1Pattern Editing
4(Note: the following uses some terminology specific to Life.  For definitions,
5see _Winning Ways_ by Berklekamp, Conway, and Guy, or _The Recursive Universe_,
6by Poundstone.)
10The latest revision of Xlife allows more sophisticated editing and maintenance
11of complex patterns.  Almost all large Life patterns that exhibit well-defined
12behavior (such as the breeder) are in fact composed of smaller patterns that
13combine in a predictable way.  Storing such patterns in a hierarchical manner
14can greatly aid future experimentation as well as synthesis of still more
15complex patterns.  This document explains some of the motivation behind the
16new features, and gives several examples of their use.
18Goal of New Features
20It is the goal of the new editing and include features to greatly limit the
21number of Life patterns stored as atomic images (i.e. raw bitmaps or point
22sets).  Once a glider gun, for example, has been defined, there should be no
23need to duplicate the pattern.  It should instead be possible to refer to it by
24name, as a known mechanism with well-established properties.  In fact, the
25glider gun itself exhibits some structure, as it is composed of two period 30
26shuttles that interact to produce gliders.  Ultimately, the "interesting" part
27of the period 30 shuttle does not seem to have any structure, and hence must be
28represented a picture, such as the following:
30               ..*...
31               .*.*..
32               *...**
33               *...**
34               *...**
35               .*.*..
36               ..*...
38Unfortunately, it is not enough to merely place such a pattern at the correct
39coordinates.  For example, we can rotate this pattern by multiples of 90
40degrees without essentially changing its behavior.  While this particular
41pattern has flip symmetry about its horizontal dividing line, other patterns
42may not, so we may additionally wish to take the mirror image of a pattern.
43It would be undesirable to maintain eight separate bitmaps for what is really
44the same pattern, so we would like a facility to perform basic geometric
45transformations on patterns to be included in more complex ones.
47A more subtle issue is that of timing.  When placed between appropriate
48stabilizing objects (such as eaters or blocks) the above pattern will oscillate
49with a period of 30.  Hence, when defining a complex pattern, we may need
50to insist (in addition to any geometric transformations) that it be placed
51within the larger pattern at a particular phase in its cycle.
53By controlling position, rotation, flip, and phase shift, we may combine
54patterns in any desired manner.  The #I extensions to Xlife make this
55possible, and the new editing features make it (relatively) convenient.
56For specifications of the extended #I format, see the Xlife man page.
58Ideally, the new editing features will make it possible to use
59the #I format without ever looking at the description file.  The advanced Life
60experimenter may, however, wish to modify #I lines with a text editor in
61order to achieve very specific effects (still more advanced CAD tools would
62eliminate this need).
67To attempt the following examples, you should be running Xlife.  You must
68have a copy of the file ex.life, supplied with the release, in either the
69directory in which you start up Xlife, or in the pattern directory.
71Before trying any of the examples, type 'C' to clear the workspace, if it
72is not already clear.
74(1) Experimenting with gun collisions.
76Type 'l' to load in a pattern.  Backspace over the default directory, if there
77is one (probably the pattern library) and type "ex:gun".  This will load the
78pattern "gun" from the file "ex.life" in either the pattern library or current
79directory.  The pattern consists of a glider gun before it has produced any
82Get a feel for the movement, flip, and rotation operations performed with the
83mouse buttons.  All operations are performed with respect to the origin of the
84pattern, which is indicated by a single dot at the smallest scales and becomes
85an X shape at the larger scales (zoom in on it to see this).
87In order to place patterns such as glider guns, it is especially important to
88know the direction of the outgoing glider stream.  You may preview this
89by generating the loaded pattern with the 'G' command (*not* the 'g' command).
90Initially, you will want to generate enough steps to see the stream, so type
91100 when prompted for the number of steps.
93Note that the mouse buttons continue to perform transformations on
94the generated pattern.  Place the pattern as desired.  It will be incorporated
95into the main universe when any of the commands g, h, o, l, or W are typed.
96To incorporate it without doing anything else, use 'I'.
98Now, load another glider gun in the same manner.  Place the two guns in
99such a way that their outgoing gliders collide.  Not all collisions are
100well behaved, and you may wish to produce a specific collision, such as
101a clean annihilation of gliders.  The references mentioned at the top, and some
102of the patterns supplied with Xlife, are a good source of interesting
103collisions.  Use 'G' on the second glider gun to control the phase difference
104between the colliding gliders.
106Type 'g' to let the pattern go and see what happens.  If the collision was
107chosen randomly, there is a good chance that it will merely break down into
108chaos.  Some collisions, however, produce interesting effects.
110Save your gun collision into a file using the 'W' command.  Now type 'C' and
111use 'l' to load it back in.  Note that the result is not what you would expect
112from saving the current pattern.  That is, even if the pattern did break down
113into chaos, the pattern written by 'W' corresponds to the collision as you set
114it up.  If you type 'g' then you should witness the same sequence of events as
117The file written by 'W' is not a raw pattern image, but rather a "load script."
118That is, it gives Xlife enough information to reconstruct your placement of
119loaded patterns.  It does not contain any changes made by drawing or erasing
120cells with the mouse, but such changes deviate from the philosophy of pattern
121structuring and should be avoided except when drawing atomic patterns.
122(In any case, the 'S' command is provided for saving the whole image in an
123unstructured way.)
125(2) Setting up a glider mirror.
127It is possible to reflect a stream of gliders as if by a mirror, using a
128period 30 shuttle with eaters at the ends.  The mirror will not work unless
129the stream (from a period 30 gun) and the mirror are perfectly positioned
130and in phase.  In general, this may involve some simple yet tedious calculation
131or else a still more tedious process of trial and error.  In the
132following, however, we will see how to use the editing features to
133produce the desired effect reasonably simply.
135Load in ex:gun, as before, and let it generate (with 'g') until the outgoing
136stream contains 20 or so gliders.  This is the stream we will be reflecting.
138Now load in ex:mircollision.  This pattern consists of a glider poised to
139be reflected from a mirror.  Use rotates, flips, and 'G' (one step at a
140time) until the the mirror glider is an exact copy of the glider furthest
141from the gun.  Use the mouse to move the loaded pattern so that these two
142gliders occupy exactly the same five cells.  It may help to zoom in on the
145Now, simply type 'g' and let the pattern go.  It you performed the above
146steps correctly, you should see a stream of gliders bouncing off the mirror.
147Add more mirrors, if desired, and save the result into a file using 'W'
149*** More Advanced Editing
151Skip the following if you are not interested in familiarizing yourself with the
152details of the #I format.
154Take a look at the file generated by 'W' in the above.  It consists of a
155sequence of #I lines, the first containing ex:gun, and the others containing
156ex:mircollision.  The latter lines each have a delay value as their final
157parameter, and these parameters will most likely be in the hundreds, as this
158is the number of steps it takes to make the stream of gliders used as a
161Note that the mirror is a period 30 oscillator, so we may replace all of
162these numbers by their values mod 30 without affecting the crucial
163phase difference between the mirror(s) and the gun.  Do this, and look at the
164pattern in Xlife.  Note that it takes less time to load, and that the loaded
165pattern does not contain a long stream of gliders.  Type 'g' to verify that the
166mirrors still work (if not, make sure you computed mod correctly).
168The resulting pattern will contain spurious gliders.  These are the gliders
169that came with the pattern ex:mircollision.  Fortunately, ex:mircollision
170contains ex:mirror with no moves, flips,or rotations applied.
171Hence, by replacing all instances of ex:mircollision by ex:mirror in your
172file, you will obtain the same pattern as before, but without the spurious
175This illustrates the notion of including extra parts in a pattern for
176reference and eliminating them in the final edit.  Use of this technique
177can substantially reduce the need for explicit calculation when constructing
178complex patterns.
180*** end of "More Advanced Editing"
182(3) Constructing a structured pattern from a template.
184Having familiarized yourself with the use of load scripts, you may wish
185to construct structured versions of old patterns you made in the previous
186version of Xlife.  This can be done in a bottom-up fashion by loading
187in the raw image and building up subpatterns using the initial image
188as a reference.  You first need to identify the the atomic subpatterns in the
189old pattern.  For example, in the mirror of the previous example, the atomic
190patterns are two eaters and the period 30 oscillator (shown earlier in this
193The template pattern should not be written into the load script, and this
194may be prevented by using the 'D' command *after* this pattern has been
195*incorporated* into the universe.  The effects of having the template written
196to the load script are non-fatal, and may be corrected with a text editor.
197However, it is best to get in the habit of typing 'I' (include pattern),
198'D' (discard load script) immediately upon loading a template.
200The mirror in ex.life is already given in a structured way, but it will suffice
201to illustrate the technique.  To place the template, load ex:mirror, and type
202'I' and 'D' as mentioned above.  Now, load in succession two eaters (ex:eater)
203and the oscillator (ex:oscil) and place each pattern over the corresponding
204part of the old image.  Use 'W' to write the load script.
206If the original mirror had been stored as a bitmap then you would have
207transformed a seemingly arbitrary set of points into a structured pattern.
208Patterns defined in this way can later be combined into more complex patterns,
209and at any level, the pattern can be seen to be a logical combination of
210well-understood components rather than an amorphous conglomeration of Life
213(4) Using the 'collect' utility.
215One seeming disadvantage of structuring patterns with the 'W' command is that a
216pattern that used to reside in a single file may now be spread over several
217files.  There may be too many to easily keep track of them.  The new release
218provides a facility for bundling multiple subpatterns into single files using
219pattern blocks.  This is described in the xlife manual page's section on
220inclusion, and may be added with a text editor in order to carefully arrange
221interesting patterns in a logical format.  For the user who wishes only to use
222these as a means of collecting a structured pattern into a single file,
223however, the 'collect' utility is provided.
225Collect takes a pattern name as an argument (with the same default directories
226as in the 'l' command).   It writes a file to standard output that contains
227a stand-alone version of the pattern. Usage is:
229              collect pattern > destination
231where destination is any valid file name with a .l extension.  Xlife will
232now read the destination file as an Xlife pattern, and this file can, for
233example, be mailed to others without the need to send multiple files.
235Try this on any of the files written by 'W' in examples 1, 2, and 3.
239The above examples illustrate techniques for using the new Xlife features to
240create structured patterns.  Other techniques may be found that use these
241features.  Conversely, the inability to apply some reasonable technique may
242indicate deficiencies inherent in these features.  Life experimenters are
243encouraged to send questions, comments, and ideas for changes to
244Paul Callahan <callahan@cs.jhu.edu>.  Actual improvements to the source
245code are, of course, especially encouraged.