1 /*
2  * xgal.sndsrv.c - VoxWare(tm) Compatible Sound - Apr. 1995
3  *                 PC Speaker  Compatible Sound
4  *                 This server is FreeBSD Specific.
5  *
6  * Copyright 1994-1995 Sujal M. Patel (smpatel@wam.umd.edu)
7  * Conditions in "copyright.h"
8  */
10 #include <stdio.h>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <unistd.h>
13 #include <fcntl.h>
14 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
15 #include <sys/soundcard.h>
16 #include <sys/time.h>
17 #include <signal.h>
18 #include <string.h>
22 static const char *FILENAME[] = {
23                      "/explode.raw",
24                      "/firetorp.raw",
25                      "/shield.raw",
26                      "/torphit.raw",
27                      "/explode_big.raw",
28 		     "/ddloo.raw",
29 /* Two more files are now expected by the xgalaga!
30 \* The order is given in the sound.h   -mi */
31                     "/warp.raw",
32                     "/smart.raw"
33                    };
35 #define NUM_SOUNDS	(sizeof(FILENAME)/sizeof(char*))
37 signed char *sound_buffer[NUM_SOUNDS];
38 int sound_size[NUM_SOUNDS];
39 int fragsize;
42 /* Terminate: Signal Handler */
quit()43 static void quit ()
44 {
45   exit (0);
46 }
init(int argc,char ** argv)48 static void init (int argc, char **argv)
49 {
50   int i;
51   char s[FILENAME_MAX];
53   if (argc != 3)
54   {
55     printf ("This program is only executed by xgal\n");
56     exit (1);
57   }
59   for (i=0; i < NUM_SOUNDS; i++)
60   {
61     s[0] = 0;
62     strcat (s, argv[1]);
63     if (s[(int)strlen(s) - 1] == '/') FILENAME[i]++;
64     strcat (s, FILENAME[i]);
65     FILENAME[i] = malloc ((int)strlen (s));
66     strcpy ((char *)FILENAME[i],s);
67     sound_buffer[i]=NULL;
68     sound_size[i]=0;
69   }
71   signal(SIGTERM, quit);   /* Setup Terminate Signal Handler */
72 }
75 /*
76    Setup DSP: Opens /dev/dsp or /dev/pcdsp
77               Sets fragment size on VoxWare
78               Sets speed to 8000hz
79               Should set mono mode
80               Error checking
81 */
setup_dsp(char * dspdev,int * is_pcsp)82 static int setup_dsp (char *dspdev,int *is_pcsp)
83 {
84   int dsp, frag, value;
85   int mixer;
87   dsp = open(dspdev, O_WRONLY);
88   if (dsp < 1)
89   {
90     fprintf (stderr, "xgal.sndsrv: Couldn't open DSP %s\n",dspdev);
91     return -1;
92   }
94   *is_pcsp = 0;
95   fragsize = 0;
97   frag = 0x00020009;   /* try 512 bytes, for 1/16 second frag size */
98   ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, &frag);
99   value = 8010;
100   if (ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &value))
101   {
102       fprintf (stderr, "xgal.sndsrv: Couldn't set DSP rate!\n");
103   };
104   value = 0;
105   ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO, &value);
106   ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE, &fragsize);
107   fprintf(stderr,"xgal.sndsrv: fragment set to %d\n",fragsize);
109   if (!fragsize)
110   {
111     /* Don't Assume just because you can't set the fragment, use proper IOCTL */
112     fprintf (stderr, "xgal.sndsrv: Couldn't set Fragment Size.\nAssuming PC Speaker!\n");
113     fragsize = 128;
114     *is_pcsp = 1;
115   } else {
116       mixer = open("/dev/mixer",O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
117       if(mixer==-1)  {
118           fprintf(stderr,"xgal.sndsrv: Couldn't open mixer %s\n","/dev/mixer");
119           return(-1);
120       };
121 #if 0
122       value=0x6464;
123       ioctl(mixer,SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_PCM,&value);
124       ioctl(mixer,SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_VOLUME,&value);  /*what does this do?*/
125 #endif
126       close(mixer);
128   }
130   return dsp;
131 }
133 /*
134    This just keeps the pipe from breaking...
135    Eventually I'll look at the xgal signal handlers and
136    just trap this.
137 */
do_nothing(void)138 static int do_nothing(void)
139 {
140     fprintf(stderr,"xgal.sndsrv: doing nothing, something is broken\n");
141     while(1)  sleep (5);
142 }
read_sound(int k)144 static int read_sound(int k)
145 {
146   int i,fd,size;
148   /*fprintf(stderr,"loading sound %d, %s\n",k,FILENAME[k]);*/
150   fd = open(FILENAME[k], O_RDONLY);
151   if(fd<=0)
152   {
153     fprintf (stderr, "xgal.sndsrv: The sound %s could not be opened\n", FILENAME[k]);
154     sound_size[k]=-1;
155     return(0);
156   };
157   size=lseek(fd,0,SEEK_END);
158   sound_size[k]=(size/fragsize)+1;   /*size in fragments*/
159   sound_buffer[k]=malloc(sound_size[k]*fragsize);
160   if(sound_buffer[k]==NULL)
161   {
162     fprintf(stderr,"xgal.sndsrv: couldn't malloc memory for sound\n");
163     sound_size[k]=-1;
164     close(fd);
165     return(0);
166   };
167   lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);
168   read(fd,sound_buffer[k],size);
169   close(fd);
170   for(i=0;i<size;i++)  sound_buffer[k][i]^=0x80;
171   memset(sound_buffer[k]+size,0,sound_size[k]*fragsize-size);
173   /*fprintf(stderr,"sound has been loaded, %d bytes\n",size);*/ /*DEBUG*/
174   return(1);
175 }
do_everything(int dsp,int is_pcsp)178 static void do_everything (int dsp, int is_pcsp)
179 {
180   char k;
181   int i, j ;
182   int terminate = -1;             /* Which Sound to Terminate                              */
183   int playing[16];                /* Sound numbers that we are playing                     */
184   int position[16];		  /* Current position in each sound file */
185   int playnum = 0;                /* Number of sounds currently being played               */
186   unsigned char final[512];       /* Final Mixing Buffer                                   */
187   int premix[512];
188   char *sample;
190   for(;;)  {
191     terminate = -1;
192     /* Try to open a new sound if we get an integer on the 'in' pipe */
193     i=read(STDIN_FILENO,&k,sizeof(k));
194     if(i==0)  {   /* EOF on pipe means parent has closed its end */
195         /*fprintf(stderr,"xgal.sndsrv: shutting down\n"); */
196         kill(getpid(), SIGTERM);
197     };
198     if(i!=-1)  {  /* there was something in the pipe */
199         /*fprintf(stderr,"Just read a %d from pipe\n",(int)k);*/ /*DEBUG*/
200         /* Negative means terminate the FIRST sound in the buffer */
201         if(k<0)  {
202             /*fprintf(stderr,"terminating sound\n");*/ /*DEBUG*/
203             terminate = 0;
204         } else {
205  	     if(k>=NUM_SOUNDS) {
206  		fprintf(stderr,
207  		"Not that many sounds known (%d >= %d)\n",
208  		(int)k, NUM_SOUNDS);
209  		continue;
210  	     };
211  	     if(sound_size[(int)k]==0) read_sound((int)k);
212  	     if(sound_size[(int)k]>0 && playnum<16)  {
213 	        position[playnum]=0;
214                 playing[playnum++]=k;
215                 /*fprintf(stderr,"sound %d added to play queue\n",playnum-1);*/ /*DEBUG*/
216             };
217         };
218     };
220     /* terminate a sound if necessary */
221     for(i=0;i<playnum;i++)
222     {
223       if((position[i]==sound_size[playing[i]]) || (terminate==i))
224       {
225         /*fprintf(stderr,"finished playing sound %d\n",i);*/ /*DEBUG*/
226 	/*fprintf(stderr,"is was at position %d\n",position[i]);*/ /*DEBUG*/
227         memmove(playing+i,playing+i+1,(playnum-i)*sizeof(int));
228         memmove(position+i,position+i+1,(playnum-i)*sizeof(int));
229         playnum--;i--;
230       };
231     };
233     if(playnum)  {
234         /* Mix each sound into the final buffer */
235         memset(premix,0,sizeof(premix));
236         for(i=0;i<playnum;i++)  {
237             sample=sound_buffer[playing[i]]+position[i]*fragsize;
238             for(j=0;j<fragsize;j++)  {
239                 premix[j]+=*(sample+j);
240             };
241             position[i]++;
242         };
243         for(i=0;i<fragsize;i++)
244             final[i]=(premix[i]>255)?255:(premix[i]<-256?0:(premix[i]>>1)+128);
245     } else {
246         /*
247            We have no sounds to play
248            Just fill the buffer with silence and maybe play it
249         */
250         memset(final,128,sizeof(final));
251     };
252     write (dsp, final, fragsize);
253     /*
254        The sound server is in a tight loop, EXCEPT for this
255        write which blocks.  Any optimizations in the above
256        code would really be helpful.  Right now the server
257        takes up to 7% cpu on a 486DX/50.
258     */
259   }
260 }
main(argc,argv)262 int main (argc, argv)
263 int argc;
264 char **argv;
265 {
266   int dsp, is_pcsp;
269   init (argc, argv);
270   dsp = setup_dsp (argv[2],&is_pcsp);
272   if (dsp<0) do_nothing();
274   do_everything (dsp, is_pcsp);
275   return 0;
276 }