1#' Graphical User Interface for Choosing HCL Color Palettes
3#' A graphical user interface (GUI) for viewing, manipulating, and choosing HCL
4#' color palettes.
6#' Computes palettes based on the HCL (hue-chroma-luminance) color model (as
7#' implemented by \code{\link{polarLUV}}). The GUIs interface the palette
8#' functions \code{\link{qualitative_hcl}} for qualitative palettes,
9#' \code{\link{sequential_hcl}} for sequential palettes with a single or
10#' multiple hues, and \code{\link{diverging_hcl}} for diverging palettes (composed
11#' from two single-hue sequential palettes).
13#' Two different GUIs are implemented and can be selected using the function
14#' input argument \code{gui} (\code{"tcltk"} or \code{"shiny"}). Both GUIs
15#' allows for interactive modification of the arguments of the respective
16#' palette-generating functions, i.e., starting/ending hue (wavelength, type of
17#' color), minimal/maximal chroma (colorfulness), minimal maximal luminance
18#' (brightness, amount of gray), and a power transformations that control how
19#' quickly/slowly chroma and/or luminance are changed through the palette.
20#' Subsets of the parameters may not be applicable depending on the type of
21#' palette chosen. See \code{\link{qualitative_hcl}} and Zeileis et al. (2009, 2019) for
22#' a more detailed explanation of the different arguments. Stauffer et al.
23#' (2015) provide more examples and guidance.
25#' Optionally, active palette can be illustrated by using a range of examples
26#' such as a map, heatmap, scatter plot, perspective 3D surface etc.
28#' To demonstrate different types of deficiencies, the active palette may be
29#' desaturated (emulating printing on a grayscale printer) and collapsed to
30#' emulate different types of color-blindness (without red-green or green-blue
31#' contrasts) using the \code{\link{simulate_cvd}} functions.
33#' \code{choose_palette} by default starts the Tcl/Tk version of the GUI while
34#' \code{hclwizard} by default starts the shiny version. \code{hcl_wizard} is
35#' an alias for \code{hclwizard}.
37#' @param pal function; the initial palette, see \sQuote{Value} below.  Only
38#' used if \code{gui = "tcltk"}.
39#' @param n integer; the initial number of colors in the palette.
40#' @param parent tkwin; the GUI parent window.  Only used if \code{gui =
41#' "tcltk"}.
42#' @param gui character; GUI to use. Available options are \code{tcltk} and
43#' \code{shiny}, see \sQuote{Details} below.
44#' @param ... used for development purposes only.
45#' @return Returns a palette-generating function with the selected arguments.
46#' Thus, the returned function takes an integer argument and returns the
47#' corresponding number of HCL colors by traversing HCL space through
48#' interpolation of the specified hue/chroma/luminance/power values.
49#' @author Jason C. Fisher, Reto Stauffer, Achim Zeileis
50#' @seealso \code{\link{simulate_cvd}}, \code{\link{desaturate}}, \code{\link{qualitative_hcl}}.
51#' @references Zeileis A, Hornik K, Murrell P (2009).  Escaping RGBland:
52#' Selecting Colors for Statistical Graphics.  \emph{Computational Statistics &
53#' Data Analysis}, \bold{53}, 3259--3270.
54#' \doi{10.1016/j.csda.2008.11.033}
55#' Preprint available from
56#' \url{https://www.zeileis.org/papers/Zeileis+Hornik+Murrell-2009.pdf}.
58#' Stauffer R, Mayr GJ, Dabernig M, Zeileis A (2015).  Somewhere over the
59#' Rainbow: How to Make Effective Use of Colors in Meteorological
60#' Visualizations.  \emph{Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society},
61#' \bold{96}(2), 203--216.
62#' \doi{10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00155.1}
64#' Zeileis A, Fisher JC, Hornik K, Ihaka R, McWhite CD, Murrell P, Stauffer R, Wilke CO (2020).
65#' \dQuote{colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes.}
66#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{96}(1), 1--49. \doi{10.18637/jss.v096.i01}
67#' @keywords misc
68#' @examples
69#' if(interactive()) {
70#' ## Using tcltk GUI
71#' pal <- choose_palette()
72#' ## or equivalently: hclwizard(gui = "tcltk")
74#' ## Using shiny GUI
75#' pal <- hclwizard()
76#' ## or equivalently: choose_palette(gui = "shiny")
78#' ## use resulting palette function
79#' filled.contour(volcano, color.palette = pal, asp = 1)
80#' }
81#' @importFrom grDevices dev.cur dev.list dev.new dev.off dev.set
83#' @export
84choose_palette <- function(pal = diverging_hcl, n = 7L, parent = NULL, gui = "tcltk", ...) {
85   args <- list("pal" = pal, "n" = n, "parent" = parent, ...)
86   gui <- match.arg(gui, c("tcltk", "shiny"))
87   do.call(sprintf("choose_palette_%s", gui), args)
90#' @rdname choose_palette
91#' @export
92hclwizard <- function(n = 7L, gui = "shiny", ...) {
93   args <- list("n" = n, ...)
94   gui <- match.arg(gui, c("tcltk", "shiny"))
95   do.call(sprintf("choose_palette_%s", gui), args)
99#' @rdname choose_palette
100#' @usage NULL
101#' @export
102hcl_wizard <- function(n = 7L, gui = "shiny", ...)
103   hclwizard(n = n, gui = gui, ...)
105# -------------------------------------------------------------------
106# Environment for passing around internal information
107# -------------------------------------------------------------------
109.colorspace_env <- new.env()
111.colorspace_get_info <- function(x = NULL) {
112  if(is.null(x)) return(as.list(.colorspace_env))
113  x <- as.character(x)[1L]
114  return(.colorspace_env[[x]])
117.colorspace_set_info <- function(...) {
118  dots <- list(...)
119  if(is.null(names(dots))) {
120    stop("arguments must be named")
121  } else if(any(names(dots) == "")) {
122    warning("ignoring unnamed arguments")
123    dots <- dots[names != ""]
124  }
125  if(length(dots) > 0L) {
126    for(i in names(dots)) {
127      .colorspace_env[[i]] <- dots[[i]]
128    }
129  }
130  invisible(NULL)
134  hclwizard_autohclplot = FALSE,
135  hclwizard_ninit       = 7,
136  hclwizard_verbose     = FALSE,
137  hclwizard_shiny.trace = FALSE
140# Setting global variables to avoid notes during R CMD check
142                         "frame2.cvs.palwidth", "type",
143                         "dev.example", "ttreg.name",
144                         "frame3.scl.1.2", "frame3.scl.2.2", "frame3.scl.3.2", "frame3.scl.4.2",
145                         "frame3.scl.5.2", "frame3.scl.6.2", "frame3.scl.7.2", "frame3.scl.8.2",
146                         "frame3.scl.9.2", "frame3.ent.1.3", "frame3.ent.2.3", "frame3.ent.3.3",
147                         "frame3.ent.4.3", "frame3.ent.5.3", "frame3.ent.6.3", "frame3.ent.7.3",
148                         "frame3.ent.8.3", "frame3.ent.9.3", "h1.ent.var", "h1.scl.var", "h2.ent.var",
149                         "h2.scl.var", "c1.ent.var", "c1.scl.var", "cmax.ent.var", "cmax.scl.var",
150                         "c2.ent.var", "c2.scl.var", "l1.ent.var", "l1.scl.var", "l2.ent.var",
151                         "l2.scl.var", "p1.ent.var", "p1.scl.var", "p2.ent.var", "p2.scl.var"))
154# hclwizard shiny GUI for selecting color palette
155choose_palette_shiny <- function(pal, n = 7L, ...) {
157   # Requirements for shiny application
158   stopifnot(requireNamespace("shiny"), requireNamespace("shinyjs"))
159   appDir <- system.file("hclwizard", package = "colorspace")
160   if (appDir == "")
161      stop("Could not find hclwizard app directory. Try re-installing `colorspace`.", call. = FALSE)
162   # Start shiny
163   dots <- list(...)
164   .colorspace_set_info(hclwizard_aninit = n)
165   .colorspace_set_info(hclwizard_autohclplot = ifelse(is.null(dots$autohclplot), FALSE, as.logical(dots$autohclplot)))
166   .colorspace_set_info(hclwizard_shiny.trace = ifelse(is.null(dots$shiny.trace), FALSE, as.logical(dots$shiny.trace)))
167   options(shiny.trace = .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_shiny.trace"))
168   pal <- shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal", quiet = TRUE )
169   return(pal)
172# tcltk GUI for selecting a color palette
173choose_palette_tcltk <- function( pal = diverging_hcl, n=7L, parent = NULL, ... ) {
175  # Evaluate dots args
176  dots <- list(...)
177  .colorspace_set_info(
178    hclwizard_verbose =  ifelse(is.null(dots$verbose), FALSE, as.logical(dots$verbose)),
179    hclwizard_autohclplot = ifelse(is.null(dots$autohclplot), FALSE, as.logical(dots$autohclplot))
180  )
182  # Choose a file interactively
183  ChooseFile <- function(cmd, win.title, initialfile=NULL,
184                         defaultextension=NULL) {
185    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling ChooseFile\n"))
187    filetypes <- "{{R Source Files} {.R}} {{All files} {*}}"
188    if (cmd == "Open") {
189      args <- list("tk_getOpenFile")
190    } else {
191      args <- list("tk_getSaveFile")
192      if (defaultextension == ".txt")
193        filetypes <- "{{Text Files} {.txt}} {{All files} {*}}"
194    }
195    args[["title"]] <- win.title
196    args[["parent"]] <- tt
197    args[["initialdir"]] <- initialdir
198    args[["filetypes"]] <- filetypes
200    if (!is.null(initialfile))
201      args[["initialfile"]] <- initialfile
202    if (!is.null(defaultextension))
203      args[["defaultextension"]] <- defaultextension
205    f <- tcltk::tclvalue(do.call(tcltk::tcl, args))
206    if (!nzchar(f)) return()
207    initialdir <<- dirname(f)
208    f
209  }
211  # Open palette from file
212  OpenPaletteFromFile <- function() {
213    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling OpenPaletteFromFile\n"))
215    f <- ChooseFile(cmd = "Open", win.title = "Open Palette File")
216    if (is.null(f)) return()
217    pal      <- dget(file = f)
218    pal_args <- ConvertPaletteToAttributes(pal)
219    UpdateDataType()
220    AssignAttributesToWidgets(pal_args)
221    DrawPalette()
222  }
224  # Save palette to file
225  SavePaletteToFile <- function() {
226    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling SavePaletteToFile\n"))
228    f <- ChooseFile(cmd = "Save As", win.title = "Save Palette As",
229                    initialfile = "color_palette", defaultextension = ".R")
230    if (is.null(f)) return()
231    args <- list("type"  = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
232    for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
233        args[[arg]] <- eval(parse(text=arg))
234    # Adding reverse and fixup arguments
235    args$reverse <- reverse
236    args$fixup   <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
237    pal  <- do.call(GetPalette, args)
238    dput(pal, file=f)
239  }
241  # Save colors to file
242  SaveColorsToFile <- function(type) {
243    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling SaveColorsToFile\n"))
245    args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
246    for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
247        eval(parse(text=arg))
248    # Adding reverse and fixup arguments
249    args$reverse <- reverse
250    args$fixup   <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
251    pal <- do.call(GetPalette, args)
253    cols <- try(hex2RGB(pal(n)), silent=TRUE)
254    if (inherits(cols, "try-error")) {
255      msg <- "Palette results in invaild hexadecimal colors."
256      tcltk::tkmessageBox(icon="error", message=msg, title="Color Error",
257                   parent=tt)
258      return()
259    }
261    f <- ChooseFile(cmd="Save As", win.title="Save Colors As",
262                    initialfile=paste("colors_", type, sep=""),
263                    defaultextension=".txt")
264    if (is.null(f)) return()
266    if (type == "HEX") {
267      writehex(cols, file=f)
268    } else {
269      if (type == "sRGB") {
270        cols <- as(cols, "sRGB")@coords
271      } else if (type == "HSV") {
272        cols <- as(cols, "HSV")@coords
273      } else if (type == "HCL") {
274        cols <- as(cols, "polarLUV")@coords
275      } else if (type == "CMYK") {
276        cols <- as(cols, "RGB")@coords
277        red   <- cols[, "R"]
278        green <- cols[, "G"]
279        blue  <- cols[, "B"]
280        black <- sapply(1:n, function(i) min(c(1 - red[i],
281                                               1 - green[i],
282                                               1 - blue[i])))
283        cyan <- (1 - red - black) / (1 - black)
284        magenta <- (1 - green - black) / (1 - black)
285        yellow <- (1 - blue - black) / (1 - black)
286        cols <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(list(C=cyan, M=black,
287                                             Y=yellow, K=black)))
288      }
289      utils::write.table(cols, file=f, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
290    }
291  }
293  # Save palette and quit
294  SavePalette <- function() {
295    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling SavePalette\n"))
297    args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
298    for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
299        args[[arg]] <- eval(parse(text=arg))
300    # Adding reverse and fixup arguments
301    args$reverse <- reverse
302    args$fixup   <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
303    pal.rtn     <<- do.call(GetPalette, args)
304    tcltk::tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1
305  }
307  # Scale change
308  ScaleChange <- function(x, v, x.ent.var) {
309    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling ScaleChange\n"))
311    if (x == get(v)) return()
312    assign(v, x, inherits=TRUE)
313    fmt <- ifelse(v %in% c("p1", "p2"), "%.1f", "%.0f")
314    tcltk::tclvalue(x.ent.var) <- sprintf(fmt, x)
315    DrawPalette(v == "n")
316  }
318  # Entry change
319  EntryChange <- function(v, x.lim, x.ent.var, x.scl.var) {
320    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling EntryChange\n"))
322    x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(x.ent.var)))
323    if (is.na(x))
324      return()
325    if (x < x.lim[1]) {
326      tcltk::tclvalue(x.ent.var) <- x.lim[1]
327      x <- x.lim[1]
328    } else if (x > x.lim[2]) {
329      tcltk::tclvalue(x.ent.var) <- x.lim[2]
330      x <- x.lim[2]
331    }
332    assign(v, x, inherits=TRUE)
333    tcltk::tclvalue(x.scl.var) <- x
334    DrawPalette(v == "n")
335  }
337  # Helper function to create the hex palettes.
338  # Generates "n" colors from palette "pal" and manipulates them
339  # if desaturation or CVD simulation is required.
340  get_hex_colors <- function(pal,n) {
341    fixup <- as.logical(as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
342    pal.cols <- pal(n, fixup = fixup)
343    if (as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(desaturation.var))))
344      pal.cols <- desaturate(pal.cols)
345    if (as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(colorblind.var)))) {
346      type <- as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(colorblind.type.var))
347      pal.cols <- do.call(type,list("col"=pal.cols))
348    }
349    pal.cols
350  }
352  # Draw current palette given the slider settings. Fills the
353  # canvas object placed horizontally in the lower part of the GUI.
354  # is.n is TRUE if the slider for "n" is moved. Else FALSE. IF
355  # FALSE the "selected default color palette" polygon ("browse")
356  # will be removed.
357  DrawPalette <- function(is.n = FALSE) {
358    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling DrawPalette\n"))
360    args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
361    for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
362        args[[arg]] <- eval(parse(text=arg))
363    # Adding reverse and fixup arguments
364    args$reverse <- reverse
365    args$fixup   <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
367    if ( ! is.n ) tcltk::tcl(frame2.cvs, "delete", "browse")
368    pal <- do.call(GetPalette, args)
369    tcltk::tcl(frame7.cvs, "delete", "pal")
371    pal.cols <- get_hex_colors(pal, n)
372    dx <- (cvs.width - 1) / n
373    x2 <- 1
374    y1 <- 1
375    y2 <- cvs.height
376    # NA color (white or black, depending on darkmode.var)
377    NAcolor <- ifelse(tcltk::tclvalue(darkmode.var) != "1", "#FFFFFF", "#000000")
378    for (color in pal.cols) {
379      color <- ifelse(is.na(color), NAcolor, color)
380      x1  <- x2
381      x2  <- x1 + dx
382      pts <- tcltk::.Tcl.args(c(x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2))
383      tcltk::tkcreate(frame7.cvs, "polygon", pts, fill = color, tag = "pal")
384    }
385    RegenExample(pal,n)
386  }
388  # Update data type
389  # @param ... used when called via callback.
390  # @param init logical. Default is FALSE, if set to TRUE the first default
391  #     palette of the current palette config is used. Only used when initializing
392  #     the GUI.
393  frame2.cvs.paloffset <- frame2.cvs.palwidth <- NULL
394  UpdateDataType <- function(..., init = FALSE) {
395    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling UpdateDataType\n"))
396    tcltk::tcl(frame2.cvs, "delete", "browse")
398    # Default palettes to data.frame
399    pals_to_dataframe <- function(x) {
400        x <- as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(sapply(x, function(x) x), ncol = length(x))))
401        names(x)  <- vars.pal
402        x$reverse <- FALSE
403        return(x)
404    }
405    type <- as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var))
407    # Loading default palettes via GetPaletteConfig
408    palettes <- GetPaletteConfig(gui = TRUE)
409    names(palettes)  <- tolower(names(palettes))
410    palettes$fixup   <- TRUE
411    palettes$reverse <- FALSE
413    if (type == "Basic: Qualitative") {
414      default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "qual")
416    } else if ( type == "Basic: Sequential (single-hue)" ) {
417      default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "seqs")
419    } else if ( type == "Advanced: Sequential (single-hue)" ) {
420      default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "seqs_advanced")
422    } else if (type == "Basic: Sequential (multi-hue)") {
423      default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "seqm")
425    } else if (type == "Advanced: Sequential (multi-hue)") {
426      default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "seqm_advanced")
428    } else if (type == "Basic: Diverging") {
429      default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "dive")
431    } else if (type == "Advanced: Diverging") {
432      default.pals <<- subset(palettes, type == "dive_advanced")
434    }
436    # Default palettes. Draws the canvas placed vertically side by side
437    # in the upper part of the GUI.
438    tcltk::tcl(frame2.cvs, "delete", "default")
439    # Offset and width of the default palettes.
440    frame2.cvs.paloffset <<- 3
441    frame2.cvs.palwidth  <<- 380 / (nrow(default.pals)) - 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset
442    frame2.cvs.palwidth  <<- max(10, min(30 + 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset, frame2.cvs.palwidth))
443    x1 <- frame2.cvs.paloffset # Start with one offset
444    for (i in 1:nrow(default.pals)) {
445      # Create numeric palette parameter list, drop name
446      args <- as.list(default.pals[i,])
447      args <- args[which(! names(args) %in% c("name", "gui"))]
448      args$type     <- as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var))
449      args$reverse  <- FALSE
450      args$fixup    <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
451      args$register <- ""
453      pal      <- do.call(GetPalette, args=args)
454      pal.cols <- pal(5)
455      pal.cols[is.na(pal.cols)] <- "#FFFFFF" # Use white for NA colors (if fixup = FALSE)
456      y2 <- frame2.cvs.paloffset
458      for (j in pal.cols) {
459        x2  <- x1 + frame2.cvs.palwidth
460        y1  <- y2
461        y2  <- y1 + (70 - 2*frame2.cvs.paloffset) / length(pal.cols)
462        # Plading the tk element
463        pts <- tcltk::.Tcl.args(c(x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2))
464        tcltk::tkcreate(frame2.cvs, "polygon", pts, fill=j, tag="default")
465      }
467      if ( i == 1 ) {
468        y1  <- frame2.cvs.paloffset
469        y2  <- y1 + 70 - 2*frame2.cvs.paloffset
470        pts <- tcltk::.Tcl.args(c(x1 - 2, y1 - 2, x2 + 1, y1 - 2, x2 + 1, y2 + 1, x1 - 2, y2 + 1))
471        tcltk::tkcreate(frame2.cvs, "polygon", pts, fill = "", outline = "black", tag = "browse")
472      }
474      # Increase x1
475      x1 <- x1 + frame2.cvs.palwidth + 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset
476    }
478    # Use first default palette as default
479    if ( init ) AssignAttributesToWidgets(as.list(default.pals[1,]))
480    DrawPalette(TRUE)
481  }
483  # Select default palette
484  # Triggered when the user clicks one of our default palettes.
485  SelectDefaultPalette <- function(x, y) {
486    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling SelectDefaultPalette\n"))
488    # Position within tcltk object
489    x <- as.numeric(x)
490    y <- as.numeric(y)
491    if (is.na(x) | is.na(y)) return()
493    y1 <- frame2.cvs.paloffset; y2 <- 70 - frame2.cvs.paloffset
494    if (y < y1 | y > y2)     return()
496    # max.x: width of the whole selectable area
497    max.x <- nrow(default.pals) * (frame2.cvs.palwidth + 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset)
498    if (x < 0 | x > max.x)   return()
499    x.seq <- seq(0, max.x, by = frame2.cvs.palwidth + 2 * frame2.cvs.paloffset)
501    # Getting palette arguments
502    i        <- findInterval(x, x.seq, rightmost.closed=TRUE)
503    pal_args <- as.list(default.pals[i,])
505    # Draw black frame around the selected palette
506    x1 <- x.seq[i]
507    x2 <- x.seq[i + 1]
508    for ( key in vars[!vars %in% c("name", "type", "gui")] ) {
509      val <- as.numeric(pal_args[[key]])
510      if ( is.na(val) ) val <- 0
511      #cat(sprintf("- Assign %-10s", key)); print(val)
512      assign(key, val, inherits=TRUE)
513    }
514    AssignAttributesToWidgets(pal_args)
515    DrawPalette()
517    # Assign new palette attributes/settings to the slider elements
518    tcltk::tcl(frame2.cvs, "delete", "browse")
519    pts <- tcltk::.Tcl.args(c(x1 + 1, y1 - 2, x2 - 2, y1 - 2, x2 - 2, y2 + 1, x1 + 1, y2 + 1))
520    tcltk::tkcreate(frame2.cvs, "polygon", pts, fill = "", outline = "black", tag = "browse")
521  }
524  # Convert palette to attributes
525  ConvertPaletteToAttributes <- function(pal) {
526    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling ConvertPaletteToAttributes\n"))
528    # If input was missing or NULL, take a default sequential
529    # multi hue palette (the first in the GetPaletteConfig data.frame)
530    if ( missing(pal) | is.null(pal) ) {
532        tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var) <- "Basic: Sequential (multi-hue)"
533        pal_args <- GetPaletteConfig(gui = TRUE)
534        pal_args <- as.list(subset(pal_args, type == "seqm")[1,])
535        names(pal_args) <- tolower(names(pal_args))
537    # Take arguments from function input, if set
538    } else if (inherits(pal, "function")) {
540        arg      <- sapply(formals(pal), function(i) {if (is.call(i)) eval(i) else i})
542        # List to take up the palette parameters
543        pal_args <- list("n" = 7)
545        # De-parsing h, c, l, power to (h1, h2), (c1, c2), (l1, l2), (p1, p2)
546        # Overwrite the NA defaults (if set)
547        if ( length(arg$h) > 0 ) {
548            for ( i in seq_along(arg$h) )
549                eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal_args$h%1$d <- arg$h[%1$dL]", i)))
550        }
551        # For c1/cmax/c2 we need a bit of custom code. For different palette types
552        # the "c" handling is different.
553        # - Qualitative: they only have a single-element "c" (easy)
554        # - Sequential single hue: c can be a c(c1) or c(c1, cmax)
555        # - Sequential multi hue:  c can be a c(c1, c2) or c(c1, c2, cmax)
556        # - Diverging: c can be a c(c1) or c(c1, cmax)
557        # Thus, diverging_hcl "advanced" and sequential multi hue "not advanced"
558        # can look very similar given there default arguments, e.g.,:
559        # - diverging_hcl(n = 7, h = c(0, 100), c = c(50, 70), l = c(40, 90))
560        # - sequential_hcl(n = 7, h = c(0, 100), c = c(50, 70), l = c(40, 90))
561        # When loading a palette we do not get the function name, only the function
562        # arguments (via formals). Do be able to distinguish between these two
563        # types the diverging_hcl "advanced" stores a "cmax" in addition. Thus,
564        # if we have a chroma vector of length 2 PLUS a cmax which maches c[2L]
565        # we assume we have a diverging "advanced" palette and have to split
566        # the arguments in a different way.
567        #
568        # Sequential multi hue advanced with c(c1, c2, cmax)
569        if ( length(arg$c) >= 3 ) {
570            pal_args$c1   <- arg$c[1L]
571            pal_args$cmax <- arg$c[2L]
572            pal_args$c2   <- arg$c[3L]
573        # Diverging advanced with c(c1, cmax) and c[2L] == cmax
574        } else if ( length(arg$c == 2 & arg$c[2L] == arg$cmax) ) {
575            pal_args$c1   <- arg$c[1L]
576            pal_args$cmax <- arg$c[2L]
577        # Else sequential multi hue (not advanced)
578        } else if ( length(arg$c) > 0 ) {
579            for ( i in seq(1, length(arg$c)) )
580                eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal_args$c%1$d <- arg$c[%1$dL]", i)))
581        }
582        if ( length(arg$l) > 0 ) {
583            for ( i in seq_along(arg$l) )
584                eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal_args$l%1$d <- arg$l[%1$dL]", i)))
585        }
586        if ( length(arg$power) > 0 ) {
587            for ( i in seq_along(arg$power) )
588                eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal_args$p%1$d <- arg$power[%1$dL]", i)))
589        }
590        if ( is.logical(arg$rev) )
591            pal_args[["rev"]] <- arg$rev
592        # Fixup
593        if (! is.null(arg$fixup) && is.logical(arg$fixup))
594            pal_args[["fixup"]] <- as.integer(arg$fixup)
595        else
596            pal_args[["fixup"]] <- 1
598        # Overrule settings with special arguments
599        for ( key in names(arg) ) {
600            if ( grepl("^([clh][12]|cmax)$", key) & ! is.null(arg[[key]]) )
601                if ( ! inherits(arg[[key]], "name") ) pal_args[[key]] <- arg[[key]]
602        }
604        # If input is rainbow_hcl
605        rb.args   <- c("c", "l", "start", "end")  # args for qualitative palettes
606        if ( all(sapply(rb.args, function(i) inherits(arg[[i]], c("integer", "numeric")))) ) {
607          tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var) <- "Basic: Qualitative"
608          pal_args$h1 <- arg$start
609          pal_args$h2 <- arg$end
610        }
612        # If has no c2, l2, p1, p2, cmax -> qualitative
613        arg_names <- names(pal_args)[!is.na(pal_args)]
614        # Qualitative palettes:
615        # - Always NA: cmax, c2, l2, p1, p2
616        if ( all( ! c("cmax", "c2", "l2", "p1", "p2") %in% arg_names) ) {
617            pal_type <- "Basic: Qualitative"
618        # Sequential single hue
619        # - Always NA: h2, cmax, c2, p2
620        } else if ( all( ! c("h2", "cmax", "c2", "p2") %in% arg_names) ) {
621            pal_type <- "Basic: Sequential (single-hue)"
622        # Diverging
623        # - Always NA: cmax, c2
624        } else if ( all( ! c("cmax", "c2") %in% arg_names) ) {
625            pal_type <- "Basic: Diverging"
626        # Diverging, advanced
627        # - Always NA: c2, but have h1 and h2
628        } else if ( all(! c("c2") %in% arg_names) & all(c("h1", "h2") %in% arg_names )) {
629            pal_type <- "Advanced: Diverging"
630        # Sequential single hue, advanced
631        # - Always NA: h2
632        } else if ( all(! c("h2") %in% arg_names) ) {
633            pal_type <- "Advanced: Sequential (single-hue)"
634        # Sequential multi hue, advanced
635        # - Always NA: cmax
636        } else if ( ! "cmax" %in% arg_names ) {
637            pal_type <- "Basic: Sequential (multi-hue)"
638        # Else we expect it to be a sequential hulti hue, advanced
639        } else {
640            pal_type <- "Advanced: Sequential (multi-hue)"
641        }
642        tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var) <- pal_type
644        # Extending the palette args with NA's
645        for ( key in slider_elements )
646            if ( ! key %in% names(pal_args) ) pal_args[[key]] <- NA
647        for ( key in names(pal_args) )
648            if ( ! key %in% c("rev", slider_elements) ) pal_args[[key]] <- NULL # Remove
650    } else {
651        stop("Cannot interpret input palette in choose_palette")
652    }
654    # Return palette settings
655    return(pal_args)
656  }
659  # Assign attributes to widgets
660  # pal_args can be a named list with the settings of the
661  # current palette (e.g,. when the user selects a new default
662  # palette). If an element contains NA the corresponding
663  # slider will be disabled.
664  AssignAttributesToWidgets <- function(pal_args) {
665    if ( .colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_verbose") ) cat(sprintf("Calling AssignAttributesToWidgets\n"))
667    # Setting rev (reverse colors) if specified
668    if ( is.logical(pal_args$rev) ) {
669        tcltk::tclvalue(reverse.var) <- pal_args$rev
670        reverse <<- pal_args$rev
671    }
673    # Looping trouch slider elements
674    for ( i in seq_along(slider_elements) ) {
676        # Name of the slider element
677        key <- slider_elements[i]
679        # Format to set the current value
680        if ( key %in% c("name", "gui", "n") ) {
681            next
682        } else if ( grepl("^[hcl]", key) ) {
683            fmt <- "%.0f"
684        } else {
685            fmt <- "%.1f"
686        }
688        # If pal_args is given: check if value is.na. If NA:
689        # disable label, slider, and the text output element.
690        # Else enable.
691        if ( !missing(pal_args) ) {
692            state <- ifelse(is.na(pal_args[[key]]), FALSE, TRUE)
693            #cat(sprintf(" - Setting sliders t/f: %s  %s", state, key))
694            #cat(sprintf("   %s .... %.1f\n", key, pal_args[[key]]))
695            cmd   <- sprintf("tcltk::tkconfigure(frame3.lab.%d.1, state = \"%s\")",
696                           i, ifelse(state, "normal", "disabled"))
697            eval(parse(text = cmd))
698            cmd   <- sprintf("tcltk::tkconfigure(frame3.ent.%d.3, state = \"%s\")",
699                           i, ifelse(state, "normal", "disabled"))
700            eval(parse(text = cmd))
701            cmd   <- sprintf("tcltk::tcl(frame3.scl.%d.2, \"state\", \"%s\")",
702                           i, ifelse(state, "!disabled", "disabled"))
703            eval(parse(text = cmd))
704        }
706        # Update slider range (c1/c2) if a palette with
707        # additional cmax has been selected by the user.
708        # In these cases we are setting:
709        # - c1 range of 0 - 180
710        # - c2 range of 0 - 180
711        if ( is.na(pal_args$cmax) ) {
712            for ( i in grep("^(c1|c2)$", slider_elements) ) {
713                # Reducing upper limit from 180 to 100: make
714                # sure the values are not above 100. If they are,
715                # set them to 100.
716                cmd   <- sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%s.ent.var)", slider_elements[i])
717                val   <- eval(parse(text = cmd))
718                val   <- ifelse(val == "NA", NA, as.numeric(val))
719                if ( ! is.na(val) && val > 100 ) {
720                    eval(parse(text = sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%s.ent.var) <- 100", slider_elements[i])))
721                    eval(parse(text = sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%s.scl.var) <- 100", slider_elements[i])))
722                }
723                cmd   <- sprintf("tcltk::tkconfigure(frame3.scl.%d.2, to = %d)", i, 100)
724                eval(parse(text = cmd))
725            }
726        } else {
727            for ( i in grep("^(c1|c2)$", slider_elements) ) {
728                cmd   <- sprintf("tcltk::tkconfigure(frame3.scl.%d.2, to = %d)", i, 180)
729                eval(parse(text = cmd))
730            }
731        }
734        # If attribute is NA: set to 0
735        #val <- ifelse(is.na(pal_args[[key]]), 0, pal_args[[key]])
736        val <- pal_args[[key]]
738        # Set current value (slider and text output)
739        if ( is.na(val) ) {
740            cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%1$s.ent.var) <- \"NA\"", key)
741        } else {
742            cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%1$s.ent.var) <- sprintf(\"%2$s\", %3$.1f)", key, fmt, val)
743        }
744        eval(parse(text = cmd))
745        cmd <- sprintf("tcltk::tclvalue(%1$s.scl.var) <- %2$.1f", key, val)
746        eval(parse(text = cmd))
747        assign(key, val, inherits=TRUE)
748    }
750  }
752  # Open window to register a palette
753  RegisterPalette <- function(x) {
755    # New tcltk window (tktoplevel)
756    ttreg <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
758    # Loading geometry (sidze and position) of the main window
759    geo <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(tcltk::tkwm.geometry(tt)), "\\+"))
760    dim <- unlist(strsplit(geo[1L], "x"))
761    pos_x <- as.integer(geo[2L]) + (as.integer(dim[1L]) - 300) / 2
762    pos_y <- as.integer(geo[3L]) + 50
763    tcltk::tkwm.geometry(ttreg, sprintf("300x100+%.0f+%.0f", pos_x, pos_y))
764    tcltk::tkwm.resizable(ttreg, 0, 0)
765    tcltk::tktitle(ttreg) <- "Register Custom Palette"
767    # Function registering the palette
768    reg_pal <- function() {
769        name <- tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.name)
770        if ( nchar(name) > 0 ) {
771            args <- list("type" = as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var)))
772            for ( arg in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
773                args[[arg]] <- eval(parse(text=arg))
774            args$reverse  <- reverse
775            args$register <- name
776            args$fixup    <- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var)))
777            # Loading palette with register = NAME
778            pal <- do.call(GetPalette, args)
779            # Evaluate/execute the function to register the new palette.
780            pal(1)
781            # Close Register-window
782            tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.done.var) <- 1
783        }
784    }
786    # Adding text, text input, and register button.
787    ttreg.name <- tcltk::tclVar("")
788    reg_text   <- tcltk::tklabel(  ttreg, text = "Enter palette name:")
789    reg_name   <- tcltk::ttkentry( ttreg, textvariable = ttreg.name, width = 12)
790    reg_btn    <- tcltk::ttkbutton(ttreg, width=12, state = "disabled",
791                     text="Register", command = reg_pal)
793    # Allow to close with Escape, register palette when pressing return, and
794    # the destroy functionality when pressing the "X" button.
795    tcltk::tkbind(ttreg, "<Escape>", function() tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.done.var) <- 1)
796    tcltk::tkbind(ttreg, "<Return>", reg_pal)
797    tcltk::tkbind(ttreg, "<Destroy>", function() tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.done.var) <- 1);
799    # Checking user name for the palette. Only allows alpha numeric values,
800    # blanks, dashes, and underscores.
801    check_name <- function() {
802        name <- unlist(strsplit(tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.name), ""))
803        name <- paste(regmatches(name, regexpr("[A-Za-z\\_\\-\\s0-9]",
804                                 name, perl = T)), collapse = "")
805        tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.name) <- name
806        if ( nchar(name) > 0 ) {
807           tcltk::tkconfigure(reg_btn, state = "normal")
808        } else {
809           tcltk::tkconfigure(reg_btn, state = "disabled")
810        }
811    }
812    tcltk::tkbind(reg_name, "<KeyRelease>", check_name)
815    # Add to window
816    #tcltk::tkgrid(reg_text, sticky = "w", padx = c(10,10), pady = c(10,10))
817    #tcltk::tkgrid(reg_name, reg_btn, padx = c(10,10))
818    tcltk::tkgrid(reg_text, sticky = "w", padx = c(10, 10), pady = c(10, 10))
819    tcltk::tkgrid(reg_name, reg_btn)
820    tcltk::tkfocus(reg_name)
822    # GUI control
823    tcltk::tkgrab(ttreg)
824    tcltk::tkwait.variable(ttreg.done.var)
825    tcltk::tclServiceMode(FALSE)
826    tcltk::tkgrab.release(ttreg)
827    tcltk::tkdestroy(ttreg)
828    tcltk::tclServiceMode(TRUE)
829  }
832  # Show example plot
833  ShowExample <- function() {
834    if ( ! dev.example %in% dev.list() ) {
835      dev.new(width = 7L, height = 7L)
836      dev.example <<- dev.cur()
837    }
838    ExampleSetPar()
839    DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE)
840  }
842  ExampleSetPar <- function() {
843    if ( ! as.logical(as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(darkmode.var))) ) {
844        par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
845        par(bg = "white", fg = "black", col.axis = "black")
846    } else {
847        par(mar = rep(1, 4))
848        par(bg = "black", fg = "white", col.axis = "white")
849    }
850  }
852  ActivateDarkmode <- function() {
853    if (dev.example %in% dev.list()) dev.set(which = dev.example)
854    else                             return()
855    # If dark mode has been set off
856    # Draw palette, also regenerates example if open
857    ExampleSetPar()
858    DrawPalette()
859  }
861  # Regenerate example plot
862  RegenExample <- function(pal,n) {
863    if (dev.example %in% dev.list()) dev.set(which=dev.example)
864    else                             return()
865    plot_example <- eval(parse(text=sprintf("plot_%s",
866                         gsub(" ", "", tolower(tcltk::tclvalue(example.var))))))
867    # Spectrum plot: take 100 values (hardcoded)
868    if ( tcltk::tclvalue(example.var) == "Spectrum" ) n <- 100
869    pal.cols <- get_hex_colors(pal,n)
871    if ( grepl("^HCL\\sPlot$", as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(example.var))) & !.colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_autohclplot") ) {
872        type <- as.character(tcltk::tclvalue(nature.var))
873        if      ( grepl("[Dd]iverging", type) )   { type <- "diverging" }
874        else if ( grepl("[Ss]equential", type) )  { type <- "sequential" }
875        else if ( grepl("[Qq]ualitative", type) ) { type <- "qualitative" }
876        else                                      { type <- NULL }
877        plot_example(pal.cols, type = type)
878    } else {
879        plot_example(pal.cols)
880    }
881  }
884  # ----------------------------------------------------------------
885  # Main program
886  # ----------------------------------------------------------------
888  # Initialize directory
889  initialdir   <- getwd()
891  # Default
892  reverse      <- FALSE
894  # Initialize return palette
895  pal.rtn      <- NULL
897  # Initialize default palettes
898  default.pals <- NULL
900  # Initialize data for scatter plot example
901  xyhclust     <- NULL
903  # Initialize data for mosaic plot example
904  msc.matrix   <- NULL
906  # Flag graphics device
907  dev.example  <- 1
909  # Set default and initial palettes
910  for ( key in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] )
911      eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s <- 0", key)))
912  fixup <- 1
914  # Load/Define palettes
915  vars      <- vars.pal
916  qual.pals <- qual.pals
917  seqs.pals <- seqs.pals
918  seqm.pals <- seqm.pals
919  dive.pals <- dive.pals
921  # Set limits for palette attributes
922  h1.lim    <- c(-360, 360)
923  h2.lim    <- c(-360, 360)
924  c1.lim    <- c(   0, 100)
925  cmax.lim  <- c(   0, 180)
926  c2.lim    <- c(   0, 100)
927  l1.lim    <- c(   0, 100)
928  l2.lim    <- c(   0, 100)
929  p1.lim    <- c(   0,   3)
930  p2.lim    <- c(   0,   3)
931  n.lim     <- c(   1,  50)
933  # Set dimensions on palette canvas
934  cvs.width  <- 328 # 30 * 10 + 10 + 18
935  cvs.height <- 25
937  # Assign additional variables linked to Tk widgets
938  example.var <- tcltk::tclVar()
939  nature.var  <- tcltk::tclVar()
941  n.scl.var <- tcltk::tclVar(n)
942  n.ent.var <- tcltk::tclVar(n)
944  # Setting up tcltk variables and scale elements.
945  for ( key in vars.pal[!vars.pal %in% "type"] ) {
946      eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s.scl.var <- tcltk::tclVar()", key)))
947      eval(parse(text = sprintf("%s.ent.var <- tcltk::tclVar()", key)))
948  }
950  # Adding tcltk variables for the color control elements
951  # (checkboxes, radio buttons) with defaults.
952  fixup.var           <- tcltk::tclVar(fixup)
953  reverse.var         <- tcltk::tclVar(FALSE)
954  desaturation.var    <- tcltk::tclVar(FALSE)
955  darkmode.var       <- tcltk::tclVar(FALSE)
956  colorblind.var      <- tcltk::tclVar(FALSE)
957  colorblind.type.var <- tcltk::tclVar("deutan")
959  tt.done.var         <- tcltk::tclVar(0)
960  ttreg.done.var      <- tcltk::tclVar(0)
962  # Open GUI
963  tcltk::tclServiceMode(FALSE)
965  tt <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
966  if (!is.null(parent)) {
967    tcltk::tkwm.transient(tt, parent)
968    geo <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(tcltk::tkwm.geometry(parent)), "\\+"))
969    tcltk::tkwm.geometry(tt, paste("+", as.integer(geo[2]) + 25,
970                            "+", as.integer(geo[3]) + 25, sep=""))
971  }
972  tcltk::tkwm.resizable(tt, 0, 0)
973  tcltk::tkwm.geometry(tt, "425x745+0+10")
974  tcltk::tktitle(tt) <- "Choose Color Palette"
976  # Top file menu
977  top.menu  <- tcltk::tkmenu(tt, tearoff = 0)
978  menu.file <- tcltk::tkmenu(tt, tearoff = 0)
979  tcltk::tkadd(top.menu, "cascade", label = "File", menu = menu.file, underline = 0)
980  tcltk::tkadd(top.menu, "command", label = "Register",
981               command = RegisterPalette, underline = 0)
983  tcltk::tkadd(menu.file, "command", label = "Open palette", accelerator = "Ctrl+O",
984               command = OpenPaletteFromFile)
985  tcltk::tkadd(menu.file, "command", label = "Save palette as",
986               accelerator = "Shift+Ctrl+S", command = SavePaletteToFile)
988  menu.file.colors <- tcltk::tkmenu(tt, tearoff=0)
989  tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="HEX",
990               command=function() SaveColorsToFile("HEX"))
991  tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="sRGB",
992               command=function()  SaveColorsToFile("sRGB"))
993  tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="HSV",
994               command=function()  SaveColorsToFile("HSV"))
995  tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="HCL",
996               command=function()  SaveColorsToFile("HCL"))
997  tcltk::tkadd(menu.file.colors, "command", label="CMYK",
998               command=function()  SaveColorsToFile("CMYK"))
999  tcltk::tkadd(menu.file, "cascade", label="Save colors as", menu=menu.file.colors)
1001  tcltk::tkconfigure(tt, menu=top.menu)
1003  # Frame 0, ok and cancel buttons
1004  frame0 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
1005  frame0.but.3 <- tcltk::ttkbutton(frame0, width=12, text="OK", command=SavePalette)
1006  frame0.but.4 <- tcltk::ttkbutton(frame0, width=12, text="Cancel",
1007                            command=function() {
1008                              pal.rtn <<- NULL
1009                              tcltk::tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1
1010                            })
1011  tcltk::tkgrid("x", frame0.but.3, frame0.but.4, pady=c(10, 10))
1012  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame0.but.3, sticky="e")
1013  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame0.but.4, sticky="w", padx=c(4, 10))
1014  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame0, 0, weight=1)
1016  tcltk::tkpack(frame0, fill="x", side="bottom", anchor="e")
1018  # Frame 1, choose nature of data
1019  frame1 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief = "flat")
1020  frame1.lab.1 <- tcltk::ttklabel(frame1, text = "Type of palette: ")
1021  frame1.box.2 <- tcltk::ttkcombobox(frame1, state = "readonly", textvariable = nature.var,
1022                   values=c("Basic: Qualitative",
1023                            "Basic: Sequential (single-hue)",
1024                            "Basic: Sequential (multi-hue)",
1025                            "Basic: Diverging",
1026                            "Advanced: Sequential (single-hue)",
1027                            "Advanced: Sequential (multi-hue)",
1028                            "Advanced: Diverging"))
1030  tcltk::tkgrid(frame1.lab.1, frame1.box.2, pady=c(10, 0))
1031  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame1.lab.1, padx=c(10, 2))
1032  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame1.box.2, padx=c(0, 10), sticky="we")
1034  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame1, 1, weight=1)
1036  tcltk::tkpack(frame1, fill="x")
1038  # Frame 2, default color schemes
1039  frame2 <- tcltk::ttklabelframe(tt, relief = "flat", borderwidth = 5, padding = 5,
1040                          text = "Default color schemes")
1041  frame2.cvs <- tcltk::tkcanvas(frame2, relief="flat", width = 310, height = 70,
1042                         background = "white", confine = TRUE, closeenough = 0,
1043                         borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0)
1044  tcltk::tkgrid(frame2.cvs, sticky="we")
1045  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame2, 0, weight=1)
1046  tcltk::tkpack(frame2, fill="x", padx=10, pady=10)
1048  # Frame 3, color description
1049  txt <- "Palette description: Hue, Chroma, Luminance, Power"
1050  frame3 <- tcltk::ttklabelframe(tt, relief="flat", borderwidth=5, padding=5, text=txt)
1052  # Appending labels, tcltk grid and add variables.
1053  # This vector will be used in several places to set values
1054  # and/or enable/disable the elements.
1055  slider_elements <- c("h1", "h2", "c1", "cmax", "c2", "l1", "l2", "p1", "p2", "n")
1057  # Setting up the GUI elements (combination of label, slider, and text output)
1058  for ( i in seq_along(slider_elements) ) {
1059    # Name of the current slider element
1060    key = slider_elements[i]
1062    # Command to create the slider label
1063    cmd_label <- sprintf("frame3.lab.%1$d.1 <- tcltk::ttklabel(frame3, text=\"%2$s\", width=5)",
1064                         i, toupper(key))
1066    # Command to create the slider
1067    # For p1/p2: numeric(...), for all others: round(numeric(...))
1068    if ( grepl("^p", key) ) {
1069        scl_fun <- "as.numeric(...)"
1070    } else {
1071        scl_fun <- "round(as.numeric(...))"
1072    }
1073    cmd_slider <- sprintf(paste("frame3.scl.%1$d.2 <- tcltk::tkwidget(frame3,",
1074                                "\"ttk::scale\", from = %3$s.lim[1L], to = %3$s.lim[2L],",
1075                                "orient = \"horizontal\", value = %3$s, variable = %3$s.scl.var,",
1076                                "command = function(...) {",
1077                                "   ScaleChange(x = %2$s, v=\"%3$s\", x.ent.var = %3$s.ent.var)",
1078                                "})"), i, scl_fun, key)
1080    # Command to create the text output
1081    cmd_text <- sprintf(paste("frame3.ent.%1$d.3 <- tcltk::ttkentry(frame3,",
1082                              "textvariable=%2$s.ent.var, width = 4)"), i, key)
1084    # Execute the commands
1085    eval(parse(text = cmd_label))
1086    eval(parse(text = cmd_slider))
1087    eval(parse(text = cmd_text))
1090    # Place all sliders (except n) on frame3
1091    if ( ! key == "n" ) {
1092        cmd <- sprintf(paste("tcltk::tkgrid(frame3.lab.%1$d.1, frame3.scl.%1$d.2,",
1093                             "frame3.ent.%1$d.3, pady=c(0, 5))"), i)
1094        eval(parse(text = cmd))
1095    }
1096  }
1098  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame3.scl.1.2, frame3.scl.2.2, frame3.scl.3.2,
1099                          frame3.scl.4.2, frame3.scl.5.2, frame3.scl.6.2,
1100                          frame3.scl.7.2, frame3.scl.8.2, frame3.scl.9.2,
1101                          sticky="we", padx=c(4, 10))
1103  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame3, 1, weight=1)
1105  tcltk::tkpack(frame3, fill="x", padx=10, pady=0)
1107  # Frame 4, color palette fixup
1108  frame4 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
1109  txt <- "Correct all colors to valid RGB color model values"
1110  frame4.chk.1 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame4, text=txt, variable=fixup.var,
1111                                 command=function() {
1112                                   fixup <<- as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(fixup.var))
1113                                   DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE)
1114                                 })
1115  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame4.chk.1, padx=c(12, 0), pady=c(2, 0))
1116  tcltk::tkpack(frame4, fill="x")
1118  # Frame 5, number of colors in palette
1119  txt <- "Number of colors in palette"
1120  frame5 <- tcltk::ttklabelframe(tt, relief="flat", borderwidth=5, padding=5, text=txt)
1122  frame5.lab.1 <- tcltk::ttklabel(frame5, text="n", width=2)
1123  frame5.ent.3 <- tcltk::ttkentry(frame5, textvariable=n.ent.var, width=4)
1124  frame5.scl.2 <- tcltk::tkwidget(frame5, "ttk::scale", from=n.lim[1], to=n.lim[2],
1125                           orient="horizontal", value=n, variable=n.scl.var,
1126                           command=function(...) {
1127                             ScaleChange(x=round(as.numeric(...)), v="n",
1128                                         x.ent.var=n.ent.var)
1129                           })
1131  tcltk::tkgrid(frame5.lab.1, frame5.scl.2, frame5.ent.3)
1132  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame5.scl.2, sticky = "we", padx = c(4, 10))
1133  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame5, 1, weight = 1)
1135  tcltk::tkpack(frame5, fill = "x", padx = 10, pady = 10)
1137  # Frame 6, example plots and reverse colors
1138  frame6 <- tcltk::ttklabelframe(tt, relief = "flat", borderwidth = 5, padding = 5,
1139                          text = "Show example")
1140  frame6.lab.1 <- tcltk::ttklabel(frame6, text="Plot type")
1141  frame6.box.2 <- tcltk::ttkcombobox(frame6, state="readonly",
1142                              textvariable = example.var,
1143                              values = example.plots)
1144  frame6.chk.3 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame6, text = "Reverse colors",
1145                                 variable = reverse.var,
1146                                 command = function() {
1147                                     reverse <<- as.logical(as.integer(tcltk::tclvalue(reverse.var)))
1148                                     DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE)
1149                                 })
1150  tcltk::tkgrid(frame6.lab.1, frame6.box.2, frame6.chk.3)
1151  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame6.box.2, padx = c(2, 10), sticky = "we")
1152  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame6, 1, weight = 1)
1153  tcltk::tkpack(frame6, fill = "x", padx = 10, pady = 0)
1155  # Frame 7, color palette and robustness checks
1156  frame7 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
1157  frame7.cvs   <- tcltk::tkcanvas(frame7, relief="flat",
1158                                 width=cvs.width + 1, height=cvs.height + 1,
1159                                 background = "black", confine = TRUE, closeenough = 0,
1160                                 borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0)
1161  tcltk::tkgrid(frame7.cvs, padx=10, pady=c(12,10))
1163  frame7.chk.1 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame7, text="Desaturation",
1164                                 variable=desaturation.var,
1165                                 command=function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
1166  frame7.chk.2 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame7, text="Dark mode",
1167                                 variable=darkmode.var,
1168                                 command=function() ActivateDarkmode())
1170  tcltk::tkgrid(frame7.chk.1, frame7.chk.2, "x",
1171                pady = c(2, 0), sticky = "w")
1172  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame7.chk.2, padx = c(7, 0))
1173  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame7.cvs, columnspan=5)
1174  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame7, 4, weight = 1)
1175  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame7.chk.1, padx=c(10, 0))
1176  tcltk::tkpack(frame7, fill="x")
1179  # Frame 8, cvd options
1180  frame8 <- tcltk::ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
1181  frame8.chk.1 <- tcltk::ttkcheckbutton(frame8, text = "Color blindness:",
1182                                 variable = colorblind.var,
1183                                 command = function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
1184  frame8.rb.2  <- tcltk::ttkradiobutton(frame8, variable = colorblind.type.var,
1185                                 value = "deutan", text = "deutan",
1186                                 command = function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
1187  frame8.rb.3  <- tcltk::ttkradiobutton(frame8, variable = colorblind.type.var,
1188                                 value = "protan", text = "protan",
1189                                 command = function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
1190  frame8.rb.4  <- tcltk::ttkradiobutton(frame8, variable = colorblind.type.var,
1191                                 value = "tritan", text = "tritan",
1192                                 command = function() DrawPalette(is.n = TRUE))
1194  tcltk::tkgrid(frame8.chk.1, frame8.rb.2, frame8.rb.3, frame8.rb.4,
1195                pady = c(2, 0), sticky = "w")
1196  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame8.rb.2, padx = c(7, 0))
1197  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame8, 4, weight = 1)
1198  tcltk::tkgrid.configure(frame8.chk.1, padx=c(10, 0))
1199  tcltk::tkpack(frame8, fill="x")
1201  # Initial commands
1202  pal_args <- ConvertPaletteToAttributes(pal)
1203  # Assign attributes to widget, also enables/disables the sliders
1204  AssignAttributesToWidgets(pal_args)
1205  UpdateDataType(init = TRUE)
1207  # Bind events
1208  tcltk::tclServiceMode(TRUE)
1210  tcltk::tkbind(tt, "<Control-o>", OpenPaletteFromFile)
1211  tcltk::tkbind(tt, "<Shift-Control-S>", SavePaletteToFile)
1212  tcltk::tkbind(tt, "<Control-r>", RegisterPalette)
1214  UpdateDataTypeInit <- function() UpdateDataType(init = TRUE)
1215  tcltk::tkbind(frame1.box.2, "<<ComboboxSelected>>", UpdateDataTypeInit)
1216  tcltk::tkbind(frame6.box.2, "<<ComboboxSelected>>", ShowExample)
1218  tcltk::tkbind(frame2.cvs, "<ButtonPress>", function(x, y) SelectDefaultPalette(x, y))
1220  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.1.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1221         function() EntryChange("h1", h1.lim, h1.ent.var, h1.scl.var))
1222  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.2.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1223         function() EntryChange("h2", h2.lim, h2.ent.var, h2.scl.var))
1224  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.3.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1225         function() EntryChange("c1", c1.lim, c1.ent.var, c1.scl.var))
1226  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.4.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1227         function() EntryChange("cmax", cmax.lim, cmax.ent.var, cmax.scl.var))
1228  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.5.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1229         function() EntryChange("c2", c2.lim, c2.ent.var, c2.scl.var))
1230  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.6.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1231         function() EntryChange("l1", l1.lim, l1.ent.var, l1.scl.var))
1232  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.7.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1233         function() EntryChange("l2", l2.lim, l2.ent.var, l2.scl.var))
1234  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.8.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1235         function() EntryChange("p1", p1.lim, p1.ent.var, p1.scl.var))
1236  tcltk::tkbind(frame3.ent.9.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1237         function() EntryChange("p2", p2.lim, p2.ent.var, p2.scl.var))
1239  tcltk::tkbind(frame5.ent.3, "<KeyRelease>",
1240         function() EntryChange("n", n.lim, n.ent.var, n.scl.var))
1242  tcltk::tkbind(tt, "<Destroy>", function() {
1243                    tcltk::tclvalue(tt.done.var)    <- 1;
1244                    tcltk::tclvalue(ttreg.done.var) <- 1 });
1246  # GUI control
1247  tcltk::tkfocus(tt)
1248  tcltk::tkgrab(tt)
1250  tcltk::tkwait.variable(tt.done.var)
1252  tcltk::tclServiceMode(FALSE)
1253  tcltk::tkgrab.release(tt)
1254  tcltk::tkdestroy(tt)
1255  tcltk::tclServiceMode(TRUE)
1257  if (dev.example %in% dev.list()) dev.off(which = dev.example)
1259  invisible(pal.rtn)
1263# Setting global variables to avoid notes during R CMD check
1264utils::globalVariables(c("type" , "h1" , "h2" , "c1" , "l1" , "reverse" , "cmax" ,
1265                         "c2" , "l2" , "p1", "p2"))
1269# Get color palette as function of n
1270# For testing:
1271#  args <- list(type = "sequential (single hue)",
1272#               h1 = 0, h2 = 120,
1273#               c1 = 10, c2 = 80,
1274#               l1 = 90, l2 = 10,
1275#               fixup = TRUE, p1 = 1, p2 = 1,
1276#               reverse = FALSE, cmax = 50, register = "")
1277#  pal <- do.call(colorspace:::GetPalette, args)
1278#  colorspace::swatchplot(pal(10))
1279GetPalette <- function(...) { #type, h1, h2, c1, c2, l1, l2, p1, p2, fixup, reverse, cmax, register) {
1281   # Input arguments to list and make fixup logical
1282   arg <- list(...)
1283   arg$fixup <- as.logical(arg$fixup)
1285   # Qualitative color palettes
1286   if (grepl("^(qual|.*[Qq]ualitative)", arg$type)) {
1287      f <- qualitative_hcl
1288      formals(f) <- eval(substitute(alist(n =, h = hh, c = d1, l = d2,
1289                                          fixup = d3, gamma = NULL, alpha = 1,
1290                                          palette = NULL, rev = d4,
1291                                          register = d5, ... =,
1292                                          h1=, h2=, c1=, l1=, cmax=),
1293                                    list(hh = c(arg$h1, arg$h2),
1294                                         d1 = arg$c1,
1295                                         d2 = arg$l1,
1296                                         d3 = arg$fixup,
1297                                         d4 = arg$reverse,
1298                                         d5 = arg$register)))
1300   # Sequential single-hue palettes
1301   } else if (grepl("^(seqs|.*[Ss]equential.*single)", arg$type)) {
1302      f <- sequential_hcl
1303      formals(f) <- eval(substitute(alist(n =, h = d1, c = d2, l = d3, power = d4,
1304                                          gamma = NULL, fixup = d5, alpha = 1,
1305                                          palette = NULL, rev = d6, register = d7, ... =,
1306                                          h1 =, h2 =, c1 =, c2 =, l1 =, l2 =, p1 =, p2 =, cmax =, c. =),
1307                                    list(d1 = arg$h1,
1308                                         d2 = c(arg$c1, arg$cmax, arg$c2),
1309                                         d3 = c(arg$l1, arg$l2),
1310                                         d4 = arg$p1,
1311                                         d5 = arg$fixup,
1312                                         d6 = arg$reverse,
1313                                         d7 = arg$register)))
1315   # Sequential multi-hue palettes
1316   } else if (grepl("^(seqm|.*[Ss]equential.*multi)", arg$type)) {
1317      f <- sequential_hcl
1318      formals(f) <- eval(substitute(alist(n =, h = d1, c = d2, l = d3, power = d4,
1319                                          gamma = NULL, fixup = d5, alpha = 1,
1320                                          palette = NULL, rev = d6, register = d7, ... =,
1321                                          h1 =, h2 =, c1 =, c2 =, l1 =, l2 =, p1 =, p2 =, cmax =, c. =),
1322                                    list(d1 = c(arg$h1, arg$h2),
1323                                         d2 = c(arg$c1, arg$cmax, arg$c2),
1324                                         d3 = c(arg$l1, arg$l2),
1325                                         d4 = c(arg$p1, arg$p2),
1326                                         d5 = arg$fixup,
1327                                         d6 = arg$reverse,
1328                                         d7 = arg$register)))
1330   # Diverging color palettes
1331   } else if (grepl("^(dive|.*[Dd]iverging)", arg$type)) {
1332      f <- diverging_hcl
1333      arg_names <- names(arg[!is.na(arg)])
1334      if ( all(c("p1", "p2")   %in% arg_names) ) power  <- c(arg$p1, arg$p2)   else power  <- arg$p1
1335      if ( all(c("c1", "cmax") %in% arg_names) ) chroma <- c(arg$c1, arg$cmax) else chroma <- arg$c1
1336      formals(f) <- eval(substitute(alist(n =, h=d1, c = d2, l = d3, power = d4,
1337                                          gamma = NULL, fixup = d5, alpha = 1,
1338                                          palette = NULL, rev = d6, register = d7, ... =,
1339                                          h1 =, h2 =, c1 =, l1 =, l2 =, p1 =, p2 =, cmax = d8),
1340                                    list(d1 = c(arg$h1, arg$h2),
1341                                         d2 = chroma,
1342                                         d3 = c(arg$l1, arg$l2),
1343                                         d4 = power,
1344                                         d5 = arg$fixup,
1345                                         d6 = arg$reverse,
1346                                         d7 = arg$register,
1347                                         d8 = arg$cmas)))
1348   }
1349   f