xmemory 1 "July-17-1996" "X Version 11"
xmemory - game of memory for several players
xmemory <options>
XMemory is a multi player memory game. It is played simultaenously on several X Displays, which have to be listed on the command-line. To run properly, the access to the selected X Displays must be allowed. This can be achieved in the usual manner by running xhost on the desired displays.
Like in the traditional memory game, the players have to find similar tiles on the table to get the tiles. The main change in this version is, that the players play simultaenously and therefor the whole game gets some kind of an action game. Opening a tile leads to a lock of the tile for about 3 seconds when opening the first tile. 1 second after opening the second tile, both tiles flip back and therefor are accessable again for all other players. (In synchronous mode the 1st tile remains opened until the second tile is selected) Winner is the player who collected the most matching tiles.
"Tile Selection"

12 -pictures The tiles are switched from the default Smileys to the default set of picture tiles. Use -help to check, if there are any picture packages installed on your system.

12 -file name Use the picture file name for creating the tiles

12 -letter The tiles are switched from the default Smileys to a normal letter mode.

"Game Selection"

12 -small small amount of tiles

12 -normal normal amount of tiles (default)

12 -big large amount of tiles

12 -remain leave tiles on screen after match. Tiles will only remain on the screen of the player who found the match.

12 -sync play the traditional game where only one player can select at a time.

12 -tile <w>x<h> set number of tiles explicitly, which overrides the other size selection options. The total amount of tiles has to be even.

12 -lock <n> locks the size of picture images to n perecent of the original size. This might be usefull for better results, since the images are stored in an pre-dithered format and are scaled in the most primitive way, so that there might be undesired effects, when scaling to odd amounts.


12 -font name Override the default pattern '-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-*' to search for a different set of fonts in letter or smiley game. The program tries to use scalable fonts on the displays, when bitmap fonts in the necessary size can't be found. If the fonts don't look pretty, check out if the fontserver fs (or xfs) is running on the display.

"Player Selection"

12 <display> Each name of a display (containing a colon) activates a player on that screen. The total amount of players is internally limited to 10.

12 <display>/<color> A display name can be extended by a color specification. Otherwise, a default color is selected for that player.

12 -color<n> <name> The color for player n can be set explicitly to name\f, even so previous option is the easier way to achive this.

xmemory -big / barcley:0.0/ genesis:0.0/green
xhost(1) xfs(1) X(1)
Copyright 1993,1995,1996, Helmut Hoenig, Heiligenhaus

8 email (for any comments): Helmut.Hoenig@hub.de

5 smail (for gifts): Helmut Hoenig Hopfenstrasse 8a 65520 Bad Camberg GERMANY

8 ******************************************************** By the way, I am collecting banknotes! If you want to join into my collection, get any bill of your country, sign it on the backside and send it to me so I will pin it on my world map. (Don't forget the exact location for the pin :-) But you can also just send me a picture postcard ... ********************************************************

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.

"other fancy things from the author"
xcol (1990) - color selector for editing text-files
flying (94/95) - pool billard simulation
xdefmap (1995) - enhanced tool for setting up standard colormaps
xjig (1996) - jigsaw puzzle with texture mapping animations

available at ftp.x.org and its mirrors