2	ident = loki #son of two giants; attractive, mischief-making and ambivalent god; known as the Sly One, the Trickster, the Shape Changer or the Sky Traveller; as time wears on he becomes more evil, culminating in him causing the death of Balder, and Loki is then imprisoned until Ragnarok comes; Source: Kevin Crossley-Holland, "The Norse Myths", 1980, p. 247. Source: Carolyne Larrington, "The Norse Myths: A Guide to the Gods and Heroes", 2017, pp. 41-42.
3	name = "Loki"
4	pantheon = aesir
5	home_plane = asgard
6	civilization = dwarf
7	civilization = ettin #during Ragnarok, he was on the same side as the giants
8	civilization = norse
9	religion = paganism
10	gender = male
11	major = true
12	icon = icon_loki
13	domain = trickery
14	domain = chaos
15	domain = envy
16	deity_upgrade = upgrade_deity_loki
17	description = "Loki is a trickster god. Though attractive and cunning, he is often causing trouble for the other Aesir. He is the father of Hel."