1Package name:     xrobots
2Version number:   1.0
3Original author:  Brian Warkentine <brianw@Sun.COM>
4Original URL:     ftp://ftp.univie.ac.at/systems/hpux/hpux/Games/Arcade
5Install tree:     /opt/xrobots
6Report bugs to:   workexp@csc.liv.ac.uk
7Tested on:        HP 9000/777/C110 running HP-UX 10.20
8C compiler used:  Version A.10.32.16
10Fight off villainous robots. As in robots 6, xrobots puts you into a world of
11evil robots but in an X window, of course. It's your intellect against the
12robots, who have numbers on their side.
13Date archived:    Thu 22 Jan 1998
14Special notes:    None