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Makefile.amH A D23-Dec-20195.6 KiB155111

Makefile.inH A D03-May-202220.3 KiB624532

READMEH A D23-Dec-2019686 1612

centerballDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20194.2 KiB146116

directionalLightDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20191.8 KiB5948

dragPointDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20193.2 KiB10182

handleBoxDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20199.7 KiB355314

iv2h.sh.inH A D23-Dec-20192.5 KiB7250

jackDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20193.6 KiB138110

pointLightDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-2019976 3624

rotateCylindricalDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20191.3 KiB4332

rotateDiscDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20191.6 KiB5544

rotateSphericalDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20191.9 KiB6751

scale1Dragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20191.3 KiB4537

scale2Dragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20191.8 KiB6655

scale2UniformDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20192.4 KiB7766

scaleUniformDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20192.3 KiB8268

spotLightDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20192.2 KiB8064

tabBoxDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-2019870 3024

tabPlaneDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-2019586 1915

trackballDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20192.5 KiB9476

transformBoxDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20194.1 KiB149122

transformerDragger.ivH A D23-Dec-201913.6 KiB478417

translate1Dragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20191,003 4030

translate2Dragger.ivH A D23-Dec-20191.5 KiB6350


1These are the scene graph geometries used as default geometries for
2the various draggers in Coin.
4They have all been statically compiled into the library, but can be
5overloaded by setting the SO_DRAGGER_DIR environment variable to a
6directory with replacement geometries for the draggers you will be
7using (like this directory, for instance).
9Be sure to use the same filenames for the .iv-files as in this
10directory, and you will also need to use the same node names as in the
11geometry specifications within these files for the draggers to
12recognize and extract the parts they consist of.
14See also "Customizing a Dragger" in Chapter 15 of "The Inventor
15Mentor" (ISBN 0-201-62495-8).