1 /*
2     XorGramana Copyright 2009 James W. Morris, james@jwm-art.net
4     This file is part of XorGramana.
6     XorGramana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     XorGramana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with XorGramana.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 */
19 #include "game_display.h"
20 #include "actions.h"
21 #include "player.h"
22 #include "options.h"
23 #include <unistd.h>
25 struct gfx_win* game_win=0;
game_win_create()27 void game_win_create()
28 {
29     int rx=scr_win->win_brx-ICON_WIDTH;
30     int by=scr_win->win_bry-ICON_HEIGHT;
31     game_win=gfx_new_win(GFX_CENTER_X|GFX_CENTER_Y,0,0,rx,by,ICON_WIDTH,ICON_HEIGHT);
32 }
game_win_destroy()34 void game_win_destroy()
35 {
36     free(game_win);
37 }
game_win_display()39 void game_win_display()
40 {
41     xy_t ox,oy;
42     xy_t x,y;
43     xy_t mx,my;
44     su_t i;
45     SDL_Surface* icon;
46     ox=map->view[player.player].x;
47     oy=map->view[player.player].y;
48     for(y=0;y<game_win->blk_count_y;y++){
49         for(x=0;x<game_win->blk_count_x;x++){
50             mx=ox+x;
51             my=oy+y;
52             if(mx>map->width||my>map->height)
53                 i=ICON_WALL;
54             else
55                 i=map->data[my][mx];
56             icon=icons[i];
57             draw_image(icons[ICON_FLOOR],
58                 game_win->blk_tlx+x*ICON_WIDTH,
59                 game_win->blk_tly+y*ICON_HEIGHT);
60             if(options->show_indicators){
61                 if(icons_with_indicators[i])
62                     draw_image(icons_with_indicators[i],
63                         game_win->blk_tlx+x*ICON_WIDTH,
64                         game_win->blk_tly+y*ICON_HEIGHT);
65                 else
66                     draw_image(icon,
67                         game_win->blk_tlx+x*ICON_WIDTH,
68                         game_win->blk_tly+y*ICON_HEIGHT);
69             }
70             else
71                 draw_image(icon,
72                     game_win->blk_tlx+x*ICON_WIDTH,
73                     game_win->blk_tly+y*ICON_HEIGHT);
74         }
75     }
76     SDL_Flip(screen);
77 }
game_win_update_player_info()79 void game_win_update_player_info()
80 {
81     su_t i;
82     gfx_set_win(scr_win);
83     gfx_win_half_size();
84     set_space_icon(SPC_TRAN);
85     for(i=1;i<scr_win->blk_count_x-1;i++)
86         gfx_win_draw_image(hs_icons[ICON_LINE_B],i, scr_win->blk_count_y-1);
87     if(options->game){
88         gfx_mv_cur(1,scr_win->blk_count_y-1);
89         gfx_printf("%2d of %2d",player.masks_collected,map->mask_count);
90     }
91     gfx_mv_cur(scr_win->blk_count_x-6,scr_win->blk_count_y-1);
92     gfx_printf("%c%d",
93         (player.player?'*':'#'),
94         map->max_moves-player.move_no);
95     SDL_Flip(screen);
96     #ifdef PLAYER_XY_DEBUG
97     printf("player:x,y %d,%d\n",
98         map->player[player.player].x,
99         map->player[player.player].y);
100     #endif
101 }
game_win_get_view_for(xy_t cx,xy_t cy,xy_t * tlx,xy_t * tly)103 void game_win_get_view_for(xy_t cx, xy_t cy, xy_t* tlx, xy_t* tly)
104 {
105     xy_t tl_x;
106     xy_t tl_y;
107     xy_t tmp;
108     if((tl_x=cx-game_win->blk_count_x/2)<0)
109         tl_x=0;
110     if((tl_y=cy-game_win->blk_count_y/2)<0)
111         tl_y=0;
112     if((tmp=tl_x+game_win->blk_count_x)>map->width)
113         tl_x+=map->width-tmp;
114     if((tmp=tl_y+game_win->blk_count_y)>map->width)
115         tl_y+=map->width-tmp;
116     *tlx=tl_x;
117     *tly=tl_y;
118 }
game_win_show(xy_t cx,xy_t cy)120 void game_win_show(xy_t cx, xy_t cy)
121 {
122     xy_t tlx,tly;
123     xy_t x,y,mx,my,i;
124     SDL_Surface* icon;
125     game_win_get_view_for(cx,cy,&tlx,&tly);
126     for(y=0;y<game_win->blk_count_y;y++){
127         for(x=0;x<game_win->blk_count_x;x++){
128             mx=tlx+x;
129             my=tly+y;
130             if(mx>map->width||my>map->height)
131                 i=ICON_WALL;
132             else
133                 i=map->data[my][mx];
134             icon=icons[i];
135             draw_image(icons[ICON_FLOOR],
136                 game_win->blk_tlx+x*ICON_WIDTH,
137                 game_win->blk_tly+y*ICON_HEIGHT);
138             if(options->show_indicators){
139                 if(icons_with_indicators[i])
140                     draw_image(icons_with_indicators[i],
141                         game_win->blk_tlx+x*ICON_WIDTH,
142                         game_win->blk_tly+y*ICON_HEIGHT);
143                 else
144                     draw_image(icon,
145                         game_win->blk_tlx+x*ICON_WIDTH,
146                         game_win->blk_tly+y*ICON_HEIGHT);
147             }
148             else
149                 draw_image(icon,
150                     game_win->blk_tlx+x*ICON_WIDTH,
151                     game_win->blk_tly+y*ICON_HEIGHT);
152         }
153     }
154     SDL_Flip(screen);
155 }
game_win_swap_update()157 void game_win_swap_update()
158 {
159     su_t p=(player.player)?0:1;
160     if(map->player[player.player].x>map->view[p].x
161      &&map->player[player.player].x<map->view[p].x+game_win->blk_count_x-1)
162     {
163         if(map->player[player.player].y>map->view[p].y
164          &&map->player[player.player].y<map->view[p].y+game_win->blk_count_y-1){
165             map->view[player.player].x=map->view[p].x;
166             map->view[player.player].y=map->view[p].y;
167         }
168     }
169 }
game_win_move_player(struct xor_move * pmv)171 void game_win_move_player(struct xor_move* pmv)
172 {
173     xy_t vx, vy;
174     xy_t ovx,ovy;
175     su_t scrt=(player.replay?1:options->scroll_thresh);
176     ovx=vx=map->view[player.player].x;
177     ovy=vy=map->view[player.player].y;
178     switch(pmv->dir){
179         case MV_LEFT:
180             if(pmv->to_x<vx+scrt&&vx>0)
181                 vx--;
182             break;
183         case MV_RIGHT:
184             if(pmv->to_x > vx+game_win->blk_count_x-1-scrt
185              &&vx<map->width-game_win->blk_count_x)
186                 vx++;
187             break;
188         case MV_UP:
189             if(pmv->to_y<vy+scrt&&vy>0)
190                 vy--;
191             break;
192         case MV_DOWN:
193             if(pmv->to_y > vy+game_win->blk_count_y-1-scrt
194              &&vy<map->height-game_win->blk_count_y)
195                 vy++;
196             break;
197         default:break;
198     }
199     if(ovx!=vx||ovy!=vy){
200         map->view[player.player].x=vx;
201         map->view[player.player].y=vy;
202         game_win_display(map);
203         return;
204     }
205     game_win_icon_display(pmv->from_x, pmv->from_y, ICON_FLOOR);
206     game_win_icon_display(pmv->to_x, pmv->to_y, pmv->from_obj);
207     SDL_Flip(screen);
208 }
game_win_move_object(struct xor_move * omv)210 void game_win_move_object(struct xor_move* omv)
211 {
212     game_win_icon_display(omv->from_x, omv->from_y, ICON_FLOOR);
213     game_win_icon_display(omv->to_x, omv->to_y, omv->from_obj);
214     SDL_Flip(screen);
215 }
game_win_map_coord(xy_t x,xy_t y)217 struct xy* game_win_map_coord(xy_t x, xy_t y)
218 {
219     struct xy* ret=0;
220     struct xy* pv=&map->view[player.player];
221     if(!(ret=malloc(sizeof(struct xy))))
222         return 0;
223     if(x >= pv->x && x < pv->x+game_win->blk_count_x
224      &&y >= pv->y && y < pv->y+game_win->blk_count_y)
225     {
226         ret->x=(x-pv->x)*ICON_W;
227         ret->y=(y-pv->y)*ICON_H;
228         return ret;
229     }
230     free(ret);
231     return 0;
232 }
game_win_icon_display(xy_t x,xy_t y,su_t icon)234 void game_win_icon_display(xy_t x, xy_t y, su_t icon)
235 {
236     xy_t xx, yy;
237     xy_t ox,oy;
238     SDL_Surface* surface=icons[icon];
239     ox=map->view[player.player].x;
240     oy=map->view[player.player].y;
241     if(x<ox||x>=ox+game_win->blk_count_x
242      ||y<oy||y>=oy+game_win->blk_count_y)
243         return;
244     xx=x-ox;
245     yy=y-oy;
246     draw_image(icons[ICON_FLOOR],
247         game_win->blk_tlx+xx*ICON_WIDTH,
248         game_win->blk_tly+yy*ICON_HEIGHT);
249     if(options->show_indicators){
250         if(icons_with_indicators[icon])
251             draw_image(icons_with_indicators[icon],
252                 game_win->blk_tlx+xx*ICON_WIDTH,
253                 game_win->blk_tly+yy*ICON_HEIGHT);
254         else
255             draw_image(surface,
256                 game_win->blk_tlx+xx*ICON_WIDTH,
257                 game_win->blk_tly+yy*ICON_HEIGHT);
258     }
259     else{
260         draw_image(surface,
261             game_win->blk_tlx+xx*ICON_WIDTH,
262             game_win->blk_tly+yy*ICON_HEIGHT);
263     }
264 }
266 /*
268 void game_win_icon_dump(xy_t x, xy_t y, su_t icon)
269 {
270     xy_t xx, yy;
271     wattrset(game_win,COLOR_PAIR(icon));
272     for(yy=0;yy<ICON_H;yy++)
273         for(xx=0;xx<ICON_W;xx++)
274             mvwaddch(game_win,y+yy,x+xx,icons[icon].chrs[yy][xx]);
275 }
276 */