1Auto Adjust Photo - TODO LIST
4- run color adjustment only on maximum 1 mpixel size of the image to speed up process
5- check sorces with splint
6- translate all comments to english in aargb.c too
7- include manual file with sources
8- give more verbose error messages on faliure of image load
9- recursive directory read with -R and --recursive switches
10- ability to pipe through image data
11- check EXIF handling in libjpeg if it can restore data on its own
12- at jpeg images, try to set back the original compression quality
14- autorotate function according to exif info (not default)
15- automatically ignore the frame part of the picture in computing
16- add --nodate option for leaving out dates stamped on pictures
18- automatic red eye removal (print message if there was any)
19- automatic noise reduction
20- automatic selective gaussian blur
21- automatic sharpening