XGALAGA-SDL 6x "2 June 2008" ""
xgalaga-sdl - SDL port of XGalaga, version of the famous Galaga game
xgalaga [options]

xgalaga-hyperspace [options]


Use the arrows on a keyboard, or a joystick to move the ship, and the space bar or a button to fire. Destroy the alien wave and move on to the next.

The xgalaga-hyperspace version features some new weapons and different gameplay.


8 -scores Prints out the high score file and exits

8 -nosound Turn sound OFF

8 -level lvl Choose starting level (>= 1)

8 -window Run in a window, not full screen. Full screen is the default.

8 -winsize widthxheight Set window size.


8 p - Pause

8 ESC, q - End game and exit xgalaga

8 space - Start game, fire

8 s - Toggle sound

8 x - Use your shields (xgalaga-hyperspace only)

8 alt-enter - Toggle full screen node.

Joe Rumsey, <joe@rumsey.org> (Original author)

Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com> (man page)