1#textdomain wesnoth-utbs
4    id=Quenoth Shaman
5    name= _ "female^Quenoth Shaman"
6    race=elf
7    gender=female
8    image=units/quenoth/shaman.png
9    profile="portraits/quenoth/shaman.png"
10    hitpoints=36
11    movement_type=quenoth_foot
12    movement=5
13    experience=70
14    level=2
15    alignment=neutral
16    advances_to=Quenoth Druid
17    cost=34
18    usage=healer
19    [abilities]
21    [/abilities]
22    description= _ "Like the elves of old, many Quenoth elves seek to study the art of medicine and healing rather than hone their abilities in direct battle. Shamans are highly knowledgeable about the sparse plant-life scattered across the deserts and even possess some ability to bolster crop growth, an invaluable skill in a land with few resources. The capacity to foster flora in such an inhospitable environment is a sign of hope as well, a chance that nature might one day rise from its sandy grave and bloom again."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_UTBS_CURES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_DAZE}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MAGICAL}
23    die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT}
24    [attack]
25        name=staff
26        #textdomain wesnoth-units
27        description= _"staff"
28        #textdomain wesnoth-utbs
29        type=impact
30        range=melee
31        damage=5
32        number=2
33        range=melee
34        icon=attacks/druidstaff.png
35    [/attack]
36    [attack]
37        name=sand
38        description= _"sand"
39        type=impact
40        range=ranged
41        damage=6
42        number=2
43        icon=attacks/sand-storm.png
44        [specials]
45            {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DAZE}
46        [/specials]
47    [/attack]
48    [attack]
49        name=thorns
50        #textdomain wesnoth-units
51        description= _"thorns"
52        #textdomain wesnoth-utbs
53        type=pierce
54        range=ranged
55        damage=6
56        number=3
57        [specials]
59        [/specials]
60    [/attack]
61    {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/quenoth/shaman-defend2.png" "units/quenoth/shaman-defend1.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} }
62    [healing_anim]
63        start_time=-250
64        [frame]
65            image="units/quenoth/shaman.png:50"
66        [/frame]
67        [frame]
68            image="units/quenoth/shaman.png:350"
69            halo=halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[1~7].png
70        [/frame]
71        [frame]
72            image="units/quenoth/shaman.png:50"
73        [/frame]
74    [/healing_anim]
75    [attack_anim]
76        [filter_attack]
77            name=staff
78        [/filter_attack]
79        start_time=-250
80        [frame]
81            image="units/quenoth/shaman.png:400"
82        [/frame]
83        {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS staff.ogg staff-miss.ogg -125}
84    [/attack_anim]
85    [attack_anim]
86        [filter_attack]
87            name=sand
88        [/filter_attack]
89        missile_start_time=-200
90        [missile_frame]
91            duration=320
92            offset=0.75~1.1,1.1~1.25
93            halo="projectiles/sand-storm-[1~8].png:40"
94            auto_vflip=no
95        [/missile_frame]
96        start_time=-320
97        [frame]
98            image="units/quenoth/shaman.png:450"
99            sound=petrified.ogg
100        [/frame]
101    [/attack_anim]
102    [attack_anim]
103        [filter_attack]
104            name=thorns
105        [/filter_attack]
106        missile_start_time=-200
107        [missile_frame]
108            duration=200
109            image="projectiles/thorns.png"
110            image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png"
111        [/missile_frame]
112        start_time=-300
113        [frame]
114            image="units/quenoth/shaman.png:500"
115            halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png"
116        [/frame]
117        {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100}
118    [/attack_anim]