1 /*
2  * args.c -- Option parsing and saving for X and Windows versions of XBoard
3  *
4  * Copyright 1991 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard,
5  * Massachusetts.
6  *
7  * Enhancements Copyright 1992-2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
8  * 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
9  *
10  * Enhancements Copyright 2005 Alessandro Scotti
11  *
12  * The following terms apply to Digital Equipment Corporation's copyright
13  * interest in XBoard:
14  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
15  * All Rights Reserved
16  *
17  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
18  * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
19  * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
20  * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
21  * supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be
22  * used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
23  * software without specific, written prior permission.
24  *
32  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
33  *
34  * The following terms apply to the enhanced version of XBoard
35  * distributed by the Free Software Foundation:
36  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
37  *
38  * GNU XBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
39  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
40  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
41  * your option) any later version.
42  *
43  * GNU XBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
44  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
46  * General Public License for more details.
47  *
48  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
49  * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.  *
50  *
51  *------------------------------------------------------------------------
52  ** See the file ChangeLog for a revision history.
53 */
55 // Note: this file is not a normal header, but contains executable code
56 // for #inclusion in winboard.c and xboard.c, rather than separate compilation,
57 // so that it can make use of the proper context of #defined symbols and
58 // declarations in those files.
60 typedef enum {
61   ArgString, ArgInt, ArgFloat, ArgBoolean, ArgTrue, ArgFalse, ArgNone,
62   ArgColor, ArgAttribs, ArgFilename, ArgBoardSize, ArgFont, ArgCommSettings,
63   ArgSettingsFilename, ArgBackupSettingsFile, ArgTwo, ArgInstall, ArgMaster,
64   ArgX, ArgY, ArgZ // [HGM] placement: for window-placement options stored relative to main window
65 } ArgType;
67 typedef void *ArgIniType;
69 #define INVALID (ArgIniType) 6915 /* Some number unlikely to be needed as default for anything */
70 #define MAX_ARG_LEN 128*1024 /* [AS] For Roger Brown's very long list! */
72 typedef struct {
73   char *argName;
74   ArgType argType;
75   /***
76   union {
77     String *pString;       // ArgString
78     int *pInt;             // ArgInt
79     float *pFloat;         // ArgFloat
80     Boolean *pBoolean;     // ArgBoolean
81     COLORREF *pColor;      // ArgColor
82     ColorClass cc;         // ArgAttribs
83     String *pFilename;     // ArgFilename
84     BoardSize *pBoardSize; // ArgBoardSize
85     int whichFont;         // ArgFont
86     DCB *pDCB;             // ArgCommSettings
87     String *pFilename;     // ArgSettingsFilename
88   } argLoc;
89   ***/
90   void *argLoc;
91   Boolean save;
92   ArgIniType defaultValue;
93 } ArgDescriptor;
95 typedef struct {
96   char *item;
97   char *command;
98   Boolean getname;
99   Boolean immediate;
100 } IcsTextMenuEntry;
102 IcsTextMenuEntry icsTextMenuEntry[ICS_TEXT_MENU_SIZE];
104 int junk;
105 int saveDate;
106 int dateStamp;
107 Boolean singleList;
108 Boolean autoClose;
109 char *homeDir;
110 char *firstEngineLine;
111 char *secondEngineLine;
112 char *icsNick;
113 char *theme;
115 void EnsureOnScreen(int *x, int *y, int minX, int minY);
116 char StringGet(void *getClosure);
117 void ParseFont(char *name, int number);
118 void SetFontDefaults();
119 void CreateFonts();
120 void ParseColor(int n, char *name);
121 void ParseTextAttribs(ColorClass cc, char *s);
122 void ParseBoardSize(void * addr, char *name);
123 void ParseCommPortSettings(char *name);
124 void LoadAllSounds();
125 void SetCommPortDefaults();
126 void SaveFontArg(FILE *f, ArgDescriptor *ad);
127 void ExportSounds();
128 void SaveAttribsArg(FILE *f, ArgDescriptor *ad);
129 void SaveColor(FILE *f, ArgDescriptor *ad);
130 void SaveBoardSize(FILE *f, char *name, void *addr);
131 void PrintCommPortSettings(FILE *f, char *name);
132 void GetWindowCoords();
133 int  MainWindowUp();
134 void PopUpStartupDialog();
135 typedef char GetFunc(void *getClosure);
136 void ParseArgs(GetFunc get, void *cl);
138 // [HGM] this is an exact duplicate of something in winboard.c. Move to backend.c?
139 char *defaultTextAttribs[] =
140 {
143   "#000000"
144 };
146 ArgDescriptor argDescriptors[] = {
147   /* positional arguments */
148   { "opt", ArgSettingsFilename, (void *) NULL, FALSE, INVALID },
149   { "loadPositionFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.loadPositionFile, FALSE, INVALID },
150   { "tourneyFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.tourneyFile, FALSE, INVALID },
151   { "is", ArgString, (void *) &icsNick, FALSE, INVALID },
152   { "loadGameFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.loadGameFile, FALSE, INVALID },
153   { "", ArgNone, NULL, FALSE, INVALID },
154   /* keyword arguments */
155   { "saveDate", ArgInt, (void *) &saveDate, TRUE, 0 },
156   { "date", ArgInt, (void *) &dateStamp, FALSE, 0 },
157   { "autoClose", ArgTrue, (void *) &autoClose, FALSE, FALSE },
159   { "whitePieceColor", ArgColor, (void *) 0, TRUE, (ArgIniType) WHITE_PIECE_COLOR },
160   { "wpc", ArgColor, (void *) 0, FALSE, INVALID },
161   { "blackPieceColor", ArgColor, (void *) 1, TRUE, (ArgIniType) BLACK_PIECE_COLOR },
162   { "bpc", ArgColor, (void *) 1, FALSE, INVALID },
163   { "lightSquareColor", ArgColor, (void *) 2, TRUE, (ArgIniType) LIGHT_SQUARE_COLOR },
164   { "lsc", ArgColor, (void *) 2, FALSE, INVALID },
165   { "darkSquareColor", ArgColor, (void *) 3, TRUE, (ArgIniType) DARK_SQUARE_COLOR },
166   { "dsc", ArgColor, (void *) 3, FALSE, INVALID },
167   { "highlightSquareColor", ArgColor, (void *) 4, TRUE, (ArgIniType) HIGHLIGHT_SQUARE_COLOR },
168   { "hsc", ArgColor, (void *) 4, FALSE, INVALID },
169   { "premoveHighlightColor", ArgColor, (void *) 5, TRUE, (ArgIniType) PREMOVE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR },
170   { "phc", ArgColor, (void *) 5, FALSE, INVALID },
171   { "movesPerSession", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.movesPerSession, TRUE, (ArgIniType) MOVES_PER_SESSION },
172   { "mps", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.movesPerSession, FALSE, INVALID },
173   { "initString", ArgString, (void *) &appData.firstInitString, FALSE, INVALID },
174   { "firstInitString", ArgString, (void *) &appData.firstInitString, FALSE, (ArgIniType) INIT_STRING },
175   { "secondInitString", ArgString, (void *) &appData.secondInitString, FALSE, (ArgIniType) INIT_STRING },
176   { "firstComputerString", ArgString, (void *) &appData.firstComputerString,
177     FALSE, (ArgIniType) COMPUTER_STRING },
178   { "secondComputerString", ArgString, (void *) &appData.secondComputerString,
179     FALSE, (ArgIniType) COMPUTER_STRING },
180   { "firstChessProgram", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.firstChessProgram,
181     FALSE, (ArgIniType) FIRST_CHESS_PROGRAM },
182   { "fcp", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.firstChessProgram, FALSE, INVALID },
183   { "secondChessProgram", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.secondChessProgram,
185   { "scp", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.secondChessProgram, FALSE, INVALID },
186   { "fe", ArgString, (void *) &firstEngineLine, FALSE, "" },
187   { "se", ArgString, (void *) &secondEngineLine, FALSE, "" },
188   { "firstPlaysBlack", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.firstPlaysBlack, FALSE, FALSE },
189   { "fb", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.firstPlaysBlack, FALSE, FALSE },
190   { "xfb", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.firstPlaysBlack, FALSE, INVALID },
191   { "-fb", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.firstPlaysBlack, FALSE, INVALID },
192   { "noChessProgram", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.noChessProgram, FALSE, FALSE },
193   { "ncp", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.noChessProgram, FALSE, INVALID },
194   { "xncp", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.noChessProgram, FALSE, INVALID },
195   { "-ncp", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.noChessProgram, FALSE, INVALID },
196   { "firstHost", ArgString, (void *) &appData.firstHost, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FIRST_HOST },
197   { "fh", ArgString, (void *) &appData.firstHost, FALSE, INVALID },
198   { "secondHost", ArgString, (void *) &appData.secondHost, FALSE, (ArgIniType) SECOND_HOST },
199   { "sh", ArgString, (void *) &appData.secondHost, FALSE, INVALID },
200   { "firstDirectory", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.firstDirectory, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FIRST_DIRECTORY },
201   { "fd", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.firstDirectory, FALSE, INVALID },
202   { "secondDirectory", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.secondDirectory, FALSE, (ArgIniType) SECOND_DIRECTORY },
203   { "sd", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.secondDirectory, FALSE, INVALID },
204   { "variations", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.variations, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
205   { "appendPV", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoExtend, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
206   { "theme", ArgString, (void *) &theme, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
208   /* some options only used by the XBoard front end, and ignored in WinBoard         */
209   /* Their saving is controlled by XBOARD, which in WinBoard is defined as FALSE */
210   { "internetChessServerInputBox", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.icsInputBox, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
211   { "icsinput", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.icsInputBox, FALSE, INVALID },
212   { "xicsinput", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.icsInputBox, FALSE, INVALID },
213   { "cmail", ArgString, (void *) &appData.cmailGameName, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
214   { "soundProgram", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundProgram, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) "play" },
215   { "fontSizeTolerance", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.fontSizeTolerance, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) 4 },
216   { "lowTimeWarningColor", ArgColor, (void *) 6, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) LOWTIMEWARNING_COLOR },
217   { "lowTimeWarning", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.lowTimeWarning, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
218   { "titleInWindow", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.titleInWindow, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
219   { "title", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.titleInWindow, FALSE, INVALID },
220   { "xtitle", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.titleInWindow, FALSE, INVALID },
221   { "flashCount", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.flashCount, XBOARD, INVALID }, // let X handle this
222   { "flashRate", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.flashRate, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) FLASH_RATE },
223   { "pieceImageDirectory", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.pieceDirectory, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
224   { "pid", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.pieceDirectory, FALSE, INVALID },
225   { "trueColors", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.trueColors, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
226   { "soundDirectory", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundDirectory, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) "" },
227   { "msLoginDelay", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.msLoginDelay, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) MS_LOGIN_DELAY },
228   { "pasteSelection", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.pasteSelection, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
230   { "dropMenu", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.dropMenu, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
231   { "pieceMenu", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.pieceMenu, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
232   { "sweepPromotions", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.sweepSelect, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
233   { "monoMouse", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.monoMouse, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
234   { "remoteShell", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.remoteShell, FALSE, (ArgIniType) REMOTE_SHELL },
235   { "rsh", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.remoteShell, FALSE, INVALID },
236   { "remoteUser", ArgString, (void *) &appData.remoteUser, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
237   { "ruser", ArgString, (void *) &appData.remoteUser, FALSE, INVALID },
238   { "timeDelay", ArgFloat, (void *) &appData.timeDelay, TRUE, INVALID },
239   { "td", ArgFloat, (void *) &appData.timeDelay, FALSE, INVALID },
240   { "timeControl", ArgString, (void *) &appData.timeControl, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TIME_CONTROL },
241   { "tc", ArgString, (void *) &appData.timeControl, FALSE, INVALID },
242   { "timeIncrement", ArgFloat, (void *) &appData.timeIncrement, FALSE, INVALID },
243   { "inc", ArgFloat, (void *) &appData.timeIncrement, FALSE, INVALID },
244   { "internetChessServerMode", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.icsActive, FALSE, INVALID },
245   { "ics", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.icsActive, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
246   { "xics", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.icsActive, FALSE, INVALID },
247   { "-ics", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.icsActive, FALSE, INVALID },
248   { "is", ArgString, (void *) &icsNick, FALSE, "" },
249   { "internetChessServerHost", ArgString, (void *) &appData.icsHost, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
250   { "icshost", ArgString, (void *) &appData.icsHost, FALSE, INVALID },
251   { "internetChessServerPort", ArgString, (void *) &appData.icsPort, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ICS_PORT },
252   { "icsport", ArgString, (void *) &appData.icsPort, FALSE, INVALID },
253   { "internetChessServerCommPort", ArgString, (void *) &appData.icsCommPort, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ICS_COMM_PORT },
254   { "icscomm", ArgString, (void *) &appData.icsCommPort, FALSE, INVALID },
255   { "internetChessServerComPort", ArgString, (void *) &appData.icsCommPort, FALSE, INVALID },
256   { "icscom", ArgString, (void *) &appData.icsCommPort, FALSE, INVALID },
257   { "internetChessServerLogonScript", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.icsLogon, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ICS_LOGON },
258   { "icslogon", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.icsLogon, FALSE, INVALID },
259   { "useTelnet", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.useTelnet, FALSE, INVALID },
260   { "telnet", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.useTelnet, FALSE, INVALID },
261   { "xtelnet", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.useTelnet, FALSE, INVALID },
262   { "-telnet", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.useTelnet, FALSE, INVALID },
263   { "telnetProgram", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.telnetProgram, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TELNET_PROGRAM },
264   { "internetChessserverHelper", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.icsHelper,
265 	FALSE, INVALID }, // for XB
266   { "icshelper", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.icsHelper, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
267   { "seekGraph", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.seekGraph, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
268   { "sg", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.seekGraph, FALSE, INVALID },
269   { "autoRefresh", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoRefresh, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
270   { "autoBox", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoBox, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
271   { "gateway", ArgString, (void *) &appData.gateway, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
272   { "loadGameFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.loadGameFile, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
273   { "lgf", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.loadGameFile, FALSE, INVALID },
274   { "loadGameIndex", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.loadGameIndex, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
275   { "lgi", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.loadGameIndex, FALSE, INVALID },
276   { "saveGameFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.saveGameFile, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
277   { "sgf", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.saveGameFile, FALSE, INVALID },
278   { "autoSaveGames", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoSaveGames, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
279   { "autosave", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.autoSaveGames, FALSE, INVALID },
280   { "xautosave", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoSaveGames, FALSE, INVALID },
281   { "-autosave", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoSaveGames, FALSE, INVALID },
282   { "onlyOwnGames", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.onlyOwn, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
283   { "loadPositionFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.loadPositionFile, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
284   { "lpf", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.loadPositionFile, FALSE, INVALID },
285   { "loadPositionIndex", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.loadPositionIndex, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
286   { "lpi", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.loadPositionIndex, FALSE, INVALID },
287   { "positionDir", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.positionDir, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
288   { "savePositionFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.savePositionFile, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
289   { "spf", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.savePositionFile, FALSE, INVALID },
290   { "matchMode", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.matchMode, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
291   { "mm", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.matchMode, FALSE, INVALID },
292   { "xmm", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.matchMode, FALSE, INVALID },
293   { "-mm", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.matchMode, FALSE, INVALID },
294   { "matchGames", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.matchGames, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
295   { "mg", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.matchGames, FALSE, INVALID },
296   { "monoMode", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.monoMode, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
297   { "mono", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.monoMode, FALSE, INVALID },
298   { "xmono", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.monoMode, FALSE, INVALID },
299   { "-mono", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.monoMode, FALSE, INVALID },
300   { "debugMode", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.debugMode, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
301   { "debug", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.debugMode, FALSE, INVALID },
302   { "xdebug", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.debugMode, FALSE, INVALID },
303   { "-debug", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.debugMode, FALSE, INVALID },
304   { "clockMode", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.clockMode, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
305   { "clock", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.clockMode, FALSE, INVALID },
306   { "xclock", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.clockMode, FALSE, INVALID },
307   { "-clock", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.clockMode, FALSE, INVALID },
308   { "searchTime", ArgString, (void *) &appData.searchTime, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
309   { "st", ArgString, (void *) &appData.searchTime, FALSE, INVALID },
310   { "searchDepth", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.searchDepth, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
311   { "depth", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.searchDepth, FALSE, INVALID },
312   { "showCoords", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.showCoords, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
313   { "coords", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.showCoords, FALSE, INVALID },
314   { "xcoords", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.showCoords, FALSE, INVALID },
315   { "-coords", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.showCoords, FALSE, INVALID },
316   { "showThinking", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.showThinking, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
317   { "thinking", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.showThinking, FALSE, INVALID },
318   { "xthinking", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.showThinking, FALSE, INVALID },
319   { "-thinking", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.showThinking, FALSE, INVALID },
320   { "ponderNextMove", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.ponderNextMove, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
321   { "ponder", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.ponderNextMove, FALSE, INVALID },
322   { "xponder", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.ponderNextMove, FALSE, INVALID },
323   { "-ponder", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.ponderNextMove, FALSE, INVALID },
324   { "periodicUpdates", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.periodicUpdates, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
325   { "periodic", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.periodicUpdates, FALSE, INVALID },
326   { "xperiodic", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.periodicUpdates, FALSE, INVALID },
327   { "-periodic", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.periodicUpdates, FALSE, INVALID },
328   { "popupExitMessage", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.popupExitMessage, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
329   { "exit", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.popupExitMessage, FALSE, INVALID },
330   { "xexit", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.popupExitMessage, FALSE, INVALID },
331   { "-exit", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.popupExitMessage, FALSE, INVALID },
332   { "popupMoveErrors", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.popupMoveErrors, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
333   { "popup", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.popupMoveErrors, FALSE, INVALID },
334   { "xpopup", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.popupMoveErrors, FALSE, INVALID },
335   { "-popup", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.popupMoveErrors, FALSE, INVALID },
336   { "popUpErrors", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.popupMoveErrors,
337     FALSE, INVALID }, /* only so that old WinBoard.ini files from betas can be read */
338   { "clockFont", ArgFont, (void *) CLOCK_FONT, TRUE, INVALID },
339   { "messageFont", ArgFont, (void *) MESSAGE_FONT, TRUE, INVALID },
340   { "font", ArgFont, (void *) MESSAGE_FONT, FALSE, INVALID }, /* only so that old .xboardrc files will parse. -font does not work from the command line because it is captured by the X libraries. */
341   { "coordFont", ArgFont, (void *) COORD_FONT, TRUE, INVALID },
342   { "tagsFont", ArgFont, (void *) EDITTAGS_FONT, TRUE, INVALID },
343   { "commentFont", ArgFont, (void *) COMMENT_FONT, TRUE, INVALID },
344   { "icsFont", ArgFont, (void *) CONSOLE_FONT, TRUE, INVALID },
345   { "moveHistoryFont", ArgFont, (void *) MOVEHISTORY_FONT, TRUE, INVALID }, /* [AS] */
346   { "gameListFont", ArgFont, (void *) GAMELIST_FONT, TRUE, INVALID }, /* [HGM] */
347   { "boardSize", ArgBoardSize, (void *) &boardSize,
348     TRUE, (ArgIniType) -1 }, /* must come after all fonts */
349   { "size", ArgBoardSize, (void *) &boardSize, FALSE, INVALID },
350   { "ringBellAfterMoves", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.ringBellAfterMoves,
351     FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE }, /* historical; kept only so old winboard.ini files will parse */
352   { "bell", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.ringBellAfterMoves, FALSE, INVALID }, // for XB
353   { "xbell", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.ringBellAfterMoves, FALSE, INVALID }, // for XB
354   { "movesound", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.ringBellAfterMoves, FALSE, INVALID }, // for XB
355   { "xmovesound", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.ringBellAfterMoves, FALSE, INVALID }, // for XB
356   { "alwaysOnTop", ArgBoolean, (void *) &alwaysOnTop, TRUE, INVALID },
357   { "top", ArgTrue, (void *) &alwaysOnTop, FALSE, INVALID },
358   { "xtop", ArgFalse, (void *) &alwaysOnTop, FALSE, INVALID },
359   { "-top", ArgFalse, (void *) &alwaysOnTop, FALSE, INVALID },
360   { "autoCallFlag", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoCallFlag, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
361   { "autoflag", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.autoCallFlag, FALSE, INVALID },
362   { "xautoflag", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoCallFlag, FALSE, INVALID },
363   { "-autoflag", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoCallFlag, FALSE, INVALID },
364   { "autoComment", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoComment, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
365   { "autocomm", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.autoComment, FALSE, INVALID },
366   { "xautocomm", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoComment, FALSE, INVALID },
367   { "-autocomm", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoComment, FALSE, INVALID },
368   { "autoCreateLogon", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoCreateLogon, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
369   { "autoObserve", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoObserve, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
370   { "autobs", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.autoObserve, FALSE, INVALID },
371   { "xautobs", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoObserve, FALSE, INVALID },
372   { "-autobs", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoObserve, FALSE, INVALID },
373   { "flipView", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.flipView, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
374   { "flip", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.flipView, FALSE, INVALID },
375   { "xflip", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.flipView, FALSE, INVALID },
376   { "-flip", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.flipView, FALSE, INVALID },
377   { "autoFlipView", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoFlipView, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
378   { "autoflip", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.autoFlipView, FALSE, INVALID },
379   { "xautoflip", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoFlipView, FALSE, INVALID },
380   { "-autoflip", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoFlipView, FALSE, INVALID },
381   { "autoRaiseBoard", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoRaiseBoard, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
382   { "autoraise", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.autoRaiseBoard, FALSE, INVALID },
383   { "xautoraise", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoRaiseBoard, FALSE, INVALID },
384   { "-autoraise", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.autoRaiseBoard, FALSE, INVALID },
385   { "alwaysPromoteToQueen", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.alwaysPromoteToQueen, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
386   { "queen", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.alwaysPromoteToQueen, FALSE, INVALID },
387   { "xqueen", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.alwaysPromoteToQueen, FALSE, INVALID },
388   { "-queen", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.alwaysPromoteToQueen, FALSE, INVALID },
389   { "oldSaveStyle", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.oldSaveStyle, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
390   { "oldsave", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.oldSaveStyle, FALSE, INVALID },
391   { "xoldsave", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.oldSaveStyle, FALSE, INVALID },
392   { "-oldsave", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.oldSaveStyle, FALSE, INVALID },
393   { "quietPlay", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.quietPlay, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
394   { "quiet", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.quietPlay, FALSE, INVALID },
395   { "xquiet", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.quietPlay, FALSE, INVALID },
396   { "-quiet", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.quietPlay, FALSE, INVALID },
397   { "getMoveList", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.getMoveList, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
398   { "moves", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.getMoveList, FALSE, INVALID },
399   { "xmoves", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.getMoveList, FALSE, INVALID },
400   { "-moves", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.getMoveList, FALSE, INVALID },
401   { "testLegality", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.testLegality, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
402   { "legal", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.testLegality, FALSE, INVALID },
403   { "xlegal", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.testLegality, FALSE, INVALID },
404   { "-legal", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.testLegality, FALSE, INVALID },
405   { "premove", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.premove, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
406   { "pre", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.premove, FALSE, INVALID },
407   { "xpre", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.premove, FALSE, INVALID },
408   { "-pre", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.premove, FALSE, INVALID },
409   { "premoveWhite", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.premoveWhite, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
410   { "prewhite", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.premoveWhite, FALSE, INVALID },
411   { "xprewhite", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.premoveWhite, FALSE, INVALID },
412   { "-prewhite", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.premoveWhite, FALSE, INVALID },
413   { "premoveWhiteText", ArgString, (void *) &appData.premoveWhiteText, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
414   { "premoveBlack", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.premoveBlack, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
415   { "preblack", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.premoveBlack, FALSE, INVALID },
416   { "xpreblack", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.premoveBlack, FALSE, INVALID },
417   { "-preblack", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.premoveBlack, FALSE, INVALID },
418   { "premoveBlackText", ArgString, (void *) &appData.premoveBlackText, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
419   { "icsAlarm", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.icsAlarm, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE},
420   { "alarm", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.icsAlarm, FALSE},
421   { "xalarm", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.icsAlarm, FALSE},
422   { "-alarm", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.icsAlarm, FALSE},
423   { "icsAlarmTime", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.icsAlarmTime, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 5000},
424   { "localLineEditing", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.localLineEditing, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE},
425   { "edit", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.localLineEditing, FALSE, INVALID },
426   { "xedit", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.localLineEditing, FALSE, INVALID },
427   { "-edit", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.localLineEditing, FALSE, INVALID },
428   { "animateMoving", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.animate, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
429   { "animate", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.animate, FALSE, INVALID },
430   { "xanimate", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.animate, FALSE, INVALID },
431   { "-animate", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.animate, FALSE, INVALID },
432   { "animateSpeed", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.animSpeed, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 10 },
433   { "animateDragging", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.animateDragging, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
434   { "drag", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.animateDragging, FALSE, INVALID },
435   { "xdrag", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.animateDragging, FALSE, INVALID },
436   { "-drag", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.animateDragging, FALSE, INVALID },
437   { "blindfold", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.blindfold, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
438   { "blind", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.blindfold, FALSE, INVALID },
439   { "xblind", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.blindfold, FALSE, INVALID },
440   { "-blind", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.blindfold, FALSE, INVALID },
441   { "highlightLastMove", ArgBoolean,
442     (void *) &appData.highlightLastMove, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
443   { "highlight", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.highlightLastMove, FALSE, INVALID },
444   { "xhighlight", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.highlightLastMove, FALSE, INVALID },
445   { "-highlight", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.highlightLastMove, FALSE, INVALID },
446   { "highlightDragging", ArgBoolean,
447     (void *) &appData.highlightDragging, !XBOARD, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
448   { "highdrag", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.highlightDragging, FALSE, INVALID },
449   { "xhighdrag", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.highlightDragging, FALSE, INVALID },
450   { "-highdrag", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.highlightDragging, FALSE, INVALID },
451   { "colorizeMessages", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.colorize, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
452   { "colorize", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.colorize, FALSE, INVALID },
453   { "xcolorize", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.colorize, FALSE, INVALID },
454   { "-colorize", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.colorize, FALSE, INVALID },
455   { "colorShout", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorShout, TRUE, INVALID },
456   { "colorSShout", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorSShout, TRUE, INVALID },
457   { "colorCShout", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorSShout, FALSE, INVALID }, // for XB
458   { "colorChannel1", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorChannel1, TRUE, INVALID },
459   { "colorChannel", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorChannel, TRUE, INVALID },
460   { "colorKibitz", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorKibitz, TRUE, INVALID },
461   { "colorTell", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorTell, TRUE, INVALID },
462   { "colorChallenge", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorChallenge, TRUE, INVALID },
463   { "colorRequest", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorRequest, TRUE, INVALID },
464   { "colorSeek", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorSeek, TRUE, INVALID },
465   { "colorNormal", ArgAttribs, (void *) ColorNormal, TRUE, INVALID },
466   { "colorBackground", ArgColor, (void *) 7, TRUE, COLOR_BKGD },
467   { "soundShout", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundShout, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
468   { "soundSShout", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundSShout, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
469   { "soundCShout", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundSShout, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" }, // for XB
470   { "soundChannel1", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundChannel1, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
471   { "soundChannel", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundChannel, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
472   { "soundKibitz", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundKibitz, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
473   { "soundTell", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundTell, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
474   { "soundChallenge", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundChallenge, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
475   { "soundRequest", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundRequest, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
476   { "soundSeek", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundSeek, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
477   { "soundMove", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundMove, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
478   { "soundBell", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundBell, TRUE, (ArgIniType) SOUND_BELL },
479   { "soundRoar", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundRoar, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
480   { "soundIcsWin", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundIcsWin, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
481   { "soundIcsLoss", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundIcsLoss, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
482   { "soundIcsDraw", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundIcsDraw, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
483   { "soundIcsUnfinished", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundIcsUnfinished, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
484   { "soundIcsAlarm", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.soundIcsAlarm, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
485   { "disguisePromotedPieces", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.disguise, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
486   { "reuseFirst", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.reuseFirst, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
487   { "reuse", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.reuseFirst, FALSE, INVALID },
488   { "xreuse", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.reuseFirst, FALSE, INVALID },
489   { "-reuse", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.reuseFirst, FALSE, INVALID },
490   { "reuseChessPrograms", ArgBoolean,
491     (void *) &appData.reuseFirst, FALSE, INVALID }, /* backward compat only */
492   { "reuseSecond", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.reuseSecond, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
493   { "reuse2", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.reuseSecond, FALSE, INVALID },
494   { "xreuse2", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.reuseSecond, FALSE, INVALID },
495   { "-reuse2", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.reuseSecond, FALSE, INVALID },
496   { "comPortSettings", ArgCommSettings, (void *) /*&dcb*/ 0, TRUE, INVALID },
497   { "settingsFile", ArgSettingsFilename, (void *) &settingsFileName, FALSE, (ArgIniType) SETTINGS_FILE },
498   { "ini", ArgSettingsFilename, (void *) &settingsFileName, FALSE, INVALID },
499   { "at", ArgSettingsFilename, (void *) NULL, FALSE, INVALID },
500   { "opt", ArgSettingsFilename, (void *) NULL, FALSE, INVALID },
501   { "saveSettingsFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &settingsFileName, FALSE, INVALID },
502   { "backupSettingsFile", ArgBackupSettingsFile, (void *) &settingsFileName, FALSE, INVALID },
503   { "saveSettingsOnExit", ArgBoolean, (void *) &saveSettingsOnExit, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
504   { "chessProgram", ArgBoolean, (void *) &chessProgram, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
505   { "cp", ArgTrue, (void *) &chessProgram, FALSE, INVALID },
506   { "xcp", ArgFalse, (void *) &chessProgram, FALSE, INVALID },
507   { "-cp", ArgFalse, (void *) &chessProgram, FALSE, INVALID },
508   { "icsMenu", ArgString, (void *) &icsTextMenuString, TRUE, (ArgIniType) ICS_TEXT_MENU_DEFAULT },
509   { "icsNames", ArgString, (void *) &icsNames, TRUE, (ArgIniType) ICS_NAMES },
510   { "singleEngineList", ArgBoolean, (void *) &singleList, !XBOARD, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
511   { "recentEngines", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.recentEngines, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 6 },
512   { "recentEngineList", ArgString, (void *) &appData.recentEngineList, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
513   { "firstChessProgramNames", ArgString, (void *) &firstChessProgramNames,
514     TRUE, (ArgIniType) FCP_NAMES },
515   { "secondChessProgramNames", ArgString, (void *) &secondChessProgramNames,
516     !XBOARD, (ArgIniType) SCP_NAMES },
517   { "themeNames", ArgString, (void *) &appData.themeNames, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "native -upf false -ub false -ubt false -pid \"\"\n" },
518   { "addMasterOption", ArgMaster, NULL, FALSE, INVALID },
519   { "installEngine", ArgInstall, (void *) &firstChessProgramNames, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
520   { "initialMode", ArgString, (void *) &appData.initialMode, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
521   { "mode", ArgString, (void *) &appData.initialMode, FALSE, INVALID },
522   { "variant", ArgString, (void *) &appData.variant, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "normal" },
523   { "firstProtocolVersion", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.firstProtocolVersion, FALSE, (ArgIniType) PROTOVER },
524   { "secondProtocolVersion", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.secondProtocolVersion,FALSE, (ArgIniType) PROTOVER },
525   { "showButtonBar", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.showButtonBar, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
526   { "buttons", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.showButtonBar, FALSE, INVALID },
527   { "xbuttons", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.showButtonBar, FALSE, INVALID },
528   { "-buttons", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.showButtonBar, FALSE, INVALID },
530   /* [AS] New features */
531   { "firstScoreAbs", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.firstScoreIsAbsolute, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
532   { "secondScoreAbs", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.secondScoreIsAbsolute, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
533   { "pgnExtendedInfo", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.saveExtendedInfoInPGN, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
534   { "hideThinkingFromHuman", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.hideThinkingFromHuman, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
535   { "liteBackTextureFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.liteBackTextureFile, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
536   { "lbtf", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.liteBackTextureFile, FALSE, INVALID },
537   { "darkBackTextureFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.darkBackTextureFile, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
538   { "dbtf", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.darkBackTextureFile, FALSE, INVALID },
539   { "liteBackTextureMode", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.liteBackTextureMode, TRUE, (ArgIniType) BACK_TEXTURE_MODE_PLAIN },
540   { "lbtm", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.liteBackTextureMode, FALSE, INVALID },
541   { "darkBackTextureMode", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.darkBackTextureMode, TRUE, (ArgIniType) BACK_TEXTURE_MODE_PLAIN },
542   { "dbtm", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.darkBackTextureMode, FALSE, INVALID },
543   { "renderPiecesWithFont", ArgString, (void *) &appData.renderPiecesWithFont, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
544   { "pf", ArgString, (void *) &appData.renderPiecesWithFont, FALSE, INVALID },
545   { "fontPieceToCharTable", ArgString, (void *) &appData.fontToPieceTable, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
546   { "fptc", ArgString, (void *) &appData.fontToPieceTable, FALSE, INVALID },
547   { "fontPieceBackColorWhite", ArgColor, (void *) 8, TRUE, (ArgIniType) WHITE_PIECE_COLOR },
548   { "fontPieceForeColorWhite", ArgColor, (void *) 9, TRUE, (ArgIniType) WHITE_PIECE_COLOR },
549   { "fontPieceBackColorBlack", ArgColor, (void *) 10, TRUE, (ArgIniType) BLACK_PIECE_COLOR },
550   { "fontPieceForeColorBlack", ArgColor, (void *) 11, TRUE, (ArgIniType) BLACK_PIECE_COLOR },
551   { "fpfcw", ArgColor, (void *) 9, FALSE, INVALID },
552   { "fpbcb", ArgColor, (void *) 10, FALSE, INVALID },
553   { "fontPieceSize", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.fontPieceSize, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 80 },
554   { "overrideLineGap", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.overrideLineGap, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
555   { "adjudicateLossThreshold", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.adjudicateLossThreshold, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
556   { "delayBeforeQuit", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.delayBeforeQuit, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
557   { "delayAfterQuit", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.delayAfterQuit, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
558   { "nameOfDebugFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.nameOfDebugFile, FALSE, (ArgIniType) DEBUG_FILE },
559   { "debugfile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.nameOfDebugFile, FALSE, INVALID },
560   { "pgnEventHeader", ArgString, (void *) &appData.pgnEventHeader, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "Computer Chess Game" },
561   { "defaultFrcPosition", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.defaultFrcPosition, TRUE, (ArgIniType) -1 },
562   { "shuffleOpenings", ArgTrue, (void *) &shuffleOpenings, FALSE, INVALID },
563   { "fischerCastling", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.fischerCastling, FALSE, INVALID },
564   { "gameListTags", ArgString, (void *) &appData.gameListTags, TRUE, (ArgIniType) GLT_DEFAULT_TAGS },
565   { "saveOutOfBookInfo", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.saveOutOfBookInfo, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
566   { "showEvalInMoveHistory", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.showEvalInMoveHistory, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
567   { "evalHistColorWhite", ArgColor, (void *) 12, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "#FFFFB0" },
568   { "evalHistColorBlack", ArgColor, (void *) 13, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "#AD5D3D" },
569   { "highlightMoveWithArrow", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.highlightMoveWithArrow, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
570   { "highlightArrowColor", ArgColor, (void *) 14, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "#FFFF80" },
571   { "stickyWindows", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.useStickyWindows, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
572   { "adjudicateDrawMoves", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.adjudicateDrawMoves, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
573   { "autoDisplayComment", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoDisplayComment, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
574   { "autoDisplayTags", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoDisplayTags, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
575   { "firstIsUCI", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.firstIsUCI, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
576   { "fUCI", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.firstIsUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
577   { "firstUCI", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.firstIsUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
578   { "secondIsUCI", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.secondIsUCI, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
579   { "secondUCI", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.secondIsUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
580   { "sUCI", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.secondIsUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
581   { "fUCCI", ArgTwo, (void *) &appData.firstIsUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
582   { "sUCCI", ArgTwo, (void *) &appData.secondIsUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
583   { "fUSI", ArgTwo, (void *) &appData.firstIsUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
584   { "sUSI", ArgTwo, (void *) &appData.secondIsUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
585   { "firstHasOwnBookUCI", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.firstHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
586   { "fNoOwnBookUCI", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.firstHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
587   { "firstXBook", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.firstHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
588   { "secondHasOwnBookUCI", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
589   { "sNoOwnBookUCI", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
590   { "secondXBook", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
591   { "adapterCommand", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.adapterCommand, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "polyglot -noini -ec \"%fcp\" -ed \"%fd\"" },
592   { "uxiAdapter", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.ucciAdapter, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
593   { "polyglotDir", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.polyglotDir, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
594   { "usePolyglotBook", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.usePolyglotBook, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
595   { "polyglotBook", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.polyglotBook, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
596   { "bookDepth", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.bookDepth, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 12 },
597   { "bookVariation", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.bookStrength, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 50 },
598   { "discourageOwnBooks", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.defNoBook, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
599   { "mcBookMode", ArgTrue, (void *) &mcMode, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
600   { "defaultHashSize", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.defaultHashSize, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 64 },
601   { "defaultCacheSizeEGTB", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.defaultCacheSizeEGTB, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 4 },
602   { "defaultPathEGTB", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.defaultPathEGTB, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "c:\\egtb" },
603   { "language", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.language, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
604   { "userFileDirectory", ArgFilename, (void *) &homeDir, FALSE, (ArgIniType) installDir },
605   { "usePieceFont", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.useFont, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
606   { "upf", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.useFont, FALSE, INVALID },
607   { "useBoardTexture", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.useBitmaps, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
608   { "ubt", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.useBitmaps, FALSE, INVALID },
609   { "useBorder", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.useBorder, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
610   { "ub", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.useBorder, FALSE, INVALID },
611   { "border", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.border, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
612   { "finger", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.finger, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
613   { "epd", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.epd, FALSE, INVALID },
614   { "inscriptions", ArgString, (void *) &appData.inscriptions, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
615   { "autoInstall", ArgString, (void *) &appData.autoInstall, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) "" },
616   { "fixedSize", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.fixedSize, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
618   // [HGM] tournament options
619   { "tourneyFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.tourneyFile, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
620   { "tf", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.tourneyFile, FALSE, INVALID },
621   { "participants", ArgString, (void *) &appData.participants, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
622   { "tourneyType", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.tourneyType, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
623   { "tt", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.tourneyType, FALSE, INVALID },
624   { "tourneyCycles", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.tourneyCycles, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
625   { "cy", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.tourneyCycles, FALSE, INVALID },
626   { "results", ArgString, (void *) &appData.results, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
627   { "syncAfterRound", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.roundSync, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
628   { "syncAfterCycle", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.cycleSync, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
629   { "seedBase", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.seedBase, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
630   { "pgnNumberTag", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.numberTag, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
631   { "afterGame", ArgString, (void *) &appData.afterGame, FALSE, INVALID },
632   { "afterTourney", ArgString, (void *) &appData.afterTourney, FALSE, INVALID },
634   /* [HGM] board-size, adjudication and misc. options */
635   { "oneClickMove", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.oneClick, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
636   { "boardWidth", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.NrFiles, FALSE, (ArgIniType) -1 },
637   { "boardHeight", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.NrRanks, FALSE, (ArgIniType) -1 },
638   { "rankOffset", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.rankOffset, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
639   { "holdingsSize", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.holdingsSize, FALSE, (ArgIniType) -1 },
640   { "defaultMatchGames", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.defaultMatchGames, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 10 },
641   { "matchPause", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.matchPause, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 10000 },
642   { "pieceToCharTable", ArgString, (void *) &appData.pieceToCharTable, FALSE, INVALID },
643   { "pieceNickNames", ArgString, (void *) &appData.pieceNickNames, FALSE, INVALID },
644   { "colorNickNames", ArgString, (void *) &appData.colorNickNames, FALSE, INVALID },
645   { "flipBlack", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.upsideDown, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
646   { "allWhite", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.allWhite, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
647   { "alphaRank", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.alphaRank, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
648   { "firstAlphaRank", ArgBoolean, (void *) &first.alphaRank, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
649   { "secondAlphaRank", ArgBoolean, (void *) &second.alphaRank, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
650   { "testClaims", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.testClaims, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
651   { "checkMates", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.checkMates, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
652   { "materialDraws", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.materialDraws, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
653   { "trivialDraws", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.trivialDraws, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
654   { "ruleMoves", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.ruleMoves, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 51 },
655   { "repeatsToDraw", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.drawRepeats, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 6 },
656   { "backgroundObserve", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.bgObserve, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
657   { "dualBoard", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.dualBoard, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
658   { "autoKibitz", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.autoKibitz, FALSE, INVALID },
659   { "engineDebugOutput", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.engineComments, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
660   { "userName", ArgString, (void *) &appData.userName, FALSE, INVALID },
661   { "rewindIndex", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.rewindIndex, FALSE, INVALID },
662   { "sameColorGames", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.sameColorGames, FALSE, INVALID },
663   { "smpCores", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.smpCores, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
664   { "egtFormats", ArgString, (void *) &appData.egtFormats, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
665   { "niceEngines", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.niceEngines, TRUE, INVALID },
666   { "logoSize", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.logoSize, XBOARD, INVALID },
667   { "logoDir", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.logoDir, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) "." },
668   { "firstLogo", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.firstLogo, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
669   { "secondLogo", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.secondLogo, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
670   { "autoLogo", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoLogo, TRUE, INVALID },
671   { "firstOptions", ArgString, (void *) &appData.firstOptions, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
672   { "secondOptions", ArgString, (void *) &appData.secondOptions, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
673   { "firstFeatures", ArgString, (void *) &appData.features[0], FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
674   { "secondFeatures", ArgString, (void *) &appData.features[1], FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
675   { "featureDefaults", ArgString, (void *) &appData.featureDefaults, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
676   { "firstNeedsNoncompliantFEN", ArgString, (void *) &appData.fenOverride1, FALSE, (ArgIniType) NULL },
677   { "secondNeedsNoncompliantFEN", ArgString, (void *) &appData.fenOverride2, FALSE, (ArgIniType) NULL },
678   { "keepAlive", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.keepAlive, FALSE, INVALID },
679   { "icstype", ArgInt, (void *) &ics_type, FALSE, INVALID },
680   { "forceIllegalMoves", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.forceIllegal, FALSE, INVALID },
681   { "showTargetSquares", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.markers, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
682   { "firstPgnName", ArgString, (void *) &appData.pgnName[0], FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
683   { "fn", ArgString, (void *) &appData.pgnName[0], FALSE, INVALID },
684   { "secondPgnName", ArgString, (void *) &appData.pgnName[1], FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
685   { "sn", ArgString, (void *) &appData.pgnName[1], FALSE, INVALID },
686   { "absoluteAnalysisScores", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.whitePOV, TRUE, FALSE },
687   { "scoreWhite", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.scoreWhite, TRUE, FALSE },
688   { "evalZoom", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.zoom, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
689   { "evalThreshold", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.evalThreshold, TRUE, (ArgIniType) 25 },
690   { "firstPseudo", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.pseudo[0], FALSE, FALSE },
691   { "secondPseudo", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.pseudo[1], FALSE, FALSE },
692   { "fSAN", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.pvSAN[0], FALSE, FALSE },
693   { "sSAN", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.pvSAN[1], FALSE, FALSE },
694   { "pairingEngine", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.pairingEngine, TRUE, "" },
695   { "defaultTourneyName", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.defName, TRUE, "" },
696   { "eloThresholdAny", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.eloThreshold1, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
697   { "eloThresholdBoth", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.eloThreshold2, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
698   { "dateThreshold", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.dateThreshold, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
699   { "searchMode", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.searchMode, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
700   { "stretch", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.stretch, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
701   { "ignoreColors", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.ignoreColors, FALSE, FALSE },
702   { "findMirrorImage", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.findMirror, FALSE, FALSE },
703   { "viewer", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.viewer, FALSE, FALSE },
704   { "viewerOptions", ArgString, (void *) &appData.viewerOptions, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "-ncp -engineOutputUp false -saveSettingsOnExit false" },
705   { "tourneyOptions", ArgString, (void *) &appData.tourneyOptions, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "-ncp -mm -saveSettingsOnExit false" },
706   { "autoCopyPV", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoCopyPV, TRUE, FALSE },
707   { "topLevel", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.topLevel, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) TOPLEVEL },
708   { "dialogColor", ArgString, (void *) &appData.dialogColor, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) "" },
709   { "buttonColor", ArgString, (void *) &appData.buttonColor, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) "" },
710   { "firstDrawDepth", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.drawDepth[0], FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
711   { "secondDrawDepth", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.drawDepth[1], FALSE, (ArgIniType) 0 },
712   { "memoHeaders", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.headers, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
714 #if ZIPPY
715   { "zippyTalk", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.zippyTalk, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_TALK },
716   { "zt", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.zippyTalk, FALSE, INVALID },
717   { "xzt", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyTalk, FALSE, INVALID },
718   { "-zt", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyTalk, FALSE, INVALID },
719   { "zippyPlay", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.zippyPlay, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_PLAY },
720   { "zp", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.zippyPlay, FALSE, INVALID },
721   { "xzp", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyPlay, FALSE, INVALID },
722   { "-zp", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyPlay, FALSE, INVALID },
723   { "zippyLines", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.zippyLines, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_LINES },
724   { "zippyPinhead", ArgString, (void *) &appData.zippyPinhead, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_PINHEAD },
725   { "zippyPassword", ArgString, (void *) &appData.zippyPassword, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_PASSWORD },
726   { "zippyPassword2", ArgString, (void *) &appData.zippyPassword2, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_PASSWORD2 },
727   { "zippyWrongPassword", ArgString, (void *) &appData.zippyWrongPassword,
729   { "zippyAcceptOnly", ArgString, (void *) &appData.zippyAcceptOnly, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_ACCEPT_ONLY },
730   { "zippyUseI", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.zippyUseI, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_USE_I },
731   { "zui", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.zippyUseI, FALSE, INVALID },
732   { "xzui", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyUseI, FALSE, INVALID },
733   { "-zui", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyUseI, FALSE, INVALID },
734   { "zippyBughouse", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.zippyBughouse, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_BUGHOUSE },
735   { "zippyNoplayCrafty", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.zippyNoplayCrafty,
736     FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_NOPLAY_CRAFTY },
737   { "znc", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.zippyNoplayCrafty, FALSE, INVALID },
738   { "xznc", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyNoplayCrafty, FALSE, INVALID },
739   { "-znc", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyNoplayCrafty, FALSE, INVALID },
740   { "zippyGameEnd", ArgString, (void *) &appData.zippyGameEnd, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_GAME_END },
741   { "zippyGameStart", ArgString, (void *) &appData.zippyGameStart, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_GAME_START },
742   { "zippyAdjourn", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.zippyAdjourn, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_ADJOURN },
743   { "zadj", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.zippyAdjourn, FALSE, INVALID },
744   { "xzadj", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyAdjourn, FALSE, INVALID },
745   { "-zadj", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyAdjourn, FALSE, INVALID },
746   { "zippyAbort", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.zippyAbort, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_ABORT },
747   { "zab", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.zippyAbort, FALSE, INVALID },
748   { "xzab", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyAbort, FALSE, INVALID },
749   { "-zab", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.zippyAbort, FALSE, INVALID },
750   { "zippyVariants", ArgString, (void *) &appData.zippyVariants, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_VARIANTS },
751   { "zippyMaxGames", ArgInt, (void *)&appData.zippyMaxGames, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_MAX_GAMES},
752   { "zippyReplayTimeout", ArgInt, (void *)&appData.zippyReplayTimeout, FALSE, (ArgIniType) ZIPPY_REPLAY_TIMEOUT },
753   { "zippyShortGame", ArgInt, (void *)&appData.zippyShortGame, FALSE, INVALID },
754   /* Kludge to allow winboard.ini files from buggy 4.0.4 to be read: */
755   { "zippyReplyTimeout", ArgInt, (void *)&junk, FALSE, INVALID },
756 #endif
757   /* [HGM] options for broadcasting and time odds */
758   { "chatBoxes", ArgString, (void *) &appData.chatBoxes, !XBOARD, (ArgIniType) NULL },
759   { "serverMoves", ArgString, (void *) &appData.serverMovesName, FALSE, (ArgIniType) NULL },
760   { "serverFile", ArgString, (void *) &appData.serverFileName, FALSE, (ArgIniType) NULL },
761   { "suppressLoadMoves", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.suppressLoadMoves, FALSE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
762   { "serverPause", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.serverPause, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 15 },
763   { "firstTimeOdds", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.firstTimeOdds, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
764   { "secondTimeOdds", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.secondTimeOdds, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
765   { "timeOddsMode", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.timeOddsMode, TRUE, INVALID },
766   { "firstAccumulateTC", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.firstAccumulateTC, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
767   { "secondAccumulateTC", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.secondAccumulateTC, FALSE, (ArgIniType) 1 },
768   { "firstNPS", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.firstNPS, FALSE, (ArgIniType) -1 },
769   { "secondNPS", ArgInt, (void *) &appData.secondNPS, FALSE, (ArgIniType) -1 },
770   { "noGUI", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.noGUI, FALSE, INVALID },
771   { "keepLineBreaksICS", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.noJoin, TRUE, INVALID },
772   { "wrapContinuationSequence", ArgString, (void *) &appData.wrapContSeq, FALSE, INVALID },
773   { "useInternalWrap", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.useInternalWrap, FALSE, INVALID }, /* noJoin usurps this if set */
774   { "openCommand", ArgString, (void *) &appData.sysOpen, FALSE, "xdg-open" },
776   // [HGM] placement: put all window layouts last in ini file, but man X,Y before all others
777   { "minX", ArgZ, (void *) &minX, FALSE, INVALID }, // [HGM] placement: to make sure auxiliary windows can be placed
778   { "minY", ArgZ, (void *) &minY, FALSE, INVALID },
779   { "winWidth",  ArgInt, (void *) &wpMain.width,  TRUE, INVALID }, // [HGM] placement: dummies to remember right & bottom
780   { "winHeight", ArgInt, (void *) &wpMain.height, TRUE, INVALID }, //       for attaching auxiliary windows to them
781   { "x", ArgInt, (void *) &wpMain.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
782   { "y", ArgInt, (void *) &wpMain.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
783   { "icsUp", ArgBoolean, (void *) &wpConsole.visible, XBOARD, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
784   { "icsX", ArgX,   (void *) &wpConsole.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
785   { "icsY", ArgY,   (void *) &wpConsole.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
786   { "icsW", ArgInt, (void *) &wpConsole.width, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
787   { "icsH", ArgInt, (void *) &wpConsole.height, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
788   { "commentX", ArgX,   (void *) &wpComment.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
789   { "commentY", ArgY,   (void *) &wpComment.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
790   { "commentW", ArgInt, (void *) &wpComment.width, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
791   { "commentH", ArgInt, (void *) &wpComment.height, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
792   { "tagsX", ArgX,   (void *) &wpTags.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
793   { "tagsY", ArgY,   (void *) &wpTags.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
794   { "tagsW", ArgInt, (void *) &wpTags.width, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
795   { "tagsH", ArgInt, (void *) &wpTags.height, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
796   { "gameListX", ArgX,   (void *) &wpGameList.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
797   { "gameListY", ArgY,   (void *) &wpGameList.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
798   { "gameListW", ArgInt, (void *) &wpGameList.width, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
799   { "gameListH", ArgInt, (void *) &wpGameList.height, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
800 #if XBOARD
801   { "slaveX", ArgX,   (void *) &wpDualBoard.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
802   { "slaveY", ArgY,   (void *) &wpDualBoard.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
803   { "slaveW", ArgInt, (void *) &wpDualBoard.width, FALSE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
804   { "slaveH", ArgInt, (void *) &wpDualBoard.height, FALSE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
805 #endif
806   /* [AS] Layout stuff */
807   { "moveHistoryUp", ArgBoolean, (void *) &wpMoveHistory.visible, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
808   { "moveHistoryX", ArgX,   (void *) &wpMoveHistory.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
809   { "moveHistoryY", ArgY,   (void *) &wpMoveHistory.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
810   { "moveHistoryW", ArgInt, (void *) &wpMoveHistory.width, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
811   { "moveHistoryH", ArgInt, (void *) &wpMoveHistory.height, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
813   { "evalGraphUp", ArgBoolean, (void *) &wpEvalGraph.visible, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
814   { "evalGraphX", ArgX,   (void *) &wpEvalGraph.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
815   { "evalGraphY", ArgY,   (void *) &wpEvalGraph.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
816   { "evalGraphW", ArgInt, (void *) &wpEvalGraph.width, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
817   { "evalGraphH", ArgInt, (void *) &wpEvalGraph.height, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
819   { "engineOutputUp", ArgBoolean, (void *) &wpEngineOutput.visible, TRUE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
820   { "engineOutputX", ArgX,   (void *) &wpEngineOutput.x, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
821   { "engineOutputY", ArgY,   (void *) &wpEngineOutput.y, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
822   { "engineOutputW", ArgInt, (void *) &wpEngineOutput.width, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
823   { "engineOutputH", ArgInt, (void *) &wpEngineOutput.height, TRUE, (ArgIniType) CW_USEDEFAULT },
825   { NULL, ArgNone, NULL, FALSE, INVALID }
826 };
829 /* Kludge for indirection files on command line */
830 char* lastIndirectionFilename;
831 ArgDescriptor argDescriptorIndirection =
832 { "", ArgSettingsFilename, (void *) NULL, FALSE };
834 void
ExitArgError(char * msg,char * badArg,Boolean quit)835 ExitArgError(char *msg, char *badArg, Boolean quit)
836 {
837   char buf[MSG_SIZ];
838   int len;
840   len = snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, msg, badArg);
841   if( (len >= MSG_SIZ) && appData.debugMode )
842     fprintf(debugFP, "ExitArgError: buffer truncated. Input: msg=%s badArg=%s\n", msg, badArg);
844   if(!quit) { printf(_("%s in settings file\n"), buf); return; } // DisplayError does not work yet at this stage...
845   DisplayFatalError(buf, 0, 2);
846   exit(2);
847 }
849 void
AppendToSettingsFile(char * line)850 AppendToSettingsFile (char *line)
851 {
852   char buf[MSG_SIZ];
853   FILE *f;
854   int c;
855   if(f = fopen(SETTINGS_FILE, "r")) {
856     do {
857       int i = 0;
858       while((buf[i] = c = fgetc(f)) != '\n' && c != EOF) if(i < MSG_SIZ-1) i++;
859       buf[i] = NULLCHAR;
860       if(!strcmp(line, buf)) return; // line occurs
861     } while(c != EOF);
862     // line did not occur; add it
863     fclose(f);
864     if(f = fopen(SETTINGS_FILE, "a")) {
865       TimeMark now;
866       GetTimeMark(&now);
867       fprintf(f, "-date %10lu\n%s\n", now.sec, line);
868       fclose(f);
869     }
870   }
871 }
873 int
ValidateInt(char * s)874 ValidateInt(char *s)
875 {
876   char *p = s;
877   if(*p == '-' || *p == '+') p++;
878   while(*p) if(!isdigit(*p++)) ExitArgError(_("Bad integer value %s"), s, TRUE);
879   return atoi(s);
880 }
882 char
StringGet(void * getClosure)883 StringGet(void *getClosure)
884 {
885   char **p = (char **) getClosure;
886   return *((*p)++);
887 }
889 char
FileGet(void * getClosure)890 FileGet(void *getClosure)
891 {
892   int c;
893   FILE* f = (FILE*) getClosure;
895   c = getc(f);
896   if (c == '\r') c = getc(f); // work around DOS format files by bypassing the '\r' completely
897   if (c == EOF)
898     return NULLCHAR;
899   else
900     return (char) c;
901 }
903 /* Parse settings file named "name". If file found, return the
904    full name in fullname and return TRUE; else return FALSE */
905 Boolean
ParseSettingsFile(char * name,char ** addr)906 ParseSettingsFile(char *name, char **addr)
907 {
908   FILE *f;
909   int ok,len;
910   char buf[MSG_SIZ], fullname[MSG_SIZ];
913   ok = MySearchPath(installDir, name, fullname);
914   if(!ok && strchr(name, '.') == NULL)
915     { // append default file-name extension '.ini' when needed
916       len = snprintf(buf,MSG_SIZ, "%s.ini", name);
917       if( (len >= MSG_SIZ) && appData.debugMode )
918 	fprintf(debugFP, "ParseSettingsFile: buffer truncated. Input: name=%s \n",name);
920       ok = MySearchPath(installDir, buf, fullname);
921     }
922   if (ok) {
923     f = fopen(fullname, "r");
924 #ifdef DATADIR
925     if(f == NULL && *fullname != '/' && !addr) {         // when a relative name did not work
926 	char buf[MSG_SIZ];
927 	snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "~/.xboard/themes/conf/%s", name);
928 	MySearchPath(installDir, buf, fullname); // first look in user's own files
929 	f = fopen(fullname, "r");
930 	if(f == NULL) {
931 	    snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s/themes/conf", DATADIR);
932 	    MySearchPath(buf, name, fullname); // also look in standard place
933 	    f = fopen(fullname, "r");
934 	}
935     }
936 #endif
937     if (f != NULL) {
938       if (addr != NULL) {
939 	    ASSIGN(*addr, fullname);
940       }
941       ParseArgs(FileGet, f);
942       fclose(f);
943       return TRUE;
944     }
945   }
946   return FALSE;
947 }
949 void
ParseArgs(GetFunc get,void * cl)950 ParseArgs(GetFunc get, void *cl)
951 {
952   char argName[MAX_ARG_LEN];
953   char argValue[MAX_ARG_LEN];
954   ArgDescriptor *ad;
955   char start;
956   char *q;
957   int i, octval;
958   char ch;
959   int posarg = 4; // default is game file
961   ch = get(cl);
962   for (;;) {
963     int posflag = 0;
964     while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t') ch = get(cl);
965     if (ch == NULLCHAR) break;
966     if (ch == ';') {
967       /* Comment to end of line */
968       ch = get(cl);
969       while (ch != '\n' && ch != NULLCHAR) ch = get(cl);
970       continue;
971     } else if (ch == SLASH || ch == '-') {
972       /* Switch */
973       q = argName;
974       while (ch != ' ' && ch != '=' && ch != ':' && ch != NULLCHAR &&
975 	     ch != '\n' && ch != '\t') {
976 	*q++ = ch;
977 	ch = get(cl);
978       }
979       *q = NULLCHAR;
980       for (ad = argDescriptors; ad->argName != NULL; ad++)
981 	if (strcmp(ad->argName, argName + 1) == 0) break;
982       if (ad->argName == NULL) {
983 	char endChar = (ch && ch != '\n' && (ch = get(cl)) == '{' ? '}' : '\n');
984 	ExitArgError(_("Unrecognized argument %s"), argName, get != &FileGet); // [HGM] make unknown argument non-fatal
985 	while (ch != endChar && ch != NULLCHAR) ch = get(cl); // but skip rest of line it is on (or until closing '}' )
986 	if(ch == '}') ch = get(cl);
987 	continue; // so that when it is in a settings file, it is the only setting that will be purged from it
988       }
989     } else if (ch == '@') {
990       /* Indirection file */
991       ad = &argDescriptorIndirection;
992       ch = get(cl);
993     } else {
994       /* Positional argument */
995       ad = &argDescriptors[posarg++];
996       posflag++;
997       strncpy(argName, ad->argName,sizeof(argName)/sizeof(argName[0]));
998     }
1000     if (ad->argType == ArgTwo) { // [HGM] kludgey arg type, not suitable for saving
1001       *(Boolean *) ad->argLoc = 2;
1002       continue;
1003     }
1004     if (ad->argType == ArgTrue) {
1005       *(Boolean *) ad->argLoc = TRUE;
1006       continue;
1007     }
1008     if (ad->argType == ArgFalse) {
1009       *(Boolean *) ad->argLoc = FALSE;
1010       continue;
1011     }
1013     while (ch == ' ' || ch == '=' || ch == ':' || ch == '\t') ch = get(cl);
1014     if (ch == NULLCHAR || ch == '\n') {
1015       ExitArgError(_("No value provided for argument %s"), argName, TRUE);
1016     }
1017     q = argValue;
1018     if (ch == '{') {
1019       // Quoting with { }.  No characters have to (or can) be escaped.
1020       // Thus the string cannot contain a '}' character.
1021       start = ch;
1022       ch = get(cl);
1023       while (start) {
1024 	switch (ch) {
1025 	case NULLCHAR:
1026 	  start = NULLCHAR;
1027 	  break;
1029 	case '}':
1030 	  ch = get(cl);
1031 	  start = NULLCHAR;
1032 	  break;
1034 	default:
1035 	  *q++ = ch;
1036 	  ch = get(cl);
1037 	  break;
1038 	}
1039       }
1040     } else if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') {
1041       // Quoting with ' ' or " ", with \ as escape character.
1042       // Inconvenient for long strings that may contain Windows filenames.
1043       start = ch;
1044       ch = get(cl);
1045       while (start) {
1046 	switch (ch) {
1047 	case NULLCHAR:
1048 	  start = NULLCHAR;
1049 	  break;
1051 	default:
1052         not_special:
1053 	  *q++ = ch;
1054 	  ch = get(cl);
1055 	  break;
1057 	case '\'':
1058 	case '\"':
1059 	  if (ch == start) {
1060 	    ch = get(cl);
1061 	    start = NULLCHAR;
1062 	    break;
1063 	  } else {
1064 	    goto not_special;
1065 	  }
1067 	case '\\':
1068           if (ad->argType == ArgFilename
1069 	      || ad->argType == ArgSettingsFilename) {
1070 	      goto not_special;
1071 	  }
1072 	  ch = get(cl);
1073 	  switch (ch) {
1074 	  case NULLCHAR:
1075 	    ExitArgError(_("Incomplete \\ escape in value for %s"), argName, TRUE);
1076 	    break;
1077 	  case 'n':
1078 	    *q++ = '\n';
1079 	    ch = get(cl);
1080 	    break;
1081 	  case 'r':
1082 	    *q++ = '\r';
1083 	    ch = get(cl);
1084 	    break;
1085 	  case 't':
1086 	    *q++ = '\t';
1087 	    ch = get(cl);
1088 	    break;
1089 	  case 'b':
1090 	    *q++ = '\b';
1091 	    ch = get(cl);
1092 	    break;
1093 	  case 'f':
1094 	    *q++ = '\f';
1095 	    ch = get(cl);
1096 	    break;
1097 	  default:
1098 	    octval = 0;
1099 	    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1100 	      if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '7') {
1101 		octval = octval*8 + (ch - '0');
1102 		ch = get(cl);
1103 	      } else {
1104 		break;
1105 	      }
1106 	    }
1107 	    if (i > 0) {
1108 	      *q++ = (char) octval;
1109 	    } else {
1110 	      *q++ = ch;
1111 	      ch = get(cl);
1112 	    }
1113 	    break;
1114 	  }
1115 	  break;
1116 	}
1117       }
1118     } else {
1119       while ((ch != ' ' || posflag) && ch != NULLCHAR && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n') { // space allowed in positional arg
1120 	*q++ = ch;
1121 	ch = get(cl);
1122       }
1123     }
1124     *q = NULLCHAR;
1126     if(posflag) { // positional argument: the argName was implied, and per default set as -lgf
1127       int len = strlen(argValue) - 4; // start of filename extension
1128       if(len < 0) len = 0;
1129       if(!StrCaseCmp(argValue + len, ".trn")) {
1130         ad = &argDescriptors[2]; // correct implied type to -tf
1131         appData.tourney = TRUE; // let it parse -tourneyOptions later
1132       } else if(!StrCaseCmp(argValue + len, ".fen") || !StrCaseCmp(argValue + len, ".epd")) {
1133         ad = &argDescriptors[1]; // correct implied type to -lpf
1134         appData.viewer = TRUE;
1135       } else if(!StrCaseCmp(argValue + len, ".ini") || !StrCaseCmp(argValue + len, ".xop")) {
1136         ad = &argDescriptors[0]; // correct implied type to -opt
1137       } else if(GetEngineLine(argValue, 11)) {
1138         ad = &argDescriptors[3]; // correct implied type to -is
1139       } else { // keep default -lgf, but let it imply viewer mode as well
1140         appData.viewer = TRUE;
1141       }
1142       strncpy(argName, ad->argName,sizeof(argName)/sizeof(argName[0]));
1143     }
1145     switch (ad->argType) {
1146     case ArgInt:
1147       *(int *) ad->argLoc = ValidateInt(argValue);
1148       break;
1150     case ArgX:
1151       *(int *) ad->argLoc = ValidateInt(argValue) + wpMain.x; // [HGM] placement: translate stored relative to absolute
1152       break;
1154     case ArgY:
1155       *(int *) ad->argLoc = ValidateInt(argValue) + wpMain.y; // (this is really kludgey, it should be done where used...)
1156       break;
1158     case ArgZ:
1159       *(int *) ad->argLoc = ValidateInt(argValue);
1160       EnsureOnScreen(&wpMain.x, &wpMain.y, minX, minY);
1161       break;
1163     case ArgFloat:
1164       *(float *) ad->argLoc = (float) atof(argValue);
1165       break;
1167     case ArgString:
1168     case ArgFilename:
1169       if(argValue[0] == '~' && argValue[1] == '~') {
1170         char buf[4*MSG_SIZ]; // expand ~~
1171         snprintf(buf, 4*MSG_SIZ, "%s%s", DATADIR, argValue+2);
1172         ASSIGN(*(char **) ad->argLoc, buf);
1173         break;
1174       }
1175       ASSIGN(*(char **) ad->argLoc, argValue);
1176       break;
1178     case ArgBackupSettingsFile: // no-op if non-default settings-file already successfully read
1179 	if(strcmp(*(char**)ad->argLoc, SETTINGS_FILE)) break;
1180     case ArgSettingsFilename:
1181       {
1182 	if (ParseSettingsFile(argValue, (char**)ad->argLoc)) {
1183 	} else {
1184 	  if (ad->argLoc != NULL) {
1185 	  } else {
1186 	    ExitArgError(_("Failed to open indirection file %s"), argValue, TRUE);
1187 	  }
1188 	}
1189       }
1190       break;
1192     case ArgBoolean:
1193       switch (argValue[0]) {
1194       case 't':
1195       case 'T':
1196 	*(Boolean *) ad->argLoc = TRUE;
1197 	break;
1198       case 'f':
1199       case 'F':
1200 	*(Boolean *) ad->argLoc = FALSE;
1201 	break;
1202       default:
1203 	ExitArgError(_("Unrecognized boolean argument value %s"), argValue, TRUE);
1204 	break;
1205       }
1206       break;
1208     case ArgColor:
1209       ParseColor((int)(intptr_t)ad->argLoc, argValue);
1210       break;
1212     case ArgAttribs: {
1213       ColorClass cc = (ColorClass)ad->argLoc;
1214 	ParseTextAttribs(cc, argValue); // [HGM] wrapper for platform independency
1215       }
1216       break;
1218     case ArgBoardSize:
1219       ParseBoardSize(ad->argLoc, argValue);
1220       break;
1222     case ArgFont:
1223       ParseFont(argValue, (int)(intptr_t)ad->argLoc);
1224       break;
1226     case ArgCommSettings:
1227       ParseCommPortSettings(argValue);
1228       break;
1230     case ArgMaster:
1231       AppendToSettingsFile(argValue);
1232       break;
1234     case ArgInstall:
1235       q = *(char **) ad->argLoc;
1236       if((saveDate == 0 || saveDate - dateStamp < 0) && !strstr(q, argValue) ) {
1237         int l = strlen(q) + strlen(argValue);
1238         *(char **) ad->argLoc = malloc(l+2);
1239         snprintf(*(char **) ad->argLoc, l+2, "%s%s\n", q, argValue);
1240         free(q);
1241       }
1242       break;
1244     case ArgNone:
1245       ExitArgError(_("Unrecognized argument %s"), argValue, TRUE);
1246       break;
1247     case ArgTwo:
1248     case ArgTrue:
1249     case ArgFalse: ;
1250     }
1251   }
1252 }
1254 void
ParseArgsFromString(char * p)1255 ParseArgsFromString(char *p)
1256 {
1257     ParseArgs(StringGet, &p);
1258 }
1260 void
ParseArgsFromFile(FILE * f)1261 ParseArgsFromFile(FILE *f)
1262 {
1263     ParseArgs(FileGet, f);
1264 }
1266 void
ParseIcsTextMenu(char * icsTextMenuString)1267 ParseIcsTextMenu(char *icsTextMenuString)
1268 {
1269 //  int flags = 0;
1270   IcsTextMenuEntry *e = icsTextMenuEntry;
1271   char *p = icsTextMenuString;
1272   while (e->item != NULL && e < icsTextMenuEntry + ICS_TEXT_MENU_SIZE) {
1273     free(e->item);
1274     e->item = NULL;
1275     if (e->command != NULL) {
1276       free(e->command);
1277       e->command = NULL;
1278     }
1279     e++;
1280   }
1281   e = icsTextMenuEntry;
1282   while (*p && e < icsTextMenuEntry + ICS_TEXT_MENU_SIZE) {
1283     if (*p == ';' || *p == '\n') {
1284       e->item = strdup("-");
1285       e->command = NULL;
1286       p++;
1287     } else if (*p == '-') {
1288       e->item = strdup("-");
1289       e->command = NULL;
1290       p++;
1291       if (*p) p++;
1292     } else {
1293       char *q, *r, *s, *t;
1294       char c;
1295       q = strchr(p, ',');
1296       if (q == NULL) break;
1297       *q = NULLCHAR;
1298       r = strchr(q + 1, ',');
1299       if (r == NULL) break;
1300       *r = NULLCHAR;
1301       s = strchr(r + 1, ',');
1302       if (s == NULL) break;
1303       *s = NULLCHAR;
1304       c = ';';
1305       t = strchr(s + 1, c);
1306       if (t == NULL) {
1307 	c = '\n';
1308 	t = strchr(s + 1, c);
1309       }
1310       if (t != NULL) *t = NULLCHAR;
1311       e->item = strdup(p);
1312       e->command = strdup(q + 1);
1313       e->getname = *(r + 1) != '0';
1314       e->immediate = *(s + 1) != '0';
1315       *q = ',';
1316       *r = ',';
1317       *s = ',';
1318       if (t == NULL) break;
1319       *t = c;
1320       p = t + 1;
1321     }
1322     e++;
1323   }
1324 }
1326 void
SetDefaultTextAttribs()1327 SetDefaultTextAttribs()
1328 {
1329   ColorClass cc;
1330   for (cc = (ColorClass)0; cc < ColorNone; cc++) {
1331     ParseTextAttribs(cc, defaultTextAttribs[cc]);
1332   }
1333 }
1335 void
SetDefaultsFromList()1336 SetDefaultsFromList()
1337 { // [HGM] ini: take defaults from argDescriptor list
1338   int i;
1340   for(i=0; argDescriptors[i].argName != NULL; i++) {
1341     if(argDescriptors[i].defaultValue != INVALID)
1342       switch(argDescriptors[i].argType) {
1343         case ArgBoolean:
1344         case ArgTwo:
1345         case ArgTrue:
1346         case ArgFalse:
1347           *(Boolean *) argDescriptors[i].argLoc = (int)(intptr_t)argDescriptors[i].defaultValue;
1348           break;
1349         case ArgInt:
1350         case ArgX:
1351         case ArgY:
1352         case ArgZ:
1353           *(int *) argDescriptors[i].argLoc = (int)(intptr_t)argDescriptors[i].defaultValue;
1354           break;
1355         case ArgString:
1356         case ArgFilename:
1357         case ArgSettingsFilename:
1358           if((char *)argDescriptors[i].defaultValue)
1359           *(char **) argDescriptors[i].argLoc = strdup((char *)argDescriptors[i].defaultValue);
1360           break;
1361         case ArgBoardSize:
1362           *(int *) argDescriptors[i].argLoc = (int)(intptr_t)argDescriptors[i].defaultValue;
1363           break;
1364         case ArgColor:
1365           ParseColor((int)(intptr_t)argDescriptors[i].argLoc, (char*)argDescriptors[i].defaultValue);
1366           break;
1367         case ArgFloat: // floats cannot be casted to int without precision loss
1368         default: ; // some arg types cannot be initialized through table
1369     }
1370   }
1371 }
1373 void
InitAppData(char * lpCmdLine)1374 InitAppData(char *lpCmdLine)
1375 {
1376   int i;
1377   char buf[MAX_ARG_LEN], currDir[MSG_SIZ];
1378   char *p;
1380   /* Initialize to defaults */
1381   SetDefaultsFromList(); // this sets most defaults
1383   // some parameters for which there are no options!
1384   appData.Iconic = FALSE; /*unused*/
1385   appData.icsEngineAnalyze = FALSE;
1387   // float: casting to int is not harmless, so default cannot be contained in table
1388   appData.timeDelay = TIME_DELAY;
1389   appData.timeIncrement = -314159;
1391   // some complex, platform-dependent stuff that could not be handled from table
1392   SetDefaultTextAttribs();
1393   SetFontDefaults();
1394   SetCommPortDefaults();
1396   /* Parse default settings file if any */
1397   ParseSettingsFile(settingsFileName, &settingsFileName);
1399   /* Parse command line */
1400   ParseArgs(StringGet, &lpCmdLine);
1402   if(appData.viewer && appData.viewerOptions[0]) ParseArgsFromString(appData.viewerOptions);
1403   if(appData.tourney && appData.tourneyOptions[0]) ParseArgsFromString(appData.tourneyOptions);
1404   chessProgram |= GetEngineLine(firstEngineLine, 0) || GetEngineLine(secondEngineLine, 1);
1405   appData.icsActive |= GetEngineLine(icsNick, 10);
1407   /* [HGM] make sure board size is acceptable */
1408   if(appData.NrFiles > BOARD_FILES ||
1409      appData.NrRanks > BOARD_RANKS   )
1410       DisplayFatalError("Recompile with BOARD_RANKS or BOARD_FILES, to support this size", 0, 2);
1412   if(!*appData.secondChessProgram) { ASSIGN(appData.secondChessProgram, appData.firstChessProgram); } // [HGM] scp defaults to fcp
1414   /* [HGM] After parsing the options from the .ini file, and overruling them
1415    * with options from the command line, we now make an even higher priority
1416    * overrule by WB options attached to the engine command line. This so that
1417    * tournament managers can use WB options (such as /timeOdds) that follow
1418    * the engines.
1419    */
1420   if(appData.firstChessProgram != NULL) {
1421       char *p = StrStr(appData.firstChessProgram, "WBopt");
1422       static char *f = "first";
1423       char buf[MSG_SIZ], *q = buf;
1424       int len;
1426       if(p != NULL)
1427 	{ // engine command line contains WinBoard options
1428           len = snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, p+6, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f); // replace %s in them by "first"
1429 	  if( (len >= MSG_SIZ) && appData.debugMode )
1430 	    fprintf(debugFP, "InitAppData: buffer truncated.\n");
1432           ParseArgs(StringGet, &q);
1433           p[-1] = 0; // cut them offengine command line
1434 	}
1435   }
1436   // now do same for second chess program
1437   if(appData.secondChessProgram != NULL) {
1438       char *p = StrStr(appData.secondChessProgram, "WBopt");
1439       static char *s = "second";
1440       char buf[MSG_SIZ], *q = buf;
1441       int len;
1443       if(p != NULL)
1444 	{ // engine command line contains WinBoard options
1445           len = snprintf(buf,MSG_SIZ, p+6, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s); // replace %s in them by "first"
1446 	  if( (len >= MSG_SIZ) && appData.debugMode )
1447 	    fprintf(debugFP, "InitAppData: buffer truncated.\n");
1449           ParseArgs(StringGet, &q);
1450           p[-1] = 0; // cut them offengine command line
1451 	}
1452   }
1454   /* Propagate options that affect others */
1455   if (appData.matchMode || appData.matchGames) chessProgram = TRUE;
1456   if (appData.icsActive || appData.noChessProgram) {
1457      chessProgram = FALSE;  /* not local chess program mode */
1458   }
1459   if(appData.timeIncrement == -314159) { // new storage mechanism of (mps,inc) in use and no -inc on command line
1460     if(appData.movesPerSession <= 0) { // new encoding of incremental mode
1461       appData.timeIncrement = -appData.movesPerSession/1000.;
1462     } else appData.timeIncrement = -1;
1463   }
1464   if(appData.movesPerSession <= 0) appData.movesPerSession = MOVES_PER_SESSION; // mps <= 0 is invalid in any case
1466   /* Open startup dialog if needed */
1467   if ((!appData.noChessProgram && !chessProgram && !appData.icsActive) ||
1468       (appData.icsActive && *appData.icsHost == NULLCHAR) ||
1469       (chessProgram && (*appData.firstChessProgram == NULLCHAR ||
1470                         *appData.secondChessProgram == NULLCHAR)))
1471 		PopUpStartupDialog();
1473   /* Make sure save files land in the right (?) directory */
1474   if (MyGetFullPathName(appData.saveGameFile, buf)) {
1475     appData.saveGameFile = strdup(buf);
1476   }
1477   if (MyGetFullPathName(appData.savePositionFile, buf)) {
1478     appData.savePositionFile = strdup(buf);
1479   }
1481   if(autoClose) { // was called for updating settingsfile only
1482     if(saveSettingsOnExit) SaveSettings(settingsFileName);
1483     exit(0);
1484   }
1486   /* Finish initialization for fonts and sounds */
1487   CreateFonts();
1489   GetCurrentDirectory(MSG_SIZ, currDir);
1490   SetCurrentDirectory(installDir);
1491   LoadAllSounds();
1492   SetCurrentDirectory(currDir);
1494   p = icsTextMenuString;
1495   if (p[0] == '@') {
1496     FILE* f = fopen(p + 1, "r");
1497     if (f == NULL) {
1498       DisplayFatalError(p + 1, errno, 2);
1499       return;
1500     }
1501     i = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf)-1, f);
1502     fclose(f);
1503     buf[i] = NULLCHAR;
1504     p = buf;
1505   }
1506   ParseIcsTextMenu(strdup(p));
1507 }
1509 void
SaveSettings(char * name)1510 SaveSettings(char* name)
1511 {
1512   FILE *f;
1513   ArgDescriptor *ad;
1514   char dir[MSG_SIZ], buf[MSG_SIZ];
1515   int mps = appData.movesPerSession;
1516   TimeMark now;
1518   if (!MainWindowUp() && !autoClose) return;
1520   GetTimeMark(&now); saveDate = now.sec;
1522   GetCurrentDirectory(MSG_SIZ, dir);
1523   if(MySearchPath(installDir, name, buf)) {
1524     f = fopen(buf, "w");
1525   } else {
1526     SetCurrentDirectory(installDir);
1527     f = fopen(name, "w");
1528     SetCurrentDirectory(dir);
1529   }
1530   if (f == NULL) {
1531     DisplayError(name, errno);
1532     return;
1533   }
1535   fprintf(f, ";\n");
1536   fprintf(f, "; %s Save Settings file\n", PACKAGE_STRING);
1537   fprintf(f, ";\n");
1538   fprintf(f, "; You can edit the values of options that are already set in this file,\n");
1539   fprintf(f, "; but if you add other options, the next Save Settings will not save them.\n");
1540   fprintf(f, "; Use a shortcut, an @indirection file, or a .bat file instead.\n");
1541   fprintf(f, ";\n");
1543   GetWindowCoords();
1545   /* [AS] Move history */
1546   wpMoveHistory.visible = MoveHistoryIsUp();
1548   /* [AS] Eval graph */
1549   wpEvalGraph.visible = EvalGraphIsUp();
1551   /* [AS] Engine output */
1552   wpEngineOutput.visible = EngineOutputIsUp();
1554   // [HGM] in WB we have to copy sound names to appData first
1555   ExportSounds();
1557   if(appData.timeIncrement >= 0) appData.movesPerSession = -1000*appData.timeIncrement; // kludge to store mps & inc as one
1559   for (ad = argDescriptors; ad->argName != NULL; ad++) {
1560     if (!ad->save) continue;
1561     switch (ad->argType) {
1562     case ArgString:
1563       {
1564 	char *p = *(char **)ad->argLoc;
1565 	if(p == NULL) break; // just in case
1566 	if ((strchr(p, '\\') || strchr(p, '\n')) && !strchr(p, '}')) {
1567 	  /* Quote multiline values or \-containing values
1568 	     with { } if possible */
1569 	  fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "{%s}\n", ad->argName, p);
1570 	} else {
1571 	  /* Else quote with " " */
1572 	  fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "\"", ad->argName);
1573 	  while (*p) {
1574 	    if (*p == '\n') fprintf(f, "\n");
1575 	    else if (*p == '\r') fprintf(f, "\\r");
1576 	    else if (*p == '\t') fprintf(f, "\\t");
1577 	    else if (*p == '\b') fprintf(f, "\\b");
1578 	    else if (*p == '\f') fprintf(f, "\\f");
1579 	    else if (*p < ' ') fprintf(f, "\\%03o", *p);
1580 	    else if (*p == '\"') fprintf(f, "\\\"");
1581 	    else if (*p == '\\') fprintf(f, "\\\\");
1582 	    else putc(*p, f);
1583 	    p++;
1584 	  }
1585 	  fprintf(f, "\"\n");
1586 	}
1587       }
1588       break;
1589     case ArgInt:
1590     case ArgZ:
1591       fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "%d\n", ad->argName, *(int *)ad->argLoc);
1592       break;
1593     case ArgX:
1594       fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "%d\n", ad->argName, *(int *)ad->argLoc - wpMain.x); // [HGM] placement: store relative value
1595       break;
1596     case ArgY:
1597       fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "%d\n", ad->argName, *(int *)ad->argLoc - wpMain.y);
1598       break;
1599     case ArgFloat:
1600       fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "%g\n", ad->argName, *(float *)ad->argLoc);
1601       break;
1602     case ArgBoolean:
1603       fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "%s\n", ad->argName,
1604 	(*(Boolean *)ad->argLoc) ? "true" : "false");
1605       break;
1606     case ArgTrue:
1607       if (*(Boolean *)ad->argLoc) fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s\n", ad->argName);
1608       break;
1609     case ArgFalse:
1610       if (!*(Boolean *)ad->argLoc) fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s\n", ad->argName);
1611       break;
1612     case ArgColor:
1613       SaveColor(f, ad);
1614       break;
1615     case ArgAttribs:
1616       SaveAttribsArg(f, ad);
1617       break;
1618     case ArgFilename:
1619       if(*(char**)ad->argLoc == NULL) break; // just in case
1620       { char buf[MSG_SIZ];
1621         snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s", *(char**)ad->argLoc);
1622 #ifdef OSXAPP
1623         if(strstr(buf, DATADIR) == buf)
1624           snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "~~%s", *(char**)ad->argLoc + strlen(DATADIR));
1625 #endif
1626         if (strchr(buf, '\"')) {
1627           fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "'%s'\n", ad->argName, buf);
1628         } else {
1629           fprintf(f, OPTCHAR "%s" SEPCHAR "\"%s\"\n", ad->argName, buf);
1630         }
1631       }
1632       break;
1633     case ArgBoardSize:
1634       SaveBoardSize(f, ad->argName, ad->argLoc);
1635       break;
1636     case ArgFont:
1637       SaveFontArg(f, ad);
1638       break;
1639     case ArgCommSettings:
1640       PrintCommPortSettings(f, ad->argName);
1641     case ArgTwo:
1642     case ArgNone:
1643     case ArgBackupSettingsFile:
1644     case ArgSettingsFilename: ;
1645     case ArgMaster: ;
1646     case ArgInstall: ;
1647     }
1648   }
1649   fclose(f);
1650   appData.movesPerSession = mps;
1651 }
1653 Boolean
GetArgValue(char * name)1654 GetArgValue(char *name)
1655 { // retrieve (as text) current value of string or int argument given by name
1656   // (this is used for maing the values available in the adapter command)
1657   ArgDescriptor *ad;
1658   int len;
1660   for (ad = argDescriptors; ad->argName != NULL; ad++)
1661     if (strcmp(ad->argName, name) == 0) break;
1663   if (ad->argName == NULL) return FALSE;
1665   switch(ad->argType) {
1666     case ArgString:
1667     case ArgFilename:
1668       strncpy(name, *(char**) ad->argLoc, MSG_SIZ);
1670       return TRUE;
1671     case ArgInt:
1672       len = snprintf(name, MSG_SIZ, "%d", *(int*) ad->argLoc);
1673       if( (len >= MSG_SIZ) && appData.debugMode )
1674 	fprintf(debugFP, "GetArgValue: buffer truncated.\n");
1676       return TRUE;
1677     case ArgBoolean:
1678       len = snprintf(name, MSG_SIZ, "%s", *(Boolean*) ad->argLoc ? "true" : "false");
1679       if( (len >= MSG_SIZ) && appData.debugMode )
1680 	fprintf(debugFP, "GetArgValue: buffer truncated.\n");
1682       return TRUE;
1683     default: ;
1684   }
1686   return FALSE;
1687 }