1XBill 2.1
3Welcome to xbill...
5Ever get the feeling that nothing is going right?  You're a sysadmin,
6and someone's trying to destroy your computers.  The little people
7running around the screen are trying to infect your computers with
8Wingdows [TM], a virus cleverly  designed to resemble a popular
9operating system.  Your objective is to click the mouse on them, ending
10the potential threat.  If one of the people reaches a computer, it will
11attempt to replace your operating system with the virus it carries. It
12will then attempt to run off the screen with your vital software.  The
13game ends when only 1 (or 0) of your computers are being productive.
14Additionally, some computers are connected with network cables.  When
15one computer on a network becomes infected, a spark will be sent down
16the cable, and will infect the computer on the other end when it reaches
19Clicking the button on one of the little people will cause it to cry out
20in pain and melt (id software eat your heart out!), dropping the stolen
21os if it is carrying one.  If a computer is running Wingdows or is
22temporarily off, the os can be dragged back to the computer (or
23another computer compatible with that os).  To extinguish a spark drag
24the bucket of water from the upper left corner onto it.
26	The status bar at the bottom tells the following:
27		Number of Bills on/off the screen
28		Number of Computers running their OS/off/Wingdows
29		Level
30		Score
33	-l <n>	Start at level n.
35	--gui <gui>
36		Use a specific front end.  The possible values are
37		gtk, motif, and athena.  Note that some of these
38		may not be compiled into the binary.
40	-size <size>
41		Play on a field of size x size, instead of the normal
42		400x400.  <size> must be larger than 400.
44	-v	Print version number and exit.
46	-h	Print help and exit.
48	When using the GTK gui, all standard GTK options are supported.
49	When using the Athena or Motif GUI, all standard X Intrinsics
50	options are supported.
54	Main Programmer:
55		Brian Wellington <bwelling@xbill.org>
56	Programming & graphics (v2.0 and earlier):
57		Matias Duarte <matias@hyperimage.com>