1 /* image-proc.c: image processing routines */
3 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
4 #include "config.h"
5 #endif /* Def: HAVE_CONFIG_H */
7 #include <assert.h>
8 #include <math.h>
9 #include "xstd.h"
10 #include "image-proc.h"
12 #define BLACK 0
13 #define WHITE 0xff
14 #ifndef M_SQRT2
15 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237
16 #endif
18 #if 0
19 struct etyp { int t00, t11, t01, t01s; };
22 static at_bool get_edge(bitmap_type, int y, int x, struct etyp *t);
23 static void check(int v1, int v2, int v3, struct etyp *t);
24 #endif
27 /* Allocate storage for a new distance map with the same dimensions
28    as BITMAP and initialize it so that pixels in BITMAP with value
29    TARGET_VALUE are at distance zero and all other pixels are at
30    distance infinity.  Then compute the gray-weighted distance from
31    every non-target point to the nearest target point. */
33 distance_map_type
new_distance_map(bitmap_type bitmap,unsigned char target_value,at_bool padded,at_exception_type * exp)34 new_distance_map(bitmap_type bitmap, unsigned char target_value, at_bool padded, at_exception_type * exp)
35 {
36     signed x, y;
37     float d, min;
38     distance_map_type dist;
39     unsigned char *b = BITMAP_BITS(bitmap);
40     unsigned w = BITMAP_WIDTH(bitmap);
41     unsigned h = BITMAP_HEIGHT(bitmap);
42     unsigned spp = BITMAP_PLANES(bitmap);
44     dist.height = h; dist.width = w;
45     XMALLOC(dist.d, h * sizeof(float*));
46     XMALLOC(dist.weight, h * sizeof(float*));
47     for (y = 0; y < (signed) h; y++)
48     {
49       XCALLOC(dist.d[y], w * sizeof(float));
50       XMALLOC(dist.weight[y], w * sizeof(float));
51     }
53     if (spp == 3)
54     {
55       for (y = 0; y < (signed) h; y++)
56       {
57         for (x = 0; x < (signed) w; x++, b += spp)
58         {
59           int gray; float fgray;
60           gray = (int)LUMINANCE(b[0], b[1], b[2]);
61           dist.d[y][x] = (gray == target_value ? 0.0F : 1.0e10F);
62           fgray = gray * 0.0039215686F;  /* = gray / 255.0F */
63           dist.weight[y][x] = 1.0F - fgray;
64 /*        dist.weight[y][x] = 1.0F - (fgray * fgray);*/
65 /*        dist.weight[y][x] = (fgray < 0.5F ? 1.0F - fgray : -2.0F * fgray * (fgray - 1.0F));*/
66 	    }
67       }
68     }
69     else
70     {
71       for (y = 0; y < (signed) h; y++)
72       {
73         for (x = 0; x < (signed) w; x++, b += spp)
74         {
75           int gray; float fgray;
76           gray = b[0];
77           dist.d[y][x] = (gray == target_value ? 0.0F : 1.0e10F);
78           fgray = gray * 0.0039215686F;  /* = gray / 255.0F */
79           dist.weight[y][x] = 1.0F - fgray;
80 /*        dist.weight[y][x] = 1.0F - (fgray * fgray);*/
81 /*        dist.weight[y][x] = (fgray < 0.5F ? 1.0F - fgray : -2.0F * fgray * (fgray - 1.0F)); */
82         }
83       }
84     }
86     /* If the image is padded then border points are all at most
87        one unit away from the nearest target point. */
88     if (padded)
89     {
90         for (y = 0; y < (signed) h; y++)
91         {
92             if (dist.d[y][0] > dist.weight[y][0])
93                 dist.d[y][0] = dist.weight[y][0];
94             if (dist.d[y][w - 1] > dist.weight[y][w - 1])
95                 dist.d[y][w - 1] = dist.weight[y][w - 1];
96         }
97         for (x = 0; x < (signed) w; x++)
98         {
99             if (dist.d[0][x] > dist.weight[0][x])
100                 dist.d[0][x] = dist.weight[0][x];
101             if (dist.d[h - 1][x] > dist.weight[h - 1][x])
102                 dist.d[h - 1][x] = dist.weight[h - 1][x];
103         }
104     }
106     /* Scan the image from left to right, top to bottom.
107        Examine the already-visited neighbors of each point (those
108        situated above or to the left of it).  Each neighbor knows
109        the distance to its nearest target point; add to this distance
110        the distance from the central point to the neighbor (either
111        sqrt(2) or one) multiplied by the central point's weight
112        (derived from its gray level).  Replace the distance already
113        stored at the central point if the new distance is smaller. */
114     for (y = 1; y < (signed) h; y++)
115     {
116         for (x = 1; x < (signed) w; x++)
117         {
118             if (dist.d[y][x] == 0.0F) continue;
120             min = dist.d[y][x];
122             /* upper-left neighbor */
123             d = dist.d[y - 1][x - 1] + (float) M_SQRT2 * dist.weight[y][x];
124             if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d;
126             /* upper neighbor */
127             d = dist.d[y - 1][x] + dist.weight[y][x];
128             if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d;
130             /* left neighbor */
131             d = dist.d[y][x - 1] + dist.weight[y][x];
132             if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d;
134             /* upper-right neighbor (except at the last column) */
135             if (x + 1 < (signed) w)
136             {
137                 d = dist.d[y - 1][x + 1] + (float) M_SQRT2 * dist.weight[y][x];
138                 if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d;
139             }
140         }
141     }
143     /* Same as above, but now scanning right to left, bottom to top. */
144     for (y = h - 2; y >= 0; y--)
145     {
146         for (x = w - 2; x >= 0; x--)
147         {
148             min = dist.d[y][x];
150             /* lower-right neighbor */
151             d = dist.d[y + 1][x + 1] + (float) M_SQRT2 * dist.weight[y][x];
152 	        if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d;
154             /* lower neighbor */
155             d = dist.d[y + 1][x] + dist.weight[y][x];
156 	        if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d;
158             /* right neighbor */
159             d = dist.d[y][x + 1] + dist.weight[y][x];
160 	        if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d;
162             /* lower-left neighbor (except at the first column) */
163             if (x - 1 >= 0)
164             {
165                 d = dist.d[y + 1][x - 1] + (float) M_SQRT2 * dist.weight[y][x];
166                 if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d;
167             }
168         }
169     }
170     return dist;
171 }
174 /* Free the dynamically-allocated storage associated with a distance map. */
176 void
free_distance_map(distance_map_type * dist)177 free_distance_map(distance_map_type *dist)
178 {
179     unsigned y, h;
181     if (!dist) return;
183     h = BITMAP_HEIGHT(*dist);
185     if (dist->d != NULL)
186     {
187 	for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
188 	    free((at_address*)dist->d[y]);
189         free((at_address*)dist->d);
190     }
191     if (dist->weight != NULL)
192     {
193 	for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
194 	    free((at_address*)dist->weight[y]);
195         free((at_address*)dist->weight);
196     }
197 }
200 #if 0
201 void
202 medial_axis(bitmap_type *bitmap, distance_map_type *dist,
203     const color_type *bg_color)
204 {
205     unsigned x, y, test;
206     unsigned w, h;
207     unsigned char *b;
208     float **d, f;
209     color_type bg;
211     assert(bitmap != NULL);
213     assert(BITMAP_PLANES(*bitmap) == 1);
215     b = BITMAP_BITS(*bitmap);
216     assert(b != NULL);
217     assert(dist != NULL);
218     d = dist->d;
219     assert(d != NULL);
221     h = BITMAP_HEIGHT(*dist);
222     w = BITMAP_WIDTH(*dist);
223     assert(BITMAP_WIDTH(*bitmap) == w && BITMAP_HEIGHT(*bitmap) == h);
225     if (bg_color) bg = *bg_color;
226     else bg.r = bg.g = bg.b = 255;
228     f = d[0][0] + 0.5;
229     test = (f < d[1][0]) + (f < d[1][1]) + (f < d[0][1]);
230     if (test > 1) b[0] = bg.r;
232     f = d[0][w-1] + 0.5;
233     test = (f < d[1][w-1]) + (f < d[1][w-2]) + (f < d[0][w-2]);
234     if (test > 1) b[w-1] = bg.r;
236     for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
237     {
238 	    f = d[0][x] + 0.5;
239 	    test = (f < d[0][x-1]) + (f < d[0][x+1]) + (f < d[1][x-1])
240 	        + (f < d[1][x]) + (f < d[1][x+1]);
241 	    if (test > 1) b[x] = bg.r;
242     }
243     b += w;
245     for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
246     {
247 	    f = d[y][0] + 0.5;
248 	    test = (f < d[y-1][0]) + (f < d[y-1][1]) + (f < d[y][1])
249 	        + (f < d[y+1][0]) + (f < d[y+1][1]);
250 	    if (test > 1) b[0] = bg.r;
252 	    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
253 		{
254 	        f = d[y][x] + 0.5;
255 	        test = (f < d[y-1][x-1]) + (f < d[y-1][x]) + (f < d[y-1][x+1])
256 		    + (f < d[y][x-1]) + (f < d[y][x+1])
257 		    + (f < d[y+1][x-1]) + (f < d[y+1][x]) + (f < d[y+1][x+1]);
258 	        if (test > 1) b[x] = bg.r;
259 		}
261 	    f = d[y][w-1] + 0.5;
262 	    test = (f < d[y-1][w-1]) + (f < d[y-1][w-2]) + (f < d[y][w-2])
263 	        + (f < d[y+1][w-1]) + (f < d[y+1][w-2]);
264 	    if (test > 1)
265 	        b[w-1] = bg.r;
267         b += w;
268     }
270     for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
271     {
272 	    f = d[h-1][x] + 0.5;
273 	    test = (f < d[h-1][x-1]) + (f < d[h-1][x+1])
274 	        + (f < d[h-2][x-1]) + (f < d[h-2][x]) + (f < d[h-2][x+1]);
275 	    if (test > 1) b[x] = bg.r;
276     }
278     f = d[h-1][0] + 0.5;
279     test = (f < d[h-2][0]) + (f < d[h-2][1]) + (f < d[h-1][1]);
280     if (test > 1) b[0] = bg.r;
282     f = d[h-1][w-1] + 0.5;
283     test = (f < d[h-2][w-1]) + (f < d[h-2][w-2]) + (f < d[h-1][w-2]);
284     if (test > 1) b[w-1] = bg.r;
285 }
286 #endif
289 /* Binarize a grayscale or color image. */
291 void
binarize(bitmap_type * bitmap)292 binarize(bitmap_type *bitmap)
293 {
294     unsigned i, npixels, spp;
295     unsigned char *b;
297     assert(bitmap != NULL);
298     assert(BITMAP_BITS(*bitmap) != NULL);
300     b = BITMAP_BITS(*bitmap);
301     spp = BITMAP_PLANES(*bitmap);
302     npixels = BITMAP_WIDTH(*bitmap) * BITMAP_HEIGHT(*bitmap);
304     if (spp == 1)
305     {
306 	    for (i = 0; i < npixels; i++)
307 	        b[i] = (b[i] > GRAY_THRESHOLD ? WHITE : BLACK);
308     }
309     else if (spp == 3)
310     {
311 	    unsigned char *rgb = b;
312 	    for (i = 0; i < npixels; i++, rgb += 3)
313 		{
314 	        b[i] = (LUMINANCE(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) > GRAY_THRESHOLD
315 		        ? WHITE : BLACK);
316 		}
317 	    XREALLOC(BITMAP_BITS(*bitmap), npixels);
318 	    BITMAP_PLANES(*bitmap) = 1;
319     }
320     else
321     {
322 	    WARNING1("binarize: %u-plane images are not supported", spp);
323     }
324 }
327 #if 0
328 /* Thin a binary image, replacing the original image with the thinned one. */
330 bitmap_type
331 ip_thin(bitmap_type input_b)
332 {
333     unsigned y, x, i;
334     at_bool k, again;
335     struct etyp t;
336     unsigned w = BITMAP_WIDTH(input_b);
337     unsigned h = BITMAP_HEIGHT(input_b);
338     size_t num_bytes = w * h;
339     bitmap_type b = input_b;
341     if (BITMAP_PLANES(input_b) != 1)
342     {
343 	    FATAL1("thin: single-plane image required; "
344 	        "%u-plane images cannot be thinned", BITMAP_PLANES(input_b));
345 	    return b;
346     }
348     /* Process and return a copy of the input image. */
349     XMALLOC(b.bitmap, num_bytes);
350     memcpy(b.bitmap, input_b.bitmap, num_bytes);
352     /* Set background pixels to zero, foreground pixels to one. */
353     for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++)
354 	b.bitmap[i] = (b.bitmap[i] == BLACK ? 1 : 0);
356     again = true;
357     while (again)
358     {
359 	again = false;
361 	for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
362 	{
363 	    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
364 	    {
365 		    /* During processing, pixels are used to store edge
366 		       type codes, so we can't just test for WHITE or BLACK. */
367 		    if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) == 0) continue;
369 		    k = (!get_edge(b, y, x, &t)
370 		        || (get_edge(b, y, x+1, &t) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x)
371 			    && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x))
372 		        || (get_edge(b, y+1, x, &t) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1)
373 			    && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1))
374 		        || (get_edge(b, y, x+1, &t) && get_edge(b, y+1, x+1, &t)
375 			    && get_edge(b, y+1, x, &t)));
376 		    if (k) continue;
378 		    get_edge(b, y, x, &t);
379 		    if (t.t01) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 4;
380 		    *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 2;
381 		    again = true;
382 	    }
383 	}
385 	for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
386 	    for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
387 		    if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 02) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 0;
389 	for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
390 	{
391 	    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
392 	    {
393 		    if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) == 0) continue;
395 		    k = (!get_edge(b, y, x, &t)
396 		        || ((*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 04) == 0)
397 		        || (get_edge(b, y+1, x, &t) && (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1))
398 			    && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1))
399 		        || (get_edge(b, y, x+1, &t) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x)
400 			    && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x))
401 		        || (get_edge(b, y+1, x, &t) && get_edge(b, y, x+1, &t)
402 			    && get_edge(b, y+1, x+1, &t)));
403 		    if (k) continue;
405 		    *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 02;
406 		    again = true;
407 	    }
408 	}
410 	for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
411 	{
412 	    for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
413 	    {
414 		    if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 02) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 0;
415 		    else if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) > 0) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 1;
416 	    }
417 	}
418     }
420     /* Staircase removal; northward bias. */
421     for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
422     {
423 	    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
424 		{
425 	        if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) == 0) continue;
427 	        k = !(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x)
428 		        && ((*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x+1)
429 		        && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x-1)
430 		        && (!*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1) || !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x)))
431 		        || (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x-1)
432 		        && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x+1) &&
433 		        (!*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1) || !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x)))));
434 	        if (k) continue;
436 	        *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 02;
437 		}
438     }
439     for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
440     {
441 	    for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
442 		{
443 	        if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 02) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 0;
444 	        else if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) > 0) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 1;
445 		}
446     }
448     /* Southward bias */
449     for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
450     {
451 	    for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++)
452 		{
453 	        if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) == 0) continue;
455 	        k = !(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x)
456 		    && ((*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x+1)
457 		    && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x-1) && (!*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1)
458 		    || !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x))) || (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1)
459 		    && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x-1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x+1)
460 		    && (!*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1) || !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x)) )));
461 	        if (k) continue;
463 	        *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 02;
464 		}
465     }
466     for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
467     {
468 	    for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
469 		{
470 	        if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 02) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 0;
471 	        else if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) > 0) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 1;
472 		}
473     }
475     /* Set background pixels to WHITE, foreground pixels to BLACK. */
476     for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++)
477 	b.bitmap[i] = (b.bitmap[i] == 0 ? WHITE : BLACK);
478     return b;
479 }
482 at_bool get_edge(bitmap_type b, int y, int x, struct etyp *t)
483 {
484     t->t00 = 0; t->t01 = 0; t->t01s = 0; t->t11 = 0;
485     check(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x - 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x),
486 	*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x + 1), t);
487     check(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x + 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x + 1),
488 	*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x + 1), t);
489     check(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x + 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x),
490 	*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x - 1), t);
491     check(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x - 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x - 1),
492 	*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x - 1), t);
493     return *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) && t->t00 && t->t11 && !t->t01s;
494 }
497 void check(int v1, int v2, int v3, struct etyp *t)
498 {
499     if (!v2 && (!v1 || !v3)) t->t00 = 1;
500     if (v2 && (v1 || v3)) t->t11 = 1;
501     if ((!v1 && v2) || (!v2 && v3)) { t->t01s = t->t01; t->t01 = 1; }
502 }
503 #endif