1 /* $Id: title.c,v 1.4 1998/05/11 06:52:59 mrogre Exp $ */
2 /* Copyright (c) 1998 Joe Rumsey (mrogre@mediaone.net) */
3 #include "copyright.h"
4 #include <config.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <string.h>
9 #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
10 # include <fcntl.h>
11 #endif
12 #include "math.h"
13 #include "Wlib.h"
14 #include "defs.h"
15 #include "images.h"
16 #include "struct.h"
17 #include "data.h"
18 #include "proto.h"
20 /* for scrolling credits */
21 const LINESIZE= 70;
22 const VISIBLELINES=7;
23 const SPEEDFACTOR=5;
24 char *gchLBuf;
25 int giCreditLines=0, giActCreditLine=0;
27 W_Image *pauseImage, *titleImage;
28 int pausex, pausey, pauseyspeed=1;
undo_pause()30 void undo_pause()
31 {
32     W_CacheClearArea(baseWin, pausex-(pauseImage->width/2), pausey-(pauseImage->height/2),
33 		     pauseImage->width, pauseImage->height);
34 }
do_pause()36 void do_pause()
37 {
38     if((pausey < pauseImage->height/2) || ((pausey+(pauseImage->height/2)) >= WINHEIGHT))
39 	pauseyspeed = -pauseyspeed;
40     pausey+=pauseyspeed;
42     W_DrawImage(baseWin, pausex-(pauseImage->width/2), pausey-(pauseImage->height/2), 0, pauseImage, W_White);
43 }
45 void
center_text(char * text,int y,W_Color color)46 center_text(char *text, int y, W_Color color)
47 {
48 /*
49     W_MaskText(baseWin, WINWIDTH/2 - ((strlen(text)*W_Textwidth)/2)-1, y+1, W_Black,
50 	       text, strlen(text), W_RegularFont);
51 */
52     W_MaskText(baseWin, WINWIDTH/2 - ((strlen(text)*W_Textwidth)/2), y, color,
53 	       text, strlen(text), W_RegularFont);
54 }
56 #if 0 /* ships vary from level to level now */
57 static void show_points()
58 {
59     int i, ty;
60     int a_images[6] = {
61 	I_ALIEN1,
62 	I_ALIEN2,
63 	I_ALIEN3,
64 	I_ALIEN4,
65 	I_ALIEN5,
66 	I_ALIEN6
67     };
69     char buf[40];
71     for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
72 	W_DrawImage(baseWin, WINWIDTH/2 - 30, 220+i*21,
73 		    0, getImage(a_images[5-i]), W_Red);
74 	if(i < 5)
75 	    sprintf(buf, "- %d", (i+1)*100);
76 	else
77 	    sprintf(buf, "- ???");
78 	W_MaskText(baseWin, WINWIDTH/2, 225+i*21,
79 		   W_Yellow, buf, strlen(buf), W_RegularFont);
80     }
81     ty = 220+i*21;
82     center_text("Ships in convoy are worth 50 points", ty, W_Green); ty += W_Textheight;
83     center_text("Bonus ships at 20,000, 50,000, then every 50,000.", ty, W_Green);
84 }
85 #endif
show_help()87 static void show_help()
88 {
89     int top = 270;
91     center_text("         Keyboard controls           ", top, W_Red);
92     center_text("  left/right arrow   move            ", top+10, W_Yellow);
93     center_text("  space bar          fire            ", top+20, W_Yellow);
94     center_text("  p                  pause           ", top+30, W_Cyan);
95     center_text("  q                  end game        ", top+40, W_Cyan);
96     center_text("  Q                  quick quit      ", top+50, W_Cyan);
97     center_text("  k                  keyboard control", top+60, W_Cyan);
98     center_text("  m                  mouse control   ", top+70, W_Cyan);
100     center_text("  x                  toggle shields  ", top+80, W_Cyan);
101 #endif
102 #ifdef SOUND
103     center_text("  s                  toggle sound    ", top+90, W_Cyan);
104 #endif
106     center_text("Bonus ships at 20,000, 50,000, then every 50,000.", top+120, W_Green);
107     center_text("XGalaga Home page: http://rumsey.org/xgal.html",
108 		top+150, W_Cyan);
109 }
read_credits()111 int read_credits()
112 {
113     int hsf;
114     int i,j,l,lines;
115     int nSize;
116     char *chFBuf, chLBuf[LINESIZE+1];
118     j = 0; lines = 0;
119     chFBuf = (char *) malloc (8000+1);
120     if (chFBuf == 0) return (-1);
121     gchLBuf = (char *) malloc (LINESIZE+1);
122     if (gchLBuf == 0) return (-2);
123     hsf = open (CREDITSFILE, O_RDONLY);
124     if ( hsf > 0 )
125     {
126       l = read (hsf, chFBuf, 8000);
127       chFBuf[l] = 0x00;
128       if ( l > 0 )
129       {
130         for (i=0; i<l; i++)
131         {
132           switch (chFBuf[i])
133           {
134           case 10 :     // Linefeed
135           case 0 :
136             chLBuf[j] = 0x00;
137             j = 0;
138             strncpy (gchLBuf+(lines*(LINESIZE+1)), chLBuf, LINESIZE);
139             lines++;
140             nSize = (lines+1) * (LINESIZE+1);
141             gchLBuf = (char *) realloc (gchLBuf, nSize);        // get space for next line
142             break;
143           case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4:case 5:
144           case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9:
145           case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14:case 15:
146           case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19:
147             // ignore control characters
148             break;
149           default:
150             chLBuf[j++] = chFBuf[i];            // visible character
151             if (j>LINESIZE)
152             {
153               // line too long -> cut without grace
154               chLBuf[j] = 0x00;
155               j = 0;
156               strncpy (gchLBuf+(lines*(LINESIZE+1)), chLBuf, LINESIZE);
157               lines++;
158               nSize = (lines+1) * (LINESIZE+1);
159               gchLBuf = (char *) realloc (gchLBuf, nSize);        // get space for next line
160             }
161             break;
162           } // end switch
163         } // end for
164       }
165     }
166     else
167     {
168 //      printf (chLBuf, sizeof(chLBuf)-1, "Sorry! Could not read CREDITSFILE");
169     }
170     close(hsf);
171     free (chFBuf);
172     giCreditLines = lines-1;
173   }
undo_credits()176 void undo_credits()
177 {
178   int hsf;
179   int i,j,l,lines;
180   int top = 460;
181   char chLBuf[LINESIZE+1];
183   if ( gchLBuf > 0 )
184   {
185     j = 0; lines = 0;
186     for ( i=giActCreditLine; i<giCreditLines; i++ )
187     {
188       strncpy (chLBuf, gchLBuf+i*(LINESIZE+1), LINESIZE);
189       center_text (chLBuf, top+lines*W_Textheight + ((pagetimer-1) % (W_Textheight*SPEEDFACTOR))/SPEEDFACTOR, W_Black);
190       lines++;
191       if ( lines > VISIBLELINES ) break;
192     } // end for
193   }
194   else
195   {
196     snprintf (chLBuf, sizeof(chLBuf)-1, "Sorry no CREDITS data");
197     center_text (chLBuf, top+10, W_Black);
198   }
199 }
show_credits()202 void show_credits()
203 {
204   int hsf;
205   int i,j,l,lines;
206   int top = 460;
207   char chLBuf[LINESIZE+1];
209   if ( gchLBuf > 0 )
210   {
211     j = 0; lines = 0;
212     for ( i=giActCreditLine; i<giCreditLines; i++ )
213     {
214       strncpy (chLBuf, gchLBuf+i*(LINESIZE+1), LINESIZE);
215       j = top + lines*W_Textheight + ((pagetimer-1) % (W_Textheight*SPEEDFACTOR))/SPEEDFACTOR ;
216       center_text (chLBuf,j, W_Green);
217       lines++;
218       if ( lines > VISIBLELINES ) break;
219     } // end for
220     W_ClearArea(baseWin,
221                 0, top,
222                 WINWIDTH, W_Textheight);
223     W_ClearArea(baseWin,
224                 0, top+(VISIBLELINES+1)*W_Textheight,
225                 WINWIDTH, W_Textheight);
226    }
227   else
228   {
229     snprintf (chLBuf, sizeof(chLBuf)-1, "Sorry no CREDITS data");
230     center_text (chLBuf, top+10, W_Green);
231   }
232 }
do_title()235 void do_title()
236 {
237     int ty;
238     char vbuf[10];
240     W_DrawImage (baseWin, WINWIDTH/2 - titleImage->width/2, 50, 0, titleImage, W_Red);
241     sprintf (vbuf, "v%s", VERSION);
242     center_text (vbuf, 40+titleImage->height, W_Yellow);
244     ty = 60 + titleImage->height;
245     if (getting_name)
246 	title_page = 0;
248     switch (title_page)
249     {
250     case 0:
251 	center_text("Copyright (c) 1995-1998   Joe Rumsey", ty, W_Green); ty+= W_Textheight;
252 	center_text("Maintenance 2008 by Hermann Riedel", ty, W_Green); ty+= 2*W_Textheight;
254 	center_text("XGalaga: Hyperspace 0.9", ty, W_Green); ty+= W_Textheight;
255 #endif
256         show_help();
257 //        show_credits();
258 	break;
259     case 1:
260     default:
261 	show_scores();
262 //        show_credits();
263 	break;
264     }
266 #ifdef __linux__
267     if (js_device)
268 	    center_text("Press k for keyboard or joystick control, m for mouse", WINHEIGHT - 2*W_Textheight, W_Yellow);
269     else /* no joystick, so use message below */
270 #endif
271     center_text("Press k for keyboard control, m for mouse", WINHEIGHT - 2*W_Textheight, W_Yellow);
272     center_text("Or q to quit", WINHEIGHT - W_Textheight, W_Yellow);
274     undo_credits();     // erase with painting black
275     pagetimer--;
276 //    if (!(pagetimer % 50))
277     if (!(pagetimer % (W_Textheight*SPEEDFACTOR)))
278     {
279 //printf("%d %d %25s\n", pagetimer, (pagetimer % (W_Textheight*SPEEDFACTOR)),  gchLBuf+giActCreditLine*(LINESIZE+1));
280       giActCreditLine++;
281       if (giActCreditLine > giCreditLines)
282         giActCreditLine = 0;
283     }
284     if (!pagetimer)
285     {
286 	W_ClearWindow(baseWin);
287 	title_page++;
288 	if (title_page > 1)
289 	  title_page = 0;
290 	pagetimer = 299;
291     }
292     show_credits();     // write text
293 }
init_titles()295 void init_titles()
296 {
297     titleImage = getImage(I_TITLE);
298     pauseImage = getImage(I_PAUSE);
299     pausex = WINWIDTH/2;
300     pausey = WINHEIGHT/2;
301     pauseyspeed = 3;
302     read_credits();
303 }