1 /*
2  #
3  #  File        : chlpca.cpp
4  #                ( C++ source file )
5  #
6  #  Description : Example of use for the CImg plugin 'plugins/chlpca.h'.
7  #                This file is a part of the CImg Library project.
8  #                ( http://cimg.eu )
9  #
10  #  Copyright  : Jerome Boulanger
11  #               ( http://www.irisa.fr/vista/Equipe/People/Jerome.Boulanger.html )
12  #
13  #
14  #  License     : CeCILL v2.0
15  #                ( http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html )
16  #
17  #  This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
18  #  abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
19  #  modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
20  #  license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
21  #  "http://www.cecill.info".
22  #
23  #  As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
24  #  modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
25  #  with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
26  #  economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
27  #  liability.
28  #
29  #  In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
30  #  with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
31  #  software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
32  #  that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
33  #  therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
34  #  professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
35  #  encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
36  #  requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
37  #  data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
38  #  same conditions as regards security.
39  #
40  #  The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
41  #  knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
42  #
43 */
45 #ifndef cimg_plugin_chlpca
46 #define cimg_plugin_chlpca
48 // Define some useful macros.
50 //! Some loops
51 #define cimg_for_step1(bound,i,step) for (int i = 0; i<(int)(bound); i+=step)
52 #define cimg_for_stepX(img,x,step) cimg_for_step1((img)._width,x,step)
53 #define cimg_for_stepY(img,y,step) cimg_for_step1((img)._height,y,step)
54 #define cimg_for_stepZ(img,z,step) cimg_for_step1((img)._depth,z,step)
55 #define cimg_for_stepXY(img,x,y,step) cimg_for_stepY(img,y,step) cimg_for_stepX(img,x,step)
56 #define cimg_for_stepXYZ(img,x,y,step) cimg_for_stepZ(img,z,step) cimg_for_stepY(img,y,step) cimg_for_stepX(img,x,step)
58 //! Loop for point J(xj,yj) in the neighborhood of a point I(xi,yi) of size (2*rx+1,2*ry+1)
59 /**
60    Point J is kept inside the boundaries of the image img.
61    example of summing the pixels values in a neighborhood 11x11
62    cimg_forXY(img,xi,yi) cimg_for_windowXY(img,xi,yi,xj,yj,5,5) dest(yi,yi) += src(xj,yj);
63 **/
64 #define cimg_forXY_window(img,xi,yi,xj,yj,rx,ry)                        \
65 for (int yi0 = std::max(0,yi-ry), yi1=std::min(yi + ry,(int)img.height() - 1), yj=yi0;yj<=yi1;++yj) \
66 for (int xi0 = std::max(0,xi-rx), xi1=std::min(xi + rx,(int)img.width() - 1), xj=xi0;xj<=xi1;++xj)
68 #define cimg_forXYZ_window(img,xi,yi,zi,xj,yj,zj,rx,ry,rz)                                      \
69 for (int zi0 = std::max(0,zi-rz), zi1=std::min(zi + rz,(int)img.depth() - 1) , zj=zi0;zj<=zi1;++zj) \
70 for (int yi0 = std::max(0,yi-ry), yi1=std::min(yi + ry,(int)img.height() - 1), yj=yi0;yj<=yi1;++yj) \
71 for (int xi0 = std::max(0,xi-rx), xi1=std::min(xi + rx,(int)img.width() - 1) , xj=xi0;xj<=xi1;++xj)
73 //! Crop a patch in the image around position x,y,z and return a column vector
74 /**
75    \param x x-coordinate of the center of the patch
76    \param y y-coordinate of the center of the patch
77    \param z z-coordinate of the center of the patch
78    \param px the patch half width
79    \param px the patch half height
80    \param px the patch half depth
81    \return img.get_crop(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1).unroll('y');
82 **/
get_patch(int x,int y,int z,int px,int py,int pz)83 CImg<T> get_patch(int x, int y, int z,
84                   int px, int py, int pz) const {
85   if (depth() == 1){
86     const int x0 = x - px, y0 = y - py, x1 = x + px, y1 = y + py;
87     return get_crop(x0, y0, x1, y1).unroll('y');
88   } else {
89     const int
90       x0 = x - px, y0 = y - py, z0 = z - pz,
91       x1 = x + px, y1 = y + py, z1 = z + pz;
92     return get_crop(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1).unroll('y');
93   }
94 }
96 //! Extract a local patch dictionnary around point xi,yi,zi
get_patch_dictionnary(const int xi,const int yi,const int zi,const int px,const int py,const int pz,const int wx,const int wy,const int wz,int & idc)97 CImg<T> get_patch_dictionnary(const int xi, const int yi, const int zi,
98 			      const int px, const int py, const int pz,
99 			      const int wx, const int wy, const int wz,
100 			      int & idc) const {
101   const int
102     n = (2*wx + 1) * (2*wy + 1) * (2 * (depth()==1?0:wz) + 1),
103     d = (2*px + 1) * (2*py + 1) * (2 * (depth()==1?0:px) + 1) * spectrum();
104   CImg<> S(n, d);
105   int idx = 0;
106   if (depth() == 1) {
107     cimg_forXY_window((*this), xi, yi, xj, yj, wx, wy){
108       CImg<T> patch = get_patch(xj, yj, 0, px, py, 1);
109       cimg_forY(S,y) S(idx,y) = patch(y);
110       if (xj==xi && yj==yi) idc = idx;
111       idx++;
112     }
113   } else  {
114     cimg_forXYZ_window((*this), xi,yi,zi,xj,yj,zj,wx,wy,wz){
115       CImg<T> patch = get_patch(xj, yj, zj, px, py, pz);
116       cimg_forY(S,y) S(idx,y) = patch(y);
117       if (xj==xi && yj==yi && zj==zi) idc = idx;
118       idx++;
119     }
120   }
121   S.columns(0, idx - 1);
122   return S;
123 }
125 //! Add a patch to the image
126 /**
127    \param x x-coordinate of the center of the patch
128    \param y y-coordinate of the center of the patch
129    \param z z-coordinate of the center of the patch
130    \param img the patch as a 1D column vector
131    \param px the patch half width
132    \param px the patch half height
133    \param px the patch half depth
134 **/
add_patch(const int xi,const int yi,const int zi,const CImg<T> & patch,const int px,const int py,const int pz)135 CImg<T> & add_patch(const int xi, const int yi, const int zi,
136 		    const CImg<T> & patch,
137 		    const int px, const int py, const int pz) {
138   const int
139     x0 = xi - px, y0 = yi - py, z0 = (depth() == 1 ? 0 : zi - pz),
140     sx = 2 * px + 1, sy = 2 * py + 1, sz = (depth() == 1 ? 1 : 2 * pz +1);
141   draw_image(x0, y0, z0, 0, patch.get_resize(sx, sy, sz, spectrum(), -1), -1);
142   return (*this);
143 }
145 //! Add a constant patch to the image
146 /**
147    \param x x-coordinate of the center of the patch
148    \param y y-coordinate of the center of the patch
149    \param z z-coordinate of the center of the patch
150    \param value in the patch
151    \param px the patch half width
152    \param px the patch half height
153    \param px the patch half depth
154 **/
add_patch(const int xi,const int yi,const int zi,const T value,const int px,const int py,const int pz)155 CImg<T> & add_patch(const int xi, const int yi, const int zi, const T value,
156 		    const int px, const int py, const int pz) {
157   const int
158     x0 = xi - px, y0 = yi - py, z0 = (depth() == 1 ? 0 : zi - pz),
159     x1 = xi + px, y1 = yi + py, z1 = (depth() == 1 ? 0 : zi + pz);
160   draw_rectangle(x0, y0, z0, 0, x1, y1, z1, spectrum()-1, value, -1);
161 return (*this);
162 }
164 //! CHLPCA denoising from the PhD thesis of Hu Haijuan
165 /**
166    \param px the patch half width
167    \param py the patch half height
168    \param pz the patch half depth
169    \param wx the training region half width
170    \param wy the training region half height
171    \param wz the training region half depth
172    \param nstep the subsampling of the image domain
173    \param nsim the number of patches used for training as a factor of the patch size
174    \param lambda_min the threshold on the eigen values of the PCA for dimension reduction
175    \param threshold the threshold on the value of the coefficients
176    \param pca_use_svd if true use the svd approach to perform the pca otherwise use the covariance method
177    \note please cite the PhD thesis of Hu Haijuan http://www.univ-ubs.fr/soutenance-de-these-hu-haijuan-337653.kjsp?RH=1318498222799
178  **/
get_chlpca(const int px,const int py,const int pz,const int wx,const int wy,const int wz,const int nstep,const float nsim,const float lambda_min,const float threshold,const float noise_std,const bool pca_use_svd)179 CImg<T> get_chlpca(const int px, const int py, const int pz,
180 		       const int wx, const int wy, const int wz,
181 		       const int nstep, const float nsim,
182 		       const float lambda_min, const float threshold,
183 		       const float noise_std,  const bool pca_use_svd) const {
184   const int
185     nd = (2*px + 1) * (2*py + 1) * (depth()==1?1:2*pz + 1) * spectrum(),
186     K = (int)(nsim * nd);
187 #ifdef DEBUG
188   fprintf(stderr,"chlpca: p:%dx%dx%d,w:%dx%dx%d,nd:%d,K:%d\n",
189 	  2*px + 1,2*py + 1,2*pz + 1,2*wx + 1,2*wy + 1,2*wz + 1,nd,K);
190 #endif
191   float sigma;
192   if (noise_std<0) sigma = (float)std::sqrt(variance_noise());
193   else sigma = noise_std;
194   CImg<T> dest(*this), count(*this);
195   dest.fill(0);
196   count.fill(0);
197   cimg_for_stepZ(*this,zi,(depth()==1||pz==0)?1:nstep){
198 #ifdef cimg_use_openmp
200     cimg_pragma_openmp(parallel for)
201 #endif
202       cimg_for_stepXY((*this),xi,yi,nstep){
203       // extract the training region X
204       int idc = 0;
205       CImg<T> S = get_patch_dictionnary(xi,yi,zi,px,py,pz,wx,wy,wz,idc);
206       // select the K most similar patches within the training set
207       CImg<T> Sk(S);
208       CImg<unsigned int> a_index(S.width());
209       if (K < Sk.width() - 1){
210 	CImg<T> mse(S.width());
211 	CImg<unsigned int> perms;
212 	cimg_forX(S,x) { mse(x) = (T)S.get_column(idc).MSE(S.get_column(x)); }
213 	mse.sort(perms,true);
214 	cimg_foroff(perms,i) {
215 	  cimg_forY(S,j) Sk(i,j) = S(perms(i),j);
216 	  a_index(perms(i)) = i;
217 	}
218 	Sk.columns(0, K);
219 	perms.threshold(K);
220       } else {
221 	cimg_foroff(a_index,i) a_index(i)=i;
222       }
223       // centering the patches
224       CImg<T> M(1, Sk.height(), 1, 1, 0);
225       cimg_forXY(Sk,x,y) { M(y) += Sk(x,y); }
226       M /= (T)Sk.width();
227       cimg_forXY(Sk,x,y) { Sk(x,y) -= M(y); }
228       // compute the principal component of the training set S
229       CImg<T> P, lambda;
230       if (pca_use_svd) {
231 	CImg<T> V;
232 	Sk.get_transpose().SVD(V,lambda,P,true,100);
233       } else {
234 	(Sk * Sk.get_transpose()).symmetric_eigen(lambda, P);
235 	lambda.sqrt();
236       }
237       // dimension reduction
238       int s = 0;
239       const T tx = (T)(std::sqrt((double)Sk.width()-1.0) * lambda_min * sigma);
240       while((lambda(s) > tx) && (s < ((int)lambda.size() - 1))) { s++; }
241       P.columns(0,s);
242       // project all the patches on the basis (compute scalar product)
243       Sk = P.get_transpose() * Sk;
244       // threshold the coefficients
245       if (threshold > 0) { Sk.threshold(threshold, 1); }
246       // project back to pixel space
247       Sk =  P * Sk;
248       // recenter the patches
249       cimg_forXY(Sk,x,y) { Sk(x,y) += M(y); }
250       int j = 0;
251       cimg_forXYZ_window((*this),xi,yi,zi,xj,yj,zj,wx,wy,wz){
252 	const int id = a_index(j);
253 	if (id < Sk.width()) {
254 	  dest.add_patch(xj, yj, zj, Sk.get_column(id), px, py, pz);
255 	  count.add_patch(xj, yj, zj, (T)1, px, py, pz);
256 	}
257 	j++;
258       }
259     }
260   }
261   cimg_foroff(dest, i) {
262     if(count(i) != 0) { dest(i) /= count(i); }
263     else { dest(i) = (*this)(i); }
264   }
265   return dest;
266 }
268 //! CHLPCA denoising from the PhD thesis of Hu Haijuan
269 /**
270    \param px the patch half width
271    \param px the patch half height
272    \param px the patch half depth
273    \param wx the training region half width
274    \param wy the training region half height
275    \param wz the training region half depth
276    \param nstep the subsampling of the image domain
277    \param nsim the number of patches used for training as a factor of the patch size
278    \param lambda_min the threshold on the eigen values of the PCA for dimension reduction
279    \param threshold the threshold on the value of the coefficients
280    \param pca_use_svd if true use the svd approach to perform the pca otherwise use the covariance method
281    \note please cite the PhD thesis of Hu Haijuan http://www.univ-ubs.fr/soutenance-de-these-hu-haijuan-337653.kjsp?RH=1318498222799
282  **/
chlpca(const int px,const int py,const int pz,const int wx,const int wy,const int wz,const int nstep,const float nsim,const float lambda_min,const float threshold,const float noise_std,const bool pca_use_svd)283 CImg<T> & chlpca(const int px, const int py, const int pz,
284 		 const int wx, const int wy, const int wz,
285 		 const int nstep, const float nsim,
286 		 const float lambda_min, const float threshold,
287 		 const float noise_std,  const bool pca_use_svd)  {
288   (*this) = get_chlpca(px, py, pz, wx, wy, wz, nstep, nsim, lambda_min,
289 			       threshold, noise_std, pca_use_svd);
290   return (*this);
291 }
293 //! CHLPCA denoising from the PhD thesis of Hu Haijuan
294 /**
295    \param p the patch half size
296    \param w the training region half size
297    \param nstep the subsampling of the image domain
298    \param nsim the number of patches used for training as a factor of the patch size
299    \param lambda_min the threshold on the eigen values of the PCA for dimension reduction
300    \param threshold the threshold on the value of the coefficients
301    \param pca_use_svd if true use the svd approach to perform the pca otherwise use the covariance method
302    \note please cite the PhD thesis of Hu Haijuan http://www.univ-ubs.fr/soutenance-de-these-hu-haijuan-337653.kjsp?RH=1318498222799
303  **/
304 CImg<T> get_chlpca(const int p=3, const int w=10,
305 		   const int nstep=5, const float nsim=10,
306 		   const float lambda_min=2, const float threshold = -1,
307 		   const float noise_std=-1, const bool pca_use_svd=true) const {
308   if (depth()==1) return get_chlpca(p, p, 0, w, w, 0, nstep, nsim, lambda_min,
309 				    threshold, noise_std, pca_use_svd);
310   else return get_chlpca(p, p, p, w, w, w, nstep, nsim, lambda_min,
311 			 threshold, noise_std, pca_use_svd);
312 }
314 CImg<T> chlpca(const int p=3, const int w=10,
315 	       const int nstep=5, const float nsim=10,
316 	       const float lambda_min=2, const float threshold = -1,
317 	       const float noise_std=-1, const bool pca_use_svd=true) {
318   (*this) = get_chlpca(p, w, nstep, nsim, lambda_min,
319 		       threshold, noise_std, pca_use_svd);
320   return (*this);
321 }
323 #endif /* cimg_plugin_chlpca */