4476					case 3515:
4477					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4478						state++; statedelay = 0;
4479						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;
4481						i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
4482						obj.entities[i].invis = true;
4484						//we're done here!
4485						music.playef(10, 10);
4486						statedelay = 60;
4487					break;
4488					case 3516:
4489					  dwgfx.fademode = 2;
4490						state++;
4491					break;
4492					case 3517:
4493					  if (dwgfx.fademode == 1) {
4494						  state++; statedelay = 30;
4495						}
4496					break;
4497					case 3518:
4498					  dwgfx.fademode = 4;
4499						state = 0; statedelay = 30;
4500						//music.play(5);
4501						//music.play(10);
4503					  map.finalmode = false;
4504					  map.final_colormode = false;	map.final_mapcol = 0;	map.final_colorframe = 0;
4505						map.finalstretch = false;
4506						map.finalx = 100; map.finaly = 100;
4508						dwgfx.cutscenebarspos = 320;
4510						teleport_to_new_area = true;
4511						teleportscript = "gamecomplete";
4512					break;
4514					case 3520:
4516						hascontrol = false;
4517						crewstats[0] = true;
4519						dwgfx.fademode = 2;
4520						state++;
4521					break;
4522					case 3521:
4523					  if(dwgfx.fademode == 1)	state++;
4524					break;
4525					case 3522:
4526					  dwgfx.flipmode = false;
4527						gamestate = 1; dwgfx.fademode = 4;
4528						dwgfx.backgrounddrawn = true; map.tdrawback = true;
4529						createmenu("nodeathmodecomplete");
4530						state = 0;
4531					break;
4533					case 4000:
4534					  //Activating a teleporter (short version)
4535						state++; statedelay = 10;
4536						flashlight = 5;
4537						screenshake = 10;
4538						music.playef(9, 10);
4539					break;
4540					case 4001:
4541					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4542						state++; statedelay = 0;
4543						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;
4544						//we're done here!
4545						music.playef(10, 10);
4546					break;
4547					case 4002:
4548					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4549						state++; statedelay = 10;
4550						//testing!
4551						//state = 3006; //Warp Zone
4552						//state = 3020; //Space Station
4553						//state = 3040; //Lab
4555						i = obj.getplayer();
4556						obj.entities[i].colour = 0;
4557						obj.entities[i].invis = true;
4559						i = obj.getteleporter();
4560				    if(i>-1){
4561							obj.entities[i].tile = 1;
4562							obj.entities[i].colour = 100;
4563						}
4564					break;
4565					case 4003:
4566					  state = 0; statedelay = 0;
4567						teleport_to_new_area = true;
4568					break;
4570					case 4010:
4571						//Activating a teleporter (default appear)
4572						state++; statedelay = 15;
4573						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4574						music.playef(9, 10);
4575					break;
4576					case 4011:
4577					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4578						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4579					break;
4580					case 4012:
4581					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4582						state++; statedelay = 5;
4584						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4585						if (j != -1) {
4586						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4587						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4588						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4589						}
4590						obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
4592						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6;
4593						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6;
4594					break;
4595					case 4013: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4596					case 4014: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4597					case 4015: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break;
4598					case 4016: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break;
4599					case 4017: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break;
4600					case 4018: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp += 1;	break;
4601					case 4019:
4602					  if (intimetrial || nodeathmode || inintermission) {
4603						}else{
4604              savetele(map, obj, music, help);
4605						}
4606						i = obj.getteleporter();
4607						activetele = true;
4608						teleblock.x = obj.entities[i].xp - 32;	teleblock.y = obj.entities[i].yp - 32;
4609						teleblock.width = 160;							    teleblock.height = 160;
4610					  hascontrol = true;	advancetext = false;	state = 0;
4611					break;
4613					case 4020:
4614						//Activating a teleporter (default appear)
4615						state++; statedelay = 15;
4616						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4617						music.playef(9, 10);
4618					break;
4619					case 4021:
4620					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4621						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4622					break;
4623					case 4022:
4624					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4625						state++; statedelay = 5;
4627						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4628						if (j != -1) {
4629						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4630						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4631						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4632						}
4633						obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
4635						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6;
4636						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6;
4637					break;
4638					case 4023: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; break;
4639					case 4024: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; break;
4640					case 4025: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4641					case 4026: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break;
4642					case 4027: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 5; break;
4643					case 4028: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp += 2;	break;
4644					case 4029: hascontrol = true;	advancetext = false;	state = 0; break;
4646					case 4030:
4647						//Activating a teleporter (default appear)
4648						state++; statedelay = 15;
4649						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4650						music.playef(9, 10);
4651					break;
4652					case 4031:
4653					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4654						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4655					break;
4656					case 4032:
4657					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4658						state++; statedelay = 5;
4660						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4661						if (j != -1) {
4662						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4663						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4664						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4665						}
4666						obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 0;
4668						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = -6;
4669						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = -6;
4670					break;
4671					case 4033: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 12; break;
4672					case 4034: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 12; break;
4673					case 4035: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 10; break;
4674					case 4036: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 8; break;
4675					case 4037: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 5; break;
4676					case 4038: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp -= 2;	break;
4677					case 4039: hascontrol = true;	advancetext = false;	state = 0; break;
4679					case 4040:
4680						//Activating a teleporter (default appear)
4681						state++; statedelay = 15;
4682						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4683						music.playef(9, 10);
4684					break;
4685					case 4041:
4686					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4687						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4688					break;
4689					case 4042:
4690					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4691						state++; statedelay = 5;
4693						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4694						if (j != -1) {
4695						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4696						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4697						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4698						}
4699						obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
4701						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6;
4702						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6;
4703					break;
4704					case 4043: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; obj.entities[i].yp -= 15;  break;
4705					case 4044: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; obj.entities[i].yp -= 10;  break;
4706					case 4045: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 12; obj.entities[i].yp -= 10;  break;
4707					case 4046: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8;  break;
4708					case 4047: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break;
4709					case 4048: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp += 3;	break;
4710					case 4049: hascontrol = true;	advancetext = false;	state = 0; break;
4712					case 4050:
4713						//Activating a teleporter (default appear)
4714						state++; statedelay = 15;
4715						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4716						music.playef(9, 10);
4717					break;
4718					case 4051:
4719					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4720						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4721					break;
4722					case 4052:
4723					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4724						state++; statedelay = 5;
4726						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4727						if (j != -1) {
4728						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4729						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4730						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4731						}
4732						obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
4734						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6;
4735						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6;
4736					break;
4737					case 4053: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 4; obj.entities[i].yp -= 15;  break;
4738					case 4054: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 4; obj.entities[i].yp -= 10;  break;
4739					case 4055: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 4; obj.entities[i].yp -= 10;  break;
4740					case 4056: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 4; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8;  break;
4741					case 4057: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 2; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break;
4742					case 4058: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp += 1;	break;
4743					case 4059: hascontrol = true;	advancetext = false;	state = 0; break;
4745					case 4060:
4746						//Activating a teleporter (default appear)
4747						state++; statedelay = 15;
4748						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4749						music.playef(9, 10);
4750					break;
4751					case 4061:
4752					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4753						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4754					break;
4755					case 4062:
4756					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4757						state++; statedelay = 5;
4759						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4760						if (j != -1) {
4761						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4762						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4763						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4764						}
4765						obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 0;
4767						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = -6;
4768						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = -6;
4769					break;
4770					case 4063: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 28; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break;
4771					case 4064: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 28; obj.entities[i].yp -= 8; break;
4772					case 4065: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 25; break;
4773					case 4066: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 25; break;
4774					case 4067: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp -= 20; break;
4775					case 4068: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp -= 16;	break;
4776					case 4069: hascontrol = true;	advancetext = false;	state = 0; break;
4779					case 4070:
4780						//Activating a teleporter (special for final script, player has colour changed to match rescued crewmate)
4781						state++; statedelay = 15;
4782						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4783						music.playef(9, 10);
4784					break;
4785					case 4071:
4786					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4787						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4788					break;
4789					case 4072:
4790					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4791						state++; statedelay = 5;
4793						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4794						if (j != -1) {
4795						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4796						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4797						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4798						}
4799						obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
4800						obj.entities[i].colour = obj.crewcolour(lastsaved);
4802						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6;
4803						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6;
4804					break;
4805					case 4073: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4806					case 4074: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4807					case 4075: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break;
4808					case 4076: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break;
4809					case 4077: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break;
4810					case 4078: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp += 1;	break;
4811					case 4079:
4812					  state = 0;
4813						startscript = true;	newscript = "finallevel_teleporter";
4814					break;
4816					case 4080:
4817						//Activating a teleporter (default appear)
4818						state++; statedelay = 15;
4819						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4820						music.playef(9, 10);
4821					break;
4822					case 4081:
4823					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4824						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4825					break;
4826					case 4082:
4827					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4828						state++; statedelay = 5;
4830						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4831						if (j != -1) {
4832						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4833						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4834						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4835						}
4836						obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
4838						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6;
4839						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6;
4840					break;
4841					case 4083: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4842					case 4084: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4843					case 4085: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break;
4844					case 4086: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break;
4845					case 4087: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break;
4846					case 4088: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp += 1;	break;
4847					case 4089:
4848						startscript = true;	newscript = "gamecomplete_ending";
4849					  state = 0;
4850					break;
4852					case 4090:
4853						//Activating a teleporter (default appear)
4854						state++; statedelay = 15;
4855						flashlight = 5; screenshake = 90;
4856						music.playef(9, 10);
4857					break;
4858					case 4091:
4859					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4860						state++; statedelay = 0; flashlight = 5; screenshake = 0;	music.playef(10, 10);
4861					break;
4862					case 4092:
4863					  //Activating a teleporter 2
4864						state++; statedelay = 5;
4866						i = obj.getplayer(); j = obj.getteleporter();
4867						if (j != -1) {
4868						  obj.entities[i].xp = obj.entities[j].xp+44;
4869						  obj.entities[i].yp = obj.entities[j].yp+44;
4870						  obj.entities[j].tile = 2; obj.entities[j].colour = 101;
4871						}
4872						obj.entities[i].colour = 0; obj.entities[i].invis = false; obj.entities[i].dir = 1;
4874						obj.entities[i].ay = -6; obj.entities[i].ax = 6;
4875						obj.entities[i].vy = -6; obj.entities[i].vx = 6;
4876					break;
4877					case 4093: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4878					case 4094: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 10; break;
4879					case 4095: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 8; break;
4880					case 4096: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 6; break;
4881					case 4097: state++; i = obj.getplayer(); obj.entities[i].xp += 3; break;
4882					case 4098: state++; statedelay = 15;	i = obj.getplayer(); 	obj.entities[i].xp += 1;	break;
4883					case 4099:
4884					  if (nocutscenes) {
4885							startscript = true;	newscript = "levelonecompleteskip";
4886						}else{
4887						  startscript = true;	newscript = "levelonecomplete_ending";
4888						}
4889					  state = 0;
4890					break;
4891				}
4892			}
4893		}
4895		public function lifesequence(obj:entityclass):void{
4896			if (lifeseq > 0) {
4897				i = obj.getplayer();
4898				obj.entities[i].invis = false;
4899				if (lifeseq == 2) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
4900				if (lifeseq == 6) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
4901				if (lifeseq >= 8) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
4902				if (lifeseq > 5) gravitycontrol = savegc;
4904				lifeseq--;
4905				if (lifeseq <= 0) { obj.entities[i].invis = false; }
4906			}
4907		}
4909		public function resetgameclock():void {
4910			frames = 0;
4911			seconds = 0;
4912			minutes = 0;
4913			hours = 0;
4914		}
4916		public function gameclock():void {
4917			frames++;
4918			if (frames >= 30) {
4919				frames -= 30;
4920				seconds++;
4921				if (seconds >= 60) {
4922					seconds -= 60;
4923					minutes++;
4924					if (minutes >= 60) {
4925						minutes -= 60;
4926						hours++;
4927					}
4928				}
4929			}
4930		}
4932		public function giventimestring(hrs:int, min:int, sec:int, help:helpclass):String {
4933			tempstring = "";
4934			if (hrs > 0) {
4935				tempstring += String(hrs) + ":";
4936			}
4937			tempstring += help.twodigits(min) + ":" + help.twodigits(sec);
4938			return tempstring;
4939		}
4941		public function timestring(help:helpclass):String {
4942			tempstring = "";
4943			if (hours > 0) {
4944				tempstring += String(hours) + ":";
4945			}
4946			tempstring += help.twodigits(minutes) + ":" + help.twodigits(seconds);
4947			return tempstring;
4948		}
4950		public function partimestring(help:helpclass):String {
4951			//given par time in seconds:
4952			tempstring = "";
4953			if (timetrialpar >= 60) {
4954				tempstring = help.twodigits(int((timetrialpar - (timetrialpar % 60)) / 60)) + ":" + help.twodigits(timetrialpar % 60);
4955			}else {
4956				tempstring = "00:" + help.twodigits(timetrialpar);
4957			}
4958			return tempstring;
4959		}
4961		public function resulttimestring(help:helpclass):String {
4962			//given result time in seconds:
4963			tempstring = "";
4964			if (timetrialresulttime > 60) {
4965				tempstring = help.twodigits(int((timetrialresulttime - (timetrialresulttime % 60)) / 60)) + ":"
4966				           + help.twodigits(timetrialresulttime % 60);
4967			}else {
4968				tempstring = "00:" + help.twodigits(timetrialresulttime);
4969			}
4970			return tempstring;
4971		}
4973		public function timetstring(t:int, help:helpclass):String {
4974			//given par time in seconds:
4975			tempstring = "";
4976			if (t >= 60) {
4977				tempstring = help.twodigits(int((t - (t % 60)) / 60)) + ":" + help.twodigits(t % 60);
4978			}else {
4979				tempstring = "00:" + help.twodigits(t);
4980			}
4981			return tempstring;
4982		}
4985		public function deathsequence(map:mapclass, obj:entityclass, music:musicclass):void {
4986			if (supercrewmate && scmhurt) {
4987				i = obj.getscm();
4988			}else{
4989				i = obj.getplayer();
4990			}
4991			obj.entities[i].colour = 1;
4993			obj.entities[i].invis = false;
4994			if (deathseq == 30) {
4995				if (nodeathmode) {
4996					music.fadeout();
4997					gameoverdelay = 60;
4998				}
4999				deathcounts++;
5000				music.playef(2,10);
5001				obj.entities[i].invis = true;
5002				if (map.finalmode) {
5003				  map.roomdeathsfinal[roomx - 41 + (20 * (roomy - 48))]++;
5004				  currentroomdeaths = map.roomdeathsfinal[roomx - 41 + (20 * (roomy - 48))];
5005				}else{
5006				  map.roomdeaths[roomx - 100 + (20*(roomy - 100))]++;
5007				  currentroomdeaths = map.roomdeaths[roomx - 100 + (20 * (roomy - 100))];
5008				}
5009			}
5010			if (deathseq == 25) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
5011			if (deathseq == 20) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
5012			if (deathseq == 16) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
5013			if (deathseq == 14) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
5014			if (deathseq == 12) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
5015			if (deathseq < 10) obj.entities[i].invis = true;
5016			if (!nodeathmode) {
5017				if (deathseq <= 1) obj.entities[i].invis = false;
5018			}else {
5019				gameoverdelay--;
5020			}
5021		}
5023		public function initteleportermode(map:mapclass):void {
5024			//Set the teleporter variable to the right position!
5025			teleport_to_teleporter = 0;
5027			for (i = 0; i < map.numteleporters; i++) {
5028				if (roomx == map.teleporters[i].x + 100 && roomy == map.teleporters[i].y + 100) {
5029					teleport_to_teleporter = i;
5030				}
5031			}
5032		}
5034		public function swnpenalty():void {
5035			//set the SWN clock back to the closest 5 second interval
5036			if (swntimer <= 150) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 150) swntimer = 150;
5037			}else if (swntimer <= 300) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 300) swntimer = 300;
5038			}else if (swntimer <= 450) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 450) swntimer = 450;
5039			}else if (swntimer <= 600) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 600) swntimer = 600;
5040			}else if (swntimer <= 750) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 750) swntimer = 750;
5041			}else if (swntimer <= 900) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 900) swntimer = 900;
5042			}else if (swntimer <= 1050) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1050) swntimer = 1050;
5043			}else if (swntimer <= 1200) {	swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1200) swntimer = 1200;
5044			}else if (swntimer <= 1350) {	swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1350) swntimer = 1350;
5045			}else if (swntimer <= 1500) {	swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1500) swntimer = 1500;
5046			}else if (swntimer <= 1650) {	swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1650) swntimer = 1650;
5047			}else if (swntimer <= 1800) { swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 1800) swntimer = 1800;
5048			}else if (swntimer <= 2100) {	swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 2100) swntimer = 2100;
5049			}else if (swntimer <= 2400) {	swntimer += 8; if (swntimer > 2400) swntimer = 2400;
5050			}
5051		}
5053		//Game room control
5054		public var door_left:int, door_right:int, door_up:int, door_down:int;
5055		public var roomx:int, roomy:int, roomchangedir:int;
5056		public var temp:int, i:int, j:int, k:int;
5058		//Save points
5059		public var savex:int, savey:int, saverx:int, savery:int;
5060		public var savegc:int, savedir:int;
5062		//Game save variables: two cookies, one for quicksaves and one for teleporters
5063		public var telecookie:SharedObject, quickcookie:SharedObject, statcookie:SharedObject;
5064		public var customcookie:Vector.<SharedObject> = new Vector.<SharedObject>;
5065		public var customcookieexists:Vector.<Boolean> = new Vector.<Boolean>;
5066		public var customcookiesummary:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;
5067		public var telecookieexists:Boolean, quickcookieexists:Boolean;
5068		public var telesummary:String, quicksummary:String;
5069		public var tele_crewstats:Array = new Array();
5070		public var tele_gametime:String;
5071		public var tele_trinkets:int;
5072		public var tele_currentarea:String;
5073		public var quick_crewstats:Array = new Array();
5074		public var quick_gametime:String;
5075		public var quick_trinkets:int;
5076		public var quick_currentarea:String;
5077		public var summary_crewstats:Array;// = new Array();
5079		public var savestate:Array = new Array();
5081    //Added for port
5082    public var edsavex:int, edsavey:int, edsaverx:int, edsavery:int;
5083    public var edsavegc:int, edsavedir:int;
5085		//State Logic stuff
5086		public var state:int, statedelay:int;
5088		public var gamestate:int;
5089    public var hascontrol:Boolean, jumpheld:Boolean, jumppressed:int;
5090		public var gravitycontrol:int;
5092		public var infocus:Boolean, paused:Boolean;
5093		public var muted:Boolean;
5094		public var mutebutton:int;
5095		public var globalsound:int;
5097		public var mx:int, my:int;
5098		public var screenshake:int, flashlight:int;
5099		public var test:Boolean, teststring:String, tempstring:String;
5100		public var advancetext:Boolean, pausescript:Boolean;
5102		public var deathseq:int, lifeseq:int;
5104		public var coins:int, trinkets:int, crewmates:int, trinketcollect:int;
5105		public var savepoint:int, teleport:Boolean, teleportxpos:int;
5106		public var edteleportent:int;
5107		public var completestop:Boolean;
5109		public var inertia:Number;
5111		public var companion:int, roomchange:Boolean;
5112		public var teleblock:Rectangle, activetele:Boolean, readytotele:int;
5113		public var activeactivity:int, act_fade:int;
5114		public var activity_lastprompt:String, activity_r:int, activity_g:int, activity_b:int;
5115		public var backgroundtext:Boolean;
5117		public var press_left:Boolean, press_right:Boolean, press_action:Boolean, press_map:Boolean;
5119		//Some stats:
5120		public var totalflips:int;
5121		public var hardestroom:String, hardestroomdeaths:int, currentroomdeaths:int;
5123		//Menu interaction stuff
5124		public var mapheld:Boolean; //Is the map key being held down?
5125		public var menupage:int;
5126		public var crewstats:Array = new Array();
5127		public var lastsaved:int;
5128		public var deathcounts:int;
5129		public var frames:int, seconds:int, minutes:int, hours:int;
5130		public var gamesaved:Boolean;
5131		public var savetime:String, savearea:String, savetrinkets:int;
5132		public var startscript:Boolean, newscript:String;
5134		public var mainmenu:int, menustart:Boolean;
5136	  //teleporting
5137		public var teleport_to_new_area:Boolean;
5138		public var teleport_to_x:int, teleport_to_y:int;
5139		public var teleportscript:String;
5140		public var useteleporter:Boolean;
5141		public var teleport_to_teleporter:int;
5143		//Screenrecording stuff, for beta/trailer
5144		public var recording:int;
5145		public var recordstring:String;
5146		public var combomode:Boolean, combolen:int, comboaction:String;
5147		public var currentaction:String, recordinit:Boolean;
5149		public var alarmon:Boolean, alarmdelay:int;
5150		public var blackout:Boolean;
5152		public var playback:Array = new Array();
5153		public var playbackpos:int, playbacksize:int;
5154		public var playmove:int, playcombo:int;
5155		public var playbackfinished:Boolean;
5157		//functions for recording:
5158		public function initplayback():void {
5159			playback = new Array();
5161		  playback = recordstring.split(",");
5162			playbacksize = playback.length;
5163			playbackpos = 0;
5164		}
5166		//Main Menu Variables
5167		public var menuoptions:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;
5168		public var menuoptions_alt:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;
5169		public var menuoptionsactive:Vector.<Boolean> = new Vector.<Boolean>;
5170		public var menuoptionslayout:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
5171		public var nummenuoptions:int, currentmenuoption:int;
5172		public var menuselection:String, currentmenuname:String, previousmenuname:String;
5173		public var menuxoff:int, menuyoff:int;
5175		public var menucountdown:int, menudest:String;
5177		public var creditposx:int, creditposy:int, creditposdelay:int;
5179		//60 fps mode!
5180		public var sfpsmode:Boolean;
5182		//Sine Wave Ninja Minigame
5183		public var swnmode:Boolean;
5184		public var swngame:int, swnstate:int, swnstate2:int, swnstate3:int, swnstate4:int, swndelay:int, swndeaths:int;
5185		public var swntimer:int, swncolstate:int, swncoldelay:int;
5186		public var swnrecord:int, swnbestrank:int, swnrank:int, swnmessage:int;
5188		//SuperCrewMate Stuff
5189		public var supercrewmate:Boolean, scmhurt:Boolean, scmprogress:int, scmmoveme:Boolean;
5191		//Accessibility Options
5192		public var colourblindmode:Boolean;
5193		public var noflashingmode:Boolean;
5194		public var slowdown:int;
5196		public var nodeathmode:Boolean;
5197		public var gameoverdelay:int;
5198		public var nocutscenes:Boolean;
5200		//Time Trials
5201		public var intimetrial:Boolean, timetrialparlost:Boolean;
5202		public var timetrialcountdown:int, timetrialshinytarget:int, timetriallevel:int;
5203		public var timetrialpar:int, timetrialresulttime:int, timetrialrank:int;
5205		public var creditposition:int;
5206		public var insecretlab:Boolean;
5208		public var inintermission:Boolean;
5210		//Tap sensors
5211		public var tapleft:int, tapright:int;
5213		//Stats
5214		public var unlock:Array = new Array();
5215		public var unlocknotify:Array = new Array();
5216		public var temp_unlock:Array;
5217		public var temp_unlocknotify:Array;
5218		public var stat_trinkets:int;
5219		public var fullscreen:Boolean;
5220		public var bestgamedeaths:int;
5222		public var stat_screenshakes:Boolean;
5223		public var stat_backgrounds:Boolean;
5224		public var stat_flipmode:Boolean;
5225		public var stat_invincibility:Boolean;
5226		public var stat_slowdown:int;
5228		public var besttimes:Array = new Array();
5229		public var besttrinkets:Array = new Array();
5230		public var bestlives:Array = new Array();
5231		public var bestrank:Array = new Array();
5232		public var temp_besttimes:Array;
5233		public var temp_besttrinkets:Array;
5234		public var temp_bestlives:Array;
5235		public var temp_bestrank:Array;
5237		public var savemystats:Boolean;
5239		public var menukludge:Boolean;
5240		public var quickrestartkludge:Boolean;
5242		public var advanced_mode:Boolean;
5243		public var advanced_smoothing:Boolean;
5244		public var advanced_scaling:int;
5246		public var fullscreentoggleheld:Boolean = false;
5248		//Custom stuff
5249		public var levelstatscookie:SharedObject;
5250		public var levelstatscookieloaded:Boolean;
5251    public var customscript:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;
5252    public var customcol:int, levelpage:int, playcustomlevel:int;
5253    public var customleveltitle:String;
5254    public var customlevelfilename:String;
5256		public var customlevelstats:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>; //string array containing level filenames
5257    public var customlevelscore:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
5258    public var numcustomlevelstats:int;
5259    public var customlevelstatsloaded:Boolean;
5261		//Control types!
5262		//0 is swipe, 1 is both sides, 2 is d-pad
5263		public var controlstyle:int = 0;
5264		public var last_left:int = 0, last_right:int = 0;
5265		public var last_action:int = 0;
5266		public var controlsensitivity:int = 50;
5268		//Mobile menu options
5269		public var mobilemenu:Boolean = true;
5270		public var autoquicksave:Boolean = false;
5271		public var mobilequicksave_thisroom:Boolean = false;
5272		public var controltutorialstate:int = 0;
5273		public var controltutorialstatedelay:int = 0;
5274		public var controllerp1:int = 0;
5275		public var controllerp2:int = 0;
5276		public var controllerp3:int = 0;
5278		public var showloadingnotice:Boolean = false;
5280		public var disablekludge_1:Boolean = false;
5281		public var disablekludge_2:Boolean = false;
5282		public var disablekludge_3:Boolean = false;
5283		public var disablekludge_4:Boolean = false;
5285		public var showcontroltutorial:int = 0;
5287		public var platform:platformclass = new platformclass;
5288		public var scores:scoreclass = new scoreclass;
5289	}