1This is DATAPLOT file     COMMANDS.               7/93
2Purpose--Enumerate the names of DATAPLOT commands and functions.
6ABS(X)                 Function: Compute absolute value
7                       LET Y = ABS(X)
8                       PLOT ABS(X) FOR X = -1 .1 1
10ALLAN STAN DEVI PLOT   Generate an Allan stand. dev. plot
11                       ALLAN STANDARD DEVIATION PLOT Y
13ALLAN VARIANCE PLOT    Generate an Allan variance plot
14                       ALLAN VARIANCE PLOT Y
16ALPH()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek alpha
17                       FONT TRIPLEX; TEXT ALPH()BETA()GAMM()
19AMPLIFIER              Draw an amplifier
20                       AMPLIFIER 20 20 50 20
22AMPLITUDE SPEC PLOT    Generate amplitude spectral plot
23                       AMPLITUDE SPECTRAL PLOT Y
25AND                    Draw an and box
26                       AND 50 50 60 50
28AND                    Keyword: Used with PLOT, etc for multi-trace plot
29ANGLE                  Set angle for TEXT strings
30ANGLE UNITS            Define angle units for ANGLE command
31ANOP LIMITS            Set limits for region in ANOP Plot
32ANOP PLOT              Generate ANOP plot
33ANOVA                  Perform analysis of variance
34APPEND                 Append one var to end of another var
35APPR()                 Symbol: Write/draw approximatly equal to
36ARC                    Draw an arc
37ARCCOS(X)              Function: Compute arccosine
38ARCCOSH(X)             Function: Compute hyperbolic arccosine
39ARCCOT(X)              Function: Compute arccotangent
40ARCCOTH(X)             Function: Compute hyperbolic arccotangent
41ARCCSC(X)              Function: Compute arccosecant
42ARCCSCH(X)             Function: Compute hyperbolic arccosecant
43ARCSEC(X)              Function: Compute arcsecant
44ARCSECH(X)             Function: Compute hyperbolic arcsecant
45ARCSIN(X)              Function: Compute arcsine
46ARCSINH(X)             Function: Compute hyperbolic arcsine
47ARCTAN(X)              Function: Compute arctangent
48ARCTANH(X)             Function: Compute hyperbolic arctangent
49ARGAND SPECTRAL PLOT   Generate argand spectral plot
50ARRD()                 Symbol: Write/draw arrow pointing down
51ARRL()                 Symbol: Write/draw arrow pointing left
52ARROW                  Draw an arrow
53ARROW ... COLOR        Set colors for arrows on plots
54ARROW ... COORDINATES  Set location of arrows on plots
55ARROWD                 Set plot character to arrow down
56ARROWU                 Set plot character to arrow up
57ARRR()                 Symbol: Write/draw arrow pointing right
58ARRU()                 Symbol: Write/draw arrow pointing up
59AUTOCORRELATION        LET: Compute sample autocorrelation
60AUTOCORRELATION PLOT   Generate autocorrelation plot
61AUTOCORR STAT PLOT     Generate autocorrelation (vs. subset) plot
62AUTOCOVARIANCE         LET: Compute sample autocovariance
63AUTOMATIC              Keyword: Set a switch to "automatic" position
64AUTOPLOT ???(OBS)      Set switch (ON/OFF) for auto-plot-regen
65AUTOSPECTRAL PLOT      Generate autospectral plot
69B...                   Keyword: Params with comput. WEIBULL PLOT percent pts
70BACKGROUND COLOR       Set color of background (= inside frame)
71BACKGROUND COLOR       Set color of background after next ERASE
72BAR                    Set switch (ON/OFF) for bars on plots
73BAR BASE               Set base location for bars on plots
74BAR BORDER COLOR       Set color of border on bars
75BAR BORDER LINE        Set line type for border on bars
76BAR BORDER THICKNESS   Set thickness of border on bars
77BAR DIMENSION          Set bar dimension to 2d or 3d
78BAR DIRECTION          Set bar dirction (H/V)
79BAR FILL               Set switch (ONXX/OFF) for bar fill subregion
80BAR FILL COLOR         Set (background) color of bar fill
81BAR PATTERN            Set type of pattern for bar fill
82BAR PATTERN COLOR      Set line color in bar fill pattern
83BAR PATTERN LINE       Set pattern line type within bars
84BAR PATTERN LINE TYPE  Set line type in fill pattern
85BAR PATTERN SPACING    Set line spacing in bar fill pattern
86BAR PATTERN THICKNESS  Set line thickness in bar fill pattern
87BAR WIDTH              Set width for bars on plots
88BAR()                  Symbol: Write/draw bar
89BARH()                 Symbol: Write/draw horizontal bar
90BARV()                 Symbol: Write/draw vertical bar
91BASL()                 Symbol: Write/draw backslash
92BATCH                  Set dev 1 to 130-char alpha dev
93BAUD RATE              Set baud rate
94BELL                   Set automatic pre-plot bell (ON/OFF)
95BESS0(X)               Function: Compute Bessel func 1st kind & order 0
96BESS1(X)               Function: Compute Bessel func 1st kind & order 1
97BETA PROBABILITY PLOT  Generate beta probability plot
98BETA RANDOM NUMBERS    LET: Generate beta random num.
99BETA()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek beta
100BINOMIAL PROB PLOT     Generate binomial probability plot
101BINIAL RANDOM NUMBERS  LET: Generate binomial random num.
102BIWEIGHT               LET: Compute biweight (robust) transformation
103BLACK                  Argument: Set color to black
104BLANK                  Argument: Set plot character to blank
105BLANK                  Argument: Set line type to blank (= none)
106BLUE                   Argument: Set color to blue
107BOOT INDEX             LET: Generate bootstrap index (rand samp w repl)
108BOOT SAMPLE            LET: Generate bootstrap sample (rand samp w repl)
109BOOT MEAN PLOT         Generate bootstrap mean plot
110BOOT MIDMEAN PLOT      Generate bootstrap midmean plot
111BOOT MEDIAN PLOT       Generate bootstrap median plot
112BOOT SD PLOT           Generate bootstrap standard deviation plot
113BOOT VARIANCE PLOT     Generate bootstrap variance plot
114BOOT RELATIVE SD PLOT  Generate bootstrap relative st. dev. plot
115BOOT RANGE PLOT        Generate bootstrap range plot
116BOOT MINIMUM PLOT      Generate bootstrap minimum plot
117BOOT MAXIMUM PLOT      Generate bootstrap maximum plot
118BOOT SKEWNESS PLOT     Generate bootstrap skewness plot
119BOOT KURTOSIS PLOT     Generate bootstrap kurtosis plot
120BOOT AUTOCORR PLOT     Generate bootstrap autocorrelation plot
121BOOT SD OF MEAN PLOT   Generate bootstrap st. dev. of the mean plot
122BOOT AUTOCOV PLOT      Generate bootstrap autocovariance plot
123BOOT RANK COVAR PLOT   Generate bootstrap rank covariance plot
124BOOT LOWER HINGE PLOT  Generate bootstrap lower hinge plot
125BOOT UPPER HINGE PLOT  Generate bootstrap upper hinge plot
126BOOT LOWER QUAR PLOT   Generate bootstrap lower quartile plot
127BOOT UPPER QUAR PLOT   Generate bootstrap upper quartile plot
128BOOT TRIMMED MEAN PLOT Generate bootstrap trimmed mean plot
129BOOT WIND MEAN PLOT    Generate bootstrap Windsorized mean plot
130BOOT ... DECILE PLOT   Generate bootstrap ... decile plots
131BOOT SINE FREQ PLOT    Generate bootstrap sine frequency plot
132BOOT SINE AMPL PLOT    Generate bootstrap sine amplitude plot
133BOOT LINEAR INTE PLOT  Generate bootstrap linear intercept plot
134BOOT LINEAR SLOPE PLOT Generate bootstrap linear slope plot
135BOOT LINEAR RESSD PLOT Generate bootstrap linear resid. s.d. plot
136BOOT LINEAR CORR PLOT  Generate bootstrap linear correlation plot
137BOOT TAGUCHI SN.. PLOT Generate bootstrap Taguchi S/N plots
138BOX                    Draw a box
139BOX ... COLOR          Set colors for box frame on plots
140BOX ... COORDINATES    Set location of boxes on plots
141BOX COX LINEARITY PLOT Generate linearity plot (Box-Cox family)
142BOX PLOT               Set all plot characters for BOX PLOT
143BOX PLOT               Set all plot lines for BOX PLOT
144BOX PLOT               Generate box plot
145BOX-COX HOMOSCED PLOT  Generate homosced. plot (Box-Cox family)
146BOX-COX NORMALITY PLOT Generate normality plot (Box-Cox family)
147BRAD()                 Symbol: Write/draw larger radical
148BREV()                 Symbol: Write/draw breve
149BS() <make work>       Symbol: Move 1 backspace
150BUGS                   List known bugs
151BUILT-IN CHAR/SYMBOL   All b-i char/sym may be used for plot char
152BYE                    Exit from DATAPLOT (= EXIT, STOP, etc.)
156C CHART                Generate C control chart
157CALL                   Execute a DATAPLOT subprgm from file
158CAPACITOR              Draw a capacitor
159CARA()                 Symbol: Write/draw carot
160CASE                   Set case of letters (UPPER, LOWER)
161CAUCHY PROB PLOT       Generate Cauchy probability plot
162CAUCHY RANDOM NUMBERS  LET: Generate Cauchy random num.
163CENTER                 Argument for JUST: Set justif. to center
164CH                     Activate and read cross-hair (0 to 100)
165CHARACTER ANGLE        Set angle (in deg) for characters on plot
166CHARACTER COLORS       Set colors for characters on plots
167CHARACTER FILL         Set fill switch (ON/OFF) for char. on plot
168CHARACTER HW ...       Set height and width for char on plot
169CHARACTER JUST         Set justification for characters on plot
170CHARACTER OFFSET ...   Set offset (displacement) for char on plot
171CHARACTER SIZES        Set size (height) for characters on plot
172CHARACTER WIDTH        Set width for characters on plots
173CHARACTERS             Set plot character types (X, SQUARE, etc)
174CHEB0(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 0
175CHEB1(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 1
176CHEB10(X)              Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 10
177CHEB2(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 2
178CHEB3(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 3
179CHEB4(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 4
180CHEB5(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 5
181CHEB6(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 6
182CHEB7(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 7
183CHEB8(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 8
184CHEB9(X)               Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 9
185CHEB10(X)              Function: Compute Chebychev poly 1st kind & ord 10
186CHI()                  Symbol: Write/draw Greek chi
187CHI-SQUARED PPCC PLOT  Generate chi-squared prob plot corr cf plot
188CHI-SQUARED PROB PLOT  Generate chi-squared probability plot
189CHI-SQUARED RAND NUMB  LET: Generate chi-squared random num.
190CHSCDF(X,NU)           Function: Compute chi-squared cumulative dist func
191CHSPDF(X,NU)           Function: Compute chi-squared prob density func
192CHSPPF(P,NU)           Function: Compute chi-squared percent point func
193CINT()                 Symbol: Write/draw circular integral
194CIRC()                 Symbol: Write/draw circle
195CIRCLE                 Set plot character to circle
196CIRCLE                 Draw a circle
197CLASS ...LOWER         Spec. first class lower lim for HISTOGRAM
198CLASS ...UPPER         Spec. last class upper lim for HISTOGRAM
199CLASS ...WIDTH         Set class width for HISTOGRAM
200CO-SPECTRAL PLOT       Generate co-spectral plot
201CODE                   LET: Code the elements in a variable
202CODE...                LET: Carry out binary, quartile,... coding
203CODE2                  LET: Carry out binary coding
204CODE4                  LET: Carry out quartile coding
205CODE8                  LET: Carry out octile coding
206CODEH ???              LET: Code the data
207CODEN ???              LET: Code the data
208COEF                   Keyword: Var where FIT, ANOVA, etc coef stored
209COEFSD                 Keyword: Var where FIT, ANOVA, etc coef sd stored
210COHERENCY SPEC PLOT    Generate coherency spectral plot
211COLOR                  Set color of TEXT letters (RED, BLUE, etc)
212COLUMN LIMITS          Set col limts for READ & SERIAL READ
213COMMENT                Insert a comment line in code
214COMMUNICATIONS LINK    Set link (phone, network, etc.) for host
215COMPLEX                Set font to complex
216COMPLEX ADDITION       LET: Carry out complex addition
217COMPLEX CONJUGATE      LET: Carry out complex conjugate
218COMP DEMOD AMPL PLOT   Generate complex demodulation amp. plot
219COMP DEMOD PHASE PLOT  Generate complex demodulation phase plot
220COMPLEX DIVISION       LET: Carry out complex division
221COMPLEX EXPONENTIATION LET: Carry out complex exponentiation
222COMPLEX MULTIPLICATION LET: Carry out complex multiplication
223COMPLEX ROOTS          LET: Compute complex roots
224COMPLEX SCRIPT         Set font to complex script
225COMPLEX SQUARE ROOT    LET: Carry out complex square root
226COMPLEX SUBTRACTION    LET: Carry out complex subtraction
227CONCLUSIONS            Keyword: Symbolic name for DATAPLOT's Conclus. file
228CONFIDENCE LIMITS MEAN Compute confidence limits for mean
229CONTOUR PLOT           Generate contour plot
230... CONTROL CHART      Generate mean, sd, or range control chart
231CONTROL CHART          Set all plot characters for CONTROL CHART
232CONTROL CHART          Set all plot lines for CONTROL CHART
233CONVOLUTION            LET: Compute convolution of elts in 2 var
234COPY                   Copy the current scr onto local hardcopier
235... CORRELATION PLOT   Generate auto- or cross-correlation plot
236CORRELATION            LET: Compute sample correlation
237COS(X)                 Function: Compute cosine
238COSH(X)                Function: Compute hyperbolic cosine
239COT(X)                 Function: Compute cotangent
240COTH(X)                Function: Compute hyperbolic cotangent
241COUNTS PLOT            Generate counts (vs. subset) plot
242COVARIANCE             LET: Compute sample covariance
243CP                     LET: Compute sample Cp statistic
244CP PLOT                Generate Cp (vs. subset) plot
245CPK                    LET: Compute sample Cpk statistic
246CPK PLOT               Generate Cpk (vs. subset) plot
247CR                     Set automatic carriage return after TEXT
248CREATE                 Create a subprogram
249CRLF                   Set auto carr return/line feed after TEXT
250CROSS-CORRELATION PLOT Generate cross-correlation plot
251CROSS-HAIR (or CH)     Activate and read cross-hair (0 to 100)
252CROSS-PERIODOGRAM      Generate cross-periodogram
253CROSS-SPECTRAL PLOT    Generate cross-spectral plot
254CSC(X)                 Function: Compute cosecant
255CSCH(X)                Function: Compute hyperbolic cosecant
256CUBE                   Set plot character to cube
257CUBE                   Draw a cube
258CUBE()                 Symbol: Write/draw cube
259CUMULATIVE INTEGRAL    LET: Compute cum. integrals of elts in a var
260CUMULATIVE PRODUCT     LET: Compute cum. products of elts in a var
261CUMULATIVE SUM         LET: Compute cum. sums of elts in a var
262CURSOR COORDINATES     Set cursor coor loc after PLOT, ERASE, etc
263CURSOR SIZE            Set cursor size after a plot
264CURSOR SPACING works?  Set cursor spacing after a plot
265CYAN                   Argument: Set color to cyan
269DAGG()                 Symbol: Write/draw dagger
270DARR()                 Symbol: Write/draw down arrow
271DASHED or DASH or DA   Argument: Set line type to dash
272DASH1 or DA1           Argument: Set line type to dashed type 1
273DASH2 or DA2           Argument: Set line type to dashed type 2
274DASH3 or DA3           Argument: Set line type to dashed type 3
275DASH4 or DA4           Argument: Set line type to dashed type 4
276DATA                   LET: Generate a set of data values
277DDAG()                 Symbol: Write/draw double dagger
278... DECILE             LET: Compute decile
279... DECILE PLOT        Generate decile (vs. subset) plot
280DECOCT(X)              Function: Compute decimal to octal conversion
281DEFAULT                Keyword: Set a switch to "default" position
282DEFINE                 Define general ASCII string commands
283DEFINE POSTHELP        Define terminal string to succeed HELP
284DEFINE PREHELP         Define terminal string to precede HELP
285DEGREES                Set degrees for trig calculations (ON/OFF)
286DEL()                  Symbol: Write/draw vector product
287DELETE                 Delete var or elements of a var
288DELT()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek delta
289DEMODF                 Keyword: Param with updated complex demodulation freq
290DEMODF                 Keyword: Param with updated demod freq. (COMP DEMOD)
292DERIVATIVE             LET: Compute derivative of a function
293DEVICE ...             Set dev 1/2/3 manufacturer
294DEVICE ... COLOR       Set dev 1/2/3 color (ON/OFF)
295DEVICE ... GENERAL     Set dev 1/2/3 to dev-indep
296DEVICE ... GENE CODE   Set dev 1/2/3 to coded dev-indep
297DEVICE ... HP 2623     Set dev 1/2/3 to HP 2623
298DEVICE ... HP 7221     Set dev 1/2/3 to HP 7221
299DEVICE ... HP-GL       Set dev 1/2/3 to HP-GL
300DEVICE ... PICT POIN   Set dev 1/2/3 num of picture points
301DEVICE ... POWER       Set dev 1/2/3 power (ON/OFF)
302DEVICE ... REGIS       Set dev 1/2/3 to DEC REGIS
303DEVICE ... TEKT 4010   Set dev 1/2/3 to Tekt 4010
304DEVICE ... TEKT 4014   Set dev 1/2/3 to Tekt 4014
305DEVICE ... TEKT 4105   Set dev 1/2/3 to Tekt 4105
306DEVICE ... TEKT 4662   Set dev 1/2/3 to Tekt 4662
307DEVICE ... UNIT NUMB?? Set dev 1/2/3 unit num ident
357       (OMITTED)
358       EFFECTS
361       (OMITTED)
362       PARETO
363       YOUDEN
366DIAM()                 Symbol: Write/draw diamond
367DIAMOND                Argument: Set plot character to diamond
368DIAMOND                Draw a diamond
369DICTIONARY             Keyword: Symbolic name for DATAPLOT's Dictionary (1000+
370DIM(X,YU)              Function: Compute positive difference-- x-min(x,y)
371DIMENSION              Set dimensions of internal data storage
372DIRECTORY              Keyword: Symbolic name for DATAPLOT's Directory of file
373DISCRETE               Set dev 1 to  70-char alpha dev
374DISC UNIF RAND NUMB    LET: Generate discrete uniform rand num.
375DISTINCT               LET: Extract distinct elements from a var
376DIVI()                 Symbol: Write/draw division
377DOTP()                 Symbol: Write/draw dot product
378DOTTED or DOT or DO    Argument: Set line type to dotted
379DOUBLE EXPO PROB PLOT  Generate double exp. probability plot
380DOUBLE EXPO RAND NUMB  LET: Generate double exponential random num.
381DRAW                   Draw a line
382DUPLEX                 Argument: Set font to duplex
383DVBA()                 Symbol: Write/draw double vertical bar
387ECHO                   Set auto echo of command lines (ON/OFF)
388ELEM()                 Symbol: Write/draw is an element of
389ELLIPSE                Draw an ellipse
390END                    Exit from DATAPLOT (= STOP, EXIT, etc.)
391END OF CREATE          End CREATion of a subprogram
392END OF DATA            Define end data for READ & SERIAL READ
393END OF IF              Define end of condit-executed commands
394END OF LOOP            Terminate a loop
395EPSI()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek epsilon
396EQUI()                 Symbol: Write/draw equivalence
397ERASE                  Erase the current screen
398ERASE DELAY            Set delay factor for ERASE
399ERF(X)                 Function: Compute error function
400ERFC(X)                Function: Compute complementary error function
401ERROR BAR PLOT         Generate error bar plot
402ETA()                  Symbol: Write/draw Greek eta
403EXACT ... RATIONAL FIT Perform exact rational function fit
404EXCEPT                 Keyword: Qualifier denoting excepted subset
405EXIT                   Exit from DATAPLOT (= STOP, END, etc.)
406EXP(X)                 Function: Compute exponential function
407EXPECTED LOSS          LET: Compute sample Expected Loss statistic
408EXPECTED LOSS PLOT     Generate Expected Loss (vs. subset) plot
409EXPERT                 Invoke expert subsystem
410EXPONENTIAL PROB PLOT  Generate exponential probability plot
411EXPONENTIAL RAND NUMB  LET: Generate exponential random num.
412EXTEND                 Extend one var by (attaching) another var
413EXTR VALUE 1 RAND NUMB LET: Generate extreme value type 1 ran num
414EXTR VALUE 2 RAND NUMB LET: Generate extreme value type 2 ran num
415EXTR VALUE TYPE 1 PROB PLOT Generate ext. val. type 1 probability plot
416EXTR VALUE TYPE 2 PPCC PLOT Generate ext. val. type 2 prob plot cc plot
417EXTR VALUE TYPE 2 PROB PLOT Generate ext. val. type 2 probability plot
418EYE COORDINATES        Set eye position for 3-dimensional plot
422F PROBABILITY PLOT     Generate F probability plot
423F RANDOM NUMBERS       LET: Generate F random num.
424FCDF(X,NU1,NU2)        Function: Compute F cumulative dist func
425FEEDBACK               Allow/suppress feedback printing (ON/OFF)
426FENCE                  Set fence switch (ON/OFF) for BOX PLOT
427FFT                    LET: Compute fast Fourier transform
428FIBONNACCI NUMBERS     LET: Generate Fibonnacci numbers
429FILL                   Set fill switch (ON/OFF) for TEXT figure
430FILTER WIDTH           Set filter width for SMOOTH
431... FIT                Perform lst sq lin/poly/multilin/non-lin fit
432FIT CONS [not wk]      Set constraints for FIT & PRE-FIT
433FIT ITERATIONS         Set upper bound on iterations for FIT
434FIT POWER>>PRE-FIT     Set fit criterion power for PRE-FIT
435FIT STANDARD DEVIATION Set lower bound on res sd for FIT
436FONT                   Set font for letters (TRIPLEX, COMPLEX, etc)
437FOR                    Keyword: Qualifier denoting elts or var of interest
438FOURIER EXPONENT       Set Fourier exponent
439FOURIER TRANSFORM      LET: Compute Fourier transform
440FOURTH CENTR MOME      LET: Compute sample 4th central moment
441FPDF(X,NU1,NU2)        Function: Compute F probability density func
442FPPF(P,NU1,NU2)        Function: Compute F percent point function
443FRACT(X)               Function: Compute fractional portion
444FRACTAL                LET: Compute values of fractal curve
445FRACTAL PLOT           Generate fractal plot
446FRAME COORDINATES      Set plot frame location and shape
447...FRAME               Set switch (ON/OFF) for frames on plots
448...FRAME COLOR         Set colors for frame on plots
449... FREQUENCY PLOT     Generate frequency plot--cum/rel/cum rel
450FREQUENCY              LET: Compute frequencies of distinct values
454GAIN SPECTRAL PLOT     Generate gain spectral plot
455GAMM()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek gamma
456GAMMA PPCC PLOT        Generate gamma prob plot corr coef plot
457GAMMA PROBABILITY PLOT Generate gamma probability plot
458GAMMA RANDOM NUMBERS   LET: Generate gamma random num.
459GAMMA(X)               Function: Compute gamma function
460GENERAL                Set dev 1 to device-indep
461GENERAL (CODED)        Set dev 1 to coded device-indep
462GEOMETRIC PPCC PLOT    Generate geometric prob plot corr coef plot
463GEOMETRIC PROB PLOT    Generate geometric probability plot
464GEOMETRIC RAND NUMB    LET: Generate geometric random num.
465GRADS                  Set grads for trig calculations (ON/OFF)
466GREEN                  Argument: Set color to green
467...GRID                Set swtch (ON/OFF) for (major) grid on plots
468GRID COLOR             Set color for grid on plots
469GRID PATTERN           Set line type for grid on plots
470GROUND                 Darw a ground
471GT()                   Symbol: Write/draw greater than
472GTEQ()                 Symbol: Write/draw greater than or equal to
476HALFNORMAL PROB PLOT   Generate halfnormal probability plot
477HALFNORMAL RAND NUMB   LET: Generate halfnormal random num.
478HALT                   Exit from DATAPLOT (= STOP, END, etc.)
479HARDCOPY               Set auto copy of plots to loc hdcpy (ON/OFF)
480HARDCOPY DELAY         Set delay factor for hardcopy
481HASP()                 Symbol: Move a half-space
482HAT()                  CH&SY Write/draw hat (= high carat)
483HBAR()                 Symbol: Write/draw horizontal bar
484HEIGHT                 Set height of letters (0 to 100)
485HELP                   Print short documentation for a command
486HELP LINES             Set number of lines/screen for HELP
487HEXAGON                Draw a hexagon
488HHBA()  ???            Symbol: Write/draw xx
489... HINGE PLOT         Generate lower/upper hinge (vs. subset) plot
490... HISTOGRAM          Generate histogram--cum/rel/cum rel
491HOMOSCEDASTICITY PLOT  Generate homoscedasticity plot.
492HORIZONTAL SPACING     Set horiz. spacing between char (0 to 100)
493HOTELL.DP              Macro to compute Hotelling (simult) conf lim
494HOST                   Set host computer
495HP 2623                Set dev 1 to HP 2623
496HP 7221                Set dev 1 to HP 7221
497HP-GL                  Set dev 1 to HP-GL
498HW                     Set height and width of letters
502I                      Keyword: Var denoting dummy index; used in FOR
503I PLOT                 Set all plot characters for I PLOT
504I PLOT                 Set all plot lines for I PLOT
505I PLOT                 Generate I plot
506IASP()                 Symbol: Write/draw inverted nasp
507IF                     Define start of condit-executed commands
508IMPLEMENT              Activ local chg to DTPLT. implement. (obs)
509INDUCTOR               Draw an inductor
510INFI()                 Symbol: Write/draw infinity
511INFINITY               Keyword: Parameter with value "infinity"
512INT(X)                 Function: Compute Integer portion
513INTE()                 Symbol: Write/draw integral
514INTR()                 Symbol: Write/draw intersection
515INTEGRAL               LET: Function: Compute definite integral of a function
516INTEGRAL               LET: Compute integral of elements in a var
517INTERPOLATION          LET: Compute (cubic spline) interpolated values
518INVERSE FFT            LET: Compute inverse fast Fourier transform
519INVERSE FOURIER TRAN   LET: Compute inverse Fourier transform
520IO                     Set IO source for menu macros
521IOTA()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek iota
522IPR                    Set log unit num for printed output
523IRD                    Set log unit num for input
527JACK MEAN PLOT         Generate jacknife mean plot
528JACK MIDMEAN PLOT      Generate jacknife midmean plot
529JACK MEDIAN PLOT       Generate jacknife median plot
530JACK SD PLOT           Generate jacknife standard deviation plot
531JACK VARIANCE PLOT     Generate jacknife variance plot
532JACK RELATIVE SD PLOT  Generate jacknife relative st. dev. plot
533JACK RANGE PLOT        Generate jacknife range plot
534JACK MINIMUM PLOT      Generate jacknife minimum plot
535JACK MAXIMUM PLOT      Generate jacknife maximum plot
536JACK SKEWNESS PLOT     Generate jacknife skewness plot
537JACK KURTOSIS PLOT     Generate jacknife kurtosis plot
538JACK AUTOCORR PLOT     Generate jacknife autocorrelation plot
539JACK SD OF MEAN PLOT   Generate jacknife st. dev. of the mean plot
540JACK AUTOCOV PLOT      Generate jacknife autocovariance plot
541JACK RANK COVAR PLOT   Generate jacknife rank covariance plot
542JACK LOWER HINGE PLOT  Generate jacknife lower hinge plot
543JACK UPPER HINGE PLOT  Generate jacknife upper hinge plot
544JACK LOWER QUAR PLOT   Generate jacknife lower quartile plot
545JACK UPPER QUAR PLOT   Generate jacknife upper quartile plot
546JACK TRIMMED MEAN PLOT Generate jacknife trimmed mean plot
547JACK WIND MEAN PLOT    Generate jacknife Windsorized mean plot
548JACK ... DECILE PLOT   Generate jacknife ... decile plots
549JACK SINE FREQ PLOT    Generate jacknife sine frequency plot
550JACK SINE AMPL PLOT    Generate jacknife sine amplitude plot
551JACK LINEAR INTE PLOT  Generate jacknife linear intercept plot
552JACK LINEAR SLOPE PLOT Generate jacknife linear slope plot
553JACK LINEAR RESSD PLOT Generate jacknife linear resid. s.d. plot
554JACK LINEAR CORR PLOT  Generate jacknife linear correlation plot
555JACK TAGUCHI SN.. PLOT Generate jacknife Taguchi S/N plots
556JUSTIFICATION          Set justif of text (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT)
560KAPP()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek kappa
561KEYBOARD CHARACTER     All keybd char may be used for plot char
562KNOTS                  Set knots variable for SPLINE
563KURTOSIS               LET: Compute sample kurt (stand 4th cent mom)
564KURTOSIS PLOT          Generate kurtosis (vs. subset) plot
568...LABEL               Set labels at sides & bottom of plot
569...LABEL COLOR         Set colors for labels on plots
570...LABEL SIZE          Set size (height) for labels on plots
571LACC()                 Symbol: Write/draw left accent
572... LAG PLOT           Generate lag plot for a given lag number
573LAMB()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek lambda
574LAPO()                 Symbol: Write/draw left apostrophe
575LARR()                 Symbol: Write/draw left arrow
576LATTICE                Draw a lattice
577LBRA()                 Symbol: Write/draw left bracket
578LC()                   Symbol: Shift to lower case
579LCBR()                 Symbol: Write/draw left curly bracket
580LEFT                   Argument for JUST: Set justif. to left
581LEGEND ...             Set text for plot legends
582LEGEND ... COLOR       Set color for legends on plots
583LEGEND ... COOR        Set plot legend positioning
584LEGEND HW  --          Set legend height & width
585LEGEND ... SIZE        Set size (height) for legends on plots
586LELB()                 Symbol: Write/draw left elbow
587LET                    Define var & param; calc stat; roots/dif etc
588LET FUNCTION           Define & operate on func; differentiate
589LF                     Set automatic line feed after TEXT
590LHBA()                 Symbol: Write/draw long horizontal bar
591...LIMITS              Set limits (min and max) for plot frame
592LINE COLORS            Set colors for lines (plots & figures)
593LINE THICKNESS         Set thicknesses of lines (plots & figures)
594LINE THICKNESS         Set thickness of lines (0 to 100)
595LINEAR CORR PLOT       Generate linear corr (vs. subset) plot
596LINEAR INTERCEPT PLOT  Generate linear intercept (vs. subset) plot
597LINEAR RESSD PLOT      Generate linear res. sd. (vs. subset) plot
598LINEAR SLOPE PLOT      Generate linear slope (vs. subset) plot
599LINES                  Set line types (SOLID, DOT, etc.) on plots
600LINES                  Set line type for figures (SOLID, DOT, etc)
601LIST                   List last 20 (or more) commands entered
602LIST <file name>       List contents of a file
603LIST CONCLUSIONS       List DATAPLOT's Conclusions file
604LIST DEFINITIONS       List current user-defined definit (DEFINE)
605LIST LINES             Change number of commands for LISTing
606LIST DICTIONARY        List DATAPLOT's Dictionary (1000+ lines)
607LIST DIRECTORY         List DATAPLOT's Directory of files
608LIST SAVE              List current Saved-Commands file (SAVE)
609LN(X)                  Function: Compute logarithm (natural)
610LOFCDF                 Keyword: Param with lack of fit cdf val from FIT, etc
611...LOG                 Set switch (ON/OFF) for log scale on plots
612LOG(X)                 Function: Compute logarithm (natural)
613LOG10(X)               Function: Compute logarithm (base 10)
614LOG2(X)                Function: Compute logarithm (base 2)
615LOGGAMMA(X)            Function: Compute log (to the base e) gamma func
616LOGICAL AND            LET: Carry out logical and
617LOGICAL IFF            LET: Carry out logical iff
618LOGICAL IFTHEN         LET: Carry out logical ifthen
619LOGICAL NAND           LET: Carry out logical nand
620LOGICAL NOR            LET: Carry out logical nor
621LOGICAL NOT            LET: Carry out logical not
622LOGICAL OR             LET: Carry out logical or
623LOGICAL XOR            LET: Carry out logical xor
624LOGISTIC PROB PLOT     Generate logistic probability plot
625LOGISTIC RAND NUMB     LET: Generate logistic random num.
626LOGNORMAL PROB PLOT    Generate lognormal probability plot
627LOGNORMAL RAND NUMB    LET: Generate lognormal random num.
628LOOP                   Initiate a loop
629LOWER HINGE            LET: Compute sample lower hinge
630LOWER HINGE PLOT       Generate lower hinge (vs. subset) plot
631LOWER QUARTILE         LET: Compute sample lower quartile
632LOWER QUARTILE PLOT    Generate lower quartile (vs. subset) plot
633LOWESS SMOOTH          Perform lowess smoothing
634LOWESS FRACTION        Set 0.0 to 1.0 width for lowess smooth
635LOWESS PERCENTAGE      Set 0 to 100% width for lowess smooth
636LQUO()                 Symbol: Write/draw left quote
637LRAD()                 Symbol: Write/draw large radiacal
638LT()                   Symbol: Write/draw less than
639LTEQ()                 Symbol: Write/draw less than or equal to
640LVBA()                 Symbol: Write/draw long vertical bar
644MAGENTA                Argument: Set color to magenta
645MAIL                   Print message from DATAPLOT service org
646MAJOR ...TIC NUMBER    Set number of major tics on plots
647MARGIN                 Set posit (0 to 100) for carr ret after TEXT
648MARGIN COLOR           Set color of margin (= outside frame)
649MATRIX ADDITION        LET: Carry out matrix addition
650MATRIX COFACTOR        LET: Compute matrix cofactor
651MATRIX DEFINITION      LET: Set matrix definition
652MATRIX DETERMINANT     LET: Compute matrix determinant
653MATRIX EIGENVALUES     LET: Compute matrix eigenvalues
654MATRIX EIGENVECTORS    LET: Compute matrix eigenvectors
655MATRIX EUCLIDEAN NORM  LET: Compute matrix Euclidean norm
656MATRIX INVERSE         LET: Compute matrix inverse
657MATRIX MINOR           LET: Compute matrix minor
658MATRIX MULTIPLICATION  LET: Carry out matrix multiplication
659MATRIX NUMB OF COLU    LET: Compute matrix number of columns
660MATRIX NUMBER OF ROWS  LET: Compute matrix number of rows
661MATRIX SIMPLEX SOLU    LET: Compute matrix simplex solution
662MATRIX SOLUTION        LET: Compute matrix solution
663MATRIX SPECTRAL NORM   LET: Compute matrix spectral norm
664MATRIX SPECTRAL RADIUS LET: Compute matrix spectral radius
665MATRIX SUBMATRIX       LET: Define matrix submatrix
666MATRIX SUBTRACTION     LET: Carry out matrix subtraction
667MATRIX TRACE           LET: Compute matrix trace
668MATRIX TRANSPOSE       LET: Compute matrix transpose
669MAX(X,Y)               Function: Compute maximum
670...MAXIMUM             Set maxima to appear on plot frame
671MAXIMUM                LET: Compute sample maximum
672MAXIMUM PLOT           Generate maxima (vs. subset) plot
673MEAN                   LET: Compute sample mean
674MEAN CONTROL CHART     Generate mean control chart
675MEAN PLOT              Generate mean (vs. subset) plot
676MEDIAN                 LET: Compute sample median
677MEDIAN PLOT            Generate median (vs. subset) plot
678MEDIAN POLISH          Perform analysis of variance
679MESSAGE  [not work]    Write message to DATAPLOT service org
680MIDMEAN                LET: Compute sample midmean
681MIDMEAN PLOT           Generate midmean (vs. subset) plot
682MIDRANGE               LET: Compute sample midrange
683MIDRANGE PLOT          Generate midrange (vs. subset) plot
684MIMIMUM                LET: Compute sample minimum
685MIN(X,Y)               Function: Compute minimum
686...MINIMUM             Set minima to appear on plot frame
687MINIMUM PLOT           Generate minima (vs. subset) plot
688MINOR GRID             Set switch (ON/OFF) for minor grid on plots
689MINOR ...TIC NUMBER    Set number of minor tics on plots
690MOD(X,Y)               Function: Compute modulo
691MOVE                   Move to a point
692MOVEDATA               Move to a point (using last-plot data units)
693MSD(X)                 Function: Compute most significant digit
694MU()                   Symbol: Write/draw Greek mu
695MULTIPLOT              Set number of rows & columns for multiplot
696MULTIPLOT COORDINATES  Change default global coor. for MULTIPLOT
700NAME                   Assign (equate) additional names to a var
701NAND       [not work]  Draw a nand box
702NASP()                 Symbol: Write/draw nasp
703NEGATE                 Set switch (ON/OFF) to negate vert. plot
704NEGA BINO PROB PLOT    Generate neg. bin. probability plot
705NEGA BINO RAND NUMB    LET: Generate negative binomial random num.
706NEWS                   Print general news from DATAPLOT service org
707NOR                    Draw a nor box
708NORCDF(X)              Function: Compute normal N(0,1) cumulative dist func
709NORM ORDER STAT MEDI   LET: Generate normal order statistic medians
710NORMAL PROB PLOT       Generate normal probability plot
711NORMAL RANDOM NUMBERS  LET: Generate normal N(0,1) random num.
712NORPDF(X)              Function: Compute normal N(0,1) prob density func
713NORPPF(P)              Function: Compute normal N(0,1) percent point func
714NOT=()                 Symbol: Write/draw not equal
715NP CHART               Generate Np control chart
716NU()                   Symbol: Write/draw Greek nu
720OCTDEC(X)              Function: Compute octal to decimal conversion
721OFF                    Keyword: Set a switch to "off" position
722OMEG()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek omega
723OMIC()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek omicon
724ON                     Keyword: Set a switch to "on" position
725OPERATOR  [not work]   Send a message to host console oper. (obs)
726OR                     Draw an or box
727ORIGIN COORDINATES     Set reference origin for 3-dimensional plot
728ORTHOGONAL FIT [fut.]  Carry out a least squares orthogonal fit
729OVAL                   Draw an oval
733P CHART                Generate P control chart
734PARA()                 Symbol: Write/draw paragraph
735PARETO PLOT            Generate Pareto plot
736PARETO PPCC PLOT       Generate Pareto prob plot corr coef plot
737PARETO PROB PLOT       Generate Pareto probability plot
738PARETO RANDOM NUMBERS  LET: Generate Pareto random num.
739PART()                 Symbol: Write/draw partial derivative
740PATTERN                LET: Generate a patterned seq within a var
741PATTERN COLOR    ???   Set (general) pattern color
742PATTERN HEIGHT   ???   Set (general) pattern height??
743PATTERN LINE     ???   Set (general) pattern line type
744PATTERN SPACING  ???   Set (general) pattern spacing
745PATTERN THIC ???       Set (general) pattern thickness
746PATTERN WIDTH    ???   Set (general) pattern (line) width
747PAUSE                  Stop execution (of a macro) until CR entered
748PEDESTAL [not work]    Set switch (ON/OFF) for pedestal on 3d-plot
749PEDESTAL COLOR[not wk] Set color of pedestal on 3d-plots
750PEDESTAL HEIGHT        Set height for 3-d pedestal
751PEDE SIZE[not work]    Set size for pedestal on 3d-plots
752PERCENT DEFECTIVE      LET: Compute sample Percent Defective stat.
753PERCENT DEFECTIVE PLOT Generate Percent Defective (vs. subset) plot
754PERCENT POINT PLOT     Generate percent point plot
755... PERIODOGRAM        Generate auto- or cross-periodogram
756PERIODOGRAM            Generate auto-periodogram
757PHASE SPECTRAL PLOT    Generate phase spectral plot
758PHI()                  Symbol: Write/draw Greek phi
759PI                     Keyword: Parameter with value 3.1415926
760PI()                   Symbol: Write/draw Greek pi
761PICT POINTS (or PP)    Set dev 1 num of picture points
762PIE CHART              Generate pie chart
763PLOT                   Generate plot of var &/or func
764POINCARE PLOT          Generate Poincare plot
765POINT                  Draw a point
766POISSON PPCC PLOT      Generate Poisson prob plot corr coef plot
767POISSON PROB PLOT      Generate Poisson probability plot
768POISSON RAND NUMB      LET: Generate Poisson random num.
769POLYNOMIAL ADDITION    LET: Carry out polynomial addition
770POLYNOMIAL DEGREE      Set degree of polynomial in smoothing; (obs)
771POLYNOMIAL DIVISION    LET: Carry out polynomial division
772POLYNOMIAL EVAL        LET: Carry out polynomial evaluation
773POLYNOMIAL MULT        LET: Carry out polynomial multiplication
774POLYNOMIAL SQUARE      LET: Carry out polynomial square
775POLYNOMIAL SUBT        LET: Carry out polynomial subtraction
776POSTSCRIPT SHOW FONTS  Show available postscript fonts
777... PPCC PLOT          Generate prob plot corr coef plot (9 fam)
778PPCC PLOT              Generate (Tukey lambda) prob plot cc pl
779PRE-ERASE              Set switch (ON/OFF) for auto-erase bef plots
780... PRE-FIT            Perform pre-fit analysis for starting values
781PRE-SORT               Set automatic pre-plot sort (ON/OFF)
782PRED                   Keyword: Var with predicted values from FIT, etc
783PREPLOT                Set graphics device for pre-plot strings
784PREPLOT                Define gr dev for PREPLOT/POSTPLOT str
785PRIM()                 Symbol: Write/draw prime
786PRIME NUMBERS          LET: Generate prime numbers
787PRINT                  Write (terminal/file) var, param, func
788PRINTING               Allow/suppress analysis printing (ON/OFF)
789... PROBABILITY PLOT   Generate probability plot (24 dist)
790PROBE                  Examine code settings (used by implementor)
791PROD()                 Symbol: Write/draw product
792PRODUCT                LET: Compute product of elements in a var
793PROFILE PLOT           Generate profile plot (multivar anal)
794PROMPT                 Set switch (ON/OFF) for prompt
795PSI()                  Symbol: Write/draw Greek psi
796PYRA()                 Symbol: Write/draw pyramid
797PYRAMID                Argument: Set plot character to pyramid
798PYRAMID                Draw a pyramid
802QUADRATURE SPEC PLOT   Generate quadrature spectral plot
803QUANTILE-QUANTILE PLOT Generate quantile-quantile plot
804... QUARTILE PLOT      Generate lower/upper quart (vs. subset) plot
805QUERY                  Send query line to DATAPLOT consultant file
806QUIT                   Exit from DATAPLOT (= STOP, END, etc.)
810R                      Re-execute one previous command
811R CHART                Generate range control chart plot
812RACC()                 Symbol: Write/draw right accent
813RADI()                 Symbol: Write/draw radical
814RADIANS                Set radians for trig calculations (ON/OFF)
815RANDOM PERMUTATION     LET: Generate random permutation
816RANDOM SAMPLE          LET: Generate random sample (with replacement)
817RANGE                  LET: Compute sample range
818RANGE CONTROL CHART    Generate range control chart
819RANGE PLOT             Generate range (vs. subset) plot
820RANK                   LET: Rank the elements in a variable
821RANK CORRELATION       LET: Compute sample rank correlation
822RANK COVARIANCE        LET: Compute sample rank covariance
823RAPO()                 Symbol: Write/draw right apostrophe
824RARR()                 Symbol: Write/draw right arrow
825RBRA()                 Symbol: Write/draw right bracket
826RCBR()                 Symbol: Write/draw right curly bracket
827READ                   Read variables
828READ FORMAT            Set format for (fast) READ
829READ FUNCTION          Read 1 line of functions (= READ STRING)
830READ MATRIX            Read in a matrix
831READ PARAMETER         Read one line of parameters.
832READ STRING            Read one line of strings (= READ FUNCTION)
833RED                    Argument: Set color to red
834REFPLOT.DP             Macro to gen DATAPLOT tutorial ref plot
835REGION BASE ???        Set region base??
836REGION BORDER COLOR??? Set region border color
837REGION BORDER LINE???  Set region border line type
838REGION BORDER THIC???  Set region border (line) thickness
839REGION FILL            Set fill switch (ONXX/OFF) for reg (& 3d)
840REGION FILL ???        Set region fill switch (ON/OFF)
841REGION FILL COLOR ???  Set region fill color
842REGION PATTERN???      Set region pattern
843REGION PATT COLOR???   Set region pattern color
844REGION PATT LINE???    Set region pattern line type
845REGION PATT SPAC???    Set region pattern spacing
846REGION PATT THICK???   Set region pattern (line) thickness
847REGIS                  Set dev 1 to DEC Regis
848RELATIVE SD PLOT       Generate relative st. dev. (vs. subset) plot
849RELATIVE STAN DEVI     LET: Compute sample relative stand dev
850RELB()                 Symbol: Write/draw right elbow
851RENAME                 Assign a different name to a variable
852REPDF                  Keyword: Param with rep deg of freedom from FIT etc
853REPEAT (or R)          Re-execute one previous command
854REPSD                  Keyword: Param with replic. sd from FIT, ANOVA, etc
855RES                    Keyword: Var with residuals from FIT, ANOVA, etc
856RESDF                  Keyword: Param with res deg of freedom from FIT etc
857RESET                  "Zero-out" var &/or param &/or func, etc
858RESET VARIABLES        Delete all user variables
859RESET PARAMETERS       Delete all user parameters
860RESET FUNCTIONS        Delete all user functions
861RESET CLSB             Reset all plot char., lines, spikes, & bars
862RESET LIMITS           Reset all plot limits
863RESET GRAPHICS         Reset all graphics settings
864RESET SUPPORT          Reset all support settings
865RESET I/O              Reset all I/O
866RESET ALL              Reset all to sign-on settings
867RESISTOR               Draw a resistor
868RESSD                  Keyword: Param with res sd from FIT, ANOVA, etc
869RESTORE MEMORY         Restore all saved var/param/func from file
870RETAIN                 Retain var or elements of a var
871REVTRI                 Set plot character to reverse triangle
872RHO()                  Symbol: Write/draw Greek rho
873RIGHT                  Argument for JUST: Set justif. to right
874RING BELL              Ring the bell
875ROOT ACCURACY          Set accuracy for ROOT subcommand under LET
876ROOTOGRAM              Generate rootogram
877ROOTS                  LET: Compute roots of a function
878ROTATE EYE             Rotate eye for 3-D plots
879ROUND(X)               Function: Compute rounded value (to closest int)
880ROW LIMITS             Set row limts for READ and SERIAL READ
881RQUO()                 Symbol: Write/draw right quote
882RUN SEQUENCE PLOT      Generate run sequence plot
883RUNGE-KUTTA            LET: Compute Runge-Kutta diff. eq. solution
884RUNS                   Carry out runs analysis
885RUNS PLOT (FUTURE)     Generate runs plot
889S CHART                Generate st. dev. control chart plot
890SAVE                   Save selected LISTed commands
891SAVE                   Keyword: Symbolic name for DTPLT SAVEd-command file
892SAVE MEMORY            Save all var/param/func to file
893SDPRED.DP              Macro to compute linear fit conf lim for obs
894SEARCH                 Search a file for all occurrances of string
895SEARCH DICTIONARY      Search DATAPLOT Dict file for all occ of str
896SEARCH DIRECTORY       Search DATAPLOT Direc file for all occ of str
897SEARCH1                Search file for 1st occurrance of string
898SEARCH1 DICTIONARY     Search DATAPLOT Dict file for 1st occ of str
899SEARCH1 DIRECTORY      Search DATAPLOT Direc file for 1st occ of str
900SEC(X)                 Function: Compute secant
901SECH(X)                Function: Compute hyperbolic secant
902SEED                   Set seed for random number generators
903SEGMENT ... COLOR      Set colors for line segments on plots
904SEGMENT ... COOR       Set location of line segments on plots
905SEMI-CIRC RAND NUMB    LET: Generate semi-circular random num.
906SEMI-CIRCLE            Draw a semi-circle
907SEMI-CIRC PROB PLOT    Generate semi-circ. probability plot
908SEQUENCE               Set auto-seq-numbering for plots (ON/OFF)
909SEQUENCE               LET: Generate a sequence within a var
910SEQUENTIAL DIFFERENCE  LET: Compute seq. differences of elts in a var
911SERIAL READ            Read variables serially
912SET                    Specify settings for certain commands
913SET CARDINALITY        LET: Compute set cardinality
914SET CARTESIAN PRODUCT  LET: Carry out set cartesian product
915SET COMPLEMENT         LET: Carry out set complement
916SET DISTINCT           LET: Extract distinct elements of a set
917SET INTERSECTION       LET: Carry out set intersection
918SET UNION              LET: Carry out set union
919SHOW COLORS            Show available Dataplot colors
920SHOW POSTSCRIPT COLORS Show available postscript colors
921SIGM()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek sigma
922SIGN(X)                Function: Compute sign
923SIMPLEX                Set font to simplex
924SIMPLEX SCRIPT         Set font to simplex script
925SIN(X)                 Function: Compute sine
926SINE AMPLITUDE PLOT    Generate sine amplitude (vs. subset) plot
927SINE FREQUENCY PLOT    Generate sine freq. (vs. subset) plot
928SINH(X)                Function: Compute hyperbolic sine
929SIZE                   LET: Compute sample size (number of observ)
930SKEWNESS               LET: Compute sample skew (stand 3rd cent mom)
931SKEWNESS PLOT          Generate skewness (vs. subset) plot
932SKIP                   Set num of header lines to skip for READ
933... SMOOTH             Perform smoothing of equi-spaced data
934SOLID or SO            Argument: Set line type to solid
935SORT                   LET: Sort the elements in a variable
936SORTC                  LET: Sort elem in 1 var & carry another var
937SPACING                Set spacing (equal/proportional) for TEXT
938... SPECTRAL PLOT      Generate auto-, cross-, etc spectral plot)
939SPECTRAL PLOT          Generate (auto-) spectral plot
940SPIKE                  Set switch (ON/OFF) for spikes on plots
941SPIKE BASE             Set base location for spikes on plots
942SPIKE COLOR            Set color for spikes
943SPIKE DIRECTION        Set spike direction (H/V)
944SPIKE LINE             Set line types for spikes on plots
945SPIKE PATTERN          Set line pattern for spikes
946SPIKE THICKNESS        Set thickness for spikes
947... SPLINE FIT         Perform spline fit
948SQRT(X)                Function: Compute square root
949SQUA()                 Symbol: Write/draw square
950SQUARE                 Set plot character to square
951STAN DEVI CONT CHART   Generate stan. dev. control chart
952STAN DEVI OF THE MEAN PLOTGenerate sd of mean (vs. subset) plot
953STAN DEVI OF THE MEAN  LET: Compute standard deviation of the mean
954STANDARD DEVIATION     LET: Compute sample standard deviation
955STAN DEVI PLOT         Generate standard dev (vs. subset) plot
956STAR                   Set plot character to star
957STAR PLOT              Generate star plot (multivar anal)
958STAR()                 Symbol: Write/draw star
959STATUS                 Print status of lines, char, var, par
960STATUS VARIABLES       Print status of user variables
961STATUS PARAMETERS      Print status of user parameters
962STATUS FUNCTIONS       Print status of user functions
963STATUS MATRICES        Print status of user matrices
964STATUS CHARACTERS      Print status of plot characters
965STATUS LINES           Print status of plot lines
966STATUS SPIKES          Print status of plot spikes
967STATUS BARS            Print status of plot bars
968STATUS ARROWS          Print status of arrows
969STATUS SEGMENTS        Print status of segments
970STATUS LEGENDS         Print status of plot legends
971STATUS BOXES           Print status of plot boxes
972STATUS DIMENSION       Print status of dimension
973STATUS HOST            Print status of host parameters
974STATUS FILE            Print status of internal Dataplot files
975STEM-AND-LEAF DIAG     Generate stem-and-leaf diagram
976STOP                   Exit from DATAPLOT (= EXIT, END, etc.)
977SUB()                  Symbol: Shift to subscript
978SUBS()                 Symbol: Write/draw subset
979SUBPLOT.DP             Macro to gen subseries plot of raw data
980SUBPLOTR.DP            Macro to gen subseries plot of residuals
981SUBSET                 Keyword: Qualifier denoting subset of interest
982SUBSTITUTION CHAR      Define alternate substitution char (for \)
983SUM                    LET: Compute sum of elements in a variable
984SUMD???                LET: Compute XXX
985SUMM()                 Symbol: Write/draw summation
986SUMMARY                Compute summary statistics
987SUP()                  Symbol: Shift to superscript
988SUPE()                 Symbol: Write/draw superset
989SYMBOL [not work]      Define alternate special symbol to ()
990SYMMETRY PLOT          Generate a symmetry plot
994T PPCC PLOT            Generate t prob plot corr coef plot
995T PROBABILITY PLOT     Generate t probability plot
996T RANDOM NUMBERS       LET: Generate t random num.
997T TEST                 Carry out 1- or 2-sample t test
998TABULATE               Tabulate counts, means, sd, ranges of data
999TAGUCHI SN... PLOT     Generate Tag. sig-to-noise (vs. subset) plot
1000TAGUCHI SN0 PLOT       Gen Tag. S/N "target is better" (vs. subset) p
1001TAGUCHI SN+ PLOT       Gen Tag. S/N "larger is better" (vs. subset) p
1002TAGUCHI SN- PLOT       Gen Tag. S/N "smaller is better" (vs. subset)
1003TAN(X)                 Function: Compute tangent
1004TANH(X)                Function: Compute hyperbolic tangent
1005TAU()                  Symbol: Write/draw Greek tau
1006TCDF(X,NU)             Function: Compute t cumulative dist func
1007TEKTRONIX              Set font to Tektronix
1008TEKTRONIX 4010         Set dev 1 to Tekt 4010
1009TEKTRONIX 4014         Set dev 1 to Tekt 4014
1010TEKTRONIX 4105         Set dev 1 to Tekt 4105
1011TEKTRONIX 4662         Set dev 1 to Tekt 4662
1012TERMINATOR CHARACTER   Set character to terminate commands
1013TEXT                   Write out text
1014TEXT BASE     ???      Set base?? for TEXT
1015TEXT BORDER COLOR???   Set color of border for TEXT
1016TEXT BORDER LINE ???   Set border line type for TEXT
1017TEXT BORDER THIC???    Set border thickness for TEXT
1018TEXT FILL ???          Set fill switch (ON/OFF) for TEXT
1019TEXT FILL COLOR ???    Set fill color for TEXT
1020TEXT PATTERN ???       Set fill pattern for TEXT
1021TEXT PATTERN COLOR ??? Set pattern color for TEXT
1022TEXT PATTERN LINE ???  Set pattern line type for TEXT
1023TEXT PATTERN SPAC???   Set pattern spacing for TEXT
1024TEXT PATTERN THIC???   Set pattern (line) thickness for TEXT
1025THET()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek theta
1026THEX()                 Symbol: Write/draw there exists
1027THFO()                 Symbol: Write/draw therefore
1028THICKNESS              Set thickness of TEXT letters (0 to 100)
1029THIRD CENTRAL MOME     LET: Compute sample third central moment
1030...TIC                 Set existence (ON/OFF) for tic marks
1031...TIC COLOR           Set color of tic marks on plots
1032...TIC LABEL           Set switch (ON/OFF) for tic mark labels
1033...TIC LABEL COLOR     Set color for tic mark labels
1034...TIC LABEL CONTENTS  Specify (alphabetic) contents for tic labels
1035...TIC LABEL DECIMALS  Set number of decimals for plot tic labe
1036...TIC LABEL FORMAT    Set format (alpha, exp, etc) for tic labels
1037...TIC LABEL HW        Set height/width of tic labels
1038...TIC LABEL SIZE      Set tic mark label size (= height)
1039TIC LABEL DECIMALS     Set number of decimals for tic labels
1040TIC LABEL HW           Set tic label height & width
1041...TIC POSITION        Set plot tic mark position (in/out/thru)
1042...TIC SIZE            Set plot tic mark size
1043TILD()                 Symbol: Write/draw tilda
1044TIME                   Display (wall clock) time & elapsed run time
1045TIME()                 Symbol: Write/draw times sign
1046TITLE                  Set title at top of plot
1047TITLE COLOR            Set color for title on plots
1048TITLE SIZE             Set plot title size (height)
1049TO                     Keyword: Set interval of values within a variable
1050TPDF(X,NU)             Function: Compute t probability density func
1051TPPF(P,NU)             Function: Compute t percent point function
1052TRANSLATE              Define auto-translation of any graphics
1053TRIA()                 Symbol: Write/draw triangle
1054TRIANGLE               Argument: Set plot character to triangle
1055TRIANGLE               Draw a triangle
1056TRIANGULAR PROB PLOT   Generate triangular probability plot
1057TRIANGULAR RAND NUMB   LET: Generate triangular random num.
1058TRIGONOMETRIC UNITS    Set trigonometric units
1059TRII()                 Symbol: Write/draw inverted triangle
1060TRIMMED MEAN PLOT      Generate trimmed mean (vs. subset) plot
1061TRIPLEX                Set font to triplex
1062TRIPLEX ITALIC         Set font to triplex italic
1063TRIWEIGHT              LET: Compute triweight (robust) transformation
1064TUFTE BOX PLOT         Set all plot characters for TUFTE BOX PLOT
1065TUFTE BOX PLOT         Set all plot lines for TUFTE BOX PLOT
1066TUKEY LAMB PPCC PLOT   Generate Tukey lambda prob plot cc plot
1067TUKEY LAMB PROB PLOT   Generate Tukey lambda probability plot
1068TUKEY LAMB RAND NUMB   LET: Generate Tukey lambda random num.
1072U CHART                Generate U control chart
1073UARR()                 Symbol: Write/draw up arrow
1074UC()                   Symbol: Shift to upper case
1075UNIF ORDER STAT MEDI   LET: Generate uniform order statistic medians
1076UNIFORM PROB PLOT      Generate uniform probability plot
1077UNIFORM RAND NUMB      LET: Generate uniform (0,1) random num.
1078UNIO()                 Symbol: Write/draw union
1079UNSB()                 Symbol: Shift to un-subscript
1080UNSP()                 Symbol: Shift to un-superscript
1081UPPER HINGE            LET: Compute sample upper hinge
1082UPPER HINGE PLOT       Generate upper hinge (vs. subset) plot
1083UPPER QUARTILE         LET: Compute sample upper quartile
1084UPPER QUARTILE PLOT    Generate upper quartile (vs. subset) plot
1085UPSI()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek upsilon
1089VALU()                 Symbol: Write actual value of succeeding param
1090VARI()                 Symbol: Write/draw varies
1091VARIANCE               LET: Compute sample variance
1092VARI OF THE MEAN PLOT  Generate var. of mean (vs. subset) plot
1093VARIANCE PLOT          Generate variance (vs. subset) plot
1094VB                     Set plot character to vertical bar
1095VBAR()                 Symbol: Write/draw vertical bar
1096VECTOR ADDITION        LET: Carry out vector addition
1097VECTOR ANGLE           LET: Compute vector angle
1098VECTOR DISTANCE        LET: Compute vector distance
1099VECTOR CROSS PRODUCT   LET: Carry out vector cross-product
1100VECTOR DOT PRODUCT     LET: Carry out vector dot product
1101VECTOR LENGTH          LET: Compute vector length
1102VECTOR SUBTRACTION     LET: Carry out vector subtraction
1103VERSUS                 Keyword: Used with PLOT, etc for multi-trace plot
1104VERTICAL SPACING       Set vert. spacing between lines (0 to 100)
1105VERTICALLY             Keyword: Rotate contents (but not frame) of plot
1106VISIBLE    [future]    Set 3-d bkgrd lines visibility (ON/OFF)
1110...WEIBULL SCALE       Set scale for plots to be Weibull
1111WEIB ADUSTED RANKS     LET: Generate adj. ranks for Weibull analysis
1112WEIBULL PLOT           Generate Weibull plot
1113WEIBULL PPCC PLOT      Generate Weibull prob plot corr coef plot
1114WEIBULL PROB PLOT      Generate Weibull probability plot
1115WEIBULL RAND NUMB      LET: Generate Weibull random numbers
1116WEICDF(X,GAMMA)        Function: Compute Weibull cum distribution func
1117WEIGHTS                Set weights variable for FIT, PRE-FIT, etc
1118WEIPDF(X,GAMMA)        Function: Compute Weibull prob density func
1119WEIPPF(P,GAMMA)        Function: Compute Weibull percent point function
1120WHITE                  Argument: Set color to white
1121WIDTH                  Set width of letters (0 to 100)
1122WINDOW COORDINATES     Set graphics region coor. (0 to 100)
1123WINDSORIZED MEAN PLOT  Generate Winsorized mean (vs. subset) plot
1124WRITE                  Write (terminal/file) var, param, func
1125WRITE "  "             Write (terminal/file) a literal text string
1126WRITE DECIMALS         Set num. decimals for WRITE output
1127WRITE FORMAT           Set format for WRITE output
1128WRT                    Keyword: "With respect to"; used in LET for roots etc
1132XBAR CHART             Generate xbar (= mean) control chart plot
1133XI()                   Symbol: Write/draw Greek xi
1137YATES ANALYSIS Y       Carry out Yates analysis
1138YELLOW                 Argument: Set color to yellow
1142ZETA()                 Symbol: Write/draw Greek zeta
11463-D PLOT               Generate 3-dimensional plot of var &/or func
11473DFRAME                Set frame type for 3-D plots
11484-PLOT                 Generate 4-plot univariate analysis plot
1149/                      Re-execute SAVEd commands.
1150\                      Symbol: Write actual value of succeed. param or str
1151&                      Symbol: Concatonate strings (used with \)
1152...      [not work]    Keyword: Continue any statement onto next line
1153()                     Keyword: Set math/Greek char in TEXT, LABEL, etc.
1154+-()                   Symbol: Write/draw + or -
1155-+()                   Symbol: Write/draw - or +
1156.                      Insert a comment line in code
1157;                      Keyword: Terminator character for a command
1158<                      Keyword: "Less than"
1159<=                     Keyword: "Less than or equal to"
1160<>                     Keyword: "Not equal to"
1161=                      Keyword: "Equal"; used in FIT, PRE-FIT, FOR, etc
1162>                      Keyword: "Greater than"
1163>=                     Keyword: "Greater than or equal to"