1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
3  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7  *
8  * Contributors:
9  * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
10  * Andreas Buchen <andreas.buchen@sap.com> - Bug 206584
11  *******************************************************************************/
12 package org.wesnoth.product;
14 import org.eclipse.core.commands.Command;
15 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
16 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent;
17 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener;
18 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
19 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
20 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder;
21 import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
22 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
23 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences;
24 import org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem;
25 import org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker;
26 import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
27 import org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem;
28 import org.eclipse.jface.action.ICoolBarManager;
29 import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuManager;
30 import org.eclipse.jface.action.IStatusLineManager;
31 import org.eclipse.jface.action.IToolBarManager;
32 import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager;
33 import org.eclipse.jface.action.Separator;
34 import org.eclipse.jface.action.StatusLineContributionItem;
35 import org.eclipse.jface.internal.provisional.action.IToolBarContributionItem;
36 import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
37 import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
38 import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
39 import org.eclipse.jface.util.Util;
40 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
41 import org.eclipse.ui.IPageListener;
42 import org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages;
43 import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants;
44 import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchCommandConstants;
45 import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
46 import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
47 import org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory;
48 import org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction;
49 import org.eclipse.ui.actions.BuildAction;
50 import org.eclipse.ui.actions.ContributionItemFactory;
51 import org.eclipse.ui.actions.NewWizardMenu;
52 import org.eclipse.ui.application.ActionBarAdvisor;
53 import org.eclipse.ui.application.IActionBarConfigurer;
54 import org.eclipse.ui.commands.ICommandService;
55 import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerService;
56 import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDEActionFactory;
57 import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IIDEActionConstants;
58 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.IPreferenceConstants;
59 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchHelpContextIds;
60 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages;
61 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin;
62 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.handlers.IActionCommandMappingService;
63 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.AboutInfo;
64 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEInternalWorkbenchImages;
65 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEWorkbenchMessages;
66 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEWorkbenchPlugin;
67 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.actions.BuildSetMenu;
68 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.actions.BuildUtilities;
69 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.actions.QuickMenuAction;
70 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.actions.RetargetActionWithDefault;
71 import org.eclipse.ui.internal.provisional.application.IActionBarConfigurer2;
72 import org.eclipse.ui.menus.CommandContributionItem;
73 import org.eclipse.ui.menus.CommandContributionItemParameter;
74 import org.eclipse.ui.menus.IMenuService;
76 /**
77  * Adds actions to a workbench window.
78  */
79 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
80 public class WorkbenchActionBuilder extends ActionBarAdvisor
81 {
82     private final IWorkbenchWindow              window;
84     // generic actions
85     private IWorkbenchAction                    closeAction;
87     private IWorkbenchAction                    closeAllAction;
89     private IWorkbenchAction                    closeOthersAction;
91     private IWorkbenchAction                    closeAllSavedAction;
93     private IWorkbenchAction                    saveAction;
95     private IWorkbenchAction                    saveAllAction;
97     private IWorkbenchAction                    newWindowAction;
99     private IWorkbenchAction                    newEditorAction;
101     private IWorkbenchAction                    helpContentsAction;
103     private IWorkbenchAction                    helpSearchAction;
105     private IWorkbenchAction                    dynamicHelpAction;
107     private IWorkbenchAction                    aboutAction;
109     private IWorkbenchAction                    openPreferencesAction;
111     private IWorkbenchAction                    saveAsAction;
113     private IWorkbenchAction                    hideShowEditorAction;
115     private IWorkbenchAction                    savePerspectiveAction;
117     private IWorkbenchAction                    resetPerspectiveAction;
119     private IWorkbenchAction                    editActionSetAction;
121     private IWorkbenchAction                    closePerspAction;
123     private IWorkbenchAction                    lockToolBarAction;
125     private IWorkbenchAction                    closeAllPerspsAction;
127     private IWorkbenchAction                    showViewMenuAction;
129     private IWorkbenchAction                    showPartPaneMenuAction;
131     private IWorkbenchAction                    nextPartAction;
133     private IWorkbenchAction                    prevPartAction;
135     private IWorkbenchAction                    nextEditorAction;
137     private IWorkbenchAction                    prevEditorAction;
139     private IWorkbenchAction                    nextPerspectiveAction;
141     private IWorkbenchAction                    prevPerspectiveAction;
143     private IWorkbenchAction                    activateEditorAction;
145     private IWorkbenchAction                    maximizePartAction;
147     private IWorkbenchAction                    minimizePartAction;
149     private IWorkbenchAction                    switchToEditorAction;
151     private IWorkbenchAction                    workbookEditorsAction;
153     private IWorkbenchAction                    quickAccessAction;
155     private IWorkbenchAction                    backwardHistoryAction;
157     private IWorkbenchAction                    forwardHistoryAction;
159     // generic retarget actions
160     private IWorkbenchAction                    undoAction;
162     private IWorkbenchAction                    redoAction;
164     private IWorkbenchAction                    quitAction;
166     private IWorkbenchAction                    goIntoAction;
168     private IWorkbenchAction                    backAction;
170     private IWorkbenchAction                    forwardAction;
172     private IWorkbenchAction                    upAction;
174     private IWorkbenchAction                    nextAction;
176     private IWorkbenchAction                    previousAction;
178     // IDE-specific actions
179     private IWorkbenchAction                    openWorkspaceAction;
181     private IWorkbenchAction                    projectPropertyDialogAction;
183     private IWorkbenchAction                    newWizardAction;
185     private IWorkbenchAction                    newWizardDropDownAction;
187     private IWorkbenchAction                    importResourcesAction;
189     private IWorkbenchAction                    exportResourcesAction;
191     IWorkbenchAction                            buildAllAction;             // Incremental
192                                                                              // workspace
193                                                                              // build
195     private IWorkbenchAction                    cleanAction;
197     private IWorkbenchAction                    toggleAutoBuildAction;
199     MenuManager                                 buildWorkingSetMenu;
201     private IWorkbenchAction                    quickStartAction;
203     private IWorkbenchAction                    tipsAndTricksAction;
205     private QuickMenuAction                     showInQuickMenu;
207     private QuickMenuAction                     newQuickMenu;
209     private IWorkbenchAction                    introAction;
211     // IDE-specific retarget actions
212     IWorkbenchAction                            buildProjectAction;
214     // contribution items
215     // @issue should obtain from ContributionItemFactory
216     private NewWizardMenu                       newWizardMenu;
218     // @issue class is workbench internal
219     private StatusLineContributionItem          statusLineItem;
221     private Preferences.IPropertyChangeListener prefListener;
223     // listener for the "close editors automatically"
224     // preference change
225     private IPropertyChangeListener             propPrefListener;
227     private IPageListener                       pageListener;
229     private IResourceChangeListener             resourceListener;
231     /**
232      * Indicates if the action builder has been disposed
233      */
234     private boolean                             isDisposed = false;
236     /**
237      * The coolbar context menu manager.
238      *
239      * @since 3.3
240      */
241     private MenuManager                         coolbarPopupMenuManager;
243     /**
244      * Constructs a new action builder which contributes actions
245      * to the given window.
246      *
247      * @param configurer
248      *        the action bar configurer for the window
249      */
WorkbenchActionBuilder( IActionBarConfigurer configurer )250     public WorkbenchActionBuilder( IActionBarConfigurer configurer )
251     {
252         super( configurer );
253         window = configurer.getWindowConfigurer( ).getWindow( );
254     }
256     /**
257      * Returns the window to which this action builder is contributing.
258      */
getWindow( )259     private IWorkbenchWindow getWindow( )
260     {
261         return window;
262     }
264     /**
265      * Hooks listeners on the preference store and the window's page,
266      * perspective and selection services.
267      */
hookListeners( )268     private void hookListeners( )
269     {
271         pageListener = new IPageListener( ) {
272             public void pageActivated( IWorkbenchPage page )
273             {
274                 // do nothing
275             }
277             public void pageClosed( IWorkbenchPage page )
278             {
279                 // do nothing
280             }
282             public void pageOpened( IWorkbenchPage page )
283             {
284                 // set default build handler -- can't be done until the shell is
285                 // available
286                 IAction buildHandler = new BuildAction(
287                     page.getWorkbenchWindow( ),
288                     IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD );
289                 ( ( RetargetActionWithDefault ) buildProjectAction )
290                     .setDefaultHandler( buildHandler );
291             }
292         };
293         getWindow( ).addPageListener( pageListener );
295         prefListener = new Preferences.IPropertyChangeListener( ) {
296             public void propertyChange( Preferences.PropertyChangeEvent event )
297             {
298                 if( event.getProperty( ).equals(
299                     ResourcesPlugin.PREF_AUTO_BUILDING ) ) {
300                     updateBuildActions( false );
301                 }
302             }
303         };
304         ResourcesPlugin.getPlugin( ).getPluginPreferences( )
305             .addPropertyChangeListener( prefListener );
307         // listener for the "close editors automatically"
308         // preference change
309         propPrefListener = new IPropertyChangeListener( ) {
310             public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent event )
311             {
312                 if( event.getProperty( ).equals(
313                     IPreferenceConstants.REUSE_EDITORS_BOOLEAN ) ) {
314                     if( window.getShell( ) != null
315                         && ! window.getShell( ).isDisposed( ) ) {
316                         // this property change notification could be from a
317                         // non-ui thread
318                         window.getShell( ).getDisplay( )
319                             .syncExec( new Runnable( ) {
320                                 public void run( )
321                                 {
322                                     updatePinActionToolbar( );
323                                 }
324                             } );
325                     }
326                 }
327             }
328         };
329         /*
330          * In order to ensure that the pin action toolbar sets its size
331          * correctly, the pin action should set its visiblity before we call
332          * updatePinActionToolbar().
333          *
334          * In other words we always want the PinActionContributionItem to be
335          * notified before the
336          * WorkbenchActionBuilder.
337          */
338         WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault( ).getPreferenceStore( )
339             .addPropertyChangeListener( propPrefListener );
340         // listen for project description changes, which can affect enablement
341         // of build actions
342         resourceListener = new IResourceChangeListener( ) {
343             public void resourceChanged( IResourceChangeEvent event )
344             {
345                 IResourceDelta delta = event.getDelta( );
346                 if( delta == null ) {
347                     return;
348                 }
349                 IResourceDelta[] projectDeltas = delta.getAffectedChildren( );
350                 for( int i = 0; i < projectDeltas.length; i++ ) {
351                     int kind = projectDeltas[i].getKind( );
352                     // affected by projects being opened/closed or description
353                     // changes
354                     boolean changed = ( projectDeltas[i].getFlags( ) & ( IResourceDelta.DESCRIPTION | IResourceDelta.OPEN ) ) != 0;
355                     if( kind != IResourceDelta.CHANGED || changed ) {
356                         updateBuildActions( false );
357                         return;
358                     }
359                 }
360             }
361         };
362         ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace( ).addResourceChangeListener(
363             resourceListener, IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE );
364     }
366     @Override
fillActionBars( int flags )367     public void fillActionBars( int flags )
368     {
369         super.fillActionBars( flags );
370         updateBuildActions( true );
371         if( ( flags & FILL_PROXY ) == 0 ) {
372             hookListeners( );
373         }
374     }
376     /**
377      * Fills the coolbar with the workbench actions.
378      */
379     @Override
fillCoolBar( ICoolBarManager coolBar )380     protected void fillCoolBar( ICoolBarManager coolBar )
381     {
383         IActionBarConfigurer2 actionBarConfigurer = ( IActionBarConfigurer2 ) getActionBarConfigurer( );
384         { // Set up the context Menu
385             coolbarPopupMenuManager = new MenuManager( );
386             coolbarPopupMenuManager.add( new ActionContributionItem(
387                 lockToolBarAction ) );
388             coolbarPopupMenuManager.add( new ActionContributionItem(
389                 editActionSetAction ) );
390             coolBar.setContextMenuManager( coolbarPopupMenuManager );
391             IMenuService menuService = ( IMenuService ) window
392                 .getService( IMenuService.class );
393             menuService.populateContributionManager( coolbarPopupMenuManager, "popup:windowCoolbarContextMenu" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
394         }
395         coolBar.add( new GroupMarker( IIDEActionConstants.GROUP_FILE ) );
396         { // File Group
397             IToolBarManager fileToolBar = actionBarConfigurer
398                 .createToolBarManager( );
399             fileToolBar
400                 .add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.NEW_GROUP ) );
401             fileToolBar.add( newWizardDropDownAction );
402             fileToolBar
403                 .add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.NEW_EXT ) );
404             fileToolBar.add( new GroupMarker(
405                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.SAVE_GROUP ) );
406             fileToolBar.add( saveAction );
407             fileToolBar.add( saveAllAction );
408             fileToolBar.add( new GroupMarker(
409                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.SAVE_EXT ) );
410             fileToolBar.add( getPrintItem( ) );
411             fileToolBar.add( new GroupMarker(
412                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.PRINT_EXT ) );
414             fileToolBar.add( new Separator(
415                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.BUILD_GROUP ) );
416             fileToolBar.add( new GroupMarker(
417                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.BUILD_EXT ) );
418             fileToolBar.add( new Separator(
419                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
421             // Add to the cool bar manager
422             coolBar.add( actionBarConfigurer.createToolBarContributionItem(
423                 fileToolBar, IWorkbenchActionConstants.TOOLBAR_FILE ) );
424         }
426         coolBar.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
428         coolBar.add( new GroupMarker( IIDEActionConstants.GROUP_NAV ) );
429         { // Navigate group
430             IToolBarManager navToolBar = actionBarConfigurer
431                 .createToolBarManager( );
432             navToolBar.add( new Separator(
433                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.HISTORY_GROUP ) );
434             navToolBar.add( new GroupMarker(
435                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.GROUP_APP ) );
436             navToolBar.add( backwardHistoryAction );
437             navToolBar.add( forwardHistoryAction );
438             navToolBar
439                 .add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.PIN_GROUP ) );
440             navToolBar.add( getPinEditorItem( ) );
442             // Add to the cool bar manager
443             coolBar.add( actionBarConfigurer.createToolBarContributionItem(
444                 navToolBar, IWorkbenchActionConstants.TOOLBAR_NAVIGATE ) );
445         }
447         coolBar.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.GROUP_EDITOR ) );
449         coolBar.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.GROUP_HELP ) );
451         { // Help group
452             IToolBarManager helpToolBar = actionBarConfigurer
453                 .createToolBarManager( );
454             helpToolBar.add( new Separator(
455                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.GROUP_HELP ) );
456             // helpToolBar.add(searchComboItem);
457             // Add the group for applications to contribute
458             helpToolBar.add( new GroupMarker(
459                 IWorkbenchActionConstants.GROUP_APP ) );
460             // Add to the cool bar manager
461             coolBar.add( actionBarConfigurer.createToolBarContributionItem(
462                 helpToolBar, IWorkbenchActionConstants.TOOLBAR_HELP ) );
463         }
465     }
467     /**
468      * Fills the menu bar with the workbench actions.
469      */
470     @Override
fillMenuBar( IMenuManager menuBar )471     protected void fillMenuBar( IMenuManager menuBar )
472     {
473         menuBar.add( createFileMenu( ) );
474         menuBar.add( createEditMenu( ) );
475         menuBar.add( createNavigateMenu( ) );
476         menuBar.add( createProjectMenu( ) );
477         menuBar.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
478         menuBar.add( createWindowMenu( ) );
479         menuBar.add( createHelpMenu( ) );
480     }
482     /**
483      * Creates and returns the File menu.
484      */
createFileMenu( )485     private MenuManager createFileMenu( )
486     {
487         MenuManager menu = new MenuManager(
488             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_file,
489             IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_FILE );
490         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.FILE_START ) );
491         {
492             // create the New submenu, using the same id for it as the New
493             // action
494             String newText = IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_new;
495             String newId = ActionFactory.NEW.getId( );
496             MenuManager newMenu = new MenuManager( newText, newId );
497             newMenu.setActionDefinitionId( "org.eclipse.ui.file.newQuickMenu" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
498             newMenu.add( new Separator( newId ) );
499             this.newWizardMenu = new NewWizardMenu( getWindow( ) );
500             newMenu.add( this.newWizardMenu );
501             newMenu
502                 .add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
503             menu.add( newMenu );
504         }
506         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.NEW_EXT ) );
507         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
509         menu.add( closeAction );
510         menu.add( closeAllAction );
511         // menu.add(closeAllSavedAction);
512         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.CLOSE_EXT ) );
513         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
514         menu.add( saveAction );
515         menu.add( saveAsAction );
516         menu.add( saveAllAction );
517         menu.add( getRevertItem( ) );
518         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
519         menu.add( getMoveItem( ) );
520         menu.add( getRenameItem( ) );
521         menu.add( getRefreshItem( ) );
523         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.SAVE_EXT ) );
524         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
525         menu.add( getPrintItem( ) );
526         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.PRINT_EXT ) );
527         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
528         menu.add( openWorkspaceAction );
529         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.OPEN_EXT ) );
530         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
531         menu.add( importResourcesAction );
532         menu.add( exportResourcesAction );
533         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.IMPORT_EXT ) );
534         menu.add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
536         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
537         menu.add( getPropertiesItem( ) );
539         menu.add( ContributionItemFactory.REOPEN_EDITORS.create( getWindow( ) ) );
540         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MRU ) );
541         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
543         // If we're on OS X we shouldn't show this command in the File menu. It
544         // should be invisible to the user. However, we should not remove it -
545         // the carbon UI code will do a search through our menu structure
546         // looking for it when Cmd-Q is invoked (or Quit is chosen from the
547         // application menu.
548         ActionContributionItem quitItem = new ActionContributionItem(
549             quitAction );
550         quitItem.setVisible( ! Util.isMac( ) );
551         menu.add( quitItem );
552         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.FILE_END ) );
553         return menu;
554     }
556     /**
557      * Creates and returns the Edit menu.
558      */
createEditMenu( )559     private MenuManager createEditMenu( )
560     {
561         MenuManager menu = new MenuManager(
562             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_edit,
563             IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_EDIT );
564         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.EDIT_START ) );
566         menu.add( undoAction );
567         menu.add( redoAction );
568         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.UNDO_EXT ) );
569         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
571         menu.add( getCutItem( ) );
572         menu.add( getCopyItem( ) );
573         menu.add( getPasteItem( ) );
574         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.CUT_EXT ) );
575         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
577         menu.add( getDeleteItem( ) );
578         menu.add( getSelectAllItem( ) );
579         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
581         menu.add( getFindItem( ) );
582         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.FIND_EXT ) );
583         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
585         menu.add( getBookmarkItem( ) );
586         menu.add( getTaskItem( ) );
587         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.ADD_EXT ) );
589         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.EDIT_END ) );
590         menu.add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
591         return menu;
592     }
594     /**
595      * Creates and returns the Navigate menu.
596      */
createNavigateMenu( )597     private MenuManager createNavigateMenu( )
598     {
599         MenuManager menu = new MenuManager(
600             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_navigate,
601             IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_NAVIGATE );
602         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.NAV_START ) );
603         menu.add( goIntoAction );
605         MenuManager goToSubMenu = new MenuManager(
606             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_goTo,
607             IWorkbenchActionConstants.GO_TO );
608         menu.add( goToSubMenu );
609         goToSubMenu.add( backAction );
610         goToSubMenu.add( forwardAction );
611         goToSubMenu.add( upAction );
612         goToSubMenu
613             .add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
615         menu.add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.OPEN_EXT ) );
616         for( int i = 2; i < 5; ++i ) {
617             menu.add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.OPEN_EXT + i ) );
618         }
619         menu.add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.SHOW_EXT ) );
620         {
621             MenuManager showInSubMenu = new MenuManager(
622                 IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_showIn, "showIn" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
623             showInSubMenu.setActionDefinitionId( showInQuickMenu
624                 .getActionDefinitionId( ) );
625             showInSubMenu.add( ContributionItemFactory.VIEWS_SHOW_IN
626                 .create( getWindow( ) ) );
627             menu.add( showInSubMenu );
628         }
629         for( int i = 2; i < 5; ++i ) {
630             menu.add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.SHOW_EXT + i ) );
631         }
632         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
633         menu.add( nextAction );
634         menu.add( previousAction );
635         menu.add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
636         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.NAV_END ) );
638         // TBD: Location of this actions
639         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
640         menu.add( backwardHistoryAction );
641         menu.add( forwardHistoryAction );
642         return menu;
643     }
645     /**
646      * Creates and returns the Project menu.
647      */
createProjectMenu( )648     private MenuManager createProjectMenu( )
649     {
650         MenuManager menu = new MenuManager(
651             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_project,
652             IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_PROJECT );
653         menu.add( new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.PROJ_START ) );
655         menu.add( getOpenProjectItem( ) );
656         menu.add( getCloseProjectItem( ) );
657         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.OPEN_EXT ) );
658         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
659         menu.add( buildAllAction );
660         menu.add( buildProjectAction );
661         addWorkingSetBuildActions( menu );
662         menu.add( cleanAction );
663         menu.add( toggleAutoBuildAction );
664         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.BUILD_EXT ) );
665         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
667         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS ) );
668         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.PROJ_END ) );
669         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
670         menu.add( projectPropertyDialogAction );
671         return menu;
672     }
674     /**
675      * Creates and returns the Window menu.
676      */
createWindowMenu( )677     private MenuManager createWindowMenu( )
678     {
679         MenuManager menu = new MenuManager(
680             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_window,
681             IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_WINDOW );
683         menu.add( newWindowAction );
684         menu.add( newEditorAction );
686         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
687         addPerspectiveActions( menu );
688         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
689         addKeyboardShortcuts( menu );
690         Separator sep = new Separator( IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS );
691         sep.setVisible( ! Util.isMac( ) );
692         menu.add( sep );
694         // See the comment for quit in createFileMenu
695         ActionContributionItem openPreferencesItem = new ActionContributionItem(
696             openPreferencesAction );
697         openPreferencesItem.setVisible( ! Util.isMac( ) );
698         menu.add( openPreferencesItem );
700         menu.add( ContributionItemFactory.OPEN_WINDOWS.create( getWindow( ) ) );
701         return menu;
702     }
704     /**
705      * Adds the perspective actions to the specified menu.
706      */
addPerspectiveActions( MenuManager menu )707     private void addPerspectiveActions( MenuManager menu )
708     {
709         {
710             String openText = IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_openPerspective;
711             MenuManager changePerspMenuMgr = new MenuManager( openText, "openPerspective" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
712             IContributionItem changePerspMenuItem = ContributionItemFactory.PERSPECTIVES_SHORTLIST
713                 .create( getWindow( ) );
714             changePerspMenuMgr.add( changePerspMenuItem );
715             menu.add( changePerspMenuMgr );
716         }
717         {
718             MenuManager showViewMenuMgr = new MenuManager(
719                 IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_showView, "showView" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
720             IContributionItem showViewMenu = ContributionItemFactory.VIEWS_SHORTLIST
721                 .create( getWindow( ) );
722             showViewMenuMgr.add( showViewMenu );
723             menu.add( showViewMenuMgr );
724         }
725         menu.add( new Separator( ) );
726         menu.add( editActionSetAction );
727         menu.add( savePerspectiveAction );
728         menu.add( resetPerspectiveAction );
729         menu.add( closePerspAction );
730         menu.add( closeAllPerspsAction );
731     }
733     /**
734      * Adds the keyboard navigation submenu to the specified menu.
735      */
addWorkingSetBuildActions( MenuManager menu )736     private void addWorkingSetBuildActions( MenuManager menu )
737     {
738         buildWorkingSetMenu = new MenuManager(
739             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_buildSet );
740         IContributionItem workingSetBuilds = new BuildSetMenu( window,
741             getActionBarConfigurer( ) );
742         buildWorkingSetMenu.add( workingSetBuilds );
743         menu.add( buildWorkingSetMenu );
744     }
746     /**
747      * Adds the keyboard navigation submenu to the specified menu.
748      */
addKeyboardShortcuts( MenuManager menu )749     private void addKeyboardShortcuts( MenuManager menu )
750     {
751         MenuManager subMenu = new MenuManager(
752             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_shortcuts, "shortcuts" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
753         menu.add( subMenu );
754         subMenu.add( showPartPaneMenuAction );
755         subMenu.add( showViewMenuAction );
756         subMenu.add( quickAccessAction );
757         subMenu.add( new Separator( ) );
758         subMenu.add( maximizePartAction );
759         subMenu.add( minimizePartAction );
760         subMenu.add( new Separator( ) );
761         subMenu.add( activateEditorAction );
762         subMenu.add( nextEditorAction );
763         subMenu.add( prevEditorAction );
764         subMenu.add( switchToEditorAction );
765         subMenu.add( new Separator( ) );
766         subMenu.add( nextPartAction );
767         subMenu.add( prevPartAction );
768         subMenu.add( new Separator( ) );
769         subMenu.add( nextPerspectiveAction );
770         subMenu.add( prevPerspectiveAction );
771     }
773     /**
774      * Creates and returns the Help menu.
775      */
createHelpMenu( )776     private MenuManager createHelpMenu( )
777     {
778         MenuManager menu = new MenuManager(
779             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_help,
780             IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_HELP );
781         addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( menu, "group.intro" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
782         // See if a welcome or intro page is specified
783         if( introAction != null ) {
784             menu.add( introAction );
785         }
786         else if( quickStartAction != null ) {
787             menu.add( quickStartAction );
788         }
789         menu.add( new GroupMarker( "group.intro.ext" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
790         addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( menu, "group.main" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
791         menu.add( helpContentsAction );
792         menu.add( helpSearchAction );
793         menu.add( dynamicHelpAction );
794         addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( menu, "group.assist" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
795         // See if a tips and tricks page is specified
796         if( tipsAndTricksAction != null ) {
797             menu.add( tipsAndTricksAction );
798         }
799         // HELP_START should really be the first item, but it was after
800         // quickStartAction and tipsAndTricksAction in 2.1.
801         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.HELP_START ) );
802         menu.add( new GroupMarker( "group.main.ext" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
803         addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( menu, "group.tutorials" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
804         addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( menu, "group.tools" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
805         addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( menu, "group.updates" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
806         menu.add( new GroupMarker( IWorkbenchActionConstants.HELP_END ) );
807         addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( menu, IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS );
808         // about should always be at the bottom
809         menu.add( new Separator( "group.about" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
811         ActionContributionItem aboutItem = new ActionContributionItem(
812             aboutAction );
813         aboutItem.setVisible( ! Util.isMac( ) );
814         menu.add( aboutItem );
815         menu.add( new GroupMarker( "group.about.ext" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
816         return menu;
817     }
819     /**
820      * Adds a <code>GroupMarker</code> or <code>Separator</code> to a menu.
821      * The test for whether a separator should be added is done by checking for
822      * the existence of a preference matching the string
823      * useSeparator.MENUID.GROUPID that is set to <code>true</code>.
824      *
825      * @param menu
826      *        the menu to add to
827      * @param groupId
828      *        the group id for the added separator or group marker
829      */
addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( MenuManager menu, String groupId )830     private void addSeparatorOrGroupMarker( MenuManager menu, String groupId )
831     {
832         String prefId = "useSeparator." + menu.getId( ) + "." + groupId; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
833         boolean addExtraSeparators = IDEWorkbenchPlugin.getDefault( )
834             .getPreferenceStore( ).getBoolean( prefId );
835         if( addExtraSeparators ) {
836             menu.add( new Separator( groupId ) );
837         }
838         else {
839             menu.add( new GroupMarker( groupId ) );
840         }
841     }
843     /**
844      * Disposes any resources and unhooks any listeners that are no longer
845      * needed.
846      * Called when the window is closed.
847      */
848     @Override
dispose( )849     public void dispose( )
850     {
851         if( isDisposed ) {
852             return;
853         }
854         isDisposed = true;
855         IMenuService menuService = ( IMenuService ) window
856             .getService( IMenuService.class );
857         menuService.releaseContributions( coolbarPopupMenuManager );
858         coolbarPopupMenuManager.dispose( );
860         getActionBarConfigurer( ).getStatusLineManager( ).remove(
861             statusLineItem );
862         if( pageListener != null ) {
863             window.removePageListener( pageListener );
864             pageListener = null;
865         }
866         if( prefListener != null ) {
867             ResourcesPlugin.getPlugin( ).getPluginPreferences( )
868                 .removePropertyChangeListener( prefListener );
869             prefListener = null;
870         }
871         if( propPrefListener != null ) {
872             WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault( ).getPreferenceStore( )
873                 .removePropertyChangeListener( propPrefListener );
874             propPrefListener = null;
875         }
876         if( resourceListener != null ) {
877             ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace( ).removeResourceChangeListener(
878                 resourceListener );
879             resourceListener = null;
880         }
882         showInQuickMenu.dispose( );
883         newQuickMenu.dispose( );
885         // null out actions to make leak debugging easier
886         closeAction = null;
887         closeAllAction = null;
888         closeAllSavedAction = null;
889         closeOthersAction = null;
890         saveAction = null;
891         saveAllAction = null;
892         newWindowAction = null;
893         newEditorAction = null;
894         helpContentsAction = null;
895         helpSearchAction = null;
896         dynamicHelpAction = null;
897         aboutAction = null;
898         openPreferencesAction = null;
899         saveAsAction = null;
900         hideShowEditorAction = null;
901         savePerspectiveAction = null;
902         resetPerspectiveAction = null;
903         editActionSetAction = null;
904         closePerspAction = null;
905         lockToolBarAction = null;
906         closeAllPerspsAction = null;
907         showViewMenuAction = null;
908         showPartPaneMenuAction = null;
909         nextPartAction = null;
910         prevPartAction = null;
911         nextEditorAction = null;
912         prevEditorAction = null;
913         nextPerspectiveAction = null;
914         prevPerspectiveAction = null;
915         activateEditorAction = null;
916         maximizePartAction = null;
917         minimizePartAction = null;
918         switchToEditorAction = null;
919         quickAccessAction.dispose( );
920         quickAccessAction = null;
921         backwardHistoryAction = null;
922         forwardHistoryAction = null;
923         undoAction = null;
924         redoAction = null;
925         quitAction = null;
926         goIntoAction = null;
927         backAction = null;
928         forwardAction = null;
929         upAction = null;
930         nextAction = null;
931         previousAction = null;
932         openWorkspaceAction = null;
933         projectPropertyDialogAction = null;
934         newWizardAction = null;
935         newWizardDropDownAction = null;
936         importResourcesAction = null;
937         exportResourcesAction = null;
938         buildAllAction = null;
939         cleanAction = null;
940         toggleAutoBuildAction = null;
941         buildWorkingSetMenu = null;
942         quickStartAction = null;
943         tipsAndTricksAction = null;
944         showInQuickMenu = null;
945         newQuickMenu = null;
946         buildProjectAction = null;
947         newWizardMenu = null;
948         statusLineItem = null;
949         prefListener = null;
950         propPrefListener = null;
951         introAction = null;
953         super.dispose( );
954     }
updateModeLine( final String text )956     void updateModeLine( final String text )
957     {
958         statusLineItem.setText( text );
959     }
961     /**
962      * Returns true if the menu with the given ID should
963      * be considered as an OLE container menu. Container menus
964      * are preserved in OLE menu merging.
965      */
966     @Override
isApplicationMenu( String menuId )967     public boolean isApplicationMenu( String menuId )
968     {
969         if( menuId.equals( IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_FILE ) ) {
970             return true;
971         }
972         if( menuId.equals( IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_WINDOW ) ) {
973             return true;
974         }
975         return false;
976     }
978     /**
979      * Return whether or not given id matches the id of the coolitems that
980      * the workbench creates.
981      */
isWorkbenchCoolItemId( String id )982     public boolean isWorkbenchCoolItemId( String id )
983     {
984         if( IWorkbenchActionConstants.TOOLBAR_FILE.equalsIgnoreCase( id ) ) {
985             return true;
986         }
987         if( IWorkbenchActionConstants.TOOLBAR_NAVIGATE.equalsIgnoreCase( id ) ) {
988             return true;
989         }
990         return false;
991     }
993     /**
994      * Fills the status line with the workbench contribution items.
995      */
996     @Override
fillStatusLine( IStatusLineManager statusLine )997     protected void fillStatusLine( IStatusLineManager statusLine )
998     {
999         statusLine.add( statusLineItem );
1000     }
1002     /**
1003      * Creates actions (and contribution items) for the menu bar, toolbar and
1004      * status line.
1005      */
1006     @Override
makeActions( final IWorkbenchWindow window )1007     protected void makeActions( final IWorkbenchWindow window )
1008     {
1009         // @issue should obtain from ConfigurationItemFactory
1010         statusLineItem = new StatusLineContributionItem( "ModeContributionItem" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
1012         newWizardAction = ActionFactory.NEW.create( window );
1013         register( newWizardAction );
1015         newWizardDropDownAction = IDEActionFactory.NEW_WIZARD_DROP_DOWN
1016             .create( window );
1017         register( newWizardDropDownAction );
1019         importResourcesAction = ActionFactory.IMPORT.create( window );
1020         register( importResourcesAction );
1022         exportResourcesAction = ActionFactory.EXPORT.create( window );
1023         register( exportResourcesAction );
1025         buildAllAction = IDEActionFactory.BUILD.create( window );
1026         register( buildAllAction );
1028         cleanAction = IDEActionFactory.BUILD_CLEAN.create( window );
1029         register( cleanAction );
1031         toggleAutoBuildAction = IDEActionFactory.BUILD_AUTOMATICALLY
1032             .create( window );
1033         register( toggleAutoBuildAction );
1035         saveAction = ActionFactory.SAVE.create( window );
1036         register( saveAction );
1038         saveAsAction = ActionFactory.SAVE_AS.create( window );
1039         register( saveAsAction );
1041         saveAllAction = ActionFactory.SAVE_ALL.create( window );
1042         register( saveAllAction );
1044         newWindowAction = ActionFactory.OPEN_NEW_WINDOW.create( getWindow( ) );
1045         newWindowAction.setText( IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_openNewWindow );
1046         register( newWindowAction );
1048         newEditorAction = ActionFactory.NEW_EDITOR.create( window );
1049         register( newEditorAction );
1051         undoAction = ActionFactory.UNDO.create( window );
1052         register( undoAction );
1054         redoAction = ActionFactory.REDO.create( window );
1055         register( redoAction );
1062         closeAction = ActionFactory.CLOSE.create( window );
1063         register( closeAction );
1065         closeAllAction = ActionFactory.CLOSE_ALL.create( window );
1066         register( closeAllAction );
1068         closeOthersAction = ActionFactory.CLOSE_OTHERS.create( window );
1069         register( closeOthersAction );
1071         closeAllSavedAction = ActionFactory.CLOSE_ALL_SAVED.create( window );
1072         register( closeAllSavedAction );
1074         helpContentsAction = ActionFactory.HELP_CONTENTS.create( window );
1075         register( helpContentsAction );
1077         helpSearchAction = ActionFactory.HELP_SEARCH.create( window );
1078         register( helpSearchAction );
1080         dynamicHelpAction = ActionFactory.DYNAMIC_HELP.create( window );
1081         register( dynamicHelpAction );
1083         aboutAction = ActionFactory.ABOUT.create( window );
1084         aboutAction
1085             .setImageDescriptor( IDEInternalWorkbenchImages
1086                 .getImageDescriptor( IDEInternalWorkbenchImages.IMG_OBJS_DEFAULT_PROD ) );
1087         register( aboutAction );
1089         openPreferencesAction = ActionFactory.PREFERENCES.create( window );
1090         register( openPreferencesAction );
1096         makeFeatureDependentActions( window );
1098         // Actions for invisible accelerators
1099         showViewMenuAction = ActionFactory.SHOW_VIEW_MENU.create( window );
1100         register( showViewMenuAction );
1102         showPartPaneMenuAction = ActionFactory.SHOW_PART_PANE_MENU
1103             .create( window );
1104         register( showPartPaneMenuAction );
1106         nextEditorAction = ActionFactory.NEXT_EDITOR.create( window );
1107         register( nextEditorAction );
1108         prevEditorAction = ActionFactory.PREVIOUS_EDITOR.create( window );
1109         register( prevEditorAction );
1110         ActionFactory.linkCycleActionPair( nextEditorAction, prevEditorAction );
1112         nextPartAction = ActionFactory.NEXT_PART.create( window );
1113         register( nextPartAction );
1114         prevPartAction = ActionFactory.PREVIOUS_PART.create( window );
1115         register( prevPartAction );
1116         ActionFactory.linkCycleActionPair( nextPartAction, prevPartAction );
1118         nextPerspectiveAction = ActionFactory.NEXT_PERSPECTIVE.create( window );
1119         register( nextPerspectiveAction );
1120         prevPerspectiveAction = ActionFactory.PREVIOUS_PERSPECTIVE
1121             .create( window );
1122         register( prevPerspectiveAction );
1123         ActionFactory.linkCycleActionPair( nextPerspectiveAction,
1124             prevPerspectiveAction );
1126         activateEditorAction = ActionFactory.ACTIVATE_EDITOR.create( window );
1127         register( activateEditorAction );
1129         maximizePartAction = ActionFactory.MAXIMIZE.create( window );
1130         register( maximizePartAction );
1132         minimizePartAction = ActionFactory.MINIMIZE.create( window );
1133         register( minimizePartAction );
1135         switchToEditorAction = ActionFactory.SHOW_OPEN_EDITORS.create( window );
1136         register( switchToEditorAction );
1138         workbookEditorsAction = ActionFactory.SHOW_WORKBOOK_EDITORS
1139             .create( window );
1140         register( workbookEditorsAction );
1142         quickAccessAction = ActionFactory.SHOW_QUICK_ACCESS.create( window );
1144         hideShowEditorAction = ActionFactory.SHOW_EDITOR.create( window );
1145         register( hideShowEditorAction );
1146         savePerspectiveAction = ActionFactory.SAVE_PERSPECTIVE.create( window );
1147         register( savePerspectiveAction );
1148         editActionSetAction = ActionFactory.EDIT_ACTION_SETS.create( window );
1149         register( editActionSetAction );
1150         lockToolBarAction = ActionFactory.LOCK_TOOL_BAR.create( window );
1151         register( lockToolBarAction );
1152         resetPerspectiveAction = ActionFactory.RESET_PERSPECTIVE
1153             .create( window );
1154         register( resetPerspectiveAction );
1155         closePerspAction = ActionFactory.CLOSE_PERSPECTIVE.create( window );
1156         register( closePerspAction );
1157         closeAllPerspsAction = ActionFactory.CLOSE_ALL_PERSPECTIVES
1158             .create( window );
1159         register( closeAllPerspsAction );
1161         forwardHistoryAction = ActionFactory.FORWARD_HISTORY.create( window );
1162         register( forwardHistoryAction );
1164         backwardHistoryAction = ActionFactory.BACKWARD_HISTORY.create( window );
1165         register( backwardHistoryAction );
1170         quitAction = ActionFactory.QUIT.create( window );
1171         register( quitAction );
1175         goIntoAction = ActionFactory.GO_INTO.create( window );
1176         register( goIntoAction );
1178         backAction = ActionFactory.BACK.create( window );
1179         register( backAction );
1181         forwardAction = ActionFactory.FORWARD.create( window );
1182         register( forwardAction );
1184         upAction = ActionFactory.UP.create( window );
1185         register( upAction );
1187         nextAction = ActionFactory.NEXT.create( window );
1188         nextAction
1189             .setImageDescriptor( IDEInternalWorkbenchImages
1190                 .getImageDescriptor( IDEInternalWorkbenchImages.IMG_ETOOL_NEXT_NAV ) );
1191         register( nextAction );
1193         previousAction = ActionFactory.PREVIOUS.create( window );
1194         previousAction
1195             .setImageDescriptor( IDEInternalWorkbenchImages
1196                 .getImageDescriptor( IDEInternalWorkbenchImages.IMG_ETOOL_PREVIOUS_NAV ) );
1197         register( previousAction );
1199         buildProjectAction = IDEActionFactory.BUILD_PROJECT.create( window );
1200         register( buildProjectAction );
1202         openWorkspaceAction = IDEActionFactory.OPEN_WORKSPACE.create( window );
1203         register( openWorkspaceAction );
1205         projectPropertyDialogAction = IDEActionFactory.OPEN_PROJECT_PROPERTIES
1206             .create( window );
1207         register( projectPropertyDialogAction );
1209         if( window.getWorkbench( ).getIntroManager( ).hasIntro( ) ) {
1210             introAction = ActionFactory.INTRO.create( window );
1211             register( introAction );
1212         }
1214         String showInQuickMenuId = IWorkbenchCommandConstants.NAVIGATE_SHOW_IN_QUICK_MENU;
1215         showInQuickMenu = new QuickMenuAction( showInQuickMenuId ) {
1216             @Override
1217             protected void fillMenu( IMenuManager menu )
1218             {
1219                 menu.add( ContributionItemFactory.VIEWS_SHOW_IN.create( window ) );
1220             }
1221         };
1222         register( showInQuickMenu );
1224         final String newQuickMenuId = "org.eclipse.ui.file.newQuickMenu"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1225         newQuickMenu = new QuickMenuAction( newQuickMenuId ) {
1226             @Override
1227             protected void fillMenu( IMenuManager menu )
1228             {
1229                 menu.add( new NewWizardMenu( window ) );
1230             }
1231         };
1232         register( newQuickMenu );
1234     }
1236     /**
1237      * Creates the feature-dependent actions for the menu bar.
1238      */
makeFeatureDependentActions( IWorkbenchWindow window )1239     private void makeFeatureDependentActions( IWorkbenchWindow window )
1240     {
1241         AboutInfo[] infos = null;
1243         IPreferenceStore prefs = IDEWorkbenchPlugin.getDefault( )
1244             .getPreferenceStore( );
1246         // Optimization: avoid obtaining the about infos if the platform state
1247         // is
1248         // unchanged from last time. See bug 75130 for details.
1249         String stateKey = "platformState"; //$NON-NLS-1$
1250         String prevState = prefs.getString( stateKey );
1251         String currentState = String.valueOf( Platform.getStateStamp( ) );
1252         boolean sameState = currentState.equals( prevState );
1253         if( ! sameState ) {
1254             prefs.putValue( stateKey, currentState );
1255         }
1257         // See if a welcome page is specified.
1258         // Optimization: if welcome pages were found on a previous run, then
1259         // just add the action.
1260         String quickStartKey = IDEActionFactory.QUICK_START.getId( );
1261         String showQuickStart = prefs.getString( quickStartKey );
1262         if( sameState && "true".equals( showQuickStart ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
1263             quickStartAction = IDEActionFactory.QUICK_START.create( window );
1264             register( quickStartAction );
1265         }
1266         else if( sameState && "false".equals( showQuickStart ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
1267             // do nothing
1268         }
1269         else {
1270             // do the work
1271             infos = IDEWorkbenchPlugin.getDefault( ).getFeatureInfos( );
1272             boolean found = hasWelcomePage( infos );
1273             prefs.setValue( quickStartKey, String.valueOf( found ) );
1274             if( found ) {
1275                 quickStartAction = IDEActionFactory.QUICK_START.create( window );
1276                 register( quickStartAction );
1277             }
1278         }
1280         // See if a tips and tricks page is specified.
1281         // Optimization: if tips and tricks were found on a previous run, then
1282         // just add the action.
1283         String tipsAndTricksKey = IDEActionFactory.TIPS_AND_TRICKS.getId( );
1284         String showTipsAndTricks = prefs.getString( tipsAndTricksKey );
1285         if( sameState && "true".equals( showTipsAndTricks ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
1286             tipsAndTricksAction = IDEActionFactory.TIPS_AND_TRICKS
1287                 .create( window );
1288             register( tipsAndTricksAction );
1289         }
1290         else if( sameState && "false".equals( showTipsAndTricks ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
1291             // do nothing
1292         }
1293         else {
1294             // do the work
1295             if( infos == null ) {
1296                 infos = IDEWorkbenchPlugin.getDefault( ).getFeatureInfos( );
1297             }
1298             boolean found = hasTipsAndTricks( infos );
1299             prefs.setValue( tipsAndTricksKey, String.valueOf( found ) );
1300             if( found ) {
1301                 tipsAndTricksAction = IDEActionFactory.TIPS_AND_TRICKS
1302                     .create( window );
1303                 register( tipsAndTricksAction );
1304             }
1305         }
1306     }
1308     /**
1309      * Returns whether any of the given infos have a welcome page.
1310      *
1311      * @param infos
1312      *        the infos
1313      * @return <code>true</code> if a welcome page was found, <code>false</code>
1314      *         if not
1315      */
hasWelcomePage( AboutInfo[] infos )1316     private boolean hasWelcomePage( AboutInfo[] infos )
1317     {
1318         for( int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++ ) {
1319             if( infos[i].getWelcomePageURL( ) != null ) {
1320                 return true;
1321             }
1322         }
1323         return false;
1324     }
1326     /**
1327      * Returns whether any of the given infos have tips and tricks.
1328      *
1329      * @param infos
1330      *        the infos
1331      * @return <code>true</code> if tips and tricks were found,
1332      *         <code>false</code> if not
1333      */
hasTipsAndTricks( AboutInfo[] infos )1334     private boolean hasTipsAndTricks( AboutInfo[] infos )
1335     {
1336         for( int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++ ) {
1337             if( infos[i].getTipsAndTricksHref( ) != null ) {
1338                 return true;
1339             }
1340         }
1341         return false;
1342     }
1344     /**
1345      * Update the build actions on the toolbar and menu bar based on the current
1346      * state of autobuild. This method can be called from any thread.
1347      *
1348      * @param immediately
1349      *        <code>true</code> to update the actions immediately,
1350      *        <code>false</code> to queue the update to be run in the
1351      *        event loop
1352      */
updateBuildActions( boolean immediately )1353     void updateBuildActions( boolean immediately )
1354     {
1355         // this can be triggered by property or resource change notifications
1356         Runnable update = new Runnable( ) {
1357             public void run( )
1358             {
1359                 if( isDisposed ) {
1360                     return;
1361                 }
1362                 IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace( );
1363                 IProject[] projects = workspace.getRoot( ).getProjects( );
1364                 boolean enabled = BuildUtilities.isEnabled( projects,
1365                     IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD );
1366                 // update menu bar actions in project menu
1367                 updateCommandEnablement( buildAllAction.getActionDefinitionId( ) );
1368                 buildProjectAction.setEnabled( enabled );
1369                 toggleAutoBuildAction.setChecked( workspace.isAutoBuilding( ) );
1370                 cleanAction.setEnabled( BuildUtilities.isEnabled( projects,
1371                     IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD ) );
1373                 // update the cool bar build button
1374                 ICoolBarManager coolBarManager = getActionBarConfigurer( )
1375                     .getCoolBarManager( );
1376                 IContributionItem cbItem = coolBarManager
1377                     .find( IWorkbenchActionConstants.TOOLBAR_FILE );
1378                 if( ! ( cbItem instanceof IToolBarContributionItem ) ) {
1379                     // This should not happen
1380                     IDEWorkbenchPlugin
1381                         .log( "File toolbar contribution item is missing" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
1382                     return;
1383                 }
1384                 IToolBarContributionItem toolBarItem = ( IToolBarContributionItem ) cbItem;
1385                 IToolBarManager toolBarManager = toolBarItem
1386                     .getToolBarManager( );
1387                 if( toolBarManager == null ) {
1388                     // error if this happens, file toolbar assumed to always
1389                     // exist
1390                     IDEWorkbenchPlugin.log( "File toolbar is missing" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
1391                     return;
1392                 }
1393                 // add the build button if build actions are enabled, and remove
1394                 // it otherwise
1395                 boolean found = toolBarManager.find( buildAllAction.getId( ) ) != null;
1396                 if( enabled && ! found ) {
1397                     toolBarManager.appendToGroup(
1398                         IWorkbenchActionConstants.BUILD_GROUP,
1399                         buildAllAction );
1400                     toolBarManager.update( false );
1401                     toolBarItem.update( ICoolBarManager.SIZE );
1402                 }
1403                 else if( buildAllAction != null && found && ! enabled ) {
1404                     toolBarManager.remove( buildAllAction.getId( ) );
1405                     toolBarManager.update( false );
1406                     toolBarItem.update( ICoolBarManager.SIZE );
1407                 }
1408             }
1410             private void updateCommandEnablement( String commandId )
1411             {
1412                 IHandlerService handlerService = ( IHandlerService ) window
1413                     .getService( IHandlerService.class );
1414                 ICommandService commandService = ( ICommandService ) window
1415                     .getService( ICommandService.class );
1416                 if( handlerService != null && commandService != null ) {
1417                     Command buildAllCmd = commandService.getCommand( commandId );
1418                     buildAllCmd.setEnabled( handlerService.getCurrentState( ) );
1419                 }
1420             }
1421         };
1422         if( immediately ) {
1423             update.run( );
1424         }
1425         else {
1426             // Dispatch the update to be run later in the UI thread.
1427             // This helps to reduce flicker if autobuild is being temporarily
1428             // disabled programmatically.
1429             Shell shell = window.getShell( );
1430             if( shell != null && ! shell.isDisposed( ) ) {
1431                 shell.getDisplay( ).asyncExec( update );
1432             }
1433         }
1434     }
1436     /**
1437      * Update the pin action's tool bar
1438      */
updatePinActionToolbar( )1439     void updatePinActionToolbar( )
1440     {
1442         ICoolBarManager coolBarManager = getActionBarConfigurer( )
1443             .getCoolBarManager( );
1444         IContributionItem cbItem = coolBarManager
1445             .find( IWorkbenchActionConstants.TOOLBAR_NAVIGATE );
1446         if( ! ( cbItem instanceof IToolBarContributionItem ) ) {
1447             // This should not happen
1448             IDEWorkbenchPlugin
1449                 .log( "Navigation toolbar contribution item is missing" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
1450             return;
1451         }
1452         IToolBarContributionItem toolBarItem = ( IToolBarContributionItem ) cbItem;
1453         IToolBarManager toolBarManager = toolBarItem.getToolBarManager( );
1454         if( toolBarManager == null ) {
1455             // error if this happens, navigation toolbar assumed to always exist
1456             IDEWorkbenchPlugin.log( "Navigate toolbar is missing" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
1457             return;
1458         }
1460         toolBarManager.update( false );
1461         toolBarItem.update( ICoolBarManager.SIZE );
1462     }
getPinEditorItem( )1464     private IContributionItem getPinEditorItem( )
1465     {
1466         return ContributionItemFactory.PIN_EDITOR.create( window );
1467     }
getCutItem( )1469     private IContributionItem getCutItem( )
1470     {
1471         return getItem( ActionFactory.CUT.getId( ),
1472             ActionFactory.CUT.getCommandId( ), ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_CUT,
1473             ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_CUT_DISABLED,
1474             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_cut,
1475             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_cutToolTip, null );
1476     }
getCopyItem( )1478     private IContributionItem getCopyItem( )
1479     {
1480         return getItem( ActionFactory.COPY.getId( ),
1481             ActionFactory.COPY.getCommandId( ),
1482             ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_COPY,
1483             ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_COPY_DISABLED,
1484             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_copy,
1485             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_copyToolTip, null );
1486     }
getPasteItem( )1488     private IContributionItem getPasteItem( )
1489     {
1490         return getItem( ActionFactory.PASTE.getId( ),
1491             ActionFactory.PASTE.getCommandId( ),
1492             ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_PASTE,
1493             ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_PASTE_DISABLED,
1494             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_paste,
1495             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_pasteToolTip, null );
1496     }
getPrintItem( )1498     private IContributionItem getPrintItem( )
1499     {
1500         return getItem( ActionFactory.PRINT.getId( ),
1501             ActionFactory.PRINT.getCommandId( ),
1502             ISharedImages.IMG_ETOOL_PRINT_EDIT,
1503             ISharedImages.IMG_ETOOL_PRINT_EDIT_DISABLED,
1504             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_print,
1505             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_printToolTip, null );
1506     }
getSelectAllItem( )1508     private IContributionItem getSelectAllItem( )
1509     {
1510         return getItem( ActionFactory.SELECT_ALL.getId( ),
1511             ActionFactory.SELECT_ALL.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1512             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_selectAll,
1513             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_selectAllToolTip, null );
1514     }
getFindItem( )1516     private IContributionItem getFindItem( )
1517     {
1518         return getItem( ActionFactory.FIND.getId( ),
1519             ActionFactory.FIND.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1520             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_findReplace,
1521             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_findReplaceToolTip, null );
1522     }
getBookmarkItem( )1524     private IContributionItem getBookmarkItem( )
1525     {
1526         return getItem( IDEActionFactory.BOOKMARK.getId( ),
1527             IDEActionFactory.BOOKMARK.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1528             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_addBookmark,
1529             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_addBookmarkToolTip, null );
1530     }
getTaskItem( )1532     private IContributionItem getTaskItem( )
1533     {
1534         return getItem( IDEActionFactory.ADD_TASK.getId( ),
1535             IDEActionFactory.ADD_TASK.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1536             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_addTask,
1537             IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_addTaskToolTip, null );
1538     }
getDeleteItem( )1540     private IContributionItem getDeleteItem( )
1541     {
1542         return getItem( ActionFactory.DELETE.getId( ),
1543             ActionFactory.DELETE.getCommandId( ),
1544             ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_DELETE,
1545             ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_DELETE_DISABLED,
1546             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_delete,
1547             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_deleteToolTip,
1548             IWorkbenchHelpContextIds.DELETE_RETARGET_ACTION );
1549     }
getRevertItem( )1551     private IContributionItem getRevertItem( )
1552     {
1553         return getItem( ActionFactory.REVERT.getId( ),
1554             ActionFactory.REVERT.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1555             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_revert,
1556             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_revertToolTip, null );
1557     }
getRefreshItem( )1559     private IContributionItem getRefreshItem( )
1560     {
1561         return getItem( ActionFactory.REFRESH.getId( ),
1562             ActionFactory.REFRESH.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1563             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_refresh,
1564             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_refreshToolTip, null );
1565     }
getPropertiesItem( )1567     private IContributionItem getPropertiesItem( )
1568     {
1569         return getItem( ActionFactory.PROPERTIES.getId( ),
1570             ActionFactory.PROPERTIES.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1571             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_properties,
1572             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_propertiesToolTip, null );
1573     }
getMoveItem( )1575     private IContributionItem getMoveItem( )
1576     {
1577         return getItem( ActionFactory.MOVE.getId( ),
1578             ActionFactory.MOVE.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1579             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_move,
1580             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_moveToolTip, null );
1581     }
getRenameItem( )1583     private IContributionItem getRenameItem( )
1584     {
1585         return getItem( ActionFactory.RENAME.getId( ),
1586             ActionFactory.RENAME.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1587             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_rename,
1588             WorkbenchMessages.Workbench_renameToolTip, null );
1589     }
getOpenProjectItem( )1591     private IContributionItem getOpenProjectItem( )
1592     {
1593         return getItem( IDEActionFactory.OPEN_PROJECT.getId( ),
1594             IDEActionFactory.OPEN_PROJECT.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1595             IDEWorkbenchMessages.OpenResourceAction_text,
1596             IDEWorkbenchMessages.OpenResourceAction_toolTip, null );
1597     }
getCloseProjectItem( )1599     private IContributionItem getCloseProjectItem( )
1600     {
1601         return getItem( IDEActionFactory.CLOSE_PROJECT.getId( ),
1602             IDEActionFactory.CLOSE_PROJECT.getCommandId( ), null, null,
1603             IDEWorkbenchMessages.CloseResourceAction_text,
1604             IDEWorkbenchMessages.CloseResourceAction_text, null );
1605     }
getItem( String actionId, String commandId, String image, String disabledImage, String label, String tooltip, String helpContextId )1607     private IContributionItem getItem( String actionId, String commandId,
1608         String image, String disabledImage, String label, String tooltip,
1609         String helpContextId )
1610     {
1611         ISharedImages sharedImages = getWindow( ).getWorkbench( )
1612             .getSharedImages( );
1614         IActionCommandMappingService acms = ( IActionCommandMappingService ) getWindow( )
1615             .getService( IActionCommandMappingService.class );
1616         acms.map( actionId, commandId );
1618         CommandContributionItemParameter commandParm = new CommandContributionItemParameter(
1619             getWindow( ), actionId, commandId, null,
1620             sharedImages.getImageDescriptor( image ),
1621             sharedImages.getImageDescriptor( disabledImage ), null, label,
1622             null, tooltip, CommandContributionItem.STYLE_PUSH, null, false );
1623         return new CommandContributionItem( commandParm );
1624     }
1625 }